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// ==UserScript== // @name Twitch Pitch Change Fix // @description Disables auto playback rate change to avoid sound pitch shifts. // @version 1.0 // @author beypazarigurusu // @license MIT // @match https://** // @grant none // @icon // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== const PLAYBACK_SPEED = 1 // Try slowing down to debug const TAG = '[Twitch Pitch Fix]' const DATA_ATTRIBUTE = 'data-pitchfix-attached' const FOUND_IDENTIFIER = 'data-pitchfix-found' const INDICATOR_NEXT_NEIGHBOR_SELECTOR = 'p[data-a-target="animated-channel-viewers-count"]' let renderLatencyIndicatorCalled = false let latencyIndicatorRendered = false let latencyIndicatorInterval = null function waitForKeyElements(identifier, selectorOrFunction, callback, waitOnce, interval, maxIntervals) { if (typeof waitOnce === "undefined") { waitOnce = true } if (typeof interval === "undefined") { interval = 300 } if (typeof maxIntervals === "undefined") { maxIntervals = -1 } const targetNodes = (typeof selectorOrFunction === "function") ? selectorOrFunction() : document.querySelectorAll(selectorOrFunction) const targetsFound = targetNodes && targetNodes.length > 0 if (targetsFound) { targetNodes.forEach(function (targetNode) { const alreadyFound = targetNode.getAttribute(identifier) || false if (!alreadyFound) { const cancelFound = callback(targetNode) if (cancelFound) { targetsFound = false } else { targetNode.setAttribute(identifier, true) } } }) } if (maxIntervals !== 0 && !(targetsFound && waitOnce)) { maxIntervals -= 1 setTimeout(function () { waitForKeyElements(identifier, selectorOrFunction, callback, waitOnce, interval, maxIntervals) }, interval) } } function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { let timeout return function () { const context = this const args = arguments const later = function () { timeout = null if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args) } const callNow = immediate && !timeout clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait) if (callNow) func.apply(context, args) } } function init() { if (!document.URL.includes('') && !document.URL.includes('/video')) { const videos = document.getElementsByTagName('VIDEO') if (videos.length > 0) { run(videos[0]) } else { waitForKeyElements(FOUND_IDENTIFIER, 'video[src]', run, true) } } } function run() { const playerContainerEl = document.querySelector('.video-player') const found = search(playerContainerEl) const instances = Array.from(found.instances) if (instances.length > 0) { for (const inst of instances) { if (inst.props && inst.props && inst.props.mediaPlayerInstance) { const player = inst.props.mediaPlayerInstance // player.setLiveSpeedUpRate(1) // Not working anymore const el = player.getHTMLVideoElement() attach(el) if (player.getLiveLatency && !renderLatencyIndicatorCalled) { renderLatencyIndicatorCalled = true renderLatencyIndicator(player) } } } } } function renderLatencyIndicator(playerInst) { if (latencyIndicatorRendered) { return } const getLatency = () => playerInst.getLiveLatency().toFixed(2) waitForKeyElements('LIVE_TIME', INDICATOR_NEXT_NEIGHBOR_SELECTOR, (nextNeighborEl) => { latencyIndicatorRendered = true const indicatorEl = nextNeighborEl.cloneNode(false) indicatorEl.onclick = () => { playerInst.pause() } indicatorEl.className = 'tw-strong latency-indicator' indicatorEl.title = 'Latency' const indicatorTextEl = document.createElement('span') indicatorTextEl.innerText = `Latency: ${getLatency()}s` indicatorEl.appendChild(indicatorTextEl) latencyIndicatorInterval = setInterval(() => { let latency = getLatency() indicatorTextEl.innerText = `Latency: ${getLatency()}s` if (latency > 5) { indicatorEl.classList.add("high-latency") } else { indicatorEl.classList.remove("high-latency") } }, 1000 * 3) const container = nextNeighborEl.parentNode container.insertBefore(indicatorEl, container.firstChild) }, true) } function attach(videoEl) { if (videoEl.getAttribute(DATA_ATTRIBUTE)) { return } console.debug(TAG, 'Attaching:', videoEl) videoEl.setAttribute(DATA_ATTRIBUTE, true) try { overrideSetPlaybackRate(videoEl) videoEl.onplaying = videoEl.onloadedmetadata = debounce(() => { overrideSetPlaybackRate(videoEl) }, 1000) } catch (e) {} } function overrideSetPlaybackRate(videoEl) { delete videoEl.playbackRate videoEl.playbackRate = PLAYBACK_SPEED Object.defineProperty(videoEl, 'playbackRate', { configurable: true, get: function () { return 1 }, set: function (val) { console.debug(TAG, 'Ignored setPlaybackRate request from Twitch:', val) } }) } function findAccessor(element) { return Object.keys(element) .find(key => key.startsWith('__reactInternalInstance$')) } function getReactInstance(el) { const accessor = findAccessor(el) if (!accessor) { return } return el[accessor] || (el._reactRootContainer && el._reactRootContainer._internalRoot && el._reactRootContainer._internalRoot.current) || (el._reactRootContainer && el._reactRootContainer.current) } function search(node, depth = 0, data, traverseRoots = true) { if (!node) { node = null } else if (node._reactInternalFiber) { node = node._reactInternalFiber } else if (node instanceof Node) { node = getReactInstance(node) } const maxDepth = 1000 const filterFn = c => c.props?.playerEvents && c.props?.mediaPlayerInstance if (!data) { data = { seen: new Set(), class: null, out: { cls: null, instances: new Set(), depth: null }, maxDepth: depth } } if (!node || depth > maxDepth) { return data.out } if (depth > data.maxDepth) { data.maxDepth = depth } const inst = node.stateNode if (inst) { const cls = inst.constructor if (!data.seen.has(cls)) { if (filterFn(inst)) { data.class = data.out.cls = cls data.out.instances.add(inst) data.out.depth = depth } data.seen.add(cls) } } let child = node.child while (child) { search(child, depth + 1, data, traverseRoots) child = child.sibling } if (traverseRoots && inst && inst.props && inst.props.root) { const root = inst.props.root._reactRootContainer if (root) { let child = root._internalRoot && root._internalRoot.current || root.current while (child) { search(child, depth + 1, data, traverseRoots) child = child.sibling } } } return data.out } (function addStyle() { const style = ` .latency-indicator { margin-right: 10px; color: var(--color-text-base); padding: 5px 8px 5px 8px; background: var(--color-background-button-secondary-default); border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; } .latency-indicator:hover { background: #9147ff; color: var(--color-text-button); } .latency-indicator:hover span { display: none; } .latency-indicator:hover:before { content: 'Reset Player'; } .high-latency { color: var(--color-text-live); } ` const styleSheet = document.createElement('style') styleSheet.innerText = style document.head.appendChild(styleSheet) }()) const ogPushState = history.pushState history.pushState = function() { ogPushState.apply(history, arguments) clearInterval(latencyIndicatorInterval) init() } const ogReplaceState = history.replaceState history.replaceState = function() { ogReplaceState.apply(history, arguments) clearInterval(latencyIndicatorInterval) init() } window.addEventListener('popstate', function() { clearInterval(latencyIndicatorInterval) init() }) init()