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// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Caps // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Changes words with all caps in the youtube video title to only first letter in uppercase // @author Benjamin // @match // @match https://** // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; //changeAllTitles(); })(); CAPS_TITLE_SELECTORS = ['[id="video-title"]', "h1.title", "title"]; startMain(); function startMain() { var observer = new MutationObserver(mutationHandler); var titleObserver = new MutationObserver(changeMutationHandler); var config = { childList: true, subtree: true}; var configWithAttributes = { childList: false, subtree: true}; observer.observe(document, config); titleObserver.observe(document.querySelector("title"), config); document.title = changeUpperCaseToOnlyFirstUpper(document.title); } function mutationHandler (mutationRecords) { mutationRecords.forEach ( function (mutation) { if (typeof mutation.addedNodes == "object") { var addedNodes = $(mutation.addedNodes); changeAllTitles(addedNodes); } } ); } function changeMutationHandler (mutationRecords) { mutationRecords.forEach ( function (mutation) { if (typeof == "object") { var elList = $(; var element = elList[0]; if(!isNormalized(element.innerHTML)){ element.innerHTML = changeUpperCaseToOnlyFirstUpper(element.innerHTML); } } } ); } function changeAllTitles(addedNodes){ CAPS_TITLE_SELECTORS.forEach(function(selector) { objectsToChange = addedNodes.find(selector); if(objectsToChange.length > 0){ objectsToChange.each(function(index, element){ if(!isNormalized(element.innerHTML)){ var newTitle = changeUpperCaseToOnlyFirstUpper(element.innerHTML); element.innerHTML = newTitle; } }); } }); return; } function reformatInnerHTMLFromXpath(xpath) { var snapResults = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); console.log(xpath+" : "+snapResults.snapshotLength); for (var i = snapResults.snapshotLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var el = snapResults.snapshotItem(i); var newTitle = changeUpperCaseToOnlyFirstUpper(el.innerHTML); el.innerHTML = newTitle; } return; } function reformatInnerHTMLFromCSS(css) { var snapResults = $$(css); console.log(css+" : "+snapResults.length); for (var i = snapResults.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var el = snapResults[i]; var newTitle = changeUpperCaseToOnlyFirstUpper(el.innerHTML); el.innerHTML = newTitle; } return; } function changeUpperCaseToOnlyFirstUpper(text){ var titleWords = text.split(" "); for (var j = titleWords.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var title = titleWords[j]; if (title === title.toUpperCase()){ title = title.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + title.slice(1).toLowerCase(); titleWords[j] = title; } } return titleWords.join(" "); } function isNormalized(text){ var newText = changeUpperCaseToOnlyFirstUpper(text); return text == newText; } $(window).load(function() { changeAllTitles($(document)); });