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// ==UserScript== // @name Goodreads Rating Tags // @namespace* // @description Converts selected tags on GoodReads into rating images (such as tags with half-star ratings) // @include http://** // @include* // @include https://** // @include* // @grant none // @version 1.0.5 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @homepageURL // @license GPL-2.0-or-later // ==/UserScript== // TODO : Consider narrowing scope of anchor node scan and use query selector instead // Some examples of the tag naming format that will get matched : // (The range is 0-0 to 5-0) // // clouds-3-0 // stars-0-5 // rating-clouds-3-0 // rating-stars-0-5 // example-clouds-2-0 // example-stars-0-5 // another-example-clouds-3-0 // another-example-stars-0-5 // // Load tag image data into keyed hash // function initImageData() { /* // GoodReads style stars tagImages['stars-on' ] = { imgData: "" }; tagImages['stars-half'] = { imgData: "" }; tagImages['stars-off' ] = { imgData: "" }; */ // Readinglist style stars tagImages['stars-on' ] = { imgData: "" }; tagImages['stars-half'] = { imgData: "" }; tagImages['stars-off' ] = { imgData: "" }; // Readinglist style clouds tagImages['clouds-on' ] = { imgData: "" }; tagImages['clouds-half'] = { imgData: "" }; tagImages['clouds-off' ] = { imgData: "" }; } // // Installs a mutation observer callback for nodes matching the given css selector // function registerMutationObserver(selectorCriteria, monitorSubtree, callbackFunction) { // Cross browser mutation observer support var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; // Find the requested DOM nodes var targetNodeList = document.querySelectorAll(selectorCriteria); // Make sure the required elements were found, otherwise don't install the observer if ((targetNodeList != null) && (MutationObserver != null)) { // Create an observer and callback var observer = new MutationObserver( callbackFunction ); // Start observing the target element(s) // Note : Repeated observe calls on the same target just replace the previous observe, so it's // ok to re-observe the same target in the future without first disconnecting from it for(var i = 0; i < targetNodeList.length; ++i) { observer.observe(targetNodeList[i], { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: monitorSubtree }); } } } // // Monitors and converts dynamic content updates to tag shelfs (such as when a user edits tags via a pop-up) // * Called on page load and by other dynamic content hooks (to capture new tag shelfs that get added after page load) // function installTagShelfUpdateHook() { // Matches/watches the various types of tag shelfs (on the book list page, review edit page, book page, etc) // Subtree monitoring enabled to catch updates to the shelvesSection div where the entire shelfList div is replaced registerMutationObserver('[id*=shelfList],[id*=shelvesSection]', true, function(mutations) { convertTagsToImages(); } ); } // // Handles converting the in-page popup review editor (launched from book list pages) // function installPopupReviewHook() { registerMutationObserver('[id=boxContents]', false, function(mutations) { convertTagsToImages(); installTagShelfUpdateHook(); } ); } // // Handles content updates generated by Infinite Scroll mode on book list pages // function installInfiniteScrollHook() { // Subtree monitoring enabled in order to catch the text content changes in the infiniteStatus div registerMutationObserver('[id=infiniteStatus]', true, function(mutations) { convertTagsToImages(); installTagShelfUpdateHook(); } ); } // // Monitors for tags getting in-place renamed on the edit shelves page // function installEditShelfHook() { registerMutationObserver('[class=displayShelfNameLnk]', false, function(mutations) { mutations.forEach( function(mutation) { // Only inspect nodes which have an 'inspected' flag to remove if ("data-tag-image-inspected") == true) { // If a rename detection sub-tag was not found then it was probably removed by a rename event // and this node needs to have it's 'inspected' flag cleared so it gets re-examined if ('[class=tagRenameCanary]') == null) { delete; } } } ); convertTagsToImages(); } ); // End observer callback function } // // Attempt to match and support a variety of rating tag formats created by other users // // --------------------------------------- // Some rating tag specimens from the wild // // Whole star rating // four-stars // actual-rating-4-stars // // Half star ratings // four-and-one-half // four-and-a-half-star // 4-half-star // 3-and-a-half-stars // four-ana-half-stars // actual-rating-4-half-star // function rewiteAlternateRatingFormats(tagName) { // Ignore strings with the GoodReads format of 'N of N stars' in the formal (non-tag) rating area // (Narrowing scope of anchor node search would remove need for this) var ignoreGoodReadsRatingsAreaMatch = /.*\d of \d stars.*/i.exec(tagName); if (ignoreGoodReadsRatingsAreaMatch == null) { // Convert string numerics to digits tagName = tagName.replace(/five/gi, "5"); tagName = tagName.replace(/four/gi, "4"); tagName = tagName.replace(/three/gi, "3"); tagName = tagName.replace(/two/gi, "2"); tagName = tagName.replace(/one/gi, "1"); tagName = tagName.replace(/zero/gi, "0"); // Remove leading and..."one"/"1"... sometimes found in front of "half" (complicates regexes below) tagName = tagName.replace(/and( |-)*1( |-)*half/gi, "half"); // Attempt to match half-star first, then whole star (whole star format is looser match, so must occur after half star) // // match : [0] = full match text, [1] = optional label, [2] = first numeric component, [3] = 'half'(half star regex) or 'star'(whole star regex) var tagMatchHalf = /(.*)(\d).*(half).*/i.exec(tagName); var tagMatchWhole = /(.*)(\d).*(star).*/i.exec(tagName); // If a match was found then rewrite it to the desired format of : <label>-<stars>-<N-N> if (tagMatchHalf != null) { tagName = tagMatchHalf[1] + '-stars-' + tagMatchHalf[2] + '-5'; } else if (tagMatchWhole != null) { tagName = tagMatchWhole[1] + '-stars-' + tagMatchWhole[2] + '-0'; } } return(tagName); } // // Append an <img> tag with the given image data to an element // function appendImage(parentObj, imgData) { var tagImg = document.createElement('img'); tagImg.src = imgData; parentObj.appendChild(tagImg); } // // Append a <span> tag as a rating label (with a trailing space) to an element. // The label won't be added if the text is blank or has the generic name "rating" // function appendTagLabel(parentObj, labelText) { if ((labelText != "") && (labelText != "rating")) { var tagSpan = document.createElement('span'); tagSpan.innerHTML = labelText; = "#555"; = "#ddd"; = "2px"; = "2px 5px 2px 5px"; = "5px"; parentObj.appendChild(tagSpan); } } // // Append an empty <span> tag to an element to help with detecting tag rename events // function appendRenameCanary(parentObj) { var tagSpan = document.createElement('span'); = "none"; tagSpan.className = "tagRenameCanary"; parentObj.appendChild(tagSpan); } // // Render a tag rating based on a type ("stars","clouds) and a numeric value in tag format ("4-0","1-5", etc) // function renderTagImages(parentObj, imgType, imgValue) { var valMax = 5.0; var valOn = parseFloat( imgValue.replace("-", ".") ); var valOff = valMax - valOn; if ((imgType == "stars") || (imgType == "clouds")) { // Render whole "on" icons first while (valOn > 0.5) { appendImage(parentObj, tagImages[ imgType + '-on' ].imgData ); valOn -= 1.0; } // Render half "on" icon if needed for 0.5 values if (valOn == 0.5) { appendImage(parentObj, tagImages[ imgType + '-half' ].imgData ); } // Render the remaining slots as placeholders ("off") while (valOff >= 1) { appendImage(parentObj, tagImages[ imgType + '-off' ].imgData ); valOff -= 1.0; } } } // // Find links with matching tag text and convert them to the paired images // (non-jquery version to avoid GoodReads breakage with jquery version conflict) // function convertTagsToImages() { var nodeText; var objText; var elAnchor; var elLinks = document.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); // Walk through all the anchor tags on the page for ( var i = 0; i < elLinks.length; i++ ) { elAnchor = elLinks[ i ]; // Only convert anchor tags which haven't already been inspected if (elAnchor.hasAttribute("data-tag-image-inspected") == false) { nodeText = elAnchor.text; // match[0] = full match text, [1] = optional label, [2] = "stars" or "clouds", [3] = "N1-N2" where (ideally) N1 is a digit 0-9 and N2 is 0 or 5 var match = /([\w-]*?)-*(stars|clouds)-(\d-\d)/i.exec(nodeText); // No match? Rework the tag format if possible and try the match again if (match == null) { nodeText = rewiteAlternateRatingFormats(nodeText); match = /([\w-]*?)-*(stars|clouds)-(\d-\d)/i.exec(nodeText); } if (match != null) { // Strip out tag name and save off any trailing text (trailing text gets re-appended later) nodeText = nodeText.replace(match[0], ""); // Remove tag text temporarily elAnchor.innerHTML = ""; // Append the tag label, if suitable appendTagLabel(elAnchor, match[1]); // Render tag image renderTagImages(elAnchor, match[2], match[3]); // Prevent line breaks in the middle of rating images and labels"nowrap"; // Restore trailing text elAnchor.innerHTML = elAnchor.innerHTML + nodeText; } // End regex string match test // If it's a tag on the edit-shelves page then add a shim to detect when they get renamed if (elAnchor.className.indexOf('displayShelfNameLnk') > -1) { appendRenameCanary(elAnchor); } // Flag the anchor has having been inspected so it won't get images appended // multiple times if the page is re-scanned to catch dynamic content (if tag text was not cleared). // // Note : Data set name becomes "data-tag-image-inspected" when referenced as an Attribute. // elAnchor.dataset.tagImageInspected = "true"; } // End previously inspected test } // End loop through all matching elements } // A couple globals var tagImages = Object.create(null); // Hash for storing tag image data by key name var strInfiniteScrollStatusLast; var objInfiniteStatusDiv; // Initialize our tag images initImageData(); // Convert any tags found on the page convertTagsToImages(); // Install hooks for converting dynamic content that appears after initial page load installInfiniteScrollHook(); installTagShelfUpdateHook(); installPopupReviewHook(); installEditShelfHook();