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// ==UserScript== // @name Gold Subscription - Sets of 10 with Dominion Base // @namespace games.dominion.script // @version 0.2 // @description Dominion Games Gold Subscription - Add Sets of 10 it the lobby page (table creation) // @author barmkin // @match // @grant none // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- Cards Sets ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ // You can edit this section, see README var cardsSets = [ /* Dominion Only */ { 'name': 'Dominion Only', 'sets': [ {'First Game': [ 'Cellar', 'Market', 'Merchant', 'Militia', 'Mine', 'Moat', 'Remodel', 'Smithy', 'Village', 'Workshop' ]}, {'Size Distortion': [ 'Artisan', 'Bandit', 'Bureaucrat', 'Chapel', 'Festival', 'Gardens', 'Sentry', 'Throne Room', 'Witch', 'Workshop' ]}, {'Deck Top': [ 'Artisan', 'Bureaucrat', 'Council Room', 'Festival', 'Harbinger', 'Laboratory', 'Moneylender', 'Sentry', 'Vassal', 'Village' ]}, {'Sleight of Hand': [ 'Cellar', 'Council Room', 'Festival', 'Gardens', 'Library', 'Harbinger', 'Militia', 'Poacher', 'Smithy', 'Throne Room' ]}, {'Improvements': [ 'Artisan', 'Cellar', 'Market', 'Merchant', 'Mine', 'Moat', 'Moneylender', 'Poacher', 'Remodel', 'Witch' ]}, {'Silver \& Gold': [ 'Bandit', 'Bureaucrat', 'Chapel', 'Harbinger', 'Laboratory', 'Merchant', 'Mine', 'Moneylender', 'Throne Room', 'Vassal' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Intrigue', 'sets': [ {'Underlings': [ 'Cellar', 'Festival', 'Library', 'Sentry', 'Vassal', 'Courtier', 'Diplomat', 'Minion', 'Nobles', 'Pawn' ]}, {'Grand Scheme': [ 'Artisan', 'Council Room', 'Market', 'Militia', 'Workshop', 'Bridge', 'Mill', 'Mining Village', 'Patrol', 'Shanty Town' ]}, {'Deconstruction': [ 'Bandit', 'Mine', 'Remodel', 'Throne Room', 'Village', 'Diplomat', 'Harem', 'Lurker', 'Replace', 'Swindler' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Seaside', 'sets': [ {'Reach for Tomorrow': [ 'Artisan', 'Cellar', 'Council Room', 'Vassal', 'Village', 'Cutpurse', 'Ghost Ship', 'Lookout', 'Sea Hag', 'Treasure Map' ]}, {'Repetition': [ 'Festival', 'Harbinger', 'Militia', 'Workshop', 'Caravan', 'Explorer', 'Outpost', 'Pearl Diver', 'Pirate Ship', 'Treasury' ]}, {'Give and Take': [ 'Library', 'Market', 'Moneylender', 'Witch', 'Ambassador', 'Fishing Village', 'Haven', 'Island', 'Salvager', 'Smugglers' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Alchemy', 'sets': [ {'Forbidden Arts': [ 'Bandit', 'Cellar', 'Council Room', 'Gardens', 'Laboratory', 'Throne Room', 'Apprentice', 'Familiar', 'Possession', 'University' ]}, {'Potion Mixers': [ 'Cellar', 'Festival', 'Militia', 'Poacher', 'Smithy', 'Alchemist', 'Apothecary', 'Golem', 'Herbalist', 'Transmute' ]}, {'Chemistry Lesson': [ 'Bureaucrat', 'Market', 'Moat', 'Remodel', 'Vassal', 'Witch', 'Alchemist', 'Golem', 'Philosopher\'s Stone', 'University' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Prosperity', 'sets': [ {'Biggest Money': [ 'Artisan', 'Harbinger', 'Laboratory', 'Mine', 'Moneylender', 'Bank', 'Grand Market', 'Mint', 'Royal Seal', 'Venture' ]}, {'The King\'s Army': [ 'Bureaucrat', 'Council Room', 'Merchant', 'Moat', 'Village', 'Expand', 'Goons', 'King\'s Court', 'Rabble', 'Vault' ]}, {'The Good Life': [ 'Artisan', 'Bureaucrat', 'Cellar', 'Gardens', 'Village', 'Contraband', 'Counting House', 'Hoard', 'Monument', 'Mountebank' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Cornucopia', 'sets': [ {'Bounty of the Hunt': [ 'Cellar', 'Festival', 'Militia', 'Moneylender', 'Smithy', 'Harvest', 'Horn of Plenty', 'Hunting Party', 'Menagerie', 'Tournament' ]}, {'Bad Omens': [ 'Bureaucrat', 'Laboratory', 'Merchant', 'Poacher', 'Throne Room', 'Fortune Teller', 'Hamlet', 'Horn of Plenty', 'Jester', 'Remake' ]}, {'The Jester\'s Workshop': [ 'Artisan', 'Laboratory', 'Market', 'Remodel', 'Workshop', 'Fairgrounds', 'Farming Village', 'Horse Traders', 'Jester', 'Young Witch' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Hinterlands', 'sets': [ {'Highway Robbery': [ 'Cellar', 'Library', 'Moneylender', 'Throne Room', 'Workshop', 'Highway', 'Inn', 'Margrave', 'Noble Brigand', 'Oasis' ]}, {'Adventures Abroad': [ 'Festival', 'Laboratory', 'Remodel', 'Sentry', 'Vassal', 'Crossroads', 'Farmland', 'Fool\'s Gold', 'Oracle', 'Spice Merchant' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Darkages', 'sets': [ {'High and Low': [ 'Cellar', 'Moneylender', 'Throne Room', 'Witch', 'Workshop', 'Hermit', 'Hunting Grounds', 'Mystic', 'Poor House', 'Wandering Minstrel' ]}, {'Chivalry and Revelry': [ 'Festival', 'Gardens', 'Laboratory', 'Library', 'Remodel', 'Altar', 'Knights', 'Rats', 'Scavenger', 'Squire' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Guilds', 'sets': [ {'Arts and Crafts': [ 'Laboratory', 'Cellar', 'Workshop', 'Festival', 'Moneylender', 'Stonemason', 'Advisor', 'Baker', 'Journeyman', 'Merchant Guild' ]}, {'Clean Living': [ 'Bandit', 'Militia', 'Moneylender', 'Gardens', 'Village', 'Butcher', 'Baker', 'Candlestick Maker', 'Doctor', 'Soothsayer' ]}, {'Gilding the Lily': [ 'Library', 'Merchant', 'Remodel', 'Market', 'Sentry', 'Plaza', 'Masterpiece', 'Candlestick Maker', 'Taxman', 'Herald' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Adventures', 'sets': [ {'Level Up': [ 'Market', 'Merchant', 'Militia', 'Throne Room', 'Workshop', 'Dungeon', 'Gear', 'Guide', 'Lost City', 'Miser' ]}, {'Son of Size Distortion': [ 'Bandit', 'Bureaucrat', 'Gardens', 'Moneylender', 'Witch', 'Amulet', 'Duplicate', 'Giant', 'Messenger', 'Treasure Trove' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Empires', 'sets': [ {'Everything in Moderation': [ 'Cellar', 'Library', 'Remodel', 'Village', 'Workshop', 'Enchantress', 'Forum', 'Legionary', 'Overlord', 'Temple' ]}, {'Silver Bullets': [ 'Bureaucrat', 'Gardens', 'Laboratory', 'Market', 'Moneylender', 'Catapult', 'Charm', 'Farmers\' Market', 'Groundskeeper', 'Patrician' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Nocturne', 'sets': [ {'Night Shift': [ 'Druid', 'Exorcist', 'Ghost Town', 'Idol', 'Night Watchman', 'Bandit', 'Gardens', 'Mine', 'Poacher', 'Smithy' ]}, {'Idle Hands': [ 'Bard', 'Conclave', 'Cursed Village', 'Devil\'s Workshop', 'Tragic Hero', 'Cellar', 'Harbinger', 'Market', 'Merchant', 'Moneylender' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Renaissance', 'sets': [ {'It Takes a Villager': [ 'Acting Troupe', 'Cargo Ship', 'Recruiter', 'Seer', 'Treasurer', 'Market', 'Merchant', 'Mine', 'Smithy', 'Vassal' ]}, {'Capture the Flag': [ 'Flag Bearer', 'Lackeys', 'Scholar', 'Swashbuckler', 'Villain', 'Cellar', 'Festival', 'Harbinger', 'Remodel', 'Workshop' ]} ] }, { 'name': 'Dominion \& Menagerie', 'sets': [ {'Pony Express': [ 'Barge', 'Destrier', 'Paddock', 'Stockpile', 'Supplies', 'Artisan', 'Cellar', 'Market', 'Mine', 'Village' ]}, {'Garden of Cats': [ 'Black Cat', 'Displace', 'Sanctuary', 'Scrap', 'Snowy Village', 'Bandit', 'Gardens', 'Harbinger', 'Merchant', 'Moat' ]} ] } ]; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Global variables var inLobbyFlag = false; var cardNumber = 0; (function() { 'use strict'; waitMatchLobby(2500); })(); function waitMatchLobby(checkFrequencyInMs) { (function loopSearch() { if (document.evaluate( '//button[contains(@class, \'kingdom-selection\') and text()="Select Kingdom Cards"]', document.body, null, XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null).booleanValue) { loadMatchButtons(); inLobbyFlag = true; setTimeout(function () { loopSearch(); }, 10000); } else { inLobbyFlag = false; cardNumber = 0; setTimeout(function () { loopSearch(); }, 2500); } })(); } function loadMatchButtons() { if(inLobbyFlag) return; // Already loaded console.log("Loading Sets of 10..."); let rulesEditor = document.querySelector('.rules-editor'); for (let sets = 0; sets < cardsSets.length; sets+=1) { // Loading Header... let lineBreak = document.createElement('br'); rulesEditor.appendChild(lineBreak); let h = document.createElement("h2"); let t = document.createTextNode(cardsSets[sets].name); h.appendChild(t); rulesEditor.appendChild(h); // Loading Buttons let button; let buttonText; for (let i = 0; i < cardsSets[sets].sets.length; i+=1) { button = document.createElement('button'); button.classList.add('lobby-button'); button.onclick = function(){ setTimeout(loadMatch(cardsSets[sets].sets[i]), 1000); }; buttonText = document.createTextNode(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(cardsSets[sets].sets[i]).toLocaleString()); button.appendChild(buttonText); rulesEditor.appendChild(button); } } } function loadMatch(selectedMatch) { console.log('Load cards for ' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(selectedMatch).toLocaleString()); document.evaluate('//button[contains(@class, \'lobby-button\') and text()="Select Kingdom Cards"]', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);'progress'; // Print waiting... let selectedCardsDiv = document.querySelector('.kingdom-choices'); let loadingCardsEl = document.createElement("p"); = "#FFFFFF"; let loadingCardsText = document.createTextNode('Loading Cards'); loadingCardsEl.appendChild(loadingCardsText); selectedCardsDiv.insertBefore(loadingCardsEl, selectedCardsDiv.firstChild); waitCardsLoadThenPickCards(500, selectedMatch, loadingCardsEl); } function waitCardsLoadThenPickCards(checkFrequencyInMs, selectedMatch, loadingCardsEl) { (function loopSearch() { let currentNumber = document.evaluate('//div[contains(@class, \'mini-card\')]', document.body, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null).snapshotLength; if (currentNumber > cardNumber) { // waiting page finish load cardNumber = currentNumber; setTimeout(function () { loopSearch(); }, checkFrequencyInMs); } else if (currentNumber != 0 && currentNumber == cardNumber) { // page load all cards'auto'; pickCards(selectedMatch); return; } else { // not loading ? if (cardNumber <= 5) { console.error('Sorry, there is a script error or the page does not load cards...') return; // Break loop } cardNumber -= 1;'Waiting page to load...'); loadingCardsEl.innerText += '.'; setTimeout(function () { loopSearch(); }, checkFrequencyInMs); } })(); } function pickCards(selectedMatch) { console.log('Cards are loaded, pickings....'); let cards = selectedMatch[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(selectedMatch)]; // Clear previous selected cards document.querySelector('.clear-kingdom').click() // Pick Cards for (let c = 0; c < cards.length; c+=1) { pickCard(cards[c]); } // Push Done document.evaluate('//input[contains(@class, \'lobby-button close\')]', document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); } function pickCard(cardName) { console.log("Picking " + cardName); if (cardName == 'Random') { document.evaluate('//selection-set', document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); } let miniCards = document.querySelectorAll('.mini-card'); for(let i=0; i < miniCards.length; i++) { if (miniCards[i].innerHTML.includes(cardName)) { miniCards[i].click(); break; } } }