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// ==UserScript== // @name JungleTV Payout Estimator // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Adds the users last outgoing BAN transactions below each video in the queue. // @author Banonkey // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // ==/UserScript== (function() { function updateJungleBansPaid() { const playerContainer = document.querySelector( '.player-container' ); const sidebar = playerContainer.nextElementSibling; const maxAge = 3600 * 2 * 1000; const queueItems = sidebar.querySelectorAll( ':scope > .transition-container > div > div > .flex-row' ); queueItems.forEach( ( item ) => { // Check if item has already been updated const transactionsElement = item.querySelector( ':scope .ban-transactions' ); if ( transactionsElement !== null ) { return; } const itemTitle = item .querySelector( ':scope .text-xs .font-mono.cursor-pointer' ) .getAttribute( 'title' ); // The complete BAN address const banKey = itemTitle.replace( 'Click to copy: ', '' ); // API call to get last transactions const url = '' + banKey + '/history'; fetch( url ) .then( function ( response ) { if ( response.status !== 200 ) { console.log( 'Looks like there was a problem. Status Code: ' + response.status ); //return; } // Examine the text in the response response.json().then( function ( data ) { let sentBans = []; data.forEach( ( transaction ) => { if ( transaction.subtype === 'send' ) { const amount = Math.round( transaction.amount / 10000000000000000000000000 ) / 10000; const timeDifference = - transaction.timestamp; if ( timeDifference < maxAge ) { console.log( 'Found Transaction: ' + amount + ' BAN ' + timeDifference + ' ago.' ); sentBans = [ ...sentBans, amount ]; } } } ); // Append to queue item const node = document.createElement( 'p' ); node.classList.add('ban-transactions', 'text-xs' ); = 'red'; = 'bold'; const textnode = document.createTextNode( sentBans.join( ' / ' ) ); node.appendChild( textnode ); const col2 = item.querySelector( ':scope .flex-col.flex-grow' ); col2.appendChild( node ); } ); } ) .catch( function ( err ) { console.log( 'Fetch Error :-S', err ); } ); } ); } window.setInterval( function () { updateJungleBansPaid(); }, 5000 ); })();