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// ==UserScript== // @name CF Gift Code // @name:vi Gift Code CF // @namespace // @description Auto enter Crossfire Gift Code. // @description:vi Tự động nhập Gift Code Đột Kích. // @version 1.3.0 // @icon // @author lelinhtinh // @oujs:author baivong // @license MIT; // @match // @noframes // @supportURL // @run-at document-idle // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function autoGiftcode() { if (!gcClipboard.length) return; const gc = gcClipboard.pop(); console.log('Giftcode', gc); $gcInput.val(gc); $gcInput.trigger('focus'); if (/\(.+?\)/.test(gc)) { const beginRange =\s?\(/); let endRange =\)\s/); endRange = endRange === -1 ?\)/) + 1 : endRange + 2; $gcInput.get(0).setSelectionRange(beginRange, endRange); return; } sendGiftcode(gc); } function sendGiftcode(gc) { $.ajax({ url: '/api/ajaxapi/GiftCode/CheckCode', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', processData: true, cache: false, data: JSON.stringify({ GiftCode: gc, ServiceCode: 'CF', UserId: userId, UserName: userName, }), }) .done((data) => { $helpText.append(`${gc}: ${data.message}\n`); }) .always(autoGiftcode); } function onSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); sendGiftcode($gcInput.val()); } function validateClipboard(clipText) { if (!clipText) return; const gcPattern = /\bCFS?[A-Z0-9]{2,}(\s?\(.+?\)\s?)?([A-Z0-9]+)?(\b|\B)/; gcClipboard = clipText .split('\n') .map((gc) => gc.trim()) .filter((gc) => gc && gcPattern.test(gc)) .map((gc) => { gc = gc.match(gcPattern)[0]; const mathPattern = /\s?\(([0-9+\-*/x:]{2,}[0-9]+)=\?\)\s?/; if (mathPattern.test(gc)) { return gc.replace(mathPattern, (m) => { let expression = m.match(mathPattern)[1]; expression = expression.replaceAll('x', '*').replaceAll(':', '/'); return eval(expression); }); } return gc; }); if (!gcClipboard.length) { $helpText.removeClass('text-muted').addClass('text-danger').text('Clipboard không có Gift Code'); return; } autoGiftcode(); } let gcClipboard = []; const $gcAutoBtn = $('<button />', { type: 'button', id: 'btn_giftcode_auto', class: 'btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block mb-4', text: 'Tự động nhập từ bộ nhớ đệm', }); const $helpText = $('<pre />', { id: 'alert_giftcode_auto', class: 'form-text text-muted small', }); const $gcInput = $('#input_giftcode'); const $gcForm = $gcInput.closest('form'); const $gcSubmit = $gcForm.find('a'); const userInfo = $('[class="text-[#47bac1]"]').text().split(/:|-/); const userName = userInfo[4].trim(); const userId = userInfo[6].trim(); console.log(userName, userId); $gcForm.append($helpText); $gcAutoBtn.insertBefore($gcInput); $gcAutoBtn.on('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); $helpText.removeClass('text-danger').addClass('text-muted').empty(); navigator.clipboard.readText().then((clipText) => validateClipboard(clipText)); }); $gcInput.on('keydown', (e) => { if (e.which !== 13) return; onSubmit(e); }); $gcSubmit.on('click', onSubmit); $gcForm.on('submit', onSubmit); $('head').append(`<style> #myModal, #myModal + .modal-backdrop { display: none !important; } </style>`);