Raw Source
ashubhamjaiswal / VIMENTO 2- Virtual Guide

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function get_hazardous_words_config() {

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            "Keyword": "Builtin",
            "Reference": "Available",
            "priority": 13
            "Keyword": "Whats in the box",
            "Reference": "Available",
            "priority": 14
            "Keyword": "What is in the box?",
            "Reference": "Available",
            "priority": 113
            "Keyword": "Spillable",
            "Reference": "Check Details",
            "priority": 114
            "Keyword": "Charging box",
            "Reference": "Check Restrictive details",
            "priority": 115
            "Keyword": "charging case",
            "Reference": "Check Restrictive details",
            "priority": 116
            "Keyword": "Pakcage Include",
            "Reference": "Check Restrictive details",
            "priority": 117
            "Keyword": "INGREDIENTS",
            "Reference": "Check IBC",
            "priority": 165
            "Keyword": "alkaline",
            "Reference": "Check Battery details",
            "priority": 1600
            "Keyword": "nimh",
            "Reference": "Check Battery details",
            "priority": 16080
            "Keyword": "nicd",
            "Reference": "Check Battery details",
            "priority": 1400
            "Keyword": "lr44",
            "Reference": "Check IBC",
            "priority": 1650
            "Keyword": "inbuilt",
            "Reference": "Check battery details",
            "priority": 132
            "Keyword": "Package include",
            "Reference": "Check battery details",
            "priority": 193
            "Keyword": "Lithium",
            "Reference": "Please check Battery Details",
            "priority": 14
            "Keyword": "cr2032",
            "Reference": "Please check Battery Details",
            "priority": 14
            "Keyword": "built-in",
            "Reference": "Check battery details",
            "priority": 132
            "Keyword": "kit includes",
            "Reference": "Check package details",
            "priority": 187
            "Keyword": "Included",
            "Reference": "Check package details",
            "priority": 187
            "Keyword": "Cleaner Kit",
            "Reference": "Check package details",
            "priority": 130
            "Keyword": "Cleaning Kit",
            "Reference": "Check package details",
            "priority": 132
            "Keyword": "in the box",
            "Reference": "Check package details",
            "priority": 132
            "Keyword": "remote",
            "Reference": "Check package details",
            "priority": 132
            "Keyword": "Rechargeable",
            "Reference": "Check battery details",
            "priority": 132
            "Keyword": "Packages",
            "Reference": "Check battery details",
            "priority": 132
            "Keyword": "AA Battery (Not included)",
            "Reference": "Check battery details",
            "priority": 138
