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// ==UserScript== // @name The Epoch Times - Ads & Paywall Removal // @namespace The Epoch Times - Ads & Paywall Removal // @version 1.2 // @description Removes ads and paywall on The Epoch Times. // @author asheroto // @license MIT // @match* // @icon // @grant GM_addElement // @grant GM_log // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserScript== // @author asheroto // ==/OpenUserScript== /* jshint esversion: 8 */ (function () { // Prefix for console log const logPrefix = "[Ads & Paywall Removal]"; // Console logging function function doLog(msg) { console.log(logPrefix + " " + msg); } // Function to wait until an element exists async function waitForElement(selector, callback, checkFrequencyInMs, timeoutInMs) { doLog("Waiting for element: " + selector); let startTimeInMs =; while (document.querySelector(selector) == null) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, checkFrequencyInMs)); if (timeoutInMs && - startTimeInMs > timeoutInMs) { doLog("Completed timeout waiting for element: " + selector); return; } } doLog("Element found: " + selector); callback(); } // List of CSS changes (instant ad removal) const css = ` #ad_right_top_300x250_1 { display: none !important; } #article_ad_right_middle_300x250_1, #article_ad_right_middle_300x250_2, #article_ad_right_top_300x250_1, #article_ad_right_top_300x250_2, #in_article_ads_0, #in_article_ads_1, #in_article_ads_2, #in_article_ads_3, #in_article_ads_4, #in_article_ads_5, #in_article_ads_6, #in_article_ads_7, #in_article_ads_8, #inside_ad_336x280_1, #inside_ad_336x280_2, #landing-page { display: none !important; } #main { height: unset !important; overflow: unset !important; } #main > div { border-top: unset; margin-top: 0px; } #modal-COMMON { display: none !important; } #partnership { display: none !important; } .home-wall { display: none !important; } .login_wrapper { display: none !important; } .right_col.noprint > div { margin: unset !important; } .soft_stikcy { display: none !important; } .top_ad { display: none !important; } #footer { display: block !important; } `; // Apply the styles above to document stylesheet async function applyStyles(css) { const head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; const style = document.createElement("style"); head.appendChild(style); style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); doLog("Applied styles"); } // Every 0.5 seconds, check if any item from the blacklist array is included in the src value of an item, and if so, hide that item, ends loop after 5 seconds async function removeElements() { const blacklist = ["doubleclick.", "amazon-adsystem", "adnxs", "ads."]; const tags = ["script", "iframe"]; let repeat = setInterval(function () { tags.forEach(function (item) { const elements = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName(item)); elements.forEach(function (src) { blacklist.forEach(function (b) { if (src.src.includes(b)) {'display', 'none', 'important'); doLog("Hidden: " + item + " " + src.src); } }); }); }); }, 500); // Clear tag removal after 5 seconds setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(repeat); doLog("Stopped removal loop"); }, 5000); } // Modal will be hidden in CSS above, but this will help it out a little and enable the scrollbars again async function modalHelper() { waitForElement("#modal-COMMON", function () { const modal = document.querySelector("#modal-COMMON"); modal.className = modal.className.replaceAll("is-open", "is-closed"); document.body.classList.remove("free_user", "hidden"); = ""; doLog("Removed modal, enabled scrollbars"); }, 250, 5000); } // Hide any items that have a prefix listed in the adListIds array async function hideElements() { const adListIds = ["in_article", "inside_ad", "article_ad", "ad_"]; let repeat = setInterval(function () { adListIds.forEach(function (adId) { const selector = '[id^="' + adId + '"], [class^="' + adId + '"]'; const isId = selector.startsWith('[id='); const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)); elements.forEach(function (element) {'display', 'none', 'important'); doLog("Hidden: " + (isId ? "ID " : "Class ") + adId); }); }); }, 500); // Clear tag removal after 5 seconds setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(repeat); doLog("Stopped removal loop"); }, 5000); } applyStyles(css); removeElements(); modalHelper(); hideElements(); })();