For use with dAmn (deviantArt Messaging Network)
What's this? This is a greasemonkey script for deviantArt Messaging Network. It adds the functionality to quickly access the main page /gallery /journal /latest /deviation /etc of fellow deviants, using a few short commands.
- /da deviant - Opens a link to the deviant's deviantArt main page in a new window.
- /dab deviant - Opens a form for buying a subscription for the deviant.
- /daf deviant - Opens the deviant's list of watchers (friends).
- /dag deviant - Opens the deviant's gallery in a new window.
- /dah or /da? - Shows the script info and a list of all the commands. (Suggested by =cypher-neo)
- /daj deviant - Opens the journal page for the deviant in a new window.
- /dal deviant - Opens the deviant's latest deviation in a new window.
- /dam - Opens your message centre in a new window.
- /dan deviant - Creates a new note to deviant(other than you) in a new window.
- /dap deviant - Opens a new window with the deviant's store front (prints).
- /dar - Opens a random deviant page in a new window. (Suggested by ~deviantARCADE)
- /das search_string - Opens a new window and searches the deviantArt for the search_string.
- /dat deviant - Opens a new window with the deviant's scraps (trash - not a good word but easy to memorize).