arrowsama / Show all Jira 9 comments (and more), in chronological order

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Show all Jira 9 comments (and more), in chronological order
// @namespace
// @description Clicks all 'show more' buttons, and (shift-)clicks 'oldest first'. Copied and fixed from:
// @include     https://jira.*/*
// @include     http://jira.*/*
// @match       https://jira.*/*
// @match       http://jira.*/*
// @version     0.2
// @author      Marnix Klooster <>
// @copyright   public domain
// @license     MIT
// @homepage,_in_chronological_order
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
// Configuration options
// ---------------------
const forceSortOrder = true; // whether or not to force the sort order at page load
const useOldestFirstSorting = true; // if forcing sort order, whether to use 'oldest first' == 'asc'
// END Configuration options
(function() {
    var theInterval = null;
    var warnedMultipleSortButtons = false;
    var clickedSortorderButton = false;
    var sortOrderInFinalState = false;
    var clickedShowmoreButton = null;
    var tabSwitchEventHandlerInstalled = false;
    function start() {
        if (theInterval) {
            console.log(`SOMETHING WENT WRONG.  Ignoring this call to start().`);
        theInterval = setInterval(function() {
            // make sure sort order is as desired (direction determined by useOldestFirstSorting)
            if (forceSortOrder && !sortOrderInFinalState) {
                var sortButtons = document.querySelectorAll('button#sort-button');
                if (sortButtons.length > 1) {
                    if (!warnedMultipleSortButtons) {
                        console.log(`WARN: ${b.length} sort buttons found, will not try to change sort order`);
                        warnedMultipleSortButtons = true;
                } else if (sortButtons.length == 0) {
                    // retry later
                } else {
                    if (sortButtons[0].getAttribute('data-order') == (useOldestFirstSorting ? 'asc': 'desc')) {
                        if (!clickedSortorderButton) {
                            console.log(`Clicking the sort order button to switch to '${sortButtons[0].getAttribute('data-order')}'...`);
                            clickedSortorderButton = true;
                        console.log(`waiting for sort order change`);
                        // don't do anything else until we know the sort order is as we want it to be
            // click any 'show more' button in sight...
            var showmoreButtons = document.querySelectorAll('');
            if (clickedShowmoreButton) {
                for (var b of showmoreButtons) {
                    if (b.isEqualNode(clickedShowmoreButton)) {
                        console.log(`waiting for last "show more..." click to have been handled`);
                clickedShowmoreButton = null;
                console.log(`wait one more round, just to be certain, before we potentially click other "show more..." buttons`);
            if (showmoreButtons.length > 0) {
                clickedShowmoreButton = showmoreButtons[0];
                console.log(`Shift-clicking the button marked "${clickedShowmoreButton.innerText}"...`);
                const shiftClickEvent = document.createEvent("Event");
                shiftClickEvent.initEvent("click", true, true);
                shiftClickEvent.shiftKey = true;
            // LATER: Enable the following code, once we know how to detect a tab switch
            //function tabSwitchEventHandler() {
            //    console.log(`tab bar may have been clicked, restart if needed...`);
            //    if (!theInterval) {
            //        console.log(`...restarting`);
            //        start();
            //    }
            //if (!tabSwitchEventHandlerInstalled) {
            //    // TODO: somewhere register tabSwitchEventHandler...
            //    tabSwitchEventHandlerInstalled = true;
            //console.log(`Everything is at it should be now; stop, and restart the interval on tab switch.`);
            //theInterval = null;
        }, 1000);