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// ==UserScript== // @name TestCollector2 // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @licence MIT // @author Anon // @match* // @grant unsafeWindow // @require // ==/UserScript== var Dict = {} function doCopy(c){ let all = $("p"); all.each((i,v) => { let current = $(v).text(); let togo = Dict[current]; if (togo){ let now = $("textarea").val(); let newText = c == "Enter" ? togo : togo.slice(0,now.length+1); $("textarea").val(newText); window.setTimeout(() => $("textarea").val(newText),0) } }); } function singleDrill(id){ let myDict = {} let i = 30; function doAnswer(q){ let asked = q.question.ask.term.value let ref = q.question.reference console.log(asked) function recieveAnswer(a){ //console.log(a) i-=1; if (a.evaluation.result !== "CORRECT"){ let answ = a.evaluation.termEvaluations[1].value myDict[asked] = answ Dict[asked] = answ console.log(asked + " = " + answ); i = 0; } else { if (i > 0) { console.log(i) $.get(""+id,doAnswer); } } } let myans = myDict[asked] || "a"; $.put(""+id,{reference: ref,answer: myans},recieveAnswer); } function getResponses(r){ console.log(r) r.easy.forEach(v => { let q = v.known.alternatives[0].value let a = v.unknown.alternatives[0].value console.log(q+" = "+a) Dict[q] = a myDict[q] = a }) r.difficult.forEach(v => { let q = v.known.alternatives[0].value let a = v.unknown.alternatives[0].value console.log(q+" = "+a) Dict[q] = a myDict[q] = a }) $.get(""+id,doAnswer); } $.get(`${id}/easy-and-difficult-entries`,getResponses); } function setupKeyPress(){ $("body").on("keypress",v => { console.log("gogo"); if (unsafeWindow.fakeType ||v.key == "Enter" /*(Set to True for faketyping)*/){ doCopy(v.key); } }) } function getDrills(){ let testID = location.href.match("#/(.*)\\?")[1] $.get(""+testID,v => {for (let drill of v.drills){singleDrill(drill)};}) unsafeWindow.Dict = Dict } (function() { 'use strict'; console.log("ACTIVE") $.put = function(url, data, callback, type){ if ( $.isFunction(data) ){ type = type || callback, callback = data, data = {} } return $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'PUT', success: callback, data: data, contentType: type }); } window.setTimeout(getDrills,100); window.setTimeout(setupKeyPress,1000); unsafeWindow.fakeType = true // Your code here... })();