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// ==UserScript== // @name Keybr github // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Type a github repo using // @author You // @match* // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097, esnext:true */ /* globals unsafeWindow: false */ 'use strict'; (function(LessonFactory, MODE, CustomGenerator, CustomLesson) { LessonFactory.loadLessonOrig = LessonFactory.loadLessonOrig || LessonFactory.loadLesson; Promise.prototype.done = Promise.prototype.then; // Ugly hack. Convert to real "P" promise instead. = Promise.prototype.catch; var log = x=>console.log(x); var processStatus = function(response) { // status "0" to handle local files fetching (e.g. Cordova/Phonegap etc.) if (response.status === 200 || response.status === 0) { return response; } else { throw new Error(response.statusText); } } ; var fetchOK = url=>fetch(url).then(processStatus); var fetchText = url=>fetchOK(url).then(ans=>ans.text()); var fetchJson = url=>fetchOK(url).then(ans=>ans.json()); var getBlobPaths = json=>json.tree.filter(a=>a.type=="blob").map(a=>a.path); var getDownloadUrl = a => downloadURL + a; function getRandom(arr) { var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length); return arr[i]; } function fetchAll(urls) { var contentPromises =; return Promise.all(contentPromises); } function getGithub(url) { var repo = url[1]; var branch = "master"; var downloadURL = "" + repo + "/" + branch + "/"; var apiUrl = '' + repo + '/git/trees/' + branch + '?recursive=1'; // Get random file var p = fetchJson(apiUrl) .then(getBlobPaths) .then(getRandom) .then(function (path) { console.log(path); return fetchText(downloadURL + path).then(txt => path + "\n" + txt); }); /* // Get all files var p = fetchJson(apiUrl) .then(getBlobUrls) .then(fetchAll); */ p.catch(console.error.bind(console)); return p; } LessonFactory.loadLesson = function(settings) { var url; if (MODE.IMPORT_WEBSITE === settings.mode && (url = settings.text.url.match("[^/]*/[^/]*)"))) { console.log(url); var github = getGithub(url); return github.then(text => new CustomLesson(settings,new CustomGenerator(settings, text))); } else { return LessonFactory.loadLessonOrig(settings); } }; })(unsafeWindow.LessonFactory, unsafeWindow.MODE, unsafeWindow.CustomGenerator, unsafeWindow.CustomLesson);