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// ==UserScript== // @name Exclude sites from Google search results // @namespace // @version 0.2 // @description Excludes specified sites from google search results // @author // @licence MIT // @match* // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== function start() { 'use strict'; console.log("Starting Exclude sites from Google search results"); var exclusionList = ""; $(document).find('div#topabar > div#slim_appbar > div#sbfrm_l > div#resultStats').each(function () { console.log("Found google search results"); $(document).find('div#sb_ifc0 > div#gs_lc0 > input#lst-ib').each(function () { console.log("Found Google search text box"); var originalSearch = $(this).val(); console.log("Original Google search text: " + originalSearch); console.log("Check whether original search text is undefined"); if (typeof (originalSearch) === 'undefined') return; console.log("Check whether original search text is null"); if (originalSearch === null) return; console.log("Check whether original search text is empty"); if (originalSearch.trim() === "")return; console.log("Trimming search text"); var trimmedSearch = originalSearch.replace(exclusionList, ""); console.log("Checking indexOf exclusion list"); if(originalSearch.indexOf(exclusionList)>-1)return; console.log("Check whether trimmed text is undefined"); if (typeof (trimmedSearch) === 'undefined') return; console.log("Check whether trimmed text is null"); if (trimmedSearch === null) return; console.log("Check whether trimmed text is empty"); if (trimmedSearch.trim() === "") return; console.log("Checking length of trimmed search text"); if (trimmedSearch.length < originalSearch.lenth) return; console.log("Creating new search text"); var newSearch = originalSearch + exclusionList; console.log("Setting new search text"); $(this).val(newSearch); $(document).find('div#sfdiv > button#mKlEF').each(function () { console.log("Found google search button"); $(this).click(); console.log("Google search button clicked"); }); }); }); console.log("Complete Exclude sites from Google search results"); } (function() { 'use strict'; console.log("document loaded(). Exclude sites script will start in 2 seconds"); setTimeout(start, 2000); })();