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// ==UserScript== // @name CorrectMove // @namespace // @version 0.2.3 // @description Make it easier to find a property on RightMove // @author andrewshand94 // @connect * // @include *://** // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // @require // @require // @require // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @run-at document-idle // ==/UserScript== /* jshint asi: true, esnext: true, -W097 */ const once = _.once(function($) { function dateIn(amountAndUnit) { const splitted = amountAndUnit.split(' '); return moment().add(parseInt(splitted[0]), splitted[1]).toDate(); } const options = { clearCache: false, hideBeforeDate: "2016-06-25", hideAfterDate: false }; if (options.clearCache) { GM_listValues().forEach(value => { GM_deleteValue(value); }); } function doCard(card, i) { const jcard = $(card); const link = window.location.origin + jcard.find('.propertyCard-link').attr('href'); const idContainer = jcard.find('.propertyCard-anchor'); const id = idContainer.attr('id'); // Reset anything we've done to the card jcard.parent().css('opacity', 1); jcard.find('.betterMove').remove(); function addToCard(card, time) {'available', time); const date = new Date(time); const mo = moment(time); let text; if (mo.isSame(moment(), 'day')) { text = 'Available now'; } else { text = 'Available from ' + moment(date).format("Do MMM"); } const element = `<span class="betterMove">${text}, </span>`; card.find('.propertyCard-branchSummary-addedOrReduced').prepend(element); let hide = false; if (options.hideBeforeDate && mo.isBefore(options.hideBeforeDate)) { hide = true; } else if (options.hideAfterDate && mo.isAfter(options.hideAfterDate)) { hide = true; } card.parent().css('opacity', hide ? '0.1' : '1'); }; const existing = GM_getValue("homer-" + id); if (typeof(existing) === 'number') { addToCard(jcard, existing); return; } setTimeout(function() { $.get(link, function(data, request) { function findDateAsMoment() { const html = $(data); // First try get from the default place const potentialDate = html.find('#lettingInformation tr').map((index, row) => { if ($(row).text().indexOf('available') >= 0) { const dateText = $(row).children()[1].innerText.trim(); let time; if (dateText.toLowerCase() == 'now') { time = moment(); } else { time = moment(dateText, "DD/MM/YYYY"); } return time; } }).filter(el => typeof(el) !== 'undefined').toArray().shift(); if (moment.isMoment(potentialDate)) { return potentialDate; } const regex = /([0-9][0-9]?(th|rd|st|nd)*) (may|june|july|sep|sept|september|oct|october|nov|november|dec|december|jan|january)/; const searchText = html.find('.agent-content :not(#lettingInformation).sect').text().toLowerCase() const textDate = searchText.match(regex).shift(); if (typeof(textDate) === 'string') { function isValid(mmnt) { return !isNaN(mmnt.toDate().getTime()); } let date = moment(textDate.trim()); if (isValid(date)) { return date; } date = moment(textDate.trim(), 'Do MMMM'); if (isValid(date)) { return date; } date = moment(textDate.trim(), 'D MMMM'); if (isValid(date)) { return date; } } const availableNow = searchText.indexOf('available now') >= 0; if (availableNow === true) { return moment(); } } const time = findDateAsMoment(); if (moment.isMoment(time)) { GM_setValue("homer-" + id, time.unix() * 1000); addToCard(jcard, time.unix() * 1000); } }); }, (1000 * i) + (2500 * Math.random())); } function killAds() { $('.js-searchResult-creative').css('display', 'none'); } function doCards() { $('.propertyCard').each((i, card) => { doCard(card, i); }); killAds(); } $('.pagination-button').click(function() { setTimeout(doCards, 1000); }); doCards(); }); jQuery(document).ready(once);