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// ==UserScript== // @name OpenUserCSS Tweaks // @namespace almaceleste // @version 0.2.2 // @description some useful tweaks, that make working with the more convenient // @description:ru некоторые полезные настройки, которые делают работу с более удобной // @author (ɔ) almaceleste ( // @license AGPL-3.0-or-later; // @icon // @icon64 // @homepageURL // @homepageURL // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @downloadURL // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_getResourceText // @resource css // @match http*://* // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author almaceleste // ==/OpenUserJS== const state = {}; // create objects for the site pages const profile = {}; const theme = {}; const site = {}; const search = {}; const edit = {}; // create regex patterns for the site pages profile.path = /^\/profile/; theme.path = /^\/theme\/(?!edit)/; site.path = /^\/$/; search.path = /^\/search/; edit.path = /^\/theme\/edit/; // create paths for the elements site.layout = '#__layout > .ouc-ancestor'; site.navbar = `${site.layout} > .ouc-navbar-wrapper > .ouc-navbar`; site.routeroot = `${site.layout} > .ouc-app-root > .ouc-route-root`; site.section = `${site.routeroot} .container .section`; site.level = `${site.section} > .level`; site.levelright = `${site.level} > .level-right`; site.main = `${site.section} > .columns`; site.columnleft = `${site.main} > .column:nth-of-type(1)`; site.columnright = `${site.main} > .column:nth-of-type(2)`; profile.account = `${site.navbar} > .container > .navbar-menu > .navbar-end > a:first-of-type`; profile.statsbutton = '#showStatsToggle'; profile.donatebutton = `${site.columnright} > .ouc-user-donation-wrapper a`; profile.theme = `${site.columnright} > .columns > .column`; profile.image = `${profile.theme} .card .card-image .ouc-responsive-image-wrapper > .ouc-responsive-image`; site.image = profile.image; search.image = profile.image; search.theme = profile.theme; = `${site.columnleft} > .columns > .column`; theme.card = `${site.columnleft} .box`; theme.image = `${theme.card} .ouc-responsive-image-wrapper .ouc-responsive-image`; theme.installbutton = `${site.levelright} > .tile:nth-of-type(1) > .tile:nth-of-type(3) a`; edit.savebutton = `${site.levelright} > button[type='submit']`; edit.form = `${site.section} > .ouc-new-theme-form`; edit.theme = `${edit.form} > .card:nth-of-type(1)`; edit.variables = `${edit.form} > .card:nth-of-type(2) > .card-content`; edit.variable = `${edit.variables} >`; edit.editor = `${edit.form} > .card:nth-of-type(5) .ouc-editor-wrapper > .ouc-editor`; edit.scrollbar = `${edit.editor} > .ace_scrollbar`; edit.code = `${edit.editor} > .ace_scroller > .ace_content > .ace_text-layer`; edit.codeline = `${edit.code} > .ace_line > span`; edit.metadatastart = `${edit.codeline}:contains('/* ==UserStyle==')`; edit.metadataend = `${edit.codeline}:contains('==/UserStyle== */')`; edit.header = `${edit.theme} > .card-header`; edit.content = `${edit.theme} > .card-content`; edit.screenshots = `${edit.content} > .field:nth-of-type(4)`; edit.image = `${edit.screenshots} > .columns > .column:nth-of-type(2) .ouc-responsive-image-wrapper > .ouc-responsive-image`; const card = '.card'; const cardheader = '.card-header'; const box = '.box'; const boxheader = '.level'; const data = `[itemtype=SoftwareApplication]`; // options for arrivejs const options = { existing: true }; // config settings const configId = 'ouctCfg'; const iconUrl = GM_info.script.icon64; const pattern = {}; pattern[`#${configId}`] = /#configId/g; pattern[`${iconUrl}`] = /iconUrl/g; let css = GM_getResourceText('css'); Object.keys(pattern).forEach((key) => { css = css.replace(pattern[key], key); }); const windowcss = css; const iframecss = ` height: 485px; width: 435px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; position: fixed; z-index: 9999; `; GM_registerMenuCommand(`${} Settings`, () => {; = iframecss; }); GM_config.init({ id: `${configId}`, title: `${} ${GM_info.script.version}`, fields: { version: { section: ['', 'Any Profile Settings'], label: 'display version', labelPos: 'right', title: 'display the version information for the themes', type: 'checkbox', default: true, }, compact: { label: 'compact view', labelPos: 'right', title: '', type: 'checkbox', default: true, }, highlight: { label: 'highlight theme on hover', labelPos: 'right', title: '', type: 'checkbox', default: true, }, color: { label: 'highlight color', labelPos: 'left', type: 'select', options: [ 'black', 'blue', 'green', 'aqua', 'red', 'purple', 'yellow', 'white', 'gray', 'lightskyblue', 'lightgreen', 'orangered', 'pink', 'gold', 'whitesmoke', 'lightgray', 'dimgray', 'deepskyblue', 'dodgerblue', ], default: 'dodgerblue', }, stats: { section: ['', 'Own Profile Settings'], label: 'display statistics', labelPos: 'right', title: 'display the statistics information for the themes', type: 'checkbox', default: true, }, screenshot: { label: 'display screenshot', labelPos: 'right', title: 'display the screenshots for the themes', type: 'checkbox', default: true, }, editbutton: { label: 'edit button', labelPos: 'right', title: 'add the edit buttons to edit theme directly from the profile page', type: 'checkbox', default: true, }, deletevariables: { section: ['', 'Edit Page Settings'], label: 'do not create variables (experimental)', labelPos: 'right', title: '', type: 'checkbox', default: false, }, // deletemetadata: { // label: 'automatically delete metadata (experimental)', // labelPos: 'right', // title: '', // type: 'checkbox', // default: false, // }, editsticky: { label: 'sticky header', labelPos: 'right', title: '', type: 'checkbox', default: true, }, // fixinstall: { // section: ['', 'Theme Page Settings'], // label: 'fix Install as usercss (experimental)', // labelPos: 'right', // title: '', // type: 'checkbox', // default: false, // }, fiximages: { section: ['', 'Miscellaneous Settings'], label: 'fix image size', labelPos: 'right', title: 'some images do not fit in the image container, and the site crops them. this option restores these images and resizes the container for more accurate placement. \nanother advantage: these images support image zoom extensions', type: 'checkbox', default: true, }, searchhome: { label: 'start from the search page', labelPos: 'right', title: 'if you do not like the start page or if you have problems with a server error on it you can change it to a search page', type: 'checkbox', default: true, }, support: { section: ['', 'Support'], label: '', type: 'button', click: () => { GM_openInTab('', { active: true, insert: true, setParent: true }); } }, }, css: windowcss, events: { save: function() { GM_config.close(); } }, }); // script code function getData(obj, data){ return $(obj).children(`[itemprop=${data}]`).attr('value'); } function doHighlight(theme){ const color = GM_config.get('color'); $(theme).hover( () => { $(theme).css({ boxShadow: `0 0 5px 1px ${color}`, }); }, () => { $(theme).css({ boxShadow: 'none', }); } ); } function isOwnProfile(pathname){ if ($(profile.account).attr('href') == pathname) { return true; } else { return false; } } function doProfile(){ if (GM_config.get('compact')) { $(profile.donatebutton).insertAfter($(site.level).children().first()); $(site.columnright).css({ paddingTop: '0', }); } $(document).arrive(profile.theme, options, (t) => { const cl = t.classList; const d = $(t).children(data); const c = $(t).children(`${card}, ${box}`); const h = $(c).children().first().children().first(); const height = $(t).height(); const width = $(t).width(); let w = $('<div/>', { class: cl, }).css({ margin: '5px', padding: '0', position: 'relative', width: `${width}px`, }); $(t).wrap(w); $(t).removeAttr('class'); $(c).css({ margin: '0', position: 'relative', }); if (GM_config.get('version')) { $(`<span>${getData(d, 'version')}</span>`).insertAfter(h); } if (GM_config.get('compact')) { $(c).css({ padding: '.7rem', }).children('.level:nth-child(2)').css({ display: 'inline-block', marginBottom: '0', }); } if (GM_config.get('highlight')) { doHighlight($(t).parent()); } if (isOwnProfile(state.pathname)){ if (GM_config.get('screenshot')) { const img = $('<img/>', { src: `${getData(d, 'screenshot')}`, on: { load: (e) => { let height = $(; if (height > width){ height = width; } $({ height: `${height}px`, }); } } }); $('<div/>', { class: 'image-wrapper', }).append(img).appendTo(t) .css({ display: 'inline-block', height: `100%`, right: `0px`, position: 'absolute', top: `0px`, width: `${width/3}px`, }); $(c).css({ display: 'inline-block', width: `${width*2/3}px`, }) } if (GM_config.get('editbutton')) { let width = $(c).width(); let u = getData(d, 'url'); u = u.replace(/^(\/theme)\/(.*)$/, '$1/edit/$2'); const padding = 10; const size = 35; const a = $('<a/>',{ href: u, text: '🖉', }); a.insertAfter(t).css({ bottom: `${padding}px`, height: `${size}px`, left: `${width - size}px`, padding: `${padding}px`, position: 'absolute', width: `${size}px`, }); if (GM_config.get('highlight')){ const color = GM_config.get('color'); a.hover( () => { a.css({ textShadow: `0 0 5px ${color}`, filter: `drop-shadow(0 0 5px ${color})`, }); }, () => { a.css({ textShadow: 'none', filter: 'none', }); } ); } } $(c).children('.level').first().children().first().css({ width: '57%', }); $(c).children('.level').first().children().last().css({ width: '27%', }); } $(document).unbindArrive(profile.theme); }); } function doEdit(){ if (GM_config.get('deletevariables')){ $(document).arrive(edit.variable, options, (v) => { $(v).remove(); }); } // if (GM_config.get('deletemetadata')){ // $(edit.savebutton).on({ // click: (e) => { // e.preventDefault(); // $(edit.scrollbar).scrollTop(0); // $(edit.metadatastart).nextUntil(edit.metadataend).remove(); // }, // submit: (e) => { // e.preventDefault(); // $(edit.scrollbar).scrollTop(0); // $(edit.metadatastart).nextUntil(edit.metadataend).remove(); // } // }); // $(edit.code).arrive(edit.variable, options, (v) => { // }); // } if (GM_config.get('editsticky')){ const top = $(site.navbar).height(); $(edit.header).css({ position: 'sticky', top: `${top}px`, zIndex: '100', }); } } // function fixinstall(){ // // console.log('fixinstall:', theme.installbutton); // $(theme.installbutton).on({ // click: (e) => { // e.preventDefault(); // const url = $('href'); // const name = url.split('/').pop().split('#').shift().split('?').shift(); // fetch(url).then((response) => { // response.text().then((usercss) => { // const pattern = /\/\* ==UserStyle==[\s\S]*==\/UserStyle== \*\/[\s\S]*(\/\* ==UserStyle==[\s\S]*)/; // if (pattern.test(usercss)) { // usercss = usercss.replace(pattern, '$1'); // } // // const install =`chrome-extension://apmmpaebfobifelkijhaljbmpcgbjbdo/install-usercss.html?${encodeURIComponent(usercss)}`, '_self'); // // const install =`data:text/css;charset=utf-8,${encodeURIComponent(usercss)}`, '_blank'); // // install.document.write(usercss); // // var install =, '_self'); // // install.document.onload = function() { // // install.document.write('¡hola, mundo!'); // // console.log('¡hola, mundo!'); // // $('body > pre').text(usercss); // // } // // test // // var newWin =, 'example', 'width=600,height=400'); // // newWin.onload = function() { // // // создать div в документе нового окна // // var div = newWin.document.createElement('div'), // // body = newWin.document.body; // // div.innerHTML = 'Добро пожаловать!' // // = '30px' // // // вставить первым элементом в body нового окна // // body.insertBefore(div, body.firstChild); // // } // // install.onload = function() { // // install.document.write(usercss); // // install.focus(); // // } // // console.log('fixinstall:', install); // // var newWin ="about:blank", "hello", "width=200,height=200"); // // newWin.document.write("Привет, мир!"); // // const a = $('<a/>', { // // href: `data:text/css;charset=utf-8,${encodeURIComponent(usercss)}`, // // download: name, // // // style: 'display:none', // // target: '_blank', // // text: 'click me', // // type: 'text/css;charset=utf-8', // // }); // // a.appendTo(site.level).click(); // // GM_openInTab(`data:text/js;charset=utf-8,${encodeURIComponent(usercss)}`, { // // active: true, // // insert: true, // // setParent: true // // }); // }); // }); // // const install =`${url}`, '_self'); // // install.onload = function(){ // // console.log('fixinstall:', install); // // $('body > pre').text(usercss); // // } // }, // load: () => {} // }); // } function fiximages(path){ if (GM_config.get('fiximages')) { $(document).arrive(path, options, (image) => { if ($(image).next('img').length == 0){ let url = $(image).css('background-image'); url = url.replace('url("', '').replace('")', ''); if (url.startsWith('')){ url = url.replace('', ''); } if (url != ''){ const img = $('<img/>', { src: url, on: { load: (e) => { const width = $(; let height = $(; if (height == 0 || height > width) { height = width; } $(image).css({ display: 'none', backgroundImage: 'none', }).parent().addClass('image-wrapper').css({ height: `${height}px`, overflow: 'hidden', }).parent().parent().css({ height: `${height}px`, }).next('.card-content').css({ paddingBottom: '0', paddingTop: '0', }); }, } }); img.insertAfter(image); } } $(document).unbindArrive(path); }); } } function doThings(){ if (!state.changed) { const pathname = window.location.pathname; switch (true) { case profile.path.test(pathname): console.log('doThings:', profile.path, pathname); if (isOwnProfile(state.pathname)) { if (GM_config.get('stats')) { $(document).arrive(profile.statsbutton, options, () => { $(profile.statsbutton).click(); $(document).unbindArrive(profile.statsbutton); }); } } else { fiximages(profile.image); } doProfile(); break; case theme.path.test(pathname): console.log('doThings:', theme.path, pathname); fiximages(theme.image); // fixinstall(); break; case site.path.test(pathname): console.log('doThings:', site.path, pathname); fiximages(site.image); break; case search.path.test(pathname): console.log('doThings:', search.path, pathname); fiximages(search.image); $(document).arrive(search.theme, options, (t) => { doHighlight($(t)); $(document).unbindArrive(search.theme); }); $(document).arrive(, options, (a) => { doHighlight($(a)); $(document).unbindArrive(; }); break; case edit.path.test(pathname): console.log('doThings:', edit.path, pathname); doEdit(); fiximages(edit.image); break; default: console.log('doThings:', 'default', pathname); break; } state.changed = true; } } (function() { 'use strict'; $(document).ready(() => { state.pathname = window.location.pathname; state.changed = false; doThings(); if (state.pathname == '/') { if (GM_config.get('searchhome')) { window.location.replace(`${window.location.origin}/search`); } } $(window).on({ transitionend: (e) => { const pathname = window.location.pathname; switch (true){ case'ouc-route-root'): if (state.pathname != pathname) { state.pathname = pathname; state.changed = false; doThings(); } break; case'ouc-responsive-image-wrapper'): if (search.path.test(pathname)) { state.pathname = pathname; state.changed = false; doThings(); } break; default: break; } } }); }); })();