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// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube grey out watched // @description Grays out watched videos on Subscription page // @author alike03 // @namespace yt_grey_out // @match *://** // @version 1.1 // @icon // @supportURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @copyright 2023, alike03 ( // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ const app = document.querySelector('ytd-app'); var count = 0; function markVideos(a) { const withProgressbar = app.querySelectorAll('ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-grid-video-renderer:not([data-status]) ytd-thumbnail-overlay-resume-playback-renderer #progress'); count += withProgressbar.length; console.log(withProgressbar.length, count); withProgressbar.forEach(function (element) { let videoElement = element.closest('ytd-grid-video-renderer'); let containerWidth = videoElement.offsetWidth; let progressWidth = element.offsetWidth; let progress = parseInt(progressWidth) / parseInt(containerWidth) * 100; let status = progress == 100 ? 'watched' : 'resume'; //element.setAttribute('status', status); if (progressWidth != 0) { videoElement.dataset.status = status; } }); } function analyzePage() { if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/feed/subscriptions')) { const list = app.querySelector('ytd-section-list-renderer'); if (list.dataset.processed) { return; } list.dataset.processed = true; list.addEventListener('yt-next-continuation-data-updated', markVideos); new MutationObserver(markVideos).observe(list, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } } if (app) { app.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', analyzePage); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style> .ytd-grid-renderer { transition: opacity, filter .5s ease-out; filter: grayscale(0); opacity: 1; } .ytd-grid-renderer[data-status="resume"] { filter: grayscale(.3); opacity: 1; } .ytd-grid-renderer[data-status="watched"] { filter: grayscale(1); opacity: .5; } </style>`); } analyzePage();