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// ==UserScript== // @name Anti-Adblock Killer | Reek // @namespace // @description Anti-Adblock Killer is a userscript whose functionality is removes many protections used on some website that force the user to disable the AdBlocker. // @author Reek | // @version 7.8 // @license Creative Commons BY-NC-SA // @encoding utf-8 // @homepage // @twitter // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @supportURL // @contributionURL // @icon // @include http*://* // @exclude http*://*.google.* // @exclude http*://*.yahoo.*/* // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://*.amazon.*/* // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_getMetadata // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /*===================================================== Thanks ======================================================= Donors: Mike Howard, Shunjou, Charmine, Kierek93, George Barnard, Henry Young, Seinhor9, ImGlodar, Ivanosevitch, HomeDipo, Roy Martin, DrFiZ, Tippy, Brian Rohner, Piotr Kozica, Minesh Patel, W4rell, Tscheckoff, AdBlock Polska, AVENIR INTERNET, coolNAO, Ben Collaborators: InfinityCoding, Couchy, Dindog, Floxflob, U Bless, Watilin, @prdonahue, Hoshie, 3lf3nLi3d, Alexo, Crits, Noname120, Crt32, JixunMoe, Athorcis, Killerbadger, SMed79, Alexander255, Anonsubmitter, RaporLoLpro Users: Thank you to all those who use Anti Adblock Killer, who report problems, who write the review, which add to their favorites, making donations, which support the project and help in its development or promote. /*===================================================== Mirrors ======================================================= Github: Userscripts: Greasyfork: Openuserjs: MonkeyGuts: ======================================================= Documentation ======================================================= Greasemonkey: Scriptish: Tampermonkey: Violentmonkey: NinjaKit: ======================================================= Script ======================================================*/ Aak = { name : 'Anti-Adblock Killer', version : '7.8', scriptid : 'gJWEp0vB', homeURL : '', changelogURL : '', donateURL : '', featuresURL : '', reportURL : '', twitterURL : '', downloadURL : '', filtersSubscribe : 'abp:subscribe?location=|%20Filters%20for%20Adblockers', filtersURL : "", iconURL : '', uw: unsafeWindow || window || false, init : function () { // Stop if user not use Script Manager or not support GM Api if (Aak.ApiRequires()) { // Debug Aak.debug(); // Check GM Api supported //Aak.ApiSupported(); // Add Command in Greasemonkey Menu Aak.registerMenuCommand(); // Detect Filters Aak.once(30, 'aak-detectfilters', Aak.detectFilters); // Check Update Aak.once(5, 'aak-checkupdate', Aak.update.checkAuto); // Detect and Kill Aak.kill(); } }, debug : function () { //if (Aak.isTopWindow) { //Aak.player.dom(); //Aak.listValues(); //localStorage.clear(); //Aak.log(localStorage); //Aak.ApiSupported(); //GM_deleteValue('aak-detectfilters'); //GM_deleteValue('aak-checkupdate'); //'Anti-Adblock Killer v' + Aak.getVersion() + ' on ' + Aak.getScriptManager() + ' in ' + Aak.getBrowser(), Aak.getUUID()); //} }, isTopWindow : !( != window.self), ready : function (fn) { window.addEventListener('load', fn); }, contains : function (string, search) { return string.indexOf(search) != -1; }, ApiRequires : function () { if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest != 'undefined' && typeof GM_setValue != 'undefined' && typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined' && typeof GM_addStyle != 'undefined' && typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != 'undefined') { return true; } else { return false; } }, ApiSupported : function () { if (Aak.isTopWindow) {'Requires');'GM_xmlhttpRequest', (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_setValue', (typeof GM_setValue != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_getValue', (typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_addStyle', (typeof GM_addStyle != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_registerMenuCommand', (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != 'undefined') ? true : false);'No requires');'GM_info', (typeof GM_info != 'undefined') ? GM_info : false);'GM_getMetadata', (typeof GM_getMetadata != 'undefined') ? GM_getMetadata : false);'GM_deleteValue', (typeof GM_deleteValue != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_listValues', (typeof GM_listValues != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_getResourceText', (typeof GM_getResourceText != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_getResourceURL', (typeof GM_getResourceURL != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_log', (typeof GM_log != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_openInTab', (typeof GM_openInTab != 'undefined') ? true : false);'GM_setClipboard', (typeof GM_setClipboard != 'undefined') ? true : false); } }, listValues : function (del) { if (typeof GM_listValues != 'undefined') { var del = (del) ? true : false; var list = GM_listValues(); for (var i in list) { if (del) { GM_deleteValue(list[i]); } else { Aak.log(list[i], GM_getValue(list[i])); } } } }, getBrowser : function () { var ua = navigator.userAgent; if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Firefox')) { return "Firefox"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'MSIE')) { return "IE"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Opera')) { return "Opera"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Chrome')) { return "Chrome"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Safari')) { return "Safari"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Konqueror')) { return "Konqueror"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'PaleMoon')) { return "PaleMoon"; // fork firefox } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Cyberfox')) { return "Cyberfox"; // fork firefox } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'SeaMonkey')) { return "SeaMonkey"; // fork firefox } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Iceweasel')) { return "Iceweasel"; // fork firefox } else { return ua; } }, getVersion : function () { return Number(Aak.version); }, getScriptManager : function () { if (Aak.ApiRequires()) { if (typeof GM_info == 'object') { // Greasemonkey (Firefox) if (typeof GM_info.uuid != 'undefined') { return 'Greasemonkey'; } // Tampermonkey (Chrome/Opera) else if (typeof GM_info.scriptHandler != 'undefined') { return 'Tampermonkey'; } } else { // Scriptish (Firefox) if (typeof GM_getMetadata == 'function') { return 'Scriptish'; } // NinjaKit (Safari/Chrome) else if (typeof GM_getResourceText == 'undefined' && typeof GM_getResourceURL == 'undefined' && typeof GM_openInTab == 'undefined' && typeof GM_setClipboard == 'undefined') { return 'NinjaKit'; } // GreaseGoogle (Chrome) else if (Aak.getBrowser() == 'Chrome' && typeof GM_setClipboard == 'undefined') { return 'GreaseGoogle'; } } } else { Aak.log('No scriptmanager detected'); return false; } }, generateUUID : function () { // Universally Unique IDentifier var d = new Date().getTime(); var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0; d = Math.floor(d / 16); return (c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x7 | 0x8)).toString(16); }); return uuid; }, getUUID : function () { // Universally Unique IDentifier var store = 'aak-uuid'; if (typeof GM_getValue(store) == 'undefined') { GM_setValue(store, Aak.generateUUID()); } return GM_getValue(store); }, log : function (text) { if (typeof console.log === 'undefined') { unsafeWindow.console.log(text); } else { console.log(text); } }, once : function (day, name, callback) { setTimeout(function () { if (typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined') { // Current time var time = new Date().getTime(); // Create setValue if (isNaN(GM_getValue(name))) { GM_setValue(name, 1); } // Execute if (Number(GM_getValue(name)) < time) { GM_setValue(name, (time + (day * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)).toString()); callback(); } } }, 0); }, registerMenuCommand : function () { Aak.ready(function () { // Scriptish // Note: No menu command is created when the user script is run in a iframe window. // if (Aak.isTopWindow && typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != 'undefined') { GM_registerMenuCommand( + ' ' + Aak.getVersion() + ' Homepage', function () { location.href = Aak.homeURL; }); GM_registerMenuCommand( + ' ' + Aak.getVersion() + ' Check Update', Aak.update.check); } }); }, notification : function (message, delay) { if (Aak.isTopWindow) { // animation Aak.addStyle('@-webkit-keyframes aak-fadeInDown{0%{opacity:0;-webkit-transform:translateY(-20px)}100%{opacity:1;-webkit-transform:translateY(0)}}@keyframes aak-fadeInDown{0%{opacity:0;transform:translateY(-20px)}100%{opacity:1;transform:translateY(0)}}'); // box Aak.addStyle('#aak-notice { -webkit-animation: aak-fadeInDown .5s ease; animation: aak-fadeInDown .5s ease; padding: 0px; color:#000 !important; background-color: #fff !important; display:block !important; width:100% !important; position:fixed !important; z-index: 999999 !important; left: 0; top: 0; text-align: left; vertical-align:middle; margin:0 !important; font-size:14px !important; font-family:arial !important; border-bottom:5px solid #DF3A32 !important; line-height:1.2 !important; font-variant:small-caps;}'); // navbar Aak.addStyle('#aak-notice-navbar { background-color: #DF3A32 !important; padding: 0px 20px 0px 62px !important; background-image:url("' + Aak.iconURL + '"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:20px 3px; background-size:32px; }'); // link Aak.addStyle('.aak-navbar-link { padding: 0px 5px !important; line-height:35px !important; color: #fff !important; display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; transform: skew(345deg, 0deg); background-color: #DF3A32 !important; border-bottom:3px solid #DF3A32; }'); // link:hover Aak.addStyle('.aak-navbar-link:hover { color: #fff !important; background-color: #000 !important; border-bottom:3px solid #fff; text-decoration: none;}'); // close Aak.addStyle('#aak-notice-close { color:#fff; float: right !important; margin:0px 5px; padding:10px 10px 8px 10px; text-decoration: none;}'); // brand Aak.addStyle('#aak-notice .brand { padding-right:20px !important; color: #fff !important; font-size:14px !important; }'); // content Aak.addStyle('#aak-notice-content { padding:5px 20px; min-height:72px;}'); Aak.addStyle('#aak-notice-content a { color: #DF3A32 !important; text-decoration: none; }'); Aak.addStyle('#aak-notice-content a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }'); // remove Aak.removeElement('#aak-notice'); // create var node = document.createElement('div'); = 'aak-notice'; node.innerHTML = '<div id="aak-notice-navbar"><b class="brand">Anti-Adblock Killer</b><a class="aak-navbar-link" title="Visit Homepage." href="' + Aak.homeURL + '">Homepage</a><a class="aak-navbar-link" title="Report issue or anti-adblock." href="' + Aak.reportURL + '">Report</a><a class="aak-navbar-link" title="See changes" href="' + Aak.changelogURL + '">Changelog</a><a class="aak-navbar-link" title="Make a donation to support the project." href="' + Aak.donateURL + '">Donate</a><a class="aak-navbar-link" title="Submit a new feature." href="' + Aak.featuresURL + '">Suggest Features</a><a class="aak-navbar-link" title="Follow on twitter." href="' + Aak.twitterURL + '">Twitter</a><a title="Close" href="javascript:void(0);" id="aak-notice-close">X</a></div><div id="aak-notice-content"><u style="font-size: 18px;">Notice:<br></u>' + message + '</div>'; // append document.documentElement.appendChild(node); // close (manually) document.querySelector('#aak-notice-close').onclick = function () { Aak.removeElement('#aak-notice'); } // close (automatically) setTimeout(function () { Aak.removeElement('#aak-notice'); }, delay); } }, detectFilters : function () { if (Aak.isTopWindow) { Aak.ready(function () { var elem = document.createElement("div"); = "k2Uw7isHrMm5JXP1Vwdxc567ZKc1aZ4I"; elem.innerHTML = "<br>"; document.body.appendChild(elem); setTimeout(function () { if (elem.clientHeight) { Aak.notification('It seems that you have not subscribed to the list <b>Anti-Adblock Killer - Filters for Adblockers</b>, this list is necessary for the proper functioning of Anti-Adblock Killer. <a href="' + Aak.filtersSubscribe + '" target="_blank">Subscribe</a>', 30000); console.warn("Anti-Adblock Killer: Filters for Adblockers No detected :( " + elem.clientHeight); } else {"Anti-Adblock Killer: Filters for Adblockers detected"); } }, 5000); }); } }, buildQuery : function (obj) { var array = []; for (var p in obj) { array.push(p + '=' + obj[p]); } return array.join('&'); }, update : { check : function () { if (Aak.isTopWindow) { Aak.notification('<b>Userscript: </b><i id="aak-update-script">Checking...</i><br/><b>Filters: </b><i id="aak-update-filters">Checking...</i>', 60000); setTimeout(function () { Aak.update.getLatestVerScript(); Aak.update.getLatestVerFilters(); }, 2000); } }, checkAuto : function () { if (Aak.isTopWindow) { Aak.ready(function () { var data = { scriptid : Aak.scriptid, uuid : Aak.getUUID(), version : Aak.getVersion(), browser : Aak.getBrowser(), scriptmanager : Aak.getScriptManager() }; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ timeout : 10000, // 10s method : "POST", data : Aak.buildQuery(data), url : '', headers : { "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; var status = response.status; var json = JSON.parse(res); Aak.log(res, status, json); if (status == 200 && typeof json == 'object' && json.update) { Aak.downloadURL = json.url; Aak.update.check(); } } }); }); } }, getLatestVerScript : function () { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ timeout : 5000, // 5s method : "GET", url : Aak.downloadURL, onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; var status = response.status; //Aak.log(status, res); if (status == 200) { var verInstalled = Aak.getVersion(); var verLatest = Number(res.match(/@version\s+(\d+\.\d+)/)[1]); if (verInstalled < verLatest) { var message = ' ' + verLatest + ' available <a title="Install latest version" href="' + Aak.downloadURL + '" target="_blank">Install</a>'; } else { var message = 'Up-to-date ✔'; } } else { var message = '<i style="color:#c00;">Checking failed ✘</i>'; } var notification = document.querySelector('#aak-update-script'); notification.innerHTML = message; }, ontimeout : function () {} }); }, getLatestVerFilters : function () { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ timeout : 5000, // 5s method : "GET", url : Aak.filtersURL, onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; var status = response.status; //Aak.log(status, res); if (status == 200) { var verInstalled = Aak.getVersion(); var verLatest = Number(res.match(/!\s+Version:\s+(\d+\.\d+)/)[1]); if (verInstalled < verLatest) { var message = ' ' + verLatest + ' available <a title="Install latest version" id="aak-subscribe" href="' + Aak.filtersSubscribe + '" target="_blank">Install</a>'; } else { var message = 'Up-to-date ✔'; } } else { var message = '<i style="color:#c00;">Checking failed ✘</i>'; } var notification = document.querySelector('#aak-update-filters'); notification.innerHTML = message; }, ontimeout : function () {} }); } }, autoReport : function (system, host, target) { var host = (host) ? host :; var target = (target) ? target : ''; var name = 'Aak' + system; Aak.log(system); if (typeof localStorage != "undefined") { if (typeof localStorage[name] == "undefined") { // // Using localStorage because GM get/setValue does not work localStorage[name] = host; var data = { system : system, host : host, target : target }; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ timeout : 10000, // 10s method : "POST", data : Aak.buildQuery(data), url : '', headers : { "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; var status = response.status; //Aak.log(res, status); } }); } else { //Aak.log('Already reported !'); } } else { console.warn('Sorry! No Web Storage support.'); } }, setStorage : function () { if (localStorage) { // Le navigateur supporte le localStorage } else { //throw 'localStorage non supporté'; } }, getStorage : function () { if (localStorage) { // Le navigateur supporte le localStorage } else { //throw 'localStorage non supporté'; } }, getReadme : function (selector) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : "GET", url : Aak.homeURL, headers : { "User-Agent" : navigator.userAgent, "Accept" : "text/html" }, onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; var parser = new DOMParser(); var dom = parser.parseFromString(res, "text/html"); var readme = dom.querySelector("div#readme article.markdown-body"); //Aak.log(readme); document.querySelector(selector).appendChild(readme); } }); }, getChangelog : function () { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : "GET", url : Aak.changelogURL, headers : { "User-Agent" : navigator.userAgent, "Accept" : "text/html" }, onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; var parser = new DOMParser(); var dom = parser.parseFromString(res, "text/html"); var elem = dom.querySelector("#post-body-505690"); Aak.notification(elem.textContent, 60000); } }); }, kill : function () { // Detect & Kill for (var i in Aak.rules) { // Current current = Aak.rules[i]; // RegExp host var reHost = new RegExp('|'), 'i'); // If domains is if (reHost.test( { // On all statements if (current.onAlways) { current.onAlways();// loading window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', current.onAlways); // interactive window.addEventListener('load', current.onAlways); // complete } // Add Js / Css / Cookie if (current.onStart) { current.onStart(); } // When Before Script Executed if (current.onBeforeScript) { if ('onbeforescriptexecute' in document) { // Mozilla Firefox window.addEventListener('beforescriptexecute', current.onBeforeScript); } // Opera // Doc: } // When After Script Executed if (current.onAfterScript) { if ('onafterscriptexecute' in document) { // Mozilla Firefox window.addEventListener('afterscriptexecute', current.onAfterScript); } } // When Window Load if (current.onEnd) { window.addEventListener('load', current.onEnd); } // When DOM Load if (current.onLoad) { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', current.onLoad); } // When DOM AttrModified if (current.onAttrModified) { window.addEventListener('DOMAttrModified', current.onAttrModified, false); } // When DOM SubtreeModified if (current.onSubtreeModified) { window.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', current.onSubtreeModified, false); } // When DOM Elements are Inserted in Document if (current.onInsert) { // Mutation Observer // // if (typeof window.MutationObserver != 'undefined' || typeof WebKitMutationObserver != 'undefined') { // Mutation Observer var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || WebKitMutationObserver; // Create an observer instance var obs = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { // We can safely use `forEach` because we already use mutation // observers that are more recent than `forEach`. (source: MDN) mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { // we want only added nodes if (mutation.addedNodes.length) { //Aak.log(addedNodes);, function (addedNode) { //Aak.log(addedNode); current.onInsert(addedNode); }); } }); }); // Observer obs.observe(document, { childList : true, subtree : true }); } // Mutation Events (Alternative Solution) // else { window.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function (e) { current.onInsert(; }, false); } } // When DOM Elements are Removed in Document if (current.onRemove) { // Mutation Observer // // if (typeof window.MutationObserver != 'undefined' || typeof WebKitMutationObserver != 'undefined') { // Mutation Observer var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || WebKitMutationObserver; // Create an observer instance var obs = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { // We can safely use `forEach` because we already use mutation // observers that are more recent than `forEach`. (source: MDN) mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { // we want only removed nodes if (mutation.removedNodes.length) { //Aak.log(mutation.removedNodes);, function (removedNode) { //Aak.log(removedNode); current.onRemove(removedNode); }); } }); }); // Observer obs.observe(document, { childList : true, subtree : true }); } // Mutation Events (Alternative Solution) // else { window.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", function (e) { current.onRemove(; }, false); } } } } }, confirmLeave : function () { window.onbeforeunload = function () { return ''; }; }, confirmReport : function (element) { element.innerHTML = 'Report'; element.title = 'Report issue or anti-adblock'; element.onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (confirm("Do you want to report issue or anti-adblock")) { // Clic on OK location.href = Aak.reportURL; } else { location.href = element.href; } } }, stopScript : function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, innerScript : function (e) { return; }, addScript : function (code) { // Note: Scriptish no support if (document.head) { if (/\.js$/.test(code)) { // External document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src = code; } else { // Inline document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).innerHTML = code.toString().replace(/^function.*{|}$/g, ''); } } }, addElement : function (str) { // ex: or span#ads if (Aak.contains(str, '.')) { var str = str.replace('.', ':className:'); } else if (Aak.contains(str, '#')) { var str = str.replace('#', ':id:'); } var arr = str.split(':'); Aak.addScript('function() { document.documentElement.appendChild(document.createElement("' + arr[0] + '")).' + arr[1] + ' = "' + arr[2] + '"; document.querySelector("' + arr[0] + '").innerHTML = "<br>"; }'); }, removeElement : function (o) { if (o instanceof HTMLElement) { return o.parentNode.removeChild(o); } else if (typeof o === "string") { var elem = document.querySelectorAll(o); for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) { elem[i].parentNode.removeChild(elem[i]); } } else { return false; } }, getElement : function (selector) { var elem = document.querySelector(selector) || false; if (elem) { return elem; } else { return false; } }, setElement : function (selector, props) { var elem = Aak.getElement(selector); if (elem) { for (p in props) { elem.setAttribute(p, props[p]); } } else { return false; } }, addStyle : function (css) { GM_addStyle(css); }, getStyle : function (el, styleProp) { if (el.currentStyle) return el.currentStyle[styleProp]; else if (window.getComputedStyle) return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); }, getCookie : function (sName) { var oRegex = new RegExp("(?:; )?" + sName + "=([^;]*);?"); if (oRegex.test(document.cookie)) { return decodeURIComponent(RegExp["$1"]); } else { return null; } }, setCookie : function (sName, sValue, sTime) { sTime = (sTime) ? sTime : 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var today = new Date(), expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(today.getTime() + sTime); // 365*24*60*60*1000 document.cookie = sName + "=" + encodeURIComponent(sValue) + ";expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + ";path=/"; }, decodeURI : function (str) { return decodeURIComponent(str); }, encodeURI : function (str) { return encodeURIComponent(str); }, encodeHTML : function (str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); }, decodeHTML : function (str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); }, uniqid : function () { return 'Aak-' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(4); }, allowfullscreen : function (elem, boolen) { var boolen = (boolen) ? boolen : true; if (typeof elem == 'string') { var elem = document.querySelector(elem); } var parent = elem.parentNode; var clone = elem.cloneNode(true); var params = clone.querySelector('param[name="allowfullscreen"]') || false; if (params) { params.value = boolen; } if (typeof clone.allowfullscreen != 'undefined') { clone.allowfullscreen = boolen; } // Replace parent.replaceChild(clone, elem); }, player : { // in : { node : null, html : null, tag : null, parent : null }, out : { node : null, html : null, tag : null, parent : null }, nameplayer : 'custom', swfvars : null, options : { method : 'replace', output : 'embed' }, flashvars : { str : null, obj : {} }, attributes : { wmode : 'opaque', quality : 'high', bgcolor : '#000000', type : 'application/x-shockwave-flash', pluginspage : '', allowscriptaccess : 'always', // never / always allowfullscreen : true }, dom : function () { GM_registerMenuCommand( + ' ' + Aak.getVersion() + ' swfobjects', function () { var elems = document.querySelectorAll('embed,object'); for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { this.custom(elems[i]); this.log(); } }); }, get : function (element) { if (element instanceof HTMLElement) { = element; } else if (typeof element == 'string') { if (/^[#\.]/.test(element)) { = document.querySelector(element); } else { = document.getElementById(element); } } else { throw 'Not object or embed player or invalid selector'; } = this.getHtml(; =; =; = = Aak.uniqid(); this.attributes.height = || || '100%'; this.attributes.width = || || '100%'; if (/^(object|embed)$/i.test( { // this.attributes.src = || || false; this.flashvars.str = ||'param[name="flashvars"]') &&'param[name="flashvars"]').value || false; var swfvars = !this.flashvars.str && &&'?', 2) || false; // if (swfvars) { this.attributes.src = swfvars[0]; this.flashvars.str = swfvars[1]; } this.splitVars(); this.joinVars(); } //Aak.log(this); }, custom : function (element, attributes, flashvars, options) { // this.get(element); // if (typeof attributes == 'object') { this.mergeObj(this.attributes, attributes); } // if (typeof flashvars == 'object') { if (flashvars.set) { this.setVars(flashvars.set); } if (flashvars.remove) { this.removeVars(flashvars.remove); } } // if (typeof options == 'object') { if (options.method) { this.options.method = options.method; } if (options.output) { this.options.output = options.output; } } this.insert(); //Aak.log(this); }, log : function (a) { var a = (a) ? a : ''; Aak.log('Aak.player ' + a + ' --> ', this); }, addDownloadBtn : function () { var btn = document.createElement("p"); btn.innerHTML = '<strong>Video: </strong> <a href="' + this.attributes.src + '" download>Download</a>'; this.out.node.parentNode.insertBefore(btn, this.out.node); }, mergeObj : function (obj1, obj2) { for (var prop in obj2) { obj1[prop] = obj2[prop]; } }, setVars : function (flashvars) { if (typeof flashvars == 'string') { this.flashvars.str = flashvars; this.splitVars(); this.joinVars(); } else if (typeof flashvars == 'object') { this.mergeObj(this.flashvars.obj, flashvars); this.joinVars(); this.splitVars(); } }, removeVars : function (str) { var obj = this.flashvars.obj; var splits = str.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) { var k = splits[i]; if (k in obj) delete obj[k]; } this.flashvars.obj = obj; this.joinVars(); }, splitVars : function () { var str = Aak.decodeHTML(this.flashvars.str); var arr = str.split('&'); var obj = {}; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var k = arr[i]; if (k != '' && k.split('=')) { var s = k.split('='); obj[s[0]] = Aak.decodeURI(s[1]); } } this.flashvars.obj = obj; }, joinVars : function () { var obj = this.flashvars.obj; var arr = []; for (k in obj) { arr.push(k + '=' + Aak.encodeURI(obj[k])); // encodeURIComponent } this.flashvars.str = arr.join('&'); // & }, insert : function () { // this.swfvars = [this.attributes.src, this.flashvars.str].join('?'); // switch (this.options.output) { case 'iframe': this.out.node = document.createElement('iframe'); this.out.node.setAttribute('src', this.swfvars); this.out.node.setAttribute('width', this.attributes.width); this.out.node.setAttribute('height', this.attributes.height); this.out.node.setAttribute('frameborder', 0); this.out.node.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); break; case 'tab': this.log(); return GM_openInTab(this.swfvars); break; case 'html5': this.out.node = document.createElement('video'); this.out.node.innerHTML = '<strong>Video not playing ? <a href="' + this.attributes.src + '" download>Download file</a> instead.</strong>'; for (k in this.attributes) { if (k == 'autoplay') { // fix bug duplicate playing on firefox this.out.node.onloadstart = function () {; } } else { this.out.node.setAttribute(k, this.attributes[k]); } } this.out.node.onerror = function () { // switch to plugin player Aak.player.plugin(this, {file:Aak.player.attributes.src}); }; break; default: this.out.node = document.createElement('embed'); for (k in this.attributes) { this.out.node.setAttribute(k, this.attributes[k]); } if (this.flashvars.str) { this.out.node.setAttribute('flashvars', this.flashvars.str); } } // this.out.html = this.getHtml(this.out.node); this.out.tag = this.out.node.tagName; // if (this.options.output == 'inner') { = this.out.html; } else { // replace,; } //this.addDownloadBtn(); this.log('done'); }, getHtml : function (node) { var tmp = document.createElement('div'); tmp.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)) return tmp.innerHTML; }, getMime : function (file) { var mime = file.match(/\.(flv|mp4|webm|ogv|ogg|mp3|mpeg|mpg|mkv|avi|mov)$/); if (mime && mime.length == 2) { return 'video/' + mime[1]; } else { return 'video/mp4'; } }, jwplayer5 : function (id, setup) { // Jwplayer 5 (flash) // Support mp4, m4v, f4v, mov, flv, webm, aac, mp3, vorbis, hls, rtmp, youtube, aac, m4a, f4a, mp3, ogg, oga this.get(id); this.nameplayer = 'jwplayer5'; this.attributes.src = ""; // v5.9 this.attributes.src = ""; // v5.10 this.attributes.height = setup.height || || "100%"; this.attributes.width = setup.width || || "100%"; setup.abouttext = 'Anti-Adblock Killer'; setup.aboutlink = ''; this.mergeObj(this.flashvars.obj, setup); this.flashvars.obj.controlbar = 'over'; if ( { = '' + + '/5/' + + '.zip'; } this.joinVars(); this.options.output = 'embed'; this.insert(); }, flow : function (id, setup) { // Flowplayer (flash) // Support: mp4, flv, f4v, m4v, mov // Config: this.get(id); this.nameplayer = 'flowplayer'; this.attributes.src = ""; this.attributes.height = setup.clip && setup.clip.height || || "100%"; this.attributes.width = setup.clip && setup.clip.width || || "100%"; setup.autoPlay = setup.clip && setup.clip.autostart; setup.url = setup.clip && setup.clip.file; this.flashvars.obj = { config : JSON.stringify(setup) }; this.flashvars.str = 'config=' + JSON.stringify(setup); this.options.output = 'embed'; this.insert(); }, videojs : function (id, setup) { // // // this.get(id); this.nameplayer = 'videoJs'; setup.height = setup.height || this.attributes.height; setup.width = setup.width || this.attributes.width; setup.type = this.getMime(setup.file || setup.src); var html = '<html><head><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><script src=""></script></head><body><video id="my_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="auto" width="' + setup.width + '" height="' + setup.height + '"></video><script>videojs("my_video_1",{techOrder:["flash","html5"],autoplay:true,sources:[{type:"' + setup.type + '",src:"' + setup.file + '"}]})</script></body></html>'; this.attributes.src = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + escape(html); this.options.output = 'iframe'; this.insert(); }, jwplayer6 : function (id, setup) { // Jwplayer 6 (flash) // Config: // this.get(id); this.nameplayer = 'jwplayer6'; setup.primary = 'flash'; setup.height = setup.height || this.attributes.height; setup.width = setup.width || this.attributes.width; var html = '<html><head><script src=""></script></head><body><div id="myElement"></div><script>jwplayer("myElement").setup(' + JSON.stringify(setup) + ');</script></body></html>'; this.attributes.src = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + escape(html); this.options.output = 'iframe'; this.insert(); }, external : function (nameplayer, id, setup) { this.get(id); this.nameplayer = 'external'; setup.height = setup.height || this.attributes.height; setup.width = setup.width || this.attributes.width; var encoded = btoa(JSON.stringify(setup)); this.attributes.src = '' + nameplayer + '=' + encoded; this.options.output = 'iframe'; this.insert(); }, plugin : function (id, setup) { // Web Player (plugin) // VLC : // WMP : // QT : this.get(id); this.nameplayer = 'plugin'; this.attributes.autoplay = setup.autostart || setup.autoplay || false; this.attributes.src = setup.file || setup.src; this.attributes.height = setup.height || || "100%"; this.attributes.width = setup.width || || "100%"; // Plugins var plugins = []; if (navigator.plugins && (navigator.plugins.length > 0)) { for (var i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++) { plugins.push(navigator.plugins[i].name); } var plugins = plugins.join('|'); if (Aak.contains(plugins, 'Windows Media Player')) { this.attributes.type = "application/x-mplayer2"; this.attributes.pluginspage = ''; } else if (Aak.contains(plugins, 'VLC Web Plugin')) { this.attributes.type = "application/x-vlc-plugin"; this.attributes.pluginspage = ""; } else if (Aak.contains(plugins, 'QuickTime Plug-in')) { this.attributes.type = "video/quicktime"; this.attributes.pluginspage = ""; } else { Aak.notification('You need install VLC Web Plugin ! <a href="" target="_blank">Install</a>', 30000); return false; } } this.options.output = 'embed'; this.insert(); }, html5 : function (id, setup) { // Video Tag (html5) /* Note: // Test video */ this.get(id); //this.attributes = {}; = = Aak.uniqid(); this.attributes.height = setup.height || || "100%"; this.attributes.width = setup.width || || "100%"; this.attributes.src = setup.file || setup.src; this.attributes.type = this.getMime(this.attributes.src); this.attributes.controls = 'controls'; //this.attributes.preload = 'none'; if (setup.autostart || setup.autoplay) { this.attributes.autoplay = 'autoplay'; } this.options.output = 'html5'; this.insert(); } }, rules : { // Rules // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Specific // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blogspot : { // No Country Redirect (NCR) host : ['.blogspot.'], onStart : function () { // Doc: var blog ="."); if (blog[blog.length - 1] != "com") { var ncr = "http://" + blog[0] + ""; location.replace(ncr + location.pathname); } } }, blogspot_knowlet3389 : { host : ['knowlet3389.blogspot.'], onStart : function () { // + abp rule solution Aak.addStyle("#gAds { height: 1px !important;width: 1px !important; }"); } }, uptobox_uptostream : { host : ['',''], onStart : function () { // Old solution [deprecated] var id = location.pathname.match(/[0-9a-z]{12}/); if (id != null) { Aak.addStyle("#" + id[0] + " { height: 12px !important; }"); } // New 12.05.2014 // + abp rule (alternative solution) Aak.addStyle("#adblocktrap { height: 12px !important; }"); }, onBeforeScript : function (e) { if (Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), 'window.location = "";')) { Aak.stopScript(e); } } }, notre_planete_info : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#testpub { height: 51px !important; }"); Aak.addStyle("#pub_meh { height: 51px !important; }"); }, onLoad : function () { /* + abp rule var pub --> */ //Aak.log(, document.getElementById("pub_meh").clientHeight, Aak.uw.largeur) } }, anisubsia_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { // + abp rule #@#.adsantilok Aak.addStyle(".adsantilok { height: 5px !important; }"); }, onLoad : function () { Aak.uw.jAntiBlock = function () {}; Aak.uw.CekBlok = function () {}; } }, elahmad_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#adblock { height: 1px !important; }"); } }, multiup_org : { host : ['', ''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#crazy { height: 3px !important; }"); } }, mrtzcmp3_net : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".rtm_ad { height: 1px !important; }"); } }, go4up_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".myTestAd { height: 1px !important; }"); } }, bg_gledai_tv : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".myAd { height: 1px !important; }"); } }, thepcspy_com : { // host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".myTestAd { height: 1px !important; }"); Aak.addStyle(".blocked { display: none !important; }"); }, onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('.blocked'); } }, automobile_sportive_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".myTestAd { height: 51px !important; 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}"); } }, eveskunk_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { // Disable Antiblock 1 //Aak.addElement('div.adsbygoogle'); // dont work // + abp rule Aak.addStyle(".adsbygoogle { height: 5px !important; }"); // Disable Antiblock 2 Aak.addStyle(".container .row .col-lg-12 div[id] { height: 35px !important; }"); }, onLoad : function () { // Disable Antiblock 1 document.querySelector('.adsbygoogle').innerHTML = '<br>'; // Disable Antiblock 2 Aak.uw.trackAdBlocking = function () {}; } }, tweaktown_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#div-gpt-ad-1378071706813-0, #div-gpt-ad-1378150878492-1 { height: 3px !important; display: none !important; }"); } }, debrideurstream_fr : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#content div[id][align=center] { height: 12px !important; }"); } }, preemlinks_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#divads { height: 1px !important; }"); } }, hentai_to : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#hentaito123 { height: 11px !important; }"); } }, prototurk_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#reklam { height: 1px !important; }"); } }, mufa_de : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#leaderboard { height: 5px !important; }"); Aak.addStyle("#large-rectangle { height: 5px !important; }"); Aak.addStyle("#ad-header-468x60 { height: 5px !important; }"); } }, watcharab_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { // + adp rule Aak.addStyle("#adblock { height: 5px !important; }"); } }, freedomip_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".pub_vertical ins, .pub_vertical div { height: 11px !important; }"); } }, wakanim_tv : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#detector { display: none !important; }"); Aak.addStyle("#nopub { display: block !important; }"); } }, tzetze_it : { host : [''], onStart : function () { // + abp rule Aak.addStyle('#TzeTze_728x90 { height: 5px !important;}'); } }, manga9_com : { host : ['',''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".adblock { height: 31px !important; }"); } }, onemanga2_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".afs_ads { height: 5px !important; }"); } }, mangabird_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".afs_ads { height: 5px !important; }"); } }, add_tester : { host : ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#tester'); } }, add_add : { host : ['', '', '', '', ''], // @@|| // document.write('<div id="add"></div>'); onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#add'); } }, add_adpbtest : { // @@|| // <div id="adpbtest">; host : ['', '', ''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#adpbtest'); } }, add_adtester : { host : ['', ''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#ad-tester'); } }, freegamehosting_nl : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#adtest'); } }, theweatherspace_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#ab-bl-advertisement'); } }, primeshare_tv : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#adblock'); } }, jkanime_net : { host : [''], // @@|| onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#reco'); } }, _720pmkv_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#advert'); } }, paidverts_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div.afs_ads'); } }, referencemega_com : { host : ['', ''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div.afs_ads'); }, onEnd : function () { Aak.removeElement('#dialog'); } }, chrissmoove_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { //Aak.addElement('div#adserver'); } }, eventhubs_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#blahyblaci1'); } }, forum_pac_rom_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div.banner_ads'); } }, antennesport_com : { host : ['', ''], onLoad : function () { // for antennesport // Remove Pub Aak.removeElement("#pub .pubclose"); // Redirect to Player Aak.setElement('#pub .embed iframe', { src : '/embed/embed.php' }); }, onBeforeScript : function (e) { // for serverhd if (Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), '')) { Aak.stopScript(e); } } }, disableAlertbox : { host : ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.alert = false; } }, planetatvonlinehd_blogspot : { host : ['planetatvonlinehd.blogspot.'], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.jQAntiAdsBlock = function () {return false}; } }, anizm_com : { host : [''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.stopAdBlock = {}; } }, pipocas_tv : { host : [''], onStart : function () { // Also added in disableAlertbox // No popup Aak.setCookie('popup_user_login', 'yes'); } }, linkbucks_com : { host : ['', '', ''], onStart : function () { // Skip visitScript when site use CloudFlare Rocket Script Aak.setCookie('_lbGatePassed', true); } }, vgunetwork_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { Aak.setCookie('stopIt', 1); var close = Aak.getElement('#some_ad_block_key_close'); if (close) {; } } }, seekingalpha_com : { host : [''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.SA.Pages.Article.is_gnikcolbda = function () { return false; } } }, anisearch_com : { // solved with abp rule host : [''], onLoad : function () { //Aak.uw.is_loaded = true; //Aak.removeElement('.box-error'); } }, linkcrypt_ws : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { Aak.setElement('#ad_cont', { id : '', style : 'display:block;' }); Aak.setElement('#container_check', { style : 'display:none;' }); } }, eventosppv_me : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('#nf37'); } }, luxyad_com : { // skip redirect host : [''], onLoad : function () { if ('/Information.php' == location.pathname) { var href = location.href; location.href = href.substr(href.indexOf('url=') + 4, href.length); } } }, userscripts_domains : { // Redirect to Github host : ['', '', ''], onStart : function () { if (/155840$/.test(location.pathname)) { location.href = Aak.homeURL; } } }, openuserjs_org : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { var element = Aak.getElement('a[href$="/issues"]'); if (/Anti-Adblock_Killer_Reek/.test(location.pathname) && element) { Aak.confirmReport(element); } } }, greasyfork_org : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { var element = Aak.getElement('a[href$="/feedback"]'); if (/-anti-adblock-killer-reek/.test(location.pathname) && element) { Aak.confirmReport(element); } } }, monkeyguts_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { var element = Aak.getElement('a[href*="code.php?nav=forum"]'); if (/\/code.php\?id=351/.test(location.href) && element) { Aak.confirmReport(element); } } }, aidemu_fr : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.setCookie('adblockPopup', true); } }, eami_in : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.setCookie('ad_locked', 1); }, onLoad : function () { Aak.setCookie('ad_locked', 1); } }, bigdownloader_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('#anti_adblock'); } }, gametrailers_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('#ad_blocking'); } }, scanmx_com : { host : [''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.ad_block_test = function () {}; }, onLoad : function () { Aak.setElement('#yop', { id : '' }); } }, // Bitcoins bitcoinker_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('#AdBlocked'); } }, moondoge_co_in : { host : ['', '', '', ''], onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('#AB'); } }, bitcoiner_net : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { // Remove notice Aak.removeElement('#adblock-info'); // Skip timer Aak.setElement('#submit', { disabled : false, value : 'Send!' }); } }, bitcoins_nx_tc : { host : ['', ''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.ad_block_test = function () {return false}; } }, freecoins4_me : { host : [''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.check = function () {return false}; } }, canalplus_fr : { host : [''], onEnd : function () { //<meta content="" itemprop="embedURL"> /* Aak.player.custom('#CanalPlayerEmbarque', { src : '' }, { set : { videoId : 1179576, controls : 'controls' } }); */ Aak.uw.CANAL.useVideoplaza=false; /* setInterval(function() { var CANAL=Aak.uw.CANAL; Aak.log(CANAL) // = function () {return false}; CANAL.options.adServer=""; CANAL.players.CanalPlayerEmbarque.adServer=""; CANAL.players.CanalPlayerEmbarque.adServerUrl=""; },0); */ } }, dailybitcoins_org : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('.ad-img'); } }, psarips_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addElement('div#advert'); } }, online_dramacafe_in : { // skip viral locker host : [''], onEnd : function () { // <input type="hidden" name="bin-rating-uniq_id" value="aff7bfc00"> var vid = Aak.getElement('input[name="bin-rating-uniq_id"]'); if (vid) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : "GET", url : ''+vid.value+'&aid=4&player=detail', onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; //Aak.log(res); document.querySelector('#preroll_placeholder').innerHTML = res; } }); } } }, filmovizija_domains : { // many changes host : ['', ''], onStart : function () { // code are obfuscated Aak.setCookie('ipsos', 0); }, onLoad : function () { Aak.setCookie('ipsos', 0); //Aak.removeElement('body div[style*="position: fixed"]'); } }, clubedohardware_com_br : { // two antiadblock host : [''], onStart : function () { if (Aak.contains(, 'forum')) { // Solution 1 Aak.addStyle("#banner, script { height: 51px !important; }"); Aak.addElement('div#banner'); } else { // Website // Solution 1 Aak.addElement('div.banner_topo'); } }, onLoad : function () { if (Aak.contains(, 'forum')) { // Solution 2 Aak.uw.addBlocking.hide(); Aak.uw.addBlocking.kill(); } else { // Website // Solution 2 = ''; Aak.removeElement('.adblock'); } } }, debrastagi_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('#stp-main'); Aak.removeElement('#stp-bg'); } }, ddlfrench_org : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { // Fix bug display content Aak.setElement('#dle-content .d-content', { 'class' : '' }); Aak.setElement('#content', { 'id' : '' }); } }, rapidebrideur_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("html body div.container-fluid div.row-fluid div.span9 div div[id] { height: 12px !important; display: block !important; }"); }, onBeforeScript : function (e) { if (Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), 'window.location = "../pages/adblock.html";')) { Aak.stopScript(e); } } }, blockblockA : { // Solution was also added to AAK-Filters // // host : ['', '', ''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#blockblockA {visibility:invisible!important;display:none!important;}#blockblockA td {visibility:invisible!important;display:none!important;}#blockblockA td p {visibility:invisible!important;display:none!important;}#blockblockB {visibility:visible!important;display:block!important;}"); } }, megadebrid_eu : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { // Activate button debrid Aak.setElement('.realbutton', { 'onclick' : '', 'type' : 'submit' }); } }, bokepspot_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { // Hide Disclaimer Aak.setCookie('hideDialog', 'hide'); }, onLoad : function () { // Remove Disable AdBlock Aak.removeElement('#tupiklan'); } }, picload_com : { host : [''], onStart : function () { Aak.setCookie('pl_adblocker', false); }, onLoad : function () { Aak.uw.ads_loaded = true; Aak.uw.imageAds = false; Aak.removeElement('div[oncontextmenu="return false;"]'); } }, freezedownload_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { if (/\/download\//.test(location.href)) { Aak.removeElement('body > div[id]'); } } }, rapid8_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('div.backk + #blcokMzg'); Aak.removeElement('div.backk'); } }, turkdown_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { // remove facebook box Aak.removeElement('#duyuru'); } }, adf_domains : { host : ['', '', '', '', '', ''], onLoad : function () { // Disable onbeforeunload Aak.uw.onbeforeunload = false; Aak.uw.onunload = false; var continueBtn = Aak.getElement('button[id=abC]'); var skipBtn = Aak.getElement('#skip_button'); var skip = function () { if (continueBtn) {; } if (skipBtn && skipBtn.href) { window.clearInterval(runSetInt) window.location.href = skipBtn.href; } }; setInterval(skip, 0); } }, tvdez_domains : { // (document.getElementById('pubfooter').clientHeight < 20) host : ['', '', '', ''], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#pubfooter, #pub2 { height: 30px !important; display: block !important; }"); Aak.setCookie("adblock", null, 0); }, onBeforeScript : function (e) { if (Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), "location.href = 'adblock.php';")) { Aak.stopScript(e); } } }, tek_domains : { host : ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''], onLoad : function () { Aak.uw.Tek = false; localStorage.clear(); sessionStorage.clear(); } }, wowhq_domains : { host : ['', '', '', ''], onLoad : function () { if ("" == location.href) { //location.href = ''; } else { var matches = location.href.match(/link=([\w]+)/i); if (matches != null) { Aak.log(atob(matches[1])); location.href = atob(matches[1]); } } } }, privateinsta_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { // + abp rule Aak.uw.dont_scroll = false; Aak.removeElement("#overlay_div"); Aak.removeElement("#overlay_main_div"); } }, risikogesundheit_de : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { setTimeout(function () { window.stop(); }, 5000); } }, oneplaylist_eu_pn : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { // kill popunder Aak.uw.makePopunder = false; } }, _4shared_com : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { // Hide "Disable AdBlodk" messages document.querySelector('body').classList.remove("jsBlockDetect"); } }, pro_domains : { host : ['', '', '', ''], onStart : function () { Aak.setCookie('visitedf', true); Aak.setCookie('visitedh', true); } }, comptoirhardware_com : { host : [''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.adblock = 'non'; } }, lachainemeteo_com : { host : [''], onAlways : function () { // Solution 1 // + abp rule //Aak.uw.showscript = function (){}; // Solution 2 Aak.uw.js_loaded = true; } }, adscendmedia : { host : [''], onStart : function () { // adscendmedia - var ref = document.createElement('a'); ref.href = document.referrer; var host =; var path = location.pathname; if (Aak.contains(path, '/widget_adblock.php') && !Aak.contains(, host)) { // Auto report Aak.autoReport('Adscendmedia',, host); // Notification Aak.notification('You must subscribe to Anti-Adblock Killer - Filters for Adblockers. <a href="' + Aak.filtersSubscribe + '" target="_blank">Subscribe Now !</a>, ', 20000); } } }, adworkmedia : { host : ['', '', ''], onStart : function () { // AdWorkMedia - var ref = document.createElement('a'); ref.href = document.referrer; var host =; var path = location.pathname; if (Aak.contains(path, '/help/removeAB.php') && !Aak.contains(, host)) { // Auto report Aak.autoReport('Adworkmedia',, host); // Notification Aak.notification('You must subscribe to Anti-Adblock Killer - Filters for Adblockers. <a href="' + Aak.filtersSubscribe + '" target="_blank">Subscribe Now !</a>, ', 20000); } } }, adworkmediasurvey : { // experimental host : ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], onLoad : function () { /* Dont work:,,, They allow survey bypass for all the major hosts like Sharecash,Fileice,Cleanfiles,cash-file,Adwork media,File fire,File flare,Dengee and uploadable */ // Survey var iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe[src*="/gTemplate.php"]'); //Aak.log(iframes.length,iframes); if (iframes.length) { // Neutralize Survey functions for (i in Aak.uw) { var fn = Aak.uw[i]; // Parse all no native functions if (typeof fn == 'function' && !/native/.test(fn.toString())) { // Disable dynamic functions if (/_\d+$/.test(i)) { //Aak.log(i); Aak.uw[i] = function () {}; } // Disable the functions that prevents the removal of the iframe else if (/location.reload/.test(fn.toString())) { //Aak.log(i); Aak.uw[i] = function () {}; } // Disable static functions else if (/^(mscrollToTop|scrollToTop|gLoad_split_|gLoad|LockPage|noScrollIE|noScrollNS)$/.test(i)) { //Aak.log(i); Aak.uw[i] = function () {}; } } } // Unlock page Aak.uw.onbeforeunload = ""; document.body.scroll = "yes"; = 'scroll' // Remove Survey Elements for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) { var iframe = iframes[i]; var container = iframe.parentNode; var overlay = container.previousSibling; //Aak.log(i, iframe, container, overlay); Aak.removeElement(overlay); Aak.removeElement(container); } } } }, fuckAdBlock : { host : ['', ''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.fuckAdBlock = 1; } }, // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Players // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kissanime_com : { // fixed 2014.08.11 host : [''], onStart : function () { // Solution 1 Aak.uw.DoDetect2 = null; }, onLoad : function () { // Solution 3 abp rule // @@||^$elemhide var divContentVideo = document.querySelector('#divContentVideo'); // Solution 1 if (Aak.uw.DoDetect2) { Aak.uw.DoDetect2 = null; Aak.uw.CheckAdImage = null; Aak.removeElement('iframe[id^="adsIfrme"], .divCloseBut'); Aak.log('1'); } //Solution 2 else if (divContentVideo) { var divDownload = document.querySelector('#divDownload').cloneNode(true); //Aak.log(divDownload,divContentVideo); setTimeout(function () { divContentVideo.innerHTML = ''; Aak.uw.DoHideFake(); divContentVideo.appendChild(divDownload); Aak.removeElement('iframe[id^="adsIfrme"], .divCloseBut'); Aak.log('2'); }, 5500); } } }, an1me_se : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { setTimeout(function () { Aak.uw.isBlockAds2 = false; }, 10000); } }, channel4_com : { // research solution host : [''], onLoad : function () { /* var player = document.querySelector("#catchUpPlayer"); */ // Aak.log(Aak.getElement('#catchUpPlayer param[name="flashvars"]')); } }, cbs_com : { // research solution host : [''], onStart : function () { // + abp rule //Aak.setCookie('ad-block-counter', 0); }, onLoad : function () { /* setTimeout(function () { var player = document.querySelector("#rcpHolder"); }, 3000); */ } }, tvcatchup_com : { // research solution host : [''], onStart : function () { // + abp rule //Aak.setCookie('ad-block-counter', 0); }, onLoad : function () { //Aak.setCookie('ad-block-counter', 0); /* var ch = { '1':'bbcone', '2':'bbctwo', '3':'itvone', '4':'chan4', '5':'five' } var number = location.pathname.split('/')[2]; var setup = { // jwv6 rtmp file : ""+ch[number]+"_desk_wifi.smil/playlist.m3u8", autostart : true, live: true, primary : 'flash' }; */ } }, hqq_tv : { // host : [''], onLoad : function () { // + abp rule // if ('/player/embed_player.php' == location.pathname) { document.querySelector('form[id^="form-"]').submit(); } } }, // Poland wrzuta_domains : { host : ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], onEnd : function () { var timeout = (Aak.getBrowser() == 'Firefox') ? 1000 : 6000; setTimeout(function () { var fn = function (mid, channel, element) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : "GET", url : 'http://' + channel + '' + channel + '/' + mid, onload : function (result) { var res = result.responseText; Aak.log(1, res); // Get video var obj = JSON && JSON.parse(res); //Aak.log(obj); // New player // Using an external flash player is impossible because protected by crossdomain.xml //Aak.player.options.insert = 'inner'; Aak.player.html5(element.parentNode, { autostart : true, file : obj.url[1].url // Medium Quality }); } }); } // var elements = document.querySelectorAll('script[src*="/embed_video.js"]'); Aak.log(elements); if (elements.length) { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; var src = element.src; var mid = src.match(/key=(\w+)/)[1]; var channel = src.match(/login=(\w+)/)[1]; //Aak.log(element, mid, channel); fn(mid, channel, element); } } }, timeout); } }, wp_domains : { host : ['', '', ''], onEnd : function () { var timeout = (Aak.getBrowser() == 'Firefox') ? 1000 : 6000; setTimeout(function () { // Aak.removeElement('#Player1'); // var obj = Aak.uw.Config || Aak.uw.o || false; var player = document.querySelector('#Player0') || false; Aak.log(Aak.uw, obj, player); // if (obj && player) { // clip != null // if (typeof obj.clip == 'object') { // New player Aak.player('video', 'Player0', { autostart : true, file : obj.clip.url[0].url }); } else { // config != null // if (typeof == 'object') { var mid =; } else { // url != null // var mid = obj.url.match(/mid=([\d]+)/)[1]; //Aak.log(mid); } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ timeout : 10000, // 10s method : "GET", url : ',' + mid + ',embed.json', onload : function (result) { var res = result.responseText; //Aak.log(res); // Get video var obj = JSON.parse(res); Aak.log(obj); // New player // Aak.player.html5('Player0', { autostart : true, file : obj.clip.url[0].url }); } }); } } }, timeout); } }, tvn_pl : { // host : ['', '', ''], onStart : function () { // Start EventListener window.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function (e) { var player =; if (player && && /adServerURL/.test( { Aak.player.custom(player, { src : '' }, { set : { autoStart : true }, remove : 'adServerURL,description,linkBaseURL,title,viralPlayerAd,debuggerID,startTime,htmlFallback,viralPlayerWidth,viralPlayerVideoId,viralPlayerUrl,viralPlayerShareUrl,viralPlayerID,templateLoadHandler,viralPlayerCustomPackage,viralPlayerGstream,viralPlayerHeight,exParam1' }, { output : 'iframe' }); } }, false); } }, // France playtv_fr : { host : ['', ''], onEnd : function () { // Aak.uw.ppl.vars.redirect = function () {}; Aak.log(Aak.uw); //return false; var channel =; if (typeof channel == 'object' && Aak.contains(location.pathname, channel.alias)) { // When pathname change setInterval(function () { if (!Aak.contains(location.pathname, channel.alias)) { location.reload(); } else if (Aak.contains(location.pathname, 'adblock')) { window.stop(); } }, 1000); var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); var rand = Math.random().toString().slice(2, 18); var container = document.querySelector(".notice-adb"); var url = '' + rand + '_' + timestamp + '&id=' + channel.tvplayer_id + '&appzone=desktop.playtv&_=' + timestamp; Aak.log(channel, url, timestamp, rand); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : "GET", url : url, headers : { "User-Agent" : navigator.userAgent }, onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; Aak.log('ajax ', res); // var json = res.substring(res.indexOf('{'), res.lastIndexOf('}') + 1); var obj = JSON && JSON.parse(json); Aak.log(res, json, obj); var a = obj && obj.flashVars.a || res.match(/"fa":"([a-z0-9]+)/)[1]; var b = obj && obj.flashVars.b || res.match(/"bf":"([a-z0-9]+)/)[1]; //Aak.log(a, b); // // dead // // dead // Aak.player.custom(container, { src : '', id : channel.tvplayer_id, name : channel.tvplayer_id, width : 610, height : 384 }, { set : { controls : 1, caching : true, a : a, b : b } }); /* container.innerHTML = '<embed title="ree-' + channel.alias + '" width="610" height="384" id="' + channel.tvplayer_id + '" name="' + channel.tvplayer_id + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars="controls=1&background=1579032&volume_cookie=true&caching=true&a=' + a + '&b=' + b + '" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" bgcolor="#000000"/>'; */ } }); } } }, rmcsportbfmtv_com : { // webradio host : [''], onLoad : function () { var flashvars = { urlRadio : "", nom : "live", categorie : "live", urlSmart : "" // set empty to remove audio ad }; var params = { wmode : "transparent" }; Aak.uw.swfobject.embedSWF("/swf/RMCLIVE.swf", "liveplayer", "70", "90", "10.0.0", "", flashvars, params); } }, eclypsia_com : { host : [''], onAlways : function () { // Solution 1 // abp rules // Solution 2 Aak.uw.isABActivated = function () {return false;}; // Kill antiadblock Aak.uw.refresh_iframe = function () {}; // Stop ads to be loaded }, onEnd : function () { //Aak.log(Aak.uw.OA_show, Aak.uw.isABActivated()); // Solution 3 // var element = document.querySelector('div[id^="webtv_iframe_"]'); if (element != null) { var videoId ='_')[2]; setTimeout(function () { element.innerHTML = '<iframe frameborder="0" width="812" height="500" src="' + videoId + '?logo=0&autoPlay=1&autoMute=0"></iframe>'; }, 1000); } } }, gamingroom_tv : { host : [''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.adblock_detect = function () {}; Aak.uw.GR_adblock_hide_video = function () {}; Aak.uw.adblock_video_msg_start = function () {}; Aak.uw.adblock_video_msg_stop = function () {}; Aak.uw.disable_chat = function () {}; } }, // Germany sat1_de : { // host : ['', ''], onStart : function () { /* setInterval(function () { Aak.uw.SIMAD.hideAds(); Aak.uw.SIMAD_CONFIG=true; },0); */ }, onEnd : function () { /* Bad gp_adBlockStatus emptyAd abView 1 abView_X empty noAbView empty noAbView_X empty OK No gp_adBlockStatus abView empty abView_X empty noAbView 1 noAbView_X empty Sitemap: Disallow: /videos Aak.log(Aak.uw); */ } }, now_domains : { // host : ['', '', '', '', '', ''], onLoad : function () { // Aak.player.custom('#videoplayer', null, { remove : 'abcheck_enabled,adcall,adclasses,adconfig,admeta,adslog' }); } }, myspass_de : { // host : [''], onLoad : function () { var videoid = location.pathname.match(/\/(\d+)\/$/); if (videoid != null) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : "GET", url : '' + videoid[1], headers : { 'User-agent' : navigator.userAgent, 'Content-Type' : 'application/xml', }, onload : function (result) { var res = result.responseText; //Aak.log(res); // Get video var parser = new DOMParser(); var dom = parser.parseFromString(res, "application/xml"); var file = dom.getElementsByTagName("url_flv").item(0).textContent; // Remove elements Aak.removeElement('div.loadingGif'); // Replace player Aak.player.jwplayer5('player', { autostart : true, file : file }); /* // Replace player Aak.player.flow('player', { clip : { autoPlay : true, url : file } }); */ /* // Replace player Aak.player.jwplayer6('player', { autostart : true, file : file }); */ /* // Replace player Aak.player.plugin('player', { autostart : true, file : file }); */ /* // Replace player Aak.player.html5('player', { autostart : true, file : file }); */ /* // Replace player Aak.player.videojs('player', { autostart : true, file : file }); */ /* // Replace player Aak.player.external('jwplayer6','player', { autostart : true, // skin: 'lulu', file : file }); */ } }); } } }, // Nederland rtlxl_nl : { // host : ['',''], onEnd : function () { // Aak.player.custom('#_rtlosmf0', null, { set : { adblock : false } }); } }, // Portugal abola_pt : { host : [''], onEnd : function () { // // /* protected by crossdomain.xml // Fix: 9.6.2014 (new player) if ('/media.aspx' == location.pathname) { var id = location.href.match(/media.aspx[?]id=([\d]+)/)[1]; var path = id.match(/.{1,2}/g).join('/'); var file = '' + path + '/' + id + '.mp4'; // Replace player Aak.player.jwplayer5('player', { autostart : true, file : file }); } */ } }, // Italy rai_tv : { host : [''], onStart : function () {}, onLoad : function () {} }, // TV Stream ilive_domains : { host : ['', ''], onEnd : function () { if (/^\/embedplayer.php/i.test(location.pathname)) { setTimeout(function () { // Skip timer Aak.uw.removeOverlayHTML(); }, 1000); } } }, micast_tv : { host : [''], onEnd : function () { if (/^\/gen\d+.php/.test(location.pathname)) { setTimeout(function () { // Skip timer and close ads Aak.uw.removeOverlayHTML(); }, 1000); } } }, pxstream_tv : { host : [''], onEnd : function () { if (/^\/embedrouter.php/.test(location.pathname)) { setTimeout(function () { // Skip timer and close ads Aak.uw.closeAd(); }, 1000); } } }, sawlive_tv : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { if (/^\/embed\/watch\//i.test(location.pathname)) { // Skip timer and close ads Aak.uw.display = false; Aak.uw.closeMyAd(); } } }, sharecast_to : { host : [''], onLoad : function () { if (/^\/embed.php/i.test(location.pathname)) { // Disable popunders var interval = setInterval(function () { Aak.setCookie('vid_main', true); Aak.setCookie('vid_sub', 2); Aak.setCookie('vid_delay', true); }, 100); setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(interval); }, 5000); // Remove transparent overlay Aak.removeElement('#table1'); } }, onBeforeScript : function (e) { if (Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), 'popundrOpenCloseWindow()')) { Aak.stopScript(e); } } }, flowplayer : { host : ['', '', '', '', ''], onLoad : function () { // + abp rule for hide antiadblock message // if (/^\/embed/.test(location.pathname)) { setTimeout(function () { Aak.allowfullscreen("#flowplayer_api", true); }, 1000); } } }, str3amtv_domains : { // remove ads + popupwindow host : ['',''], onLoad : function () { Aak.removeElement('div[id^="floatLayer"]'); var anchors = document.querySelectorAll('a[onclick^=""]'); for (i in anchors) { var fn = anchors[i].onclick.toString(); var re = new RegExp("http://""/[a-z0-9-]+\.php"); var link = fn.match(re); var link = link && link[0] || null; //Aak.log(link); anchors[i].onclick = null; anchors[i].href = link; anchors[i].target = '_self'; } } }, // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Firefox // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yellowbridge_com : { host : [''], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.finalizePage = function () { return; }; }, onBeforeScript : function (e) { if (Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), 'finalizePage()')) { Aak.stopScript(e); } } }, gamespowerita_com : { host : [''], onBeforeScript : function (e) { if (Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), '(document.getElementById("test" + id_2).style.height < 1)') || Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), 'if(typeof(window.google_jobrunner)=="undefined" || document.getElementById("test" + id_2).style.height < 1)') || Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), 'if(typeof(window.google_jobrunner)=="undefined")')) { Aak.stopScript(e); } } }, sporttvdireto_com : { // bug auto redirect loop host : ['', ''], onStart : function () { // this solution dont works // document.getElementById('ads1').clientHeight < 20 Aak.addElement('div#ads1'); Aak.addStyle("#ads1 { height: 30px !important; }"); }, onBeforeScript : function (e) { if (Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), 'location.href = \'\';')) { Aak.stopScript(e); } } }, altervista_zeb89 : { host : [''], onBeforeScript : function (e) { // greasemonkey/addons4.js if (Aak.contains(Aak.innerScript(e), 'typeof GM_addonsStartup !== "undefined"')) { Aak.stopScript(e); } } }, // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generic // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic : { host : ['.*?'], //onRemove : function (removedNode) {Aak.log(removedNode);}, //onSubtreeModified : function (e) {Aak.log(;}, onStart : function () { // do nothing }, onLoad : function () { /* Alternative solution // AntiAdblock (Packer) only Zdxd if (typeof Aak.uw.k == 'function' && typeof Aak.uw.h == 'function' && typeof Aak.uw.ShowAdbblock == 'function' && Aak.contains(Aak.uw.ShowAdbblock.toString(), 'warningMessage.innerHTML=text_detected()')) { // Disable Aak.uw.ShowAdbblock = function () {return;}; Aak.uw.k = function () {return;}; Aak.uw.h = function () {return;}; Aak.autoReport('AntiAdblockPackerZdxd)'); } */ /* // Adunblock - if (Aak.getCookie('adblock') == 1) { Aak.setCookie('adblock', 0); Aak.setCookie('bar_closed', 1); } */ // Better Stop Adblock //Aak.uw.audio_file = false; // Adbuddy if (typeof Aak.uw.closeAdbuddy === 'function') { //Aak.log(typeof Aak.uw.closeAdbuddy); Aak.uw.closeAdbuddy(); Aak.autoReport('Adbuddy'); } // AdBlock Alerter (WP) Fix 10.12.2014 if (Aak.getElement('div.adb_overlay > div.adb_modal_img')) { // Remove Alert + Allow Scroll Aak.removeElement('div.adb_overlay'); Aak.addStyle('html,body {height:auto !important; overflow: auto !important;}'); Aak.autoReport('AdBlockAlerter'); } // Unknow Anti AdBlock system if (Aak.getElement('#blockdiv') && Aak.contains(Aak.getElement('#blockdiv').innerHTML, 'disable ad blocking or use another browser without any adblocker when you visit')) { Aak.removeElement('#blockdiv'); } // Antiblock - localStorage.antiblockId = false; var styles = document.querySelectorAll('style'); for (var i in styles) { var style = styles[i]; //Aak.log(style); if (typeof style == "object") { var css = style.innerHTML.replace(/[\n\r\t\s]+/g, ""); var matches = css.match(/#([0-9a-z]{4,10})\{.*position:fixed\!important;.+document\.documentElement.scrollTop\?document\.documentElement\.scrollTop:document\.body\.scrollTop.+\}#/i); if (matches != null && matches.length == 2) { //Aak.log(matches); localStorage.antiblockId = matches[1]; } } } // Anti-Adblockers var systems = { // Plugins WordPress 'NoAdblock' : '(/plugins/no-adblock/|/blockBlock/blockBlock.jquery.js)', 'WordPressAdBlockBlocker' : '/plugins/wordpress-adblock-blocker/', 'AntiBlockBukssaAyman' : '/plugins/anti-block/', 'BlockAlyzer' : '/plugins/blockalyzer-adblock-counter/', 'AdBlockingDetector' : '/plugins/ad-blocking-detector/', // Plugins Website 'Adworkmedia' : '(adworkmedia|loxtk|contentlockingnetworks).com/gLoader.php', 'Adscendmedia' : '', 'FuckAdBlock' : '/fuckadblock.js', 'jQueryAdblock' : '/jquery.adblock.js', 'jQueryAdblockDetector' : '/jquery.adblock-detector.js', 'AdvertisementJs' : '/advertisement.js', 'AdvertisementJsMin' : '/advert.js', 'AdvertisementJsSuffix' : '/advertisement([0-9]+|[\-._][a-z0-9]+)\.js', 'AdframeJs' : '/adframe.js', 'AntiAdBuster' : '/anti-ad-buster.js', 'RTKAntiAdblock' : '/blockcake.js', 'AdblockDetector' : '/AdblockDetector/handler.min.js', 'jQueryAntiAdsBlock' : '/jquery.antiadsblock.js', 'Adbuddy' : '/js/adbuddy.min.js', 'AntiADsBlocker' : '/aadb/script.js' } var scripts = document.scripts; for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var script = scripts[i]; if (script.src) { for (key in systems) { if (new RegExp(systems[key], 'i').test(script.src)) { //Aak.log(key,, script.src); Aak.autoReport(key,, script.src); break; } } } } }, onInsert : function (insertedNode) { // All Nodes //Aak.log(insertedNode); // No-Adblock - if ( && == 4 && /^[a-z0-9]{4}$/.test( && insertedNode.nodeName == 'DIV' && insertedNode.firstChild && && == && Aak.contains(insertedNode.innerHTML, '')) { // Remove Aak.autoReport('No-Adblock', false, location.href); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); //Aak.log(insertedNode); } // StopAdblock - if ( && == 7 && /^a[a-z0-9]{6}$/.test( && insertedNode.nodeName == 'DIV' && insertedNode.parentNode && && == + '2' && Aak.contains(insertedNode.innerHTML, '')) { // Remove Aak.autoReport('StopAdBlock', false, location.href); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); //Aak.log(insertedNode); } // AntiAdblock (Packer) var reIframeId = /^(zd|wd)$/; var reImgId = /^(xd|gd)$/; var reImgSrc = /\/ads\/banner.jpg/; var reIframeSrc = /(\/adhandler\/|\/adimages\/)/; // Communs if ( && reImgId.test( && insertedNode.nodeName == 'IMG' && reImgSrc.test(insertedNode.src) || && reIframeId.test( && insertedNode.nodeName == 'IFRAME' && reIframeSrc.test(insertedNode.src)) { // Variant 1 if ( == 'xd') { Aak.autoReport('AntiAdblockPackerZdxd', false, location.href); } // Variant 2 else if ( == 'gd') { Aak.autoReport('AntiAdblockPackerWdgd', false, location.href); } // Remove //Aak.log(insertedNode); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); } // Adunblock - var reId = /^[a-z]{8}$/; var reClass = /^[a-z]{8} [a-z]{8}$/; var reBg = /^[a-z]{8}-bg$/; var reStyle = /top: -?[\d]+px; opacity: [\d]; visibility: visible;/; var reMessage = /Il semblerait que vous utilisiez un bloqueur de publicité !/; // Communs if (typeof Aak.uw.vtfab != 'undefined' && typeof Aak.uw.adblock_antib != 'undefined' && insertedNode.parentNode && insertedNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'BODY' && && reId.test( && insertedNode.nodeName == 'DIV' && insertedNode.nextSibling && insertedNode.nextSibling.className && insertedNode.nextSibling.nodeName == 'DIV') { // Full Screen Message (Premium) // <div id="lfyhsvdq" class="tvwnoqdf svonexrk" style="top: 100px; opacity: 1; visibility: visible;"> // <div class="tvwnoqdf-bg" style="display: block;"></div> if (insertedNode.className && reClass.test(insertedNode.className) && reBg.test(insertedNode.nextSibling.className) && && != 'none') { // Remove Message Aak.autoReport("AdUnBlockPremium"); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode.nextSibling); // overlay Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); // box } // Top bar Message (Free) // <div id="vixmgrly"> // <div id="mfnhaiyx" class="lkrnvbyt"> else if ( && reId.test( && reMessage.test(insertedNode.innerHTML)) { // Remove Message Aak.autoReport("AdUnBlockFree"); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); } } // Antiblock - var reId = /^[a-z0-9]{4,10}$/i; var reTag1 = /(div|span|b|i|font|strong|center)/i; var reTag2 = /[abisuqp]{1}/i; var reWords1 = /ad blocker|ad block|ad-block|adblocker|ad-blocker|adblock|bloqueur|bloqueador|Werbeblocker|adblockert|آدبلوك بلس/i; var reWords2 = /kapat|disable|désactivez|désactiver|desactivez|desactiver|desative|desactivar|desactive|desactiva|deaktiviere|disabilitare|απενεργοποίηση|запрещать|állítsd le/i; // Communs if (insertedNode.parentNode && && && insertedNode.firstChild && ! && !insertedNode.firstChild.className && reId.test( && reTag1.test(insertedNode.nodeName) && reTag2.test(insertedNode.firstChild.nodeName)) { //Aak.log(insertedNode); // Kill audio message var audio = insertedNode.querySelector("audio[loop]") || false; if (audio) { Aak.log('Antiblock(audio)'); audio.pause(); Aak.removeElement(audio); } // v3 + Fork if (insertedNode.firstChild.firstChild && insertedNode.firstChild.firstChild.nodeName == "IMG" && typeof Aak.uw[] == 'object' && typeof Aak.uw[].displayMessage == 'function') { // Better Stop Adblock // Demo: if (typeof Aak.uw[].toggle == 'function') { var childs = document.body.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) { var child = childs[i]; if (child.nodeType == 1 && == 'none') { = ''; // show //Aak.log(node); } } Aak.autoReport('BetterStopAdblock'); } // v3 else { Aak.autoReport('Antiblock3'); } // Disable //Aak.log(insertedNode, Aak.uw[]); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); Aak.uw[] = false; } // v3 + v2 (Alternative Solution) else if (localStorage.antiblockId != false && == localStorage.antiblockId) { // V3 if (typeof Aak.uw[] == 'object') { Aak.uw[] = false; Aak.autoReport("Antiblock3"); } else { // V2 Aak.autoReport("Antiblock2"); } // Disable //Aak.log(insertedNode); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); } // v2 else if (reWords1.test(insertedNode.innerHTML) && reWords2.test(insertedNode.innerHTML)) { // Disable //Aak.log(insertedNode); Aak.autoReport("Antiblock2"); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); } // Many false positive else { //Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); } } } } } }; /*===================================================== Start ======================================================*/ // Initialize Aak.init();