akznuts / A9 ht bettable

// ==UserScript==
// @name         A9 ht bettable
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @author       akznuts
// @license      MIT
// @match        http://a9cp.a97766.com/transaction/transactionBettingRecord
// @require      http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.11.2/moment.js
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
  'use strict';

  // Your code here...
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 3000);

  $(document).keydown(function (e) {
    if (e.which == 113) {
      return false;


function sortBtn() {
  var dt_btn = $('<button class="el-button el-button--primary el-button--mini">Sort Table</button>');
  $('.el-form-item.post-btn.el-form-item--min .el-form-item__content').prepend(dt_btn);
  dt_btn.click(function () {

function sortTable2() {
  var cnt = 0;
  var table, rows, switching, i, x, y, shouldSwitch;
  table = $('table.lottery-table')[0];
  switching = true;
  /* Make a loop that will continue until
  no switching has been done: */
  while (switching) {
    // Start by saying: no switching is done:
    switching = false;
    rows = table.rows;
    /* Loop through all table rows (except the
    first, which contains table headers): */
    for (i = 1; i < (rows.length - 1); i++) {
      // Start by saying there should be no switching:
      shouldSwitch = false;
      /* Get the two elements you want to compare,
      one from current row and one from the next: */
      x = $(rows[i].getElementsByTagName("TD")[6]).innerText;
      y = $(rows[i + 1].getElementsByTagName("TD")[6]).innerText;
      // Check if the two rows should switch place:
      if (isNaN(y)) {
        shouldSwitch = true;
      //        console.log($(y).innerText);
      if (parseFloat(x.innerHTML) > parseFloat(y.innerHTML)) {
        // If so, mark as a switch and break the loop:
        shouldSwitch = true;
    if (shouldSwitch) {
      /* If a switch has been marked, make the switch
      and mark that a switch has been done: */
      //rows[i].parentNode.insertBefore(rows[i + 1], rows[i]);
      $(rows[i]).parent().before(rows[i + 1], rows[i]);
      switching = true;
    cnt += 1;
    if (cnt >= 1000) {

function sortTable(order) {
  var asc = order === 'asc',
    tbody = $('table.lottery-table').find('tbody');

  tbody.find('tr').sort(function (a, b) {
    if (asc) {
      return compare(parseFloat($('td:nth-child(7)', a).text()), parseFloat($('td:nth-child(7)', b).text()));
    else {
      return compare(parseFloat($('td:nth-child(7)', b).text()), parseFloat($('td:nth-child(7)', a).text()));
    //         return false;

function compare(a, b) {
  var ans = a - b;
  //     console.log(ans);
  //     if(ans > 0){
  //         return true;
  //     } else {
  //         return false;
  //     }
  return a - b;