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// ==UserScript== // @name askfmKeyboardShortCuts // @namespace ahmdaeyz // @version 0.1 // @description Navigate using the keyboard // @author ahmdaeyz // @match // @match* // @homepageURL // @license MIT // @grant none // @noframes // ==/UserScript== // stores computed style of the active tab be it WALL or DISCOVER var style = getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("#topMenu > div.rsp-lte-tablet.rsp-container > section > a")); // stores the color of the acc in RGB var colorInRGB = style.borderBottomColor; //getting rid of "(",")","rgb" and then spliting the string to a 3 elements array. var colors = (colorInRGB.replace("(","")).replace(")","").replace("rgb","").split(", "); var rgbToHex = function (rgb) { //decimal to hexadecimal conversion var hex = Number(rgb).toString(16); if (hex.length < 2) { hex = "0" + hex; } return hex; }; var fullColorHex = function(rgbArr) { //computes the whole hexadecimal number of the color var red = rgbToHex(rgbArr[0]); var green = rgbToHex(rgbArr[1]); var blue = rgbToHex(rgbArr[2]); return red+green+blue; }; //color of the acc in HEX to be used to highlight the active answer. var colorHEX = fullColorHex(colors); var cursorAt =0; var answers= document.getElementsByClassName("streamItem-answer"); document.addEventListener("keypress",function(e){ if(e.keyCode==50){ //sets the border of the older answer/non-active to normal. answers[cursorAt].style.borderTop="8px solid #f2f2f9"; if(document.querySelector(".item-page-next")!=null){ if(cursorAt==answers.length-2){ document.querySelector(".item-page-next").scrollIntoView(); answers[cursorAt].scrollIntoView(); answers= document.getElementsByClassName("streamItem-answer"); } }else{ document.location.reload(); cursorAt=0; } // press number "2" to navigate to the next answer. answers[++cursorAt].scrollIntoView(false); //highlight the border of the active/current answer (same color as the user's prefered color). answers[cursorAt].style.borderTop="8px solid #"+colorHEX; }else if(e.keyCode==51){ //sets the border of the older answer/non-active to normal. answers[cursorAt].style.borderTop="8px solid #f2f2f9"; if(document.querySelector(".item-page-next")!=null){ if(cursorAt==answers.length-2){ document.querySelector(".item-page-next").scrollIntoView(); answers[cursorAt].scrollIntoView(); answers= document.getElementsByClassName("streamItem-answer"); } }else{ document.location.reload(); cursorAt=0; } // press number "3" to navigate to the previous answer. answers[--cursorAt].scrollIntoView(false); //highlight the border of the active/current answer (same color as the user's prefered color). answers[cursorAt].style.borderTop="8px solid #"+colorHEX; }else if(e.keyCode==52){ // press number "4" to like the current answer. var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); event.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); var done = answers[cursorAt].querySelector(".icon-like").dispatchEvent(event); }else if(e.keyCode==53){ // press number "5" to keep asking the user of the current answer. var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); event.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); answers[cursorAt].querySelector(".icon-send").dispatchEvent(event); }else if(e.keyCode==54){ //press number "6" to read the whole answer whenever there is a readMore. if(answers[cursorAt].querySelector(".readMore")!=null){ var readmore = answers[cursorAt].querySelector(".readMore").querySelector("a.button"); var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); event.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); readmore.dispatchEvent(event); } } });