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// ==UserScript== // @name Banana-O-meter // @namespace chaos // @description Add a nifty scroll distance meter to your 9gag navbar // @include* // @version 1.3 // @license MIT // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== // helper function for displaying float numbers function precision(numfloat, pow10) { return Math.round(numfloat * pow10) / pow10; } function log_man(num) { var scaled_val; var unit = ""; var pten = Math.log10(num); if (pten > 12) { scaled_val = num / Math.pow(10,12); unit = "T"; } else if (pten > 9) { scaled_val = num / Math.pow(10,9); unit = "G"; } else if (pten > 6) { scaled_val = num / Math.pow(10,6); unit = "M"; } else if (pten > 3) { scaled_val = num / Math.pow(10,3); unit = "K"; } else { scaled_val = num; } return [scaled_val,unit]; } // our main class function ScrollMeter () { this.partial_distance = 0; // both distances are expressed in pixels this.global_distance = 0; this.prevScroll = 0; this.currScroll = 0; this.MPP = 0; // meters per pixel this.monitor_height = 0; // monitor height in _centimeters_ this.pixel_height = 0; // monitor height in pixels this.unit = "m"; } // class methods are declared next ScrollMeter.prototype.init = function() { this.global_distance = GM_getValue("global_distance",0); console.log("banana-o-meter: loaded distance " + this.global_distance + " pixels"); this.unit = GM_getValue("measure_unit","m"); this.calculateMPP(); this.setupIndicator(); this.updateIndicator(); }; ScrollMeter.prototype.saveDistance = function() { temp_run = this.global_distance + this.partial_distance; GM_setValue("global_distance",temp_run); }; ScrollMeter.prototype.calculateMPP = function() { this.monitor_height = GM_getValue("monitor_height",19.5); this.pixel_height = window.screen.height; this.MPP = (this.monitor_height / 100) / this.pixel_height; }; ScrollMeter.prototype.convertMeasure = function(rawpixel) { var factor; if (this.unit == "m") { factor = 1; } else if (this.unit == "b") { factor = 100 / 15; // average banana size = 15 Cm } human_readable = log_man(rawpixel * this.MPP * factor); return precision(human_readable[0], 10) + human_readable[1] + this.unit; }; // eyecandy stuff is managed by those two functions ScrollMeter.prototype.setupIndicator = function() { //hb = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-menu")[0]; hb = document.getElementsByClassName("headbar-items")[0]; ul = hb.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0]; indicator = document.createElement("li"); indicator.innerHTML = "<a name=\"blahblah\"><span class=\"label\" id=\"bananacounter\">9999</span></a>"; ul.appendChild(indicator); }; ScrollMeter.prototype.updateIndicator = function() { temp_run = this.global_distance + this.partial_distance; document.getElementById("bananacounter").innerHTML = this.convertMeasure(temp_run); }; // core functionality of the script ScrollMeter.prototype.runstep = function() { // distance updating this.currScroll = window.scrollY; if (this.currScroll > this.prevScroll) { this.partial_distance += (this.currScroll - this.prevScroll); this.prevScroll = this.currScroll; this.updateIndicator(); this.saveDistance(); } }; // functions that directly interact with the user ScrollMeter.prototype.resetCount = function() { var conf = confirm("Are you sure?"); if (conf === true) { this.global_distance = 0; this.partial_distance = 0; this.updateIndicator(); this.saveDistance(); } }; ScrollMeter.prototype.setMonitorSize = function() { var newsize = prompt("Please write your screen's height expressed in centimeters",this.monitor_height.toString()); if (newsize !== null) { this.monitor_height = Number(newsize); GM_setValue("monitor_height",this.monitor_height); this.calculateMPP(); this.updateIndicator(); } }; ScrollMeter.prototype.setUnit = function(unit) { this.unit = unit; GM_setValue("measure_unit",unit); this.updateIndicator(); }; function suppressWakeUp() { // safer way: unsafeWindow.GAG.PageController.idlePopupCountdown(); // over aggressive way: //unsafeWindow.GAG.OverlayController.hideOverlay(unsafeWindow.GAG.OverlayController.selectors.OVERLAY_COMPONENT_IDLE_POPUP, !0); } // instantiate class and run initialization var smeter = new ScrollMeter(); smeter.init(); // exports a basic control panel for the user GM_registerMenuCommand("Reset 9gag total distance",function(){smeter.resetCount();}); GM_registerMenuCommand("Set bananameter screen height parameter",function(){smeter.setMonitorSize();}); GM_registerMenuCommand("Set default distance unit: meter",function(){smeter.setUnit("m");}); GM_registerMenuCommand("Set default distance unit: banana",function(){smeter.setUnit("b");}); // periodically check and update scroll progress window.setInterval(function() {smeter.runstep();},100); // aggressive way to stop that stupid "wake up" popup window.setInterval(function() {suppressWakeUp();},2000);