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"use strict"; // ==UserScript== // @name Advanced Context Sentence // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description Link the kanji page for the kanji in the context sentence section // @author abdullahalt // @match* // @grant none // @copyright 2019, abdullahalt ( // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author abdullahalt // ==/OpenUserJS== (function () { //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------INITIALIZATION--------------------------------------------------------------------// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// var wkof = window.wkof; init(); function init() { if (wkof) { wkof.include("ItemData"); wkof.ready("ItemData").then(getGuruedKanji).then(extractKanjiFromResponse).then(start); } else { console.warn("Advanced Context Sentence: You are not using Wanikani Open Framework which " + "this script utlize to see the kanji you learned and color it with a different color. " + "You can still use Advanced Context Sentence normally though"); start(); } } function start() { var guruedKanji = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; if (window.location.pathname === "/review/session") { observeChanges(function () { return evolveContextSentence(guruedKanji); }, "#item-info-col2"); } if (window.location.pathname === "/lesson/session") { evolveContextSentence(guruedKanji); observeChanges(function () { return evolveContextSentence(guruedKanji); }, "#supplement-voc-context-sentence"); } else { evolveContextSentence(guruedKanji); } } function evolveContextSentence(guruedKanji) { var sentences = document.querySelectorAll(".context-sentence-group"); if (sentences.length === 0) return; sentences.forEach(function (sentence) { var japaneseSentence = sentence.querySelector('p[lang="ja"]'); var audioButton = createAudioButton(japaneseSentence.innerHTML); var advancedExampleSentence = ""; var chars = japaneseSentence.innerHTML.split(""); chars.forEach(function (char) { var renderedChar = highlightAndLinkKanji(char, guruedKanji); advancedExampleSentence = advancedExampleSentence.concat(renderedChar); }); japaneseSentence.innerHTML = advancedExampleSentence; audioButton && japaneseSentence.append(audioButton); }); } function createAudioButton(sentence) { if (!window.SpeechSynthesisUtterance) { console.warn("Advanced Context Sentence: you're browser does not support SpeechSynthesisUtterance " + "which this script utilaize to implement audio feature. update you're broswer or use another one if you want that feature"); return null; } var button = document.createElement("button"); button.setAttribute("class", "audio-btn audio-idle"); button.onclick = function () { var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(sentence); msg.lang = "ja"; msg.rate = 11; window.speechSynthesis.speak(msg); msg.onstart = function () { button.setAttribute("class", "audio-btn audio-play"); }; msg.onend = function () { button.setAttribute("class", "audio-btn audio-idle"); }; }; return button; } function observeChanges(callback, element) { if (!window.MutationObserver) { console.warn("Advanced Context Sentence: you're browser does not support MutationObserver " + "which this script utilaize to implement its features in /lesson/session and /review/sesson. " + "update you're broswer or use another one if you want Advanced Context Sentence to work on them." + "This script is still useful on /vocabulary page though"); return; } var target = document.querySelector(element); var config = { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true }; var observer = new MutationObserver(function () { observer.disconnect(); callback(); observer.observe(target, config); }); observer.observe(target, config); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------HELPER FUNCTIONS------------------------------------------------------------------// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function highlightAndLinkKanji(char, guruedKanji) { var renderedChar = char; if (isKanji(char)) { renderedChar = isAtLeastGuru(char, guruedKanji) ? renderKanji(char, "#f100a1") : renderKanji(char, "#a100f1"); } return renderedChar; } /** * Determine if the character is a Kanji, inspired by */ function isKanji(char) { return isCommonOrUncommonKanji(char) || isRareKanji(char); } function isCommonOrUncommonKanji(char) { return char >= "\u4E00" && char <= "\u9FAF"; } function isRareKanji(char) { char >= "\u3400" && char <= "\u4DBF"; } /** * Renders the link for a kanji you've gurued * Knji pages always use{kanji} where {kanji} is the kanji character */ function renderKanji(kanji, color) { return "<a href=\"".concat(kanji, "\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: ").concat(color, "\" title=\"go to kanji page\">").concat(kanji, "</a>"); } function isAtLeastGuru(char, guruedKanji) { if (!guruedKanji) return false; return guruedKanji.includes(char); } function getGuruedKanji() { return wkof.ItemData.get_items({ wk_items: { filters: { item_type: ["kan"], srs: ["guru1", "guru2", "mast", "enli", "burn"] } } }); } function extractKanjiFromResponse(items) { var kanjis = []; items.forEach(function (item) { kanjis.push(; }); return kanjis; } })();