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// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Qualities Size // @namespace ytqz.smz.k // @version 1.2.0 // @description Shows file size for each quality in YouTube // @author Abdelrahman Khalil // @match* // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== ;(() => { const DEFAULT_CODEC = 'vp9' const ALT_CODEC = 'avc1' const CACHE = {} // -------------------------------- // API Stuff. // -------------------------------- const fetchInfo = (videoId, detailpage = false) => { let url = `${videoId}` // Retrive full info when video is copyrighted. if (detailpage) url += '&el=detailpage' return fetch(url) } // Youtube sends data as ugly ass url queries. // Parse it using URLSearchParams then get value of player_response which is stringified JSON. const parseInfo = uglyInfo => JSON.parse(getQuery(uglyInfo, 'player_response')).streamingData .adaptiveFormats const getFormats = async videoId => { let info = await (await fetchInfo(videoId)).text() if (!info.includes('adaptiveFormats')) info = await (await fetchInfo(videoId, true)).text() return parseInfo(info) } // YouTube separates audio and video. const getAudioContentLength = formats => formats.find( f => f.audioQuality === 'AUDIO_QUALITY_MEDIUM' && f.mimeType.includes('opus') ).contentLength || 0 // Filter formats per quality. // Returns video content Length for all codecs summed by opus medium-quality audio content length. const mapFormats = (formats, qualityLabel, audioCL) => formats .filter(f => f.qualityLabel === qualityLabel && f.contentLength) .map(vf => ({ [matchCodec(vf.mimeType)]: toMBytes(vf.contentLength, audioCL) })) .reduce((r, c) => Object.assign(r, c), {}) // -------------------------------- // DOM Stuff. // -------------------------------- const createYQSNode = mappedFormats => { let YQSElement = document.createElement('yt-quality-size') let isRTL = document.body.getAttribute('dir') === 'rtl' = isRTL ? 'left' : 'right' = 'right' = '8px' YQSElement.setAttribute('dir', 'ltr') YQSElement.setAttribute('title', objectStringify(mappedFormats)) let textNode = document.createTextNode( mappedFormats[DEFAULT_CODEC] || mappedFormats[ALT_CODEC] ) YQSElement.appendChild(textNode) return YQSElement } // Hook YQS element to each quality. const hookYQS = async addedNode => { let doesYQMExist = addedNode && addedNode.classList.contains('ytp-quality-menu'), doesYQSNotExist = !document.querySelector('yt-quality-size') if (doesYQMExist && doesYQSNotExist) { let YQM = addedNode, videoId = getQuery(, 'v') if (!CACHE[videoId]) CACHE[videoId] = await getFormats(videoId) let formats = CACHE[videoId], qualitiesNode = YQM.querySelectorAll('span'), audioCL = getAudioContentLength(formats) qualitiesNode.forEach((qualityNode, index) => { if (index === qualitiesNode.length - 1) return let qualityLabel = matchQLabel(qualityNode.textContent), mappedFormats = mapFormats(formats, qualityLabel, audioCL), YQSNode = createYQSNode(mappedFormats) qualityNode.appendChild(YQSNode) }) } } // Listen to page navigation and observe settings-menu if it's /watch. const onPageUpdate = () => { let SettingsMenuElement = document.querySelector('.ytp-settings-menu') if (SettingsMenuElement) { removeEventListener('yt-page-data-updated', onPageUpdate) new MutationObserver(([{ addedNodes }]) => { hookYQS(addedNodes[0]) }).observe(SettingsMenuElement, { childList: true }) } } addEventListener('yt-page-data-updated', onPageUpdate) // -------------------------------- // Utils // -------------------------------- const getQuery = (string, query) => new URLSearchParams(string).get(query) const matchCodec = mimeType => mimeType.replace(/(?!=").+="|\..+|"/g, '') const matchQLabel = qLabel => qLabel.replace(/\s.+/, '') const toMBytes = (vCL, aCL) => Math.round((parseInt(vCL) + parseInt(aCL)) / 1048576) + ' MB' const objectStringify = obj => JSON.stringify(obj, null, '') .replace(/{|}|"|,/g, '') .trim() })()