ZenithO_o / Fix Google Web Search


Version: 2024-05-20+7d3524b

Summary: Remove AI results and other fluff from your Google search! Adds udm=14 to the search params of a new Google search, changing to the "Web" tab.

License: MIT

Fix Google Web Search


This userscript removes AI results and other unwanted content from Google web searches by adding the udm=14 parameter to the search URL. This parameter switches the search to the "Web" tab, which displays only traditional web page results.


  • Adds udm=14 to the search parameters of a new Google search, switching to the "Web" tab.
  • Sets a session storage flag to only add the udm parameter the first time it is needed.
  • Works on all Google Top Level Domains (.com, .co.uk, .ru, etc.).


  1. Install a userscript manager extension like Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, or Violentmonkey.
  2. Copy the userscript code from the provided source file (script.user.js).
  3. Create a new userscript in your userscript manager and paste the code.
  4. Save the userscript and enable it.


Once installed and enabled, the userscript will automatically do the described functionality. No extra steps required!

Personal notes

  • This readme took longer to write than the code lol
  • Sorry you had to read all the @match params. Would have used @include for proper matching, but apparently Manifest V3 makes it weird or something, idk. Spent 3 minutes looking it up.

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