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// ==UserScript== // @name 2ch buttons fix // @version 0.1.1 // @license MIT // @description Заменяет стрелочку на обычный сет кнопок (2ch) // @inject-into content // @run-at document-start // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.deleteValue // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @include https://2ch.*/* // ==/UserScript== /* eslint-disable */ function calculateGlobalXOffset(el){ var a = 0; while(el){ a += el.offsetLeft; el = el.offsetParent; } return a; } function calculateGlobalYOffset(el){ var a = 0; while(el){ a += el.offsetTop; el = el.offsetParent; } return a; } function hide_post(post, store){ if(post.isThread()){ post._renderHideThread(null); }else{ var hidePost = document.getElementById('post-body-' + post.num); if(!hidePost) return; var newPost = hidePost.cloneNode(true); newPost.classList.add('post_type_hidden'); hidePost.parentNode.insertBefore(newPost, hidePost); hidePost.parentNode.removeChild(hidePost); } if(store) post._storeHide(); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main); function main(){ if(window.location.href.indexOf('2ch.') == -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('arch') != -1) return; var e, a; window.board = window.location.href.split("2ch")[1].split("/")[1]; if(!window.board || window.board == '') return; //alert(window.board); if(document.getElementsByClassName("post__number").length == 0){ e = document.getElementsByClassName("postbtn-reply-href post__reflink"); for(a = 0; a < e.length; a++){ if(!e[a].appendedButtons){ b = e[a].getAttribute("data-num"); //e[a].parentNode.className = 'post_btn'; e[a].insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', " " + (e[a].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.className == "post post_type_oppost" ? 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