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// ==UserScript== // @name Castle Age Same Gift Trading // @namespace Same Gift Trading // @author Yack // @description Accept friend's gift and resend same gift back // @include* // @exclude // @require // @version 0.07 // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_info // ==/UserScript== var times = 0; var str; var acceptLink = []; var senderID = []; var senderName = []; var itemName = []; var idForGift = []; var current = 0; var accepted = ""; var giftNames = []; var giftID = []; $.get( "gift.php", function( data ) { if(/padding\:10px 0 0 0;">+(.*)<\/div>/gi.test(data)) { var reName = /padding\:10px 0 0 0;">+(.*)<\/div>/gi; var reNum = /'gift\.php\?giftSelection\=+(.*)'\); return/gi; var m; while ((m = reName.exec(data)) != null) { if (m.index === reName.lastIndex) reName.lastIndex++; giftNames.push(m[1]); } while ((m = reNum.exec(data)) != null) { if (m.index === reNum.lastIndex) reNum.lastIndex++; giftID.push(m[1]); } } }); function check(){ str = ""; acceptLink = []; senderID = []; senderName = []; itemName = []; idForGift = []; current = 0; accepted = ""; var url = ""; $.get(url, function(data,status){ if(/You received a Gift!/.test(data)) { str = data; saveSender(); }else{ document.getElementById("results_main_wrapper").innerHTML = '<div class="results" style="background-image: url("");background-color:#D0B682;width:700px;">'+ '<div class="result">'+ '<span class="result_body"> <div style="width:700px;">'+ '<div style="width:700px;height:20px;background-image:url("");">'+ ' <div style="clear:both;"></div>'+ ' <div style="float:left;width:700px;height:20px;">'+ ' <div style="width:700px;height:20px;">'+ ' <div style="font-weight:bolder;color:#000000;">'+ ' <center>You got no gifts to accept.</center>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div style="clear:both;"></div>'+ '</div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </span>'+ '</div>'+ ' </div>'+ '<br />'; setTimeout( function() {check();}, 15000); } }); } function saveSender(){ if(/You received a Gift!/.test(str)){ var accLink = str.substring(str.indexOf("index.php?feed=allies&news_feed_accept=1&sender_id=")); var url = ""; acceptLink.push(url + accLink.substring(0,accLink.indexOf('" onclick='))) str = str.substring(str.indexOf("index.php?feed=allies&news_feed_accept=1&sender_id=")+51); senderID.push(str.substring(0, str.indexOf("&"))); str = str.substring(str.indexOf('<div style="width:275px;text-align:center;">')); senderName.push($.trim(str.substring(44, str.indexOf("has sent you a")))); str = str.substring(str.indexOf("has sent you a ")+15); itemName.push($.trim(str.substring(0, str.indexOf("</div>")))); saveSender(); } else acceptGift(); } function acceptGift(){ if(current < senderID.length){ document.getElementById("results_main_wrapper").innerHTML = '<div class="results" style="background-image: url("");background-color:#D0B682;width:700px;">'+ '<div class="result">'+ '<span class="result_body"> <div style="width:700px;">'+ '<div style="width:700px;height:20px;background-image:url("");">'+ ' <div style="clear:both;"></div>'+ ' <div style="float:left;width:700px;height:20px;">'+ ' <div style="width:700px;height:20px;">'+ ' <div style="color:#000000;">'+ ' <center>Accepting <b>' + itemName[current] + '</b> from ' + senderName[current] +'...</center>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div style="clear:both;"></div>'+ '</div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </span>'+ '</div>'+ ' </div>'+ '<br />'; $.post(acceptLink[current], function(data,status){ if(/You have accepted the gift:/.test(data)) { var gift = data.substring(data.indexOf("You have accepted the gift:")+27); gift = $.trim(gift.substring(0,gift.indexOf(".<br/>"))); accepted += "You got <b>" + itemName[current] + "</b> - " + gift + " - from " + senderName[current] +".<br/>"; setTimeout( function() { current++; acceptGift();}, 3000); } }); }else{ current = 0; findGiftID(); } } function findGiftID(){ for(var i = 0; i < itemName.length; i++){ for(var k = 0; k < giftNames.length; k++){ if(itemName[i] == giftNames[k]) idForGift[i] = k; } } giftBack(); } function giftBack(){ if(current < itemName.length){ times = times+1; var currentGift = Math.floor((Math.random()*giftNames.length)); document.getElementById("results_main_wrapper").innerHTML = '<div class="results" style="background-image: url("");background-color:#D0B682;width:700px;">'+ '<div class="result">'+ '<span class="result_body"> <div style="width:700px;">'+ '<div style="width:700px;height:20px;background-image:url("");">'+ ' <div style="clear:both;"></div>'+ ' <div style="float:left;width:700px;height:20px;">'+ ' <div style="width:700px;height:20px;">'+ ' <div style="color:#000000;">'+ ' <center>Returning the favor to ' + senderName[current] + ' with <b>' + itemName[current] + '</b>....</center>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div style="clear:both;"></div>'+ '</div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </span>'+ '</div>'+ ' </div>'+ '<br />'; var url = "" + senderID[current] + '&action=send_non_facebook_gift&giftSelection=' + giftID[idForGift[current]]; $.post(url, function(data,status){ if(/You have sent /.test(data)) { accepted += "You sent <b>" + itemName[current] + "</b> to " + senderName[current] +".<br/>"; setTimeout( function() { current++; giftBack();}, 3000); } }); } else { document.getElementById("results_main_wrapper").innerHTML = '<div class="results" style="background-image: url("");background-color:#D0B682;width:700px;">'+ '<div class="result">'+ '<span class="result_body"> <div style="width:700px;">'+ '<div style="width:700px;height:'+40*senderID.length+'px;background-image:url("");">'+ ' <div style="clear:both;"></div>'+ ' <div style="float:left;width:700px;height:'+40*senderID.length+'px;">'+ ' <div style="width:700px;height:'+40*senderID.length+'px;">'+ ' <div style="color:#000000;">'+ ' <center>'+ accepted +'</center>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' <div style="clear:both;"></div>'+ '</div>'+ ' </div>'+ ' </span>'+ '</div>'+ ' </div>'+ '<br />'; //setTimeout( function() {check();}, 15000); } } //Updation of script function checkUpdate() { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method : 'GET', url : '', onload : function( response ) { var remoteVersion = response.responseText.match(/^\/\/\s\@version\s+(\d+\.\d+)/m)[1]; if( GM_info.script.version < remoteVersion ) { if( confirm( 'There is a newer version available.' + '\nClick OK to update' ) ) { setTimeout( function() { unsafeWindow.location.href = ''; }, 3000 ); } } else { alert('No Updates for Castle Age Same Gift Trading'); } } }); } GM_registerMenuCommand('Accept and Return Same Gifts', check); GM_registerMenuCommand('CA Same Gift Trade - Check for update', checkUpdate );