XelaNimed / StackOverflow extended


Version: 0.10.1+587d318 updated

Summary: Copy code to clipboard; hiding and saving the state of the "Blog", "Meta" blocks by clicking; adding links to all questions of the author and all questions only with tags of the current question to the user's card; stretching and restoring page content for better reading of code listings; redirecting from localized versions of the site to an English-language domain with a search for the current question.

Homepage: https://github.com/XelaNimed/ruSO

Support: https://github.com/XelaNimed/ruSO/issues

Copyright: 2021, XelaNimed (https://github.com/XelaNimed)

License: MIT

GitHub_badge GitHub issues

The script adds the following functionality to StackOverflow sites:

  • Copy code to clipboard (you can copy both a separate block of code and the entire code from the widget);
  • Hiding/Displaying Block Meta;
  • Adding a link for all tracked tags of a user;
  • Adding links to the question author's card for all his/her questions and for questions with current tags only;
  • Adding a button to stretch content to full width and restore it back (helps with large code listings);
  • Adding a link to redirect the current search to the English version of the SO;
  • Adding a link to Meta;

Note: the script was developed for the Russian version of the site and was not tested with other versions.

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