XelaNimed / Dillinger.io


Version: 0.1.6+14fc521 updated

Summary: Adds the ability to export and import documents from local storage in raw format (see "Export as" and "Import from" menus). When exporting documents, you can select the option to automatically delete documents after exporting.

Homepage: https://github.com/XelaNimed/dillinger-io-user-script

Support: https://github.com/XelaNimed/dillinger-io-user-script/issues

Copyright: 2021, XelaNimed (https://github.com/XelaNimed)

License: MIT; https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XelaNimed/dillinger-io-user-script/master/LICENSE

User Script for Dillinger.io

Adds the ability to export and import documents from local storage in raw format (see Export as and Import from menus).
When exporting documents, you can select the option to automatically delete documents after exporting.

How to use

To export all the documents present in the local storage, click on the Export as menu and select the Raw menu item, then, in the confirmation window that appears, you can select the option to delete the documents after exporting by clicking on Ok. In the Save File dialog box that appears, select a location to save the export file.

To import previously saved documents, select the Raw item in the Import from menu and select the previously exported file in the dialog box that appears.

Note: keep in mind that the script doesn't check the data for correctness and assumes that the imported files were previously exported by the script.

How to use

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