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// ==UserScript== // @name Auto Scroll // @version 1.1 // @description Auto Scroll anywhere on the internet (Supports Android and IOS) // @copyright 2020, XDHx86 ( // @license MIT // @author XDHx86 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @namespace // @match *://*/* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @noframes // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // Supports all browsers and Firefox Android too // Doesn't work in frames // If you want it to work in frames for some reason delete the "// @noframes" line above // Default scroll speed, to change the scroll speed just go to TamperMonkey popup menu var scroll = GM_getValue('scroll', 80); // Detect platform to assign scroll step // This affects your scroll speed significantly // Alternatively you can modify this value for higher scroll speed which increases it drastically // Beware that increasing this value by more than 0.25 can make the auto scroll speed too fast // FOR PC ONLY var nav = window.navigator.platform.toLowerCase(); if (nav.includes('win') || nav.includes('ubuntu') || nav.includes('linux')) var scrolly = 1; // FOR ANDROID AND IOS ONLY else scrolly = 2; // Optional CSS for smooth scrolling. // If you don't want it or just feel like it, you're free to comment it out. GM_addStyle('* { scroll-behavior: smooth; }'); // Website exclusion and inclusion. // Click on tampermonkey extension pop-up menu. // Click add/remove to/from blacklist/whitelist. // Or switch to blacklist/whitelist mode. // Please don't touch any of these - Unless you know what you're doing - otherwise the script may not work var blacklist = GM_getValue('bl', []), bl = false, whitelist = GM_getValue('wl', []), wl = false, mode = GM_getValue('mode', true), save = () => { scroll = parseInt(GM_getValue('scroll', 80)); }; GM_registerMenuCommand('Change Auto Scroll Speed', () => { var choice = () => Number(prompt('Choose speed:\nVery Fast: 10-40, Fast: 40-70, Medium: 70-100, Slow: 100-130, Very Slow: 130+')), value = choice(); if (isNaN(value)) choice(); else { GM_setValue('scroll', value); save(); } }); if (!mode) blacklist.forEach((e) => { if (e == bl = true; }); if (mode) whitelist.forEach((e) => { if (e == wl = true; }); if (!mode) { GM_registerMenuCommand('Switch to whitelist mode', () => { GM_setValue('mode', true); location.reload(); }); if (!bl) { GM_registerMenuCommand('Add to blacklist', () => { blacklist.push(; GM_setValue('bl', blacklist); location.reload(); }); } else { GM_registerMenuCommand('Remove from blacklist', () => { blacklist.splice(blacklist.indexOf(, 1); GM_setValue('bl', blacklist); location.reload(); }); return; } } else { GM_registerMenuCommand('Switch to blacklist mode', () => { GM_setValue('mode', false); location.reload(); }); if (!wl) { GM_registerMenuCommand('Add to whitelist', () => { whitelist.push(; GM_setValue('wl', whitelist); location.reload(); }); return; } else { GM_registerMenuCommand('Remove from whitelist', () => { whitelist.splice(whitelist.indexOf(, 1); GM_setValue('wl', whitelist); location.reload(); }); } } var timer = setInterval(() => { window.scrollBy(0, scrolly); }, scroll), bool = true, cond = false; window.onclick = () => { if (bool) { clearInterval(timer); bool = false; } else { console.log(scroll); timer = setInterval(() => { window.scrollBy(0, scrolly); }, scroll); bool = true; } } window.onblur = () => { // This line right here. // Please don't delete it and instead just comment it out. cond = false; if (bool) { clearInterval(timer); bool = false; cond = true; } } // Continue auto scrolling when you're back (PC only) // Only if you left the page while auto scrolling. To disable comment out "cond = false;" above. window.onfocus = (e) => { if (!bool && cond) { console.log(scroll); timer = setInterval(() => { window.scrollBy(0, scrolly); }, scroll); bool = true; } } window.onauxclick = (e) => { if (e.button < 1) return; clearInterval(timer); bool = false; } window.ontouchmove = () => { clearInterval(timer); bool = false; } window.onkeydown = () => { clearInterval(timer); bool = false; } })();