Wolvan / Tripcolor


Version: 1.1.0+daf7112

Summary: Colorize tripcodes, the way YOU want it


License: MIT; https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

An advanced tripcode coloring script for 4chan, allows custom colors, automatic coloring on new posts and a few more things.

Want to disable a single trip, just set the color to disabled.

It also has a custom implementation of css color to allow hsv(h,s,v) instead of only allowing hsl(h,s,l).

The interface can be accessed by pressing Ctrl+L.

This script is also hosted on Greasyfork.


1.1.0 03/30/2017
+ Added Hex Color Mode
* Fix the completely broken HSV->HSL conversion

1.0.0 - 03/28/2017
Initial release

Rating: 0