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// ==UserScript== // @name Ссылки на Биллинг // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @author You // @license MIT // @include *://*/Tester/* // @include *://*/tester/* // @include *://*/Tester // @include *://*/tester // @require // @require // @require // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; var partnerDomain = 'https://partner-' + window.location.hostname; var siteDomain = window.location.origin; if (window.location.origin == '') { partnerDomain = ''; } if (window.location.hostname == 'localhost') { partnerDomain = 'http://localhost:12592'; siteDomain = 'http://localhost:8080'; } var userLogin = document.getElementsByTagName("span")[1].innerText; var regex = new RegExp("([\\w-+]+(?:\\.[\\w-+]+)*@(?:[\\w-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,7})"); if (userLogin.match(regex)) { var encodedUserLogin = encodeURIComponent(userLogin); //alert(window.location.hostname + "\n" + window.location.origin); var messageBox = document.getElementById('message'); var billing1 = document.createElement('a'); billing1.href = partnerDomain + '/billing/Default.aspx?login=' + encodedUserLogin; billing1.innerText = 'Ссылка на Биллинг 1.0'; messageBox.appendChild(billing1); messageBox.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var billing2 = document.createElement('a'); billing2.href = partnerDomain + '/New/Billing/CreateBill?login=' + encodedUserLogin; billing2.innerText = 'Выставить счёт'; messageBox.appendChild(billing2); messageBox.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var pb = document.createElement('a'); pb.href = partnerDomain + '/New/Billing/CreateBillFromBackofficeBilling?client=' + encodedUserLogin; pb.innerText = 'Выставить счёт в продуктовом биллинге'; messageBox.appendChild(pb); messageBox.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var pay = document.createElement('a'); pay.href = siteDomain + '/Pay'; pay.innerText = 'Pay в ЛК'; messageBox.appendChild(pay); messageBox.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var marketplace = document.createElement('a'); marketplace.href = siteDomain + '/Marketplace'; marketplace.innerText = 'Marketplace'; messageBox.appendChild(marketplace); } // Создать дочернюю фирму var TesterEnding = ""; function generateLogin() { var date =; return date + TesterEnding; } function createAffiliatedFirm(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var url = '/AccountManagement/AccountBackend/CreateCompany'; var attributes = { AdminName: "Company", AdminPatronymic: "Name", AdminSurname: "Affiliated", CompanyName: "Affiliated Company", Email: generateLogin(), Inn: "000000000000", LegalType: 2, Phone: "+71111111111", TaxitionSystemType: 1 }; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var formData = new FormData(); var entries = Object.entries(attributes); for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 1) { formData.append(entries[i][0], entries[i][1]); }'POST', url); request.onload = function () { document.location.reload(); alert("Создана фирма с логином " + attributes.Email); }; request.send(formData); } //render const element = document.createElement("td"); const parentDiv = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("tr > td > div > a")).filter(function (item) { return === "Профессиональный аутсорсер" })[0].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; parentDiv.appendChild(element); const e = React.createElement; const createAffiliatedFirmButton = e( "div", {}, e( "a", { id: "createAffiliatedFirm", href: "#", onClick: createAffiliatedFirm }, "Создать дочернюю фирму" ) ); ReactDOM.render(createAffiliatedFirmButton, element); })();