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// ==UserScript== // @name Deutsche Bank Vermögensentwicklung Table // @name:de Deutsche Bank Vermögensentwicklung Tabelle // @namespace // @version 1.1 // @description Display Vermögensentwicklung in various tables. Requires the Vermögensübersicht script. // @description:de Stellt die Vermögensentwicklung in verschiedenen Tabellen dar. Benötigt das Vermögensübersicht-Skript. // @author Björn Eberhardt // @license MIT; // @icon // @match* // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // MIT license used to import to OpenUserJS (function() { 'use strict'; // Navigated to Vermögensaufstellung? if (document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerText === 'Vermögensaufstellung' && window.location.href.indexOf('showTable=1') > -1) { const user = document.getElementById('customerNumber').childNodes[1].data.trim().replace(/\s/, '_'); const eur = str => parseFloat(str).toLocaleString([], {style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR'}); const pct = str => parseFloat(str).toLocaleString([], {style: 'percent', minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2}).replace('\u00A0', ''); const getNum = (bal, chg, dep = bal - chg, per = chg / dep) => ({ bal: bal.toFixed(2), chg: chg.toFixed(2), dep: dep.toFixed(2), per: per.toFixed(4) }); const navigateTo = target => { const url = new URL(window.location.href); for (let param of url.searchParams.keys()) { if (param.indexOf('show') >= 0) { url.searchParams.delete(param); } } url.searchParams.append(target, '1'); window.location.href = url.href; }; const display = () => { // Collect all data from memory, print it in the console and also append it on the page below the table const wknref = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`wf_${user}_wkn`) || '{}'); const cats = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`wf_${user}_cat`) || '{}'); const days = {}; for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++){ const key = localStorage.key(i); if (key.startsWith(`wf_${user}_stats`)) { days[key] = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)); } } const rows = []; Object.keys(days).sort().forEach(key => rows.push(days[key])); // Gesamtstatistik const heads = [ 'ISO-Datum', 'Datum', ]; const heads_gesamtstatistik = [ ...heads, 'Eingezahlt', 'Saldo', 'Anlagekonto', 'Investiert', 'Bestand', 'G/V', 'G/V%' ]; const lines_gesamtstatistik = []; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){ const r = rows[i], t = getNum(r.tbal, r.tchg), b = getNum(r.bbal, r.bchg), a = getNum(r.tbal - r.bbal, r.tchg - r.bchg); lines_gesamtstatistik.push([r.d_str, r.d, eur(t.dep), eur(t.bal), eur(b.bal), eur(a.dep), eur(a.bal), eur(a.chg), pct(a.per)].join(';')); } const str_gesamtstatistik = 'Gesamtstatistik\n\n' + [heads_gesamtstatistik.join(';'), ...lines_gesamtstatistik].join('\n'); console.log(str_gesamtstatistik); // Fixate WKN order const wkns = []; const heads_wkn = []; for (const k in wknref) { const v = wknref[k]; wkns.push([k, v]); heads_wkn.push(k + ' - ' + v); } const mapFn = (row, columns, dataSource, fieldFn, l = [row.d_str, row.d]) => { columns.forEach(v => { const dat = dataSource[typeof v == "string" ? v : v[0]]; l.push(dat && fieldFn(dat)) }); return l.join(';'); }; // Gewinn und Verlust pro Aktie const str_guv = 'G/V je Fonds\n\n' + [ [...heads, ...heads_wkn].join(';'), => mapFn(r, wkns, r.wkns, dat => eur(dat.chg))) ].join('\n'); console.log(str_guv); // Bestand pro Aktie const str_bal = 'Bestand je Fonds\n\n' + [ [...heads, ...heads_wkn].join(';'), => mapFn(r, wkns, r.wkns, dat => eur(dat.bal))) ].join('\n'); console.log(str_bal); // Gewinn und Verlust pro Kategorie const str_cguv = 'G/V je Kategorie\n\n' + [ [...heads, ...cats].join(';'), => mapFn(r, cats, r.cats, dat => eur(dat.chg))) ].join('\n'); console.log(str_cguv); // Bestand pro Kategorie const str_cbal = 'Bestand je Kategorie\n\n' + [ [...heads, ...cats].join(';'), => mapFn(r, cats, r.cats, dat => eur(dat.bal))) ].join('\n'); console.log(str_cbal); const d = document.createElement('div'); d.innerHTML = 'Der Abruf der Daten wurde erfolgreich beendet.<br /> <input type="button" value="Tabelle zeigen" class="button nextStep"> <input type="button" value="Diagramm zeigen" class="button nextStep">'; d.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].onclick = () => navigateTo('showTable'); d.getElementsByTagName('input')[1].onclick = () => navigateTo('showChart'); const p = document.createElement('pre'); = '800px'; = 'auto'; = '100%'; = '.875em'; p.textContent = str_gesamtstatistik + '\n\n' + str_cguv + '\n\n' + str_cbal + '\n\n' + str_guv + '\n\n' + str_bal; document.getElementById('assetsOverviewForm').prepend(p); document.getElementById('assetsOverviewForm').prepend(d); }; display(); } })();