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// ==UserScript== // @name TypingClub layout switcher // @namespace Winand // @version 23.329 // @description Auto-switch keyboard layouts on TypingClub website // @homepageURL // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @author Winand // @license MIT // @match* // @match* // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const url_api = window.location.origin + "/api/v1.1/"; const url_student = url_api + "student/"; const url_tokens = window.location.origin + "/auth/refresh_tokens/"; const url_program = "/m/build/lessonplans/"; // e.g. const url_program_page = (program_id) => `${window.location.origin}/sportal/program-${program_id}.game`; // // in case there's no saved layout and current program doesn't define one either const default_layout = "en,british-pc"; var token; // authorization token is needed to change layout var student_id; // current user numeric id var program_id; // current program numeric id var program_kbd; // keyboard layout defined in current program var keyboard; // current layout var keyboard_pending; // layout is being set /* Get pathname from URL. Protocol can be omitted: // */ const getPathname = (url) => new URL((url.startsWith("//") ? window.location.protocol : "") + url).pathname; /* Get the final path component, without its suffix. URL protocol rsplit */ const getStem = (fileName) => getPathname(fileName).split("/").pop().split(".").slice(0, -1).join('.'); (function(open, send, window_fetch) { // unsafeWindow.fetch = async (resource, ...args) => { // const response = await window_fetch(resource, ...args); if(getPathname(resource).startsWith(url_program) && response.ok) { response.clone().json().then(resp => { program_id =; console.log("LESSON PLANS LOADED FOR PROGRAM", program_id); program_kbd = resp.keyboard == null ? default_layout : resp.keyboard; var target_kbd = GM_getValue("lang." + program_id); if(target_kbd == undefined) { // set program's default layout GM_setValue("lang." + program_id, program_kbd); target_kbd = program_kbd; } console.log("PROGRAM KBD", program_kbd, "CURRENT", keyboard, "TARGET", target_kbd); if(target_kbd !== keyboard) { console.log("SWITCH TO", target_kbd, "TOKEN", token); fetch(url_student + student_id + "/", { method: 'POST', body: '{"keyboard":"' + target_kbd + '"}', headers: { 'authorization': 'Token ' + token, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'x-http-method-override': 'PATCH' } }).then(response => { if(response.status == 202) { // window.location = url_program_page(getStem(resource)) } else console.log("SWITCH FAILED WITH STATUS", response.status); }); } }).catch(err => console.error(err)); } return response; }; // unsafeWindow.fetch.toString = () => "function fetch() { [native code] }"; = function(method, url) { this._url = window.location.origin + url this.addEventListener("load", function() { var url = this.responseURL; if(url == url_tokens && this.status == 200) { if(this.responseText) { const resp = JSON.parse(this.responseText)[0]; token = resp.token; console.log("TOKEN REFRESHED", token); } else console.log("TOKEN NOT REFRESHED"); } else if(url.startsWith(url_student + "me/") && this.status == 200) { const resp = JSON.parse(this.responseText); student_id =; keyboard = resp.keyboard; } else if(url == url_student + student_id + "/" && keyboard_pending !== undefined) { if(this.status == 202) { keyboard = keyboard_pending; GM_setValue("lang." + program_id, keyboard); console.log("MANUAL SWITCH TO", keyboard, "FOR PROGRAM", program_id); } else console.log("MANUAL SWITCH FROM", keyboard, "TO", keyboard_pending, "FOR PROGRAM", program_id, "FAILED"); } }, false); open.apply(this, arguments); }; XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(body) { if(this._url == url_student + student_id + "/") { // 'keyboard' may be undefined if other property is being changed keyboard_pending = JSON.parse(body).keyboard; } send.apply(this, arguments); }; if("prototype" in send) { console.log("LOADED TOO LATE, TRYING TO REFRESH TOKEN"); var poll_timer = setInterval(() => { if(!token) { console.log("RESTART..."); start(); // TypingClub entry point } else clearTimeout(poll_timer); }, 1000); }; })(, XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send, window.fetch); })();