Weby / Showdown FR

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Showdown FR
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.4.2
// @icon	 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Webbeh/UserScript_ShowDown/master/icon2.png
// @description  Pokémon Showdown - Traduction française
// @author       Weby
// @license	 MIT
// @copyright	 2018, Weby (geeq.ch)
// @match        http://*.psim.us/*
// @match	 https://*.psim.us/*
// @match        http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/*
// @match        https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/*
// @match        http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/*
// @match        https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/*
// @match        http://pokemonshowdown.com/*
// @match        https://pokemonshowdown.com/*
// @grant        none
// @require      https://code.jQuery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js
// @updateURL	 https://openuserjs.org/meta/Weby/Showdown_FR.meta.js
// @run-at       document-end
// @homepageURL	 https://github.com/Webbeh/UserScript_ShowDown
// ==/UserScript==

// Afin de rajouter/modifier des traductions, dirigez-vous sur
// https://github.com/Webbeh/UserScript_ShowDown
// Forkez le projet, ajoutez vos traductions et faites un pull request !
// Une traduction par ligne, format :
//    "<à traduire>": "<traduction>",
// Si vous devez mettre un signe " , il faut l'écrire \"

var translations={
"Bulbasaur": "Bulbizarre",
"Ivysaur": "Herbizarre",
"Venusaur": "Florizarre",
"Charmander": "Salamèche",
"Charmeleon": "Reptincel",
"Charizard": "Dracaufeu",
"Squirtle": "Carapuce",
"Wartortle": "Carabaffe",
"Blastoise": "Tortank",
"Caterpie": "Chenipan",
"Metapod": "Chrysacier",
"Butterfree": "Papilusion",
"Weedle": "Aspicot",
"Kakuna": "Coconfort",
"Beedrill": "Dardargnan",
"Pidgey": "Roucool",
"Pidgeotto": "Roucoups",
"Pidgeot": "Roucarnage",
"Rattata": "Rattata",
"Raticate": "Rattatac",
"Spearow": "Piafabec",
"Fearow": "Rapasdepic",
"Ekans": "Abo",
"Arbok": "Arbok",
"Pikachu": "Pikachu",
"Raichu": "Raichu",
"Sandshrew": "Sabelette",
"Sandslash": "Sablaireau",
"Nidoran♀": "Nidoran♀",
"Nidorina": "Nidorina",
"Nidoqueen": "Nidoqueen",
"Nidoran♂": "Nidoran♂",
"Nidorino": "Nidorino",
"Nidoking": "Nidoking",
"Clefairy": "Mélofée",
"Clefable": "Mélodelfe",
"Vulpix": "Goupix",
"Ninetales": "Feunard",
"Jigglypuff": "Rondoudou",
"Wigglytuff": "Grodoudou",
"Zubat": "Nosferapti",
"Golbat": "Nosferalto",
"Oddish": "Mystherbe",
"Gloom": "Ortide",
"Vileplume": "Rafflesia",
"Paras": "Paras",
"Parasect": "Parasect",
"Venonat": "Mimitoss",
"Venomoth": "Aéromite",
"Diglett": "Taupiqueur",
"Dugtrio": "Triopikeur",
"Meowth": "Miaouss",
"Persian": "Persian",
"Psyduck": "Psykokwak",
"Golduck": "Akwakwak",
"Mankey": "Férosinge",
"Primeape": "Colossinge",
"Growlithe": "Caninos",
"Arcanine": "Arcanin",
"Poliwag": "Ptitard",
"Poliwhirl": "Têtarte",
"Poliwrath": "Tartard",
"Abra": "Abra",
"Kadabra": "Kadabra",
"Alakazam": "Alakazam",
"Machop": "Machoc",
"Machoke": "Machopeur",
"Machamp": "Mackogneur",
"Bellsprout": "Chétiflor",
"Weepinbell": "Boustiflor",
"Victreebel": "Empiflor",
"Tentacool": "Tentacool",
"Tentacruel": "Tentacruel",
"Geodude": "Racaillou",
"Graveler": "Gravalanch",
"Golem": "Grolem",
"Ponyta": "Ponyta",
"Rapidash": "Galopa",
"Slowpoke": "Ramoloss",
"Slowbro": "Flagadoss",
"Magnemite": "Magnéti",
"Magneton": "Magnéton",
"Farfetch'd": "Canarticho",
"Doduo": "Doduo",
"Dodrio": "Dodrio",
"Seel": "Otaria",
"Dewgong": "Lamantine",
"Grimer": "Tadmorv",
"Muk": "Grotadmorv",
"Shellder": "Kokiyas",
"Cloyster": "Crustabri",
"Gastly": "Fantominus",
"Haunter": "Spectrum",
"Gengar": "Ectoplasma",
"Onix": "Onix",
"Drowzee": "Soporifik",
"Hypno": "Hypnomade",
"Krabby": "Krabby",
"Kingler": "Krabboss",
"Voltorb": "Voltorbe",
"Electrode": "Électrode",
"Exeggcute": "Nœunœuf",
"Exeggutor": "Noadkoko",
"Cubone": "Osselait",
"Marowak": "Ossatueur",
"Hitmonlee": "Kicklee",
"Hitmonchan": "Tygnon",
"Lickitung": "Excelangue",
"Koffing": "Smogo",
"Weezing": "Smogogo",
"Rhyhorn": "Rhinocorne",
"Rhydon": "Rhinoféros",
"Chansey": "Leveinard",
"Tangela": "Saquedeneu",
"Kangaskhan": "Kangourex",
"Horsea": "Hypotrempe",
"Seadra": "Hypocéan",
"Goldeen": "Poissirène",
"Seaking": "Poissoroy",
"Staryu": "Stari",
"Starmie": "Staross",
"Mr.Mime": "M.Mime",
"Scyther": "Insécateur",
"Jynx": "Lippoutou",
"Electabuzz": "Élektek",
"Magmar": "Magmar",
"Pinsir": "Scarabrute",
"Tauros": "Tauros",
"Magikarp": "Magicarpe",
"Gyarados": "Léviator",
"Lapras": "Lokhlass",
"Ditto": "Métamorph",
"Eevee": "Évoli",
"Vaporeon": "Aquali",
"Jolteon": "Voltali",
"Flareon": "Pyroli",
"Porygon": "Porygon",
"Omanyte": "Amonita",
"Omastar": "Amonistar",
"Kabuto": "Kabuto",
"Kabutops": "Kabutops",
"Aerodactyl": "Ptéra",
"Snorlax": "Ronflex",
"Articuno": "Artikodin",
"Zapdos": "Électhor",
"Moltres": "Sulfura",
"Dratini": "Minidraco",
"Dragonair": "Draco",
"Dragonite": "Dracolosse",
"Mewtwo": "Mewtwo",
"Mew": "Mew",
"Chikorita": "Germignon",
"Bayleef": "Macronium",
"Meganium": "Méganium",
"Cyndaquil": "Héricendre",
"Quilava": "Feurisson",
"Typhlosion": "Typhlosion",
"Totodile": "Kaiminus",
"Croconaw": "Crocrodil",
"Feraligatr": "Aligatueur",
"Sentret": "Fouinette",
"Furret": "Fouinar",
"Hoothoot": "Hoothoot",
"Noctowl": "Noarfang",
"Ledyba": "Coxy",
"Ledian": "Coxyclaque",
"Spinarak": "Mimigal",
"Ariados": "Migalos",
"Crobat": "Nostenfer",
"Chinchou": "Loupio",
"Lanturn": "Lanturn",
"Pichu": "Pichu",
"Cleffa": "Mélo",
"Igglybuff": "Toudoudou",
"Togepi": "Togepi",
"Togetic": "Togetic",
"Natu": "Natu",
"Xatu": "Xatu",
"Mareep": "Wattouat",
"Flaaffy": "Lainergie",
"Ampharos": "Pharamp",
"Bellossom": "Joliflor",
"Marill": "Marill",
"Azumarill": "Azumarill",
"Sudowoodo": "Simularbre",
"Politoed": "Tarpaud",
"Hoppip": "Granivol",
"Skiploom": "Floravol",
"Jumpluff": "Cotovol",
"Aipom": "Capumain",
"Sunkern": "Tournegrin",
"Sunflora": "Héliatronc",
"Yanma": "Yanma",
"Wooper": "Axoloto",
"Quagsire": "Maraiste",
"Espeon": "Mentali",
"Umbreon": "Noctali",
"Murkrow": "Cornèbre",
"Slowking": "Roigada",
"Misdreavus": "Feuforêve",
"Unown": "Zarbi",
"Wobbuffet": "Qulbutoké",
"Girafarig": "Girafarig",
"Pineco": "Pomdepik",
"Forretress": "Foretress",
"Dunsparce": "Insolourdo",
"Gligar": "Scorplane",
"Steelix": "Steelix",
"Snubbull": "Snubbull",
"Granbull": "Granbull",
"Qwilfish": "Qwilfish",
"Scizor": "Cizayox",
"Shuckle": "Caratroc",
"Heracross": "Scarhino",
"Sneasel": "Farfuret",
"Teddiursa": "Teddiursa",
"Ursaring": "Ursaring",
"Slugma": "Limagma",
"Magcargo": "Volcaropod",
"Swinub": "Marcacrin",
"Piloswine": "Cochignon",
"Corsola": "Corayon",
"Remoraid": "Rémoraid",
"Octillery": "Octillery",
"Delibird": "Cadoizo",
"Mantine": "Démanta",
"Skarmory": "Airmure",
"Houndour": "Malosse",
"Houndoom": "Démolosse",
"Kingdra": "Hyporoi",
"Phanpy": "Phanpy",
"Donphan": "Donphan",
"Porygon2": "Porygon2",
"Stantler": "Cerfrousse",
"Smeargle": "Queulorior",
"Tyrogue": "Debugant",
"Hitmontop": "Kapoera",
"Smoochum": "Lippouti",
"Elekid": "Élekid",
"Magby": "Magby",
"Miltank": "Écrémeuh",
"Blissey": "Leuphorie",
"Raikou": "Raikou",
"Entei": "Entei",
"Suicune": "Suicune",
"Larvitar": "Embrylex",
"Pupitar": "Ymphect",
"Tyranitar": "Tyranocif",
"Lugia": "Lugia",
"Ho-Oh": "Ho-Oh",
"Celebi": "Celebi",
"Treecko": "Arcko",
"Grovyle": "Massko",
"Sceptile": "Jungko",
"Torchic": "Poussifeu",
"Combusken": "Galifeu",
"Blaziken": "Braségali",
"Mudkip": "Gobou",
"Marshtomp": "Flobio",
"Swampert": "Laggron",
"Poochyena": "Medhyèna",
"Mightyena": "Grahyèna",
"Zigzagoon": "Zigzaton",
"Linoone": "Linéon",
"Wurmple": "Chenipotte",
"Silcoon": "Armulys",
"Beautifly": "Charmillon",
"Cascoon": "Blindalys",
"Dustox": "Papinox",
"Lotad": "Nénupiot",
"Lombre": "Lombre",
"Ludicolo": "Ludicolo",
"Seedot": "Grainipiot",
"Nuzleaf": "Pifeuil",
"Shiftry": "Tengalice",
"Taillow": "Nirondelle",
"Swellow": "Hélédelle",
"Wingull": "Goélise",
"Pelipper": "Bekipan",
"Ralts": "Tarsal",
"Kirlia": "Kirlia",
"Gardevoir": "Gardevoir",
"Surskit": "Arakdo",
"Masquerain": "Maskadra",
"Shroomish": "Balignon",
"Breloom": "Chapignon",
"Slakoth": "Parecool",
"Vigoroth": "Vigoroth",
"Slaking": "Monaflèmit",
"Nincada": "Ningale",
"Ninjask": "Ninjask",
"Shedinja": "Munja",
"Whismur": "Chuchmur",
"Loudred": "Ramboum",
"Exploud": "Brouhabam",
"Makuhita": "Makuhita",
"Hariyama": "Hariyama",
"Azurill": "Azurill",
"Nosepass": "Tarinor",
"Skitty": "Skitty",
"Delcatty": "Delcatty",
"Sableye": "Ténéfix",
"Mawile": "Mysdibule",
"Aron": "Galekid",
"Lairon": "Galegon",
"Aggron": "Galeking",
"Meditite": "Méditikka",
"Medicham": "Charmina",
"Electrike": "Dynavolt",
"Manectric": "Élecsprint",
"Plusle": "Posipi",
"Minun": "Négapi",
"Volbeat": "Muciole",
"Illumise": "Lumivole",
"Roselia": "Rosélia",
"Gulpin": "Gloupti",
"Swalot": "Avaltout",
"Carvanha": "Carvanha",
"Sharpedo": "Sharpedo",
"Wailmer": "Wailmer",
"Wailord": "Wailord",
"Numel": "Chamallot",
"Camerupt": "Camérupt",
"Torkoal": "Chartor",
"Spoink": "Spoink",
"Grumpig": "Groret",
"Spinda": "Spinda",
"Trapinch": "Kraknoix",
"Vibrava": "Vibraninf",
"Flygon": "Libégon",
"Cacnea": "Cacnea",
"Cacturne": "Cacturne",
"Swablu": "Tylton",
"Altaria": "Altaria",
"Zangoose": "Mangriff",
"Seviper": "Séviper",
"Lunatone": "Séléroc",
"Solrock": "Solaroc",
"Barboach": "Barloche",
"Whiscash": "Barbicha",
"Corphish": "Écrapince",
"Crawdaunt": "Colhomard",
"Baltoy": "Balbuto",
"Claydol": "Kaorine",
"Lileep": "Lilia",
"Cradily": "Vacilys",
"Anorith": "Anorith",
"Armaldo": "Armaldo",
"Feebas": "Barpau",
"Milotic": "Milobellus",
"Castform": "Morphéo",
"Kecleon": "Kecleon",
"Shuppet": "Polichombr",
"Banette": "Branette",
"Duskull": "Skelénox",
"Dusclops": "Téraclope",
"Tropius": "Tropius",
"Chimecho": "Éoko",
"Absol": "Absol",
"Wynaut": "Okéoké",
"Snorunt": "Stalgamin",
"Glalie": "Oniglali",
"Spheal": "Obalie",
"Sealeo": "Phogleur",
"Walrein": "Kaimorse",
"Clamperl": "Coquiperl",
"Huntail": "Serpang",
"Gorebyss": "Rosabyss",
"Relicanth": "Relicanth",
"Luvdisc": "Lovdisc",
"Bagon": "Draby",
"Shelgon": "Drackhaus",
"Salamence": "Drattak",
"Beldum": "Terhal",
"Metang": "Métang",
"Metagross": "Métalosse",
"Regirock": "Regirock",
"Regice": "Regice",
"Registeel": "Registeel",
"Latias": "Latias",
"Latios": "Latios",
"Kyogre": "Kyogre",
"Groudon": "Groudon",
"Rayquaza": "Rayquaza",
"Jirachi": "Jirachi",
"Deoxys": "Deoxys",
"Turtwig": "Tortipouss",
"Grotle": "Boskara",
"Torterra": "Torterra",
"Chimchar": "Ouisticram",
"Monferno": "Chimpenfeu",
"Infernape": "Simiabraz",
"Piplup": "Tiplouf",
"Prinplup": "Prinplouf",
"Empoleon": "Pingoléon",
"Starly": "Étourmi",
"Staravia": "Étourvol",
"Staraptor": "Étouraptor",
"Bidoof": "Keunotor",
"Bibarel": "Castorno",
"Kricketot": "Crikzik",
"Kricketune": "Mélokrik",
"Shinx": "Lixy",
"Luxio": "Luxio",
"Luxray": "Luxray",
"Budew": "Rozbouton",
"Roserade": "Roserade",
"Cranidos": "Kranidos",
"Rampardos": "Charkos",
"Shieldon": "Dinoclier",
"Bastiodon": "Bastiodon",
"Burmy": "Cheniti",
"Wormadam": "Cheniselle",
"Mothim": "Papilord",
"Combee": "Apitrini",
"Vespiquen": "Apireine",
"Pachirisu": "Pachirisu",
"Buizel": "Mustébouée",
"Floatzel": "Mustéflott",
"Cherubi": "Ceribou",
"Cherrim": "Ceriflor",
"Shellos": "Sancoki",
"Gastrodon": "Tritosor",
"Ambipom": "Capidextre",
"Drifloon": "Baudrive",
"Drifblim": "Grodrive",
"Buneary": "Laporeille",
"Lopunny": "Lockpin",
"Mismagius": "Magirêve",
"Honchkrow": "Corboss",
"Glameow": "Chaglam",
"Purugly": "Chaffreux",
"Chingling": "Korillon",
"Stunky": "Moufouette",
"Skuntank": "Moufflair",
"Bronzor": "Archéomire",
"Bronzong": "Archéodong",
"Bonsly": "Manzaï",
"MimeJr.": "MimeJr",
"Happiny": "Ptiravi",
"Chatot": "Pijako",
"Spiritomb": "Spiritomb",
"Gible": "Griknot",
"Gabite": "Carmache",
"Garchomp": "Carchacrok",
"Munchlax": "Goinfrex",
"Riolu": "Riolu",
"Lucario": "Lucario",
"Hippopotas": "Hippopotas",
"Hippowdon": "Hippodocus",
"Skorupi": "Rapion",
"Drapion": "Drascore",
"Croagunk": "Cradopaud",
"Toxicroak": "Coatox",
"Carnivine": "Vortente",
"Finneon": "Écayon",
"Lumineon": "Luminéon",
"Mantyke": "Babimanta",
"Snover": "Blizzi",
"Abomasnow": "Blizzaroi",
"Weavile": "Dimoret",
"Magnezone": "Magnézone",
"Lickilicky": "Coudlangue",
"Rhyperior": "Rhinastoc",
"Tangrowth": "Bouldeneu",
"Electivire": "Élekable",
"Magmortar": "Maganon",
"Togekiss": "Togekiss",
"Yanmega": "Yanméga",
"Leafeon": "Phyllali",
"Glaceon": "Givrali",
"Gliscor": "Scorvol",
"Mamoswine": "Mammochon",
"Porygon-Z": "Porygon-Z",
"Gallade": "Gallame",
"Probopass": "Tarinorme",
"Dusknoir": "Noctunoir",
"Froslass": "Momartik",
"Rotom": "Motisma",
"Uxie": "Créhelf",
"Mesprit": "Créfollet",
"Azelf": "Créfadet",
"Dialga": "Dialga",
"Palkia": "Palkia",
"Heatran": "Heatran",
"Regigigas": "Regigigas",
"Giratina": "Giratina",
"Cresselia": "Cresselia",
"Phione": "Phione",
"Manaphy": "Manaphy",
"Darkrai": "Darkrai",
"Shaymin": "Shaymin",
"Arceus": "Arceus",
"Victini": "Victini",
"Snivy": "Vipélierre",
"Servine": "Lianaja",
"Serperior": "Majaspic",
"Tepig": "Gruikui",
"Pignite": "Grotichon",
"Emboar": "Roitiflam",
"Oshawott": "Moustillon",
"Dewott": "Mateloutre",
"Samurott": "Clamiral",
"Patrat": "Ratentif",
"Watchog": "Miradar",
"Lillipup": "Ponchiot",
"Herdier": "Ponchien",
"Stoutland": "Mastouffe",
"Purrloin": "Chacripan",
"Liepard": "Léopardus",
"Pansage": "Feuillajou",
"Simisage": "Feuiloutan",
"Pansear": "Flamajou",
"Simisear": "Flamoutan",
"Panpour": "Flotajou",
"Simipour": "Flotoutan",
"Munna": "Munna",
"Musharna": "Mushana",
"Pidove": "Poichigeon",
"Tranquill": "Colombeau",
"Unfezant": "Déflaisan",
"Blitzle": "Zébribon",
"Zebstrika": "Zéblitz",
"Roggenrola": "Nodulithe",
"Boldore": "Géolithe",
"Gigalith": "Gigalithe",
"Woobat": "Chovsourir",
"Swoobat": "Rhinolove",
"Drilbur": "Rototaupe",
"Excadrill": "Minotaupe",
"Audino": "Nanméouïe",
"Timburr": "Charpenti",
"Gurdurr": "Ouvrifier",
"Conkeldurr": "Bétochef",
"Tympole": "Tritonde",
"Palpitoad": "Batracné",
"Seismitoad": "Crapustule",
"Throh": "Judokrak",
"Sawk": "Karaclée",
"Sewaddle": "Larveyette",
"Swadloon": "Couverdure",
"Leavanny": "Manternel",
"Venipede": "Venipatte",
"Whirlipede": "Scobolide",
"Scolipede": "Brutapode",
"Cottonee": "Doudouvet",
"Whimsicott": "Farfaduvet",
"Petilil": "Chlorobule",
"Lilligant": "Fragilady",
"Basculin": "Bargantua",
"Sandile": "Mascaïman",
"Krokorok": "Escroco",
"Krookodile": "Crocorible",
"Darumaka": "Darumarond",
"Darmanitan": "Darumacho",
"Maractus": "Maracachi",
"Dwebble": "Crabicoque",
"Crustle": "Crabaraque",
"Scraggy": "Baggiguane",
"Scrafty": "Baggaïd",
"Sigilyph": "Cryptéro",
"Yamask": "Tutafeh",
"Cofagrigus": "Tutankafer",
"Tirtouga": "Carapagos",
"Carracosta": "Mégapagos",
"Archen": "Arkéapti",
"Archeops": "Aéroptéryx",
"Trubbish": "Miamiasme",
"Garbodor": "Miasmax",
"Zorua": "Zorua",
"Zoroark": "Zoroark",
"Minccino": "Chinchidou",
"Cinccino": "Pashmilla",
"Gothita": "Scrutella",
"Gothorita": "Mesmérella",
"Gothitelle": "Sidérella",
"Solosis": "Nucléos",
"Duosion": "Méios",
"Reuniclus": "Symbios",
"Ducklett": "Couaneton",
"Swanna": "Lakmécygne",
"Vanillite": "Sorbébé",
"Vanillish": "Sorboul",
"Vanilluxe": "Sorbouboul",
"Deerling": "Vivaldaim",
"Sawsbuck": "Haydaim",
"Emolga": "Emolga",
"Karrablast": "Carabing",
"Escavalier": "Lançargot",
"Foongus": "Trompignon",
"Amoonguss": "Gaulet",
"Frillish": "Viskuse",
"Jellicent": "Moyade",
"Alomomola": "Mamanbo",
"Joltik": "Statitik",
"Galvantula": "Mygavolt",
"Ferroseed": "Grindur",
"Ferrothorn": "Noacier",
"Klink": "Tic",
"Klang": "Clic",
"Klinklang": "Cliticlic",
"Tynamo": "Anchwatt",
"Eelektrik": "Lampéroie",
"Eelektross": "Ohmassacre",
"Elgyem": "Lewsor",
"Beheeyem": "Neitram",
"Litwick": "Funécire",
"Lampent": "Mélancolux",
"Chandelure": "Lugulabre",
"Axew": "Coupenotte",
"Fraxure": "Incisache",
"Haxorus": "Tranchodon",
"Cubchoo": "Polarhume",
"Beartic": "Polagriffe",
"Cryogonal": "Hexagel",
"Shelmet": "Escargaume",
"Accelgor": "Limaspeed",
"Stunfisk": "Limonde",
"Mienfoo": "Kungfouine",
"Mienshao": "Shaofouine",
"Druddigon": "Drakkarmin",
"Golett": "Gringolem",
"Golurk": "Golemastoc",
"Pawniard": "Scalpion",
"Bisharp": "Scalproie",
"Bouffalant": "Frison",
"Rufflet": "Furaiglon",
"Braviary": "Gueriaigle",
"Vullaby": "Vostourno",
"Mandibuzz": "Vaututrice",
"Heatmor": "Aflamanoir",
"Durant": "Fermite",
"Deino": "Solochi",
"Zweilous": "Diamat",
"Hydreigon": "Trioxhydre",
"Larvesta": "Pyronille",
"Volcarona": "Pyrax",
"Cobalion": "Cobaltium",
"Terrakion": "Terrakium",
"Virizion": "Viridium",
"Tornadus": "Boréas",
"Thundurus": "Fulguris",
"Reshiram": "Reshiram",
"Zekrom": "Zekrom",
"Landorus": "Démétéros",
"Kyurem": "Kyurem",
"Keldeo": "Keldeo",
"Meloetta": "Meloetta",
"Genesect": "Genesect",
"Chespin": "Marisson",
"Quilladin": "Boguérisse",
"Chesnaught": "Blindépique",
"Fennekin": "Feunnec",
"Braixen": "Roussil",
"Delphox": "Goupelin",
"Froakie": "Grenousse",
"Frogadier": "Croâporal",
"Greninja": "Amphinobi",
"Bunnelby": "Sapereau",
"Diggersby": "Excavarenne",
"Fletchling": "Passerouge",
"Fletchinder": "Braisillon",
"Talonflame": "Flambusard",
"Scatterbug": "Lépidonille",
"Spewpa": "Pérégrain",
"Vivillon": "Prismillon",
"Litleo": "Hélionceau",
"Pyroar": "Némélios",
"Flabébé": "Flabébé",
"Floette": "Floette",
"Florges": "Florges",
"Skiddo": "Cabriolaine",
"Gogoat": "Chevroum",
"Pancham": "Pandespiègle",
"Pangoro": "Pandarbare",
"Furfrou": "Couafarel",
"Espurr": "Psystigri",
"Meowstic": "Mistigrix",
"Honedge": "Monorpale",
"Doublade": "Dimoclès",
"Aegislash": "Exagide",
"Spritzee": "Fluvetin",
"Aromatisse": "Cocotine",
"Swirlix": "Sucroquin",
"Slurpuff": "Cupcanaille",
"Inkay": "Sepiatop",
"Malamar": "Sepiatroce",
"Binacle": "Opermine",
"Barbaracle": "Golgopathe",
"Skrelp": "Venalgue",
"Dragalge": "Kravarech",
"Clauncher": "Flingouste",
"Clawitzer": "Gamblast",
"Helioptile": "Galvaran",
"Heliolisk": "Iguolta",
"Tyrunt": "Ptyranidur",
"Tyrantrum": "Rexillius",
"Amaura": "Amagara",
"Aurorus": "Dragmara",
"Sylveon": "Nymphali",
"Hawlucha": "Brutalibré",
"Dedenne": "Dedenne",
"Carbink": "Strassie",
"Goomy": "Mucuscule",
"Sliggoo": "Colimucus",
"Goodra": "Muplodocus",
"Klefki": "Trousselin",
"Phantump": "Brocélôme",
"Trevenant": "Desséliande",
"Pumpkaboo": "Pitrouille",
"Gourgeist": "Banshitrouye",
"Bergmite": "Grelaçon",
"Avalugg": "Séracrawl",
"Noibat": "Sonistrelle",
"Noivern": "Bruyverne",
"Xerneas": "Xerneas",
"Yveltal": "Yveltal",
"Zygarde": "Zygarde",
"Diancie": "Diancie",
"Hoopa": "Hoopa",
"Volcanion": "Volcanion",
"Rowlet": "Brindibou",
"Dartrix": "Efflèche",
"Decidueye": "Archéduc",
"Litten": "Flamiaou",
"Torracat": "Matoufeu",
"Incineroar": "Félinferno",
"Popplio": "Otaquin",
"Brionne": "Otarlette",
"Primarina": "Oratoria",
"Pikipek": "Picassaut",
"Trumbeak": "Piclairon",
"Toucannon": "Bazoucan",
"Yungoos": "Manglouton",
"Gumshoos": "Argouste",
"Grubbin": "Larvibule",
"Charjabug": "Chrysapile",
"Vikavolt": "Lucanon",
"Crabrawler": "Crabagarre",
"Crabominable": "Crabominable",
"Oricorio": "Plumeline",
"Cutiefly": "Bombydou",
"Ribombee": "Rubombelle",
"Rockruff": "Rocabot",
"Lycanroc": "Lougaroc",
"Wishiwashi": "Froussardine",
"Mareanie": "Vorastérie",
"Toxapex": "Prédastérie",
"Mudbray": "Tiboudet",
"Mudsdale": "Bourrinos",
"Dewpider": "Araqua",
"Araquanid": "Tarenbulle",
"Fomantis": "Mimantis",
"Lurantis": "Floramantis",
"Morelull": "Spododo",
"Shiinotic": "Lampignon",
"Salandit": "Tritox",
"Salazzle": "Malamandre",
"Stufful": "Nounourson",
"Bewear": "Chelours",
"Bounsweet": "Croquine",
"Steenee": "Candine",
"Tsareena": "Sucreine",
"Comfey": "Guérilande",
"Oranguru": "Gouroutan",
"Passimian": "Quartermac",
"Wimpod": "Sovkipou",
"Golisopod": "Sarmuraï",
"Sandygast": "Bacabouh",
"Palossand": "Trépassable",
"Pyukumuku": "Concombaffe",
"Type:Null": "Type:0",
"Silvally": "Silvallié",
"Minior": "Météno",
"Komala": "Dodoala",
"Turtonator": "Boumata",
"Togedemaru": "Togedemaru",
"Mimikyu": "Mimiqui",
"Bruxish": "Denticrisse",
"Drampa": "Draïeul",
"Dhelmise": "Sinistrail",
"Jangmo-o": "Bébécaille",
"Hakamo-o": "Écaïd",
"Kommo-o": "Ékaïser",
"TapuKoko": "Tokorico",
"TapuLele": "Tokopiyon",
"TapuBulu": "Tokotoro",
"TapuFini": "Tokopisco",
"Cosmog": "Cosmog",
"Cosmoem": "Cosmovum",
"Solgaleo": "Solgaleo",
"Lunala": "Lunala",
"Nihilego": "Zéroïd",
"Buzzwole": "Mouscoto",
"Pheromosa": "Cancrelove",
"Xurkitree": "Câblifère",
"Celesteela": "Bamboiselle",
"Kartana": "Katagami",
"Guzzlord": "Engloutyran",
"Necrozma": "Necrozma",
"Magearna": "Magearna",
"Marshadow": "Marshadow",
"Poipole": "Vémini",
"Naganadel": "Mandrillon",
"Stakataka": "Ama-Ama",
"Blacephalon": "Pierroteknik",
"Zeraora": "Zeraora",
    "[Gen 7] Random Battle":"[Gen 7] Combat aléatoire",
    "Add game":"Ajouter jeu",
    "Find a random opponent":"Trouver un adversaire aléatoire",
    "Watch a battle":"Regarder un combat",
    "Find a user":"Trouver un utilisateur",
    "Did you have a good day?":"Avez-vous passé une bonne journée ?",
    "[Gen 7] OU battle started between":"[Gen 7] Un combat OU a commencé entre",
    "used":"a utilisé",
    "The opposing":"L'adversaire",
    "restored a little HP using its Leftovers!":"a restauré quelques PV grâce à Restes !",
    "forfeited":"a abandonné",
    "fainted!":"est KO!",
    "Random team":"Équipe aléatoire",
    "Hidden Ability":"Talent caché",
    "Will be":"Va être",
    "after Mega Evolving.": "après avoir Mega-évolué.",
    "Import/Export":"Importer / Exporter",
    "Add Pokémon":"Ajouter un Pokémon",
    "New Team":"Nouvelle équipe",
    "Format List":"Formatter la liste",
    "It's super effective!":"C'est très efficace!",
    "It's not very effective...":"Ce n'est pas très efficace...",
    "lost":"a perdu ",
    "of its health!":" de sa vie!",
    ", come back!":", reviens !",
    "withdrew":"a retiré",
    "sent out":"a envoyé",
    "Change avatar":"Changer d'avatar",
    "Password change":"Changer de mot de passe",
    "◫ Left and right panels":"◫ Panneaux à gauche et à droite",
    "◻ Single panel":"◻ Un seul panneau",
    "Change background":"Changer d'arrière-plan",
    "Dark mode (beta)":"Mode nuit (beta)",
    "Disable animations":"Désactiver les animations",
    "Use BW sprites instead of XY models":"Utiliser les sprites de NB au lieu des modèles de XY",
    "Use modern sprites for past generations":"Utiliser des sprites modernisés des générations précédentes",
    "Ignore tournaments":"Ignorer les tournois",
    "Show PMs in chat rooms":"Afficher les messages privés dans le chat",
    "Highlight when your name is said in chat":"Surligner les messages où vous êtes mentionnés",
    "Notifications disappear automatically":"Faire disparaître automatiquement les notifications",
    "Timestamps in chat rooms:":"Afficher les timestamps dans le chat:",
    "Timestamps in PMs:":"Afficher les timestamps dans les messages privés:",
    "Chat preferences:":"Préférences du chat:",
    "Edit formatting":"Éditer le format",
    "You can choose to display formatted text as normal text":"Vous pouvez choisir d'afficher le texte formatté comme texte simple",
    "Change name":"Changer de nom",
    "Log out":"Déconnexion",
    // Abilities Translation
    "Stench": "Puanteur",
"Drizzle": "Crachin",
"Speed Boost": "Turbo",
"Battle Armor": "Armurbaston",
"Sturdy": "Fermeté",
"Damp": "Moiteur",
"Limber": "Échauffement",
"Sand Veil": "Voile Sable",
"Static": "Statik",
"Volt Absorb": "Absorb Volt",
"Water Absorb": "Absorb Eau",
"Oblivious": "Benêt",
"Cloud Nine": "Ciel Gris",
"Compound Eyes": "Œil Composé",
"Insomnia": "Insomnia",
"Color Change": "Déguisement",
"Immunity": "Vaccin",
"Flash Fire": "Torche",
"Shield Dust": "Écran Poudre",
"Own Tempo": "Tempo Perso",
"Suction Cups": "Ventouse",
"Intimidate": "Intimidation",
"Shadow Tag": "Marque Ombre",
"Rough Skin": "Peau Dure",
"Wonder Guard": "Garde Mystik",
"Levitate": "Lévitation",
"Effect Spore": "Pose Spore",
"Synchronize": "Synchro",
"Clear Body": "Corps Sain",
"Natural Cure": "Médic Nature",
"Lightning Rod": "Paratonnerre",
"Serene Grace": "Sérénité",
"Swift Swim": "Glissade",
"Chlorophyll": "Chlorophylle",
"Illuminate": "Lumiattirance",
"Trace": "Calque",
"Huge Power": "Coloforce",
"Poison Point": "Point Poison",
"Inner Focus": "Attention",
"Magma Armor": "Armumagma",
"Water Veil": "Ignifu-Voile",
"Magnet Pull": "Magnépiège",
"Soundproof": "Anti-Bruit",
"Rain Dish": "Cuvette",
"Sand Stream": "Sable Volant",
"Pressure": "Pression",
"Thick Fat": "Isograisse",
"Early Bird": "Matinal",
"Flame Body": "Corps Ardent",
"Run Away": "Fuite",
"Keen Eye": "Regard Vif",
"Hyper Cutter": "Hyper Cutter",
"Pickup": "Ramassage",
"Truant": "Absentéisme",
"Hustle": "Agitation",
"Cute Charm": "Joli Sourire",
"Plus": "Plus",
"Minus": "Minus",
"Forecast": "Météo",
"Sticky Hold": "Glue",
"Shed Skin": "Mue",
"Guts": "Cran",
"Marvel Scale": "Écaille Spéciale",
"Liquid Ooze": "Suintement",
"Overgrow": "Engrais",
"Blaze": "Brasier",
"Torrent": "Torrent",
"Swarm": "Essaim",
"Rock Head": "Tête de Roc",
"Drought": "Sécheresse",
"Arena Trap": "Piège Sable",
"Vital Spirit": "Esprit Vital",
"White Smoke": "Écran Fumée",
"Pure Power": "Force Pure",
"Shell Armor": "Coque Armure",
"Air Lock": "Air Lock",
"Tangled Feet": "Pieds Confus",
"Motor Drive": "Motorisé",
"Rivalry": "Rivalité",
"Steadfast": "Impassible",
"Snow Cloak": "Rideau Neige",
"Gluttony": "Gloutonnerie",
"Anger Point": "Colérique",
"Unburden": "Délestage",
"Heatproof": "Ignifugé",
"Simple": "Simple",
"Dry Skin": "Peau Sèche",
"Download": "Télécharge",
"Iron Fist": "Poing de Fer",
"Poison Heal": "Soin Poison",
"Adaptability": "Adaptabilité",
"Skill Link": "Multi-Coups",
"Hydration": "Hydratation",
"Solar Power": "Force Soleil",
"Quick Feet": "Pied Véloce",
"Normalize": "Normalise",
"Sniper": "Sniper",
"Magic Guard": "Garde Magik",
"No Guard": "Annule Garde",
"Stall": "Frein",
"Technician": "Technicien",
"Leaf Guard": "Feuille Garde",
"Klutz": "Maladresse",
"Mold Breaker": "Brise Moule",
"Super Luck": "Chanceux",
"Aftermath": "Boom Final",
"Anticipation": "Anticipation",
"Forewarn": "Prédiction",
"Unaware": "Inconscient",
"Tinted Lens": "Lentiteintée",
"Filter": "Filtre",
"Slow Start": "Début Calme",
"Scrappy": "Querelleur",
"Storm Drain": "Lavabo",
"Ice Body": "Corps Gel",
"Solid Rock": "Solide Roc",
"Snow Warning": "Alerte Neige",
"Honey Gather": "Cherche Miel",
"Frisk": "Fouille",
"Reckless": "Téméraire",
"Multitype": "Multitype",
"Flower Gift": "Don Floral",
"Bad Dreams": "Mauvais Rêve",
"Pickpocket": "Pickpocket",
"Sheer Force": "Sans Limite",
"Contrary": "Contestation",
"Unnerve": "Tension",
"Defiant": "Acharné",
"Defeatist": "Défaitiste",
"Cursed Body": "Corps Maudit",
"Healer": "Cœur Soin",
"Friend Guard": "Garde Amie",
"Weak Armor": "Armurouillée",
"Heavy Metal": "Heavy Metal",
"Light Metal": "Light Metal",
"Multiscale": "Multiécaille",
"Toxic Boost": "Rage Poison",
"Flare Boost": "Rage Brûlure",
"Harvest": "Récolte",
"Telepathy": "Télépathe",
"Moody": "Lunatique",
"Overcoat": "Envelocape",
"Poison Touch": "Toxitouche",
"Regenerator": "Régé-Force",
"Big Pecks": "Cœur de Coq",
"Sand Rush": "Baigne Sable",
"Wonder Skin": "Peau Miracle",
"Analytic": "Analyste",
"Illusion": "Illusion",
"Imposter": "Imposteur",
"Infiltrator": "Infiltration",
"Mummy": "Momie",
"Moxie": "Impudence",
"Justified": "Cœur Noble",
"Rattled": "Phobique",
"Magic Bounce": "Miroir Magik",
"Sap Sipper": "Herbivore",
"Prankster": "Farceur",
"Sand Force": "Force Sable",
"Iron Barbs": "Épine de Fer",
"Zen Mode": "Mode Transe",
"Victory Star": "Victorieux",
"Turboblaze": "TurboBrasier",
"Teravolt": "Téra-Voltage",
"Aroma Veil": "Aroma-Voile",
"Flower Veil": "Flora-Voile",
"Cheek Pouch": "Bajoues",
"Protean": "Protéen",
"Fur Coat": "Toison Épaisse",
"Magician": "Magicien",
"Bulletproof": "Pare-Balles",
"Competitive": "Battant",
"Strong Jaw": "Prognathe",
"Refrigerate": "Peau Gelée",
"Sweet Veil": "Gluco-Voile",
"Stance Change": "Déclic Tactique",
"Gale Wings": "Ailes Bourrasque",
"Mega Launcher": "Méga Blaster",
"Grass Pelt": "Toison Herbue",
"Symbiosis": "Symbiose",
"Tough Claws": "Griffe Dure",
"Pixilate": "Peau Féérique",
"Gooey": "Poisseux",
"Aerilate": "Peau Céleste",
"Parental Bond": "Amour Filial",
"Dark Aura": "Aura Ténébreuse",
"Fairy Aura": "Aura Féerique",
"Aura Break": "Aura Inversée",
"Primordial Sea": "Mer Primaire",
"Desolate Land": "Terre Finale",
"Delta Stream": "Souffle Delta",
"Stamina": "Endurance",
"Wimp Out": "Escampette",
"Emergency Exit": "Repli Tactique",
"Water Compaction": "Sable Humide",
"Merciless": "Cruauté",
"Shields Down": "Bouclier-Carcan",
"Stakeout": "Filature",
"Water Bubble": "Aquabulle",
"Steelworker": "Expert Acier",
"Berserk": "Dracolère",
"Slush Rush": "Chasse-Neige",
"Long Reach": "Longue Portée",
"Liquid Voice": "Hydrata-Son",
"Triage": "Prioguérison",
"Galvanize": "Peau Électrique",
"Surge Surfer": "Surf Caudal",
"Schooling": "Banc",
"Disguise": "Fantômasque",
"Battle Bond": "Synergie",
"Power Construct": "Rassemblement",
"Corrosion": "Corrosion",
"Comatose": "Hypersommeil",
"Queenly Majesty": "Prestance Royale",
"Innards Out": "Expuls'Organes",
"Dancer": "Danseuse",
"Battery": "Batterie",
"Fluffy": "Boule de Poils",
"Dazzling": "Corps Coloré",
"Soul-Heart": "Animacœur",
"Tangling Hair": "Mèche Rebelle",
"Receiver": "Receveur",
"Power of Alchemy": "Osmose",
"Beast Boost": "Boost Chimère",
"RKS System": "Système Alpha",
"Electric Surge": "Créa-Élec",
"Psychic Surge": "Créa-Psy",
"Misty Surge": "Créa-Brume",
"Grassy Surge": "Créa-Herbe",
"Full Metal Body": "Métallo-Garde",
"Shadow Shield": "Spectro-Bouclier",
"Prism Armor": "Prisme-Armure",
    // Moves Translation
    "Pound": "Écras'Face",
"Karate Chop": "Poing-Karaté",
"Double Slap": "Torgnoles",
"Comet Punch": "Poing Comète",
"Mega Punch": "Ultimapoing",
"Pay Day": "Jackpot",
"Fire Punch": "Poing de Feu",
"Ice Punch": "Poing-Glace",
"Thunder Punch": "Poing-Éclair",
"Scratch": "Griffe",
"Vice Grip": "Force Poigne",
"Guillotine": "Guillotine",
"Razor Wind": "Coupe-Vent",
"Swords Dance": "Danse-Lames",
"Cut": "Coupe",
"Gust": "Tornade",
"Wing Attack": "Cru-Aile",
"Whirlwind": "Cyclone",
"Fly": "Vol",
"Bind": "Étreinte",
"Slam": "Souplesse",
"Vine Whip": "Fouet Lianes",
"Stomp": "Écrasement",
"Double Kick": "Double Pied",
"Mega Kick": "Ultimawashi",
"Jump Kick": "Pied Sauté",
"Rolling Kick": "Mawashi Geri",
"Sand Attack": "Jet de Sable",
"Headbutt": "Coup d’Boule",
"Horn Attack": "Koud'Korne",
"Fury Attack": "Furie",
"Horn Drill": "Empal'Korne",
"Tackle": "Charge",
"Body Slam": "Plaquage",
"Wrap": "Ligotage",
"Take Down": "Bélier",
"Thrash": "Mania",
"Double-Edge": "Damoclès",
"Tail Whip": "Mimi-Queue",
"Poison Sting": "Dard-Venin",
"Twineedle": "Double-Dard",
"Pin Missile": "Dard-Nuée",
"Leer": "Groz'Yeux",
"Bite": "Morsure",
"Growl": "Rugissement",
"Roar": "Hurlement",
"Sing": "Berceuse",
"Supersonic": "Ultrason",
"Sonic Boom": "Sonicboom",
"Disable": "Entrave",
"Acid": "Acide",
"Ember": "Flammèche",
"Flamethrower": "Lance-Flammes",
"Mist": "Brume",
"Water Gun": "Pistolet à O",
"Hydro Pump": "Hydrocanon",
"Surf": "Surf",
"Ice Beam": "Laser Glace",
"Blizzard": "Blizzard",
"Psybeam": "Rafale Psy",
"Bubble Beam": "Bulles d’O",
"Aurora Beam": "Onde Boréale",
"Hyper Beam": "Ultralaser",
"Peck": "Picpic",
"Drill Peck": "Bec Vrille",
"Submission": "Sacrifice",
"Low Kick": "Balayage",
"Counter": "Riposte",
"Seismic Toss": "Frappe Atlas",
"Strength": "Force",
"Absorb": "Vol-Vie",
"Mega Drain": "Méga-Sangsue",
"Leech Seed": "Vampigraine",
"Growth": "Croissance",
"Razor Leaf": "Tranch'Herbe",
"Solar Beam": "Lance-Soleil",
"Poison Powder": "Poudre Toxik",
"Stun Spore": "Para-Spore",
"Sleep Powder": "Poudre Dodo",
"Petal Dance": "Danse-Fleur",
"String Shot": "Sécrétion",
"Dragon Rage": "Draco-Rage",
"Fire Spin": "Danse Flamme",
"Thunder Shock": "Éclair",
"Thunderbolt": "Tonnerre",
"Thunder Wave": "Cage-Éclair",
"Thunder": "Fatal-Foudre",
"Rock Throw": "Jet-Pierres",
"Earthquake": "Séisme",
"Fissure": "Abîme",
"Dig": "Tunnel",
"Toxic": "Toxik",
"Confusion": "Choc Mental",
"Psychic": "Psyko",
"Hypnosis": "Hypnose",
"Meditate": "Yoga",
"Agility": "Hâte",
"Quick Attack": "Vive-Attaque",
"Rage": "Frénésie",
"Teleport": "Téléport",
"Night Shade": "Ombre Nocturne",
"Mimic": "Copie",
"Screech": "Grincement",
"Double Team": "Reflet",
"Recover": "Soin",
"Harden": "Armure",
"Minimize": "Lilliput",
"Smokescreen": "Brouillard",
"Confuse Ray": "Onde Folie",
"Withdraw": "Repli",
"Defense Curl": "Boul'Armure",
"Barrier": "Bouclier",
"Light Screen": "Mur Lumière",
"Haze": "Buée Noire",
"Reflect": "Protection",
"Focus Energy": "Puissance",
"Bide": "Patience",
"Metronome": "Métronome",
"Mirror Move": "Mimique",
"Self-Destruct": "Destruction",
"Egg Bomb": "Bomb'Œuf",
"Lick": "Léchouille",
"Smog": "Purédpois",
"Sludge": "Détritus",
"Bone Club": "Massd'Os",
"Fire Blast": "Déflagration",
"Waterfall": "Cascade",
"Clamp": "Claquoir",
"Swift": "Météores",
"Skull Bash": "Coud'Krâne",
"Spike Cannon": "Picanon",
"Constrict": "Constriction",
"Amnesia": "Amnésie",
"Kinesis": "Télékinésie",
"Soft-Boiled": "E-Coque",
"High Jump Kick": "Pied-voltige",
"Glare": "Regard Médusant",
"Dream Eater": "Dévorêve",
"Poison Gas": "Gaz Toxik",
"Barrage": "Pilonnage",
"Leech Life": "Vampirisme",
"Lovely Kiss": "Grobisou",
"Sky Attack": "Piqué",
"Transform": "Morphing",
"Bubble": "Écume",
"Dizzy Punch": "Uppercut",
"Spore": "Spore",
"Flash": "Flash",
"Psywave": "Vague Psy",
"Splash": "Trempette",
"Acid Armor": "Acidarmure",
"Crabhammer": "Pince-Masse",
"Explosion": "Explosion",
"Fury Swipes": "Combo-Griffe",
"Bonemerang": "Osmerang",
"Rest": "Repos",
"Rock Slide": "Éboulement",
"Hyper Fang": "Croc de Mort",
"Sharpen": "Affûtage",
"Conversion": "Conversion",
"Tri Attack": "Triplattaque",
"Super Fang": "Croc Fatal",
"Slash": "Tranche",
"Substitute": "Clonage",
"Struggle": "Lutte",
"Sketch": "Gribouille",
"Triple Kick": "Triple Pied",
"Thief": "Larcin",
"Spider Web": "Toile",
"Mind Reader": "Lire-Esprit",
"Nightmare": "Cauchemar",
"Flame Wheel": "Roue de Feu",
"Snore": "Ronflement",
"Curse": "Malédiction",
"Flail": "Fléau",
"Conversion 2": "Conversion2",
"Aeroblast": "Aéroblast",
"Cotton Spore": "Spore Coton",
"Reversal": "Contre",
"Spite": "Dépit",
"Powder Snow": "Poudreuse",
"Protect": "Abri",
"Mach Punch": "Mach Punch",
"Scary Face": "Grimace",
"Feint Attack": "Feinte",
"Sweet Kiss": "Doux Baiser",
"Belly Drum": "Cognobidon",
"Sludge Bomb": "Bomb-Beurk",
"Mud-Slap": "Coud'Boue",
"Octazooka": "Octazooka",
"Spikes": "Picots",
"Zap Cannon": "Élecanon",
"Foresight": "Clairvoyance",
"Destiny Bond": "Prélèvem. Destin",
"Perish Song": "Requiem",
"Icy Wind": "Vent Glace",
"Detect": "Détection",
"Bone Rush": "Charge-Os",
"Lock-On": "Verrouillage",
"Outrage": "Colère",
"Sandstorm": "Tempête de Sable",
"Giga Drain": "Giga-Sangsue",
"Endure": "Ténacité",
"Charm": "Charme",
"Rollout": "Roulade",
"False Swipe": "Faux-Chage",
"Swagger": "Vantardise",
"Milk Drink": "Lait à Boire",
"Spark": "Étincelle",
"Fury Cutter": "Taillade",
"Steel Wing": "Aile d’Acier",
"Mean Look": "Regard Noir",
"Attract": "Attraction",
"Sleep Talk": "Blabla Dodo",
"Heal Bell": "Glas de Soin",
"Return": "Retour",
"Present": "Cadeau",
"Frustration": "Frustration",
"Safeguard": "Rune Protect",
"Pain Split": "Balance",
"Sacred Fire": "Feu Sacré",
"Magnitude": "Ampleur",
"Dynamic Punch": "Dynamopoing",
"Megahorn": "Mégacorne",
"Dragon Breath": "Dracosouffle",
"Baton Pass": "Relais",
"Encore": "Encore",
"Pursuit": "Poursuite",
"Rapid Spin": "Tour Rapide",
"Sweet Scent": "Doux Parfum",
"Iron Tail": "Queue de Fer",
"Metal Claw": "Griffe Acier",
"Vital Throw": "Corps Perdu",
"Morning Sun": "Aurore",
"Synthesis": "Synthèse",
"Moonlight": "Rayon Lune",
"Hidden Power": "Puissance Cachée",
"Cross Chop": "Coup-Croix",
"Twister": "Ouragan",
"Rain Dance": "Danse Pluie",
"Sunny Day": "Zénith",
"Crunch": "Mâchouille",
"Mirror Coat": "Voile Miroir",
"Psych Up": "Boost",
"Extreme Speed": "Vit. Extreme",
"Ancient Power": "Pouvoir Antique",
"Shadow Ball": "Ball'Ombre",
"Future Sight": "Prescience",
"Rock Smash": "Éclate-Roc",
"Whirlpool": "Siphon",
"Beat Up": "Baston",
"Fake Out": "Bluff",
"Uproar": "Brouhaha",
"Stockpile": "Stockage",
"Spit Up": "Relâche",
"Swallow": "Avale",
"Heat Wave": "Canicule",
"Hail": "Grêle",
"Torment": "Tourmente",
"Flatter": "Flatterie",
"Will-O-Wisp": "Feu Follet",
"Memento": "Souvenir",
"Facade": "Façade",
"Focus Punch": "Mitra-Poing",
"Smelling Salts": "Stimulant",
"Follow Me": "Par Ici",
"Nature Power": "Force-Nature",
"Charge": "Chargeur",
"Taunt": "Provoc",
"Helping Hand": "Coup d'Main",
"Trick": "Tourmagik",
"Role Play": "Imitation",
"Wish": "Vœu",
"Assist": "Assistance",
"Ingrain": "Racines",
"Superpower": "Surpuissance",
"Magic Coat": "Reflet Magik",
"Recycle": "Recyclage",
"Revenge": "Vendetta",
"Brick Break": "Casse-Brique",
"Yawn": "Bâillement",
"Knock Off": "Sabotage",
"Endeavor": "Effort",
"Eruption": "Éruption",
"Skill Swap": "Échange",
"Imprison": "Possessif",
"Refresh": "Régénération",
"Grudge": "Rancune",
"Snatch": "Saisie",
"Secret Power": "Force Cachée",
"Dive": "Plongée",
"Arm Thrust": "Cogne",
"Camouflage": "Camouflage",
"Tail Glow": "Lumiqueue",
"Luster Purge": "Lumi-Éclat",
"Mist Ball": "Ball'Brume",
"Feather Dance": "Danse-Plume",
"Teeter Dance": "Danse-Folle",
"Blaze Kick": "Pied Brûleur",
"Mud Sport": "Lance-Boue",
"Ice Ball": "Ball'Glace",
"Needle Arm": "Poing Dard",
"Slack Off": "Paresse",
"Hyper Voice": "Mégaphone",
"Poison Fang": "Crochet Venin",
"Crush Claw": "Éclate Griffe",
"Blast Burn": "Rafale Feu",
"Hydro Cannon": "Hydroblast",
"Meteor Mash": "Poing Météore",
"Astonish": "Étonnement",
"Weather Ball": "Ball'Météo",
"Aromatherapy": "Aromathérapi",
"Fake Tears": "Croco Larme",
"Air Cutter": "Tranch'Air",
"Overheat": "Surchauffe",
"Odor Sleuth": "Flair",
"Rock Tomb": "Tomberoche",
"Silver Wind": "Vent Argenté",
"Metal Sound": "Strido-Son",
"Grass Whistle": "Siffl'Herbe",
"Tickle": "Chatouille",
"Cosmic Power": "Force Cosmik",
"Water Spout": "Giclédo",
"Signal Beam": "Rayon Signal",
"Shadow Punch": "Poing Ombre",
"Extrasensory": "Extrasenseur",
"Sky Uppercut": "Stratopercut",
"Sand Tomb": "Tourbi-Sable",
"Sheer Cold": "Glaciation",
"Muddy Water": "Ocroupi",
"Bullet Seed": "Balle Graine",
"Aerial Ace": "Aéropique",
"Icicle Spear": "Stalagtite",
"Iron Defense": "Mur de Fer",
"Block": "Barrage",
"Howl": "Grondement",
"Dragon Claw": "Dracogriffe",
"Frenzy Plant": "Végé-Attak",
"Bulk Up": "Gonflette",
"Bounce": "Rebond",
"Mud Shot": "Tir de Boue",
"Poison Tail": "Queue-Poison",
"Covet": "Implore",
"Volt Tackle": "Électacle",
"Magical Leaf": "Feuillemagik",
"Water Sport": "Tourniquet",
"Calm Mind": "Plénitude",
"Leaf Blade": "Lame-Feuille",
"Dragon Dance": "Danse Draco",
"Rock Blast": "Boule Roc",
"Shock Wave": "Onde de Choc",
"Water Pulse": "Vibraqua",
"Doom Desire": "Carnareket",
"Psycho Boost": "Psycho Boost",
"Roost": "Atterrissage",
"Gravity": "Gravité",
"Miracle Eye": "Œil Miracle",
"Wake-Up Slap": "Réveil Forcé",
"Hammer Arm": "Marto-Poing",
"Gyro Ball": "Gyroballe",
"Healing Wish": "Vœu Soin",
"Brine": "Saumure",
"Natural Gift": "Don Naturel",
"Feint": "Ruse",
"Pluck": "Picore",
"Tailwind": "Vent Arrière",
"Acupressure": "Acupression",
"Metal Burst": "Fulmifer",
"U-turn": "Demi-Tour",
"Close Combat": "Close Combat",
"Payback": "Représailles",
"Assurance": "Assurance",
"Embargo": "Embargo",
"Fling": "Dégommage",
"Psycho Shift": "Échange Psy",
"Trump Card": "Atout",
"Heal Block": "Anti-Soin",
"Wring Out": "Essorage",
"Power Trick": "Astuce Force",
"Gastro Acid": "Suc Digestif",
"Lucky Chant": "Air Veinard",
"Me First": "Moi d'Abord",
"Copycat": "Photocopie",
"Power Swap": "Permuforce",
"Guard Swap": "Permugarde",
"Punishment": "Punition",
"Last Resort": "Dernier Recours",
"Worry Seed": "Soucigraine",
"Sucker Punch": "Coup Bas",
"Toxic Spikes": "Pics Toxik",
"Heart Swap": "Permucœur",
"Aqua Ring": "Anneau Hydro",
"Magnet Rise": "Vol Magnétik",
"Flare Blitz": "Boutefeu",
"Force Palm": "Forte-Paume",
"Aura Sphere": "Aurasphère",
"Rock Polish": "Poliroche",
"Poison Jab": "Direct Toxik",
"Dark Pulse": "Vibrobscur",
"Night Slash": "Tranche-Nuit",
"Aqua Tail": "Hydroqueue",
"Seed Bomb": "Canon Graine",
"Air Slash": "Lame d'Air",
"X-Scissor": "Plaie-Croix",
"Bug Buzz": "Bourdon",
"Dragon Pulse": "Dracochoc",
"Dragon Rush": "Dracocharge",
"Power Gem": "Rayon Gemme",
"Drain Punch": "Vampipoing",
"Vacuum Wave": "Onde Vide",
"Focus Blast": "Exploforce",
"Energy Ball": "Éco-Sphère",
"Brave Bird": "Rapace",
"Earth Power": "Telluriforce",
"Switcheroo": "Passe-Passe",
"Giga Impact": "Giga Impact",
"Nasty Plot": "Machination",
"Bullet Punch": "Pisto-Poing",
"Avalanche": "Avalanche",
"Ice Shard": "Éclats Glace",
"Shadow Claw": "Griffe Ombre",
"Thunder Fang": "Crocs Éclair",
"Ice Fang": "Crocs Givre",
"Fire Fang": "Crocs Feu",
"Shadow Sneak": "Ombre Portée",
"Mud Bomb": "Boue-Bombe",
"Psycho Cut": "Coupe Psycho",
"Zen Headbutt": "Psykoud'Boul",
"Mirror Shot": "Miroi-Tir",
"Flash Cannon": "Luminocanon",
"Rock Climb": "Escalade",
"Defog": "Anti-Brume",
"Trick Room": "Distorsion",
"Draco Meteor": "Draco Météore",
"Discharge": "Coup d'Jus",
"Lava Plume": "Ébullilave",
"Leaf Storm": "Tempête Verte",
"Power Whip": "Mégafouet",
"Rock Wrecker": "Roc-Boulet",
"Cross Poison": "Poison-Croix",
"Gunk Shot": "Détricanon",
"Iron Head": "Tête de Fer",
"Magnet Bomb": "Bombaimant",
"Stone Edge": "Lame de Roc",
"Captivate": "Séduction",
"Stealth Rock": "Piège de Roc",
"Grass Knot": "Nœud Herbe",
"Chatter": "Babil",
"Judgment": "Jugement",
"Bug Bite": "Piqûre",
"Charge Beam": "Rayon Chargé",
"Wood Hammer": "Martobois",
"Aqua Jet": "Aqua-Jet",
"Attack Order": "Appel Attaque",
"Defend Order": "Appel Défense",
"Heal Order": "Appel Soins",
"Head Smash": "Fracass'Tête",
"Double Hit": "Coup Double",
"Roar of Time": "Hurle-Temps",
"Spacial Rend": "Spatio-Rift",
"Lunar Dance": "Danse-Lune",
"Crush Grip": "Presse",
"Magma Storm": "Vortex Magma",
"Dark Void": "Trou Noir",
"Seed Flare": "Fulmigraine",
"Ominous Wind": "Vent Mauvais",
"Shadow Force": "Revenant",
"Hone Claws": "Aiguisage",
"Wide Guard": "Garde Large",
"Guard Split": "Partage Garde",
"Power Split": "Partage Force",
"Wonder Room": "Zone Étrange",
"Psyshock": "Choc Psy",
"Venoshock": "Choc Venin",
"Autotomize": "Allègement",
"Rage Powder": "Poudre Fureur",
"Telekinesis": "Lévikinésie",
"Magic Room": "Zone Magique",
"Smack Down": "Anti-Air",
"Storm Throw": "Yama Arashi",
"Flame Burst": "Rebondifeu",
"Sludge Wave": "Cradovague",
"Quiver Dance": "Papillodanse",
"Heavy Slam": "Tacle Lourd",
"Synchronoise": "Synchropeine",
"Electro Ball": "Boule Élek",
"Soak": "Détrempage",
"Flame Charge": "Nitrocharge",
"Coil": "Enroulement",
"Low Sweep": "Balayette",
"Acid Spray": "Bombe Acide",
"Foul Play": "Tricherie",
"Simple Beam": "Rayon Simple",
"Entrainment": "Ten-danse",
"After You": "Après Vous",
"Round": "Chant Canon",
"Echoed Voice": "Écho",
"Chip Away": "Attrition",
"Clear Smog": "Bain de Smog",
"Stored Power": "Force Ajoutée",
"Quick Guard": "Prévention",
"Ally Switch": "Interversion",
"Scald": "Ébullition",
"Shell Smash": "Exuviation",
"Heal Pulse": "Vibra Soin",
"Hex": "Châtiment",
"Sky Drop": "Chute Libre",
"Shift Gear": "Changement Vitesse",
"Circle Throw": "Projection",
"Incinerate": "Calcination",
"Quash": "À la Queue",
"Acrobatics": "Acrobatie",
"Reflect Type": "Copie Type",
"Retaliate": "Vengeance",
"Final Gambit": "Tout ou Rien",
"Bestow": "Passe-Cadeau",
"Inferno": "Feu d'Enfer",
"Water Pledge": "Aire d'Eau",
"Fire Pledge": "Aire de Feu",
"Grass Pledge": "Aire de Plante",
"Volt Switch": "Change Éclair",
"Struggle Bug": "Survinsecte",
"Bulldoze": "Piétisol",
"Frost Breath": "Souffle Glacé",
"Dragon Tail": "Draco-Queue",
"Work Up": "Rengorgement",
"Electroweb": "Toile Élek",
"Wild Charge": "Éclair Fou",
"Drill Run": "Tunnelier",
"Dual Chop": "Double Baffe",
"Heart Stamp": "Crèvecœur",
"Horn Leech": "Encornebois",
"Sacred Sword": "Lame Sainte",
"Razor Shell": "Coquilame",
"Heat Crash": "Tacle Feu",
"Leaf Tornado": "Phytomixeur",
"Steamroller": "Bulldoboule",
"Cotton Guard": "Cotogarde",
"Night Daze": "Explonuit",
"Psystrike": "Frappe Psy",
"Tail Slap": "Plumo-Queue",
"Hurricane": "Vent Violent",
"Head Charge": "Peignée",
"Gear Grind": "Lancécrou",
"Searing Shot": "Incendie",
"Techno Blast": "Techno-Buster",
"Relic Song": "Chant Antique",
"Secret Sword": "Lame Ouinte",
"Glaciate": "Ère Glaciaire",
"Bolt Strike": "Charge Foudre",
"Blue Flare": "Flamme Bleue",
"Fiery Dance": "Danse du Feu",
"Freeze Shock": "Éclair Gelé",
"Ice Burn": "Feu Glacé",
"Snarl": "Aboiement",
"Icicle Crash": "Chute Glace",
"V-create": "Coup Victoire",
"Fusion Flare": "Flamme Croix",
"Fusion Bolt": "Éclair Croix",
"Flying Press": "Flying Press",
"Mat Block": "Tatamigaeshi",
"Belch": "Éructation",
"Rototiller": "Fertilisation",
"Sticky Web": "Toile Gluante",
"Fell Stinger": "Dard Mortel",
"Phantom Force": "Hantise",
"Trick-or-Treat": "Halloween",
"Noble Roar": "Râle Mâle",
"Ion Deluge": "DélugePlasma",
"Parabolic Charge": "Parabocharge",
"Forest's Curse": "Maléfice Sylvain",
"Petal Blizzard": "Tempête Florale",
"Freeze-Dry": "Lyophilisation",
"Disarming Voice": "Voix Enjôleuse",
"Parting Shot": "Dernier Mot",
"Topsy-Turvy": "Renversement",
"Draining Kiss": "Vampibaiser",
"Crafty Shield": "Vigilance",
"Flower Shield": "Garde Florale",
"Grassy Terrain": "Champ Herbu",
"Misty Terrain": "Champ Brumeux",
"Electrify": "Électrisation",
"Play Rough": "Câlinerie",
"Fairy Wind": "Vent Féérique",
"Moonblast": "Pouvoir Lunaire",
"Boomburst": "Bang Sonique",
"Fairy Lock": "Verrou Enchanté",
"King's Shield": "Bouclier Royal",
"Play Nice": "Camaraderie",
"Confide": "Confidence",
"Diamond Storm": "Orage Adamantin",
"Steam Eruption": "Jet de Vapeur",
"Hyperspace Hole": "TrouDimensionnel",
"Water Shuriken": "Sheauriken",
"Mystical Fire": "Feu Ensorcelé",
"Spiky Shield": "Pico-Défense",
"Aromatic Mist": "Brume Capiteuse",
"Eerie Impulse": "Ondes Étranges",
"Venom Drench": "Piège de Venin",
"Powder": "Nuée de Poudre",
"Geomancy": "Géo-Contrôle",
"Magnetic Flux": "Magné-Contrôle",
"Happy Hour": "Étrennes",
"Electric Terrain": "Champ Électrifié",
"Dazzling Gleam": "Éclat Magique",
"Celebrate": "Célébration",
"Hold Hands": "Mains Jointes",
"Baby-Doll Eyes": "Regard Touchant",
"Nuzzle": "Frotte-Frimousse",
"Hold Back": "Retenue",
"Infestation": "Harcèlement",
"Power-Up Punch": "Poing Boost",
"Oblivion Wing": "Mort-Ailes",
"Thousand Arrows": "Myria-Flèches",
"Thousand Waves": "Myria-Vagues",
"Land's Wrath": "Force Chtonienne",
"Light of Ruin": "Lumière du Néant",
"Origin Pulse": "Onde Originelle",
"Precipice Blades": "Lame Pangéenne",
"Dragon Ascent": "Draco Ascension",
"Hyperspace Fury": "Furie Dimension",
"Shore Up": "Amass'Sable",
"First Impression": "Escarmouche",
"Baneful Bunker": "Blockhaus",
"Spirit Shackle": "Tisse Ombre",
"Darkest Lariat": "Dark Lariat",
"Sparkling Aria": "Aria de l'Écume",
"Ice Hammer": "Marteau de Glace",
"Floral Healing": "Soin Floral",
"High Horsepower": "Cavalerie Lourde",
"Strength Sap": "Vol-Force",
"Solar Blade": "Lame Solaire",
"Leafage": "Feuillage",
"Spotlight": "Projecteur",
"Toxic Thread": "Fil Toxique",
"Laser Focus": "Affilage",
"Gear Up": "Engrenage",
"Throat Chop": "Exécu-Son",
"Pollen Puff": "Boule Pollen",
"Anchor Shot": "Ancrage",
"Psychic Terrain": "Champ Psychique",
"Lunge": "Furie-Bond",
"Fire Lash": "Fouet de Feu",
"Power Trip": "Arrogance",
"Burn Up": "Flamme Ultime",
"Speed Swap": "Permuvitesse",
"Smart Strike": "Estocorne",
"Purify": "Purification",
"Revelation Dance": "Danse Éveil",
"Core Enforcer": "Sanction Suprême",
"Trop Kick": "Botte Sucrette",
"Instruct": "Sommation",
"Beak Blast": "Bec-Canon",
"Clanging Scales": "Vibrécaille",
"Dragon Hammer": "Draco-Marteau",
"Brutal Swing": "Centrifugifle",
"Aurora Veil": "Voile Aurore",
"Shell Trap": "Carapiège",
"Fleur Cannon": "Canon Floral",
"Psychic Fangs": "Psycho-Croc",
"Stomping Tantrum": "Trépignement",
"Shadow Bone": "Os'Ombre",
"Accelerock": "Vif Roc",
"Liquidation": "Aqua-Brèche",
"Prismatic Laser": "Laser Prisme",
"Spectral Thief": "Clepto-Mânes",
"Sunsteel Strike": "Choc Météore",
"Moongeist Beam": "Rayon Spectral",
"Tearful Look": "Larme à l'Œil",
"Zing Zap": "Électrikipik",
"Nature's Madness": "Ire de la Nature",
"Multi-Attack": "Coup Varia-Type",
"Mind Blown": "Caboche-Kaboum",
"Plasma Fists": "Plasma Punch",
"Photon Geyser": "Photo-Geyser",
"Breakneck Blitz": "Turbo-Charge Bulldozer",
"All-Out Pummeling": "Combo Hyper-Furie",
"Supersonic Skystrike": "Piqué Supersonique",
"Acid Downpour": "Déluge Causti-Toxique",
"Tectonic Rage": "Éruption Géo-Sismique",
"Continental Crush": "Apocalypse Gigalithique",
"Savage Spin-Out": "Cocon Fatal",
"Never-Ending Nightmare": "Appel des Ombres Éternelles",
"Corkscrew Crash": "Vrille Maximum",
"Inferno Overdrive": "Pyro-Explosion Cataclysmique",
"Hydro Vortex": "Super Tourbillon Abyssal",
"Bloom Doom": "Pétalexplosion Éblouissante",
"Gigavolt Havoc": "Fulguro-Lance Gigavolt",
"Shattered Psyche": "Psycho-Pulvérisation EX",
"Subzero Slammer": "Laser Cryogénique",
"Devastating Drake": "Chaos Draconique",
"Black Hole Eclipse": "Trou Noir des Ombres",
"Twinkle Tackle": "Impact Choupinova",
"Catastropika": "Pikachute Foudroyante",
"Sinister Arrow Raid": "Fureur des Plumes Spectrales",
"Malicious Moonsault": "Dark Body Press",
"Oceanic Operetta": "Symphonie des Ondines",
"Guardian of Alola": "Colère du Gardien d'Alola",
"Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike": "Fauche-Âme des Sept Étoiles",
"Stoked Sparksurfer": "Électro-Surf Survolté",
"Pulverizing Pancake": "Gare au Ronflex",
"Extreme Evoboost": "Neuf pour Un",
"Genesis Supernova": "Supernova Originelle",
"10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt": "Giga-Tonnerre",
"Light That Burns the Sky": "Apocalypsis Luminis",
"Searing Sunraze Smash": "Hélio-Choc Dévastateur",
"Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom": "Rayons Séléno-Explosifs",
"Let's Snuggle Forever": "Patati-Patattrape",
"Splintered Stormshards": "Hurlement des Roches-Lames",
"Clangorous Soulblaze": "Dracacophonie Flamboyante",
    // Items Translation
"Repel": "Repousse",
"Super Repel": "Superepousse",
"Max Repel": "Max Repousse",
"Escape Rope": "Corde Sortie",
"Black Flute": "Flûte Noire·",
"White Flute": "Flûte Blanche",
"Shoal Salt": "Sel Trefonds",
"Shoal Shell": "CoquilleTréfonds",
"Red Shard": "Tesson Rouge",
"Blue Shard": "Tesson Bleu",
"Yellow Shard": "Tesson Jaune",
"Green Shard": "Tesson Vert",
"Exp. Share": "Multi Exp",
"Normal Box": "Coffre Normal",
"Gorgeous Box": "Coffre Luxe",
"Slowpoke Tail": "Queue Ramoloss",
"Honey": "Miel",
"Time Flute": "Flute du Temps",
"Poké Snack": "Pokésnack",
"Growth Mulch": "Fertipousse",
"Damp Mulch": "Fertihumide",
"Stable Mulch": "Fertistable",
"Gooey Mulch": "Fertiglu",
"Root Fossil": "Fossile Racine",
"Claw Fossil": "Fossile Griffe",
"Helix Fossil": "Fossile Nautile",
"Dome Fossil": "Fossile Dôme",
"Old Amber": "Vieil Ambre",
"Armor Fossil": "Fossile Armure",
"Skull Fossil": "Fossile Crâne",
"Odd Keystone": "Clé de Voûte",
"Cover Fossil": "Fossile Plaque",
"Plume Fossil": "Fossile Plume",
"Pass Orb": "Offrisphère",
"Ability Capsule": "Pilule Talent·",
"Rich Mulch": "Fertibondance",
"Surprise Mulch": "Fertistantané",
"Boost Mulch": "Fertibérance",
"Amaze Mulch": "Fertiprodige",
"Discount Coupon": "Bon Réduction",
"Strange Souvenir": "Bibelot Bizarre",
"Jaw Fossil": "Fossile Mâchoire",
"Sail Fossil": "Fossile Nageoire",
"Bottle Cap": "Capsule d'Argent",
"Gold Bottle Cap": "Capsule d'Or",
"Festival Ticket": "Festicket",
"Red Nectar": "Nectar Rouge",
"Yellow Nectar": "Nectar Jaune",
"Pink Nectar": "Nectar Rose",
"Purple Nectar": "Nectar Mauve",
"Sun Stone": "Pierre Soleil",
"Moon Stone": "Pierre Lune",
"Fire Stone": "Pierre Feu",
"Thunder Stone": "Pierre Foudre",
"Water Stone": "Pierre Eau",
"Leaf Stone": "Pierre Plante",
"Shiny Stone": "Pierre Éclat",
"Dusk Stone": "Pierre Nuit",
"Dawn Stone": "Pierre Aube",
"Ice Stone": "Pierre Glace",
"Tiny Mushroom": "Petit Champi",
"Big Mushroom": "Gros Champi",
"Pearl": "Perle",
"Big Pearl": "Grande Perle",
"Stardust": "Poussière Étoile",
"Star Piece": "Morceau d'Étoile",
"Gold Leaf": "Feuille D'Or",
"Silver Leaf": "Feuille Arg.",
"Brick Piece": "Morc. Brique",
"Nugget": "Pepite",
"Heart Scale": "Écaille Cœur",
"Rare Bone": "Os Rare",
"Pretty Wing": "Jolie Aile",
"Balm Mushroom": "Champi Suave",
"Big Nugget": "Maxi Pépite",
"Pearl String": "Perle Triple",
"Comet Shard": "Morceau Comète",
"Relic Copper": "Vieux Sou",
"Relic Silver": "Vieil Écu",
"Relic Gold": "Vieux Ducat",
"Relic Vase": "Vieux Vase",
"Relic Band": "Vieux Bijou",
"Relic Statue": "Vieux Santon",
"Relic Crown": "Vieux Tortil",
"Bright Powder": "Poudre Claire",
"Quick Claw": "Vive Griffe",
"King's Rock": "Roche Royale",
"Silver Powder": "Poudre Argentée",
"Amulet Coin": "Piece Rune",
"Cleanse Tag": "Rune Purifiante",
"Smoke Ball": "Boule Fumée",
"Everstone": "Pierre Stase",
"Focus Band": "Bandeau",
"Lucky Egg": "Œuf Chance",
"Scope Lens": "Lentilscope",
"Metal Coat": "Peau Metal",
"Leftovers": "Restes",
"Dragon Scale": "Écaille Draco",
"Light Ball": "Ballelumiere",
"Soft Sand": "Sable Doux",
"Hard Stone": "Pierre Dure",
"Miracle Seed": "Grain Miracle",
"Black Glasses": "Lunettes Noires",
"Black Belt": "Ceinture Noire",
"Magnet": "Aimant",
"Mystic Water": "Eau Mystique",
"Sharp Beak": "Bec Pointu",
"Poison Barb": "Pic Venin",
"Never-Melt Ice": "Glace Éternelle",
"Spell Tag": "Rune Sort",
"Twisted Spoon": "Cuiller Tordue",
"Charcoal": "Charbon",
"Dragon Fang": "Croc Dragon",
"Pink Bow": "Ruban Rose",
"Polkadot Bow": "Ruban à Pois",
"Up-Grade": "Améliorator",
"Lucky Punch": "Poing Chance",
"Metal Powder": "Poudre Metal",
"Thick Club": "Masse Os",
"Stick": "Baton",
"Berserk Gene": "ADN Berzerk",
"White Herb": "Herbe Blanche",
"Macho Brace": "Bracelet Macho",
"Soothe Bell": "Grelot Zen",
"Mental Herb": "Herbe Mental",
"Choice Band": "Bandeau Choix",
"Soul Dew": "Rosée Âme",
"Deep Sea Tooth": "Dent Océan",
"Deep Sea Scale": "Écaille Océan",
"Silk Scarf": "Mouchoir Soie",
"Shell Bell": "Grelot Coque",
"Sea Incense": "Encens Mer",
"Lax Incense": "Encens Doux",
"Red Scarf": "Foul. Rouge",
"Blue Scarf": "Foul. Bleu",
"Pink Scarf": "Foul. Rose",
"Green Scarf": "Foul. Vert",
"Yellow Scarf": "Foul. Jaune",
"Red Orb": "Gemme Rouge",
"Blue Orb": "Gemme Bleue",
"Flame Plate": "Plaque Flam",
"Splash Plate": "Plaque Hydro",
"Zap Plate": "Plaque Volt",
"Meadow Plate": "Plaque Herbe",
"Icicle Plate": "Plaque Glace",
"Fist Plate": "Plaque Poing",
"Toxic Plate": "Plaque Toxic",
"Earth Plate": "Plaque Terre",
"Sky Plate": "Plaque Ciel",
"Mind Plate": "Plaque Esprit",
"Insect Plate": "Plaquinsect",
"Stone Plate": "Plaque Roc",
"Spooky Plate": "Plaque Fantô",
"Draco Plate": "Plaque Draco",
"Dread Plate": "Plaque Ombre",
"Iron Plate": "Plaque Fer",
"Odd Incense": "Encens Bizarre",
"Rock Incense": "Encens Roc",
"Full Incense": "Encens Plein",
"Wave Incense": "Encens Vague",
"Rose Incense": "Encens Fleur",
"Luck Incense": "Encens Veine",
"Pure Incense": "Encens Pur",
"Protector": "Protecteur",
"Electirizer": "Électiriseur",
"Magmarizer": "Magmariseur",
"Dubious Disc": "CD Douteux",
"Reaper Cloth": "Tissu Fauche",
"Razor Claw": "Griffe Rasoir",
"Razor Fang": "Croc Rasoir",
"Oval Stone": "Pierre Ovale",
"Adamant Orb": "Orbe Adamant",
"Lustrous Orb": "Orbe Perlé",
"Griseous Orb": "Orbe Platiné",
"Wide Lens": "Loupe",
"Muscle Band": "Bandeau Muscle",
"Wise Glasses": "Lunettes Sages",
"Expert Belt": "Ceinture Pro",
"Light Clay": "Lumargile",
"Life Orb": "Orbe Vie",
"Power Herb": "Herbe Pouvoir",
"Toxic Orb": "Orbe Toxique",
"Flame Orb": "Orbe Flamme",
"Quick Powder": "Poudre Vite",
"Focus Sash": "Ceinture Force",
"Zoom Lens": "Lentille Zoom",
"Metronome": "Métronome",
"Iron Ball": "Balle Fer",
"Lagging Tail": "Ralentiqueue·",
"Destiny Knot": "Nœud Destin",
"Black Sludge": "Boue Noire",
"Icy Rock": "Roche Glace",
"Smooth Rock": "Roche Lisse",
"Heat Rock": "Roche Chaude",
"Damp Rock": "Roche Humide",
"Grip Claw": "Accro Griffe",
"Choice Scarf": "Mouchoir Choix",
"Sticky Barb": "Piquants",
"Power Bracer": "Poignée Pouvoir",
"Power Belt": "Ceinture Pouvoir",
"Power Lens": "Lentille Pouvoir",
"Power Band": "Bandeau Pouvoir",
"Power Anklet": "Chaîne Pouvoir",
"Power Weight": "Poids Pouvoir",
"Shed Shell": "Carapace Mue",
"Big Root": "Grosse Racine",
"Choice Specs": "Lunettes Choix",
"Douse Drive": "Module Aqua",
"Shock Drive": "Module Choc",
"Burn Drive": "Module Pyro",
"Chill Drive": "Module Cryo",
"Prism Scale": "Bel'Écaille",
"Eviolite": "Évoluroc",
"Float Stone": "Pierrallégée",
"Rocky Helmet": "Casque Brut",
"Air Balloon": "Ballon",
"Red Card": "Carton Rouge",
"Ring Target": "Point de Mire",
"Binding Band": "Bande Étreinte",
"Absorb Bulb": "Bulbe",
"Cell Battery": "Pile",
"Eject Button": "Bouton Fuite",
"Fire Gem": "Joyau Feu",
"Water Gem": "Joyau Eau",
"Electric Gem": "Joyau Électr",
"Grass Gem": "Joyau Plante",
"Ice Gem": "Joyau Glace",
"Fighting Gem": "Joyau Combat",
"Poison Gem": "Joyau Poison",
"Ground Gem": "Joyau Sol",
"Flying Gem": "Joyau Vol",
"Psychic Gem": "Joyau Psy",
"Bug Gem": "Joyau Insecte",
"Rock Gem": "Joyau Roche",
"Ghost Gem": "Joyau Spectre",
"Dragon Gem": "Joyau Dragon",
"Dark Gem": "Joyau Ténèbres",
"Steel Gem": "Joyau Acier",
"Normal Gem": "Joyau Normal",
"Fairy Gem": "Joyau Fée",
"Weakness Policy": "Vulné-Assurance",
"Assault Vest": "Veste de Combat",
"Pixie Plate": "Plaque Pixie",
"Whipped Dream": "Chantibonbon",
"Sachet": "Sachet Senteur",
"Luminous Moss": "Lichen Lumineux",
"Snowball": "Boule de Neige",
"Safety Goggles": "Lunettes Filtre",
"Gengarite": "Ectoplasmite",
"Gardevoirite": "Gardevoirite",
"Ampharosite": "Pharampite",
"Venusaurite": "Florizarrite",
"Charizardite X": "Dracaufite X",
"Blastoisinite": "Tortankite",
"Mewtwonite X": "Mewtwoïte X",
"Mewtwonite Y": "Mewtwoïte Y",
"Blazikenite": "Braségalite",
"Medichamite": "Charminite",
"Houndoominite": "Démolossite",
"Aggronite": "Galekingite",
"Banettite": "Branettite",
"Tyranitarite": "Tyranocivite",
"Scizorite": "Cizayoxite",
"Pinsirite": "Scarabruite",
"Aerodactylite": "Ptéraïte",
"Lucarionite": "Lucarite",
"Abomasite": "Blizzarite",
"Kangaskhanite": "Kangourexite",
"Gyaradosite": "Léviatorite",
"Absolite": "Absolite",
"Charizardite Y": "Dracaufite Y",
"Alakazite": "Alakazamite",
"Heracronite": "Scarhinoïte",
"Mawilite": "Mysdibulite",
"Manectite": "Élecsprintite",
"Garchompite": "Carchacrokite",
"Latiasite": "Latiasite",
"Latiosite": "Latiosite",
"Swampertite": "Laggronite",
"Sceptilite": "Jungkite",
"Sablenite": "Ténéfixite",
"Altarianite": "Altarite",
"Galladite": "Gallamite",
"Audinite": "Nanméouïte",
"Metagrossite": "Métalossite",
"Sharpedonite": "Sharpedite",
"Slowbronite": "Flagadossite",
"Steelixite": "Steelixite",
"Pidgeotite": "Roucarnagite",
"Glalitite": "Oniglalite",
"Diancite": "Diancite",
"Cameruptite": "Caméruptite",
"Lopunnite": "Lockpinite",
"Salamencite": "Drattakite",
"Beedrillite": "Dardargnite",
"Normalium Z": "Normazélite",
"Firium Z": "Pyrozélite",
"Waterium Z": "Aquazélite",
"Electrium Z": "Voltazélite",
"Grassium Z": "Florazélite",
"Icium Z": "Cryozélite",
"Fightinium Z": "Combazélite",
"Poisonium Z": "Toxizélite",
"Groundium Z": "Terrazélite",
"Flyinium Z": "Aérozélite",
"Psychium Z": "Psychézélite",
"Buginium Z": "Insectozélite",
"Rockium Z": "Rocazélite",
"Ghostium Z": "Spectrozélite",
"Dragonium Z": "Dracozélite",
"Darkinium Z": "Ténébrozélite",
"Steelium Z": "Métallozélite",
"Fairium Z": "Nymphézélite",
"Pikanium Z": "Pikazélite",
"Decidium Z": "Archézélite",
"Incinium Z": "Félinozélite",
"Primarium Z": "Oratozélite",
"Tapunium Z": "Tokozélite",
"Marshadium Z": "Marshadozélite",
"Aloraichium Z": "Aloraïzélite",
"Snorlium Z": "Ronflézélite",
"Eevium Z": "Évolizélite",
"Mewnium Z": "Mewzélite",
"Pikashunium Z": "Pikachazélite",
"Adrenaline Orb": "Orbe Frousse",
"Terrain Extender": "Champ'Duit",
"Protective Pads": "Pare-Effet",
"Electric Seed": "Graine Électrik",
"Psychic Seed": "Graine Psychique",
"Misty Seed": "Graine Brume",
"Grassy Seed": "Graine Herbe",
"Fighting Memory": "ROM Combat",
"Flying Memory": "ROM Vol",
"Poison Memory": "ROM Poison",
"Ground Memory": "ROM Sol",
"Rock Memory": "ROM Roche",
"Bug Memory": "ROM Insecte",
"Ghost Memory": "ROM Spectre",
"Steel Memory": "ROM Acier",
"Fire Memory": "ROM Feu",
"Water Memory": "ROM Eau",
"Grass Memory": "ROM Plante",
"Electric Memory": "ROM Électrik",
"Psychic Memory": "ROM Psy",
"Ice Memory": "ROM Glace",
"Dragon Memory": "ROM Dragon",
"Dark Memory": "ROM Ténèbres",
"Fairy Memory": "ROM Fée",
"Solganium Z": "Solgazélite",
"Lunalium Z": "Lunazélite",
"Ultranecrozium Z": "Ultranécrozélite",
"Mimikium Z": "Mimiquizélite",
"Lycanium Z": "Lougarozélite",
"Kommonium Z": "Ékaïzélite",
"Roto Hatch": "Moti-Couveuse",
"Roto Bargain": "Moti-Promo",
"Roto Prize Money": "Moti-Magot",
"Roto Exp. Points": "Molti-Exp",
"Roto Friendship": "Moti-Cœur",
"Roto Encounter": "Moti-Appât",
"Roto Stealth": "Moti-Camouflage",
"Roto HP Restore": "Moti-Récup' PV",
"Roto PP Restore": "Moti-Récup' PP",
"Roto Boost": "Moti-Soutien",
"Roto Catch": "Moti-Capture",
"Poké Ball": "Poké Ball",
"Great Ball": "Super Ball",
"Ultra Ball": "Hyper Ball",
"Master Ball": "Master Ball",
"Safari Ball": "Safari Ball",
"Heavy Ball": "Masse Ball",
"Level Ball": "Niveau Ball",
"Lure Ball": "Appat Ball",
"Fast Ball": "Speed Ball",
"Friend Ball": "Copain Ball",
"Moon Ball": "Lune Ball",
"Love Ball": "Love Ball",
"Sport Ball": "Compét'Ball",
"Net Ball": "Filet Ball",
"Dive Ball": "Scuba Ball",
"Nest Ball": "Faiblo Ball",
"Repeat Ball": "Bis Ball",
"Timer Ball": "Chrono Ball",
"Luxury Ball": "Luxe Ball",
"Premier Ball": "Honor Ball",
"Dusk Ball": "Sombre Ball",
"Heal Ball": "Soin Ball",
"Quick Ball": "Rapide Ball",
"Cherish Ball": "Mémoire Ball",
"Park Ball": "Parc Ball",
"Dream Ball": "Rêve Ball",
"Beast Ball": "Ultra Ball",
"Flower Mail": "Lettre Fleur",
"Surf Mail": "Lettre Surf",
"Litebluemail": "LetrBleuCiel",
"Portraitmail": "LetrPortrait",
"Lovely Mail": "LetrCharm.",
"Eon Mail": "Lettre Evoli",
"Morph Mail": "Lettre Morph",
"Bluesky Mail": "LetrCielBleu",
"Music Mail": "Lettre Musique",
"Mirage Mail": "Lettre Mirage",
"Orange Mail": "Lettre Oranj",
"Harbor Mail": "Lettre Port",
"Glitter Mail": "Lettre Brill",
"Mech Mail": "Lettre Meca",
"Wood Mail": "Lettre Bois",
"Wave Mail": "Lettre Vague",
"Bead Mail": "Lettre Bulle",
"Shadow Mail": "Lettre Ombre",
"Tropic Mail": "Lettre Tropi",
"Dream Mail": "Lettre Songe",
"Fab Mail": "Lettre Cool",
"Retro Mail": "Lettre Retro",
"Grass Mail": "Lettre Herbe",
"Flame Mail": "Lettre Feu",
"Bubble Mail": "Lettre Mer",
"Bloom Mail": "Lett. Pétale",
"Tunnel Mail": "Lettre Mine",
"Steel Mail": "Lettre Acier",
"Heart Mail": "Lettre Coeur",
"Snow Mail": "Lettre Neige",
"Space Mail": "Lettre Cosmo",
"Air Mail": "Lettre Avion",
"Mosaic Mail": "Lettremosaik",
"Brick Mail": "Lettre Brik",
"Greet Mail": "Lettre Salut",
"Favored Mail": "Lettre Fan",
"RSVP Mail": "Lettre Invit",
"Thanks Mail": "Lettre Merci",
"Inquiry Mail": "Let. Demande",
"Like Mail": "Lettre Avis",
"Reply Mail": "Let. Réponse",
"BridgeMail S": "Lettre PontS",
"BridgeMail D": "Lettre PontY",
"BridgeMail T": "Lettre PontF",
"BridgeMail V": "Lettre PontH",
"BridgeMail M": "Lettre PontI",
"Guard Spec.": "Defense Spec",
"Dire Hit": "Muscle +",
"X Attack": "Attaque +",
"X Defense": "Défense +",
"X Speed": "Vitesse +",
"X Accuracy": "Precision +",
"X Sp. Atk": "Special +",
"X Sp. Def": "Def. Spé. +",
"Poké Doll": "Poképoupée",
"Fluffy Tail": "Queue Skitty",
"Blue Flute": "Flûte Bleue",
"Yellow Flute": "Flûte Jaune",
"Red Flute": "Flûte Rouge",
"Poké Toy": "Poképlumet",
"Ability Urge": "Appel CapSpé·",
"Item Drop": "Jette Objet",
"Item Urge": "Appel Objet",
"Reset Urge": "Réamorçage",
"Potion": "Potion",
"Antidote": "Antidote",
"Burn Heal": "Anti-Brûle",
"Ice Heal": "Antigel",
"Awakening": "Reveil",
"Paralyze Heal": "Anti-Para",
"Full Restore": "Guerison",
"Max Potion": "Potion Max",
"Hyper Potion": "Hyper Potion",
"Super Potion": "Super Potion",
"Full Heal": "Total Soin",
"Revive": "Rappel",
"Max Revive": "Rappel Max",
"Fresh Water": "Eau Fraiche",
"Soda Pop": "Soda Cool",
"Lemonade": "Limonade",
"Moomoo Milk": "Lait Meumeu",
"Ether": "Huile",
"Max Ether": "Huile Max",
"Elixir": "Elixir",
"Max Elixir": "Max Elixir",
"Energy Powder": "Poudre Énergie",
"Energy Root": "Racine Énergie",
"Heal Powder": "Poudre Soin",
"Revival Herb": "Herbe Rappel",
"Sacred Ash": "Cendres Sacrées",
"Rage Candy Bar": "Bonbon Rage",
"Lava Cookie": "Lava Cookie",
"Berry Juice": "Jus De Baie",
"HP Up": "PV Plus",
"Protein": "Proteine",
"Iron": "Fer",
"Carbos": "Carbone",
"Calcium": "Calcium",
"Rare Candy": "Super Bonbon",
"PP Up": "PP Plus",
"Zinc": "Zinc",
"PP Max": "PP Max",
"Old Gateau": "Vieux Gâteau",
"Sweet Heart": "Chococœur",
"Health Wing": "Aile Santé",
"Muscle Wing": "Aile Force",
"Resist Wing": "Aile Armure",
"Genius Wing": "Aile Esprit",
"Clever Wing": "Aile Mental",
"Swift Wing": "Aile Sprint",
"Casteliacone": "Glace Volute",
"Lumiose Galette": "Galette Illumis",
"Shalour Sable": "Sablé Yantreizh",
"Big Malasada": "Malasada Maxi",
"HM": "CS",
"TM": "CT",
"Berry": "Baie",
"Gold Berry": "Baie Doree",
"PSNCureBerry": "Baie Antidot·",
"PRZCureBerry": "Baie AntiPAR",
"Mint Berry": "Baie Menthe",
"Burnt Berry": "Baie Brulure",
"Ice Berry": "Baie Gel",
"Bitter Berry": "Baie Amere",
"MysteryBerry": "Baie Mystere",
"MiracleBerry": "Baie Miracle",
"Cheri Berry": "Baie Ceriz",
"Chesto Berry": "Baie Maron",
"Pecha Berry": "Baie Pecha",
"Rawst Berry": "Baie Fraive",
"Aspear Berry": "Baie Willia",
"Leppa Berry": "Baie Mepo",
"Oran Berry": "Baie Oran",
"Persim Berry": "Baie Kika",
"Lum Berry": "Baie Prine",
"Sitrus Berry": "Baie Sitrus",
"Figy Berry": "Baie Figuy",
"Wiki Berry": "Baie Wiki",
"Mago Berry": "Baie Mago",
"Aguav Berry": "Baie Gowav",
"Iapapa Berry": "Baie Papaya",
"Razz Berry": "Baie Framby",
"Bluk Berry": "Baie Remu",
"Nanab Berry": "Baie Nanab",
"Wepear Berry": "Baie Repoi",
"Pinap Berry": "Baie Nanana",
"Pomeg Berry": "Baie Grena",
"Kelpsy Berry": "Baie Alga",
"Qualot Berry": "Baie Qualot",
"Hondew Berry": "Baie Lonme",
"Grepa Berry": "Baie Resin",
"Tamato Berry": "Baie Tamato",
"Cornn Berry": "Baie Siam",
"Magost Berry": "Baie Mangou",
"Rabuta Berry": "Baie Rabuta",
"Nomel Berry": "Baie Tronci",
"Spelon Berry": "Baie Kiwan",
"Pamtre Berry": "Baie Palma",
"Watmel Berry": "Baie Stekpa",
"Durin Berry": "Baie Durin",
"Belue Berry": "Baie Myrte",
"Liechi Berry": "Baie Lichii",
"Ganlon Berry": "Baie Lingan",
"Salac Berry": "Baie Sailak",
"Petaya Berry": "Baie Pitaye",
"Apicot Berry": "Baie Abriko",
"Lansat Berry": "Baie Lansat",
"Starf Berry": "Baie Frista",
"Enigma Berry": "Baie Enigma",
"Occa Berry": "Baie Chocco",
"Passho Berry": "Baie Pocpoc",
"Wacan Berry": "Baie Parma",
"Rindo Berry": "Baie Ratam",
"Yache Berry": "Baie Nanone",
"Chople Berry": "Baie Pomroz",
"Kebia Berry": "Baie Kébia",
"Shuca Berry": "Baie Jouca",
"Coba Berry": "Baie Cobaba",
"Payapa Berry": "Baie Yapap",
"Tanga Berry": "Baie Panga",
"Charti Berry": "Baie Charti",
"Kasib Berry": "Baie Sédra",
"Haban Berry": "Baie Fraigo",
"Colbur Berry": "Baie Lampou",
"Babiri Berry": "Baie Babiri",
"Chilan Berry": "Baie Zalis",
"Micle Berry": "Baie Micle",
"Custap Berry": "Baie Chérim",
"Jaboca Berry": "Baie Jacoba",
"Rowap Berry": "Baie Pommo",
"Roseli Berry": "Baie Selro",
"Kee Berry": "Baie Éka",
"Maranga Berry": "Baie Rangma",
"Coin Case": "Boite Jetons",
"Itemfinder": "Cherch'Objet",
"Old Rod": "Canne",
"Good Rod": "Super Canne",
"Super Rod": "Mega Canne",
"S.S. Ticket": "Passe Bateau",
"Oak's Parcel": "Colis Chen",
"Poké Flute": "Pokéflute",
"Secret Key": "Clé Secrète",
"Bike Voucher": "Bon Commande",
"Gold Teeth": "Dent D'or",
"Card Key": "Carte ",
"Lift Key": "Cle ",
"Silph Scope": "Scope Sylphe",
"Bicycle": "Bicyclette",
"Town Map": "Carte",
"GS Ball": "GS Ball",
"Egg Ticket": "Ticket Oeuf",
"Clear Bell": "Glas Transparent",
"Blue Card": "Carte Bleue",
"Squirt Bottle": "Carapuce à ",
"Red Scale": "Écaillerouge",
"Lost Item": "Poupée perdue",
"Pass": "Passe train",
"Machine Part": "Partie de Machine",
"Silver Wing": "Argent'Aile",
"Rainbow Wing": "Arcenci'Aile",
"Mystery Egg": "Œuf Mystère",
"Secret Potion": "Potionsecret",
"Contest Pass": "Passe Concours ",
"Mach Bike": "Vélo de Course",
"Acro Bike": "Vélo Cross",
"Wailmer Pail": "Wailmerrosoir",
"Devon Parts": "Pack Devon",
"Soot Sack": "Sac à Suie",
"Basement Key": "Clé Sous-Sol",
"Pokéblock Case": "Boite Pokéblocs",
"Letter": "Lettre à Pierre",
"Eon Ticket": "Passe Éon",
"Scanner": "Scanner",
"Go-Goggles": "Lunettes Sable",
"Meteorite": "Météorite",
"Key to Room 1": "Clé salle 1",
"Key to Room 2": "Clé salle 2",
"Key to Room 4": "Clé salle 4",
"Key to Room 6": "Clé salle 6",
"Storage Key": "Clé Stockage",
"Devon Scope": "Devon Scope",
"Vs. Seeker": "Cherche VS",
"Fame Checker": "Memorydex",
"TM Case": "Boite CT",
"Berry Pouch": "Sac A Baies",
"Teachy TV": "TV ABC",
"Tri-Pass": "Tri-Pass",
"Rainbow Pass": "Passe Prisme",
"Tea": "The",
"MysticTicket": "Ticketmystik",
"AuroraTicket": "Ticketaurora",
"Powder Jar": "Pot Poudre",
"Ruby": "Rubis",
"Sapphire": "Saphir",
"Magma Emblem": "Emblème Magma",
"Old Sea Map": "Vieille Carte",
"Jail Key": "Clé de la prison",
"Elevator Key": "Cle Ascens.",
"Small Tablet": "Ardoise",
"F-Disk":"Disque A",
"R-Disk":"Disque D",
"L-Disk":"Disque G",
"D-Disk":"Disque B",
"U-Disk":"Disque H",
"Subway Key": "Clé de contact",
"Maingate Key": "Clé labo",
"Card Key": "Clé magnétique",
"Down St. Key": "Clé du sous-sol",
"DNA Sample": "Échantillon ADN",
"Data ROM": "Disque-ROM",
"Steel Teeth": "Dentier d'acier",
"Gear": "Roue dentée",
"Red ID Badge":"Passe rouge",
"Grn ID Badge":"Passe vert",
"Blu ID Badge":"Passe bleu",
"Ylw ID Badge":"Passe jaune",
"Ein File S": "Dossier Teck O",
"Ein File H": "Dossier Teck H",
"Ein File C": "Dossier Teck C",
"Ein File P": "Dossier Teck P",
"Cologne Case": "Boite a Parfums",
"Powerup Part": "Amplificateur",
"Ein File F": "Dossier Teck F",
"Machine Part": "Piece Meca.",
"ID Card": "Badge",
"Music Disc": "CD Musique",
"Krane Memo 1": "Memo Syrus 1",
"Krane Memo 2": "Memo Syrus 2",
"System Lever": "Levier",
"Sun Shard": "Eclat Soleil",
"Moon Shard": "Eclat Lune",
"Disc Case": "Boite Holog.",
"Krane Memo 3": "Memo Syrus 3",
"Krane Memo 4": "Memo Syrus 4",
"Krane Memo 5": "Memo Syrus 5",
"Mayor's Note": "Lettre Maire",
"Gonzap's Key": "Cle Helgonza",
"Miror Radar": "Radar Disco",
"Bonsly Card": "Carte Manzai",
"Bonsly Photo": "Photo Manzai",
"Voice Case 1": "Boite Cri 1",
"Voice Case 2": "Boite Cri 2",
"Voice Case 3": "Boite Cri 3",
"Voice Case 4": "Boite Cri 4",
"Voice Case 5": "Boite Cri 5",
"Cry Analyzer": "Decodeur Cri",
"Explorer Kit": "Explorakit",
"Loot Sack": "Sac Butin",
"Rule Book": "Livre Règles",
"Poké Radar": "Poké Radar",
"Point Card": "Carte Points",
"Journal": "Journal",
"Seal Case": "Boîte Sceaux·",
"Fashion Case": "Coffret Mode",
"Seal Bag": "Sac Sceaux",
"Pal Pad": "Registre Ami",
"Works Key": "Clé Centrale",
"Old Charm": "Vieux Grigri",
"Galactic Key": "Clé Galaxie",
"Red Chain": "Chaîne Rouge",
"Sprayduck": "Kwakarrosoir",
"Poffin Case": "Boîte Poffin",
"Suite Key": "Clé Chambre",
"Oak's Letter": "Lettre Chen",
"Lunar Wing": "Lun'Aile",
"Member Card": "Carte Membre·",
"Azure Flute": "Flûte Azur",
"Magma Stone": "Pierre Magma",
"Parcel": "Colis",
"Coupon 1": "Bon 1",
"Coupon 2": "Bon 2",
"Coupon 3": "Bon 3",
"Vs. Recorder": "Magnéto VS",
"Gracidea": "Gracidée",
"Apricorn Box": "Bte Noigrume",
"Unown Report": "Carnet Zarbi",
"Berry Pots": "Plante Baies",
"Dowsing Machine": "Cherch'Objet",
"Photo Album": "Album Photo",
"GB Sounds": "Lecteur GB",
"Tidal Bell": "Glas tempête",
"Data Card": "Carte Mémo",
"Jade Orb": "Orbe Vert",
"Lock Capsule": "Capsule Anti-vol",
"Enigma Stone": "Mystécristal",
"Liberty Pass": "Passe Liberté",
"Prop Case": "Boîte Parure",
"Dragon Skull": "Crâne Dragon",
"Light Stone": "Galet Blanc",
"Dark Stone": "Galet Noir",
"Xtransceiver": "Vokit",
"God Stone·ゴッドストーン": "—",
"Gram 1": "Courier 1",
"Gram 2": "Courier 2",
"Gram 3": "Courier 3",
"Medal Box": "B. Médailles",
"DNA Splicers": "Pointeau ADN",
"Permit": "Permis",
"Oval Charm": "Charme Ovale",
"Shiny Charm": "Charme Chroma",
"Plasma Card": "Carte Plasma",
"Grubby Hanky": "MouchoirSale",
"Colress MCHN": "Nikodule",
"Dropped Item": "Objet Trouvé",
"Reveal Glass": "Miroir Sacré",
"Holo Caster": "Holokit",
"Prof's Letter": "Lettre du Prof",
"Roller Skates": "Rollers",
"Sprinklotad": "Nénurrosoir",
"Power Plant Pass": "Passe Centrale",
"Mega Ring": "Méga-Anneau",
"Intriguing Stone": "Pierre Insolite",
"Elevator Key": "Clé Ascenseur",
"TMV Pass": "Passe TMV",
"Honor of Kalos": "Insigne de Kalos",
"Adventure Rules": "ABC Aventure",
"Lens Case": "Boîte Lentilles",
"Looker Ticket": "Ticket Beladonis",
"Mega Charm": "Méga-Charme",
"Pokéblock Kit": "Kit Pokébloc",
"Devon Scuba Gear": "Plongeur Devon",
"Contest Costume": "Costume/Robe Live",
"Magma Suit": "Scaph. Magma",
"Aqua Suit": "Scaphandre Aqua",
"Pair of Tickets": "Ticket Duo",
"Mega Bracelet": "Méga-Bracelet",
"Prison Bottle": "Vase Scellé",
"Mega Cuff": "Méga-Manchette",
"Meteorite Shard": "Éclat Météorite",
"Eon Flute": "Flûte Éon",
"Makeup Bag": "Trousse Beauté",
"Key Stone": "Gemme Sésame",
"Z-Ring": "Bracelet Z",
"Forage Bag": "Sac Ingrédients",
"Fishing Rod": "Canne à Pêche",
"Professor's Mask": "Masque du Prof",
"Sparkling Stone": "Gemme Lumière",
"Zygarde Cube": "Boîte Zygarde",
"Ride Pager": "Appel-Monture",
"Sun Flute": "Flûte du Soleil",
"Moon Flute": "Flûte de la Lune",
"Enigmatic Card": "Message Mystère",
"Z-Power Ring": "Super Bracelet Z",
"Pink Petal": "Pétale Rose",
"Orange Petal": "Pétale Orange",
"Blue Petal": "Pétale Bleu",
"Red Petal": "Pétale Rouge",
"Green Petal": "Pétale Vert",
"Yellow Petal": "Pétale Jaune",
"Purple Petal": "Pétale Violet",
"Rainbow Flower": "Fleur 7 Couleurs",
"Surge Badge": "Fulguro-Badge",
"N-Solarizer": "Necrosol",
"N-Lunarizer": "Necroluna",
"Ilima's Normalium Z": "Cristal Z Althéo",
"Left Poké Ball": "Poké Ball donnée",
"Red Apricorn": "Noigrume ",
"Blue Apricorn": "Noigrume ",
"Yellow Apricorn": "Noigrume ",
"Green Apricorn": "Noigrume ",
"Pink Apricorn": "Noigrume ",
"White Apricorn": "Noigrume ",
"Black Apricorn": "Noigrume ",
"Joy Scent": "P. Doux",
"Excite Scent": "P. Tonifiant",
"Vivid Scent": "P. Palpitant",

    //Extra PM Names
    "-Primal":" Primal",
    "-Blue-Striped":" Rayé Bleu",
    "-Black":" Noir",
    "-White":" Blanc",
    // Item Desc

    //battle.js start
    "The sunlight turned harsh!":"Le soleil tape fort!",
    "s Drought intensified the sun's rays!":" : La capacité Sécheresse intensifie les rayons du soleil !",
    "The sunlight faded.":"Le soleil redevient normal.",
    "The sunlight turned extremely harsh!":"Le soleil devient très fort !",
    "The harsh sunlight faded.":"Le soleil redevient normal.",
    "It started to rain!":"La pluie commence à tomber !",
    "s Drizzle made it rain!":" : La capacité Crachin fait commencer la pluie !",
    "The rain stopped.":"La pluie s'arrête.",
    "A heavy rain began to fall!":"Une pluie très forte vient de commencer !",
    "The heavy rain has lifted!":"La pluie s'arrête.",
    "A sandstorm kicked up!":"Une tempête de sable commence !",
    "s Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!":" : La capacité Sable Volant a créé une tempête !",
    "The sandstorm is raging.":"La tempête fait rage !",
    "The sandstorm subsided.":"La tempête se calme.",
    "It started to hail!":"De la grèle commence à tomber !",
    "s Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!":" : La capacité Alerte Neige amène de la grèle !",
    "The hail is crashing down.":"La grèle se calme.",
    "The hail stopped.":"La grèle s'est arrêtée.",
    "Mysterious strong winds are protecting Flying-type Pok&eacute;mon!":"Des vents mystérieux protègent les Pokémon de type vol !",
    "The mysterious strong winds have dissipated!":"Les vents mystérieux se dissipent !",
    "unleashes its full-force Z-Move!":" utilise sa capacité Z à pleine puissance !",
    "bounced the":"a évité",
    "Waggling a finger let it use":"Le métronome a lancé",
    "Nature Power turned into":"Force-Nature s'est transformée en",
    "Breakneck Blitz turned into":"",
    "s attack continues!":" : L'attaque continue !",
    "used Fissure!":"a utilisé abîme !",
    "Just kidding! It was Earthquake!":"Ah mais non, c'était Séisme!",
    "Register your account:":"Inscrivez votre compte:",
    "Username:":"Nom d'utilisateur :",
    "Password:":"Mot de passe :",
    "Password (confirm):":"Répéter le mot de passe :",
    "What is this pokemon?":"Quel est ce pokémon ?",
    "If holder is an Altaria, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"Si le porteur est Altaria, cet objet lui permet de Méga-Evoluer en combat.",
    "If holder is an Abomasnow, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"Si le porteur est Blizzaroi, cet objet lui permet de Méga-Evoluer en combat.",
    "If holder is an Absol, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"Si le porteur est Absol, cet objet lui permet de Méga-Evoluer en combat.",
    "Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use.":"Augmente l'attaque spéciale du porteur d'un niveau si celui-ci est touché par une attaque de type Eau. Usage unique.",
    "If holder is a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"Si le porteur est Dialga, la force ses attaques de type Acier et Dragon augmente de 20%.",
    "Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage if it gets affected by Intimidate. Single use.":"Augmente la vitesse du porteur d'un niveau, si celui-ci est affecté par Intimidation. Usage unique.",
    "If holder is an Aerodactyl, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"Si le porteur est Ptera, cet objet lui permet de Méga-Evoluer en combat.",
    "If holder is an Aggron, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"Si le porteur est Galeking, cet objet lui permet de Méga-Evoluer en combat.",
    "Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use.":"Redonne au maximum 50% des PV si donné quand les PV sont en dessous de 25%. Rend confus si sa nature est Vitesse. Usage unique.",
    "Holder is immune to Ground-type attacks. Pops when holder is hit.":"Le porteur est immunisé contre les attaques de type sol. L'effet se termine quand le porteur est touché.",
    "If holder is an Alakazam, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"Si le porteur est Alakazam, cet objet lui permet de Méga-Evoluer en combat.",
    "If holder is an Alolan Raichu with Thunderbolt, it can use Stoked Sparksurfer.":"Si le porteur est Raichu Alola avec Tonnerre, il peut utiliser Électro-Surf Survolté.",
    "If holder is an Ampharos, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"Si le porteur est Pharamp, cet objet lui permet de Méga-Evoluer en combat.",
    "Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use.":"Augmente la défense spéciale d'un niveau quand le porteur est à moins de 25% de PV restants. Usage unique.",
    "Can be revived into Shieldon.":"Peut être ravivé en Dinoclier.",
    "Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use.":"Le porteur est dégelé. Usage unique.",
    "Holder's Sp. Def is 1.5x, but it can only select damaging moves.":"La défense spéciale du porteur sera à 150% de l'originale, mais il n'est possible de choisir que des attaques infligeant des dommages.",
    "If holder is an Audino, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"Si le porteur est Nanméouïe, cet objet lui permet de Méga-Evoluer en combat.",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Steel-type attack. Single use.":"Diminue de moitié les dommages infligés par les attaques super efficaces de type Acier.",
    "If holder is a Banette, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"Si le porteur est Branette, cet objet lui permet de Méga-Evoluer en combat.",
    "A special Poke Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts.":"Une Poké Ball spéciale destinée à attraper les Ultra-Chimères.",

    "If holder is a Beedrill, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"大针蜂携带可进行超级进化",
    "Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck.":"用于制作宝可方块或宝芬,被虫咬或啄食时没有效果",
    "Restores 20 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于一半时回复20HP,使用后消失",
    "Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining/Aqua Ring/Ingrain/Leech Seed/Strength Sap.":"使用吸取HP的招式、寄生种子、水流环、扎根和吸取力量时HP回复量提升30%",
    "Holder's partial-trapping moves deal 1/6 max HP per turn instead of 1/8.":"绑紧招式所造成的束缚伤害从1/8提升至1/6",
    "Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"格斗属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Each turn, if holder is a Poison type, restores 1/16 max HP; loses 1/8 if not.":"毒属性宝可梦每回合回复最大HP的1/16,非毒属性宝可梦每回合失去最大HP的1/8",
    "Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"恶属性招式威力提升20%",
    "If holder is a Blastoise, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"水箭龟携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Blaziken, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"火焰鸡携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Kyogre, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle.":"盖欧卡携带在对战中原始回归为原始盖欧卡",
    "The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x.":"对手命中率降低10%",
    "Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用虫属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Bug type.":"银伴战兽携带变成虫属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为虫属性",
    "If holder has a Bug move, this item allows it to use a Bug Z-Move.":"拥有虫属性招式的携带者可以使用虫属性Z招式",
    "Holder's Techno Blast is Fire type.":"携带该道具的宝可梦的高科技光炮变为火属性",
    "If holder is a Camerupt, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"喷火驼携带可进行超级进化",
    "Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Electric-type attack. Single use.":"受到电属性招式攻击时提升一级攻击,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"火属性招式威力提升20%",
    "If holder is a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"喷火龙携带可进行超级进化",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Rock-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的岩石属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use.":"解除麻痹状态,使用后消失",
    "A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an occasion.":"相当珍贵的球,特制出来的纪念品",
    "Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use.":"解除睡眠状态,使用后消失",
    "Halves damage taken from a Normal-type attack. Single use.":"受到一般属性招式时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Techno Blast is Ice type.":"携带该道具的宝可梦的高科技光炮变为冰属性",
    "Holder's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes.":"以只能使用上场后使出的第一个招式为代价攻击提升50%",
    "Holder's Speed is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes.":"以只能使用上场使出的第一个招式为代价速度提升50%",
    "Holder's Sp. Atk is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes.":"以只能使用上场使出的第一个招式为代价特攻提升50%",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fighting-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的格斗属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Can be revived into Anorith.":"可以用来复活太古羽虫",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Flying-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的飞行属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dark-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的恶属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Can be revived into Tirtouga.":"可以用来复活原盖海龟",
    "Holder moves first in its priority bracket when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于25%时能优先攻击一次,使用后消失",
    "Holder's use of Rain Dance lasts 8 turns instead of 5.":"引起的下雨天气从5回合延长至8回合",
    "Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用恶属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Dark type.":"银伴战兽携带变成恶属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为恶属性",
    "If holder has a Dark move, this item allows it to use a Dark Z-Move.":"拥有恶属性招式的携带者可以使用恶属性Z招式",
    "If holder is a Decidueye with Spirit Shackle, it can use Sinister Arrow Raid.":"狙射树枭携带后可以将缝影转化成Z招式:遮天蔽日暗影箭",
    "If holder is a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled.":"珍珠贝携带特防翻倍",
    "If holder is a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled.":"珍珠贝携带特攻翻倍",
    "If holder becomes infatuated, the other Pokemon also becomes infatuated.":"携带者陷入着迷时令对手着迷",
    "If holder is a Diancie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"蒂安希携带可进行超级进化",
    "A Poke Ball that works especially well on Pokemon that live underwater.":"能很容易地捕捉生活在水世界里的宝可梦",
    "Can be revived into Kabuto.":"可以用来复活化石盔",
    "Holder's Techno Blast is Water type.":"携带该道具的宝可梦的高科技光炮变为水属性",
    "Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dragon type.":"龙属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为龙属性",
    "Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"龙属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用龙属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Dragon type.":"银伴战兽携带变成龙属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为龙属性",
    "If holder has a Dragon move, this item allows it to use a Dragon Z-Move.":"拥有龙属性招式的携带者可以使用龙属性Z招式",
    "Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dark type.":"恶属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为恶属性",
    "A special Poke Ball that appears out of nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest.":"在连入之森中,不知何时出现在包包里的梦中球",
    "A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon at night or in caves.":"能很容易地在夜晚或洞窟等阴暗的地方捕捉宝可梦",
    "Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ground type.":"地面属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为地面属性",
    "If holder is an Eevee with Last Resort, it can use Extreme Evoboost.":"伊布携带后可以将珍藏转化成Z招式:九彩升华齐聚顶",
    "If holder survives a hit, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. Single use.":"受到伤害后可立即下场与同伴进行交替,使用后消失",
    "Evolves Electabuzz into Electivire when traded.":"电击兽携带后交换可进化为电击魔兽",
    "Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用电属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Electric type.":"银伴战兽携带变成电属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为电属性",
    "If the terrain is Electric Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use.":"当场地为电气场地时防御提升一级,使用后消失",
    "If holder has an Electric move, this item allows it to use an Electric Z-Move.":"拥有电属性招式的携带者可以使用电属性Z招式",
    "Restores 50 HP to one Pokemon but lowers Happiness.":"非常苦的药粉,回复60HP",
    "Restores 1/4 max HP after holder is hit by a supereffective move. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的攻击时回复最大HP的1/4,使用后消失",
    "If holder's species can evolve, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x.":"还能进化的宝可梦的防御和特防就会提高",
    "Holder's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.2x damage.":"招式出现效果绝佳时威力提升20%",
    "If holder has a Fairy move, this item allows it to use a Fairy Z-Move.":"拥有妖精属性招式的携带者可以使用妖精属性Z招式",
    "Holder's first successful Fairy-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用妖精属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Fairy type.":"银伴战兽携带变成妖精属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为妖精属性",
    "A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokemon which are quick to run away.":"能很容易地捕捉逃跑速度很快的宝可梦",
    "Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用格斗属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Fighting type.":"银伴战兽携带变成格斗属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为格斗属性",
    "If holder has a Fighting move, this item allows it to use a Fighting Z-Move.":"拥有格斗属性招式的携带者可以使用格斗属性Z招式",
    "Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use.":"HP低于25%时回复最大HP的一半,如果是减攻击性格的宝可梦则会陷入混乱,使用后消失",
    "Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用火属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Fire type.":"银伴战兽携带变成火属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为火属性",
    "If holder has a Fire move, this item allows it to use a Fire Z-Move.":"拥有火属性招式的携带者可以使用火属性Z招式",
    "Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fighting type.":"格斗属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为格斗属性",
    "At the end of every turn, this item attempts to burn the holder.":"回合结束时进入灼伤状态",
    "Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fire type.":"火属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为火属性",
    "Holder's weight is halved.":"体重减半",
    "Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用飞行属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Flying type.":"银伴战兽携带变成飞行属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为飞行属性",
    "If holder has a Flying move, this item allows it to use a Flying Z-Move.":"拥有飞行属性招式的携带者可以使用飞行属性Z招式",
    "Holder has a 10% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP.":"受到攻击而将陷入濒死状态时,10%几率保留1点HP而不陷入濒死状态",
    "If holder's HP is full, will survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. Single use.":"HP全满时受到攻击而将陷入濒死状态时保留1点HP而不陷入濒死状态,使用后消失",
    "A Poke Ball that makes caught Pokemon more friendly.":"捉到的野生宝可梦会变得容易和训练家亲密",
    "Holder moves last in its priority bracket.":"携带者所用招式在相同优先度内必定后出",
    "If holder is a Gallade, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"艾路雷朵携带可进行超级进化",
    "Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于25%时提升一级防御,使用后消失",
    "If holder is a Garchomp, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"烈咬陆鲨携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Gardevoir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"沙奈朵携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Gengar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"耿鬼携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用幽灵属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Ghost type.":"银伴战兽携带变成幽灵属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为幽灵属性",
    "If holder has a Ghost move, this item allows it to use a Ghost Z-Move.":"拥有幽灵属性招式的携带者可以使用幽灵属性Z招式",
    "If holder is a Glalie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"冰鬼护携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用草属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Grass type.":"银伴战兽携带变成草属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为草属性",
    "If holder has a Grass move, this item allows it to use a Grass Z-Move.":"拥有草属性招式的携带者可以使用草属性Z招式",
    "If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use.":"当场地为青草场地时防御提升一级,使用后消失",
    "A high-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Poke Ball.":"比起精灵球来更容易捉到宝可梦的,性能还算不错的球",
    "Holder's partial-trapping moves always last 7 turns.":"绑紧招式所造成的束缚状态持续时间固定为7回合",
    "If holder is a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"骑拉帝纳携带后形态转换为起源形态,并且龙属性和幽灵属性的招式威力提升20%",
    "Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用地面属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Ground type.":"银伴战兽携带变成地面属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为地面属性",
    "If holder has a Ground move, this item allows it to use a Ground Z-Move.":"拥有地面属性招式的携带者可以使用地面属性Z招式",
    "If holder is a Gyarados, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"暴鲤龙携带可进行超级进化",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dragon-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的龙属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"岩石属性的招式威力提升20%",
    "A remedial Poke Ball that restores the caught Pokemon's HP and status problem.":"能回复捉到的宝可梦的HP并治愈异常状态",
    "Holder's use of Sunny Day lasts 8 turns instead of 5.":"引起的大晴天天气从5回合延长至8回合",
    "A Poke Ball for catching very heavy Pokemon.":"能很容易地捕捉身体沉重的宝可梦",
    "Can be revived into Omanyte.":"可以用来复活菊石兽",
    "If holder is a Heracross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"赫拉克罗斯携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Houndoom, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"黑鲁加携带可进行超级进化",
    "Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use.":"HP低于25%时回复最大HP的一半,如果是减防御性格的宝可梦则会陷入混乱,使用后消失",
    "Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用冰属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Ice type.":"银伴战兽携带变成冰属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为冰属性",
    "Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ice type.":"冰属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为冰属性",
    "If holder has an Ice move, this item allows it to use an Ice Z-Move.":"拥有冰属性招式的携带者可以使用冰属性Z招式",
    "Holder's use of Hail lasts 8 turns instead of 5.":"引起的冰雹天气从5回合延长至8回合",
    "If holder is an Incineroar with Darkest Lariat, it can use Malicious Moonsault.":"炽焰咆哮虎携带后可以将DD金钩臂转化成Z招式:极恶飞跃粉碎击",
    "Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Bug type.":"虫属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为虫属性",
    "Holder is grounded, Speed halved. If Flying type, takes neutral Ground damage.":"速度降低50%,飞行属性和飘浮特性宝可梦可以受到地面属性招式的伤害",
    "Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Steel type.":"钢属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为钢属性",
    "If holder is hit by a physical move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use.":"受到物理招式攻击时对手损伤1/8的HP,使用后消失",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ghost-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的幽灵属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Poison-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的毒属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage after it is hit by a physical attack. Single use.":"受到物理招式攻击时,防御提升一级,使用后消失",
    "If holder is a Kangaskhan, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"袋兽携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch.":"使用不会陷入畏缩状态的攻击招式时有10%的几率使目标进入畏缩状态",
    "Holder gains the Focus Energy effect when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于25%时进入易中要害状态",
    "If holder is a Latias, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"拉帝亚斯携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Latios, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"拉帝欧斯携带可进行超级进化",
    "At the end of every turn, holder restores 1/16 of its max HP.":"回合结束时回复最大HP的1/16",
    "Restores 10 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use.":"招式的PP降到0时恢复该招式10点PP,使用后消失",
    "A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are a lower level than your own.":"要捕捉的宝可梦比自己宝可梦的等级越低,就会越容易捕捉",
    "Raises holder's Attack by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于25%时攻击提升一级,使用后消失",
    "Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, and it loses 1/10 its max HP after the attack.":"以每次损失最大HP的1/10为代价提升攻击招式伤害30%",
    "If holder is a Pikachu, its Attack and Sp. Atk are doubled.":"皮卡丘携带后攻击和特攻翻倍",
    "Holder's use of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5.":"光墙、反射壁和极光幕的有效时间延长至8回合",
    "If holder is a Lopunny, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"长耳兔携带可进行超级进化",
    "Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are the opposite gender of your Pokemon.":"很容易捕捉和自己宝可梦性别不同的宝可梦",
    "If holder is a Lucario, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"路卡利欧携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages.":"吉利蛋携带后击中要害等级提升两级",
    "Holder cures itself if it is confused or has a major status condition. Single use.":"解除异常状态和混乱状态,使用后消失",
    "Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use.":"受到水属性招式攻击时特防提升一级,使用后消失",
    "A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon hooked by a Rod when fishing.":"能很容易地捕捉用钓竿钓上来的宝可梦",
    "If holder is a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"帕路奇亚携带后龙属性和水属性的招式威力提升20%",
    "A comfortable Poke Ball that makes a caught wild Pokemon quickly grow friendly.":"捉到的野生宝可梦会立刻变得和训练家亲密起来",
    "Holder's Speed is halved. The Ability Klutz does not ignore this effect.":"速度减半,笨拙特性不能无视减半效果",
    "Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"电属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use.":"HP低于25%时回复最大HP的一半,如果是减速度性格的宝可梦则会陷入混乱,使用后消失",
    "Cannot be given to or taken from a Pokemon, except by Covet/Knock Off/Thief.":"对战中不可以给予或从宝可梦身上取下该道具",
    "If holder is a Manectric, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"雷电兽携带可进行超级进化",
    "Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage after it is hit by a special attack. Single use.":"受到特殊攻击时特防提升一级,使用后消失",
    "If holder is Marshadow with Spectral Thief, it can use Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike.":"玛夏多携带后可以将暗影偷盗转化成Z招式:七星夺魂腿",
    "The best Ball with the ultimate performance. It will catch any wild Pokemon.":"必定能捉到野生宝可梦的,性能最好的球",
    "If holder is a Mawile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"大嘴娃携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Grass type.":"草属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为草属性",
    "If holder is a Medicham, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"恰雷姆携带可进行超级进化",
    "Cures holder of Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, Torment. Single use.":"解除着迷、再来一次、挑衅、无理取闹、定身法和回复封锁状态,使用后消失",
    "If holder is a Metagross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"巨金怪携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"钢属性招式威力提升20%",
    "If holder is a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Defense is doubled.":"未变身前的百变怪携带后防御翻倍",
    "Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 5 turns.":"连续使用相同招式时,每重复使用一次威力提升20%,最高200%",
    "If holder is a Mew with Psychic, it can use Genesis Supernova.":"梦幻携带后可以将精神强念转化成Z招式:起源超新星大爆炸",
    "If holder is a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"超梦携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's next move has 1.2x accuracy when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于25%时命中率增加20%,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Psychic type.":"超能力属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为超能力属性",
    "Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"草属性招式威力提升20%",
    "If the terrain is Misty Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use.":"当场地为薄雾场地时特防提升一级,使用后消失",
    "A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that evolve using the Moon Stone.":"能很容易地捕捉使用月之石进化的宝可梦",
    "Holder's physical attacks have 1.1x power.":"物理招式威力提升10%",
    "Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"水属性招式威力提升20%",
    "A Poke Ball that works especially well on weaker Pokemon in the wild.":"捕捉的野生宝可梦越弱,就会越容易捕捉",
    "A Poke Ball that works especially well on Water- and Bug-type Pokemon.":"能很容易地捕捉水属性和虫属性的宝可梦",
    "Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"冰属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用一般属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "If holder has a Normal move, this item allows it to use a Normal Z-Move.":"拥有一般属性招式的携带者可以使用一般属性Z招式",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fire-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的火属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"超能力属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Can be revived into Aerodactyl.":"可以用来复活化石翼龙",
    "Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于50%时回复10HP,使用后消失",
    "A special Poke Ball for the Pal Park.":"在伙伴公园里使用的特殊的球",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Water-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的水属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Psychic-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的超能力属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use.":"解除中毒状态,使用后消失",
    "Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use.":"解除混乱状态,使用后消失",
    "Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于25%时特攻提升一级,使用后消失",
    "If holder is a Pidgeot, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"大比鸟携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Pikachu with Volt Tackle, it can use Catastropika.":"皮卡丘携带后可以将伏特攻击转化成Z招式:皮卡皮卡必杀击",
    "If holder is cap Pikachu with Thunderbolt, it can use 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt.":"戴着帽子的皮卡丘携带后可以将十万伏特转化成Z招式:千万伏特",
    "If holder is a Pinsir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"凯罗斯携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's Fairy-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fairy type.":"妖精属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为妖精属性",
    "Can be revived into Archen.":"可以用来复活始祖小鸟",
    "Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"毒属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用毒属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Poison type.":"银伴战兽携带变成毒属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为毒属性",
    "If holder has a Poison move, this item allows it to use a Poison Z-Move.":"拥有毒属性招式的携带者可以使用毒属性Z招式",
    "A device for catching wild Pokemon. It is designed as a capsule system.":"胶囊样式的用于投向野生宝可梦并将其捕捉的球",
    "Holder's two-turn moves complete in one turn (except Sky Drop). Single use.":"使蓄力招式时消除蓄力回合直接发动效果(自由落体除外),使用后消失",
    "A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an event.":"为了纪念某些事件的稀有的精灵球",
    "If holder is a Primarina with Sparkling Aria, it can use Oceanic Operetta.":"西施海壬携带后可以将泡影的咏叹调转化成Z招式:海神庄严交响乐",
    "Holder's attacks do not make contact with the target.":"不会受到触碰攻击对手时本应受到的效果",
    "Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用超能力属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Psychic type.":"银伴战兽携带变成超能力属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为超能力属性",
    "If the terrain is Psychic Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use.":"当场地为精神场地时特防提升一级,使用后消失",
    "If holder has a Psychic move, this item allows it to use a Psychic Z-Move.":"拥有超能力属性招式的携带者可以使用超能力属性Z招式",
    "A Poke Ball that provides a better catch rate at the start of a wild encounter.":"在战斗开始时使用捕获成功率更高的特殊的精灵球",
    "Each turn, holder has a 20% chance to move first in its priority bracket.":"20%概率优先使用技能",
    "If holder is a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Speed is doubled.":"未变身前的百变怪携带后速度翻倍",
    "No competitive use other than when used with Fling.":"在宝可梦考古学上非常贵重的骨头,可以在商店高价出售",
    "Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use.":"解除灼伤状态,使用后消失",
    "Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage.":"击中要害等级提升一级",
    "If holder survives a hit, attacker is forced to switch to a random ally. Single use.":"受到伤害后攻击方随机交换任意宝可梦,使用后消失",
    "If holder is a Groudon, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle.":"固拉多携带在对战中原始回归为原始固拉多",
    "A Poke Ball that works well on Pokemon species that were previously caught.":"对于以前捕获过的宝可梦效果特别好的特殊的球",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Grass-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的草属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "The holder's type immunities granted solely by its typing are negated.":"受到攻击时,不会出现因属性相性引发的没有效果",
    "Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用岩石属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Rock type.":"银伴战兽携带变成岩石属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为岩石属性",
    "If holder has a Rock move, this item allows it to use a Rock Z-Move.":"拥有岩石属性招式的携带者可以使用岩石属性Z招式",
    "If holder is hit by a contact move, the attacker loses 1/6 of its max HP.":"受到接触类招式时对方失去最大HP的1/6",
    "Can be revived into Lileep.":"可以用来复活触手百合",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fairy-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的妖精属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "If holder is hit by a special move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use.":"受到特殊招式攻击时对手损伤1/8的HP,使用后消失",
    "If holder is a Sableye, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"勾魂眼携带可进行超级进化",
    "A special Poke Ball that is used only in the Safari Zone and Great Marsh.":"仅能在狩猎地带和大湿地中使用的特殊的球,上面有迷彩花纹",
    "Holder is immune to powder moves and damage from Sandstorm or Hail.":"免疫沙暴和冰雹天气造成的伤害",
    "Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于1/4时速度提升一级,使用后消失",
    "If holder is a Salamence, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"暴飞龙携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Sceptile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"蜥蜴王携带可进行超级进化",
    "If holder is a Scizor, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"巨钳螳螂携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"飞行属性招式威力提升20%",
    "If holder is a Sharpedo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"巨牙鲨携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder may switch out even when trapped by another Pokemon, or by Ingrain.":"必定可以交换,无视任何禁止交换的特性或状态",
    "After an attack, holder gains 1/8 of the damage in HP dealt to other Pokemon.":"造成伤害后回复伤害量的1/8HP",
    "Holder's Techno Blast is Electric type.":"携带该道具的宝可梦的高科技光炮变为电属性",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ground-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的地面属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"一般属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"虫属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Restores 1/4 max HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use.":"HP低于50%时回复最大HP的1/4,使用后消失",
    "Can be revived into Cranidos.":"可以用来复活头盖龙",
    "Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Flying type.":"飞行属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为飞行属性",
    "If holder is a Slowbro, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"呆河马携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's use of Sandstorm lasts 8 turns instead of 5.":"引起的沙暴天气从5回合延长至8回合",
    "If holder is a Snorlax with Giga Impact, it can use Pulverizing Pancake.":"卡比兽携带后可以将超级冲击转化成Z招式:认真起来大爆击",
    "Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Ice-type attack. Single use.":"受到冰属性招式攻击时攻击提升一级,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"地面属性招式威力提升20%",
    "If holder is a Latias/Latios, its Dragon- and Psychic-type moves have 1.2x power.":"拉帝亚斯/拉帝欧斯携带后龙属性和超能力属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power.":"幽灵属性招式威力提升20%",
    "Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Water type.":"水属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为水属性",
    "Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ghost type.":"幽灵属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为幽灵属性",
    "A special Poke Ball for the Bug-Catching Contest.":"在捕虫大赛上使用的特殊的球",
    "Raises a random stat by 2 when at 1/4 max HP or less (not acc/eva). Single use.":"HP低于25%时随机提升一项能力两级,使用后消失",
    "If holder is a Steelix, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"大钢蛇携带可进行超级进化",
    "Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用钢属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Steel type.":"银伴战兽携带变成钢属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为钢属性",
    "If holder has a Steel move, this item allows it to use a Steel Z-Move.":"拥有钢属性招式的携带者可以使用钢属性Z招式",
    "If holder is a Farfetch'd, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages.":"大葱鸭携带后击中要害等级提升两级",
    "Each turn, holder loses 1/8 max HP. An attacker making contact can receive it.":"每回合损失最大HP的1/8,受到接触类招式伤害时对方获得该道具",
    "Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Rock type.":"岩石属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为岩石属性",
    "If holder is a Swampert, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"巨沼怪携带可进行超级进化",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Bug-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的虫属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "If holder is a Tapu with Nature's Madness, it can use Guardian of Alola.":"守护神携带后可以将自然之怒转化成Z招式:巨人卫士·阿罗拉",
    "Holder's use of Electric/Grassy/Misty/Psychic Terrain lasts 8 turns instead of 5.":"引起的场地从5回合延长至8回合",
    "If holder is a Cubone or a Marowak, its Attack is doubled.":"嘎啦嘎啦携带后攻击翻倍",
    "A Poke Ball that becomes better the more turns there are in a battle.":"随着战斗回合数增加而变得更好的特殊的球",
    "At the end of every turn, this item attempts to badly poison the holder.":"回合结束时进入剧毒状态",
    "Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Poison type.":"毒属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为毒属性",
    "If holder is a Tyranitar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"班基拉斯携带可进行超级进化",
    "An ultra-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Great Ball.":"比起超级球来更容易捉到宝可梦的,性能非常不错的球",
    "If holder is a Venusaur, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.":"妙蛙花携带可进行超级进化",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Electric-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的电属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use.":"使用水属性招式时提升本次攻击30%的威力,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Multi-Attack is Water type.":"银伴战兽携带变成水属性,携带该道具的宝可梦的多属性攻击变为水属性",
    "If holder has a Water move, this item allows it to use a Water Z-Move.":"拥有水属性招式的携带者可以使用水属性Z招式",
    "If holder is hit super effectively, raises Attack, Sp. Atk by 2 stages. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的伤害时攻击和特攻提升两级,使用后消失",
    "Restores all lowered stat stages to 0 when one is less than 0. Single use.":"将所有能力等级低于0的能力回复至0,使用后消失",
    "The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.1x.":"命中率提升10%",
    "Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use.":"HP低于25%时回复最大HP的一半,如果是减特攻性格的宝可梦则会陷入混乱,使用后消失",
    "Holder's special attacks have 1.1x power.":"特殊招式威力提升10%",
    "Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ice-type attack. Single use.":"受到效果绝佳的冰属性招式攻击时伤害减半,使用后消失",
    "Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Electric type.":"电属性招式威力提升20%,制裁光砾变为电属性",
    "The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.2x if it moves after its target.":"出招比目标慢时命中率提升20%",
    "(Gen 2) On switch-in, raises holder's Attack by 2 and confuses it. Single use.":"(第二世代限定)出场时陷入混乱并提升两级攻击,使用后消失",
    "(Gen 2) Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use.":"(第二世代限定)HP低于50%时回复10HP,使用后消失",
    "(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use.":"(第二世代限定)解除混乱状态,使用后消失",
    "(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use.":"(第二世代限定)解除冰冻状态,使用后消失",
    "(Gen 2) Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Seadra (trade).":"(第二世代限定)龙属性招式威力提升10%,海刺龙携带通信可以进化为刺龙王",
    "(Gen 2) Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use.":"(第二世代限定)HP低于50%时回复30HP,使用后消失",
    "(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use.":"(第二世代限定)解除灼伤状态,使用后消失",
    "(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is confused or has a status condition. Single use.":"(第二世代限定)解除混乱状态,使用后消失",
    "(Gen 2) Restores 5 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use.":"(第二世代限定)招式的PP降到0时恢复该招式10点PP,使用后消失",
    "(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power.":"(第二世代限定)一般属性技能威力提升10%",
    "(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use.":"(第二世代限定)解除麻痹状态,使用后消失",
    "(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use.":"(第二世代限定),解除中毒状态,使用后消失",
    "If held by a Lycanroc forme with Stone Edge, it can use Splintered Stormshards.":"习得尖石攻击的鬃岩狼人可以使用狼啸石牙飓风暴。",
    "If held by a Mimikyu with Play Rough, it can use Let's Snuggle Forever.":"习得嬉闹的谜拟Q可以使用亲密无间大乱揍。",
    "If held by a Kommo-o with Clanging Scales, it can use Clangorous Soulblaze.":"习得鳞片噪音的杖尾鳞甲龙可以使用炽魂热舞烈音爆。",
    "Solgaleo or Dusk Mane Necrozma with Sunsteel Strike can use a special Z-Move.":"习得流星闪冲的索尔迦雷欧或奈克洛兹玛-黃昏之鬃可以发动特殊Z技能。",
    "Lunala or Dawn Wings Necrozma with Moongeist Beam can use a special Z-Move.":"习得暗影之光的露奈雅拉或奈克洛兹玛-可以发动特殊Z技能。",
    "Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma: Ultra Burst, then Z-Move w/ Photon Geyser.":"让奈克洛兹玛-黄昏之鬃/拂晓之翼究极爆发再配合光子喷涌使用Z技能。",
    // Moves Desc Translation
    "Very high critical hit ratio.":"十分容易击中要害。",
    "User recovers 50% of the damage dealt.":"使用者将造成伤害的50%转化为自身的HP。",
    "Usually goes first.":"一定能先发制人进行攻击。",
    "10% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Def by 1.":"10%几率令目标的特防降低1级。",
    "Raises the user's Defense by 2.":"令使用者的防御提升2级。",
    "Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power.":"威力会根据原来的招式而改变。",
    "100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2.":"100%几率令目标的特防降低2级。",
    "Power doubles if the user has no held item.":"在使用者不持有道具的时候给予双倍伤害。",
    "Raises a random stat of the user or an ally by 2.":"使自身或伙伴随机一项能力提升2级。",
    "High critical hit ratio.":"容易击中要害。",
    "The target makes its move right after the user.":"目标将会在使用者之后立刻行动",
    "Raises the user's Speed by 2.":"令使用者的速度提升2级。",
    "High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes.":"容易击中要害。攻击邻近的对手",
    "30% chance to flinch the target.":"有30%的几率使目标陷入畏缩状态。",
    "The user swaps positions with its ally.":"使用者与同伴交换位置。",
    "Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2.":"令使用者的特防提升2级。",
    "Prevents the target from switching out.":"阻止对手替换精灵。",
    "10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva).":"有10%的几率提升自身各项能力一级(除回避率,命中率)",
    "User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn.":"使用者每回合回复自身最大HP的1/16。",
    "No additional effect.":"攻击目标造成伤害。",
    "Hits 2-5 times in one turn.":"一回合内攻击2-5次。",
    "Cures the user's party of all status conditions.":"治愈使用者队伍中所有宝可梦的异常状态。",
    "Raises an ally's Sp. Def by 1.":"提升一名同伴的特防1级。",
    "Uses a random move known by a team member.":"随机使用队伍里一个成员已习得的技能。",
    "Power doubles if target was damaged this turn.":"如果使用者在这回合受到了攻击,威力翻倍。",
    "A target of the opposite gender gets infatuated.":"和使用者性别不同的对手会陷入着迷状态。",
    "10% chance to lower the foe's Attack by 1.":"有10%的几率使对手的攻击下降一级。",
    "For 5 turns, damage to allies is halved. Hail only.":"五回合内,同伴所受到的伤害为原来的一半。只能在冰雹天气时使用成功。",
    "Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg.":"使用者体重减少100KG,速度提升两级。",
    "Power doubles if user is damaged by the target.":"如果被对手攻击的话,威力翻倍。",
    "Lowers the target's Attack by 1.":"使对手的攻击下降一级。",
    "Protects from moves. Contact: poison.":"使自己进入守住状态,接触到的对手会陷入中毒状态。",
    "User switches, passing stat changes and more.":"使用者和后备精灵替换,能够接力能力等级变化等。",
    "Burns on contact with the user before it moves.":"在使用技能前接触到使用者的对手会陷入烧伤状态。",
    "All healthy allies aid in damaging the target.":"所有健康的己方宝可梦会一起攻击目标。",
    "Cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry.":"再使用者食用树果前不能被使用。",
    "User loses 50% max HP. Maximizes Attack.":"使用者失去自身最大HP的50%,使攻击最大化。",
    "User passes its held item to the target.":"使用者将持有的道具移交给目标。",
    "Waits 2 turns; deals double the damage taken.":"等待两回合,之后将受到的伤害双倍奉还给对手。",
    "Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns.":"困住并伤害目标4-5回合。",
    "User cannot move next turn.":"使用者下回合无法移动",
    "High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to burn.":"容易击中要害。有10%的几率使对手陷入烧伤状态。",
    "10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in hail.":"有10%的几率使对手陷入冰冻状态。在冰雹天气时攻击不会被回避。",
    "The target cannot switch out.":"目标将无法替换其它精灵上场",
    "20% chance to burn the target.":"有20%的几率使对手陷入烧伤状态。",
    "30% chance to paralyze the target.":"有30%的几率使对手陷入麻痹状态。",
    "20% chance to paralyze the target.":"有20%的几率使对手陷入麻痹状态。",
    "10% chance to flinch the target.":"有10%的几率使对手畏缩。",
    "Hits 2 times in one turn.":"一回合内攻击两次。",
    "No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon.":"攻击目标造成伤害。攻击邻近的宝可梦。",
    "Bounces turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze.":"第一回合跃起,第二回合攻击。有30%的几率使对手陷入麻痹状态。",
    "Has 33% recoil.":"有33%的反弹伤害。",
    "Destroys screens, unless the target is immune.":"摧毁目标队伍的墙,除非目标免疫此攻击。",
    "Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less.":"如果对手的HP为最大HP的一半或更少,此技能威力翻倍。",
    "10% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1.":"有10%的几率使(所有)对手的速度下降一级。",
    "10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1.":"有10%的几率使目标的速度下降一级。",
     "User steals and eats the target's Berry.":"使用者将窃取并食用目标的树果。",
     "10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1.":"有10%的几率使目标的特防下降一级。",
     "Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1.":"提升使用者的供给和防御各一级。",
     "100% chance to lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1.":"100%使临近的宝可梦速度下降一级。",
     "User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire.":"使使用者的火属性消失,使用者必须为火属性。",
     "Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1.":"提升使用者的特攻和特防各一级。",
     "Changes user's type by terrain (default Normal).":"根据场地改变使用者的属性。",
     "Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender.":"如果目标的性别和使用者相反,目标的特攻下降两级。",
     "No competitive use. Or any use.":"没有什么可比较性的用处。或者说是没用。",
     "Boosts next Electric move and user's Sp. Def by 1.":"提升下次电属性招式的威力,并提升使用者的特防一级。",
     "70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1.":"有70%的几率使使用者的特攻上升一级。",
     "Lowers the target's Attack by 2.":"使目标的攻击下降两级。",
     "100% chance to confuse the target.":"100%使目标混乱。",
     "Ignores the target's stat stage changes.":"无视目标的能力等级变化进行攻击。",
     "Forces the target to switch to a random ally.":"使目标和后备精灵替换。",
     "Lowers the user's Defense by 1.":"使目标的防御下降一级。",
     "Eliminates the target's stat changes.":"消除目标的所有能力等级变化。",
     "Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1.":"使使用者的防御和特防下降一级。",
     "Raises user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1.":"提升使用者的攻击防御命中率各一级。",
     "Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1.":"使目标的特攻下降一级。",
     "Confuses the target.":"使目标陷入混乱状态。",
     "10% chance to confuse the target.":"有10%的几率使目标陷入混乱状态。",
     "Changes user's type to match its first move.":"使使用者的属性变的和自身已学会的第一个招式的属性相同。",
     "Changes user's type to resist target's last move.":"使自己的属性变的对目标最后使出的招式属性有抗性。",
     "Uses the last move used in the battle.":"使用上一个在对战中使用的招式。",
     "Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the target moves first.":"使出后能够消除已经在该回合使出招式的对手的特性。",
     "Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1.":"提升使用者的防御和特防各一级。",
     "Raises the user's Defense by 3.":"提升使用者的防御三级。",
     "Lowers the target's Speed by 2.":"使目标的速度下降两级",
     "If hit by physical attack, returns double damage.":"如果被物理攻击伤害,则返还对手两倍的伤害。",
     "If the user has no item, it steals the target's.":"如果使用者没有持有道具,将会偷走目标的道具。",
     "Protects allies from Status moves this turn.":"保护所有同伴免收变化技能的影响。",
     "High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison.":"容易击中要害。有10%的几率使对手中毒。",
     "50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.":"有50%的几率使对手的防御下降一级。",
     "More power the more HP the target has left.":"目标剩余的HP越多,此技能威力越高。",
     "Curses if Ghost, else +1 Atk, +1 Def, -1 Spe.":"如果使用者具有鬼属性,诅咒对手。如果没有,则提升攻击和防御各一级,速度下降一级。",
     "20% chance to flinch the target.":"有20%的几率使目标畏缩。",
     "Darkrai: Puts the foe(s) to sleep.":"达克莱伊:把对手(们)都给我弄睡觉咯。",
     "-1 evasion; clears user and target side's hazards.":"使目标的回避率下降一级,清除目标队伍的白雾。",
     "If an opponent knocks out the user, it also faints.":"如果对手使使用者陷入濒死状态,那么该对手同样也陷入濒死状态。",
     "Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn.":"本回合内,避免技能对使用者造成影响。",
     "50% chance to raise user's Def by 2 for each hit.":"每一次攻击都有50%的几率使使用者的防御提升两级。",
     "Digs underground turn 1, strikes turn 2.":"第一回合找个地缝钻进去,第二回合攻击。",
     "For 4 turns, disables the target's last move used.":"四回合内,目标最后使用的技能将无法再被使用。",
     "This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes.":"攻击一定会命中。攻击所有对手。",
     "30% chance to paralyze adjacent Pokemon.":"有30%的几率使邻近的宝可梦陷入麻痹状态。",
     "Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2.":"第一回合潜入水中,第二回合攻击。",
     "20% chance to confuse the target.":"有20%的几率使目标陷入混乱状态。",
     "Hits two turns after being used.":"使用该技能后,两回合后触发攻击效果。",
     "Raises the user's evasiveness by 1.":"使使用者的回避率上升以一级。",
     "Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2.":"使使用者的特攻下降两级。",
     "Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1.":"提升使用者的攻击和速度各一级。",
     "Always does 40 HP of damage.":"必定会造成40点伤害。",
     "User recovers 75% of the damage dealt.":"使用者将造成伤害的75%转化为自身的HP。",
     "User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target only.":"使用者将攻击造成伤害的1/2转化为自身的HP。只对睡眠状态的宝可梦有效。",
     "Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dig.":"攻击邻近的宝可梦。如果有目标处于挖洞你状态则对其威力翻倍。",
     "Power increases when used on consecutive turns.":"如果连续使用此招式威力会上升。",
     "Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2.":"降低目标的特攻2级。",
     "5 turns. Grounded: +Electric power, can't sleep.":"五回合内,站在地上的宝可梦使用的电系技能的威力上升,不能陷入睡眠状态。",
     "Changes the target's move to Electric this turn.":"使目标这回合使用的技能属性变为电系。",
     "More power the faster the user is than the target.":"使用者比目标速度越快,此技能威力越高。",
     "100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1.":"100%使(所有)对手的速度下降一级。",
     "For 5 turns, the target's item has no effect.":"5回合内,目标的道具不会有任何效果。",
     "10% chance to burn the target.":"有10%的几率使目标陷入烧伤状态。",
     "The target repeats its last move for 3 turns.":"目标将在三回合内重复使用其最后使用过的技能。",
     "Lowers the target's HP to the user's HP.":"使目标的HP降得和使用者的HP相同。",
     "The user survives the next hit with at least 1 HP.":"使用者在下次的攻击之后至少会留下一点HP。",
     "The target's Ability changes to match the user's.":"目标的特性将会变得和使用者相同。",
     "Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s).":"使用者的HP剩下的越少,威力越小,攻击(所有)对手。",
     "Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints.":"攻击邻近的宝可梦。使用者陷入濒死状态。",
     "Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2.":"提升使用者的攻击防御特攻特防速度各两级。",
     "Nearly always goes first.":"几乎总是先发制人。",
     "Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed.":"如果使用者处于烧伤/中毒/麻痹状态,技能威力为原来的两倍。",
     "Prevents all Pokemon from switching next turn.":"下一回合内,阻止所有宝可梦的替换。",
     "Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance.":"先制攻击,只能在出场后第一回合使用,100%使目标畏缩。",
     "Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2.":"使目标的特防下降两级。",
     "Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP.":"总会使目标留下至少一点HP。",
     "Nullifies Detect, Protect, and Quick/Wide Guard.":"实施对手的见切,保护,和快速/广域防守。",
     "Raises user's Attack by 3 if this KOes the target.":"如果这一击击倒了目标,使用者的攻击提升3级。",
     "50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1.":"有50%的几率使使用者的特攻上升一级。",
     "Does damage equal to the user's HP. User faints.":"造成的伤害和使用者留下的HP相同。使用者陷入濒死状态。",
     "10% chance to burn. 10% chance to flinch.":"有10%的几率使目标陷入烧伤状态。有10%的几率使目标畏缩。",
     "100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.":"100%使目标的防御下降一级。",
     "Use with Grass or Water Pledge for added effect.":"和草或水之誓言同时使用会有特效。",
     "Hits first. First turn out only.":"先制攻击,只能在出场后第一回合使用。",
     "OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level.":"一击必杀。如果使用者的等级低于目标则使用技能失败。",
     "More power the less HP the user has left.":"使用者的HP越少,技能威力越高。",
     "Damages Pokemon next to the target as well.":"击中目标的同时也会伤害到其身边的宝可梦。",
     "100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1.":"100%使使用者的速度上升一级。",
     "10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user.":"10%使目标陷入烧伤状态。能使使用者解除冰冻状态。",
     "Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user.":"有33%的反弹伤害。10%使目标陷入烧伤状态。能使使用者解除冰冻状态。",
     "Lowers the target's accuracy by 1.":"使目标的命中率下降一级。",
     "Raises the target's Sp. Atk by 1 and confuses it.":"使目标的特攻上升一级,使目标陷入混乱状态。",
     "Flings the user's item at the target. Power varies.":"使用者投掷携带的道具进行攻击。威力会改变。",
     "Heals the target by 50% of its max HP.":"使目标回复其最大HP的50%。",
     "Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass types.":"使场上所有草系宝可梦的防御提升一级。",
     "Flies up on first turn, then strikes the next turn.":"第一回合上天,第二回合攻击。",
     "Combines Flying in its type effectiveness.":"此技能同时也具备飞行属性。",
     "Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 2.":"使使用者的会心一击等级提升两级。",
     "Fails if the user takes damage before it hits.":"如果在使用招式前受到攻击则技能使用失败。",
     "The foes' moves target the user on the turn used.":"所有对方使用的作用范围为单体选择的招式都会攻向自己。",
     "Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored.":"格斗系,一般系技能能击中鬼系。无视回避率变化。",
     "Adds Grass to the target's type(s).":"使目标拥有草属性。",
     "Uses target's Attack stat in damage calculation.":"使用目标的攻击代替使用者的攻击进行伤害计算。",
     "10% chance to freeze. Super effective on Water.":"有10%的几率使对手陷入冰冻状态。对水系效果拔群。",
     "Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze.":"第一回合充能,第二回合攻击。有30%的几率使对手陷入麻痹状态。",
     "Always results in a critical hit.":"一定会造成会心一击。",
     "Max 102 power at minimum Happiness.":"当亲密值最低的时候达到最大威力102。",
     "Power doubles with each hit, up to 160.":"每一连续击都会使上一击的威力加倍。最高为160。",
     "Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare.":"如果在攻击前被交织火焰击中的话威力加倍。",
     "Power doubles if used after Fusion Bolt.":"如果在攻击前被交织闪电击中的话威力加倍。",
     "Nullifies the target's Ability.":"使对手的特性消失。",
     "Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by 1.":"提升特性为正电/负电的宝可梦的攻击和特攻各一级。",
     "Summons Psychic Terrain.":"散布精神场地。",
     "Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turn 2.":"先充能,然后提升使用者的特攻特防速度各两级。",
     "Paralyzes the target.":"使目标陷入麻痹状态。",
     "More power the heavier the target.":"目标越重,威力越大。",
     "Use with Fire or Water Pledge for added effect.":"和火或水之誓言同时使用会有特效。",
     "5 turns. Grounded: +Grass power,+1/16 max HP.":"五回合内,站在地上的宝可梦使用的草系技能的威力上升,每回合回复最大HP的1/16。",
     "For 5 turns, negates all Ground immunities.":"五回合内无视所有对地上属性的免疫。",
     "Lowers the foe(s) Attack by 1.":"使(所有)对手的攻击下降一级。",
     "Raises user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1; 2 in Sun.":"使使用者的攻击和特攻上升一级,晴天上升两级。",
     "If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP.":"如果使用者倒下,则对方最后使用的攻击失去所有PP。",
     "Averages Defense and Sp. Def stats with target.":"平分使用者和目标的防御和特防。",
     "Swaps Defense and Sp. Def changes with target.":"交换使用者和目标的防御和特防。",
     "Does damage equal to 3/4 target's current HP.":"目标失去最大HP的3/4.",
     "Power doubles during Fly, Bounce, and Sky Drop.":"如果目标正使用飞空,弹跳,自由落体,技能威力翻倍。",
     "More power the slower the user than the target.":"使用者速度比对手越慢,威力越大。",
     "For 5 turns, hail crashes down.":"5回合内为冰雹天气。",
     "Lowers the user's Speed by 1.":"使使用者的速度下降一级。",
     "No competitive use.":"没有什么可比较性的用处。",
     "Raises the user's Defense by 1.":"使使用者的防御提升一级。",
     "Eliminates all stat changes.":"消除所有能力等级变化",
     "Has 1/4 recoil.":"有1/4的反弹伤害。",
     "Has 1/2 recoil.":"有1/2的反弹伤害。",
     "For 5 turns, the foe(s) is prevented from healing.":"5回合内,(所有)对手无法使用治愈技能。",
     "Heals the user by 50% of its max HP.":"使使用者回复自身最大HP的50%。",
     "User faints. Replacement is fully healed.":"使用者陷入濒死状态。替换上场的宝可梦会被完全治愈。",
     "Swaps all stat changes with target.":"交换自身和目标的能力等级变化。",
     "More power the heavier the user than the target.":"使用者比目标越重,技能威力越大。",
     "10% chance to burn the foe(s).":"10%使目标陷入烧伤状态。",
     "One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn.":"一名邻近的同伴此回合使出的技能威力变为原来的1.5倍。",
     "Power doubles if the target has a status ailment.":"如果目标已经陷入负面状态则威力翻倍。",
     "Varies in type based on the user's IVs.":"技能属性和使用者的个体值有关。",
     "User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses.":"如果技能未命中则使用者失去最大HP的50%。",
     "Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1.":"使使用者的攻击和命中率上升一级。",
     "Raises the user's Attack by 1.":"使使用者的攻击上升一级。",
     "30% chance to confuse target. Can't miss in rain.":"30%使目标陷入混乱状态,在雨天不能被回避。",
     "Hoopa-U: Lowers user's Def by 1; breaks protection.":"胡帕-解放:降低使用者的防御一级;破坏对手的守住状态。",
     "Breaks the target's protection for this turn.":"这一回合能够破坏对手的守住状态。",
     "No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.":"攻击对手造成伤害。攻击邻近的宝可梦。",
     "Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns.":"每一次攻击威力都会翻倍,连续攻击5次。",
     "10% chance to freeze the target.":"10%使目标陷入冰冻状态。",
     "Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% burn.":"第一回合充能,第二回合攻击。有30%的几率使对手陷入烧伤状态。",
     "10% chance to freeze. 10% chance to flinch.":"10%使目标陷入冰冻状态。10%使目标畏缩。",
     "Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage.":"100%使目标的速度下降一级。",
     "No foe can use any move known by the user.":"对手将无法使用使用者已习得的技能。",
     "Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem.":"烧毁对手的树果和珠宝。",
     "100% chance to burn the target.":"100%使对手陷入烧伤状态。",
     "User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. Traps user.":"使用者每回合回复最大HP的1/16,但将无法替换。",
     "The target immediately uses its last used move.":"目标会立即使用其上次使用的技能。",
     "Normal moves become Electric type this turn.":"下一回合内一般系技能会变为电系技能。",
     "30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.":"30%使目标的防御下降一级。",
     "Type varies based on the held Plate.":"技能的属性会根据所持有的石板变化。",
     "Protects from attacks. Contact: lowers Atk by 2.":"防止被技能攻击,接触到的对手攻击会下降两级。",
     "1.5x damage if foe holds an item. Removes item.":"如果目标持有道具的话,技能威力为原来的1.5倍。封住目标的道具。",
     "Next turn, the user's attack will be a critical hit.":"下一回合一定会打出会心一击。",
     "Fails unless each known move has been used.":"只有所有习得的其他技能被时出示才能使用该技能。",
     "30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon.":"30%使邻近的宝可梦陷入烧伤状态。",
     "50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1.":"50%使目标的命中率下降一级。",
     "1/8 of target's HP is restored to user every turn.":"每回合吸取目标最大生命值的1/8。",
     "Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1.":"使(所有)对手的防御下降一级。",
     "For 5 turns, special damage to allies is halved.":"5回合内,对同伴的特殊攻击伤害减半。",
     "20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.":"20%使目标的防御下降一级。",
     "User's next move will not miss the target.":"使用者下一回合对目标的攻击将不会被回避。",
     "Puts the target to sleep.":"使目标陷入睡眠状态。",
     "100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1.":"100%使目标的速度下降一级。",
     "For 5 turns, shields user's party from critical hits.":"5回合内,对手的攻击不会击中使用者的要害。",
     "User faints. Replacement is fully healed, with PP.":"使用者陷入濒死状态。替换上场的宝可梦会被完全治愈。包括回复PP。",
     "100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.":"100%使目标的攻击下降一级。",
     "50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1.":"50%使目标的特防下降一级。",
     "Bounces back certain non-damaging moves.":"将变化技能反弹回去!",
     "For 5 turns, all held items have no effect.":"5回合内,携带的道具将不会有效果。",
     "This move does not check accuracy.":"攻击一定会命中。",
     "Raises Def, Sp. Def of allies with Plus/Minus by 1.":"提升具有正电/负电特性宝可梦的防御和特防一级。",
     "For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground moves.":"5回合内,使用者免受地上系技能的攻击。",
     "Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power varies; 2x on Dig.":"攻击邻近的宝可梦。威力随机变化,对挖洞的目标造成两倍伤害。",
     "Protects allies from attacks. First turn out only.":"防止同伴受到攻击,只能在出场后第一回合使用。",
     "Copies a foe at 1.5x power. User must be faster.":"抢先使出对手将要使出的技能。使用者必须更快。",
     "Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User faints.":"使目标的攻击和特攻下降两级,使用者陷入濒死状态。",
     "If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage.":"如果因攻击而受到伤害,则返还1.5倍的伤害。",
     "10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1.":"10%使使用者的攻击上升一级。",
     "20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1.":"20%使使用者的攻击上升一级。",
     "Picks a random move.":"根据使用者的rp随机使出一个技能。",
     "The last move the target used replaces this one.":"这个技能将会变成目标会后使出的技能。",
     "Raises the user's evasiveness by 2.":"使使用者的回避率上升2级。",
     "Psychic hits Dark. Evasiveness ignored.":"超能系技能可以命中恶系。无视回避率变化。",
     "If hit by special attack, returns double damage.":"如果被特殊攻击伤害,则返还对手两倍的伤害。",
     "User uses the target's last used move against it.":"使用目标最后使用过的招式。",
     "30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1.":"30%使目标的命中率下降一级。",
     "For 5 turns, protects user's party from stat drops.":"在5回合内不会让对手降低自己队伍中宝可梦的能力。",
     "50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1.":"50%使目标的特攻下降一级。",
     "5 turns. Can't status,-Dragon power vs grounded.":"五回合内,站在地上的宝可梦面不会陷入负面状态,且受到龙系招式的伤害减半。",
     "30% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1.":"30%使目标的特攻下降一级。",
     "Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon.":"无视目标的特性进行攻击。",
     "Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount.":"恢复使用者的HP,回复量随天气变化。",
     "100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1.":"100%使目标的命中率下降一级。",
     "For 5 turns, Electric-type attacks have 1/3 power.":"五回合内,电系技能的威力变为原来的1/3。",
     "30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1.":"30%使目标的命中率下降一级。",
     "Type varies based on the held Memory.":"技能属性和携带的储存碟有关。",
     "100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1.":"100%下降目标的特攻一级。",
     "Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2.":"使使用者的特攻上升两级。",
     "Power and type depends on the user's Berry.":"威力和属性基于使用者携带的树果。",
     "Attack depends on terrain (default Tri Attack).":"攻击随着场地变化而变化。默认为三角攻击。",
     "Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP.":"攻击造成的伤害为目标剩下HP的50%。",
     "40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1.":"40%使目标的命中率下降一级。",
     "Does damage equal to the user's level.":"技能伤害和使用者的等级相同。",
     "A sleeping target is hurt by 1/4 max HP per turn.":"睡眠中的目标每回合失去其最大HP的1/4。",
     "Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1.":"降低目标的攻击和特攻一级。",
     "Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards.":"持续2-3回合,冷静下来后会混乱。",
     "Shares HP of user and target equally.":"平分使用者和目标的HP。",
     "Lowers target's Atk, Sp. Atk by 1. User switches.":"降低目标的攻击和特攻一级,使用者和后备精灵替换。",
     "Scatters coins.":"土豪来撒钱啦。",
     "Power doubles if the user moves after the target.":"如果在目标之后攻击,威力翻倍。",
     "All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns.":"所有在场的宝可梦会在三回合内倒下。",
     "Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection.":"第一回合突然消失,第二回合攻击。破坏目标的守住状态。",
     "10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.":"10%使目标的攻击下降一级。",
     "50% chance to badly poison the target.":"50%使目标中剧毒。",
     "Poisons the foe(s).":"使(所有)敌人中毒。",
     "30% chance to poison the target.":"30%使目标中毒。",
     "Poisons the target.":"使目标中毒。",
     "If the target is an ally, heals 50% of its max HP.":"如果目标是同伴则恢复其最大HP的50%。",
     "If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP.":"如果目标使用了火系技能则会失去最大HP的1/4.",
     "10% chance to freeze the foe(s).":"10%使(所有)对手陷入冰冻状态。",
     "Averages Attack and Sp. Atk stats with target.":"和目标平分攻击和特攻。",
     "Swaps Attack and Sp. Atk stat stages with target.":"交换使用者和目标的基础攻击和特攻能力值。",
     "Switches user's Attack and Defense stats.":"交换使用者的攻击和防御基础能力值。",
     " + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts.":"每上升一级能力技能威力增加20点。",
     "100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1.":"100%使使用者的攻击上升一级。",
     "40, 80, 120 power, or heals target by 1/4 max HP.":"40,80,120点威力,或者恢复对手最大HP的1/4.",
     "Copies the target's current stat stages.":"复制对手的能力等级变化。",
     "5 turns. Grounded: +Psychic power, priority-safe.":"5回合内站在地面上的宝可梦使用超能力技能威力为原来的1.5被,对他们使用的先制技能将会使用失败。",
     "Transfers the user's status ailment to the target.":"将使用者的负面状态转移给对手。",
     "Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def.":"计算伤害时按防守方的防御计算,不是特防。",
     "Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level.":"伤害为0.5-1.5X使用者的等级。",
     "60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts.":"威力为60+20X目标的能力等级变化。",
     "Cures target's status; heals user 1/2 maxHP if so.":"治愈目标的异常状态,恢复使用者最大HP的50%如果治愈成功。",
     "Power doubles if a foe is switching out.":"如果对手替换精灵,威力为原来的两倍。",
     "Forces the target to move last this turn.":"使目标在本回合最后行动。",
     "Protects allies from priority attacks this turn.":"保护同伴免收先制技能攻击。",
     "Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1.":"提升使用者的特攻特防速度各一级。",
     "Raises the user's Attack by 1 if hit during use.":"如果在使用技能时受到攻击,使用者的攻击上升一级。",
     "For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves.":"5回合内,大雨增加水系技能的威力。",
     "Frees user from hazards/partial trap/Leech Seed.":"消除自身的寄生种子,摆脱束缚状态,并清除己方场地的撒菱、隐形岩、毒菱和黏黏网。",
     "Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. High crit ratio.":"充能,第二回合攻击(所有)对手。容易造成会心一击。",
     "Restores the item the user last used.":"回收使用者上一次使用的道具。",
     "For 5 turns, physical damage to allies is halved.":"5回合内,物理攻击对己方的伤害减半。",
     "User becomes the same type as the target.":"使用者变得和目标的属性相同。",
     "User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis.":"使用者能够治愈自身的烧伤中毒麻痹状态。",
     "10% chance to sleep foe(s). Meloetta transforms.":"10%使(所有)对手陷入睡眠状态。梅洛耶塔能够变换形态。",
     "User sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status.":"使用者睡眠两回合,回复所有的HP,治愈异常状态。",
     "Power doubles if an ally fainted last turn.":"如果上一回合有同伴倒下,技能威力翻倍。",
     "Max 102 power at maximum Happiness.":"当亲密值最高的时候达到最大威力102。",
     "Type varies based on the user's primary type.":"此招式的属性将变得和自己的第二属性相同。",
     "Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages.":"提升使用者的速度两级。",
     "30% chance to flinch the foe(s).":"30%(所有)对手畏缩。",
     "User replaces its Ability with the target's.":"使用者将自身的特性变得和目标一样。",
     "The user and the target trade Abilities.":"使用者和目标交换特性。",
     "Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends.":"回复最大HP的50%,在回合结束前失去飞行属性。",
     "Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types by 1.":"提升草属性宝可梦的攻击和特攻各一级。",
     "Power doubles if others used Round this turn.":"如果有其他宝可梦在这一回合使用了合唱,技能威力翻倍。",
     "50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user.":"50%使目标陷入烧伤状态。能使使用者解除冰冻状态。",
     "For 5 turns, protects user's party from status.":"5回合内,保护己方所有宝可梦免受异常状态。",
     "For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages.":"5回合内,天气为沙暴天气。",
     "30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target.":"30%使目标陷入烧伤状态。能使使用者解除冰冻状态。",
    "Lowers the target's Defense by 2.":"使目标的防御下降两级。",
    "Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance)":"效果随场地变化(默认30%麻痹几率)。",
    "40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2.":"40%使目标的特防下降两级。",
    "20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1.":"20%使目标的特防下降一级。",
    "OHKOs non-Ice targets. Fails if user's lower level.":"一击必杀非冰系宝可梦。如果使用者比目标等级低则使用技能失败。",
    "Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2.":"降低使用者的防御特防一级,提升使用者的攻击特攻速度各两级。",
    "User must take physical damage before moving.":"若受到对手物理攻击,就攻击目标造成伤害。",
    "Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1.":"提升使用者的速度2级,攻击一级。",
    "User restores 1/2 its max HP; 2/3 in Sandstorm.":"使用者回复最大HP的1/2,沙暴时回复最大HP的2/3。",
    "The target's Ability becomes Simple.":"目标的特性变为单纯。",
    "Permanently copies the last move target used.":"抄袭目标最后使用的技能。",
    "Raises user's Defense by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2.":"第一回合提升一级防御,第二回合攻击。",
    "Charges, then hits turn 2. 30% flinch. High crit.":"第一回合充能第二回合攻击,容易击中要害。",
    "User and foe fly up turn 1. Damages on turn 2.":"使用者和对手第一回合一起上天,第二回合给对手造成伤害。",
    "Can hit Pokemon using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop.":"可以击中使用弹跳,飞空,自由落体的宝可梦。",
    "User must be asleep. Uses another known move.":"使用者必须处于睡眠状态。使用一个已习得的技能。",
    "10% chance to poison adjacent Pokemon.":"10%使邻近的宝可梦中毒。",
    "Removes the target's Ground immunity.":"消除对手对地上属性的免疫力。",
    "Power doubles if target is paralyzed, and cures it.":"如果目标处于麻痹状态,威力翻倍,然后治愈其麻痹状态。",
    "40% chance to poison the target.":"40%使目标陷入中毒状态。",
    "100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1.":"100%使(所有)对手的特攻下降一级。",
    "User steals certain support moves to use itself.":"使用者窃取目标的有益技能化为己用。",
    "User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target.":"使用者必须处于睡眠状态。30%使目标畏缩。",
    "Steals target's boosts before dealing damage.":"窃取对手的能力等级变化。",
    "Swaps Speed stat with target.":"和目标交换速度。",
    "Protects from moves. Contact: loses 1/8 max HP.":"保护自己免受技能影响,接触到的对手会损失最大HP的1/8。",
    "Changes the target's type to Water.":"将目标的属性变为水属性。",
    "Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight.":"第一回合充能第二回合攻击,在晴天不用充能。",
    "Always does 20 HP of damage.":"必定能造成20点伤害。",
    "The target is cured of its burn.":"目标的烧伤状态会被治愈。",
    "Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 3 layers.":"伤害交换出的站在地面上的对手,最多累积三次撒菱。",
    "More power with more uses of Stockpile.":"能量积蓄得越多,威力越大。",
    "Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 4.":"使目标最后使用的技能PP减少4点。",
    "Does nothing (but we still love it).":"什么事都不干(然而我们仍然喜欢它)。",
    "Target's foes' moves are redirected to it this turn.":"所有对方使用的作用范围为单体选择的招式都会攻向使用者。",
    "Hurts foes on switch-in. Factors Rock weakness.":"伤害交换出的站在地面上的对手,计算岩石属性相克。",
    "10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1.":"10%使使用者的防御上升一级。",
    "Lowers Speed of grounded foes by 1 on switch-in.":"降低对手替换出的站在地面上的宝可梦的速度一级。",
    "Raises user's Defense, Sp. Def by 1. Max 3 uses.":"提升使用者的防御和特防各一级。最多累积三次。",
    "100% chance to paralyze the target.":"100%使目标陷入麻痹状态。",
    "Power doubles if the user's last move failed.":"如果使用者的上一次攻击使用失败,这此技能威力翻倍。",
    "User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1.":"使用者回复和对手初始攻击等同的HP,降低对手的攻击一级。",
    "Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2.":"降低(所有)对手的速度2级。",
    "User loses 25% of its max HP as recoil.":"使用者损失最大HP的25%作为反弹伤害。",
    "User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a Substitute.":"使用者损失最大HP的25%来制造一个替身。",
    "Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking.":"一定能先发制人进行攻击。如果目标不使用攻击技能的话则使用失败。",
    "For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves.":"5回合内,阳光增加了火属性招式的威力。",
    "Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1.":"降低使用者的攻击和防御各一级。",
    "Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dive.":"攻击邻近的宝可梦。对潜水的目标造成两倍伤害。",
    "Raises the target's Attack by 2 and confuses it.":"提升目标的攻击两级且使其混乱。",
    "Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile.":"回复量取决于蓄力的次数。",
    "Lowers the foe(s) evasion by 2.":"降低(所有)对手的回避率2级。",
    "User switches its held item with the target's.":"使用者和目标交换道具。",
    "Raises the user's Attack by 2.":"使使用者的攻击提升两级。",
    "Hits adjacent Pokemon sharing the user's type.":"攻击和使用者有相同属性的宝可梦。",
    "Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3.":"提升使用者的特攻三级。",
    "For 4 turns, allies' Speed is doubled.":"四回合内同伴的速度翻倍。",
    "For 3 turns, the target can't use status moves.":"三回合内目标将无法使用变化技能。",
    "Type varies based on the held Drive.":"属性取决于所携带的卡带。",
    "Confuses adjacent Pokemon.":"使周围的宝可梦陷入混乱状态。",
    "For 3 turns, target floats but moves can't miss it.":"三回合内,目标漂浮起来,但技能一定会命中它。",
    "Flee from wild Pokemon battles.":"从野战中逃跑。",
    "Grounds adjacent foes. First hit neutral on Flying.":"击落周围的宝可梦,第一击可以击中飞行属性宝可梦。",
    "Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching.":"攻击周围的对手。阻止他们替换下场。",
    "For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves.":"2回合内目标无法使用声音的技能。",
    "30% chance to paralyze target. Can't miss in rain.":"30%使目标麻痹,在雨天一定会命中。",
    "10% chance to paralyze. 10% chance to flinch.":"10%使目标麻痹,10%使目标畏缩。",
    "10% chance to paralyze the target.":"10%使目标麻痹。",
    "Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1.":"使目标的攻击和防御下降一级。",
    "Inverts the target's stat stages.":"将目标的全部能力阶级数值变为其相反数。",
    "Target can't select the same move twice in a row.":"目标不能连续使用同一技能。",
    "Badly poisons the target.":"使目标中剧毒。",
    "Poisons grounded foes on switch-in. Max 2 layers.":"使替换上场的对手中毒,最多累积2次",
    "Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons it.":"使目标速度下降一级并且中毒。",
    "Copies target's stats, moves, types, and Ability.":"复制对手的能力等级变化,招式,属性,特性。",
    "20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze target.":"20%使目标麻痹烧伤冰冻。",
    "Adds Ghost to the target's type(s).":"使目标具有鬼属性。",
    "For 5 turns, slower Pokemon move first.":"5回合内,速度慢的宝可梦会先手使出技能。",
    "Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises.":"连续攻击三次。每一次都可以被回避,但击中的话威力会上升。",
    "More power the fewer PP this move has left.":"技能PP越少威力越大。",
    "Hits 2 times. Each hit has 20% chance to poison.":"攻击两次,每一次都有20%的几率使对手中毒。",
    "20% chance to flinch the foe(s).":"20%使(所有)对手畏缩。",
    "User switches out after damaging the target.":"使用者在攻击目标后会替换后备精灵上场。",
    "Lasts 3 turns. Active Pokemon cannot fall asleep.":"持续3回合,在场上的宝可梦不会陷入睡眠状态。",
    "Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1.":"降低使用者的防御特防和速度各一级。",
    "Lowers Atk, Sp. Atk, Speed of poisoned foes by 1.":"使已中毒的对手攻击和特攻下降一级。",
    "Power doubles if the target is poisoned.":"如果对手已经中毒,技能威力翻倍",
    "This move does not check accuracy. Goes last.":"技能一定会命中,最后行动。",
    "Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target.":"有33%的反弹伤害,10%使目标陷入麻痹状态。",
    "Power doubles if target is asleep, and wakes it.":"如果目标处于睡眠状态,威力翻倍,然后拍醒它。",
    "Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect.":"和草或火之誓言同时使用会有特效。",
    "For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power.":"3回合内,火属性攻击威力为原来的1/3。",
    "Power doubles and type varies in each weather.":"有天气时技能威力会翻倍,属性会变化。",
    "Protects allies from multi-target moves this turn.":"保护所有同伴免受群体攻击的影响。",
    "Burns the target.":"使目标烧伤。",
    "Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored.":"下一回合使用者回复最大HP的50%。",
    "For 5 turns, all Defense and Sp. Def stats switch.":"5回合内所有防御和特防基础值交换。",
    "Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1.":"提升使用者的攻击特攻各一级。",
    "The target's Ability becomes Insomnia.":"目标的特性变为不眠。",
    "Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn.":"下一回合目标会陷入睡眠状态",
    "20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.":"20%使目标的攻击下降一级。",
    "User loses 50% max HP. Hits adjacent Pokemon.":"使用者损失最大HP的50%,攻击周围全体宝可梦。",
    "Normal moves become Electric type this turn.":"使得该回合场上的普通系技能变为电系。",
    "Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities.":"使用者物攻数值高于特攻时,变为物理技能。无视目标的特性。",
    "Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1.":"使用者全能力提升一级。",
    "Ends the effects of Terrain.":"清除场上的场地。",
    // Ability Desc
    "If this Pokemon is KOed with a contact move, that move's user loses 1/4 its max HP.":"因接触类招式被击倒时,对方宝可梦损失最大HP的1/4",
    "This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.2x power.":"一般属性招式变为飞行属性招式,威力提升20%",
    "While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled.":"无视场上天气带来的影响",
    "This Pokemon's attacks have 1.3x power if it is the last to move in a turn.":"回合最后行动的话威力提升30%",
    "If this Pokemon (not its substitute) takes a critical hit, its Attack is raised 12 stages.":"被击中要害的话攻击提出十二级,替身状态下不会发动",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon shudders if any foe has a supereffective or OHKO move.":"登场时可以预知对方的效果绝佳和一击必杀招式",
    "Prevents adjacent foes from choosing to switch unless they are airborne.":"处于地面上的对方宝可梦进入无法逃走状态",
    "Protects user/allies from Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, and Torment.":"己方宝可梦不会受到迷人,定身法,再来一次,回复封锁,挑衅和无理取闹的影响",
    "While this Pokemon is active, the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura power modifier is 0.75x.":"反转气场类特性,令其对恶属性和妖精属性的加成变为降低25%",
    "Causes sleeping adjacent foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn.":"回合结束时对方处于睡眠状态的宝可梦损失最大HP的1/8",
    "This Pokemon's allies have the power of their special attacks multiplied by 1.3.":"我方场上所有宝可梦使用特殊招式的威力增加30%",
    "This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit.":"不会被击中要害",
    "After KOing a Pokemon: becomes Ash-Greninja, Water Shuriken: 20 power, hits 3x.":"甲贺忍蛙击倒对方一只PM之后变身为小智版甲贺忍蛙,同时飞水手里剑威力变为20,固定命中三次",
    "This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon.":"击倒对方一只PM之后最高一项能力提升一级",
    "This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 when it reaches 1/2 or less of its max HP.":"HP低于50%时特攻提升一级",
    "Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Defense stat stage.":"防御不会下降",
    "When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its max HP, its Fire attacks do 1.5x damage.":"HP低于1/3时火属性招式威力提升50%",
    "Makes user immune to ballistic moves (Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, etc).":"免疫球和弹类招式",
    "If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it restores 1/3 of its max HP after the Berry's effect.":"食用树果触发效果之后额外回复最大HP的1/3",
    "If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled.":"大晴天下速度翻倍",
    "Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages.":"能力阶级不会被弱化",
    "This Pokemon's type changes to the type of a move it's hit by, unless it has the type.":"受到伤害时若招式属性和宝可梦当前属性不同,则宝可梦在伤害结算后变为该属性",
    "This Pokemon cannot be statused, and is considered to be asleep.":"不会陷入任何异常状态,始终视为处于睡眠状态",
    "This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe.":"能力阶级被降低时特攻提升两级",
    "This Pokemon's moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.3.":"命中率提升30%",
    "If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa.":"能力阶级的下降变为上升,上升变为下降",
    "This Pokemon can poison or badly poison other Pokemon regardless of their typing.":"无论对方属性都可以进入中毒或剧毒状态",
    "If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled.":"受到伤害时30%概率令对手进入定身法状态",
    "30% chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact.":"受到接触类伤害时30%概率令对手进入着迷状态",
    "While this Pokemon is active, Self-Destruct, Explosion, and Aftermath have no effect.":"场上的所有自爆、大爆炸和引爆特性无效",
    "After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move.":"有其他宝可梦使用跳舞招式时,立即使用相同的招式",
    "While this Pokemon is active, a Dark move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power.":"场上所有恶属性招式威力提升33%",
    "While this Pokemon is active, allies are protected from opposing priority moves.":"对方的可以影响到自己或己方宝可梦的先制招式无效",
    "While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its max HP, its Attack and Sp. Atk are halved.":"HP低于50%时攻击和特攻减半",
    "This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe.":"能力阶级被降低时攻击提升两级",
    "On switch-in, strong winds begin until this Ability is not active in battle.":"登场时天气变为乱流,直到该宝可梦离场,除非天气被终结之地和始源之海更改",
    "On switch-in, extremely harsh sunlight begins until this Ability is not active in battle.":"登场时天气变为大日照,直到该宝可梦离场,除非天气被德尔塔气流和始源之海更改",
    "If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage.":"谜拟Q受到的第一次伤害视为0",
    "On switch-in, Attack or Sp. Atk is raised 1 stage based on the foes' weaker Defense.":"登场时,对手防御小于特防时,自身攻击提升一级;否则特攻提升一级",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Rain Dance.":"登场时天气变为下雨",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sunny Day.":"登场时天气变为大晴天",
    "This Pokemon is healed 1/4 by Water, 1/8 by Rain; is hurt 1.25x by Fire, 1/8 by Sun.":"免疫水属性招式伤害,受到水属性招式攻击时回复最大HP的1/4;下雨天气下每回合回复最大HP的1/8;受到火属性招式伤害增加25%;大晴天天气下每回合损失最大HP的1/8",
    "This Pokemon's sleep counter drops by 2 instead of 1.":"睡眠异常状态的持续回合舍入为原来的一半",
    "30% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon.":"受到接触类伤害时30%概率令对手陷入中毒/麻痹/睡眠状态",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Electric Terrain.":"登场时释放电气场地",
    "This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP.":"HP低于50%时自身退场",
    "While this Pokemon is active, a Fairy move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power.":"场上所有妖精属性招式威力提升33%",
    "This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks.":"受到效果绝佳伤害时伤害降低25%",
    "30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned.":"受到接触类伤害时30%概率陷入灼伤状态",
    "While this Pokemon is burned, its special attacks have 1.5x power.":"陷入灼伤状态时特攻提升50%",
    "This Pokemon's Fire attacks do 1.5x damage if hit by one Fire move; Fire immunity.":"免疫火属性招式伤害,受到火属性招式攻击时火属性招式威力提升50%",
    "If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp. Def are 1.5x.":"在大晴天和大日照天气时己方所有宝可梦攻击和特防提升50%,樱花儿的形态会改变",
    "This side's Grass types can't have stats lowered or status inflicted by other Pokemon.":"己方所有宝可梦草属性能力阶级不会被降低且不会进入异常状态",
    "This Pokemon takes 1/2 damage from contact moves, 2x damage from Fire moves.":"受到的接触类伤害减半,受到火属性招式伤害翻倍",
    "Castform's type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm.":"漂浮泡泡的形态和属性根据天气而变化",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the foes' move with the highest power.":"登场时可以预知对方威力最高的招式",
    "This Pokemon's allies receive 3/4 damage from other Pokemon's attacks.":"己方其他宝可梦受到的伤害降低25%",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held items of all opposing Pokemon.":"登场时可以预知对方所有宝可梦的道具",
    "This Pokemon's Defense is doubled.":"防御翻倍",
    "If this Pokemon is at full HP, its Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1.":"HP全满时飞行属性招式优先度+1",
    "This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric type and have 1.2x power.":"一般属性招式变为电属性招式,威力提升20%",
    "When this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it uses certain Berries early.":"HP低于50%时会提前使用特定的树果",
    "Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage.":"受到接触伤害时对方速度降低一级",
    "If Grassy Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Defense is multiplied by 1.5.":"青草场地下防御提升50%",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Grassy Terrain.":"登场时释放青草场地",
    "If this Pokemon is statused, its Attack is 1.5x; ignores burn halving physical damage.":"陷入异常状态时攻击提升50%,无视灼伤状态减半物理招式伤害效果",
    "If last item used is a Berry, 50% chance to restore it each end of turn. 100% in Sun.":"使用树果后每回合50%概率回收该树果,大晴天和大日照天气下则必定回收",
    "30% chance of curing an adjacent ally's status at the end of each turn.":"回合结束时30%概率回复队友的异常状态",
    "The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved; burn damage halved.":"火属性招式和灼伤伤害减半",
    "This Pokemon's weight is doubled.":"体重翻倍",
    "This Pokemon's Attack is doubled.":"攻击翻倍",
    "This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x and accuracy of its physical attacks is 0.8x.":"以物理招式的命中率降低20%为代价提升50%攻击",
    "This Pokemon has its status cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active.":"下雨和大雨天气下回合结束时恢复异常状态",
    "Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Attack stat stage.":"攻击不会对方被弱化",
    "If Hail is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn; immunity to Hail.":"冰雹天气下每回合回复最大HP的1/16,免疫冰雹伤害",
    "This Pokemon appears as the last Pokemon in the party until it takes direct damage.":"受到伤害前始终显示为队伍中最后一个宝可梦的形象",
    "This Pokemon cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it.":"不会陷入中毒和剧毒状态,获得状态时恢复中毒和剧毒状态",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it.":"登场时以对应对手为目标进入变身状态",
    "Moves ignore substitutes and foe's Reflect/Light Screen/Safeguard/Mist/Aurora Veil.":"自身使用招式时无视对方的替身/反射壁/光墙/神秘守护/白雾/光粉",
    "If this Pokemon is KOed with a move, that move's user loses an equal amount of HP.":"被击倒时对方损失同样数量的HP",
    "This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch.":"不会畏缩",
    "This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it.":"不会陷入睡眠状态,获得状态时恢复睡眠状态",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opponents by 1 stage.":"登场时对方攻击降低一级",
    "Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP.":"受到接触伤害时对方损失最大HP的1/8",
    "This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have 1.2x power. Sucker Punch is not boosted.":"拳类招式提升20%",
    "This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Dark-type move.":"受到恶属性招式攻击时攻击提升一级",
    "This Pokemon's accuracy can't be lowered by others; ignores their evasiveness stat.":"命中率不会被下降,无视对方闪避等级",
    "This Pokemon's held item has no effect, except Macho Brace. Fling cannot be used.":"携带的道具无效,超级石、Z纯晶和影响基础点数、经验值和亲密度的携带物品除外;无法使用投掷",
    "If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused and Rest will fail for it.":"大晴天和大日照天气下不会陷入异常状态,使用睡觉会无效",
    "This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it.":"免疫地面属性伤害,但受到重力、扎根、击落和黑色铁球影响时仍会受到伤害",
    "This Pokemon's weight is halved.":"体重减半",
    "This Pokemon draws Electric moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Electric immunity.":"自动成为对方电属性招式的攻击目标并提升一级特攻;免疫电属性攻击",
    "This Pokemon cannot be paralyzed. Gaining this Ability while paralyzed cures it.":"不会陷入麻痹状态,获得状态时恢复麻痹状态",
    "This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal.":"受到吸取HP的招式伤害时,对方本应吸取的体力会转为受到同等的伤害",
    "This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water type.":"声音的招式属性均变为水属性",
    "This Pokemon's attacks do not make contact with the target.":"所有招式均视为非接触类招式",
    "This Pokemon blocks certain status moves and bounces them back to the user.":"将对方以自身为目标的部分招式无效化并反弹给招式的使用者",
    "This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks.":"免疫除攻击招式以外的一切造成的伤害",
    "If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack.":"造成伤害时,如果没有携带道具则获得对方道具",
    "This Pokemon cannot be frozen. Gaining this Ability while frozen cures it.":"不会陷入冰冻状态,获得特性时恢复冰冻状态",
    "Prevents adjacent Steel-type foes from choosing to switch.":"对方的钢属性宝可梦不能交换",
    "If this Pokemon is statused, its Defense is 1.5x.":"异常状态下防御增加50%",
    "This Pokemon's pulse moves have 1.5x power. Heal Pulse heals 3/4 target's max HP.":"波动类和波导类招式威力提升50%,治愈波动回复量上升为最大HP的3/4",
    "This Pokemon's attacks are critical hits if the target is poisoned.":"对方处于中毒或剧毒状态时必定会被击中要害",
    "If an active ally has this Ability or the Ability Plus, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x.":"队友特性为正极或负极时特攻提升50%",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Misty Terrain.":"登场时释放薄雾场地",
    "This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon.":"招式无视对方特性",
    "Raises a random stat by 2 and lowers another stat by 1 at the end of each turn.":"每回合结束时随机降低一项能力等级并提升两项能力等级",
    "This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by an Electric move; Electric immunity.":"受到电属性招式攻击时速度提升一级;免疫电属性招式伤害",
    "This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon.":"每击倒对方一只宝可梦攻击提升一级",
    "If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved.":"HP全满时受到的伤害减半",
    "If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate or Z-Crystal.":"阿尔宙斯的属性随着它携带的石板或Z纯晶改变",
    "Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy.":"受到接触类伤害时对方特性变为木乃伊",
    "This Pokemon has its major status condition cured when it switches out.":"退场时恢复自身的异常状态",
    "Every move used by or against this Pokemon will always hit.":"自身使用和以自身为目标的招式必定命中",
    "This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have 1.2x power.":"全部招式变为一般属性招式,威力提升20%",
    "This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability cures it.":"不会陷入着迷和挑衅状态",
    "This Pokemon is immune to powder moves and damage from Sandstorm or Hail.":"免疫沙暴和冰雹天气带来的影响,对粉末类招式免疫",
    "When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its max HP, its Grass attacks do 1.5x damage.":"HP低于1/3时,草属性招式威力增加50%",
    "This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it.":"不会陷入混乱状态,获得特性时恢复状态",
    "This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered.":"攻击两次;第二次攻击伤害变为第一次的1/4",
    "If this Pokemon has no item, it finds one used by an adjacent Pokemon this turn.":"回合结束时,若没有携带道具则获得本回合其他宝可梦使用或投掷过的道具",
    "If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon making contact with it.":"受到接触伤害时,若没有携带道具则获得对方道具",
    "This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.2x power.":"一般属性招式变为妖精属性招式,威力提升20%",
    "If an active ally has this Ability or the Ability Minus, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x.":"队友特性为正极或负极时特攻提升50%",
    "This Pokemon is healed by 1/8 of its max HP each turn when poisoned; no HP loss.":"处于中毒或剧毒状态时不会损失HP,每回合回复最大HP的1/8",
    "30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned.":"受到接触类伤害时30%令对手陷入中毒状态",
    "This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning.":"接触类招式造成伤害时30%令对手陷入中毒状态",
    "If Zygarde 10%/50%, changes to Complete if at 1/2 max HP or less at end of turn.":"基格尔德10%形态或50%的HP低于50%时在回合结束会变为完全体形态",
    "This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints.":"同伴被击倒后自身特性变为与之相同",
    "This Pokemon's Status moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark types are immune.":"变化招式的优先度+1,但对恶属性宝可梦无效",
    "If this Pokemon is the target of a foe's move, that move loses one additional PP.":"对方以自身为目标的招式额外消耗1PP",
    "On switch-in, heavy rain begins until this Ability is not active in battle.":"登场时天气变为大雨,直到该宝可梦离场,除非天气被德尔塔气流和终结之地更改",
    "This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use.":"自身属性变为即将使用的招式的属性",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Psychic Terrain.":"登场时释放精神场地",
    "If this Pokemon is statused, its Speed is 1.5x; ignores Speed drop from paralysis.":"异常状态下速度增加50%,无视麻痹带来的速度降低影响",
    "If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn.":"下雨天气下每回合回复最大HP的1/16",
    "This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack.":"受到虫/恶/鬼属性招式攻击后速度提升一级",
    "This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1.2x power; not Struggle.":"使用具有反作用力伤害的招式时威力提升20%,挣扎除外",
    "This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.2x power.":"一般属性招式变为冰属性招式,威力提升20%",
    "This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out.":"下场时回复最大HP的1/3",
    "This Pokemon's attacks do 1.25x on same gender targets; 0.75x on opposite gender.":"对手与自身性别相同时威力提升25%,性别不同时下降25%",
    "If this Pokemon is a Silvally, its type changes to match its held Memory.":"银伴战兽的属性随着它携带的存储碟改变",
    "This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle/Life Orb/crash damage.":"不会受到自身招式的反作用力伤害,挣扎、飞踢和飞漆踢除外;生命宝珠的副作用不受影响",
    "This Pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm; immunity to it.":"沙暴天气下地面/岩石/钢属性招式威力提升30%;免疫沙暴伤害",
    "If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm.":"沙暴天气下速度翻倍;免疫沙暴伤害",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm.":"登场时天气变为沙暴",
    "If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Sandstorm.":"沙暴天气下闪避率增加25%;免疫沙暴伤害",
    "This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage if hit by a Grass move; Grass immunity.":"受到草属性招式攻击时攻击提升一级;免疫草属性招式伤害",
    "If user is Wishiwashi, changes to School Form if it has > 1/4 max HP, else Solo Form.":"弱丁鱼的HP高于1/4时变为鱼群的样子,否则变为单独的样子",
    "This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves.":"一般和斗属性招式可以攻击到鬼属性宝可梦",
    "This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled.":"招式的追加效果出现率翻倍",
    "Prevents adjacent foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability.":"除非对方拥有同样的特性,否则不能替换宝可梦",
    "This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its status cured at the end of each turn.":"回合结束时33%恢复异常状态",
    "This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have 1.3x power; nullifies the effects.":"以无视招式的追加效果为代价,带有追加效果的招式的威力提升33%",
    "This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack.":"受到攻击时对方招式的追加效果不会发动",
    "If Minior, switch-in/end of turn it changes to Core at 1/2 max HP or less, else Meteor.":"小陨星HP大于50%时为流星的样子,否则为核心",
    "If this Pokemon's stat stages are raised or lowered, the effect is doubled instead.":"能力阶级的变化翻倍",
    "This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times.":"使用攻击次数浮动在2~5次之间的连续招式时,攻击次数会固定在五次",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns.":"登场之后的五回合内攻击和速度减半",
    "If Hail is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled.":"冰雹下速度翻倍",
    "If this Pokemon strikes with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1.5.":"击中要害的招式伤害增加50%",
    "If Hail is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Hail.":"冰雹天气下闪避率增加25%;免疫冰雹伤害",
    "On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Hail.":"登场时天气变为冰雹",
    "If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x; loses 1/8 max HP per turn.":"大晴天天气下特攻增加50%;大晴天天气下回合结束时损失最大HP的1/8",
    "This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 stage when another Pokemon faints.":"击倒对手时特攻提升一级",
    "This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell.":"免疫声音类招式",
    "This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage at the end of each full turn on the field.":"回合结束时速度提升一级",
    "This Pokemon's attacks deal double damage if the target switched in this turn.":"对替换出场的宝可梦伤害翻倍",
    "This Pokemon moves last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves.":"优先度相同时必定后出",
    "This Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a move.":"受到伤害后防御提升一级",
    "If Aegislash, changes Forme to Blade before attacks and Shield before King's Shield.":"坚盾剑怪使用攻击招式时会变为刀剑形态,使用王者盾牌时变为盾牌形态",
    "30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed.":"受到接触伤害时对方30%陷入麻痹状态",
    "If this Pokemon flinches, its Speed is raised by 1 stage.":"畏缩时提升一级速度",
    "This Pokemon's Steel-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5.":"钢属性招式威力提升50%",
    "This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to flinch have a 10% chance to flinch.":"不会造成畏缩的招式造成伤害时10%造成对方畏缩",
    "This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack.":"不会因对方招式失去携带的道具",
    "This Pokemon draws Water moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Water immunity.":"自动成为对方水属性招式的攻击目标并提升一级特攻;免疫电属性攻击",
    "This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have 1.5x power. Bug Bite is not boosted.":"啃咬类招式威力提升50%,虫咬除外",
    "If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Immune to OHKO.":"HP全满时受到致命伤害会保留1HP;免疫一击必杀招式",
    "This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item.":"不会因对方招式退场",
    "This Pokemon's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage.":"击中要害等级提升一级",
    "If Electric Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled.":"电气场地下速度翻倍",
    "When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its max HP, its Bug attacks do 1.5x damage.":"HP低于1/3时虫属性招式威力提升50%",
    "This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep.":"己方所有宝可梦不会陷入睡眠状态",
    "If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled.":"下雨天气下速度翻倍",
    "If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately.":"使用道具后会立即将道具交给没有道具的队友",
    "If another Pokemon burns/poisons/paralyzes this Pokemon, it also gets that status.":"如果因对手招式而陷入灼伤/中毒/麻痹状态,对方也同样陷入同样的状态",
    "This Pokemon's evasiveness is doubled as long as it is confused.":"混乱状态下闪避率翻倍",
    "This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power. Includes Struggle.":"使用威力低于60的招式时威力增加50%,挣扎除外",
    "This Pokemon does not take damage from attacks made by its allies.":"不会受到队友招式的伤害",
    "Fire/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved attacking stat.":"受到火属性和冰属性招式造成的伤害减半",
    "This Pokemon's attacks that are not very effective on a target deal double damage.":"造成的效果不理想的伤害翻倍",
    "When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its max HP, its Water attacks do 1.5x damage.":"HP低于1/3时水属性招式威力提升50%",
    "While this Pokemon is poisoned, its physical attacks have 1.5x power.":"中毒和剧毒状态下物理招式威力提升50%",
    "This Pokemon's contact moves have their power multiplied by 1.3.":"接触类招式威力提升30%",
    "On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability.":"登场时复制一个随机对手的特性",
    "This Pokemon's healing moves have their priority increased by 3.":"恢复HP的招式优先度+3",
    "This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move.":"使用招式之后,下一回合不能使用招式",
    "This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's stat stages when taking or doing damage.":"使用或受到招式造成伤害时无视对方的能力阶级变化",
    "Speed is doubled on held item loss; boost is lost if it switches, gets new item/Ability.":"失去道具时速度翻倍,退场或获得新道具后复原",
    "While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries.":"对方宝可梦不可使用树果",
    "This Pokemon and its allies' moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.1.":"己方所有宝可梦命中率提升10%",
    "This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Electric moves; Electric immunity.":"受到电属性招式攻击时回复最大HP的1/4;免疫电属性伤害",
    "This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Water moves; Water immunity.":"受到水属性招式攻击时回复最大HP的1/4;免疫水属性伤害",
    "This Pokemon's Water power is 2x; it can't be burned; Fire power against it is halved.":"水属性招式威力翻倍;不会陷入灼伤状态;受到的火属性招式伤害减半",
    "This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages after it is damaged by a Water-type move.":"受到水属性招式攻击时防御提升两级",
    "This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it.":"不会陷入灼伤状态,获得特性时恢复灼伤状态",
    "If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 2.":"受到物理招式伤害时防御降低一级,同时速度提升两级",
    "This Pokemon can only be damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage.":"只会受到效果绝佳招式的攻击伤害,天气、异常状态、能力阶级及附加效果依然有效",
    "Status moves with accuracy checks are 50% accurate when used on this Pokemon.":"变化招式对该特性的宝可梦命中率减半",
    "If Darmanitan, at end of turn changes Mode to Standard if > 1/2 max HP, else Zen.":"HP不足一半时转变为达摩形态",
    "This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.2x damage.":"该精灵使用的技能如果对目标非常有效,则威力提示20%",
    "Sneaky Pebbles":"鬼鬼祟祟的卵石",
    "Sly Rubble":"狡猾的瓦砾",
    "Subtle Sediment":"微妙的沉积物",
    "Buried Bedrock":"隐藏的基岩",
    "Camouflaged Cinnabar":"隐秘的辰砂",
    "Clandestine Cobblestones":"隐秘的鹅卵石",
    "Cloaked Clay":"隐形黏土",
    "Concealed Ore":"隐藏的矿石",
    "Covert Crags":"隐蔽的峭壁",
    "Crafty Coal":"狡诈的煤炭",
    "Discreet Bricks":"小心的砖块",
    "Disguised Debris":"伪装的瓦砾",
    "Espionage Pebbles":"间谍卵石",
    "Furtive Fortress":"鬼头鬼脑的堡垒",
    "Hush-Hush Hardware":"秘密的硬件",
    "Incognito Boulders":"匿名的巨石",
    "Invisible Quartz":"无形的石英",
    "Masked Minerals":"蒙面的矿物",
    "Mischievous Masonry":"恶作剧石工",
    "Obscure Ornaments":"隐晦的装饰品",
    "Private Paragon":"私人的模范",
    "Secret Solitaire":"秘密的接龙",
    "Sheltered Sand":"被庇护的沙子",
    "Surreptitious Sapphire":"诡秘的蓝宝石",
    "Undercover Ultramarine":"隐秘的群青色",
    "Yo mama so fat, she 4x resists Ice- and Fire-type attacks!":"你麻麻太胖了,她能四倍抵抗冰系和火系的攻击!",
    "Yo mama so ugly, Captivate raises her opponent's Special Attack!":"你麻麻太丑了,她的诱惑提升了她对手的特攻!",
    "Yo mama so dumb, she lowers her Special Attack when she uses Nasty Plot!":"你麻麻太蠢了,当她使用诡计的时候她降低了她的特攻!",
    "Yo mama so dumb, she thought Sylveon would be Light Type!":"你麻麻太蠢了,她认为仙子伊布应该是光属性的!",
    "can't use":"不能使用",
    "after the taunt!":"在被挑衅后!",
    "because of gravity!":"因为重力的缘故",
    "because of Heal Block!":"因为回复封锁的缘故",
    "can't use its sealed":"不能使用它被封印的",
    "The effects of Throat Chop prevent":"地狱突刺的效果阻止了",
    "from using certain moves!":"使用特定的技能",
    "is paralyzed! It can't move!":"麻痹了!它不能行动!",
    "is frozen solid!":"被结实地冰冻着。",
    "is fast asleep.":"正在熟睡。",
    "Sky Drop won't let":"自由落体不放开",
    "cannot use":"不能使用",
    "is loafing around!":"正在四处散步",
    "must recharge!":"必须充能!",
    "lost its focus and couldn't move!":"失去了它的聚气并无法行动!",
    "s shell trap didn't work!":"的陷阱甲壳没有生效!",
    "flinched and couldn\'t move!":"畏缩了并无法行动!",
    "is immobilized by love!":"陷入了爱河",
    "But there was no PP left for the move!":"但技能已经没有PP了!",
    "can't move":"无法行动",
    "Automatic center!":"自动的中心!",
    "Pointed stones dug into":"尖锐的岩石扎进了",
    "is hurt by the spikes!":"受到了撒菱的伤害!",
    "was hurt by its burn!":"受到了灼伤的伤害!",
    "was hurt by poison!":"受到了中毒的伤害!",
    "lost some of its HP!":"损失了一部分HP!",
    "is damaged by the recoil!":"受到了反作用力的伤害!",
    "is buffeted by the sandstorm!":"被沙暴打击了!",
    "is buffeted by the hail!":"被冰雹打击了!",
    "is tormented!":"正在被折磨!",
    "is afflicted by the curse!":"遭受着诅咒的痛苦!",
    "is locked in a nightmare!":"被困在了恶梦之中!",
    "was hurt!":"受到了伤害!",
    "is hurt!":"受到了伤害!",
    "sucked up the liquid ooze!":"吸到了污泥浆!",
    "It hurt itself in its confusion!":"它在混乱中攻击了自己!",
    "'s health is sapped by Leech Seed!":"的生命值被寄生种子吸取了!",
    "The bursting flame hit":"溅射的火焰击中了",
    "is hurt by the sea of fire!":"受到了火海的伤害!",
    "kept going and crashed!":"摔了个狗啃泥!",
    "is hurt by":"受到了伤害来自",
    "is hurt by its":"受到了伤害来自",
    "lost some HP because of":"损失了一部分HP由于",
    "'s HP was restored by the Z-Power!":"的HP通过Z技能回复了!",
    "absorbed nutrients with its roots!":"通过根吸取了营养!",
    "A veil of water restored":"水幕回复了",
    "'s HP!":"的HP!",
    "The healing wish came true for":"治愈之愿降临在了",
    "became cloaked in mystical moonlight!":"被神秘的月光笼罩!",
    "s wish came true!":"的祈愿成真了!",
    "had its energy drained!":"吸取了能量!",
    "restored a little HP using its":"回复了一点HP通过",
    "absorbs the attack!":"吸收了攻击!",
    "restored HP using its":"回复了HP通过",
    "restored its HP.":"回复了它的HP。",
    "restored its HP using its Z-Power!":"通过Z技能回复了它的HP!",
    "The battlers shared their pain!":"战斗者分担了他们的痛楚!",
    "won't go any higher!":"不能变得更高了!",
    "boosted its stats":"提升了它的能力",
    "using its Z-Power!":"通过Z技能!",
    "boosted its":"提升了它的",
    "won't go any lower!":"不能变得更低了!",
    "cut its own HP and maximized its Attack!":"舍弃了自己的HP并最大化了它的攻击!",
    "'s Anger Point!":"的愤怒穴位!",
    "maxed its Attack!":"最大化了它的攻击",
    "switched all changes to its Defense and Sp. Def with its target!":"交换了它和目标间的所有防御和特防变化!",
    "switched stat changes with its target!":"交换了它和目标间的能力变化!",
    "switched all changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk with its target!":"交换了它和目标间的所有攻击和特攻变化!",
    "stole the target's boosted stats!":"偷取了目标提升了的能力!",
    "returned its decreased stats to normal using its Z-Power!":"通过Z技能将被降低的能力阶级恢复原状!",
    "'s stat changes!":"的能力阶级变化了!",
    "'s stat changes were removed!":"的能力阶级变化被重置了!",
    "'s stat changes were inverted!":"的能力阶级变化被反转了!",
    "All stat changes were eliminated!":"所有能力阶级变化都被消除了!",
    "A critical hit!":"击中了要害!",
    "doesn't become confused!":"并没有混乱!",
    "It doesn't affect":"这并没有影响到",
    "It doesn't affect the opposing":"这并没有影响到对手的",
    "It had no effect!":"这没有任何效果!",
    "avoided the attack!":"回避了攻击!",
    "'s attack missed!":"的攻击没有命中!",
    "already has a burn.":"已经灼伤了.",
    "is already poisoned.":"已经中毒了.",
    "can't sleep in an uproar!":"在吵闹状态下无法陷入睡眠状态!",
    "But the uproar kept":"但是吵闹使得",
    "is already asleep!":"已经睡着了!",
    "is already paralyzed.":"已经被麻痹了.",
    "is already frozen solid!":"已经被冻住了!",
    "can\'t use it the way it is now!":"",
    "can\'t use the move!":"不能使用这个招式!",
    "But it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute!":"然而它并没有足够的HP来制造一个替身!",
    "already has a substitute!":"已经有一个替身了!",
    "is too heavy to be lifted!":"太重了无法被提起!",
    "But it failed!":"但是失败了!",
    "The extremely harsh sunlight was not lessened at all!":"强烈的阳光丝毫没有被削弱!",
    "There is no relief from this heavy rain!":"这场大雨仍然在倾泻着!",
    "The mysterious strong winds blow on regardless!":"神秘的气流仍然在持续着!",
    "surrounded itself with a veil of petals!":"用花幕包裹了自己!",
    "stats were":"能力阶级",
    "not lowered!":"没有被降低!",
    "The Water-type attack evaporated in the harsh sunlight!":"水属性攻击在强烈的阳光中蒸发殆尽!",
    "The Fire-type attack fizzled out in the heavy rain!":"火属性攻击在大雨中消耗殆尽!",
    "But there was no target……":"然而攻击没有目标……",
    "It's a one-hit KO!":"一击必杀!",
    "But nothing happened!":"然而什么事也没有发生!",
    "is waiting for":"在等待着",
    "'s move...":"的行动……",
    "The two moves have become one! It's a combined move!":"这两个招式合并为了一个招式!这是一个合体招式!",
    "surrounded itself with its Z-Power!":"用Z力量包裹了全身!",
    "by the":"由于",
    "was burned!":"被灼伤了!",
    "was badly poisoned!":"中了剧毒!",
    "was poisoned!":"中毒了!",
    "slept and became healthy!":"睡着了并恢复了健康!",
    "fell asleep!":"睡着了!",
    "is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!":"被麻痹了!有可能无法行动!",
    "was frozen solid!":"被冻住了!",
    "moved its status onto":"将它的异常状态转移给了",
    "'s Natural Cure activated!":"的自然恢复生效了!",
    "heals its status!":"治愈了它的异常状态!",
    "healed its burn!":"治愈了它的灼伤状态!",
    "'s burn was healed.":"的灼伤被治愈了.",
    "cured its poison!":"治愈了它的中毒状态!",
    "was cured of its poisoning.":"因为中毒而恢复了HP.",
    "woke it up!":"使它醒来了!",
    "woke up!":"醒来了!",
    "cured its paralysis!":"治愈了它的麻痹状态!",
    "defrosted it!":"解冻了它!",
    "thawed out!":"解冻了!",
    "'s status cleared!":"的异常状态被清除了!",
    "A soothing aroma wafted through the area!":"沁人心脾的香气在场地上扩散开了!",
    "A bell chimed!":"铃声响起!",
    "'s team was cured!":"的队伍被治愈了!",
    "found one":"回收了一个",
    "and found its":"的",
    "frisked its target and found one":"察觉到了对手的",
    "harvested one":"收获了一个",

    "obtained one":"得到了一个",
    "floats in the air with its Air Balloon!":"靠着气球浮在了空中!",
    "ate its":"吃掉了它的",
    "flung its":"投掷了它的",
    "knocked off":"拍落了",
    "stole and ate its target\'s":"偷走并吃掉了对手的",
    "\'s power!":"的威力!",
    "was burned up!":"被烧尽了!",
    "lost its":"失去了它的",
    "'s Air Balloon popped!":"的气球爆炸了!",
    "hung on using its Focus Sash!":"靠着它的气势披带撑住了!",
    "hung on using its Focus Band!":"靠着它的气势头带撑住了!",
    "became fully charged due to its Power Herb!":"因为它的强力香草充满了力量!",
    "returned its status to normal using its White Herb!":"使用它的白色香草回复了它的能力!",
    "is switched out with the Eject Button!":"因为逃脱按键被换下了!",
    "was taken over!":"被继承了!",
    "The effects of the weather disappeared.":"天气的影响消失了.",
    "reversed all other Pokémon's auras!":"反转了所有其它宝可梦的气场!",
    "is drowsing!":"正在打瞌睡!",
    "is radiating a dark aura!":"正在释放暗黑气场!",
    "is radiating a fairy aura!":"正在释放妖精气场!",
    "breaks the mold!":"打破了常规!",
    "is exerting its pressure!":"正在施加压迫感!",
    "endured the hit!":"挺住了攻击!",
    "is radiating a bursting aura!":"正在释放溅射气场!",
    "is radiating a blazing aura!":"正在释放炽热气场!",
    "is too nervous to eat Berries!":"太紧张以致于无法吃下树果!",
    "was removed.)":"消失了.)",
    "\'s Ability was suppressed!":"的特性被抑制了!",
    "transformed into":"变身成了",
    "Zen Mode triggered!":"达摩模式启动!",
    "Zen Mode ended!":"达摩模式结束!",
    "Changed to Blade Forme!":"变成了刀剑形态!",
    "Changed to Shield Forme!":"变成了盾牌形态!",
    "formed a school!":"形成了鱼群!",
    "stopped schooling!":"的鱼群消失了!",
    "Shields Down deactivated!":"界限盾壳被打破了!",
    "Shields Down activated!":"界限盾壳启动!",
    "'s fervent wish has reached":"热切的心意传达到了",

    "has Mega Evolved into Mega":"超级进化为Mega",
    "'s Primal Reversion! It reverted to its primal state!":"的原始回归!它回归为了原始状态!",
    "transformed into the":"变为了",
    "'s type became the same as":"的属性变得和",
    "'s type!":"一样了!",
    "burned itself out!":"燃尽了自身!",
    "made it the":"使它变成了",
    "type was added to":"属性加在了",
    "switched its Attack and Defense!":"交换了它的攻击和防御!",
    "was identified!":"被识破了!",
    "was hurled into the air!":"被投向了空中!",
    "is already confused!":"已经混乱了!",
    "became confused due to fatigue!":"因为劳累过度而混乱了!",
    "became confused!":"混乱了!",
    "was seeded!":"被种下了种子!",
    "was prevented from healing!":"的回复被阻止了!",
    "Electricity's power was weakened!":"电的威力减轻了!",
    "Fire's power was weakened!":"火的威力减轻了!",
    "grew drowsy!":"昏昏欲睡!",

    "fell for the taunt!":"因为挑衅而失败了!",
    "sealed any moves its target shares with it!":"封印了所有和对手共有的招式!",
    "was disabled!":"被定住了!",
    "can't use items anymore!":"无法使用道具了!",
    "was subjected to torment!":"受到了无理取闹!",
    "planted its roots!":"扎下了根!",
    "surrounded itself with a veil of water!":"用水幕包围了自己!",
    "stockpiled 1!":"蓄力了1次!",
    "stockpiled 2!":"蓄力了2次!",
    "stockpiled 3!":"蓄力了3次!",
    "'s perish count fell to 0.":"的灭亡还剩0回合.",
    "'s perish count fell to 1.":"的灭亡还剩1回合.",
    "'s perish count fell to 2.":"的灭亡还剩2回合.",
    "'s perish count fell to 3.":"的灭亡还剩3回合.",
    "received an encore!":"收到了再来一次!",
    "is storing energy!":"正在贮存能量!",
    "can't get it going!":"错失先机!",
    "fell in love from the":"爱上了",
    "became nimble!":"变得灵活了!",
    "used the":"使用了",
    "to get pumped!":"来变得兴奋!",
    "boosted its critical-hit ratio using its Z-Power!":"通过使用Z力量使击中要害率获得爆发性的提升!",
    "is getting pumped!":"正在变得兴奋!",
    "cut its own HP and put a curse on":"缩减了自身的HP并且附加了诅咒给",
    "levitated with electromagnetism!":"通过电磁力使自己悬浮了起来!",
    "fell straight down!":"被击落!",
    "The substitute took damage for":"替身承受了伤害保护了",
    "put in a substitute!":"制造了一个替身!",
    "is making an uproar!":"正在制造噪音!",
    "caused an uproar!":"引发了噪音!",
    "chose Doom Desire as its destiny!":"选择了破灭的未来作为它的命运!",
    "became the center of attention!":"成为了视线的焦点!",
    "is covered in powder!":"被粉尘包裹!",
    "protected against special attacks!":"获得了对于特殊攻击的防护!",
    "gained armor!":"获得了对于物理攻击的防护!",
    "was freed from the telekinesis!":"从意念移物状态中逃脱了!",
    "was freed from the Sky Drop!":"从自由落体状态中逃脱了!",
    "snapped it out of its confusion!":"解除了混乱状态!",
    "snapped out of its confusion!":"解除了混乱状态!",
    "snapped out of confusion!":"解除了混乱状态!",
    "was freed from Leech Seed!":"摆脱了寄生种子!",
    "'s Heal Block wore off!":"的回复封印解除了!",
    "got over its infatuation!":"不再迷恋对方了!",
    "cured its infatuation status using its":"使用了xxx治愈了着迷状态",
    "'s move is no longer disabled!":"的技能不再被封印了!",
    "can use items again!":"可以再次使用道具了!",
    "'s torment wore off!":"不再受对方无理取闹的影响了!",
    "'s encore ended!":"的再来一次状态解除了!",
    "unleashed its energy!":"释放了自身的能量!",
    "'s illusion wore off!":"的幻象被识破了!",
    "finally got its act together!":"最终聚集了它所有的力量!",
    "The electromagnetism of":"xx的电磁浮游状态",
    " calmed down.":"冷静下来了。",
    "'s stockpiled effect wore off!":"力量储存的效果消失了!",
    "was freed from":"从XX中脱身了",
    "took the":"承受了",
    "Quick Guard protected":"快速防守保护了",
    "Wide Guard protected":"广域防守保护了",
    "Crafty Shield protected":"戏法防守保护了",
    "intends to flip up a mat and block incoming attacks!":"举起了一块榻榻米挡下了即将到来的攻击!",
    "protected itself!":"保护了自身!",
    "braced itself!":"支撑了下来!",
    "is ready to help":"准备帮助",
    "is tightening its focus!":"正在集中注意力!",
    "set a shell trap!":"设置了一个甲壳陷阱!",
    "waits for a target to make a move!":"等待一个目标来抢夺技能!",
    "shrouded itself with Magic Coat!":"给自己裹上了一层魔术外衣!",
    "'s moves have been electrified!":"的技能带电了!",
    "became the center of attention using its Z-Power!":"使用了Z能量变成了焦点!",
    "started heating up its beak!":"开始加热鸟喙!",
    "wants its target to bear a grudge!":"想向对手释放怨念",
    "is hoping to take its attacker down with it!":"想和对手同归于尽",
    "will restore its replacement's HP using its Z-Power!":"用Z力量恢复了生命值",
    "is confused!":"陷入了混乱",
    "took its attacker down with it!":"和对手同归于尽了",
    "snatched" :"抢夺了",
    "'s move!":"的技能",
    "lost all of its PP due to the grudge!":"因为怨恨失去了所有的PP",
    "'s substitute faded!":"替身消失了!",
    "is in love with":"爱上了",
    "is protected by the mist!":"受到了白雾的保护",
    "is protected by Safeguard!":"收到了神秘守护的保护",
    "can no longer escape!":"不能逃脱!",
    "was caught in a sticky web!":"陷入了粘网",
    "Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere!":"大家被欢乐的气氛包围了",
    "switched items with its target!":"交换了对方的道具",
    "s attack!":"的攻击",
    "is being withdrawn!":"准备回来",
    "It broke through" :"突破了",
    "'s protection!":"的保护",
    "fell for the feint!":"摔倒了",
    "It reduced the PP of":"减少了PP",
    "couldn't stay airborne because of gravity!":"因为重力不能停留空中",
    "swapped Abilities with its target!":"与目标交换了特性",
    "began charging power!":"开始充电",
    "has no moves left!":"没有技能可以用",
    "clamped down on":"夹住了",
    "became trapped in the vortex!":"陷入了漩涡中!",
    "became trapped in the fiery vortex!":"陷入了火焰漩涡中!",
    "became trapped by swirling magma!":"陷入了岩浆的漩涡中!",
    "became trapped by the quicksand!":"陷入了流沙中!",

    "took the kind offer!":"接受了好意!",
    "'s move was postponed!":"的行动延后了!",
    "shared its power with the target!":"与目标平分了力量!",
    "shared its guard with the target!":"与目标平分了防御!",
    "switched Speed with its target!":"与目标交换了速度!",
    "anchored itself with its roots!":"扎下了根!",
    "was blocked by the kicked-up mat!":"被掀起的榻榻米挡住了!",
    "When the flame touched the powder on the Pokémon, it exploded!":"当火焰接触到宝可梦身上的粉尘时发生了爆炸!",
    "No one will be able to run away during the next turn!":"下一回合结束前所有宝可梦都不能交换!",
    "took aim at":"瞄准了",
    "surrounds itself with electrified terrain!":"的脚下电光飞闪!",
    "surrounds itself with a protective mist!":"的脚下雾气缭绕!",
    "surrounds itself with psychic terrain!":"的脚下传来了奇妙的感觉!",
    "'s Wonder Guard evades the attack!":"的神奇守护抵御了攻击!",
    "'s Forewarn alerted it to":"的预知梦预知到了",
    "'s Ability became Mummy!":"的特性变成了木乃伊!",
    "took the attack!":"吸收了攻击!",
    " avoids attacks by its ally Pok&#xE9;mon!":"避免了友方的攻击!",
    "'s item cannot be removed!":"的道具不可以被剥夺!",
    "anchors itself!":"用吸盘粘在了地面上!",
    "is protected by an aromatic veil!":"被芳香幕保护了!",
    "surrounded itself with a veil of sweetness!":"被香气幕包围了!",
    "became fully charged due to its bond with its Trainer!":"与训练师的羁绊使得它充满了力量!",
    "Its disguise served it as a decoy!":"画皮脱落了!",
    "You sense the presence of many!":"你感受到了一股强大力量的存在!",
    "The mysterious strong winds weakened the attack!":"神秘的乱流减弱了攻击!",
    "is already preparing its next move!":"已经准备好了下轮行动!",

    "Aurora Veil made your team stronger against physical and special moves!":"极光幕使得你的队伍在面对物理和特殊攻击时更强了!",
    "Aurora Veil made the opposing team stronger against physical and special moves!":"极光幕使得对方的队伍在面对物理和特殊攻击时更强了!",
    "Reflect made your team stronger against physical moves!":"反射盾使得你的队伍在面对物理攻击时更强了!",
    "Reflect made the opposing team stronger against physical moves!":"反射盾使得对方的队伍在面对物理攻击时更强了!",
    "Light Screen made your team stronger against special moves!":"光墙使得你的队伍在面对特殊攻击时更强了!",
    "Light Screen made the opposing team stronger against special moves!":"光墙使得对方的队伍在面对特殊攻击时更强了!",

    "Your team cloaked itself in a mystical veil!":"你的队伍将自己包围在神秘的守护之中!",
    "Your team became shrouded in mist!":"你的队伍被包围在了白雾之中!",
    "Lucky Chant shielded your team from critical hits!":"幸运咒语保护你的队伍不会受到会心一击!",
    "A sea of fire enveloped your team!":"一片火海包围了你的队伍!",
    "A rainbow appeared in the sky on your team's side!":"彩虹出现在了你队伍的一边!",
    "A swamp enveloped your team!":"一片沼泽包围了你的队伍!",
    "Your team's Tailwind petered out!":"你队伍的顺风停止了!",
    "Your team's Aurora Veil wore off!":"你队伍的极光幕消失了!",
    "Your team's Reflect wore off!":"你队伍的反射盾消失了!",
    "Your team's Light Screen wore off!":"你队伍的光墙消失了!",
    "Your team is no longer protected by Safeguard!":"你的队伍不再受神秘守护的保护!",
    "Your team is no longer protected by mist!":"你的队伍不再受白雾的保护!",
    "Your team's Lucky Chant wore off!":"你队伍的幸运咒语结束了!",
    "The opposing team cloaked itself in a mystical veil!":"对方的队伍将自己包围在神秘的守护之中!",
    "The opposing team became shrouded in mist!":"对方的队伍被包围在了白雾之中!",
    "Lucky Chant shielded the opposing team from critical hits!":"幸运咒语保护对方的队伍不会受到会心一击!",
    "A sea of fire enveloped the opposing team!":"一片火海包围了对方的队伍!",
    "A rainbow appeared in the sky on the opposing team's side!":"彩虹出现在了对方队伍的一边!",
    "A swamp enveloped the opposing team!":"一片沼泽包围了对方的队伍!",
    "The opposing team's Tailwind petered out!":"对方队伍的顺风停止了!",
    "The opposing team's Aurora Veil wore off!":"对方队伍的极光幕消失了!",
    "The opposing team's Reflect wore off!":"对方队伍的反射盾消失了!",
    "The opposing team's Light Screen wore off!":"对方队伍的光墙消失了!",
    "The opposing team is no longer protected by Safeguard!":"对方的队伍不再受神秘守护的保护!",
    "The opposing team is no longer protected by mist!":"对方的队伍不再受白雾的保护!",
    "The opposing team's Lucky Chant wore off!":"对方队伍的幸运咒语结束了!",


    "twisted the dimensions!":"扭曲了时空!",
    "It created a bizarre area in which Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped!":"制造出了防御与特防能力值互换的奇妙空间!",
    "It created a bizarre area in which Pok&#xE9;mon's held items lose their effects!":"制造出了道具无效的魔法空间!",
    "Gravity intensified!":"重力变强了!",
    "Grass grew to cover the battlefield!":"脚下绿草如茵!",
    "Mist swirls around the battlefield!":"脚下雾气缭绕!",
    "An electric current runs across the battlefield!":"脚下电光飞闪!",
    "The battlefield got weird!":"脚下传来了奇妙的感觉!",
    "The twisted dimensions returned to normal!":"扭曲的时空恢复了!",
    "Wonder Room wore off, and Defense and Sp. Def stats returned to normal!":"奇妙空间结束了,防御与特防能力值恢复了正常!",
    "Magic Room wore off, and held items' effects returned to normal!":"魔法空间结束了,道具效果恢复了正常!",
    "Gravity returned to normal!":"重力恢复了正常!",
    "The effects of Mud Sport have faded.":"玩泥的效果消失了!",
    "The effects of Water Sport have faded.":"玩水的效果消失了!",
    "The grass disappeared from the battlefield.":"脚下的青草不见了!",
    "The mist disappeared from the battlefield.":"脚下的雾气不见了!",
    "The electricity disappeared from the battlefield.":"脚下的电光不见了!",
    "The weirdness disappeared from the battlefield!":"脚下奇妙的感觉消失了!",
    "All Pok&#xE9;mon that heard the song will faint in three turns!":"所有听见歌声的宝可梦都将在三回合后倒下!",
    "Coins were scattered everywhere!":"金币撒得到处都是!",
    "A deluge of ions showers the battlefield!":"离子风暴正在肆虐!",
    "regained its true power through Ultra Burst!":"通过究极爆发出现了新的样子!",
    // Extra
    "Pointed stones float in the air around your team!":"尖锐的岩石漂浮在了你的队伍周围!",
    "Pointed stones float in the air around the opposing team!":"尖锐的岩石漂浮在了对方的队伍周围!",
    "Spikes were scattered on the ground all around your team!":"地菱布满在了你的队伍周围!",
    "Spikes were scattered on the ground all around the opposing team!":"地菱布满在了对方的队伍周围!",
    "Poison spikes were scattered on the ground all around your team!":"毒菱布满在了你的队伍周围!",
    "Poison spikes were scattered on the ground all around the opposing team!":"毒菱布满在了对方的队伍周围!",
    "A sticky web spreads out on the ground around your team!":"一张黏网展开在了你的队伍周围!",
    "A sticky web spreads out on the ground around the opposing team!":"一张黏网展开在了对方的队伍场地周围!",
    "The Tailwind blew from behind your team!":"顺风在你的队伍身后展开了!", 
    "The pointed stones disappeared from around your team!":"尖锐的岩石从你的队伍场地周围消失了!",  
    "The spikes disappeared from the ground around your team!":"地菱从你的队伍周围消失了!",  
    "The poison spikes disappeared from the ground around your team!":"毒菱从你的队伍周围消失了!",  
    "The sticky web has disappeared from the ground around your team!":"黏网从你的队伍周围消失了!",  
    "The Tailwind blew from behind the opposing team!":"顺风在对方的队伍身后展开了!", 
    "The pointed stones disappeared from around the opposing team!":"尖锐的岩石从对方的队伍场地周围消失了!",  
    "The spikes disappeared from the ground around the opposing team!":"地菱从对方的队伍周围消失了!",  
    "The poison spikes disappeared from the ground around the opposing team!":"毒菱从对方的队伍周围消失了!",  
    "The sticky web has disappeared from the ground around the opposing team!":"黏网从对方的队伍周围消失了!",  
    "Waiting for opponent...":"等待对手行动...",
    "Pointed stones dug into the opposing":"锋利的岩石扎进了对手的",
    "It's super effective! A critical hit!":"这非常有效!会心一击!",
    "It's not very effective... A critical hit!":"这不是很有效...会心一击!",
    "Special Attack":"特攻",
    "Special Defense":"特防",
    "fell harshly":"大幅下降了",
    "fell severely":"巨幅下降了",
    "rose sharply":"大幅提升了",
    "rose drastically":"巨幅提升了",
    "is reacting to the Key Stone":"对钥石起了反应",
    "became Ash-Greninja!":"变成了小智-甲贺忍蛙!",
    "It's super effective! The opposing":"这非常有效!对手的",
    "restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!":"使用黑色淤泥恢复了少量HP!",
    "restored HP using its Grassy Terrain!":"因为青草场地恢复了少量HP!",
    "Instant replay":" 即时回放",
    "Download replay":" 下载回放",
    "Switch sides":" 切换视角",
    "Upload and share replay":" 上传并分享回放",
    "knocked off the opposing":"打落了对手的",
    "wore off":"无效了",
    "is hurt by the opposing":"受到了伤害来自对手",
    "All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns!":"所有听到歌声的宝可梦将在3回合后倒下!",
    "was badly poisoned by the Toxic Orb!":"因为剧毒珠中了剧毒!",
    "the Normal type":"普通属性",
    "the Fighting type":"格斗属性",
    "the Flying type":"飞行属性",
    "the Poison type":"毒属性",
    "the Ground type":"地面属性",
    "the Rock type":"岩石属性",
    "the Bug type":"虫属性",
    "the Ghost type":"幽灵属性",
    "the Steel type":"钢属性",
    "the Fire type":"火属性",
    "the Water type":"水属性",
    "the Grass type":"草属性",
    "the Psychic type":"超能属性",
    "the Dragon type":"龙属性",
    "the Ice type":"冰属性",
    "the Dark type":"恶属性",
    "the Fairy type":"妖精属性",
    "Fairy Gem":"妖精珠宝",


var QQ=$.noConflict();
var regex_ability=new RegExp(/Ability: ([A-za-z- ]+[A-za-z])$/);
var regex_possible_ability=new RegExp(/Possible abilities: ([A-za-z- ]+[A-za-z])$/);
var regex_possible_ability2=new RegExp(/Possible abilities: ([A-za-z- ]+[A-za-z]), ([A-za-z- ]+[A-za-z])$/);
var regex_Item=new RegExp(/Item: ([(A-za-z- ]+[A-za-z)])$/);
var regex_stat_change=new RegExp(/^'s ([A-za-z ]+)!/);
var regex_magic_bounce=new RegExp(/bounced the ([A-za-z -]+) back!/);
var regex_preview=new RegExp(/^([A-za-z* -]+ \/ )+([A-za-z* -]+)$/);
var regex_start_battle=new RegExp(/Battle between (.+) and (.+) started!/);
var regex_uturn=new RegExp(/went back to (.*)!/);
var regex_hurtby=new RegExp(/is hurt by ([A-Za-z- ]+)!/);
var regex_gems=new RegExp(/The ([A-za-z ]+) strengthened ([A-za-z- ]+)'s power!/);
var regex_eat=new RegExp(/ate its ([A-Za-z ]+)!/);
var regex_restorehp=new RegExp(/restored HP using its ([A-Za-z ]+)!/);
var t_= function(a){return a;}
var t= function(originalStr){
    var tmp=originalStr.trim();
        return translations[tmp];
    if(tmp.indexOf("'s ")!=-1&&tmp.indexOf("!]")!=-1){
        tmp=tmp.replace("'s ","").replace("!]","");
        return "的"+translations[tmp]+"!]";
    if(tmp.indexOf("sent out ")!=-1){
        var splitted=tmp.split(" sent out ");
        return splitted[0]+"放出了"+translations[splitted[1].replace("!","")]+"!";
    if(tmp.indexOf(" withdrew ")!=-1){
        var splitted=tmp.split(" withdrew ");
        return splitted[0]+"收回了"+translations[splitted[1].replace("!","")]+"!";
        return "去吧,"+translations[tmp.replace("Go! ","").replace("!","")]+"!";
    //var regex=new RegExp(/(/)
        var splitted=RegExp.$1.split(' ');
        var pos=splitted.length-1;
        var str2=splitted[pos--];
            str2=splitted[pos--]+" "+str2;
        var str1=splitted[pos--];
            str1=splitted[pos--]+" "+str1;
        var ret="的";
        var trans1=translations[str1];
        var trans2=translations[str2];
        if(originalStr.indexOf("The opposing")!=-1)
            ret+=" 对手的";
        return ret;
        originalStr=originalStr.replace(regex_ability,"特性: ");
        return originalStr;
        originalStr=originalStr.replace(regex_possible_ability,"可能的特性: ");
        return originalStr;
        originalStr=originalStr.replace(regex_possible_ability2,"可能的特性: ");
        return originalStr;

        originalStr=originalStr.replace(regex_Item,"道具: ");
        return originalStr;
        var pokes=originalStr.split(" / ");
        var ret=translations[pokes[0]];
        var pos=1;
            ret+=" / "+translations[pokes[pos]];
        return ret;
        return RegExp.$1+" 与 "+RegExp.$2+" 的对战开始了!";
            return "("+translations[RegExp.$1]+")";
    if(originalStr.match(/has Mega Evolved into Mega ([A-za-z -]+)!/)){
        return "超级进化为Mega"+translations[RegExp.$1]+"!";
    if(originalStr.match(/transformed into ([A-za-z -]+)!/)){
        return "变成了"+translations[RegExp.$1]+"!";
        return "回到了"+RegExp.$1+"的身边!";
        var str1="因为";
        return "因为"+translations[RegExp.$1]+"而受到了伤害!";
        return "把"+translations[RegExp.$1]+"反弹回去了!";
        return "把"+translations[RegExp.$1]+"反弹回去了!";
    if(originalStr.match(/can't use ([A-za-z- ]+) after the taunt!/)){
        return "因为挑拨不能使用"+translations[RegExp.$1]+"!";
        return translations[RegExp.$1]+"提升了"+translations[RegExp.$2]+"的威力!";
        return originalStr
            .replace(/lost ([0-9]+)% of its health!/,"失去了$1%的生命值!")
            .replace(" sent out ","放出了 ")
            .replace("won the battle","获得了胜利")
            .replace(" withdrew ","收回了 ")
            //.replace(/Ability: ([A-za-z ]+)/,"特性: "+translate(RegExp.$1))
            //.replace(/Ability: \/ Item: ([A-za-z ]+)/,"特性: "++"/ 道具:"+translate("$2"))
function translateElement(element){
    var elTW = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_Element, null, false);
    var node=null;
    var translate=t;
            //console.log(node.nodeValue+" "+node.parentNode.getAttribute("class"));
            var value=node.nodeValue;
            if(value.indexOf('•')!=-1){     //技能名在鼠标移入的状态
                node.nodeValue="• "+value;
                    .replace("held by","holder is")

(function() {
    'use strict';
    // Your code here...