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// ==UserScript== // @name Universe Map Assistant // @version 2023-12-26 // @author Mario // @license MIT // @match https://**&y=*&z=*&fleet=* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function getSystemsBeingExplored() { var missions = [] for (var ID in mapMeta.f) { if (mapMeta.f[ID][13] !== '') { missions.push(mapMeta.f[ID][13]) } } return missions } function isTargetInMissions(missions, target) { for (var mission in missions) { if (missions[mission][3] === target[3] && missions[mission][4] === target[4] && missions[mission][5] === target[5]) { return true } } return false } function isTargetBlacklisted(blacklist, target) { return isTargetInMissions(blacklist, target) } function getClosestSystem() { if (mapMeta && mapMeta.s) { // don't do anything if mapMeta isn't loaded // add system coords here if you want the system ignored. See example for format. var blacklist = [ // [,,,x,y,z], ] var closestSys = 0, distance = Infinity, thisDistance, myFleet = mapMeta.f[selectedFleet]; var missions = getSystemsBeingExplored() for (var ID in mapMeta.s) { try { thisDistance = getDistance(myFleet, mapMeta.s[ID]); } catch (error) { console.log(myFleet) console.log(mapMeta.s[ID]) } if (thisDistance < distance && mapMeta.s[ID][8] != 1 && !isTargetInMissions(missions, mapMeta.s[ID]) && !isTargetBlacklisted(blacklist, mapMeta.s[ID])) { distance = thisDistance; closestSys = ID; } } showSystem(closestSys, myFleet[0]) } } let closestButton = document.createElement('button'); closestButton.innerHTML = "Closest"; = "closestButton"; closestButton.className = "submit greenbutton darkbutton"; closestButton.title = "Explores next unexplored system."; if (document.getElementsByClassName("starMapInfo alignleft")[0]) { closestButton.addEventListener("click", getClosestSystem); document.getElementsByClassName("starMapInfo alignleft")[0].append(closestButton); } document.onkeydown = function(e) { e = e || window.event; var keycode = e.which || e.keyCode; var ctrlPressed = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; //record if Ctrl key is pressed if( !ctrlPressed && document.activeElement.tagName == "BODY" ) {//skip if Ctrl key is pressed, activeElement used to skip if user has a text input active if( keycode == 88 ) {//'88' is the keycode for "x" e.preventDefault(); getClosestSystem() } } };