Voknehzyr / Localized SoundCloud


Version: 1.1.0+78932f1

Summary: Userscript that allows you to translate SoundCloud using MutationObserver API.


License: MIT

Localized SoundCloud UserScript

By using this userscript you accept that website may work slower and some errors may appear.
If you're facing some errors, feel free to create detailed Issue and I will try to fix the problem.


This plugin was developed to translate SoundCloud only on Russian language, but then I decided to make it more flexible by adding ability to bundle many json locale files. So, everything you need to do is just simply create a new locale file that uses 2 letters from language code in locale folder (like ua.json) and after approval I will add it to the userscript import.

Locale file structure is very primitive, it has key wich represents query selector and translation that should be applied to all elements that will be found using that selector: <selector>:<translation>

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