VitorMM / Google View Image


Version: 0.3+9e81f39 updated

Summary: An updated version of laidbackTempo's "Bring back Google View Image!"

License: MIT

First of all, I would like to credit laidbackTempo for creating the original script. Much of my script was based in his, which means that it may have not been possible without his script.

This version has some fixes, and a change: it replaces the buttons below the page link with 'View image' and 'Search by image'. What that means? That means 'Visit' (the one with the same function of the link above), 'Share' (which allows you to share by Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or E-mail) and 'Save' (which saves to your Google account (not sure, never used it)) won't appear with that script.

That decision was taken due to a bug which I couldn't solve. It involved the buttons been created but not removed, or been created, but removed right after that. Although, considering that the first button is irrelevant, and I never use the other two, for me is much better to have only 'View image' and 'Search by image'.

Also, the script supports multi-language, so in case you want support to your own language, start an issue telling me the 'hl' GET parameter of the Google Image Search page, the Google URL in your country (eg. https ://www.**.br**/) and a proper translation for both buttons.

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