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// ==UserScript== // @name Stop Automatic Recommendations on Soundcloud // @namespace soundcloud-no-autoplay // @author Veeno // @contributor Kai Kuehner // @contributor Technowise // @contributor Andreas J. Schwarz // @description Stops the automatic playing of recommended tracks on Soundcloud. // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @grant none // @version 2.0 // ==/UserScript== (function(){ var playingRecommended = false, trackInfoContainer = "div.playbackSoundBadge", toTitlePath = ["children", 1, "children", 0, "title"], title = null, buttonElement = "button.playControl", recommendedString = "Playing from related tracks for "; function stepToTitle(step){ return title = title[step]; } function isRecommendedTrack(){ title = trackInfoContainer; return (title && toTitlePath.every(stepToTitle) && typeof title === "string") ? title.startsWith(recommendedString) : null; } var trackInfoObserver = new MutationObserver(function(){ var currentIsRecommended = isRecommendedTrack(); if(typeof currentIsRecommended === "boolean"){ if(!playingRecommended && currentIsRecommended); playingRecommended = currentIsRecommended; } }); function start(){ var _trackInfoContainer = document.querySelector(trackInfoContainer), _buttonElement = document.querySelector(buttonElement); if(!_trackInfoContainer || !_buttonElement){ setTimeout(start, 20); return; } trackInfoContainer = _trackInfoContainer; buttonElement = _buttonElement; trackInfoObserver.observe(trackInfoContainer, {childList: true, subtree: true}); } start(); })();