VanessaCxo / IsUpMe Reduce User Interaction

// ==UserScript==
// @name         IsUpMe Reduce User Interaction
// @namespace
// @version      1.0
// @description  Implements auto-reload every 15 seconds, and changes the title to easily spot when your website comes back up without further user interaction.
// @author       VanessaCxo
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

// Preferences below
var reload_time = 15 // Number of seconds per reload
// Preferences above - do not edit below unless you know what you're doing!

var isup = document.getElementById("container").innerText.substr(0, document.getElementById("container").innerText.indexOf("Check another site?")).indexOf("up") > -1;
document.title = (isup ? "Up: " : "Down: ") + document.getElementById("container").children[0].href.replace("http://", "").replace("/", "");
document.title = (isup ? "Up: " : "Down: ") + document.getElementById("container").children[0].href.replace("http://", "").replace("/", "");
setTimeout(function() { document.location.reload(); }, 1000 * reload_time);