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// ==UserScript== // @name Video Streaming Enhanced // @namespace // @version // @description Improves streaming video by replacing other players with Flowplayer, and adding a variety of configuration options. // @author Toby // @include*/* // @include*/* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include // @include // @include* // @require // @require // @require // @require // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /**************************************************************************************************** * @require explanations * tusl.js - Toby's UserScript Library. Contains my most commonly used utility functions. * * @grant explanations * unsafeWindow - Required to use Flowplayer commercial. * GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_deleteValue - Required for saving preferences and when working with frames. * GM_xmlhttpRequest - Required for determining mime types of files for Flowplayer. *****************************************************************************************************/ "use strict"; (function (w, $, jQuery) { var vse = { name : GM_info[ "script" ][ "name" ], version : GM_info[ "script" ][ "version" ], user : {}, status : {}, video : {}, player : {} }; function getParameterByName(name, url) { if (!url) url = window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } // Supported domains that VSE will run on. = { kissAnime : "", kimCartoon : "", pornhub : "", xvideos : "", gorillavid : "", vseCustom : "", xMovies : "" }; // Location of the new player. vse.flowplayer = ""; var jqui = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; var fbgrid = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" type="text/css" >'; var vseStyles = ` /* VSE FCW Messages */ .vse_video_loading_new { z-index: 99999; position:fixed; left: 0; top:25%; display: block; opacity: 0.8; width: 100%; text-align: center; box-sizing: border-box; } .vse_video_loading_new span { box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; background-color: #000000; padding: 1.25vw 5vw; border-radius: 30px; border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 1.25vw; color: #FFFFFF; } `; if ( !GM_getValue( "vse_settings" ) ) { vse.user.config = {}; vse.user.config.autoplay = false; vse.user.config.launch = false; vse.user.config.launchLite = true; vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow = false; vse.user.config.jumpForwardLength = 90; vse.user.config.jumpBackwardLength = 90; vse.user.config.skipForwardLength = 15; vse.user.config.skipBackwardLength = 15; vse.user.config.hopForwardLength = 5; vse.user.config.hopBackwardLength = 5; GM_setValue( "vse_settings", JSON.stringify( vse.user.config ) ); } $.merge( vse.user, JSON.parse( GM_getValue( "vse_settings" ) ) ); console.log( vse.user ); vse.fn = { getElementProperties : function (selector) { var element = { height : $( selector ).height(), width : $( selector ).width() }; return element; }, injectPlayer : function (container) { var style = "height: " + vse.flowplayerProperties.height + "px; "; style = style + "width: " + vse.flowplayerProperties.width + "px; "; style = style + "box-sizing: border-box; margin:0; padding:0; "; $( container ).append( "<div id='vse_iframe_container' style='" + style + "'></div>" ); $( "#vse_iframe_container" ).append( '<iframe id="vse_fp_iframe" name="vse_fp_iframe_' + Math.random() + '" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>' ); $( "#vse_fp_iframe" ).prop( "style", "max-width:100%; max-height:100%; width:100%; height:100%; padding:0px; margin:0px; background-color:#000000;" ); }, injectFullCurrentWindowPlayer : function () { if( == "kissAnime") { var prevLink = $( "#btnPrevious" ).parent().attr( "href" ); var nextLink = $( "#btnNext" ).parent().attr( "href" ); } else if( == "kimCartoon") { var prevLink = $( "#Img1" ).parent().attr( "href" ); var nextLink = $( "#Img2" ).parent().attr( "href" ); } $( "head" ).append( `<link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <style> .noscroll { overflow: hidden; } #vse_fullCurrentWindowModal { z-index:2; position: absolute; left:0; top:0; background-color: #000000; height: 100% !important; width:100%; min-height:100% !important; } #fcwContainer { z-index:3; position: absolute; right:5px; top:45px; height: auto; opacity: .25; display: inline-block; } #fcwContainer a { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; font-size:18px; cursor:pointer; } #fcwContainer a:hover { color: #ACFFBD; } ` + vseStyles + ` </style>` ); $( "body" ).append( `<div id="vse_fullCurrentWindowModal"></div>` ); $( "#vse_fullCurrentWindowModal" ).append( ` <div id="fcwContainer"> <a id="vse_fcwPrev"><i class="material-icons">skip_previous</i></a> <a id="vse_fcwNext"><i class="material-icons">skip_next</i></a> <a id="vse_fcwX"><i class="material-icons">close</i></a> </div> ` ); = prevLink; = nextLink; if ( ! ) { $( "#vse_fcwPrev" ).css( "opacity", "0" ); } else { $( "#vse_fcwPrev" ).click( function () { $( "body" ).append( ` <div class="vse_video_loading_new"> <span>Loading Previous Video...</span> </div> ` ); setTimeout( function () { =; }, 1 ); } ); } if ( ! ) { $( "#vse_fcwNext" ).css( "opacity", "0" ); } else { $( "#vse_fcwNext" ).click( function () { $( "body" ).append( ` <div class="vse_video_loading_new"> <span>Loading Next Video...</span> </div> ` ); setTimeout( function () { =; }, 1 ); } ); } GM_setValue( "vse_videoInfo", JSON.stringify( ) ); $( "body" ).addClass( "noscroll" ); $( 'html, body' ).animate( {scrollTop : 0}, 1 ); $( "#fcwContainer" ).mouseenter( function () { $( this ).animate( {opacity : 1.0}, 250, function () {} ); console.log( $( this ).attr( "id" ) + " over." ); } ); $( "#fcwContainer" ).mouseleave( function () { $( this ).animate( {opacity : 0.25}, 250, function () {} ); console.log( $( this ).attr( "id" ) + " out." ); } ); $( "#vse_fcwX" ).click( function () { $( "body" ).removeClass( "noscroll" ); $( "#vse_fullCurrentWindowModal" ).remove(); } ); vse.flowplayerProperties = {height : $( "body" ).height(), width : "100vw"}; console.log( vse.flowplayerProperties ); vse.fn.injectPlayer( "#vse_fullCurrentWindowModal" ); $( window ).resize( function () { $( "#vse_iframe_container" ).width( $( "body" ).width() ); } ); }, launchPlayer : function () { var html = $( "#vse_iframe_container" ).html(); var h = vse.flowplayerProperties.height; var w = vse.flowplayerProperties.width; var llString = ""; if ( vse.user.config.launchLite == true ) { var llString = "menubar=false, toolbar=false, height=" + h + ", width=" + w + ""; } var vsePlayerWindow = "", "vse_fp_playerWindow_" + Math.random(), llString ); var favicon = ''; vsePlayerWindow.document.write( html ); $( vsePlayerWindow.document ).find( "head" ) .append( "<style></style><title></title>" ) .append( '<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="' + favicon + '">' ); $( vsePlayerWindow.document ).find( "style" ).append( " body { max-width:100%; max-height:100%; width:100%; height:100%; padding:0px; margin:0px; background-color:#000000; } " ); $( vsePlayerWindow.document ).find( "style" ).append( " #fpFrame { max-width:100%; max-height:100%; width:100%; height:100%; padding:0px; margin:0px; position:absolute; bottom:0px; right:0px; } " ); $( vsePlayerWindow.document ).find( "title" ).text( ); $( "#vse_iframe_container" ).html( "" ); }, getSite : function () { var userCL = tusl.location.tld(); for (var key in { if ( key ) ) { var obj =[ key ]; if ( userCL.indexOf( obj ) != -1 ) { vse.on = key; } } } }, updateConfig : function () { GM_setValue( "vse_settings", JSON.stringify( vse.user.config ) ); }, getMimeType : function (url) { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); console.log( "Retrieving mime-type for: " ); console.log( url ); GM_xmlhttpRequest( { url : url, method : "HEAD", timeout : 5000, onload : function (response) { var headers = response.responseHeaders; headers = headers.split( "\r\n" ); console.log( headers ); for (var i = 0 ; i < headers.length ; i++) { if ( (headers[ i ].search( /((?!x-)(content\-type)(?!-options))/i ) != -1) ) { var vidTitle = headers[ i ].split( ": " )[ 1 ]; if ( vidTitle.includes( "application/octet-stream, " ) ) { vidTitle = vidTitle.replace( "application/octet-stream, ", "" ); } = vidTitle; console.log( ); dfd.resolve(); } } }, ontimeout : function () { console.log( "Unable to determine MimeType. Attempting to proceed..." ); = ""; dfd.resolve(); } } ); return dfd.promise(); }, launchConfig : function () { var isOpen = $( "#vse_config_modal" ).dialog( "isOpen" ); if ( isOpen ) { $( "#vse_config_modal" ).dialog( "close" ); } else { $( "#vse_config_modal" ).dialog( "open" ); if ( vse.user.config.autoplay ) { $( "#vse_config_autoplay" ).prop( "checked", true ); } else { $( "#vse_config_autoplay" ).prop( "checked", false ); } if ( vse.user.config.launch ) { $( "#vse_config_launch" ).prop( "checked", true ); } else { $( "#vse_config_launch" ).prop( "checked", false ); } if ( vse.user.config.launchLite ) { $( "#vse_config_launchLite" ).prop( "checked", true ); } else { $( "#vse_config_launchLite" ).prop( "checked", false ); } if ( vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow ) { $( "#vse_config_fullCurrentWindow" ).prop( "checked", true ); } else { $( "#vse_config_fullCurrentWindow" ).prop( "checked", false ); } $( "#vse_config_hopForwardLength" ).val( vse.user.config.hopForwardLength ); $( "#vse_config_hopBackwardLength" ).val( vse.user.config.hopBackwardLength ); $( "#vse_config_skipForwardLength" ).val( vse.user.config.skipForwardLength ); $( "#vse_config_skipBackwardLength" ).val( vse.user.config.skipBackwardLength ); $( "#vse_config_jumpForwardLength" ).val( vse.user.config.jumpForwardLength ); $( "#vse_config_jumpBackwardLength" ).val( vse.user.config.jumpBackwardLength ); } }, prepConfig : function () { // Add jQueryUI stylesheet to the document head. $( "head" ).append( jqui ); // Add Flexbox Grid stylesheet to the document head. $( "head" ).append( fbgrid ); // Create basic VSE config window structure. $( "body" ).append( '<div id="vse_config_modal" title="Video Streaming Enhanced"></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_modal" ).append( '<div id="vse_config_tabs"></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_tabs" ).append( '<ul id="vse_config_tabsUL"></ul>' ); $( "#vse_config_tabsUL" ).append( '<li><a href="#vse_config_playerSettings">Player Settings</a></li>' ); $( "#vse_config_tabsUL" ).append( '<li><a href="#vse_config_supportedSites">Supported Sites</a></li>' ); $( "#vse_config_tabsUL" ).append( '<li><a href="#vse_config_about">About</a></li>' ); $( "#vse_config_tabs" ).append( '<div id="vse_config_playerSettings"></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_tabs" ).append( '<div id="vse_config_supportedSites"></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_tabs" ).append( '<div id="vse_config_about"></div>' ); // Player Settings $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Autoplay: </div><div class="col-xs-7"><input name="vse_config_autoplay" id="vse_config_autoplay" type="checkbox"></div></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Launch player in new window: </div><div class="col-xs-7"><input name="vse_config_launch" id="vse_config_launch" type="checkbox"></div></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Lightweight Launch Window: </div><div class="col-xs-7"><input name="vse_config_launchLite" id="vse_config_launchLite" type="checkbox"></div></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( `<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Fullscreen Current Window: </div><div class="col-xs-7"> <input name="vse_config_fullCurrentWindow" id="vse_config_fullCurrentWindow" type="checkbox"></div></div>` ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Hop Forward Length: </div><div class="col-xs-7"><input name="vse_config_hopForwardLength" value="" id="vse_config_hopForwardLength" type="text"> seconds</div></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Hop Backward Length: </div><div class="col-xs-7"><input name="vse_config_hopBackwardLength" value="" id="vse_config_hopBackwardLength" type="text"> seconds</div></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Skip Forward Length: </div><div class="col-xs-7"><input name="vse_config_skipForwardLength" value="" id="vse_config_skipForwardLength" type="text"> seconds</div></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Skip Backward Length: </div><div class="col-xs-7"><input name="vse_config_skipBackwardLength" value="" id="vse_config_skipBackwardLength" type="text"> seconds</div></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Jump Forward Length: </div><div class="col-xs-7"><input name="vse_config_jumpForwardLength" value="" id="vse_config_jumpForwardLength" type="text"> seconds</div></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-5">Jump Backward Length: </div><div class="col-xs-7"><input name="vse_config_jumpBackwardLength" value="" id="vse_config_jumpBackwardLength" type="text"> seconds</div></div>' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<br /><br />' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<input id="vse_config_save" type="button" value="Save"> ' ); $( "#vse_config_playerSettings" ).append( '<input id="vse_config_cancel" type="button" value="Cancel"> ' ); // Supported Sites $( "#vse_config_supportedSites" ).append( "<br />" ); $( "#vse_config_supportedSites" ).append( "<br />" ); $( "#vse_config_supportedSites" ).append( "<br />" ); $( "#vse_config_supportedSites" ).append( "<br />" ); $( "#vse_config_supportedSites" ).append( " (Launched Player Only)<br />" ); $( "#vse_config_supportedSites" ).append( "<br />" ); $( "#vse_config_supportedSites" ).append( " (Choose the URL of a video file to stream.)<br />" ); $( "#vse_config_supportedSites" ).append( "<br /><br />" ); $( "#vse_config_supportedSites" ).append( "Support for new sites can be added on demand." ); // About $( "#vse_config_about" ).append( '<span style="font-size: 2em;">Video Streaming Enhanced</span><br /><br />' ); $( "#vse_config_about" ).append( '<strong>Version:</strong> ' + vse.version + "<br />" ); $( "#vse_config_about" ).append( '<strong>Author:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#6666FF">Toby</a><br />' ); $( "#vse_config_about" ).append( '<strong>Updates:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#6666FF">OpenUserJS</a><br />' ); $( "#vse_config_about" ).append( '<strong>Other Links:</strong>' ); $( "#vse_config_about" ).append( '<ul>' ); $( "#vse_config_about" ).append( '<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#6666FF">Changelog</a></li>' ); $( "#vse_config_about" ).append( '<li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#6666FF">Github</a></li>' ); $( "#vse_config_about" ).append( '</ul>' ); // Make sure the seek lengths are numerical. function validateNumber(id) { var str = $( "#" + id ).val(); if ( /^\s*\d+\s*$/.test( str ) ) { // Everything's fine. } else if ( str == "" ) { $( "#" + id ).val( "0" ); } else { var trueName = id.replace( "vse_config_", "" ); $( "#" + id ).val( vse.user.config[ trueName ] ); } } $( '#vse_config_hopForwardLength' ).keyup( function () { validateNumber( "vse_config_hopForwardLength" ) } ); $( '#vse_config_hopBackwardLength' ).keyup( function () { validateNumber( "vse_config_hopBackwardLength" ) } ); $( '#vse_config_skipForwardLength' ).keyup( function () { validateNumber( "vse_config_skipForwardLength" ) } ); $( '#vse_config_skipBackwardLength' ).keyup( function () { validateNumber( "vse_config_skipBackwardLength" ) } ); $( '#vse_config_jumpForwardLength' ).keyup( function () { validateNumber( "vse_config_jumpForwardLength" ) } ); $( '#vse_config_jumpBackwardLength' ).keyup( function () { validateNumber( "vse_config_jumpBackwardLength" ) } ); vse.status.winWidth = parseInt( $( w ).width() ); vse.status.winHeight = parseInt( $( w ).height() ); // Initialize modal. $( "#vse_config_modal" ).dialog( { autoOpen : false, modal : true, width : vse.status.winWidth - 20, height : vse.status.winHeight - 20, resizable : false, draggable : false } ); // Initialize tabs. $( function () { $( "#vse_config_tabs" ).tabs(); } ); // Resize the modal when the window is resized. $( window ).resize( function () { vse.status.winWidth = parseInt( $( w ).width() ); vse.status.winHeight = parseInt( $( w ).height() ); $( ".ui-dialog" ).css( "width", vse.status.winWidth - 20 ); $( ".ui-dialog" ).css( "height", vse.status.winHeight - 20 ); } ); // Buttons $( "#vse_config_save" ).click( function () { if ( $( "#vse_config_autoplay" ).prop( "checked" ) ) { vse.user.config.autoplay = true; } else { vse.user.config.autoplay = false; } if ( $( "#vse_config_launch" ).prop( "checked" ) ) { vse.user.config.launch = true; } else { vse.user.config.launch = false; } if ( $( "#vse_config_launchLite" ).prop( "checked" ) ) { vse.user.config.launchLite = true; } else { vse.user.config.launchLite = false; } if ( $( "#vse_config_fullCurrentWindow" ).prop( "checked" ) ) { vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow = true; } else { vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow = false; } vse.user.config.hopForwardLength = parseInt( $( "#vse_config_hopForwardLength" ).val() ); vse.user.config.hopBackwardLength = parseInt( $( "#vse_config_hopBackwardLength" ).val() ); vse.user.config.skipForwardLength = parseInt( $( "#vse_config_skipForwardLength" ).val() ); vse.user.config.skipBackwardLength = parseInt( $( "#vse_config_skipBackwardLength" ).val() ); vse.user.config.jumpForwardLength = parseInt( $( "#vse_config_jumpForwardLength" ).val() ); vse.user.config.jumpBackwardLength = parseInt( $( "#vse_config_jumpBackwardLength" ).val() ); vse.fn.updateConfig(); $( "#vse_config_modal" ).dialog( "close" ); } ); $( "#vse_config_cancel" ).click( function () { $( "#vse_config_modal" ).dialog( "close" ); } ); } }; vse.fn.siteSpecific = { kissAnime : { cleanupLayout : function () { var iframeIDList = [], vse_hiddenCSS = "height:1px; width:1px; bottom:0; right:0; background-color:black;", vse_hidden_containerCSS = "bottom:0px; right:0px; height:2px; width:100%;"; $( document ).ready( function () { $( "body" ).css( "overflow-x", "hidden" ); $( "head" ).append( "<style id='vse_style'></style>" ); $( "#vse_style" ).append( ".vse_hidden { " + vse_hiddenCSS + " }" ); $( "#vse_style" ).append( ".vse_hidden_container { " + vse_hidden_containerCSS + " }" ); $( "label.lbl" ).each( function () { var lbltxt = $( this ).text(); lbltxt = lbltxt.trim(); $( this ).text( lbltxt ); } ); // Allow AdBlock to run on KissAnime. (Fools detection.) $( "iframe" ).each( function () { var tempID = $( this ).prop( "id" ); iframeIDList.push( tempID ); } ); $( "body" ).append( "<div id='vse_hidden_container'></div>" ); iframeIDList.forEach( function (currentValue, index, array) { $( "#" + currentValue ).remove(); $( "#vse_hidden_container" ).append( "<div id='" + currentValue + "' class='vse_hidden'> . </div>" ); } ); if ( !$( '#adsIfrme10' ).is( ":visible" ) ) { console.log( "Problem!" ); } else { console.log( "No problem!" ); } // Remove extraneous elements that crowd the page. $( "#container" ).find( ".clear" ).each( function () { $( this ).remove(); } ); $( "#container" ).find( ".clear2" ).each( function () { $( this ).remove(); } ); $( ".divCloseBut" ).each( function () { $( this ).remove(); } ); setTimeout( function () { unsafeWindow.isBlockAds2 = false; console.log( "Setting isBlockAds2 = false" ); }, 45000 ); if ( !vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow && !vse.user.config.debugFCW ) { // Scroll to the player area. var scrollTo = $( "#selectEpisode" ).offset().top; $( 'html, body' ).animate( {scrollTop : scrollTo}, 300 ); } } ); $( w ).load( function () { $( "iframe" ).each( function () { if ( $( this ).attr( "id" ) != "vse_fp_iframe" ) { $( this ).remove(); } } ); } ); }, getVideoURL : function () { //var video_URL = $( "#my_video_1_html5_api" ).prop( "src" ); /* var qualArr = []; $( '#slcQualix' ).children().each( function () { qualArr.push( $( this ).val() ); } ); var srcArr = []; qualArr.forEach( function (currentValue, index, array) { srcArr.push( unsafeWindow.ovelWrap( currentValue ) ); } ); console.log("SrcArr = "); console.log( srcArr ); var video_URL = srcArr[0]; */ var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); var video_URL = ""; var vidSvr = $("#selectServer").find(":selected").text(); if(vidSvr == "KissAnime") { var video_URL = $( "#my_video_1_html5_api" ).prop( "src" ); = video_URL; dfd.resolve(); } else if(vidSvr == "RapidVideo") { var rv = $( "iframe[src*='rapidvideo']" ); var rvurl = $(rv).attr("src"); var rvsrc = ""; var rvtemp = ""; var rvobj = ""; console.log(rvurl); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: rvurl, onload: function(response) { rvsrc = response.responseText; rvtemp = rvsrc.split("sources")[1]; rvtemp = rvtemp.split("]")[0]; rvtemp += "]"; rvtemp = rvtemp.split("[")[1]; rvtemp = "[" + rvtemp; rvobj = JSON.parse(rvtemp); var rvl = rvobj.length - 1; console.log(rvobj[rvl].file); video_URL = rvobj[rvl].file; = video_URL; dfd.resolve(); } }); } return dfd.promise(); }, init : function () { console.log( "Running on KissAnime." ); = "kissAnime"; vse.user.config.debugFCW = true; console.log( "Debug: Using Full Screen Current Window." ); $( document ).ready( $.proxy( function () { this.cleanupLayout(); var videoTitle = $( "title" ).text(); videoTitle = tusl.replaceAll( videoTitle, "\n", "" ); videoTitle = videoTitle.split( " - Watch " )[ 0 ]; videoTitle = videoTitle.replace( /\s\s+/g, ' ' ); videoTitle = videoTitle.trim(); = videoTitle; $("title").text(; = "kissAnime"; $.when( this.getVideoURL() ).then( function () { vse.flowplayerProperties = vse.fn.getElementProperties( "#my_video_1_html5_api" ); var oldContainer = $( "#divContentVideo" ).children()[ 0 ]; $( oldContainer ).remove(); $.when( vse.fn.getMimeType( ) ).then( function () { GM_setValue( "vse_videoInfo", JSON.stringify( ) ); console.log( GM_getValue( "vse_videoInfo" ) ); // Always use FCW on KissAnime for now... console.log( "Debug: Using Full Current Window." ); // if ( vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow ) if ( vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow || vse.user.config.debugFCW ) { vse.fn.injectFullCurrentWindowPlayer(); } else { vse.fn.injectPlayer( "#divContentVideo" ); $( "#centerDivVideo" ).css( "margin-top", "10px" ); $( "#centerDivVideo" ).css( "margin-bottom", "10px" ); if ( vse.user.config.launch ) { vse.fn.launchPlayer(); } } } ); } ); }, this ) ); } }, kimCartoon : { cleanupLayout : function () { var iframeIDList = [], vse_hiddenCSS = "height:1px; width:1px; bottom:0; right:0; background-color:black;", vse_hidden_containerCSS = "bottom:0px; right:0px; height:2px; width:100%;"; $( document ).ready( function () { $( "body" ).css( "overflow-x", "hidden" ); $( "head" ).append( "<style id='vse_style'></style>" ); $( "#vse_style" ).append( ".vse_hidden { " + vse_hiddenCSS + " }" ); $( "#vse_style" ).append( ".vse_hidden_container { " + vse_hidden_containerCSS + " }" ); $( "label.lbl" ).each( function () { var lbltxt = $( this ).text(); lbltxt = lbltxt.trim(); $( this ).text( lbltxt ); } ); if ( !vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow && !vse.user.config.debugFCW ) { // Scroll to the player area. var scrollTo = $( "#selectEpisode" ).offset().top; $( 'html, body' ).animate( {scrollTop : scrollTo}, 300 ); } } ); $( w ).load( function () { $( "iframe" ).each( function () { if ( $( this ).attr( "id" ) != "vse_fp_iframe" ) { $( this ).remove(); } } ); } ); }, getVideoURL : function () { var video_URL = $( "#my_video_1_html5_api" ).prop( "src" ); var qualArr = []; $( '#selectQuality' ).children().each( function () { qualArr.push( $( this ).val() ); } ); var srcArr = []; qualArr.forEach( function (currentValue, index, array) { srcArr.push( unsafeWindow.$kissenc.decrypt( currentValue ) ); } ); console.log( srcArr ); //var testvar = unsafeWindow.asp.wrap(); return video_URL; }, init : function () { console.log( "Running on kimCartoon." ); = "kimCartoon"; vse.user.config.debugFCW = true; console.log( "Debug: Using Full Screen Current Window." ); $( document ).ready( $.proxy( function () { this.cleanupLayout(); = this.getVideoURL(); var videoTitle = $( "title" ).text(); videoTitle = videoTitle.split( "- Watch" )[ 0 ]; videoTitle = videoTitle.trim(); videoTitle = tusl.replaceAll( videoTitle, "\n", " - " ); videoTitle = videoTitle.replace( /\s\s+/g, ' ' ); videoTitle = videoTitle.trim(); = videoTitle; $("title").text(; = "kimCartoon"; vse.flowplayerProperties = vse.fn.getElementProperties( "#my_video_1_html5_api" ); var oldContainer = $( "#divContentVideo" ).children()[ 0 ]; $( oldContainer ).remove(); $.when( vse.fn.getMimeType( ) ).then( function () { GM_setValue( "vse_videoInfo", JSON.stringify( ) ); console.log( GM_getValue( "vse_videoInfo" ) ); // Always use FCW on KissAnime for now... console.log( "Debug: Using Full Current Window." ); // if ( vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow ) if ( vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow || vse.user.config.debugFCW ) { vse.fn.injectFullCurrentWindowPlayer(); } else { vse.fn.injectPlayer( "#divContentVideo" ); $( "#centerDivVideo" ).css( "margin-top", "10px" ); $( "#centerDivVideo" ).css( "margin-bottom", "10px" ); if ( vse.user.config.launch ) { vse.fn.launchPlayer(); } } } ); }, this ) ); } }, pornhub : { cleanupLayout : function () { var here = w.location.href; $( document ).ready( function () { $( "#PornhubNetworkBar" ).hide(); $( "#welcome" ).remove(); $( "p.footer" ).remove(); $( ".footer-title" ).remove(); $( "section#footer" ).remove(); $( ".logoFooterWrapper" ).remove(); $( "#header" ).css( "padding-bottom", "5px" ); if ( (here.indexOf( "video/" ) != -1) || (here == "") ) { var hardcoreVidsFromFriends = $( "h2:contains('Hardcore Videos from Our Friends')" ).parent().parent()[ 0 ]; $( hardcoreVidsFromFriends ).remove(); var popPhotoResults = $( "h2:contains('Popular Photos Results')" ).parent().parent()[ 0 ]; $( popPhotoResults ).remove(); var relatedSearch = $( "h2:contains('Searches Related to')" ).parent().parent()[ 0 ]; $( relatedSearch ).remove(); var ps = $( ".section_title:contains('Pornstars')" ).parent(); $( ps ).next().hide(); $( ps ).hide(); var pagination = $( ".pagination3" )[ 0 ]; $( pagination ).find( "a" ).each( function () { var thisLink = $( this ).prop( "href" ); thisLink = tusl.replaceAll( thisLink, "++", "+%2b" ); thisLink = tusl.replaceAll( thisLink, "=+", "=%2b" ); $( this ).prop( "href", thisLink ); } ); $( pagination ).css( {position : "relative", float : "right"} ); var pagi = $( ".pagination3" ).prop( "outerHTML" ); $( pagination ).remove(); $( ".nf-videos" ).find( ".sectionWrapper" ).after().append( pagi ); $( "head" ).append( "<style>.nf-videos { width: calc(100% - 250px) !important; } </style>" ); } else if ( here.indexOf( "view_video.php?viewkey=" ) != -1 ) { $( "#hd-rightColVideoPage" ).children().each( function () { if ( !($( this ).hasClass( "section-relateds" )) && !($( this ).hasClass( "reset" )) ) { $( this ).remove(); } } ); $( ".abovePlayer" ).remove(); } } ); $( w ).load( function () { console.log( "late cleanup" ); $( "#abAlertClose" ).click(); var abwl = $( ".adblockWhitelisted" ).parentsUntil( "div" ).each( function () { $( this ).remove(); } ); $( ".adblockWhitelisted" ).parent().remove(); $( "figure" ).remove(); $( "aside" ).remove(); $( ".noAdsWhiteListed" ).remove(); $( ".ad-link" ).remove(); $( ".removeAdLink" ).remove(); $( 'span[class=""]' ).each( function () { if ( $( this ).text().trim() == "" ) { $( this ).remove(); } } ); $( "div" ).each( function () { if ( ($( this ).text().trim() == "") && ( ($( this ).css( "backgroundImage" ) != "") || ($( this ).css( "backgroundColor" ) != "") ) ) { $( this ).hide(); } } ); } ); }, getVideoURL : function () { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); $( document ).ready( function () { var fv = $( document ).find( "script:contains('flashvars')" )[ 0 ]; fv = $( fv ).prop( "innerHTML" ); //console.log(fv); var pqarr = fv.split( "var player_quality_" ); var pql = pqarr.length; var lastSource = pqarr[ pql - 1 ]; pqarr[ pql - 1 ] = lastSource.split( "flashvars_" )[ 0 ]; var sources = {}; for (i = 1 ; i < pqarr.length ; i++) { var srcStr = pqarr[ i ]; var src = srcStr.split( " = " ); var quality = src[ 0 ]; var url = src[ 1 ]; url = tusl.replaceAll( url, "'", "" ); url = tusl.replaceAll( url, ";", "" ); sources[ "q_" + quality ] = url; } if ( sources.q_720p ) { console.log( "720p: " + sources.q_720p ); = sources.q_720p; dfd.resolve(); } else if ( sources.q_480p ) { console.log( "480p: " + sources.q_480p ); = sources.q_480p; dfd.resolve(); } else if ( sources.q_360p ) { console.log( "360p: " + sources.q_360p ); = sources.q_360p; dfd.resolve(); } else if ( sources.q_240p ) { console.log( "240p: " + sources.q_240p ); = sources.q_240p; dfd.resolve(); } } ); return dfd.promise(); }, init : function () { console.log( "Running on PornHub." ); = "pornhub"; $( document ).ready( $.proxy( function () { this.cleanupLayout(); var here = w.location.href; if ( here.indexOf( "view_video.php?viewkey=" ) != -1 ) { var videoTitle = $( "title" ).text(); videoTitle = tusl.replaceAll( videoTitle, "\n", "" ); videoTitle = videoTitle.split( " -" )[ 0 ]; = videoTitle; vse.flowplayerProperties = vse.fn.getElementProperties( "#player" ); var oldContainer = $( ".playerFlvContainer" ); $( oldContainer ).remove(); $.when( this.getVideoURL() ).then( function () { $.when( vse.fn.getMimeType( ) ).then( function () { GM_setValue( "vse_videoInfo", JSON.stringify( ) ); console.log( GM_getValue( "vse_videoInfo" ) ); vse.fn.injectPlayer( "#player" ); if ( vse.user.config.launch ) { vse.fn.launchPlayer(); } } ); } ); } }, this ) ); } }, xvideos : { getVideoURL : function () { var videoEmbed = $( "#player" ); var vserc = $( videoEmbed ).html(); var fs = vserc.split( "flashvars=\"" )[ 1 ]; fs = fs.split( "\"" )[ 0 ]; var videoURL = fs.split( "flv_url=" )[ 1 ]; videoURL = videoURL.split( "&" )[ 0 ]; = decodeURIComponent( videoURL ); }, init : function () { = "xvideos"; console.log( "Running on XVideos." ); $( document ).ready( $.proxy( function () { this.getVideoURL(); var videoTitle = $( "title" ).text(); videoTitle = tusl.replaceAll( videoTitle, "\n", "" ); videoTitle = videoTitle.split( " - XVIDEOS.COM" )[ 0 ]; = videoTitle; vse.flowplayerProperties = vse.fn.getElementProperties( "#player" ); var oldContainer = $( "#player" ); $( oldContainer ).remove(); $( "#content" ).prepend( "<div id='newPlayer'></div>" ); $.when( vse.fn.getMimeType( ) ).then( function () { GM_setValue( "vse_videoInfo", JSON.stringify( ) ); console.log( GM_getValue( "vse_videoInfo" ) ); vse.fn.injectPlayer( "#newPlayer" ); // CSP prevents inline video, so always launch in a new window. vse.fn.launchPlayer(); } ); }, this ) ); } }, gorillavid : { getVideoURL : function () { // handled by prepwork }, prepwork : function () { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); $( document ).ready( function () { if ( $( '#btn_download' ).length > 0 ) { for (i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++) { window.clearTimeout( i ); } console.log( "Timeouts cleared." ); var realForm = $( "form" )[ 1 ]; $( realForm ).attr( "id", "realForm" ); //console.log($('#btn_download')); $( '#btn_download' ).prop( "disabled", false ); $( '#btn_download' ).val( 'Continue' ); $( "#realForm" ).submit(); //$('#btn_download').click(); } else { let jwpWait = setInterval(function() { if($("video".length == 1)) { = $("video" ).attr("src"); vse.flowplayerProperties = vse.fn.getElementProperties( ".pic-big" ); = ""; console.log( "Loading video:" ); console.log( ); clearInterval(jwpWait); dfd.resolve(); } },500); } } ); return dfd.promise(); }, init : function () { = "gorillaVid"; console.log( "Running on GorillaVid." ); $( document ).ready( $.proxy( function () { $.when( this.prepwork() ).then( $.proxy( function () { var oldContainer = $( ".pic-big" ); $( oldContainer ).remove(); $( ".c1-box" ).prepend( "<div id='newPlayer'></div>" ); $.when( vse.fn.getMimeType( ) ).then( function () { // Parse the video title. var temp = $( ".tabbertab.tabbertabhide" ).find( "textarea" ); temp = $( temp[ 1 ] ).prop( 'outerHTML' ); if ( temp.startsWith( "[" ) ) { temp = temp.split( "]" )[ 1 ]; temp = temp.split( "[" )[ 0 ]; temp = temp.replace( /(( \- )+([0-9]?\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)+( MB))/gi, "" ); temp = temp.trim(); console.log( temp ); = temp; } else if ( temp.startsWith( "<" ) ) { temp = temp.split( ">" )[ 1 ]; temp = temp.split( "<" )[ 0 ]; temp = temp.replace( /(( \- )+([0-9]?\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)+( MB))/gi, "" ); temp = temp.trim(); console.log( temp ); = temp; } else { = "Video Streaming Enhanced"; } GM_setValue( "vse_videoInfo", JSON.stringify( ) ); console.log( GM_getValue( "vse_videoInfo" ) ); vse.fn.injectPlayer( "#newPlayer" ); if ( vse.user.config.launch ) { vse.fn.launchPlayer(); setTimeout(function() { window.close(); },2000); } } ); }, this ) ); }, this ) ); } }, vseCustom : { init : function () { = "vseCustom"; console.log( "Running on: VSE Custom" ); = ""; vse.flowplayerProperties = vse.fn.getElementProperties( "#playerContainer" ); $( "#loadButton" ).click( function () { = $( "#videoURL" ).val(); = $( "#videoTitle" ).val(); $( "title" ).text( "VSE - " + ); console.log( "Loading: " + ); $.when( vse.fn.getMimeType( ) ).then( function () { GM_setValue( "vse_videoInfo", JSON.stringify( ) ); console.log( GM_getValue( "vse_videoInfo" ) ); vse.fn.injectPlayer( "#playerContainer" ); if ( vse.user.config.launch ) { vse.fn.launchPlayer(); } } ); } ); } }, xMovies : { init : function () { = "xMovies"; console.log( "Running on xMovies." ); $( document ).ready( function () { var video_id = w.location.href.split( "v=" )[ 1 ]; video_id = video_id.split( "#" )[ 0 ]; //console.log(video_id); $.post( '/video_info/iframe', { v : video_id }, function (data) { //console.log(data); var videoStreams = []; var vj = JSON.parse( data ); $.each( vj, function (k, v) { videoStreams.push( v ); } ); var numOpts = videoStreams.length - 1; var defaultQuality = "https:" + videoStreams[ numOpts ]; var dq = defaultQuality.split( "" )[ 1 ]; dq = decodeURIComponent( dq ); //console.log(dq); = dq; = $( "div.title" ).find( "h1" ).text().trim(); vse.flowplayerProperties = vse.fn.getElementProperties( "div.player_container" ); //console.log(vse.flowplayerProperties); $( "div.player_container" ).before( "<div id='vse_newPlayerContainer'></div>" ); $( "div.player_container" ).remove(); $.when( vse.fn.getMimeType( ) ).then( function () { GM_setValue( "vse_videoInfo", JSON.stringify( ) ); console.log( GM_getValue( "vse_videoInfo" ) ); vse.fn.injectPlayer( "#vse_newPlayerContainer" ); if ( vse.user.config.launch ) { vse.fn.launchPlayer(); } } ); } ); } ); } } }; vse.init = function () { if ( GM_getValue( "vse_settings" ) ) { var vse_settings = GM_getValue( "vse_settings" ); vse.user.config = JSON.parse( vse_settings ); } $( document ).ready( function () { vse.fn.getSite(); if ( ( == window.self) && (w.location.href != vse.flowplayer) ) { vse.fn.siteSpecific[ vse.on ].init(); vse.fn.prepConfig(); $( document ).keydown( function (e) { var metaKeyPressed = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey, key = e.which; if ( !e.shiftKey && !metaKeyPressed ) { switch (key) { case 192: // Grave accent key will now open the Video Streaming Enhanced config modal. vse.fn.launchConfig(); break; } } } ); } else if ( ( == window.self) && (w.location.href == vse.flowplayer) ) { // do nothing } else { if ( w.location.href == vse.flowplayer ) { /************************************************** ** Flowplayer Specific **************************************************/ console.log( "Running on Flowplayer." ); $( document ).ready( function () { if ( GM_getValue( "vse_videoInfo" ) ) { = JSON.parse( GM_getValue( "vse_videoInfo" ) ); GM_deleteValue( "vse_videoInfo" ); console.log( ); } var dlName = encodeURIComponent( ), fileFormat = "", ap = ""; if ( vse.user.config.autoplay ) { ap = " autoplay "; } if ( == "video/mp4" ) { fileFormat = ".mp4"; } else if ( = "video/flash" ) { unsafeWindow.flowplayer.conf.bgcolor = "#000000"; fileFormat = ".flv"; } // Replace existing body html with injected player. var bodyElement = $( "body" ); $( bodyElement ).html( '<div id="vsePlayer" class="flowplayer" data-embed="false" data-key="$130763224349944" tabindex="-1"></div>' ); var playerElement = $( "#vsePlayer" ); var styleElement = $( "style" ); $( playerElement ).append( '<video data-title="' + + '"' + ap + '><source type="' + + '" src="' + + '"></video>' ); /************************************************** ** Reskin the stock commercial player. **************************************************/ // Add google Material Icons webfont. (To fix broken myriad pro icons) $( "head" ).append( '<link href="" rel="stylesheet">' ); $( styleElement ).append( ` /* Adjust material icons class to match the help screen. */ .material-icons { font-size: 100% !important; line-height: 1.5 !important; } /* Basic Styles */ body { background-color:#000000; margin:0px; padding:0px; height:100%; width:100%; max-height:100%; max-width:100%; } .flowplayer { width:100%; height:100%; max-height:100%; max-width:100%; margin: auto; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; } .flowplayer .fp-timeline { background-color: rgba(46, 46, 46, 1) } .flowplayer .fp-progress { background-color: rgba(219, 0, 0, 1) } .flowplayer .fp-buffer { background-color: rgba(249, 249, 249, 1) } .fp-ui { cursor: none !important; } .flowplayer .fp-help .fp-help-basics { margin-top:3%; } .fp-speed { display: none !important; } /* Always use a black background for unused screen space. */ .fp-player { background-color: #000; } /* Enable timeline tooltip */ .flowplayer .fp-timeline:hover+.fp-timeline-tooltip { display:block; } .is-touch.flowplayer .fp-timeline:hover+.fp-timeline-tooltip { display:block; } /* Video Streaming Enhanced player config. */ .vse_config { height:100%; width:100%; background-color: rgba(51,51,51,0.9); left:0px; top:0px; margin:0px; color:#FFFFFF; position:absolute; } .vse_config_main { margin-top:6%; padding-left:5%; position:relative; text-align:center; } #vsePlayer:focus { outline:none; } ` + vseStyles + ` ` ); /************************************************** ** Add the context menu. **************************************************/ /* $("#vsePlayer").append('<div class="fp-context-menu"><ul id="fpContextMenuList"></ul></div>'); $("#fpContextMenuList").append('<li><a id="fpCopyVideoURL" href="javascript:;">Copy Video URL to Clipboard</a></li>'); $("#fpCopyVideoURL").click(function () { GM_setClipboard(; $(".fp-context-menu").css("display", "none"); }); */ /************************************************** ** Adjust flowplayer basic config. **************************************************/ // Remove unnecessary rtmp object. delete unsafeWindow.flowplayer.conf.rtmp; // Enable fullscreen. unsafeWindow.flowplayer.conf.fullscreen = true; // Enable adaptive ratio. unsafeWindow.flowplayer.conf.adaptiveRatio = true; // Test keyboard disable unsafeWindow.flowplayer.conf.keyboard = false; // Initialize injected Flowplayer instance var player = unsafeWindow.$( playerElement ).flowplayer(); // Flowplayer API shortcut variable var FP = unsafeWindow.$( playerElement ).data( "flowplayer" ); // Wait until the player is ready. FP.on( "ready", function () { console.log( FP ); // Enable adaptive ratio. unsafeWindow.flowplayer.conf.adaptiveRatio = true; // Add double click to fullscreen support. $( playerElement ).dblclick( function () { FP.fullscreen(); } ); vse.fn.prepConfig(); $( document ).keydown( function (e) { var metaKeyPressed = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey, key = e.which; if ( (!e.shiftKey && !metaKeyPressed) && key == 192 ) { vse.fn.launchConfig(); } } ); // Create Help Section $( playerElement ).append( ` <div class="fp-help"> <div class="fp-help-section fp-help-basics"> <p> <em>space</em>Play / Pause </p> <p> <em>q</em>Unload | Stop </p> <p> <em>f</em>Fullscreen </p> </div> <div class="fp-help-section"> <p> <em><i class="material-icons">arrow_upward</i></em><em><i class="material-icons">arrow_downward</i></em>Volume </p> <p> <em>m</em>Mute </p> </div> <div class="fp-help-section"> <p> <em>shift</em> + <em><i class="material-icons">arrow_back</i></em>Hop Backwards ` + vse.user.config.hopBackwardLength + `s </p> <p> <em>shift</em> + <em><i class="material-icons">arrow_forward</i></em>Hop Backwards ` + vse.user.config.hopForwardLength + `s </p> </div> <div class="fp-help-section"> <p> <em><i class="material-icons">arrow_back</i></em>Skip Backwards ` + vse.user.config.skipBackwardLength + `s </p> <p> <em><i class="material-icons">arrow_forward</i></em>Skip Forwards ` + vse.user.config.skipForwardLength + `s </p> </div> <div class="fp-help-section"> <p> <em>ctrl</em> + <em><i class="material-icons">arrow_back</i></em>Jump Backwards ` + vse.user.config.jumpBackwardLength + `s </p> <p> <em>ctrl</em> + <em><i class="material-icons">arrow_forward</i></em>Jump Forwards ` + vse.user.config.jumpForwardLength + `s </p> </div> <div class="fp-help-section"> <p> <em> . </em>Seek to Previous </p> <p> <em>1</em><em>2</em> ... <em>6</em> seek to 10%, 20% ... 60% </p> </div> <div class="fp-help-section vseKissAnimeOnly"> <p> <em>alt</em> + <em><i class="material-icons">arrow_back</i></em>Previous Episode </p> <p> <em>alt</em> + <em><i class="material-icons">arrow_forward</i></em>Next Episode </p> </div> <div class="fp-help-section"> <p> <em>/</em> Toggle Help </p> </div> <div class="fp-help-section"> <p> <em>`</em> Open Video Streaming Enhanced Config </p> </div> </div> ` ); if ( != "kissAnime" ) { $( ".vseKissAnimeOnly" ).remove(); } // Reconfigure Hotkeys unsafeWindow.$( playerElement ).keydown( function (e) { var metaKeyPressed = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey, key = e.which; if ( !e.shiftKey && !metaKeyPressed ) { // Number Key Seeking if ( key < 58 && key > 47 ) { return FP.seekTo( key - 48 ); } // Escape closes help menu if ( key == 27 && $( playerElement ).hasClass( "is-help" ) ) { $( playerElement ).toggleClass( "is-help" ); return false; } switch (key) { case 39: // Right arrow key will now skip forward by configured length. + vse.user.config.hopForwardLength ); break; case 37: // Left arrow key will now skip backwards by configured length. - vse.user.config.hopBackwardLength ); break; // Enable original controls to function without hover. case 38: // Up Arrow will raise volume. FP.volume( FP.volumeLevel + .1 ); break; case 40: // Down Arrow will lower volume. FP.volume( FP.volumeLevel - .1 ); break; case 77: // 'm' key will toggle mute. FP.mute(); break; case 70: // 'f' key will toggle fullscreen. FP.fullscreen(); break; case 32: // Spacebar will toggle play/pause. if ( FP.playing ) { FP.pause(); break; } else {; break; } case 81: // 'q' key will unload / stop. FP.unload(); break; case 191: $( playerElement ).toggleClass( "is-help" ); default: return; } } if (e.shiftKey) { switch (key) { case 39: // Right arrow key will now skip forward by configured length. + vse.user.config.skipForwardLength ); break; case 37: // Left arrow key will now skip backwards by configured length. - vse.user.config.skipBackwardLength ); break; case 191: $( playerElement ).toggleClass( "is-help" ); default: return; } } if ( e.ctrlKey ) { switch (key) { case 39: // CTRL + Right arrow key will now jump forward by configured length. + vse.user.config.jumpForwardLength ); break; case 37: // CTRL + Left arrow key will now jump backwards by configured length. - vse.user.config.jumpBackwardLength ); break; default: return; } } if ( e.altKey ) { if ( && e.which == 37 ) { FP.pause(); $( "body" ).append( ` <div class="vse_video_loading_new"> <span>Loading Previous Video...</span> </div> ` ); setTimeout( function () { =; }, 1000 ); } if ( && e.which == 39 ) { FP.pause(); $( "body" ).append( ` <div class="vse_video_loading_new"> <span>Loading Next Video...</span> </div> ` ); setTimeout( function () { =; }, 1000 ); } e.preventDefault(); } // Slow Motion / Fast Forward /* if ( e.shiftKey ) { if ( key == 39 ) FP.speed( true ); else if ( key == 37 ) { FP.speed( false ); } return; } */ e.preventDefault(); } ); var rawPlayerElement = unsafeWindow.document.querySelector( "#vsePlayer" ); console.log( rawPlayerElement ); // IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera rawPlayerElement.addEventListener( "mousewheel", MouseWheelHandler, false ); // Firefox rawPlayerElement.addEventListener( "DOMMouseScroll", MouseWheelHandler, false ); var wheelDirection = function (evt) { return (evt.detail < 0) ? 1 : (evt.wheelDelta > 0) ? 1 : -1; }; function MouseWheelHandler(e) { var direction = wheelDirection( e ); if ( FP.muted ) { FP.mute( false ); } if ( direction == 1 ) { FP.volume( FP.volumeLevel + 0.01 ); } if ( direction == -1 ) { FP.volume( FP.volumeLevel - 0.01 ); } return false; } var fpscript = $( "head" ).find( "script" ); var fpsl = fpscript.length; $( fpscript[ fpsl - 1 ] ).remove(); //console.log( fpscript ); // remove flowerplayer logo var fplogolink = $("a[href*='//']"); $(fplogolink).remove(); // Focus the player automatically. $( playerElement ).focus(); console.log( "Current Focus: " ); console.log( document.activeElement ); // Make sure the player is properly positioned. if ( vse.user.config.fullCurrentWindow || vse.user.config.debugFCW ) { setTimeout( function () { $( 'html, body' ).animate( {scrollTop : 0}, 1000 ); }, 1 ); } } ); } ); } } } ); }; w.vse = vse; })( window, this.jQuery, this.jQuery ); vse.init();