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// ==UserScript== // @name Rrrather script // @namespace // @version 0.1.4 // @description Rrrather blacklist + notifications in page title // @author The Fallen (aka ActualFrisk) // @match* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @run-at document-start // @licence MIT // @require // ==/UserScript== function saveSettings(settings) { GM_setValue('blacklist', settings.blacklist.join('|')); GM_setValue('BL_usernames', settings.BL_usernames.join('|')); GM_setValue('silentMode', settings.silentMode); GM_setValue('notif', settings.notif); } function loadSettings() { var settings = {}; settings.blacklist = GM_getValue('blacklist', ''); if (settings.blacklist) { settings.blacklist = settings.blacklist.split('|').map(function(n) { return parseInt(n); }); } else { settings.blacklist = []; } settings.BL_usernames = GM_getValue('BL_usernames', ''); if (settings.BL_usernames) { settings.BL_usernames = settings.BL_usernames.split('|'); } else { settings.BL_usernames = []; } settings.silentMode = GM_getValue('silentMode', false); settings.notif = GM_getValue('notif', true); return settings; } function recursiveDelete($comment) { var indent = $'indent'); var $siblings = $comment.siblings(); var index = $comment.index(); $comment.remove(); for (var i = index; i<$siblings.length; i++) { var $comment1 = $siblings.eq(i); if ($'indent')<=indent) break; $comment1.remove(); } } function softBlacklist($content, username, type) { $content.wrap('<div></div>'); $content.hide(); var $link = $('<a href="#">You have blacklisted ' + username + '. Click to show ' + type + '</a>'); $ { $(this).hide(); $; return false; }); $content.after($link); } function userpageActions() { var pageName = $('#main h1').text(); var pos = pageName.indexOf('\'s profile page'); var username = pageName.substr(1,pos-1); var userid = parseInt($('#main .span4 h4').text().match(/#([^\)]*)\)/)[1].replace(',','')); var BL_index = settings.blacklist.indexOf(userid); var $blacklistLink = $('<a href="#"></a>'); if (BL_index != -1) { $blacklistLink.text('Remove from blacklist'); } else { $blacklistLink.text('Add to blacklist'); } $ { settings = loadSettings(); BL_index = settings.blacklist.indexOf(userid); if (BL_index == -1) { settings.blacklist.push(userid); settings.BL_usernames.push(username); saveSettings(settings); $blacklistLink.text('Remove from blacklist'); BL_index = settings.blacklist.length-1; } else { settings.blacklist.splice(BL_index, 1); settings.BL_usernames.splice(BL_index, 1); saveSettings(settings); $blacklistLink.text('Add to blacklist'); BL_index = -1; } return false; }); $('#main .span4').eq(0).append($blacklistLink.appendTo($('<p></p>'))); if (settings.silentMode && BL_index != -1) { $('#main .row').eq(2).remove(); } } function selfpageActions() { var $settingsButton = $('<div class="span5"> <button data-width="120" data-height="120" class="btn selectimage" style="margin-top:10px" id="script-settings-button">Script settings</button> </div>'); $('#main .span4 .row').append($settingsButton); var $settingsModal = $( '<div id="script-settings-modal" class="modal hide" data-width="300" data-height="240" aria-hidden="false" style="display: none;"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h3>Script settings</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="span3"> <label><b>Blacklist</b></label> <select id="script-blacklist" select size="6"> </select><br> <button class="btn" type="button" id="script-bl-remove">Remove from blacklist</button> </div> <div class="span3"> <br> <label><b>Other settings</b></label> <label><input type="checkbox" id="script-silent-bl" name="script-silent-bl" style="margin: 0"> Silent blacklist</label> <label><input type="checkbox" id="script-notif" name="script-notif" style="margin: 0"> Notifications in page title</label> </div> <br> </div>' ); $settingsModal.insertAfter('#image-modal'); $('#script-settings-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $backdrop = $('<div class="modal-backdrop in"></div>'); $backdrop.appendTo('body'); $; function closeModal() { $('#script-settings-modal').hide(); $backdrop.remove(); } $settingsModal.find('button.close').click(closeModal); $; function updateBlacklist() { $('#script-blacklist').empty(); for (var i = 0; i<settings.blacklist.length; i++) { var $option = $('<option value="' + settings.blacklist[i] + '">' + settings.BL_usernames[i] + '</option>'); $option.appendTo('#script-blacklist'); } } settings = loadSettings(); updateBlacklist(); $('#script-bl-remove').click(function() { settings = loadSettings(); var userid = parseInt($('#script-blacklist').val()); var BL_index = settings.blacklist.indexOf(userid); settings.blacklist.splice(BL_index, 1); settings.BL_usernames.splice(BL_index, 1); saveSettings(settings); updateBlacklist(); }); $('#script-silent-bl').prop('checked', settings.silentMode); $('#script-silent-bl').click(function() { settings = loadSettings(); settings.silentMode = $(this).prop('checked'); saveSettings(settings); }); $('#script-notif').prop('checked', settings.notif); $('#script-notif').click(function() { settings = loadSettings(); settings.notif = $(this).prop('checked'); saveSettings(settings); }); return false; }); } var newestNofifs = 0, prevNotifs = 0, chatUpdated = false, originalTitle, allowUpdateTitle = false; function updateTitle() { if (settings.notif && allowUpdateTitle) { document.title = (newestNofifs>0 ? '('+newestNofifs+')' : '') + (chatUpdated ? '*' : '') + originalTitle; } } var settings = loadSettings(); saveSettings(settings); if (settings.silentMode) { GM_addStyle('.comments>li {display:none} .well .table tbody tr {display:none} .cols {display:none}'); // this is the protection from seeing any blacklisted comments when page is still loading. It is only enabled in silent mode, which gives increased security } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (function() { originalTitle = document.title; $('.comments').children().each(function() { var id = $(this).data('author'); var BL_index = settings.blacklist.indexOf(id); if (BL_index!=-1) { var username = $(this).find('.user a').text(); if (username!=settings.BL_usernames[BL_index]) { // the case when username is changed settings.BL_usernames[BL_index] = username; saveSettings(settings); } if (settings.silentMode) { recursiveDelete($(this)); } else { softBlacklist($(this).children('.inner-comment'), username, 'comment'); } } }); $('.rrrather').each(function() { var id = $(this).data('author'); var BL_index = settings.blacklist.indexOf(id); if (BL_index!=-1) { if (settings.silentMode) { $(this).parent().remove(); } else { softBlacklist($(this), settings.BL_usernames[BL_index], 'question'); } } }); var DOM_eventLock = false; $('#notification-count').on('DOMSubtreeModified', function() { if (DOM_eventLock) return; DOM_eventLock = true; var newNotifs = parseInt($('#notification-count').text()); var deletedNotifs = 0; var $notifs = $('#notifications-dropdown .comment, #notifications-dropdown .mail'); $notifs.each(function(index) { var username = $(this).find('strong').text().split(' ')[0]; if (settings.BL_usernames.indexOf(username)!=-1) { $(this).next().remove(); $(this).remove(); if (index<newNotifs) { deletedNotifs++; } } }); if (deletedNotifs>0) { $('#notification-count').text(newNotifs-deletedNotifs); if (newNotifs==deletedNotifs) { $('#notification-count').removeClass('new-notif'); $.ajax({ url: baseurl + "notifications/clear" }); } } if (!document.hidden) { prevNotifs = newNotifs-deletedNotifs; } else { newestNofifs = newNotifs-deletedNotifs-prevNotifs; updateTitle(); } DOM_eventLock = false; }); $('.well .table tbody tr').each(function() { var username = $(this).children().eq(1).children().text(); if (settings.BL_usernames.indexOf(username)!=-1) { $(this).remove(); } }); $('#chat').on('DOMSubtreeModified', function() { if (DOM_eventLock) return; DOM_eventLock = true; $(this).children().each(function() { var id = $(this).data('author'); var BL_index = settings.blacklist.indexOf(id); if (BL_index!=-1) { if (settings.silentMode) { $(this).remove(); } else { softBlacklist($(this), settings.BL_usernames[BL_index], 'message'); } } }); if (document.hidden) { chatUpdated = true; updateTitle(); } DOM_eventLock = false; }); $('#userlist').on('DOMSubtreeModified', function() { if (!settings.silentMode) return; if (DOM_eventLock) return; DOM_eventLock = true; $(this).children().each(function() { var id = $(this).data('id'); if (settings.blacklist.indexOf(id)!=-1) { $(this).remove(); } }); DOM_eventLock = false; }); var pageName = $('#main h1').text(); if (pageName == ' Welcome to your profile page! ') { selfpageActions(); } else if ((pos = pageName.indexOf('\'s profile page')) != -1) { userpageActions(); } document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function(){ if (!document.hidden) { prevNotifs = newestNofifs; chatUpdated = false; newestNofifs = 0; updateTitle(); } }); setTimeout(function() { allowUpdateTitle = true; }, 4242); if (settings.silentMode) { GM_addStyle('.comments>li {display:block;} .well .table tbody tr {display:table-row;} .cols {display:block}'); } }), false);