TheDarkKRONOS / Dead Frontier Enhanced UI

// ==UserScript==
// @name Dead Frontier Enhanced UI
// @description That scripts add city map, which are located open buildings, marked with specials icons; shows player information in numbers (health, satiety, armor, free cells in inventory, number of PM), can display chat at game window, can stretch game window on browser window size for comfortable game.
// @author TheDarkKRONOS & Haonik
// @version
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==

(function (window, document, undefined) {
var urlFilter = /^http:\/\/\/onlinezombiemmo\/index\.php(|\?page=(15|21|22|24|25|28|29|35|38|49|50|53)|\?action=(forum|pm|profile))/i;
if (!urlFilter.test(document.location.href))
	return; // uncomment in release

function supportsStorage()
		return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null;
	catch (e)
		return false;

var loadingScreen = new function()
	var loadingScreen = this;

	var backgroundElement = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: absolute; display: block; z-index: 200; padding: 0; margin: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;'; = 'none'; = 'black';

	var messageElement = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: absolute; display: block; left: 50%; top: 50%; width: 100%; margin-left: -50%;' +
		'color: #f7fe57 !important; letter-spacing: 2px !important;	font-size: 20px !important;	font-family: "Times New Roman", Arial !important;'; = 'none'; = 'transparent';
	messageElement.innerHTML = 'Loading...';

	loadingScreen.hide = function()

	loadingScreen.resetPosition = function()

 * jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.2-pre -ajax/jsonp,-ajax/script,-deprecated,-effects,-effects/animatedSelector,-effects/Tween,-wrap,-ajax/parseJSON,-ajax/parseXML,-ajax/load,-attributes/prop,-attributes/attr,-core/ready,-exports,-exports/amd
 * Includes Sizzle.js
 * Copyright 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
 * Released under the MIT license
 * Date: 2014-05-07T05:46Z

var $ = (function(global, factory)
	if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object")
		// For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper window is present,
		// execute the factory and get jQuery
		// For environments that do not inherently posses a window with a document
		// (such as Node.js), expose a jQuery-making factory as module.exports
		// This accentuates the need for the creation of a real window
		// e.g. var jQuery = require("jquery")(window);
		// See ticket #14549 for more info
		module.exports = global.document ?
			factory(global, true) :
				if (!w.document)
					throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document");
				return factory(w);
	} else
		return factory(global);

	// Pass this if window is not defined yet
}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function(window, noGlobal)
	// Can't do this because several apps including ASP.NET trace
	// the stack via arguments.caller.callee and Firefox dies if
	// you try to trace through "use strict" call chains. (#13335)
	// Support: Firefox 18+

	var arr = [];

	var slice = arr.slice;

	var concat = arr.concat;

	var push = arr.push;

	var indexOf = arr.indexOf;

	var class2type = {};

	var toString = class2type.toString;

	var hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty;

	var support = {};

		// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
		document = window.document,

		version = "2.1.2-pre -ajax/jsonp,-ajax/script,-deprecated,-effects,-effects/animatedSelector,-effects/Tween,-wrap,-ajax/parseJSON,-ajax/parseXML,-ajax/load,-attributes/prop,-attributes/attr,-core/ready,-exports,-exports/amd",

		// Define a local copy of jQuery
		jQuery = function(selector, context)
			// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
			// Need init if jQuery is called (just allow error to be thrown if not included)
			return new jQuery.fn.init(selector, context);

		// Support: Android<4.1
		// Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP
		rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,

		// Matches dashed string for camelizing
		rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/,
		rdashAlpha = /-([\da-z])/gi,

		// Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace()
		fcamelCase = function(all, letter)
			return letter.toUpperCase();

	jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
		// The current version of jQuery being used
		jquery: version,

		constructor: jQuery,

		// Start with an empty selector
		selector: "",

		// The default length of a jQuery object is 0
		length: 0,

		toArray: function()

		// Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
		// Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
		get: function(num)
			return num != null ?

				// Return just the one element from the set
				(num < 0 ? this[num + this.length] : this[num]) :

				// Return all the elements in a clean array;

		// Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
		// (returning the new matched element set)
		pushStack: function(elems)
			// Build a new jQuery matched element set
			var ret = jQuery.merge(this.constructor(), elems);

			// Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
			ret.prevObject = this;
			ret.context = this.context;

			// Return the newly-formed element set
			return ret;

		// Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
		// (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
		// only used internally.)
		each: function(callback, args)
			return jQuery.each(this, callback, args);

		map: function(callback)
			return this.pushStack(, function(elem, i)
				return, i, elem);

		slice: function()
			return this.pushStack(slice.apply(this, arguments));

		first: function()
			return this.eq(0);

		last: function()
			return this.eq(-1);

		eq: function(i)
			var len = this.length,
				j = +i + (i < 0 ? len : 0);
			return this.pushStack(j >= 0 && j < len ? [this[j]] : []);

		end: function()
			return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null);

		// For internal use only.
		// Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
		push: push,
		sort: arr.sort,
		splice: arr.splice

	jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function()
		var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
			target = arguments[0] || {},
			i = 1,
			length = arguments.length,
			deep = false;

		// Handle a deep copy situation
		if (typeof target === "boolean")
			deep = target;

			// skip the boolean and the target
			target = arguments[i] || {};

		// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
		if (typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target))
			target = {};

		// extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
		if (i === length)
			target = this;

		for (; i < length; i++)
			// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
			if ((options = arguments[i]) != null)
				// Extend the base object
				for (name in options)
					src = target[name];
					copy = options[name];

					// Prevent never-ending loop
					if (target === copy)

					// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
					if (deep && copy && (jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy))))
						if (copyIsArray)
							copyIsArray = false;
							clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
						} else
							clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};

						// Never move original objects, clone them
						target[name] = jQuery.extend(deep, clone, copy);

						// Don't bring in undefined values
					} else if (copy !== undefined)
						target[name] = copy;

		// Return the modified object
		return target;

		// Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
		expando: "jQuery" + (version + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""),

		// Assume jQuery is ready without the ready module
		isReady: true,

		error: function(msg)
			throw new Error(msg);

		noop: function() { },

		// See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction.
		// Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert
		// aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968).
		isFunction: function(obj)
			return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";

		isArray: Array.isArray,

		isWindow: function(obj)
			return obj != null && obj === obj.window;

		isNumeric: function(obj)
			// parseFloat NaNs numeric-cast false positives (null|true|false|"")
			// ...but misinterprets leading-number strings, particularly hex literals ("0x...")
			// subtraction forces infinities to NaN
			return !jQuery.isArray(obj) && obj - parseFloat(obj) >= 0;

		isPlainObject: function(obj)
			// Not plain objects:
			// - Any object or value whose internal [[Class]] property is not "[object Object]"
			// - DOM nodes
			// - window
			if (jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow(obj))
				return false;

			if (obj.constructor &&
					!, "isPrototypeOf"))
				return false;

			// If the function hasn't returned already, we're confident that
			// |obj| is a plain object, created by {} or constructed with new Object
			return true;

		isEmptyObject: function(obj)
			var name;
			for (name in obj)
				return false;
			return true;

		type: function(obj)
			if (obj == null)
				return obj + "";
			// Support: Android < 4.0, iOS < 6 (functionish RegExp)
			return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ?
				class2type[] || "object" :
				typeof obj;

		// Evaluates a script in a global context
		globalEval: function(code)
			var script,
				indirect = eval;

			code = jQuery.trim(code);

			if (code)
				// If the code includes a valid, prologue position
				// strict mode pragma, execute code by injecting a
				// script tag into the document.
				if (code.indexOf("use strict") === 1)
					script = document.createElement("script");
					script.text = code;
				} else
					// Otherwise, avoid the DOM node creation, insertion
					// and removal by using an indirect global eval

		// Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules
		// Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572)
		camelCase: function(string)
			return string.replace(rmsPrefix, "ms-").replace(rdashAlpha, fcamelCase);

		nodeName: function(elem, name)
			return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();

		// args is for internal usage only
		each: function(obj, callback, args)
			var value,
				i = 0,
				length = obj.length,
				isArray = isArraylike(obj);

			if (args)
				if (isArray)
					for (; i < length; i++)
						value = callback.apply(obj[i], args);

						if (value === false)
				} else
					for (i in obj)
						value = callback.apply(obj[i], args);

						if (value === false)

				// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
			} else
				if (isArray)
					for (; i < length; i++)
						value =[i], i, obj[i]);

						if (value === false)
				} else
					for (i in obj)
						value =[i], i, obj[i]);

						if (value === false)

			return obj;

		// Support: Android<4.1
		trim: function(text)
			return text == null ?
				"" :
				(text + "").replace(rtrim, "");

		// results is for internal usage only
		makeArray: function(arr, results)
			var ret = results || [];

			if (arr != null)
				if (isArraylike(Object(arr)))
						typeof arr === "string" ?
						[arr] : arr
				} else
				{, arr);

			return ret;

		inArray: function(elem, arr, i)
			return arr == null ? -1 :, elem, i);

		merge: function(first, second)
			var len = +second.length,
				j = 0,
				i = first.length;

			for (; j < len; j++)
				first[i++] = second[j];

			first.length = i;

			return first;

		grep: function(elems, callback, invert)
			var callbackInverse,
				matches = [],
				i = 0,
				length = elems.length,
				callbackExpect = !invert;

			// Go through the array, only saving the items
			// that pass the validator function
			for (; i < length; i++)
				callbackInverse = !callback(elems[i], i);
				if (callbackInverse !== callbackExpect)

			return matches;

		// arg is for internal usage only
		map: function(elems, callback, arg)
			var value,
				i = 0,
				length = elems.length,
				isArray = isArraylike(elems),
				ret = [];

			// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their new values
			if (isArray)
				for (; i < length; i++)
					value = callback(elems[i], i, arg);

					if (value != null)

				// Go through every key on the object,
			} else
				for (i in elems)
					value = callback(elems[i], i, arg);

					if (value != null)

			// Flatten any nested arrays
			return concat.apply([], ret);

		// A global GUID counter for objects
		guid: 1,

		// Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any
		// arguments.
		proxy: function(fn, context)
			var tmp, args, proxy;

			if (typeof context === "string")
				tmp = fn[context];
				context = fn;
				fn = tmp;

			// Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec
			// this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined.
			if (!jQuery.isFunction(fn))
				return undefined;

			// Simulated bind
			args =, 2);
			proxy = function()
				return fn.apply(context || this, args.concat(;

			// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
			proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++;

			return proxy;


		// is not used in Core but other projects attach their
		// properties to it so it needs to exist.
		support: support

	// Populate the class2type map
	jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), function(i, name)
		class2type["[object " + name + "]"] = name.toLowerCase();

	function isArraylike(obj)
		var length = obj.length,
			type = jQuery.type(obj);

		if (type === "function" || jQuery.isWindow(obj))
			return false;

		if (obj.nodeType === 1 && length)
			return true;

		return type === "array" || length === 0 ||
			typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && (length - 1) in obj;
	var Sizzle =
	 * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v1.10.19
	 * Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
	 * Released under the MIT license
	 * Date: 2014-04-18
		var i,

			// Local document vars

			// Instance-specific data
			expando = "sizzle" + -(new Date()),
			preferredDoc = window.document,
			dirruns = 0,
			done = 0,
			classCache = createCache(),
			tokenCache = createCache(),
			compilerCache = createCache(),
			sortOrder = function(a, b)
				if (a === b)
					hasDuplicate = true;
				return 0;

			// General-purpose constants
			strundefined = typeof undefined,
			MAX_NEGATIVE = 1 << 31,

			// Instance methods
			hasOwn = ({}).hasOwnProperty,
			arr = [],
			pop = arr.pop,
			push_native = arr.push,
			push = arr.push,
			slice = arr.slice,
			// Use a stripped-down indexOf if we can't use a native one
			indexOf = arr.indexOf || function(elem)
				var i = 0,
					len = this.length;
				for (; i < len; i++)
					if (this[i] === elem)
						return i;
				return -1;

			booleans = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped",

			// Regular expressions

			// Whitespace characters
			whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
			characterEncoding = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",

			// Loosely modeled on CSS identifier characters
			// An unquoted value should be a CSS identifier
			// Proper syntax:
			identifier = characterEncoding.replace("w", "w#"),

			// Attribute selectors:
			attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:" + whitespace +
				// Operator (capture 2)
				"*([*^$|!~]?=)" + whitespace +
				// "Attribute values must be CSS identifiers [capture 5] or strings [capture 3 or capture 4]"
				"*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|(" + identifier + "))|)" + whitespace +

			pseudos = ":(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:\\((" +
				// To reduce the number of selectors needing tokenize in the preFilter, prefer arguments:
				// 1. quoted (capture 3; capture 4 or capture 5)
				"('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|" +
				// 2. simple (capture 6)
				"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + attributes + ")*)|" +
				// 3. anything else (capture 2)
				".*" +

			// Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter
			rtrim = new RegExp("^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g"),

			rcomma = new RegExp("^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*"),
			rcombinators = new RegExp("^" + whitespace + "*([>+~]|" + whitespace + ")" + whitespace + "*"),

			rattributeQuotes = new RegExp("=" + whitespace + "*([^\\]'\"]*?)" + whitespace + "*\\]", "g"),

			rpseudo = new RegExp(pseudos),
			ridentifier = new RegExp("^" + identifier + "$"),

			matchExpr = {
				"ID": new RegExp("^#(" + characterEncoding + ")"),
				"CLASS": new RegExp("^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")"),
				"TAG": new RegExp("^(" + characterEncoding.replace("w", "w*") + ")"),
				"ATTR": new RegExp("^" + attributes),
				"PSEUDO": new RegExp("^" + pseudos),
				"CHILD": new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace +
					"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace +
					"*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i"),
				"bool": new RegExp("^(?:" + booleans + ")$", "i"),
				// For use in libraries implementing .is()
				// We use this for POS matching in `select`
				"needsContext": new RegExp("^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" +
					whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i")

			rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
			rheader = /^h\d$/i,

			rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,

			// Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors
			rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,

			rsibling = /[+~]/,
			rescape = /'|\\/g,

			// CSS escapes
			runescape = new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + whitespace + "?|(" + whitespace + ")|.)", "ig"),
			funescape = function(_, escaped, escapedWhitespace)
				var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000;
				// NaN means non-codepoint
				// Support: Firefox<24
				// Workaround erroneous numeric interpretation of +"0x"
				return high !== high || escapedWhitespace ?
					escaped :
					high < 0 ?
						// BMP codepoint
						String.fromCharCode(high + 0x10000) :
						// Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair)
						String.fromCharCode(high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00);

		// Optimize for push.apply( _, NodeList )
				(arr =,
			// Support: Android<4.0
			// Detect silently failing push.apply
		} catch (e)
			push = {
				apply: arr.length ?

					// Leverage slice if possible
					function(target, els)
					} :

					// Support: IE<9
					// Otherwise append directly
					function(target, els)
						var j = target.length,
							i = 0;
						// Can't trust NodeList.length
						while ((target[j++] = els[i++])) { }
						target.length = j - 1;

		function Sizzle(selector, context, results, seed)
			var match, elem, m, nodeType,
				// QSA vars
				i, groups, old, nid, newContext, newSelector;

			if ((context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc) !== document)

			context = context || document;
			results = results || [];

			if (!selector || typeof selector !== "string")
				return results;

			if ((nodeType = context.nodeType) !== 1 && nodeType !== 9)
				return [];

			if (documentIsHTML && !seed)
				// Shortcuts
				if ((match = rquickExpr.exec(selector)))
					// Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
					if ((m = match[1]))
						if (nodeType === 9)
							elem = context.getElementById(m);
							// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
							// nodes that are no longer in the document (jQuery #6963)
							if (elem && elem.parentNode)
								// Handle the case where IE, Opera, and Webkit return items
								// by name instead of ID
								if ( === m)
									return results;
							} else
								return results;
						} else
							// Context is not a document
							if (context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById(m)) &&
								contains(context, elem) && === m)
								return results;

						// Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
					} else if (match[2])
						push.apply(results, context.getElementsByTagName(selector));
						return results;

						// Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
					} else if ((m = match[3]) && support.getElementsByClassName && context.getElementsByClassName)
						push.apply(results, context.getElementsByClassName(m));
						return results;

				// QSA path
				if (support.qsa && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test(selector)))
					nid = old = expando;
					newContext = context;
					newSelector = nodeType === 9 && selector;

					// qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
					// We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
					// and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
					// IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
					if (nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object")
						groups = tokenize(selector);

						if ((old = context.getAttribute("id")))
							nid = old.replace(rescape, "\\$&");
						} else
							context.setAttribute("id", nid);
						nid = "[id='" + nid + "'] ";

						i = groups.length;
						while (i--)
							groups[i] = nid + toSelector(groups[i]);
						newContext = rsibling.test(selector) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context;
						newSelector = groups.join(",");

					if (newSelector)
							return results;
						} catch (qsaError)
						} finally
							if (!old)

			// All others
			return select(selector.replace(rtrim, "$1"), context, results, seed);

		 * Create key-value caches of limited size
		 * @returns {Function(string, Object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with
		 *	property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength)
		 *	deleting the oldest entry
		function createCache()
			var keys = [];

			function cache(key, value)
				// Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157)
				if (keys.push(key + " ") > Expr.cacheLength)
					// Only keep the most recent entries
					delete cache[keys.shift()];
				return (cache[key + " "] = value);
			return cache;

		 * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle
		 * @param {Function} fn The function to mark
		function markFunction(fn)
			fn[expando] = true;
			return fn;

		 * Support testing using an element
		 * @param {Function} fn Passed the created div and expects a boolean result
		function assert(fn)
			var div = document.createElement("div");

				return !!fn(div);
			} catch (e)
				return false;
			} finally
				// Remove from its parent by default
				if (div.parentNode)
				// release memory in IE
				div = null;

		 * Adds the same handler for all of the specified attrs
		 * @param {String} attrs Pipe-separated list of attributes
		 * @param {Function} handler The method that will be applied
		function addHandle(attrs, handler)
			var arr = attrs.split("|"),
				i = attrs.length;

			while (i--)
				Expr.attrHandle[arr[i]] = handler;

		 * Checks document order of two siblings
		 * @param {Element} a
		 * @param {Element} b
		 * @returns {Number} Returns less than 0 if a precedes b, greater than 0 if a follows b
		function siblingCheck(a, b)
			var cur = b && a,
				diff = cur && a.nodeType === 1 && b.nodeType === 1 &&
					(~b.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE) -
					(~a.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE);

			// Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes
			if (diff)
				return diff;

			// Check if b follows a
			if (cur)
				while ((cur = cur.nextSibling))
					if (cur === b)
						return -1;

			return a ? 1 : -1;

		 * Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types
		 * @param {String} type
		function createInputPseudo(type)
			return function(elem)
				var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
				return name === "input" && elem.type === type;

		 * Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons
		 * @param {String} type
		function createButtonPseudo(type)
			return function(elem)
				var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
				return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type;

		 * Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals
		 * @param {Function} fn
		function createPositionalPseudo(fn)
			return markFunction(function(argument)
				argument = +argument;
				return markFunction(function(seed, matches)
					var j,
						matchIndexes = fn([], seed.length, argument),
						i = matchIndexes.length;

					// Match elements found at the specified indexes
					while (i--)
						if (seed[(j = matchIndexes[i])])
							seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]);

		 * Checks a node for validity as a Sizzle context
		 * @param {Element|Object=} context
		 * @returns {Element|Object|Boolean} The input node if acceptable, otherwise a falsy value
		function testContext(context)
			return context && typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined && context;

		// Expose support vars for convenience
		support = = {};

		 * Detects XML nodes
		 * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document
		 * @returns {Boolean} True iff elem is a non-HTML XML node
		isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function(elem)
			// documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
			// (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
			var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
			return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;

		 * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document
		 * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document
		 * @returns {Object} Returns the current document
		setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function(node)
			var hasCompare,
				doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc,
				parent = doc.defaultView;

			// If no document and documentElement is available, return
			if (doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement)
				return document;

			// Set our document
			document = doc;
			docElem = doc.documentElement;

			// Support tests
			documentIsHTML = !isXML(doc);

			// Support: IE>8
			// If iframe document is assigned to "document" variable and if iframe has been reloaded,
			// IE will throw "permission denied" error when accessing "document" variable, see jQuery #13936
			// IE6-8 do not support the defaultView property so parent will be undefined
			if (parent && parent !==
				// IE11 does not have attachEvent, so all must suffer
				if (parent.addEventListener)
					parent.addEventListener("unload", function()
					}, false);
				} else if (parent.attachEvent)
					parent.attachEvent("onunload", function()

			/* Attributes
			---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

			// Support: IE<8
			// Verify that getAttribute really returns attributes and not properties (excepting IE8 booleans)
			support.attributes = assert(function(div)
				div.className = "i";
				return !div.getAttribute("className");

			/* getElement(s)By*
			---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

			// Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements
			support.getElementsByTagName = assert(function(div)
				return !div.getElementsByTagName("*").length;

			// Check if getElementsByClassName can be trusted
			support.getElementsByClassName = rnative.test(doc.getElementsByClassName) && assert(function(div)
				div.innerHTML = "<div class='a'></div><div class='a i'></div>";

				// Support: Safari<4
				// Catch class over-caching
				div.firstChild.className = "i";
				// Support: Opera<10
				// Catch gEBCN failure to find non-leading classes
				return div.getElementsByClassName("i").length === 2;

			// Support: IE<10
			// Check if getElementById returns elements by name
			// The broken getElementById methods don't pick up programatically-set names,
			// so use a roundabout getElementsByName test
			support.getById = assert(function(div)
				docElem.appendChild(div).id = expando;
				return !doc.getElementsByName || !doc.getElementsByName(expando).length;

			// ID find and filter
			if (support.getById)
				Expr.find["ID"] = function(id, context)
					if (typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && documentIsHTML)
						var m = context.getElementById(id);
						// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
						// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
						return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
				Expr.filter["ID"] = function(id)
					var attrId = id.replace(runescape, funescape);
					return function(elem)
						return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId;
			} else
				// Support: IE6/7
				// getElementById is not reliable as a find shortcut
				delete Expr.find["ID"];

				Expr.filter["ID"] = function(id)
					var attrId = id.replace(runescape, funescape);
					return function(elem)
						var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
						return node && node.value === attrId;

			// Tag
			Expr.find["TAG"] = support.getElementsByTagName ?
				function(tag, context)
					if (typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined)
						return context.getElementsByTagName(tag);
				} :
				function(tag, context)
					var elem,
						tmp = [],
						i = 0,
						results = context.getElementsByTagName(tag);

					// Filter out possible comments
					if (tag === "*")
						while ((elem = results[i++]))
							if (elem.nodeType === 1)

						return tmp;
					return results;

			// Class
			Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getElementsByClassName && function(className, context)
				if (typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== strundefined && documentIsHTML)
					return context.getElementsByClassName(className);

			/* QSA/matchesSelector
			---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

			// QSA and matchesSelector support

			// matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5)
			rbuggyMatches = [];

			// qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21)
			// We allow this because of a bug in IE8/9 that throws an error
			// whenever `document.activeElement` is accessed on an iframe
			// So, we allow :focus to pass through QSA all the time to avoid the IE error
			// See
			rbuggyQSA = [];

			if ((support.qsa = rnative.test(doc.querySelectorAll)))
				// Build QSA regex
				// Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini
					// Select is set to empty string on purpose
					// This is to test IE's treatment of not explicitly
					// setting a boolean content attribute,
					// since its presence should be enough
					div.innerHTML = "<select msallowclip=''><option selected=''></option></select>";

					// Support: IE8, Opera 11-12.16
					// Nothing should be selected when empty strings follow ^= or $= or *=
					// The test attribute must be unknown in Opera but "safe" for WinRT
					if (div.querySelectorAll("[msallowclip^='']").length)
						rbuggyQSA.push("[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:''|\"\")");

					// Support: IE8
					// Boolean attributes and "value" are not treated correctly
					if (!div.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length)
						rbuggyQSA.push("\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:value|" + booleans + ")");

					// Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements
					// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
					if (!div.querySelectorAll(":checked").length)

					// Support: Windows 8 Native Apps
					// The type and name attributes are restricted during .innerHTML assignment
					var input = doc.createElement("input");
					input.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
					div.appendChild(input).setAttribute("name", "D");

					// Support: IE8
					// Enforce case-sensitivity of name attribute
					if (div.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length)
						rbuggyQSA.push("name" + whitespace + "*[*^$|!~]?=");

					// FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled)
					// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
					if (!div.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length)
						rbuggyQSA.push(":enabled", ":disabled");

					// Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos

			if ((support.matchesSelector = rnative.test((matches = docElem.matches ||
				docElem.webkitMatchesSelector ||
				docElem.mozMatchesSelector ||
				docElem.oMatchesSelector ||
					// Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
					// on a disconnected node (IE 9)
					support.disconnectedMatch =, "div");

					// This should fail with an exception
					// Gecko does not error, returns false instead, "[s!='']:x");
					rbuggyMatches.push("!=", pseudos);

			rbuggyQSA = rbuggyQSA.length && new RegExp(rbuggyQSA.join("|"));
			rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp(rbuggyMatches.join("|"));

			/* Contains
			---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
			hasCompare = rnative.test(docElem.compareDocumentPosition);

			// Element contains another
			// Purposefully does not implement inclusive descendent
			// As in, an element does not contain itself
			contains = hasCompare || rnative.test(docElem.contains) ?
				function(a, b)
					var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a,
						bup = b && b.parentNode;
					return a === bup || !!(bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (
						adown.contains ?
							adown.contains(bup) :
							a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition(bup) & 16
				} :
				function(a, b)
					if (b)
						while ((b = b.parentNode))
							if (b === a)
								return true;
					return false;

			/* Sorting
			---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

			// Document order sorting
			sortOrder = hasCompare ?
			function(a, b)
				// Flag for duplicate removal
				if (a === b)
					hasDuplicate = true;
					return 0;

				// Sort on method existence if only one input has compareDocumentPosition
				var compare = !a.compareDocumentPosition - !b.compareDocumentPosition;
				if (compare)
					return compare;

				// Calculate position if both inputs belong to the same document
				compare = (a.ownerDocument || a) === (b.ownerDocument || b) ?
					a.compareDocumentPosition(b) :

					// Otherwise we know they are disconnected

				// Disconnected nodes
				if (compare & 1 ||
					(!support.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition(a) === compare))
					// Choose the first element that is related to our preferred document
					if (a === doc || a.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, a))
						return -1;
					if (b === doc || b.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, b))
						return 1;

					// Maintain original order
					return sortInput ?
						(, a) -, b)) :

				return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1;
			} :
			function(a, b)
				// Exit early if the nodes are identical
				if (a === b)
					hasDuplicate = true;
					return 0;

				var cur,
					i = 0,
					aup = a.parentNode,
					bup = b.parentNode,
					ap = [a],
					bp = [b];

				// Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected
				if (!aup || !bup)
					return a === doc ? -1 :
						b === doc ? 1 :
						aup ? -1 :
						bup ? 1 :
						sortInput ?
						(, a) -, b)) :

					// If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check
				} else if (aup === bup)
					return siblingCheck(a, b);

				// Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison
				cur = a;
				while ((cur = cur.parentNode))
				cur = b;
				while ((cur = cur.parentNode))

				// Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy
				while (ap[i] === bp[i])

				return i ?
					// Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor
					siblingCheck(ap[i], bp[i]) :

					// Otherwise nodes in our document sort first
					ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 :
					bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 :

			return doc;

		Sizzle.matches = function(expr, elements)
			return Sizzle(expr, null, null, elements);

		Sizzle.matchesSelector = function(elem, expr)
			// Set document vars if needed
			if ((elem.ownerDocument || elem) !== document)

			// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
			expr = expr.replace(rattributeQuotes, "='$1']");

			if (support.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML &&
				(!rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test(expr)) &&
				(!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test(expr)))
					var ret =, expr);

					// IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
					if (ret || support.disconnectedMatch ||
						// As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
						// fragment in IE 9
							elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11)
						return ret;
				} catch (e) { }

			return Sizzle(expr, document, null, [elem]).length > 0;

		Sizzle.contains = function(context, elem)
			// Set document vars if needed
			if ((context.ownerDocument || context) !== document)
			return contains(context, elem);

		Sizzle.attr = function(elem, name)
			// Set document vars if needed
			if ((elem.ownerDocument || elem) !== document)

			var fn = Expr.attrHandle[name.toLowerCase()],
				// Don't get fooled by Object.prototype properties (jQuery #13807)
				val = fn &&, name.toLowerCase()) ?
					fn(elem, name, !documentIsHTML) :

			return val !== undefined ?
				val :
				support.attributes || !documentIsHTML ?
					elem.getAttribute(name) :
					(val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ?
						val.value :

		Sizzle.error = function(msg)
			throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg);

		 * Document sorting and removing duplicates
		 * @param {ArrayLike} results
		Sizzle.uniqueSort = function(results)
			var elem,
				duplicates = [],
				j = 0,
				i = 0;

			// Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence
			hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates;
			sortInput = !support.sortStable && results.slice(0);

			if (hasDuplicate)
				while ((elem = results[i++]))
					if (elem === results[i])
						j = duplicates.push(i);
				while (j--)
					results.splice(duplicates[j], 1);

			// Clear input after sorting to release objects
			// See
			sortInput = null;

			return results;

		 * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
		 * @param {Array|Element} elem
		getText = Sizzle.getText = function(elem)
			var node,
				ret = "",
				i = 0,
				nodeType = elem.nodeType;

			if (!nodeType)
				// If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
				while ((node = elem[i++]))
					// Do not traverse comment nodes
					ret += getText(node);
			} else if (nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11)
				// Use textContent for elements
				// innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (jQuery #11153)
				if (typeof elem.textContent === "string")
					return elem.textContent;
				} else
					// Traverse its children
					for (elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling)
						ret += getText(elem);
			} else if (nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4)
				return elem.nodeValue;
			// Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes

			return ret;

		Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
			// Can be adjusted by the user
			cacheLength: 50,

			createPseudo: markFunction,

			match: matchExpr,

			attrHandle: {},

			find: {},

			relative: {
				">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true },
				" ": { dir: "parentNode" },
				"+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true },
				"~": { dir: "previousSibling" }

			preFilter: {
				"ATTR": function(match)
					match[1] = match[1].replace(runescape, funescape);

					// Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted
					match[3] = (match[3] || match[4] || match[5] || "").replace(runescape, funescape);

					if (match[2] === "~=")
						match[3] = " " + match[3] + " ";

					return match.slice(0, 4);

				"CHILD": function(match)
					/* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"]
						1 type (only|nth|...)
						2 what (child|of-type)
						3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...)
						4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|)
						5 sign of xn-component
						6 x of xn-component
						7 sign of y-component
						8 y of y-component
					match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase();

					if (match[1].slice(0, 3) === "nth")
						// nth-* requires argument
						if (!match[3])

						// numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD
						// remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1
						match[4] = +(match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * (match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd"));
						match[5] = +((match[7] + match[8]) || match[3] === "odd");

						// other types prohibit arguments
					} else if (match[3])

					return match;

				"PSEUDO": function(match)
					var excess,
						unquoted = !match[6] && match[2];

					if (matchExpr["CHILD"].test(match[0]))
						return null;

					// Accept quoted arguments as-is
					if (match[3])
						match[2] = match[4] || match[5] || "";

						// Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments
					} else if (unquoted && rpseudo.test(unquoted) &&
						// Get excess from tokenize (recursively)
						(excess = tokenize(unquoted, true)) &&
						// advance to the next closing parenthesis
						(excess = unquoted.indexOf(")", unquoted.length - excess) - unquoted.length))
						// excess is a negative index
						match[0] = match[0].slice(0, excess);
						match[2] = unquoted.slice(0, excess);

					// Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument)
					return match.slice(0, 3);

			filter: {
				"TAG": function(nodeNameSelector)
					var nodeName = nodeNameSelector.replace(runescape, funescape).toLowerCase();
					return nodeNameSelector === "*" ?
						function() { return true; } :
							return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName;

				"CLASS": function(className)
					var pattern = classCache[className + " "];

					return pattern ||
						(pattern = new RegExp("(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)")) &&
						classCache(className, function(elem)
							return pattern.test(typeof elem.className === "string" && elem.className || typeof elem.getAttribute !== strundefined && elem.getAttribute("class") || "");

				"ATTR": function(name, operator, check)
					return function(elem)
						var result = Sizzle.attr(elem, name);

						if (result == null)
							return operator === "!=";
						if (!operator)
							return true;

						result += "";

						return operator === "=" ? result === check :
							operator === "!=" ? result !== check :
							operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf(check) === 0 :
							operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf(check) > -1 :
							operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice(-check.length) === check :
							operator === "~=" ? (" " + result + " ").indexOf(check) > -1 :
							operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :

				"CHILD": function(type, what, argument, first, last)
					var simple = type.slice(0, 3) !== "nth",
						forward = type.slice(-4) !== "last",
						ofType = what === "of-type";

					return first === 1 && last === 0 ?

						// Shortcut for :nth-*(n)
							return !!elem.parentNode;
						} :

						function(elem, context, xml)
							var cache, outerCache, node, diff, nodeIndex, start,
								dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
								parent = elem.parentNode,
								name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
								useCache = !xml && !ofType;

							if (parent)
								// :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type)
								if (simple)
									while (dir)
										node = elem;
										while ((node = node[dir]))
											if (ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1)
												return false;
										// Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so)
										start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling";
									return true;

								start = [forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild];

								// non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent`
								if (forward && useCache)
									// Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index
									outerCache = parent[expando] || (parent[expando] = {});
									cache = outerCache[type] || [];
									nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1];
									diff = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[2];
									node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[nodeIndex];

									while ((node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[dir] ||

										// Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start
										(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()))
										// When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break
										if (node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem)
											outerCache[type] = [dirruns, nodeIndex, diff];

									// Use previously-cached element index if available
								} else if (useCache && (cache = (elem[expando] || (elem[expando] = {}))[type]) && cache[0] === dirruns)
									diff = cache[1];

									// xml :nth-child(...) or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...)
								} else
									// Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start
									while ((node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[dir] ||
										(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()))
										if ((ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1) && ++diff)
											// Cache the index of each encountered element
											if (useCache)
												(node[expando] || (node[expando] = {}))[type] = [dirruns, diff];

											if (node === elem)

								// Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size
								diff -= last;
								return diff === first || (diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0);

				"PSEUDO": function(pseudo, argument)
					// pseudo-class names are case-insensitive
					// Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters
					// Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos
					var args,
						fn = Expr.pseudos[pseudo] || Expr.setFilters[pseudo.toLowerCase()] ||
							Sizzle.error("unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo);

					// The user may use createPseudo to indicate that
					// arguments are needed to create the filter function
					// just as Sizzle does
					if (fn[expando])
						return fn(argument);

					// But maintain support for old signatures
					if (fn.length > 1)
						args = [pseudo, pseudo, "", argument];
						return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(pseudo.toLowerCase()) ?
							markFunction(function(seed, matches)
								var idx,
									matched = fn(seed, argument),
									i = matched.length;
								while (i--)
									idx =, matched[i]);
									seed[idx] = !(matches[idx] = matched[i]);
							}) :
								return fn(elem, 0, args);

					return fn;

			pseudos: {
				// Potentially complex pseudos
				"not": markFunction(function(selector)
					// Trim the selector passed to compile
					// to avoid treating leading and trailing
					// spaces as combinators
					var input = [],
						results = [],
						matcher = compile(selector.replace(rtrim, "$1"));

					return matcher[expando] ?
						markFunction(function(seed, matches, context, xml)
							var elem,
								unmatched = matcher(seed, null, xml, []),
								i = seed.length;

							// Match elements unmatched by `matcher`
							while (i--)
								if ((elem = unmatched[i]))
									seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem);
						}) :
						function(elem, context, xml)
							input[0] = elem;
							matcher(input, null, xml, results);
							return !results.pop();

				"has": markFunction(function(selector)
					return function(elem)
						return Sizzle(selector, elem).length > 0;

				"contains": markFunction(function(text)
					return function(elem)
						return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText(elem)).indexOf(text) > -1;

				// "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector
				// is based solely on the element's language value
				// being equal to the identifier C,
				// or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-".
				// The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively.
				// The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name."
				"lang": markFunction(function(lang)
					// lang value must be a valid identifier
					if (!ridentifier.test(lang || ""))
						Sizzle.error("unsupported lang: " + lang);
					lang = lang.replace(runescape, funescape).toLowerCase();
					return function(elem)
						var elemLang;
							if ((elemLang = documentIsHTML ?
								elem.lang :
								elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang")))
								elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase();
								return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf(lang + "-") === 0;
						} while ((elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1);
						return false;

				// Miscellaneous
				"target": function(elem)
					var hash = window.location && window.location.hash;
					return hash && hash.slice(1) ===;

				"root": function(elem)
					return elem === docElem;

				"focus": function(elem)
					return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex);

				// Boolean properties
				"enabled": function(elem)
					return elem.disabled === false;

				"disabled": function(elem)
					return elem.disabled === true;

				"checked": function(elem)
					// In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements
					var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
					return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected);

				"selected": function(elem)
					// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
					// options in Safari work properly
					if (elem.parentNode)

					return elem.selected === true;

				// Contents
				"empty": function(elem)
					// :empty is negated by element (1) or content nodes (text: 3; cdata: 4; entity ref: 5),
					//   but not by others (comment: 8; processing instruction: 7; etc.)
					// nodeType < 6 works because attributes (2) do not appear as children
					for (elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling)
						if (elem.nodeType < 6)
							return false;
					return true;

				"parent": function(elem)
					return !Expr.pseudos["empty"](elem);

				// Element/input types
				"header": function(elem)
					return rheader.test(elem.nodeName);

				"input": function(elem)
					return rinputs.test(elem.nodeName);

				"button": function(elem)
					var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
					return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button";

				"text": function(elem)
					var attr;
					return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" &&
						elem.type === "text" &&

						// Support: IE<8
						// New HTML5 attribute values (e.g., "search") appear with elem.type === "text"
						((attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === "text");

				// Position-in-collection
				"first": createPositionalPseudo(function()
					return [0];

				"last": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length)
					return [length - 1];

				"eq": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length, argument)
					return [argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument];

				"even": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length)
					var i = 0;
					for (; i < length; i += 2)
					return matchIndexes;

				"odd": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length)
					var i = 1;
					for (; i < length; i += 2)
					return matchIndexes;

				"lt": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length, argument)
					var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
					for (; --i >= 0;)
					return matchIndexes;

				"gt": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length, argument)
					var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
					for (; ++i < length;)
					return matchIndexes;

		Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"];

		// Add button/input type pseudos
		for (i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true })
			Expr.pseudos[i] = createInputPseudo(i);
		for (i in { submit: true, reset: true })
			Expr.pseudos[i] = createButtonPseudo(i);

		// Easy API for creating new setFilters
		function setFilters() { }
		setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos;
		Expr.setFilters = new setFilters();

		tokenize = Sizzle.tokenize = function(selector, parseOnly)
			var matched, match, tokens, type,
				soFar, groups, preFilters,
				cached = tokenCache[selector + " "];

			if (cached)
				return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice(0);

			soFar = selector;
			groups = [];
			preFilters = Expr.preFilter;

			while (soFar)
				// Comma and first run
				if (!matched || (match = rcomma.exec(soFar)))
					if (match)
						// Don't consume trailing commas as valid
						soFar = soFar.slice(match[0].length) || soFar;
					groups.push((tokens = []));

				matched = false;

				// Combinators
				if ((match = rcombinators.exec(soFar)))
					matched = match.shift();
						value: matched,
						// Cast descendant combinators to space
						type: match[0].replace(rtrim, " ")
					soFar = soFar.slice(matched.length);

				// Filters
				for (type in Expr.filter)
					if ((match = matchExpr[type].exec(soFar)) && (!preFilters[type] ||
						(match = preFilters[type](match))))
						matched = match.shift();
							value: matched,
							type: type,
							matches: match
						soFar = soFar.slice(matched.length);

				if (!matched)

			// Return the length of the invalid excess
			// if we're just parsing
			// Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens
			return parseOnly ?
				soFar.length :
				soFar ?
					Sizzle.error(selector) :
					// Cache the tokens
					tokenCache(selector, groups).slice(0);

		function toSelector(tokens)
			var i = 0,
				len = tokens.length,
				selector = "";
			for (; i < len; i++)
				selector += tokens[i].value;
			return selector;

		function addCombinator(matcher, combinator, base)
			var dir = combinator.dir,
				checkNonElements = base && dir === "parentNode",
				doneName = done++;

			return combinator.first ?
				// Check against closest ancestor/preceding element
				function(elem, context, xml)
					while ((elem = elem[dir]))
						if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements)
							return matcher(elem, context, xml);
				} :

				// Check against all ancestor/preceding elements
				function(elem, context, xml)
					var oldCache, outerCache,
						newCache = [dirruns, doneName];

					// We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from dir caching
					if (xml)
						while ((elem = elem[dir]))
							if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements)
								if (matcher(elem, context, xml))
									return true;
					} else
						while ((elem = elem[dir]))
							if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements)
								outerCache = elem[expando] || (elem[expando] = {});
								if ((oldCache = outerCache[dir]) &&
									oldCache[0] === dirruns && oldCache[1] === doneName)
									// Assign to newCache so results back-propagate to previous elements
									return (newCache[2] = oldCache[2]);
								} else
									// Reuse newcache so results back-propagate to previous elements
									outerCache[dir] = newCache;

									// A match means we're done; a fail means we have to keep checking
									if ((newCache[2] = matcher(elem, context, xml)))
										return true;

		function elementMatcher(matchers)
			return matchers.length > 1 ?
				function(elem, context, xml)
					var i = matchers.length;
					while (i--)
						if (!matchers[i](elem, context, xml))
							return false;
					return true;
				} :

		function multipleContexts(selector, contexts, results)
			var i = 0,
				len = contexts.length;
			for (; i < len; i++)
				Sizzle(selector, contexts[i], results);
			return results;

		function condense(unmatched, map, filter, context, xml)
			var elem,
				newUnmatched = [],
				i = 0,
				len = unmatched.length,
				mapped = map != null;

			for (; i < len; i++)
				if ((elem = unmatched[i]))
					if (!filter || filter(elem, context, xml))
						if (mapped)

			return newUnmatched;

		function setMatcher(preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector)
			if (postFilter && !postFilter[expando])
				postFilter = setMatcher(postFilter);
			if (postFinder && !postFinder[expando])
				postFinder = setMatcher(postFinder, postSelector);
			return markFunction(function(seed, results, context, xml)
				var temp, i, elem,
					preMap = [],
					postMap = [],
					preexisting = results.length,

					// Get initial elements from seed or context
					elems = seed || multipleContexts(selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [context] : context, []),

					// Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization
					matcherIn = preFilter && (seed || !selector) ?
						condense(elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml) :

					matcherOut = matcher ?
						// If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results,
						postFinder || (seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter) ?

							// ...intermediate processing is necessary
							[] :

							// ...otherwise use results directly
					results :

				// Find primary matches
				if (matcher)
					matcher(matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml);

				// Apply postFilter
				if (postFilter)
					temp = condense(matcherOut, postMap);
					postFilter(temp, [], context, xml);

					// Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn
					i = temp.length;
					while (i--)
						if ((elem = temp[i]))
							matcherOut[postMap[i]] = !(matcherIn[postMap[i]] = elem);

				if (seed)
					if (postFinder || preFilter)
						if (postFinder)
							// Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts
							temp = [];
							i = matcherOut.length;
							while (i--)
								if ((elem = matcherOut[i]))
									// Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match
									temp.push((matcherIn[i] = elem));
							postFinder(null, (matcherOut = []), temp, xml);

						// Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized
						i = matcherOut.length;
						while (i--)
							if ((elem = matcherOut[i]) &&
								(temp = postFinder ?, elem) : preMap[i]) > -1)
								seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem);

					// Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined
				} else
					matcherOut = condense(
						matcherOut === results ?
							matcherOut.splice(preexisting, matcherOut.length) :
					if (postFinder)
						postFinder(null, results, matcherOut, xml);
					} else
						push.apply(results, matcherOut);

		function matcherFromTokens(tokens)
			var checkContext, matcher, j,
				len = tokens.length,
				leadingRelative = Expr.relative[tokens[0].type],
				implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "],
				i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0,

				// The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s)
				matchContext = addCombinator(function(elem)
					return elem === checkContext;
				}, implicitRelative, true),
				matchAnyContext = addCombinator(function(elem)
					return, elem) > -1;
				}, implicitRelative, true),
				matchers = [function(elem, context, xml)
					return (!leadingRelative && (xml || context !== outermostContext)) || (
						(checkContext = context).nodeType ?
							matchContext(elem, context, xml) :
							matchAnyContext(elem, context, xml));

			for (; i < len; i++)
				if ((matcher = Expr.relative[tokens[i].type]))
					matchers = [addCombinator(elementMatcher(matchers), matcher)];
				} else
					matcher = Expr.filter[tokens[i].type].apply(null, tokens[i].matches);

					// Return special upon seeing a positional matcher
					if (matcher[expando])
						// Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling
						j = ++i;
						for (; j < len; j++)
							if (Expr.relative[tokens[j].type])
						return setMatcher(
							i > 1 && elementMatcher(matchers),
							i > 1 && toSelector(
								// If the preceding token was a descendant combinator, insert an implicit any-element `*`
								tokens.slice(0, i - 1).concat({ value: tokens[i - 2].type === " " ? "*" : "" })
							).replace(rtrim, "$1"),
							i < j && matcherFromTokens(tokens.slice(i, j)),
							j < len && matcherFromTokens((tokens = tokens.slice(j))),
							j < len && toSelector(tokens)

			return elementMatcher(matchers);

		function matcherFromGroupMatchers(elementMatchers, setMatchers)
			var bySet = setMatchers.length > 0,
				byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0,
				superMatcher = function(seed, context, xml, results, outermost)
					var elem, j, matcher,
						matchedCount = 0,
						i = "0",
						unmatched = seed && [],
						setMatched = [],
						contextBackup = outermostContext,
						// We must always have either seed elements or outermost context
						elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]("*", outermost),
						// Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher
						dirrunsUnique = (dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1),
						len = elems.length;

					if (outermost)
						outermostContext = context !== document && context;

					// Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results
					// Keep `i` a string if there are no elements so `matchedCount` will be "00" below
					// Support: IE<9, Safari
					// Tolerate NodeList properties (IE: "length"; Safari: <number>) matching elements by id
					for (; i !== len && (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++)
						if (byElement && elem)
							j = 0;
							while ((matcher = elementMatchers[j++]))
								if (matcher(elem, context, xml))
							if (outermost)
								dirruns = dirrunsUnique;

						// Track unmatched elements for set filters
						if (bySet)
							// They will have gone through all possible matchers
							if ((elem = !matcher && elem))

							// Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not
							if (seed)

					// Apply set filters to unmatched elements
					matchedCount += i;
					if (bySet && i !== matchedCount)
						j = 0;
						while ((matcher = setMatchers[j++]))
							matcher(unmatched, setMatched, context, xml);

						if (seed)
							// Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting
							if (matchedCount > 0)
								while (i--)
									if (!(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i]))
										setMatched[i] =;

							// Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches
							setMatched = condense(setMatched);

						// Add matches to results
						push.apply(results, setMatched);

						// Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting
						if (outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 &&
							(matchedCount + setMatchers.length) > 1)

					// Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers
					if (outermost)
						dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
						outermostContext = contextBackup;

					return unmatched;

			return bySet ?
				markFunction(superMatcher) :

		compile = Sizzle.compile = function(selector, match /* Internal Use Only */)
			var i,
				setMatchers = [],
				elementMatchers = [],
				cached = compilerCache[selector + " "];

			if (!cached)
				// Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element
				if (!match)
					match = tokenize(selector);
				i = match.length;
				while (i--)
					cached = matcherFromTokens(match[i]);
					if (cached[expando])
					} else

				// Cache the compiled function
				cached = compilerCache(selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers(elementMatchers, setMatchers));

				// Save selector and tokenization
				cached.selector = selector;
			return cached;

		 * A low-level selection function that works with Sizzle's compiled
		 *  selector functions
		 * @param {String|Function} selector A selector or a pre-compiled
		 *  selector function built with Sizzle.compile
		 * @param {Element} context
		 * @param {Array} [results]
		 * @param {Array} [seed] A set of elements to match against
		select = = function(selector, context, results, seed)
			var i, tokens, token, type, find,
				compiled = typeof selector === "function" && selector,
				match = !seed && tokenize((selector = compiled.selector || selector));

			results = results || [];

			// Try to minimize operations if there is no seed and only one group
			if (match.length === 1)
				// Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
				tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice(0);
				if (tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" &&
						support.getById && context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML &&
					context = (Expr.find["ID"](token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context) || [])[0];
					if (!context)
						return results;

						// Precompiled matchers will still verify ancestry, so step up a level
					} else if (compiled)
						context = context.parentNode;

					selector = selector.slice(tokens.shift().value.length);

				// Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching
				i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test(selector) ? 0 : tokens.length;
				while (i--)
					token = tokens[i];

					// Abort if we hit a combinator
					if (Expr.relative[(type = token.type)])
					if ((find = Expr.find[type]))
						// Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators
						if ((seed = find(
							token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape),
							rsibling.test(tokens[0].type) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context
							// If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early
							tokens.splice(i, 1);
							selector = seed.length && toSelector(tokens);
							if (!selector)
								push.apply(results, seed);
								return results;


			// Compile and execute a filtering function if one is not provided
			// Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above
			(compiled || compile(selector, match))(
				rsibling.test(selector) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context
			return results;

		// One-time assignments

		// Sort stability
		support.sortStable = expando.split("").sort(sortOrder).join("") === expando;

		// Support: Chrome<14
		// Always assume duplicates if they aren't passed to the comparison function
		support.detectDuplicates = !!hasDuplicate;

		// Initialize against the default document

		// Support: Webkit<537.32 - Safari 6.0.3/Chrome 25 (fixed in Chrome 27)
		// Detached nodes confoundingly follow *each other*
		support.sortDetached = assert(function(div1)
			// Should return 1, but returns 4 (following)
			return div1.compareDocumentPosition(document.createElement("div")) & 1;

		// Support: IE<8
		// Prevent attribute/property "interpolation"
		if (!assert(function(div)
			div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
			return div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#";
			addHandle("type|href|height|width", function(elem, name, isXML)
				if (!isXML)
					return elem.getAttribute(name, name.toLowerCase() === "type" ? 1 : 2);

		// Support: IE<9
		// Use defaultValue in place of getAttribute("value")
		if (!support.attributes || !assert(function(div)
			div.innerHTML = "<input/>";
			div.firstChild.setAttribute("value", "");
			return div.firstChild.getAttribute("value") === "";
			addHandle("value", function(elem, name, isXML)
				if (!isXML && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input")
					return elem.defaultValue;

		// Support: IE<9
		// Use getAttributeNode to fetch booleans when getAttribute lies
		if (!assert(function(div)
			return div.getAttribute("disabled") == null;
			addHandle(booleans, function(elem, name, isXML)
				var val;
				if (!isXML)
					return elem[name] === true ? name.toLowerCase() :
							(val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ?
							val.value :

		return Sizzle;

	jQuery.find = Sizzle;
	jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
	jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.pseudos;
	jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
	jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
	jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
	jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;

	var rneedsContext = jQuery.expr.match.needsContext;

	var rsingleTag = (/^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/);

	var risSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/;

	// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
	function winnow(elements, qualifier, not)
		if (jQuery.isFunction(qualifier))
			return jQuery.grep(elements, function(elem, i)
				/* jshint -W018 */
				return !!, i, elem) !== not;

		if (qualifier.nodeType)
			return jQuery.grep(elements, function(elem)
				return (elem === qualifier) !== not;

		if (typeof qualifier === "string")
			if (risSimple.test(qualifier))
				return jQuery.filter(qualifier, elements, not);

			qualifier = jQuery.filter(qualifier, elements);

		return jQuery.grep(elements, function(elem)
			return (, elem) >= 0) !== not;

	jQuery.filter = function(expr, elems, not)
		var elem = elems[0];

		if (not)
			expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";

		return elems.length === 1 && elem.nodeType === 1 ?
			jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elem, expr) ? [elem] : [] :
			jQuery.find.matches(expr, jQuery.grep(elems, function(elem)
				return elem.nodeType === 1;

		find: function(selector)
			var i,
				len = this.length,
				ret = [],
				self = this;

			if (typeof selector !== "string")
				return this.pushStack(jQuery(selector).filter(function()
					for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
						if (jQuery.contains(self[i], this))
							return true;

			for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
				jQuery.find(selector, self[i], ret);

			// Needed because $( selector, context ) becomes $( context ).find( selector )
			ret = this.pushStack(len > 1 ? jQuery.unique(ret) : ret);
			ret.selector = this.selector ? this.selector + " " + selector : selector;
			return ret;
		filter: function(selector)
			return this.pushStack(winnow(this, selector || [], false));
		not: function(selector)
			return this.pushStack(winnow(this, selector || [], true));
		is: function(selector)
			return !!winnow(

				// If this is a positional/relative selector, check membership in the returned set
				// so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p".
				typeof selector === "string" && rneedsContext.test(selector) ?
					jQuery(selector) :
					selector || [],

	// Initialize a jQuery object

	// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
	var rootjQuery,

		// A simple way to check for HTML strings
		// Prioritize #id over <tag> to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521)
		// Strict HTML recognition (#11290: must start with <)
		rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,

		init = jQuery.fn.init = function(selector, context)
			var match, elem;

			// HANDLE: $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false)
			if (!selector)
				return this;

			// Handle HTML strings
			if (typeof selector === "string")
				if (selector[0] === "<" && selector[selector.length - 1] === ">" && selector.length >= 3)
					// Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check
					match = [null, selector, null];
				} else
					match = rquickExpr.exec(selector);

				// Match html or make sure no context is specified for #id
				if (match && (match[1] || !context))
					// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
					if (match[1])
						context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context;

						// scripts is true for back-compat
						// Intentionally let the error be thrown if parseHTML is not present
						jQuery.merge(this, jQuery.parseHTML(
							context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document,

						// HANDLE: $(html, props)
						if (rsingleTag.test(match[1]) && jQuery.isPlainObject(context))
							for (match in context)
								// Properties of context are called as methods if possible
								if (jQuery.isFunction(this[match]))

									// ...and otherwise set as attributes
								} else
									this.attr(match, context[match]);

						return this;

						// HANDLE: $(#id)
					} else
						elem = document.getElementById(match[2]);

						// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
						// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
						if (elem && elem.parentNode)
							// Inject the element directly into the jQuery object
							this.length = 1;
							this[0] = elem;

						this.context = document;
						this.selector = selector;
						return this;

					// HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
				} else if (!context || context.jquery)
					return (context || rootjQuery).find(selector);

					// HANDLE: $(expr, context)
					// (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
				} else
					return this.constructor(context).find(selector);

				// HANDLE: $(DOMElement)
			} else if (selector.nodeType)
				this.context = this[0] = selector;
				this.length = 1;
				return this;

				// HANDLE: $(function)
				// Shortcut for document ready
			} else if (jQuery.isFunction(selector))
				return typeof rootjQuery.ready !== "undefined" ?
					rootjQuery.ready(selector) :
					// Execute immediately if ready is not present

			if (selector.selector !== undefined)
				this.selector = selector.selector;
				this.context = selector.context;

			return jQuery.makeArray(selector, this);

	// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
	init.prototype = jQuery.fn;

	// Initialize central reference
	rootjQuery = jQuery(document);

	var rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/,
		// methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set
		guaranteedUnique = {
			children: true,
			contents: true,
			next: true,
			prev: true

		dir: function(elem, dir, until)
			var matched = [],
				truncate = until !== undefined;

			while ((elem = elem[dir]) && elem.nodeType !== 9)
				if (elem.nodeType === 1)
					if (truncate && jQuery(elem).is(until))
			return matched;

		sibling: function(n, elem)
			var matched = [];

			for (; n; n = n.nextSibling)
				if (n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem)

			return matched;

		has: function(target)
			var targets = jQuery(target, this),
				l = targets.length;

			return this.filter(function()
				var i = 0;
				for (; i < l; i++)
					if (jQuery.contains(this, targets[i]))
						return true;

		closest: function(selectors, context)
			var cur,
				i = 0,
				l = this.length,
				matched = [],
				pos = rneedsContext.test(selectors) || typeof selectors !== "string" ?
					jQuery(selectors, context || this.context) :

			for (; i < l; i++)
				for (cur = this[i]; cur && cur !== context; cur = cur.parentNode)
					// Always skip document fragments
					if (cur.nodeType < 11 && (pos ?
						pos.index(cur) > -1 :

						// Don't pass non-elements to Sizzle
						cur.nodeType === 1 &&
							jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors)))

			return this.pushStack(matched.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique(matched) : matched);

		// Determine the position of an element within
		// the matched set of elements
		index: function(elem)
			// No argument, return index in parent
			if (!elem)
				return (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1;

			// index in selector
			if (typeof elem === "string")
				return, this[0]);

			// Locate the position of the desired element

				// If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
				elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem

		add: function(selector, context)
			return this.pushStack(
					jQuery.merge(this.get(), jQuery(selector, context))

		addBack: function(selector)
			return this.add(selector == null ?
				this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(selector)

	function sibling(cur, dir)
		while ((cur = cur[dir]) && cur.nodeType !== 1) { }
		return cur;

		parent: function(elem)
			var parent = elem.parentNode;
			return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
		parents: function(elem)
			return jQuery.dir(elem, "parentNode");
		parentsUntil: function(elem, i, until)
			return jQuery.dir(elem, "parentNode", until);
		next: function(elem)
			return sibling(elem, "nextSibling");
		prev: function(elem)
			return sibling(elem, "previousSibling");
		nextAll: function(elem)
			return jQuery.dir(elem, "nextSibling");
		prevAll: function(elem)
			return jQuery.dir(elem, "previousSibling");
		nextUntil: function(elem, i, until)
			return jQuery.dir(elem, "nextSibling", until);
		prevUntil: function(elem, i, until)
			return jQuery.dir(elem, "previousSibling", until);
		siblings: function(elem)
			return jQuery.sibling((elem.parentNode || {}).firstChild, elem);
		children: function(elem)
			return jQuery.sibling(elem.firstChild);
		contents: function(elem)
			return elem.contentDocument || jQuery.merge([], elem.childNodes);
	}, function(name, fn)
		jQuery.fn[name] = function(until, selector)
			var matched =, fn, until);

			if (name.slice(-5) !== "Until")
				selector = until;

			if (selector && typeof selector === "string")
				matched = jQuery.filter(selector, matched);

			if (this.length > 1)
				// Remove duplicates
				if (!guaranteedUnique[name])

				// Reverse order for parents* and prev-derivatives
				if (rparentsprev.test(name))

			return this.pushStack(matched);
	var rnotwhite = (/\S+/g);

	// String to Object options format cache
	var optionsCache = {};

	// Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones and store in cache
	function createOptions(options)
		var object = optionsCache[options] = {};
		jQuery.each(options.match(rnotwhite) || [], function(_, flag)
			object[flag] = true;
		return object;

	 * Create a callback list using the following parameters:
	 *	options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how
	 *			the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object
	 * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
	 * "fired" multiple times.
	 * Possible options:
	 *	once:			will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
	 *	memory:			will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
	 *					after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
	 *					values (like a Deferred)
	 *	unique:			will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
	 *	stopOnFalse:	interrupt callings when a callback returns false
	jQuery.Callbacks = function(options)
		// Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed
		// (we check in cache first)
		options = typeof options === "string" ?
			(optionsCache[options] || createOptions(options)) :
			jQuery.extend({}, options);

		var // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
			// Flag to know if list was already fired
			// Flag to know if list is currently firing
			// First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
			// End of the loop when firing
			// Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
			// Actual callback list
			list = [],
			// Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
			stack = !options.once && [],
			// Fire callbacks
			fire = function(data)
				memory = options.memory && data;
				fired = true;
				firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
				firingStart = 0;
				firingLength = list.length;
				firing = true;
				for (; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++)
					if (list[firingIndex].apply(data[0], data[1]) === false && options.stopOnFalse)
						memory = false; // To prevent further calls using add
				firing = false;
				if (list)
					if (stack)
						if (stack.length)
					} else if (memory)
						list = [];
					} else
			// Actual Callbacks object
			self = {
				// Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
				add: function()
					if (list)
						// First, we save the current length
						var start = list.length;
						(function add(args)
							jQuery.each(args, function(_, arg)
								var type = jQuery.type(arg);
								if (type === "function")
									if (!options.unique || !self.has(arg))
								} else if (arg && arg.length && type !== "string")
									// Inspect recursively
						// Do we need to add the callbacks to the
						// current firing batch?
						if (firing)
							firingLength = list.length;
							// With memory, if we're not firing then
							// we should call right away
						} else if (memory)
							firingStart = start;
					return this;
				// Remove a callback from the list
				remove: function()
					if (list)
						jQuery.each(arguments, function(_, arg)
							var index;
							while ((index = jQuery.inArray(arg, list, index)) > -1)
								list.splice(index, 1);
								// Handle firing indexes
								if (firing)
									if (index <= firingLength)
									if (index <= firingIndex)
					return this;
				// Check if a given callback is in the list.
				// If no argument is given, return whether or not list has callbacks attached.
				has: function(fn)
					return fn ? jQuery.inArray(fn, list) > -1 : !!(list && list.length);
				// Remove all callbacks from the list
				empty: function()
					list = [];
					firingLength = 0;
					return this;
				// Have the list do nothing anymore
				disable: function()
					list = stack = memory = undefined;
					return this;
				// Is it disabled?
				disabled: function()
					return !list;
				// Lock the list in its current state
				lock: function()
					stack = undefined;
					if (!memory)
					return this;
				// Is it locked?
				locked: function()
					return !stack;
				// Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
				fireWith: function(context, args)
					if (list && (!fired || stack))
						args = args || [];
						args = [context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args];
						if (firing)
						} else
					return this;
				// Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
				fire: function()
					self.fireWith(this, arguments);
					return this;
				// To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
				fired: function()
					return !!fired;

		return self;

		Deferred: function(func)
			var tuples = [
					// action, add listener, listener list, final state
					["resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved"],
					["reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"],
					["notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks("memory")]
				state = "pending",
				promise = {
					state: function()
						return state;
					always: function()
						return this;
					then: function( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */)
						var fns = arguments;
						return jQuery.Deferred(function(newDefer)
							jQuery.each(tuples, function(i, tuple)
								var fn = jQuery.isFunction(fns[i]) && fns[i];
								// deferred[ done | fail | progress ] for forwarding actions to newDefer
									var returned = fn && fn.apply(this, arguments);
									if (returned && jQuery.isFunction(returned.promise))
									} else
										newDefer[tuple[0] + "With"](this === promise ? newDefer.promise() : this, fn ? [returned] : arguments);
							fns = null;
					// Get a promise for this deferred
					// If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
					promise: function(obj)
						return obj != null ? jQuery.extend(obj, promise) : promise;
				deferred = {};

			// Keep pipe for back-compat
			promise.pipe = promise.then;

			// Add list-specific methods
			jQuery.each(tuples, function(i, tuple)
				var list = tuple[2],
					stateString = tuple[3];

				// promise[ done | fail | progress ] = list.add
				promise[tuple[1]] = list.add;

				// Handle state
				if (stateString)
						// state = [ resolved | rejected ]
						state = stateString;

						// [ reject_list | resolve_list ].disable; progress_list.lock
					}, tuples[i ^ 1][2].disable, tuples[2][2].lock);

				// deferred[ resolve | reject | notify ]
				deferred[tuple[0]] = function()
					deferred[tuple[0] + "With"](this === deferred ? promise : this, arguments);
					return this;
				deferred[tuple[0] + "With"] = list.fireWith;

			// Make the deferred a promise

			// Call given func if any
			if (func)
			{, deferred);

			// All done!
			return deferred;

		// Deferred helper
		when: function(subordinate /* , ..., subordinateN */)
			var i = 0,
				resolveValues =,
				length = resolveValues.length,

				// the count of uncompleted subordinates
				remaining = length !== 1 || (subordinate && jQuery.isFunction(subordinate.promise)) ? length : 0,

				// the master Deferred. If resolveValues consist of only a single Deferred, just use that.
				deferred = remaining === 1 ? subordinate : jQuery.Deferred(),

				// Update function for both resolve and progress values
				updateFunc = function(i, contexts, values)
					return function(value)
						contexts[i] = this;
						values[i] = arguments.length > 1 ? : value;
						if (values === progressValues)
							deferred.notifyWith(contexts, values);
						} else if (!(--remaining))
							deferred.resolveWith(contexts, values);

				progressValues, progressContexts, resolveContexts;

			// add listeners to Deferred subordinates; treat others as resolved
			if (length > 1)
				progressValues = new Array(length);
				progressContexts = new Array(length);
				resolveContexts = new Array(length);
				for (; i < length; i++)
					if (resolveValues[i] && jQuery.isFunction(resolveValues[i].promise))
							.done(updateFunc(i, resolveContexts, resolveValues))
							.progress(updateFunc(i, progressContexts, progressValues));
					} else

			// if we're not waiting on anything, resolve the master
			if (!remaining)
				deferred.resolveWith(resolveContexts, resolveValues);

			return deferred.promise();

	// Multifunctional method to get and set values of a collection
	// The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function
	var access = jQuery.access = function(elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, raw)
		var i = 0,
			len = elems.length,
			bulk = key == null;

		// Sets many values
		if (jQuery.type(key) === "object")
			chainable = true;
			for (i in key)
				jQuery.access(elems, fn, i, key[i], true, emptyGet, raw);

			// Sets one value
		} else if (value !== undefined)
			chainable = true;

			if (!jQuery.isFunction(value))
				raw = true;

			if (bulk)
				// Bulk operations run against the entire set
				if (raw)
				{, value);
					fn = null;

					// ...except when executing function values
				} else
					bulk = fn;
					fn = function(elem, key, value)
						return, value);

			if (fn)
				for (; i < len; i++)
					fn(elems[i], key, raw ? value :[i], i, fn(elems[i], key)));

		return chainable ?
			elems :

			// Gets
			bulk ? :
				len ? fn(elems[0], key) : emptyGet;

	 * Determines whether an object can have data
	jQuery.acceptData = function(owner)
		// Accepts only:
		//  - Node
		//    - Node.ELEMENT_NODE
		//    - Node.DOCUMENT_NODE
		//  - Object
		//    - Any
		/* jshint -W018 */
		return owner.nodeType === 1 || owner.nodeType === 9 || !(+owner.nodeType);

	function Data()
		// Support: Android < 4,
		// Old WebKit does not have Object.preventExtensions/freeze method,
		// return new empty object instead with no [[set]] accessor
		Object.defineProperty(this.cache = {}, 0, {
			get: function()
				return {};

		this.expando = jQuery.expando + Math.random();

	Data.uid = 1;
	Data.accepts = jQuery.acceptData;

	Data.prototype = {
		key: function(owner)
			// We can accept data for non-element nodes in modern browsers,
			// but we should not, see #8335.
			// Always return the key for a frozen object.
			if (!Data.accepts(owner))
				return 0;

			var descriptor = {},
				// Check if the owner object already has a cache key
				unlock = owner[this.expando];

			// If not, create one
			if (!unlock)
				unlock = Data.uid++;

				// Secure it in a non-enumerable, non-writable property
					descriptor[this.expando] = { value: unlock };
					Object.defineProperties(owner, descriptor);

					// Support: Android < 4
					// Fallback to a less secure definition
				} catch (e)
					descriptor[this.expando] = unlock;
					jQuery.extend(owner, descriptor);

			// Ensure the cache object
			if (!this.cache[unlock])
				this.cache[unlock] = {};

			return unlock;
		set: function(owner, data, value)
			var prop,
				// There may be an unlock assigned to this node,
				// if there is no entry for this "owner", create one inline
				// and set the unlock as though an owner entry had always existed
				unlock = this.key(owner),
				cache = this.cache[unlock];

			// Handle: [ owner, key, value ] args
			if (typeof data === "string")
				cache[data] = value;

				// Handle: [ owner, { properties } ] args
			} else
				// Fresh assignments by object are shallow copied
				if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(cache))
					jQuery.extend(this.cache[unlock], data);
					// Otherwise, copy the properties one-by-one to the cache object
				} else
					for (prop in data)
						cache[prop] = data[prop];
			return cache;
		get: function(owner, key)
			// Either a valid cache is found, or will be created.
			// New caches will be created and the unlock returned,
			// allowing direct access to the newly created
			// empty data object. A valid owner object must be provided.
			var cache = this.cache[this.key(owner)];

			return key === undefined ?
				cache : cache[key];
		access: function(owner, key, value)
			var stored;
			// In cases where either:
			//   1. No key was specified
			//   2. A string key was specified, but no value provided
			// Take the "read" path and allow the get method to determine
			// which value to return, respectively either:
			//   1. The entire cache object
			//   2. The data stored at the key
			if (key === undefined ||
					((key && typeof key === "string") && value === undefined))
				stored = this.get(owner, key);

				return stored !== undefined ?
					stored : this.get(owner, jQuery.camelCase(key));

			// [*]When the key is not a string, or both a key and value
			// are specified, set or extend (existing objects) with either:
			//   1. An object of properties
			//   2. A key and value
			this.set(owner, key, value);

			// Since the "set" path can have two possible entry points
			// return the expected data based on which path was taken[*]
			return value !== undefined ? value : key;
		remove: function(owner, key)
			var i, name, camel,
				unlock = this.key(owner),
				cache = this.cache[unlock];

			if (key === undefined)
				this.cache[unlock] = {};
			} else
				// Support array or space separated string of keys
				if (jQuery.isArray(key))
					// If "name" is an array of keys...
					// When data is initially created, via ("key", "val") signature,
					// keys will be converted to camelCase.
					// Since there is no way to tell _how_ a key was added, remove
					// both plain key and camelCase key. #12786
					// This will only penalize the array argument path.
					name = key.concat(;
				} else
					camel = jQuery.camelCase(key);
					// Try the string as a key before any manipulation
					if (key in cache)
						name = [key, camel];
					} else
						// If a key with the spaces exists, use it.
						// Otherwise, create an array by matching non-whitespace
						name = camel;
						name = name in cache ?
							[name] : (name.match(rnotwhite) || []);

				i = name.length;
				while (i--)
					delete cache[name[i]];
		hasData: function(owner)
			return !jQuery.isEmptyObject(
				this.cache[owner[this.expando]] || {}
		discard: function(owner)
			if (owner[this.expando])
				delete this.cache[owner[this.expando]];
	var data_priv = new Data();

	var data_user = new Data();

		Implementation Summary

		1. Enforce API surface and semantic compatibility with 1.9.x branch
		2. Improve the module's maintainability by reducing the storage
			paths to a single mechanism.
		3. Use the same single mechanism to support "private" and "user" data.
		4. _Never_ expose "private" data to user code (TODO: Drop _data, _removeData)
		5. Avoid exposing implementation details on user objects (eg. expando properties)
		6. Provide a clear path for implementation upgrade to WeakMap in 2014
	var rbrace = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/,
		rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g;

	function dataAttr(elem, key, data)
		var name;

		// If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
		// data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
		if (data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1)
			name = "data-" + key.replace(rmultiDash, "-$1").toLowerCase();
			data = elem.getAttribute(name);

			if (typeof data === "string")
					data = data === "true" ? true :
						data === "false" ? false :
						data === "null" ? null :
						// Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string
						+data + "" === data ? +data :
						rbrace.test(data) ? jQuery.parseJSON(data) :
				} catch (e) { }

				// Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
				data_user.set(elem, key, data);
			} else
				data = undefined;
		return data;

		hasData: function(elem)
			return data_user.hasData(elem) || data_priv.hasData(elem);

		data: function(elem, name, data)
			return data_user.access(elem, name, data);

		removeData: function(elem, name)
			data_user.remove(elem, name);

		// TODO: Now that all calls to _data and _removeData have been replaced
		// with direct calls to data_priv methods, these can be deprecated.
		_data: function(elem, name, data)
			return data_priv.access(elem, name, data);

		_removeData: function(elem, name)
			data_priv.remove(elem, name);

		data: function(key, value)
			var i, name, data,
				elem = this[0],
				attrs = elem && elem.attributes;

			// Gets all values
			if (key === undefined)
				if (this.length)
					data = data_user.get(elem);

					if (elem.nodeType === 1 && !data_priv.get(elem, "hasDataAttrs"))
						i = attrs.length;
						while (i--)
							// Support: IE11+
							// The attrs elements can be null (#14894)
							if (attrs[i])
								name = attrs[i].name;
								if (name.indexOf("data-") === 0)
									name = jQuery.camelCase(name.slice(5));
									dataAttr(elem, name, data[name]);
						data_priv.set(elem, "hasDataAttrs", true);

				return data;

			// Sets multiple values
			if (typeof key === "object")
				return this.each(function()
					data_user.set(this, key);

			return access(this, function(value)
				var data,
					camelKey = jQuery.camelCase(key);

				// The calling jQuery object (element matches) is not empty
				// (and therefore has an element appears at this[ 0 ]) and the
				// `value` parameter was not undefined. An empty jQuery object
				// will result in `undefined` for elem = this[ 0 ] which will
				// throw an exception if an attempt to read a data cache is made.
				if (elem && value === undefined)
					// Attempt to get data from the cache
					// with the key as-is
					data = data_user.get(elem, key);
					if (data !== undefined)
						return data;

					// Attempt to get data from the cache
					// with the key camelized
					data = data_user.get(elem, camelKey);
					if (data !== undefined)
						return data;

					// Attempt to "discover" the data in
					// HTML5 custom data-* attrs
					data = dataAttr(elem, camelKey, undefined);
					if (data !== undefined)
						return data;

					// We tried really hard, but the data doesn't exist.

				// Set the data...
					// First, attempt to store a copy or reference of any
					// data that might've been store with a camelCased key.
					var data = data_user.get(this, camelKey);

					// For HTML5 data-* attribute interop, we have to
					// store property names with dashes in a camelCase form.
					// This might not apply to all properties...*
					data_user.set(this, camelKey, value);

					// *... In the case of properties that might _actually_
					// have dashes, we need to also store a copy of that
					// unchanged property.
					if (key.indexOf("-") !== -1 && data !== undefined)
						data_user.set(this, key, value);
			}, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, true);

		removeData: function(key)
			return this.each(function()
				data_user.remove(this, key);

		queue: function(elem, type, data)
			var queue;

			if (elem)
				type = (type || "fx") + "queue";
				queue = data_priv.get(elem, type);

				// Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
				if (data)
					if (!queue || jQuery.isArray(data))
						queue = data_priv.access(elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data));
					} else
				return queue || [];

		dequeue: function(elem, type)
			type = type || "fx";

			var queue = jQuery.queue(elem, type),
				startLength = queue.length,
				fn = queue.shift(),
				hooks = jQuery._queueHooks(elem, type),
				next = function()
					jQuery.dequeue(elem, type);

			// If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
			if (fn === "inprogress")
				fn = queue.shift();

			if (fn)
				// Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
				// automatically dequeued
				if (type === "fx")

				// clear up the last queue stop function
				delete hooks.stop;, next, hooks);

			if (!startLength && hooks)

		// not intended for public consumption - generates a queueHooks object, or returns the current one
		_queueHooks: function(elem, type)
			var key = type + "queueHooks";
			return data_priv.get(elem, key) || data_priv.access(elem, key, {
				empty: jQuery.Callbacks("once memory").add(function()
					data_priv.remove(elem, [type + "queue", key]);

		queue: function(type, data)
			var setter = 2;

			if (typeof type !== "string")
				data = type;
				type = "fx";

			if (arguments.length < setter)
				return jQuery.queue(this[0], type);

			return data === undefined ?
				this :
					var queue = jQuery.queue(this, type, data);

					// ensure a hooks for this queue
					jQuery._queueHooks(this, type);

					if (type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress")
						jQuery.dequeue(this, type);
		dequeue: function(type)
			return this.each(function()
				jQuery.dequeue(this, type);
		clearQueue: function(type)
			return this.queue(type || "fx", []);
		// Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
		// are emptied (fx is the type by default)
		promise: function(type, obj)
			var tmp,
				count = 1,
				defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
				elements = this,
				i = this.length,
				resolve = function()
					if (!(--count))
						defer.resolveWith(elements, [elements]);

			if (typeof type !== "string")
				obj = type;
				type = undefined;
			type = type || "fx";

			while (i--)
				tmp = data_priv.get(elements[i], type + "queueHooks");
				if (tmp && tmp.empty)
			return defer.promise(obj);
	var pnum = (/[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/).source;

	var cssExpand = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"];

	var isHidden = function(elem, el)
		// isHidden might be called from jQuery#filter function;
		// in that case, element will be second argument
		elem = el || elem;
		return jQuery.css(elem, "display") === "none" || !jQuery.contains(elem.ownerDocument, elem);

	var rcheckableType = (/^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i);

		var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(),
			div = fragment.appendChild(document.createElement("div")),
			input = document.createElement("input");

		// #11217 - WebKit loses check when the name is after the checked attribute
		// Support: Windows Web Apps (WWA)
		// `name` and `type` need .setAttribute for WWA
		input.setAttribute("type", "radio");
		input.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
		input.setAttribute("name", "t");


		// Support: Safari 5.1, iOS 5.1, Android 4.x, Android 2.3
		// old WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
		support.checkClone = div.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked;

		// Make sure textarea (and checkbox) defaultValue is properly cloned
		// Support: IE9-IE11+
		div.innerHTML = "<textarea>x</textarea>";
		support.noCloneChecked = !!div.cloneNode(true).lastChild.defaultValue;
	var strundefined = typeof undefined;

	support.focusinBubbles = "onfocusin" in window;

		rkeyEvent = /^key/,
		rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu)|click/,
		rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
		rtypenamespace = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)$/;

	function returnTrue()
		return true;

	function returnFalse()
		return false;

	function safeActiveElement()
			return document.activeElement;
		} catch (err) { }

	 * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface.
	 * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas.
	jQuery.event = {
		global: {},

		add: function(elem, types, handler, data, selector)
			var handleObjIn, eventHandle, tmp,
				events, t, handleObj,
				special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType,
				elemData = data_priv.get(elem);

			// Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (but allow plain objects)
			if (!elemData)

			// Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler
			if (handler.handler)
				handleObjIn = handler;
				handler = handleObjIn.handler;
				selector = handleObjIn.selector;

			// Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later
			if (!handler.guid)
				handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;

			// Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
			if (!(events =
				events = = {};
			if (!(eventHandle = elemData.handle))
				eventHandle = elemData.handle = function(e)
					// Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
					// when an event is called after a page has unloaded
					return typeof jQuery !== strundefined && jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type ?
						jQuery.event.dispatch.apply(elem, arguments) : undefined;

			// Handle multiple events separated by a space
			types = (types || "").match(rnotwhite) || [""];
			t = types.length;
			while (t--)
				tmp = rtypenamespace.exec(types[t]) || [];
				type = origType = tmp[1];
				namespaces = (tmp[2] || "").split(".").sort();

				// There *must* be a type, no attaching namespace-only handlers
				if (!type)

				// If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type
				special = jQuery.event.special[type] || {};

				// If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type
				type = (selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType) || type;

				// Update special based on newly reset type
				special = jQuery.event.special[type] || {};

				// handleObj is passed to all event handlers
				handleObj = jQuery.extend({
					type: type,
					origType: origType,
					data: data,
					handler: handler,
					guid: handler.guid,
					selector: selector,
					needsContext: selector && jQuery.expr.match.needsContext.test(selector),
					namespace: namespaces.join(".")
				}, handleObjIn);

				// Init the event handler queue if we're the first
				if (!(handlers = events[type]))
					handlers = events[type] = [];
					handlers.delegateCount = 0;

					// Only use addEventListener if the special events handler returns false
					if (!special.setup ||, data, namespaces, eventHandle) === false)
						if (elem.addEventListener)
							elem.addEventListener(type, eventHandle, false);

				if (special.add)
				{, handleObj);

					if (!handleObj.handler.guid)
						handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;

				// Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front
				if (selector)
					handlers.splice(handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj);
				} else

				// Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization[type] = true;

		// Detach an event or set of events from an element
		remove: function(elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes)
			var j, origCount, tmp,
				events, t, handleObj,
				special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType,
				elemData = data_priv.hasData(elem) && data_priv.get(elem);

			if (!elemData || !(events =

			// Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted
			types = (types || "").match(rnotwhite) || [""];
			t = types.length;
			while (t--)
				tmp = rtypenamespace.exec(types[t]) || [];
				type = origType = tmp[1];
				namespaces = (tmp[2] || "").split(".").sort();

				// Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element
				if (!type)
					for (type in events)
						jQuery.event.remove(elem, type + types[t], handler, selector, true);

				special = jQuery.event.special[type] || {};
				type = (selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType) || type;
				handlers = events[type] || [];
				tmp = tmp[2] && new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)");

				// Remove matching events
				origCount = j = handlers.length;
				while (j--)
					handleObj = handlers[j];

					if ((mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType) &&
						(!handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid) &&
						(!tmp || tmp.test(handleObj.namespace)) &&
						(!selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector))
						handlers.splice(j, 1);

						if (handleObj.selector)
						if (special.remove)
						{, handleObj);

				// Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist
				// (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers)
				if (origCount && !handlers.length)
					if (!special.teardown ||, namespaces, elemData.handle) === false)
						jQuery.removeEvent(elem, type, elemData.handle);

					delete events[type];

			// Remove the expando if it's no longer used
			if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(events))
				delete elemData.handle;
				data_priv.remove(elem, "events");

		trigger: function(event, data, elem, onlyHandlers)
			var i, cur, tmp, bubbleType, ontype, handle, special,
				eventPath = [elem || document],
				type =, "type") ? event.type : event,
				namespaces =, "namespace") ? event.namespace.split(".") : [];

			cur = tmp = elem = elem || document;

			// Don't do events on text and comment nodes
			if (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8)

			// focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now
			if (rfocusMorph.test(type + jQuery.event.triggered))

			if (type.indexOf(".") >= 0)
				// Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle()
				namespaces = type.split(".");
				type = namespaces.shift();
			ontype = type.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + type;

			// Caller can pass in a jQuery.Event object, Object, or just an event type string
			event = event[jQuery.expando] ?
				event :
				new jQuery.Event(type, typeof event === "object" && event);

			// Trigger bitmask: & 1 for native handlers; & 2 for jQuery (always true)
			event.isTrigger = onlyHandlers ? 2 : 3;
			event.namespace = namespaces.join(".");
			event.namespace_re = event.namespace ?
				new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") :

			// Clean up the event in case it is being reused
			event.result = undefined;
			if (!
			{ = elem;

			// Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list
			data = data == null ?
				[event] :
				jQuery.makeArray(data, [event]);

			// Allow special events to draw outside the lines
			special = jQuery.event.special[type] || {};
			if (!onlyHandlers && special.trigger && special.trigger.apply(elem, data) === false)

			// Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951)
			// Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724)
			if (!onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow(elem))
				bubbleType = special.delegateType || type;
				if (!rfocusMorph.test(bubbleType + type))
					cur = cur.parentNode;
				for (; cur; cur = cur.parentNode)
					tmp = cur;

				// Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM)
				if (tmp === (elem.ownerDocument || document))
					eventPath.push(tmp.defaultView || tmp.parentWindow || window);

			// Fire handlers on the event path
			i = 0;
			while ((cur = eventPath[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped())
				event.type = i > 1 ?
					bubbleType :
					special.bindType || type;

				// jQuery handler
				handle = (data_priv.get(cur, "events") || {})[event.type] && data_priv.get(cur, "handle");
				if (handle)
					handle.apply(cur, data);

				// Native handler
				handle = ontype && cur[ontype];
				if (handle && handle.apply && jQuery.acceptData(cur))
					event.result = handle.apply(cur, data);
					if (event.result === false)
			event.type = type;

			// If nobody prevented the default action, do it now
			if (!onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented())
				if ((!special._default || special._default.apply(eventPath.pop(), data) === false) &&
					// Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event.
					// Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170)
					if (ontype && jQuery.isFunction(elem[type]) && !jQuery.isWindow(elem))
						// Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
						tmp = elem[ontype];

						if (tmp)
							elem[ontype] = null;

						// Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above
						jQuery.event.triggered = type;
						jQuery.event.triggered = undefined;

						if (tmp)
							elem[ontype] = tmp;

			return event.result;

		dispatch: function(event)
			// Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object
			event = jQuery.event.fix(event);

			var i, j, ret, matched, handleObj,
				handlerQueue = [],
				args =,
				handlers = (data_priv.get(this, "events") || {})[event.type] || [],
				special = jQuery.event.special[event.type] || {};

			// Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event
			args[0] = event;
			event.delegateTarget = this;

			// Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired
			if (special.preDispatch &&, event) === false)

			// Determine handlers
			handlerQueue =, event, handlers);

			// Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us
			i = 0;
			while ((matched = handlerQueue[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped())
				event.currentTarget = matched.elem;

				j = 0;
				while ((handleObj = matched.handlers[j++]) && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped())
					// Triggered event must either 1) have no namespace, or
					// 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace).
					if (!event.namespace_re || event.namespace_re.test(handleObj.namespace))
						event.handleObj = handleObj; =;

						ret = ((jQuery.event.special[handleObj.origType] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler)
								.apply(matched.elem, args);

						if (ret !== undefined)
							if ((event.result = ret) === false)

			// Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type
			if (special.postDispatch)
			{, event);

			return event.result;

		handlers: function(event, handlers)
			var i, matches, sel, handleObj,
				handlerQueue = [],
				delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount,
				cur =;

			// Find delegate handlers
			// Black-hole SVG <use> instance trees (#13180)
			// Avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
			if (delegateCount && cur.nodeType && (!event.button || event.type !== "click"))
				for (; cur !== this; cur = cur.parentNode || this)
					// Don't process clicks on disabled elements (#6911, #8165, #11382, #11764)
					if (cur.disabled !== true || event.type !== "click")
						matches = [];
						for (i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++)
							handleObj = handlers[i];

							// Don't conflict with Object.prototype properties (#13203)
							sel = handleObj.selector + " ";

							if (matches[sel] === undefined)
								matches[sel] = handleObj.needsContext ?
									jQuery(sel, this).index(cur) >= 0 :
									jQuery.find(sel, this, null, [cur]).length;
							if (matches[sel])
						if (matches.length)
							handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, handlers: matches });

			// Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers
			if (delegateCount < handlers.length)
				handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, handlers: handlers.slice(delegateCount) });

			return handlerQueue;

		// Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent
		props: "altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "),

		fixHooks: {},

		keyHooks: {
			props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "),
			filter: function(event, original)
				// Add which for key events
				if (event.which == null)
					event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode;

				return event;

		mouseHooks: {
			props: "button buttons clientX clientY offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "),
			filter: function(event, original)
				var eventDoc, doc, body,
					button = original.button;

				// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
				if (event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null)
					eventDoc = || document;
					doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
					body = eventDoc.body;

					event.pageX = original.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
					event.pageY = original.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0);

				// Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
				// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
				if (!event.which && button !== undefined)
					event.which = (button & 1 ? 1 : (button & 2 ? 3 : (button & 4 ? 2 : 0)));

				return event;

		fix: function(event)
			if (event[jQuery.expando])
				return event;

			// Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties
			var i, prop, copy,
				type = event.type,
				originalEvent = event,
				fixHook = this.fixHooks[type];

			if (!fixHook)
				this.fixHooks[type] = fixHook =
					rmouseEvent.test(type) ? this.mouseHooks :
					rkeyEvent.test(type) ? this.keyHooks :
			copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat(fixHook.props) : this.props;

			event = new jQuery.Event(originalEvent);

			i = copy.length;
			while (i--)
				prop = copy[i];
				event[prop] = originalEvent[prop];

			// Support: Cordova 2.5 (WebKit) (#13255)
			// All events should have a target; Cordova deviceready doesn't
			if (!
			{ = document;

			// Support: Safari 6.0+, Chrome < 28
			// Target should not be a text node (#504, #13143)
			if ( === 3)
			{ =;

			return fixHook.filter ? fixHook.filter(event, originalEvent) : event;

		special: {
			load: {
				// Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load
				noBubble: true
			focus: {
				// Fire native event if possible so blur/focus sequence is correct
				trigger: function()
					if (this !== safeActiveElement() && this.focus)
						return false;
				delegateType: "focusin"
			blur: {
				trigger: function()
					if (this === safeActiveElement() && this.blur)
						return false;
				delegateType: "focusout"
			click: {
				// For checkbox, fire native event so checked state will be right
				trigger: function()
					if (this.type === "checkbox" && && jQuery.nodeName(this, "input"))
						return false;

				// For cross-browser consistency, don't fire native .click() on links
				_default: function(event)
					return jQuery.nodeName(, "a");

			beforeunload: {
				postDispatch: function(event)
					// Support: Firefox 20+
					// Firefox doesn't alert if the returnValue field is not set.
					if (event.result !== undefined && event.originalEvent)
						event.originalEvent.returnValue = event.result;

		simulate: function(type, elem, event, bubble)
			// Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one.
			// Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the
			// simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor.
			var e = jQuery.extend(
				new jQuery.Event(),
					type: type,
					isSimulated: true,
					originalEvent: {}
			if (bubble)
				jQuery.event.trigger(e, null, elem);
			} else
			{, e);
			if (e.isDefaultPrevented())

	jQuery.removeEvent = function(elem, type, handle)
		if (elem.removeEventListener)
			elem.removeEventListener(type, handle, false);

	jQuery.Event = function(src, props)
		// Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
		if (!(this instanceof jQuery.Event))
			return new jQuery.Event(src, props);

		// Event object
		if (src && src.type)
			this.originalEvent = src;
			this.type = src.type;

			// Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented
			// by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value.
			this.isDefaultPrevented = src.defaultPrevented ||
					src.defaultPrevented === undefined &&
					// Support: Android < 4.0
					src.returnValue === false ?
				returnTrue :

			// Event type
		} else
			this.type = src;

		// Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object
		if (props)
			jQuery.extend(this, props);

		// Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one
		this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp ||;

		// Mark it as fixed
		this[jQuery.expando] = true;

	// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
	jQuery.Event.prototype = {
		isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
		isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
		isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse,

		preventDefault: function()
			var e = this.originalEvent;

			this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;

			if (e && e.preventDefault)
		stopPropagation: function()
			var e = this.originalEvent;

			this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;

			if (e && e.stopPropagation)
		stopImmediatePropagation: function()
			var e = this.originalEvent;

			this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;

			if (e && e.stopImmediatePropagation)


	// Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks
	// Support: Chrome 15+
		mouseenter: "mouseover",
		mouseleave: "mouseout",
		pointerenter: "pointerover",
		pointerleave: "pointerout"
	}, function(orig, fix)
		jQuery.event.special[orig] = {
			delegateType: fix,
			bindType: fix,

			handle: function(event)
				var ret,
					target = this,
					related = event.relatedTarget,
					handleObj = event.handleObj;

				// For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
				// NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
				if (!related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains(target, related)))
					event.type = handleObj.origType;
					ret = handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments);
					event.type = fix;
				return ret;

	// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events
	// Support: Firefox, Chrome, Safari
	if (!support.focusinBubbles)
		jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function(orig, fix)
			// Attach a single capturing handler on the document while someone wants focusin/focusout
			var handler = function(event)
				jQuery.event.simulate(fix,, jQuery.event.fix(event), true);

			jQuery.event.special[fix] = {
				setup: function()
					var doc = this.ownerDocument || this,
						attaches = data_priv.access(doc, fix);

					if (!attaches)
						doc.addEventListener(orig, handler, true);
					data_priv.access(doc, fix, (attaches || 0) + 1);
				teardown: function()
					var doc = this.ownerDocument || this,
						attaches = data_priv.access(doc, fix) - 1;

					if (!attaches)
						doc.removeEventListener(orig, handler, true);
						data_priv.remove(doc, fix);
					} else
						data_priv.access(doc, fix, attaches);

		on: function(types, selector, data, fn, /*INTERNAL*/ one)
			var origFn, type;

			// Types can be a map of types/handlers
			if (typeof types === "object")
				// ( types-Object, selector, data )
				if (typeof selector !== "string")
					// ( types-Object, data )
					data = data || selector;
					selector = undefined;
				for (type in types)
					this.on(type, selector, data, types[type], one);
				return this;

			if (data == null && fn == null)
				// ( types, fn )
				fn = selector;
				data = selector = undefined;
			} else if (fn == null)
				if (typeof selector === "string")
					// ( types, selector, fn )
					fn = data;
					data = undefined;
				} else
					// ( types, data, fn )
					fn = data;
					data = selector;
					selector = undefined;
			if (fn === false)
				fn = returnFalse;
			} else if (!fn)
				return this;

			if (one === 1)
				origFn = fn;
				fn = function(event)
					// Can use an empty set, since event contains the info
					return origFn.apply(this, arguments);
				// Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn
				fn.guid = origFn.guid || (origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++);
			return this.each(function()
				jQuery.event.add(this, types, fn, data, selector);
		one: function(types, selector, data, fn)
			return this.on(types, selector, data, fn, 1);
		off: function(types, selector, fn)
			var handleObj, type;
			if (types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj)
				// ( event )  dispatched jQuery.Event
				handleObj = types.handleObj;
					handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType,
				return this;
			if (typeof types === "object")
				// ( types-object [, selector] )
				for (type in types)
				{, selector, types[type]);
				return this;
			if (selector === false || typeof selector === "function")
				// ( types [, fn] )
				fn = selector;
				selector = undefined;
			if (fn === false)
				fn = returnFalse;
			return this.each(function()
				jQuery.event.remove(this, types, fn, selector);

		trigger: function(type, data)
			return this.each(function()
				jQuery.event.trigger(type, data, this);
		triggerHandler: function(type, data)
			var elem = this[0];
			if (elem)
				return jQuery.event.trigger(type, data, elem, true);

		rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi,
		rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/,
		rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/,
		rnoInnerhtml = /<(?:script|style|link)/i,
		// checked="checked" or checked
		rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
		rscriptType = /^$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i,
		rscriptTypeMasked = /^true\/(.*)/,
		rcleanScript = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g,

		// We have to close these tags to support XHTML (#13200)
		wrapMap = {
			// Support: IE 9
			option: [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"],

			thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"],
			col: [2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"],
			tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"],
			td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"],

			_default: [0, "", ""]

	// Support: IE 9
	wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option;

	wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead; =;

	// Support: 1.x compatibility
	// Manipulating tables requires a tbody
	function manipulationTarget(elem, content)
		return jQuery.nodeName(elem, "table") &&
			jQuery.nodeName(content.nodeType !== 11 ? content : content.firstChild, "tr") ?

			elem.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] ||
				elem.appendChild(elem.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody")) :

	// Replace/restore the type attribute of script elements for safe DOM manipulation
	function disableScript(elem)
		elem.type = (elem.getAttribute("type") !== null) + "/" + elem.type;
		return elem;
	function restoreScript(elem)
		var match = rscriptTypeMasked.exec(elem.type);

		if (match)
			elem.type = match[1];
		} else

		return elem;

	// Mark scripts as having already been evaluated
	function setGlobalEval(elems, refElements)
		var i = 0,
			l = elems.length;

		for (; i < l; i++)
				elems[i], "globalEval", !refElements || data_priv.get(refElements[i], "globalEval")

	function cloneCopyEvent(src, dest)
		var i, l, type, pdataOld, pdataCur, udataOld, udataCur, events;

		if (dest.nodeType !== 1)

		// 1. Copy private data: events, handlers, etc.
		if (data_priv.hasData(src))
			pdataOld = data_priv.access(src);
			pdataCur = data_priv.set(dest, pdataOld);
			events =;

			if (events)
				delete pdataCur.handle; = {};

				for (type in events)
					for (i = 0, l = events[type].length; i < l; i++)
						jQuery.event.add(dest, type, events[type][i]);

		// 2. Copy user data
		if (data_user.hasData(src))
			udataOld = data_user.access(src);
			udataCur = jQuery.extend({}, udataOld);

			data_user.set(dest, udataCur);

	function getAll(context, tag)
		var ret = context.getElementsByTagName ? context.getElementsByTagName(tag || "*") :
				context.querySelectorAll ? context.querySelectorAll(tag || "*") :

		return tag === undefined || tag && jQuery.nodeName(context, tag) ?
			jQuery.merge([context], ret) :

	// Support: IE >= 9
	function fixInput(src, dest)
		var nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase();

		// Fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox or radio button.
		if (nodeName === "input" && rcheckableType.test(src.type))
			dest.checked = src.checked;

			// Fails to return the selected option to the default selected state when cloning options
		} else if (nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea")
			dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue;

		clone: function(elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents)
			var i, l, srcElements, destElements,
				clone = elem.cloneNode(true),
				inPage = jQuery.contains(elem.ownerDocument, elem);

			// Support: IE >= 9
			// Fix Cloning issues
			if (!support.noCloneChecked && (elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11) &&
				// We eschew Sizzle here for performance reasons:
				destElements = getAll(clone);
				srcElements = getAll(elem);

				for (i = 0, l = srcElements.length; i < l; i++)
					fixInput(srcElements[i], destElements[i]);

			// Copy the events from the original to the clone
			if (dataAndEvents)
				if (deepDataAndEvents)
					srcElements = srcElements || getAll(elem);
					destElements = destElements || getAll(clone);

					for (i = 0, l = srcElements.length; i < l; i++)
						cloneCopyEvent(srcElements[i], destElements[i]);
				} else
					cloneCopyEvent(elem, clone);

			// Preserve script evaluation history
			destElements = getAll(clone, "script");
			if (destElements.length > 0)
				setGlobalEval(destElements, !inPage && getAll(elem, "script"));

			// Return the cloned set
			return clone;

		buildFragment: function(elems, context, scripts, selection)
			var elem, tmp, tag, wrap, contains, j,
				fragment = context.createDocumentFragment(),
				nodes = [],
				i = 0,
				l = elems.length;

			for (; i < l; i++)
				elem = elems[i];

				if (elem || elem === 0)
					// Add nodes directly
					if (jQuery.type(elem) === "object")
						// Support: QtWebKit
						// jQuery.merge because push.apply(_, arraylike) throws
						jQuery.merge(nodes, elem.nodeType ? [elem] : elem);

						// Convert non-html into a text node
					} else if (!rhtml.test(elem))

						// Convert html into DOM nodes
					} else
						tmp = tmp || fragment.appendChild(context.createElement("div"));

						// Deserialize a standard representation
						tag = (rtagName.exec(elem) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase();
						wrap = wrapMap[tag] || wrapMap._default;
						tmp.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>") + wrap[2];

						// Descend through wrappers to the right content
						j = wrap[0];
						while (j--)
							tmp = tmp.lastChild;

						// Support: QtWebKit
						// jQuery.merge because push.apply(_, arraylike) throws
						jQuery.merge(nodes, tmp.childNodes);

						// Remember the top-level container
						tmp = fragment.firstChild;

						// Fixes #12346
						// Support: Webkit, IE
						tmp.textContent = "";

			// Remove wrapper from fragment
			fragment.textContent = "";

			i = 0;
			while ((elem = nodes[i++]))
				// #4087 - If origin and destination elements are the same, and this is
				// that element, do not do anything
				if (selection && jQuery.inArray(elem, selection) !== -1)

				contains = jQuery.contains(elem.ownerDocument, elem);

				// Append to fragment
				tmp = getAll(fragment.appendChild(elem), "script");

				// Preserve script evaluation history
				if (contains)

				// Capture executables
				if (scripts)
					j = 0;
					while ((elem = tmp[j++]))
						if (rscriptType.test(elem.type || ""))

			return fragment;

		cleanData: function(elems)
			var data, elem, type, key,
				special = jQuery.event.special,
				i = 0;

			for (; (elem = elems[i]) !== undefined; i++)
				if (jQuery.acceptData(elem))
					key = elem[data_priv.expando];

					if (key && (data = data_priv.cache[key]))
						if (
							for (type in
								if (special[type])
									jQuery.event.remove(elem, type);

									// This is a shortcut to avoid jQuery.event.remove's overhead
								} else
									jQuery.removeEvent(elem, type, data.handle);
						if (data_priv.cache[key])
							// Discard any remaining `private` data
							delete data_priv.cache[key];
				// Discard any remaining `user` data
				delete data_user.cache[elem[data_user.expando]];

		text: function(value)
			return access(this, function(value)
				return value === undefined ?
					jQuery.text(this) :
						if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9)
							this.textContent = value;
			}, null, value, arguments.length);

		append: function()
			return this.domManip(arguments, function(elem)
				if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9)
					var target = manipulationTarget(this, elem);

		prepend: function()
			return this.domManip(arguments, function(elem)
				if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9)
					var target = manipulationTarget(this, elem);
					target.insertBefore(elem, target.firstChild);

		before: function()
			return this.domManip(arguments, function(elem)
				if (this.parentNode)
					this.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, this);

		after: function()
			return this.domManip(arguments, function(elem)
				if (this.parentNode)
					this.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, this.nextSibling);

		remove: function(selector, keepData /* Internal Use Only */)
			var elem,
				elems = selector ? jQuery.filter(selector, this) : this,
				i = 0;

			for (; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++)
				if (!keepData && elem.nodeType === 1)

				if (elem.parentNode)
					if (keepData && jQuery.contains(elem.ownerDocument, elem))
						setGlobalEval(getAll(elem, "script"));

			return this;

		empty: function()
			var elem,
				i = 0;

			for (; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++)
				if (elem.nodeType === 1)
					// Prevent memory leaks
					jQuery.cleanData(getAll(elem, false));

					// Remove any remaining nodes
					elem.textContent = "";

			return this;

		clone: function(dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents)
			dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents;
			deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents;

				return jQuery.clone(this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents);

		html: function(value)
			return access(this, function(value)
				var elem = this[0] || {},
					i = 0,
					l = this.length;

				if (value === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1)
					return elem.innerHTML;

				// See if we can take a shortcut and just use innerHTML
				if (typeof value === "string" && !rnoInnerhtml.test(value) &&
					!wrapMap[(rtagName.exec(value) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()])
					value = value.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>");

						for (; i < l; i++)
							elem = this[i] || {};

							// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
							if (elem.nodeType === 1)
								jQuery.cleanData(getAll(elem, false));
								elem.innerHTML = value;

						elem = 0;

						// If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method
					} catch (e) { }

				if (elem)
			}, null, value, arguments.length);

		replaceWith: function()
			var arg = arguments[0];

			// Make the changes, replacing each context element with the new content
			this.domManip(arguments, function(elem)
				arg = this.parentNode;


				if (arg)
					arg.replaceChild(elem, this);

			// Force removal if there was no new content (e.g., from empty arguments)
			return arg && (arg.length || arg.nodeType) ? this : this.remove();

		detach: function(selector)
			return this.remove(selector, true);

		domManip: function(args, callback)
			// Flatten any nested arrays
			args = concat.apply([], args);

			var fragment, first, scripts, hasScripts, node, doc,
				i = 0,
				l = this.length,
				set = this,
				iNoClone = l - 1,
				value = args[0],
				isFunction = jQuery.isFunction(value);

			// We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit
			if (isFunction ||
					(l > 1 && typeof value === "string" &&
						!support.checkClone && rchecked.test(value)))
				return this.each(function(index)
					var self = set.eq(index);
					if (isFunction)
						args[0] =, index, self.html());
					self.domManip(args, callback);

			if (l)
				fragment = jQuery.buildFragment(args, this[0].ownerDocument, false, this);
				first = fragment.firstChild;

				if (fragment.childNodes.length === 1)
					fragment = first;

				if (first)
					scripts =, "script"), disableScript);
					hasScripts = scripts.length;

					// Use the original fragment for the last item instead of the first because it can end up
					// being emptied incorrectly in certain situations (#8070).
					for (; i < l; i++)
						node = fragment;

						if (i !== iNoClone)
							node = jQuery.clone(node, true, true);

							// Keep references to cloned scripts for later restoration
							if (hasScripts)
								// Support: QtWebKit
								// jQuery.merge because push.apply(_, arraylike) throws
								jQuery.merge(scripts, getAll(node, "script"));
						}[i], node, i);

					if (hasScripts)
						doc = scripts[scripts.length - 1].ownerDocument;

						// Reenable scripts, restoreScript);

						// Evaluate executable scripts on first document insertion
						for (i = 0; i < hasScripts; i++)
							node = scripts[i];
							if (rscriptType.test(node.type || "") &&
								!data_priv.access(node, "globalEval") && jQuery.contains(doc, node))
								if (node.src)
									// Optional AJAX dependency, but won't run scripts if not present
									if (jQuery._evalUrl)
								} else
									jQuery.globalEval(node.textContent.replace(rcleanScript, ""));

			return this;

		appendTo: "append",
		prependTo: "prepend",
		insertBefore: "before",
		insertAfter: "after",
		replaceAll: "replaceWith"
	}, function(name, original)
		jQuery.fn[name] = function(selector)
			var elems,
				ret = [],
				insert = jQuery(selector),
				last = insert.length - 1,
				i = 0;

			for (; i <= last; i++)
				elems = i === last ? this : this.clone(true);

				// Support: QtWebKit
				// .get() because push.apply(_, arraylike) throws
				push.apply(ret, elems.get());

			return this.pushStack(ret);

	var iframe,
		elemdisplay = {};

	 * Retrieve the actual display of a element
	 * @param {String} name nodeName of the element
	 * @param {Object} doc Document object
	// Called only from within defaultDisplay
	function actualDisplay(name, doc)
		var style,
			elem = jQuery(doc.createElement(name)).appendTo(doc.body),

			// getDefaultComputedStyle might be reliably used only on attached element
			display = window.getDefaultComputedStyle && (style = window.getDefaultComputedStyle(elem[0])) ?

				// Use of this method is a temporary fix (more like optmization) until something better comes along,
				// since it was removed from specification and supported only in FF
				style.display : jQuery.css(elem[0], "display");

		// We don't have any data stored on the element,
		// so use "detach" method as fast way to get rid of the element

		return display;

	 * Try to determine the default display value of an element
	 * @param {String} nodeName
	function defaultDisplay(nodeName)
		var doc = document,
			display = elemdisplay[nodeName];

		if (!display)
			display = actualDisplay(nodeName, doc);

			// If the simple way fails, read from inside an iframe
			if (display === "none" || !display)
				// Use the already-created iframe if possible
				iframe = (iframe || jQuery("<iframe frameborder='0' width='0' height='0'/>")).appendTo(doc.documentElement);

				// Always write a new HTML skeleton so Webkit and Firefox don't choke on reuse
				doc = iframe[0].contentDocument;

				// Support: IE

				display = actualDisplay(nodeName, doc);

			// Store the correct default display
			elemdisplay[nodeName] = display;

		return display;
	var rmargin = (/^margin/);

	var rnumnonpx = new RegExp("^(" + pnum + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i");

	var getStyles = function(elem)
		return elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);

	function curCSS(elem, name, computed)
		var width, minWidth, maxWidth, ret,
			style =;

		computed = computed || getStyles(elem);

		// Support: IE9
		// getPropertyValue is only needed for .css('filter') in IE9, see #12537
		if (computed)
			ret = computed.getPropertyValue(name) || computed[name];

		if (computed)
			if (ret === "" && !jQuery.contains(elem.ownerDocument, elem))
				ret =, name);

			// Support: iOS < 6
			// A tribute to the "awesome hack by Dean Edwards"
			// iOS < 6 (at least) returns percentage for a larger set of values, but width seems to be reliably pixels
			// this is against the CSSOM draft spec:
			if (rnumnonpx.test(ret) && rmargin.test(name))
				// Remember the original values
				width = style.width;
				minWidth = style.minWidth;
				maxWidth = style.maxWidth;

				// Put in the new values to get a computed value out
				style.minWidth = style.maxWidth = style.width = ret;
				ret = computed.width;

				// Revert the changed values
				style.width = width;
				style.minWidth = minWidth;
				style.maxWidth = maxWidth;

		return ret !== undefined ?
			// Support: IE
			// IE returns zIndex value as an integer.
			ret + "" :

	function addGetHookIf(conditionFn, hookFn)
		// Define the hook, we'll check on the first run if it's really needed.
		return {
			get: function()
				if (conditionFn())
					// Hook not needed (or it's not possible to use it due to missing dependency),
					// remove it.
					// Since there are no other hooks for marginRight, remove the whole object.
					delete this.get;

				// Hook needed; redefine it so that the support test is not executed again.

				return (this.get = hookFn).apply(this, arguments);

		var pixelPositionVal, boxSizingReliableVal,
			docElem = document.documentElement,
			container = document.createElement("div"),
			div = document.createElement("div");

		if (!
		} = "content-box";
		div.cloneNode(true).style.backgroundClip = "";
		support.clearCloneStyle = === "content-box"; = "border:0;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px;margin-top:1px;" +

		// Executing both pixelPosition & boxSizingReliable tests require only one layout
		// so they're executed at the same time to save the second computation.
		function computePixelPositionAndBoxSizingReliable()
		{ =
				// Support: Firefox<29, Android 2.3
				// Vendor-prefix box-sizing
				"-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;" +
				"box-sizing:border-box;display:block;margin-top:1%;top:1%;" +
			div.innerHTML = "";

			var divStyle = window.getComputedStyle(div, null);
			pixelPositionVal = !== "1%";
			boxSizingReliableVal = divStyle.width === "4px";


		// Support: node.js jsdom
		// Don't assume that getComputedStyle is a property of the global object
		if (window.getComputedStyle)
			jQuery.extend(support, {
				pixelPosition: function()
					// This test is executed only once but we still do memoizing
					// since we can use the boxSizingReliable pre-computing.
					// No need to check if the test was already performed, though.
					return pixelPositionVal;
				boxSizingReliable: function()
					if (boxSizingReliableVal == null)
					return boxSizingReliableVal;
				reliableMarginRight: function()
					// Support: Android 2.3
					// Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
					// gets computed margin-right based on width of container. (#3333)
					// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
					// This support function is only executed once so no memoizing is needed.
					var ret,
						marginDiv = div.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));

					// Reset CSS: box-sizing; display; margin; border; padding = =
						// Support: Firefox<29, Android 2.3
						// Vendor-prefix box-sizing
						"-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;" +
						"box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;border:0;padding:0"; = = "0"; = "1px";

					ret = !parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(marginDiv, null).marginRight);


					return ret;

	// A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations.
	jQuery.swap = function(elem, options, callback, args)
		var ret, name,
			old = {};

		// Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
		for (name in options)
			old[name] =[name];[name] = options[name];

		ret = callback.apply(elem, args || []);

		// Revert the old values
		for (name in options)
		{[name] = old[name];

		return ret;

		// swappable if display is none or starts with table except "table", "table-cell", or "table-caption"
		// see here for display values:
		rdisplayswap = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/,
		rnumsplit = new RegExp("^(" + pnum + ")(.*)$", "i"),
		rrelNum = new RegExp("^([+-])=(" + pnum + ")", "i"),

		cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" },
		cssNormalTransform = {
			letterSpacing: "0",
			fontWeight: "400"

		cssPrefixes = ["Webkit", "O", "Moz", "ms"];

	// return a css property mapped to a potentially vendor prefixed property
	function vendorPropName(style, name)
		// shortcut for names that are not vendor prefixed
		if (name in style)
			return name;

		// check for vendor prefixed names
		var capName = name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1),
			origName = name,
			i = cssPrefixes.length;

		while (i--)
			name = cssPrefixes[i] + capName;
			if (name in style)
				return name;

		return origName;

	function setPositiveNumber(elem, value, subtract)
		var matches = rnumsplit.exec(value);
		return matches ?
			// Guard against undefined "subtract", e.g., when used as in cssHooks
			Math.max(0, matches[1] - (subtract || 0)) + (matches[2] || "px") :

	function augmentWidthOrHeight(elem, name, extra, isBorderBox, styles)
		var i = extra === (isBorderBox ? "border" : "content") ?
			// If we already have the right measurement, avoid augmentation
			4 :
			// Otherwise initialize for horizontal or vertical properties
			name === "width" ? 1 : 0,

			val = 0;

		for (; i < 4; i += 2)
			// both box models exclude margin, so add it if we want it
			if (extra === "margin")
				val += jQuery.css(elem, extra + cssExpand[i], true, styles);

			if (isBorderBox)
				// border-box includes padding, so remove it if we want content
				if (extra === "content")
					val -= jQuery.css(elem, "padding" + cssExpand[i], true, styles);

				// at this point, extra isn't border nor margin, so remove border
				if (extra !== "margin")
					val -= jQuery.css(elem, "border" + cssExpand[i] + "Width", true, styles);
			} else
				// at this point, extra isn't content, so add padding
				val += jQuery.css(elem, "padding" + cssExpand[i], true, styles);

				// at this point, extra isn't content nor padding, so add border
				if (extra !== "padding")
					val += jQuery.css(elem, "border" + cssExpand[i] + "Width", true, styles);

		return val;

	function getWidthOrHeight(elem, name, extra)
		// Start with offset property, which is equivalent to the border-box value
		var valueIsBorderBox = true,
			val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight,
			styles = getStyles(elem),
			isBorderBox = jQuery.css(elem, "boxSizing", false, styles) === "border-box";

		// some non-html elements return undefined for offsetWidth, so check for null/undefined
		// svg -
		// MathML -
		if (val <= 0 || val == null)
			// Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary
			val = curCSS(elem, name, styles);
			if (val < 0 || val == null)
				val =[name];

			// Computed unit is not pixels. Stop here and return.
			if (rnumnonpx.test(val))
				return val;

			// we need the check for style in case a browser which returns unreliable values
			// for getComputedStyle silently falls back to the reliable
			valueIsBorderBox = isBorderBox &&
				(support.boxSizingReliable() || val ===[name]);

			// Normalize "", auto, and prepare for extra
			val = parseFloat(val) || 0;

		// use the active box-sizing model to add/subtract irrelevant styles
		return (val +
				extra || (isBorderBox ? "border" : "content"),
		) + "px";

	function showHide(elements, show)
		var display, elem, hidden,
			values = [],
			index = 0,
			length = elements.length;

		for (; index < length; index++)
			elem = elements[index];
			if (!

			values[index] = data_priv.get(elem, "olddisplay");
			display =;
			if (show)
				// Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is
				// being hidden by cascaded rules or not
				if (!values[index] && display === "none")
				{ = "";

				// Set elements which have been overridden with display: none
				// in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is
				// for such an element
				if ( === "" && isHidden(elem))
					values[index] = data_priv.access(elem, "olddisplay", defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName));
			} else
				hidden = isHidden(elem);

				if (display !== "none" || !hidden)
					data_priv.set(elem, "olddisplay", hidden ? display : jQuery.css(elem, "display"));

		// Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop
		// to avoid the constant reflow
		for (index = 0; index < length; index++)
			elem = elements[index];
			if (!
			if (!show || === "none" || === "")
			{ = show ? values[index] || "" : "none";

		return elements;

		// Add in style property hooks for overriding the default
		// behavior of getting and setting a style property
		cssHooks: {
			opacity: {
				get: function(elem, computed)
					if (computed)
						// We should always get a number back from opacity
						var ret = curCSS(elem, "opacity");
						return ret === "" ? "1" : ret;

		// Don't automatically add "px" to these possibly-unitless properties
		cssNumber: {
			"columnCount": true,
			"fillOpacity": true,
			"flexGrow": true,
			"flexShrink": true,
			"fontWeight": true,
			"lineHeight": true,
			"opacity": true,
			"order": true,
			"orphans": true,
			"widows": true,
			"zIndex": true,
			"zoom": true

		// Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before
		// setting or getting the value
		cssProps: {
			// normalize float css property
			"float": "cssFloat"

		// Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
		style: function(elem, name, value, extra)
			// Don't set styles on text and comment nodes
			if (!elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !

			// Make sure that we're working with the right name
			var ret, type, hooks,
				origName = jQuery.camelCase(name),
				style =;

			name = jQuery.cssProps[origName] || (jQuery.cssProps[origName] = vendorPropName(style, origName));

			// gets hook for the prefixed version
			// followed by the unprefixed version
			hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[name] || jQuery.cssHooks[origName];

			// Check if we're setting a value
			if (value !== undefined)
				type = typeof value;

				// convert relative number strings (+= or -=) to relative numbers. #7345
				if (type === "string" && (ret = rrelNum.exec(value)))
					value = (ret[1] + 1) * ret[2] + parseFloat(jQuery.css(elem, name));
					// Fixes bug #9237
					type = "number";

				// Make sure that null and NaN values aren't set. See: #7116
				if (value == null || value !== value)

				// If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties)
				if (type === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[origName])
					value += "px";

				// Fixes #8908, it can be done more correctly by specifying setters in cssHooks,
				// but it would mean to define eight (for every problematic property) identical functions
				if (!support.clearCloneStyle && value === "" && name.indexOf("background") === 0)
					style[name] = "inherit";

				// If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value
				if (!hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set(elem, value, extra)) !== undefined)
					style[name] = value;
			} else
				// If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there
				if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, false, extra)) !== undefined)
					return ret;

				// Otherwise just get the value from the style object
				return style[name];

		css: function(elem, name, extra, styles)
			var val, num, hooks,
				origName = jQuery.camelCase(name);

			// Make sure that we're working with the right name
			name = jQuery.cssProps[origName] || (jQuery.cssProps[origName] = vendorPropName(, origName));

			// gets hook for the prefixed version
			// followed by the unprefixed version
			hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[name] || jQuery.cssHooks[origName];

			// If a hook was provided get the computed value from there
			if (hooks && "get" in hooks)
				val = hooks.get(elem, true, extra);

			// Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that
			if (val === undefined)
				val = curCSS(elem, name, styles);

			//convert "normal" to computed value
			if (val === "normal" && name in cssNormalTransform)
				val = cssNormalTransform[name];

			// Return, converting to number if forced or a qualifier was provided and val looks numeric
			if (extra === "" || extra)
				num = parseFloat(val);
				return extra === true || jQuery.isNumeric(num) ? num || 0 : val;
			return val;

	jQuery.each(["height", "width"], function(i, name)
		jQuery.cssHooks[name] = {
			get: function(elem, computed, extra)
				if (computed)
					// certain elements can have dimension info if we invisibly show them
					// however, it must have a current display style that would benefit from this
					return rdisplayswap.test(jQuery.css(elem, "display")) && elem.offsetWidth === 0 ?
						jQuery.swap(elem, cssShow, function()
							return getWidthOrHeight(elem, name, extra);
						}) :
						getWidthOrHeight(elem, name, extra);

			set: function(elem, value, extra)
				var styles = extra && getStyles(elem);
				return setPositiveNumber(elem, value, extra ?
						jQuery.css(elem, "boxSizing", false, styles) === "border-box",
					) : 0

	// Support: Android 2.3
	jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = addGetHookIf(support.reliableMarginRight,
		function(elem, computed)
			if (computed)
				// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
				// Work around by temporarily setting element display to inline-block
				return jQuery.swap(elem, { "display": "inline-block" },
					curCSS, [elem, "marginRight"]);

	// These hooks are used by animate to expand properties
		margin: "",
		padding: "",
		border: "Width"
	}, function(prefix, suffix)
		jQuery.cssHooks[prefix + suffix] = {
			expand: function(value)
				var i = 0,
					expanded = {},

					// assumes a single number if not a string
					parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [value];

				for (; i < 4; i++)
					expanded[prefix + cssExpand[i] + suffix] =
						parts[i] || parts[i - 2] || parts[0];

				return expanded;

		if (!rmargin.test(prefix))
			jQuery.cssHooks[prefix + suffix].set = setPositiveNumber;

		css: function(name, value)
			return access(this, function(elem, name, value)
				var styles, len,
					map = {},
					i = 0;

				if (jQuery.isArray(name))
					styles = getStyles(elem);
					len = name.length;

					for (; i < len; i++)
						map[name[i]] = jQuery.css(elem, name[i], false, styles);

					return map;

				return value !== undefined ?, name, value) :
					jQuery.css(elem, name);
			}, name, value, arguments.length > 1);
		show: function()
			return showHide(this, true);
		hide: function()
			return showHide(this);
		toggle: function(state)
			if (typeof state === "boolean")
				return state ? : this.hide();

			return this.each(function()
				if (isHidden(this))
				} else

	// Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
	jQuery.fn.delay = function(time, type)
		time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[time] || time : time;
		type = type || "fx";

		return this.queue(type, function(next, hooks)
			var timeout = setTimeout(next, time);
			hooks.stop = function()

		var input = document.createElement("input"),
			select = document.createElement("select"),
			opt = select.appendChild(document.createElement("option"));

		input.type = "checkbox";

		// Support: iOS 5.1, Android 4.x, Android 2.3
		// Check the default checkbox/radio value ("" on old WebKit; "on" elsewhere)
		support.checkOn = input.value !== "";

		// Must access the parent to make an option select properly
		// Support: IE9, IE10
		support.optSelected = opt.selected;

		// Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
		// (WebKit marks them as disabled)
		select.disabled = true;
		support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;

		// Check if an input maintains its value after becoming a radio
		// Support: IE9, IE10
		input = document.createElement("input");
		input.value = "t";
		input.type = "radio";
		support.radioValue = input.value === "t";

	var rclass = /[\t\r\n\f]/g;

		addClass: function(value)
			var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j, finalValue,
				proceed = typeof value === "string" && value,
				i = 0,
				len = this.length;

			if (jQuery.isFunction(value))
				return this.each(function(j)
					jQuery(this).addClass(, j, this.className));

			if (proceed)
				// The disjunction here is for better compressibility (see removeClass)
				classes = (value || "").match(rnotwhite) || [];

				for (; i < len; i++)
					elem = this[i];
					cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && (elem.className ?
						(" " + elem.className + " ").replace(rclass, " ") :
						" "

					if (cur)
						j = 0;
						while ((clazz = classes[j++]))
							if (cur.indexOf(" " + clazz + " ") < 0)
								cur += clazz + " ";

						// only assign if different to avoid unneeded rendering.
						finalValue = jQuery.trim(cur);
						if (elem.className !== finalValue)
							elem.className = finalValue;

			return this;

		removeClass: function(value)
			var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j, finalValue,
				proceed = arguments.length === 0 || typeof value === "string" && value,
				i = 0,
				len = this.length;

			if (jQuery.isFunction(value))
				return this.each(function(j)
					jQuery(this).removeClass(, j, this.className));
			if (proceed)
				classes = (value || "").match(rnotwhite) || [];

				for (; i < len; i++)
					elem = this[i];
					// This expression is here for better compressibility (see addClass)
					cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && (elem.className ?
						(" " + elem.className + " ").replace(rclass, " ") :

					if (cur)
						j = 0;
						while ((clazz = classes[j++]))
							// Remove *all* instances
							while (cur.indexOf(" " + clazz + " ") >= 0)
								cur = cur.replace(" " + clazz + " ", " ");

						// only assign if different to avoid unneeded rendering.
						finalValue = value ? jQuery.trim(cur) : "";
						if (elem.className !== finalValue)
							elem.className = finalValue;

			return this;

		toggleClass: function(value, stateVal)
			var type = typeof value;

			if (typeof stateVal === "boolean" && type === "string")
				return stateVal ? this.addClass(value) : this.removeClass(value);

			if (jQuery.isFunction(value))
				return this.each(function(i)
					jQuery(this).toggleClass(, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal);

			return this.each(function()
				if (type === "string")
					// toggle individual class names
					var className,
						i = 0,
						self = jQuery(this),
						classNames = value.match(rnotwhite) || [];

					while ((className = classNames[i++]))
						// check each className given, space separated list
						if (self.hasClass(className))
						} else

					// Toggle whole class name
				} else if (type === strundefined || type === "boolean")
					if (this.className)
						// store className if set
						data_priv.set(this, "__className__", this.className);

					// If the element has a class name or if we're passed "false",
					// then remove the whole classname (if there was one, the above saved it).
					// Otherwise bring back whatever was previously saved (if anything),
					// falling back to the empty string if nothing was stored.
					this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : data_priv.get(this, "__className__") || "";

		hasClass: function(selector)
			var className = " " + selector + " ",
				i = 0,
				l = this.length;
			for (; i < l; i++)
				if (this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf(className) >= 0)
					return true;

			return false;

	var rreturn = /\r/g;

		val: function(value)
			var hooks, ret, isFunction,
				elem = this[0];

			if (!arguments.length)
				if (elem)
					hooks = jQuery.valHooks[elem.type] || jQuery.valHooks[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()];

					if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, "value")) !== undefined)
						return ret;

					ret = elem.value;

					return typeof ret === "string" ?
						// handle most common string cases
						ret.replace(rreturn, "") :
						// handle cases where value is null/undef or number
						ret == null ? "" : ret;


			isFunction = jQuery.isFunction(value);

			return this.each(function(i)
				var val;

				if (this.nodeType !== 1)

				if (isFunction)
					val =, i, jQuery(this).val());
				} else
					val = value;

				// Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
				if (val == null)
					val = "";
				} else if (typeof val === "number")
					val += "";
				} else if (jQuery.isArray(val))
					val =, function(value)
						return value == null ? "" : value + "";

				hooks = jQuery.valHooks[this.type] || jQuery.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()];

				// If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting
				if (!hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set(this, val, "value") === undefined)
					this.value = val;

		valHooks: {
			option: {
				get: function(elem)
					var val = jQuery.find.attr(elem, "value");
					return val != null ?
						val :
						// Support: IE10-11+
						// option.text throws exceptions (#14686, #14858)
			select: {
				get: function(elem)
					var value, option,
						options = elem.options,
						index = elem.selectedIndex,
						one = elem.type === "select-one" || index < 0,
						values = one ? null : [],
						max = one ? index + 1 : options.length,
						i = index < 0 ?
						max :
							one ? index : 0;

					// Loop through all the selected options
					for (; i < max; i++)
						option = options[i];

						// IE6-9 doesn't update selected after form reset (#2551)
						if ((option.selected || i === index) &&
							// Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
								(support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) &&
								(!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName(option.parentNode, "optgroup")))
							// Get the specific value for the option
							value = jQuery(option).val();

							// We don't need an array for one selects
							if (one)
								return value;

							// Multi-Selects return an array

					return values;

				set: function(elem, value)
					var optionSet, option,
						options = elem.options,
						values = jQuery.makeArray(value),
						i = options.length;

					while (i--)
						option = options[i];
						if ((option.selected = jQuery.inArray(option.value, values) >= 0))
							optionSet = true;

					// force browsers to behave consistently when non-matching value is set
					if (!optionSet)
						elem.selectedIndex = -1;
					return values;

	// Radios and checkboxes getter/setter
	jQuery.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function()
		jQuery.valHooks[this] = {
			set: function(elem, value)
				if (jQuery.isArray(value))
					return (elem.checked = jQuery.inArray(jQuery(elem).val(), value) >= 0);
		if (!support.checkOn)
			jQuery.valHooks[this].get = function(elem)
				// Support: Webkit
				// "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
				return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;

	// Return jQuery for attributes-only inclusion

	jQuery.each(("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " +
		"mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " +
		"change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu").split(" "), function(i, name)
			// Handle event binding
			jQuery.fn[name] = function(data, fn)
				return arguments.length > 0 ?
					this.on(name, null, data, fn) :

		hover: function(fnOver, fnOut)
			return this.mouseenter(fnOver).mouseleave(fnOut || fnOver);

		bind: function(types, data, fn)
			return this.on(types, null, data, fn);
		unbind: function(types, fn)
			return, null, fn);

		delegate: function(selector, types, data, fn)
			return this.on(types, selector, data, fn);
		undelegate: function(selector, types, fn)
			// ( namespace ) or ( selector, types [, fn] )
			return arguments.length === 1 ?, "**") :, selector || "**", fn);

	var nonce =;

	var rquery = (/\?/);

		// Document location

		rhash = /#.*$/,
		rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
		rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)$/mg,
		// #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection
		rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/,
		rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
		rprotocol = /^\/\//,
		rurl = /^([\w.+-]+:)(?:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*@|)([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/,

		/* Prefilters
		 * 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see ajax/jsonp.js for an example)
		 * 2) These are called:
		 *    - BEFORE asking for a transport
		 *    - AFTER param serialization ( is a string if s.processData is true)
		 * 3) key is the dataType
		 * 4) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
		 * 5) execution will start with transport dataType and THEN continue down to "*" if needed
		prefilters = {},

		/* Transports bindings
		 * 1) key is the dataType
		 * 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
		 * 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed
		transports = {},

		// Avoid comment-prolog char sequence (#10098); must appease lint and evade compression
		allTypes = "*/".concat("*");

	// #8138, IE may throw an exception when accessing
	// a field from window.location if document.domain has been set
		ajaxLocation = location.href;
	} catch (e)
		// Use the href attribute of an A element
		// since IE will modify it given document.location
		ajaxLocation = document.createElement("a");
		ajaxLocation.href = "";
		ajaxLocation = ajaxLocation.href;

	// Segment location into parts
	ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec(ajaxLocation.toLowerCase()) || [];

	// Base "constructor" for jQuery.ajaxPrefilter and jQuery.ajaxTransport
	function addToPrefiltersOrTransports(structure)
		// dataTypeExpression is optional and defaults to "*"
		return function(dataTypeExpression, func)
			if (typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string")
				func = dataTypeExpression;
				dataTypeExpression = "*";

			var dataType,
				i = 0,
				dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().match(rnotwhite) || [];

			if (jQuery.isFunction(func))
				// For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression
				while ((dataType = dataTypes[i++]))
					// Prepend if requested
					if (dataType[0] === "+")
						dataType = dataType.slice(1) || "*";
						(structure[dataType] = structure[dataType] || []).unshift(func);

						// Otherwise append
					} else
						(structure[dataType] = structure[dataType] || []).push(func);

	// Base inspection function for prefilters and transports
	function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR)
		var inspected = {},
			seekingTransport = (structure === transports);

		function inspect(dataType)
			var selected;
			inspected[dataType] = true;
			jQuery.each(structure[dataType] || [], function(_, prefilterOrFactory)
				var dataTypeOrTransport = prefilterOrFactory(options, originalOptions, jqXHR);
				if (typeof dataTypeOrTransport === "string" && !seekingTransport && !inspected[dataTypeOrTransport])
					return false;
				} else if (seekingTransport)
					return !(selected = dataTypeOrTransport);
			return selected;

		return inspect(options.dataTypes[0]) || !inspected["*"] && inspect("*");

	// A special extend for ajax options
	// that takes "flat" options (not to be deep extended)
	// Fixes #9887
	function ajaxExtend(target, src)
		var key, deep,
			flatOptions = jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};

		for (key in src)
			if (src[key] !== undefined)
				(flatOptions[key] ? target : (deep || (deep = {})))[key] = src[key];
		if (deep)
			jQuery.extend(true, target, deep);

		return target;

	/* Handles responses to an ajax request:
	 * - finds the right dataType (mediates between content-type and expected dataType)
	 * - returns the corresponding response
	function ajaxHandleResponses(s, jqXHR, responses)
		var ct, type, finalDataType, firstDataType,
			contents = s.contents,
			dataTypes = s.dataTypes;

		// Remove auto dataType and get content-type in the process
		while (dataTypes[0] === "*")
			if (ct === undefined)
				ct = s.mimeType || jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");

		// Check if we're dealing with a known content-type
		if (ct)
			for (type in contents)
				if (contents[type] && contents[type].test(ct))

		// Check to see if we have a response for the expected dataType
		if (dataTypes[0] in responses)
			finalDataType = dataTypes[0];
		} else
			// Try convertible dataTypes
			for (type in responses)
				if (!dataTypes[0] || s.converters[type + " " + dataTypes[0]])
					finalDataType = type;
				if (!firstDataType)
					firstDataType = type;
			// Or just use first one
			finalDataType = finalDataType || firstDataType;

		// If we found a dataType
		// We add the dataType to the list if needed
		// and return the corresponding response
		if (finalDataType)
			if (finalDataType !== dataTypes[0])
			return responses[finalDataType];

	/* Chain conversions given the request and the original response
	 * Also sets the responseXXX fields on the jqXHR instance
	function ajaxConvert(s, response, jqXHR, isSuccess)
		var conv2, current, conv, tmp, prev,
			converters = {},
			// Work with a copy of dataTypes in case we need to modify it for conversion
			dataTypes = s.dataTypes.slice();

		// Create converters map with lowercased keys
		if (dataTypes[1])
			for (conv in s.converters)
				converters[conv.toLowerCase()] = s.converters[conv];

		current = dataTypes.shift();

		// Convert to each sequential dataType
		while (current)
			if (s.responseFields[current])
				jqXHR[s.responseFields[current]] = response;

			// Apply the dataFilter if provided
			if (!prev && isSuccess && s.dataFilter)
				response = s.dataFilter(response, s.dataType);

			prev = current;
			current = dataTypes.shift();

			if (current)
				// There's only work to do if current dataType is non-auto
				if (current === "*")
					current = prev;

					// Convert response if prev dataType is non-auto and differs from current
				} else if (prev !== "*" && prev !== current)
					// Seek a direct converter
					conv = converters[prev + " " + current] || converters["* " + current];

					// If none found, seek a pair
					if (!conv)
						for (conv2 in converters)
							// If conv2 outputs current
							tmp = conv2.split(" ");
							if (tmp[1] === current)
								// If prev can be converted to accepted input
								conv = converters[prev + " " + tmp[0]] ||
									converters["* " + tmp[0]];
								if (conv)
									// Condense equivalence converters
									if (conv === true)
										conv = converters[conv2];

										// Otherwise, insert the intermediate dataType
									} else if (converters[conv2] !== true)
										current = tmp[0];

					// Apply converter (if not an equivalence)
					if (conv !== true)
						// Unless errors are allowed to bubble, catch and return them
						if (conv && s["throws"])
							response = conv(response);
						} else
								response = conv(response);
							} catch (e)
								return { state: "parsererror", error: conv ? e : "No conversion from " + prev + " to " + current };

		return { state: "success", data: response };

		// Counter for holding the number of active queries
		active: 0,

		// Last-Modified header cache for next request
		lastModified: {},
		etag: {},

		ajaxSettings: {
			url: ajaxLocation,
			type: "GET",
			isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test(ajaxLocParts[1]),
			global: true,
			processData: true,
			async: true,
			contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
			timeout: 0,
			data: null,
			dataType: null,
			username: null,
			password: null,
			cache: null,
			throws: false,
			traditional: false,
			headers: {},

			accepts: {
				"*": allTypes,
				text: "text/plain",
				html: "text/html",
				xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
				json: "application/json, text/javascript"

			contents: {
				xml: /xml/,
				html: /html/,
				json: /json/

			responseFields: {
				xml: "responseXML",
				text: "responseText",
				json: "responseJSON"

			// Data converters
			// Keys separate source (or catchall "*") and destination types with a single space
			converters: {
				// Convert anything to text
				"* text": String,

				// Text to html (true = no transformation)
				"text html": true,

				// Evaluate text as a json expression
				"text json": jQuery.parseJSON,

				// Parse text as xml
				"text xml": jQuery.parseXML

			// For options that shouldn't be deep extended:
			// you can add your own custom options here if
			// and when you create one that shouldn't be
			// deep extended (see ajaxExtend)
			flatOptions: {
				url: true,
				context: true

		// Creates a full fledged settings object into target
		// with both ajaxSettings and settings fields.
		// If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings.
		ajaxSetup: function(target, settings)
			return settings ?

				// Building a settings object
				ajaxExtend(ajaxExtend(target, jQuery.ajaxSettings), settings) :

				// Extending ajaxSettings
				ajaxExtend(jQuery.ajaxSettings, target);

		ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports(prefilters),
		ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports(transports),

		// Main method
		ajax: function(url, options)
			// If url is an object, simulate pre-1.5 signature
			if (typeof url === "object")
				options = url;
				url = undefined;

			// Force options to be an object
			options = options || {};

			var transport,
				// URL without anti-cache param
				// Response headers
				// timeout handle
				// Cross-domain detection vars
				// To know if global events are to be dispatched
				// Loop variable
				// Create the final options object
				s = jQuery.ajaxSetup({}, options),
				// Callbacks context
				callbackContext = s.context || s,
				// Context for global events is callbackContext if it is a DOM node or jQuery collection
				globalEventContext = s.context && (callbackContext.nodeType || callbackContext.jquery) ?
					jQuery(callbackContext) :
				// Deferreds
				deferred = jQuery.Deferred(),
				completeDeferred = jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"),
				// Status-dependent callbacks
				statusCode = s.statusCode || {},
				// Headers (they are sent all at once)
				requestHeaders = {},
				requestHeadersNames = {},
				// The jqXHR state
				state = 0,
				// Default abort message
				strAbort = "canceled",
				// Fake xhr
				jqXHR = {
					readyState: 0,

					// Builds headers hashtable if needed
					getResponseHeader: function(key)
						var match;
						if (state === 2)
							if (!responseHeaders)
								responseHeaders = {};
								while ((match = rheaders.exec(responseHeadersString)))
									responseHeaders[match[1].toLowerCase()] = match[2];
							match = responseHeaders[key.toLowerCase()];
						return match == null ? null : match;

					// Raw string
					getAllResponseHeaders: function()
						return state === 2 ? responseHeadersString : null;

					// Caches the header
					setRequestHeader: function(name, value)
						var lname = name.toLowerCase();
						if (!state)
							name = requestHeadersNames[lname] = requestHeadersNames[lname] || name;
							requestHeaders[name] = value;
						return this;

					// Overrides response content-type header
					overrideMimeType: function(type)
						if (!state)
							s.mimeType = type;
						return this;

					// Status-dependent callbacks
					statusCode: function(map)
						var code;
						if (map)
							if (state < 2)
								for (code in map)
									// Lazy-add the new callback in a way that preserves old ones
									statusCode[code] = [statusCode[code], map[code]];
							} else
								// Execute the appropriate callbacks
						return this;

					// Cancel the request
					abort: function(statusText)
						var finalText = statusText || strAbort;
						if (transport)
						done(0, finalText);
						return this;

			// Attach deferreds
			deferred.promise(jqXHR).complete = completeDeferred.add;
			jqXHR.success = jqXHR.done;
			jqXHR.error =;

			// Remove hash character (#7531: and string promotion)
			// Add protocol if not provided (prefilters might expect it)
			// Handle falsy url in the settings object (#10093: consistency with old signature)
			// We also use the url parameter if available
			s.url = ((url || s.url || ajaxLocation) + "").replace(rhash, "")
				.replace(rprotocol, ajaxLocParts[1] + "//");

			// Alias method option to type as per ticket #12004
			s.type = options.method || options.type || s.method || s.type;

			// Extract dataTypes list
			s.dataTypes = jQuery.trim(s.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().match(rnotwhite) || [""];

			// A cross-domain request is in order when we have a protocol:host:port mismatch
			if (s.crossDomain == null)
				parts = rurl.exec(s.url.toLowerCase());
				s.crossDomain = !!(parts &&
					(parts[1] !== ajaxLocParts[1] || parts[2] !== ajaxLocParts[2] ||
						(parts[3] || (parts[1] === "http:" ? "80" : "443")) !==
							(ajaxLocParts[3] || (ajaxLocParts[1] === "http:" ? "80" : "443")))

			// Convert data if not already a string
			if ( && s.processData && typeof !== "string")
			{ = jQuery.param(, s.traditional);

			// Apply prefilters
			inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(prefilters, s, options, jqXHR);

			// If request was aborted inside a prefilter, stop there
			if (state === 2)
				return jqXHR;

			// We can fire global events as of now if asked to
			fireGlobals =;

			// Watch for a new set of requests
			if (fireGlobals && === 0)

			// Uppercase the type
			s.type = s.type.toUpperCase();

			// Determine if request has content
			s.hasContent = !rnoContent.test(s.type);

			// Save the URL in case we're toying with the If-Modified-Since
			// and/or If-None-Match header later on
			cacheURL = s.url;

			// More options handling for requests with no content
			if (!s.hasContent)
				// If data is available, append data to url
				if (
					cacheURL = (s.url += (rquery.test(cacheURL) ? "&" : "?") +;
					// #9682: remove data so that it's not used in an eventual retry

				// Add anti-cache in url if needed
				if (s.cache === false)
					s.url = rts.test(cacheURL) ?

						// If there is already a '_' parameter, set its value
						cacheURL.replace(rts, "$1_=" + nonce++) :

						// Otherwise add one to the end
						cacheURL + (rquery.test(cacheURL) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + nonce++;

			// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
			if (s.ifModified)
				if (jQuery.lastModified[cacheURL])
					jqXHR.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", jQuery.lastModified[cacheURL]);
				if (jQuery.etag[cacheURL])
					jqXHR.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", jQuery.etag[cacheURL]);

			// Set the correct header, if data is being sent
			if ( && s.hasContent && s.contentType !== false || options.contentType)
				jqXHR.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", s.contentType);

			// Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType
				s.dataTypes[0] && s.accepts[s.dataTypes[0]] ?
					s.accepts[s.dataTypes[0]] + (s.dataTypes[0] !== "*" ? ", " + allTypes + "; q=0.01" : "") :

			// Check for headers option
			for (i in s.headers)
				jqXHR.setRequestHeader(i, s.headers[i]);

			// Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort
			if (s.beforeSend && (, jqXHR, s) === false || state === 2))
				// Abort if not done already and return
				return jqXHR.abort();

			// aborting is no longer a cancellation
			strAbort = "abort";

			// Install callbacks on deferreds
			for (i in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 })

			// Get transport
			transport = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(transports, s, options, jqXHR);

			// If no transport, we auto-abort
			if (!transport)
				done(-1, "No Transport");
			} else
				jqXHR.readyState = 1;

				// Send global event
				if (fireGlobals)
					globalEventContext.trigger("ajaxSend", [jqXHR, s]);
				// Timeout
				if (s.async && s.timeout > 0)
					timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function()
					}, s.timeout);

					state = 1;
					transport.send(requestHeaders, done);
				} catch (e)
					// Propagate exception as error if not done
					if (state < 2)
						done(-1, e);
						// Simply rethrow otherwise
					} else
						throw e;

			// Callback for when everything is done
			function done(status, nativeStatusText, responses, headers)
				var isSuccess, success, error, response, modified,
					statusText = nativeStatusText;

				// Called once
				if (state === 2)

				// State is "done" now
				state = 2;

				// Clear timeout if it exists
				if (timeoutTimer)

				// Dereference transport for early garbage collection
				// (no matter how long the jqXHR object will be used)
				transport = undefined;

				// Cache response headers
				responseHeadersString = headers || "";

				// Set readyState
				jqXHR.readyState = status > 0 ? 4 : 0;

				// Determine if successful
				isSuccess = status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304;

				// Get response data
				if (responses)
					response = ajaxHandleResponses(s, jqXHR, responses);

				// Convert no matter what (that way responseXXX fields are always set)
				response = ajaxConvert(s, response, jqXHR, isSuccess);

				// If successful, handle type chaining
				if (isSuccess)
					// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
					if (s.ifModified)
						modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");
						if (modified)
							jQuery.lastModified[cacheURL] = modified;
						modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("etag");
						if (modified)
							jQuery.etag[cacheURL] = modified;

					// if no content
					if (status === 204 || s.type === "HEAD")
						statusText = "nocontent";

						// if not modified
					} else if (status === 304)
						statusText = "notmodified";

						// If we have data, let's convert it
					} else
						statusText = response.state;
						success =;
						error = response.error;
						isSuccess = !error;
				} else
					// We extract error from statusText
					// then normalize statusText and status for non-aborts
					error = statusText;
					if (status || !statusText)
						statusText = "error";
						if (status < 0)
							status = 0;

				// Set data for the fake xhr object
				jqXHR.status = status;
				jqXHR.statusText = (nativeStatusText || statusText) + "";

				// Success/Error
				if (isSuccess)
					deferred.resolveWith(callbackContext, [success, statusText, jqXHR]);
				} else
					deferred.rejectWith(callbackContext, [jqXHR, statusText, error]);

				// Status-dependent callbacks
				statusCode = undefined;

				if (fireGlobals)
					globalEventContext.trigger(isSuccess ? "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError",
						[jqXHR, s, isSuccess ? success : error]);

				// Complete
				completeDeferred.fireWith(callbackContext, [jqXHR, statusText]);

				if (fireGlobals)
					globalEventContext.trigger("ajaxComplete", [jqXHR, s]);
					// Handle the global AJAX counter
					if (!(

			return jqXHR;

		getJSON: function(url, data, callback)
			return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json");

		getScript: function(url, callback)
			return jQuery.get(url, undefined, callback, "script");

	jQuery.each(["get", "post"], function(i, method)
		jQuery[method] = function(url, data, callback, type)
			// shift arguments if data argument was omitted
			if (jQuery.isFunction(data))
				type = type || callback;
				callback = data;
				data = undefined;

			return jQuery.ajax({
				url: url,
				type: method,
				dataType: type,
				data: data,
				success: callback

	// Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events
	jQuery.each(["ajaxStart", "ajaxStop", "ajaxComplete", "ajaxError", "ajaxSuccess", "ajaxSend"], function(i, type)
		jQuery.fn[type] = function(fn)
			return this.on(type, fn);

	jQuery._evalUrl = function(url)
		return jQuery.ajax({
			url: url,
			type: "GET",
			dataType: "script",
			async: false,
			global: false,
			"throws": true

	jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function(elem)
		// Support: Opera <= 12.12
		// Opera reports offsetWidths and offsetHeights less than zero on some elements
		return elem.offsetWidth <= 0 && elem.offsetHeight <= 0;
	jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function(elem)
		return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden(elem);

	var r20 = /%20/g,
		rbracket = /\[\]$/,
		rCRLF = /\r?\n/g,
		rsubmitterTypes = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i,
		rsubmittable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i;

	function buildParams(prefix, obj, traditional, add)
		var name;

		if (jQuery.isArray(obj))
			// Serialize array item.
			jQuery.each(obj, function(i, v)
				if (traditional || rbracket.test(prefix))
					// Treat each array item as a scalar.
					add(prefix, v);
				} else
					// Item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its numeric index.
					buildParams(prefix + "[" + (typeof v === "object" ? i : "") + "]", v, traditional, add);
		} else if (!traditional && jQuery.type(obj) === "object")
			// Serialize object item.
			for (name in obj)
				buildParams(prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[name], traditional, add);
		} else
			// Serialize scalar item.
			add(prefix, obj);

	// Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
	// key/values into a query string
	jQuery.param = function(a, traditional)
		var prefix,
			s = [],
			add = function(key, value)
				// If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
				value = jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : (value == null ? "" : value);
				s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);

		// Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior.
		if (traditional === undefined)
			traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings && jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional;

		// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
		if (jQuery.isArray(a) || (a.jquery && !jQuery.isPlainObject(a)))
			// Serialize the form elements
			jQuery.each(a, function()
				add(, this.value);
		} else
			// If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
			// did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
			for (prefix in a)
				buildParams(prefix, a[prefix], traditional, add);

		// Return the resulting serialization
		return s.join("&").replace(r20, "+");

		serialize: function()
			return jQuery.param(this.serializeArray());
		serializeArray: function()
				// Can add propHook for "elements" to filter or add form elements
				var elements = jQuery.prop(this, "elements");
				return elements ? jQuery.makeArray(elements) : this;
				var type = this.type;

				// Use .is( ":disabled" ) so that fieldset[disabled] works
				return && !jQuery(this).is(":disabled") &&
					rsubmittable.test(this.nodeName) && !rsubmitterTypes.test(type) &&
					(this.checked || !rcheckableType.test(type));
			.map(function(i, elem)
				var val = jQuery(this).val();

				return val == null ?
					null :
					jQuery.isArray(val) ?, function(val)
							return { name:, value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n") };
						}) :
					{ name:, value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n") };

	jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = function()
			return new XMLHttpRequest();
		} catch (e) { }

	var xhrId = 0,
		xhrCallbacks = {},
		xhrSuccessStatus = {
			// file protocol always yields status code 0, assume 200
			0: 200,
			// Support: IE9
			// #1450: sometimes IE returns 1223 when it should be 204
			1223: 204
		xhrSupported = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr();

	// Support: IE9
	// Open requests must be manually aborted on unload (#5280)
	if (window.ActiveXObject)
		jQuery(window).on("unload", function()
			for (var key in xhrCallbacks)

	support.cors = !!xhrSupported && ("withCredentials" in xhrSupported);
	support.ajax = xhrSupported = !!xhrSupported;

		var callback;

		// Cross domain only allowed if supported through XMLHttpRequest
		if (support.cors || xhrSupported && !options.crossDomain)
			return {
				send: function(headers, complete)
					var i,
						xhr = options.xhr(),
						id = ++xhrId;, options.url, options.async, options.username, options.password);

					// Apply custom fields if provided
					if (options.xhrFields)
						for (i in options.xhrFields)
							xhr[i] = options.xhrFields[i];

					// Override mime type if needed
					if (options.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType)

					// X-Requested-With header
					// For cross-domain requests, seeing as conditions for a preflight are
					// akin to a jigsaw puzzle, we simply never set it to be sure.
					// (it can always be set on a per-request basis or even using ajaxSetup)
					// For same-domain requests, won't change header if already provided.
					if (!options.crossDomain && !headers["X-Requested-With"])
						headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest";

					// Set headers
					for (i in headers)
						xhr.setRequestHeader(i, headers[i]);

					// Callback
					callback = function(type)
						return function()
							if (callback)
								delete xhrCallbacks[id];
								callback = xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = null;

								if (type === "abort")
								} else if (type === "error")
										// file: protocol always yields status 0; see #8605, #14207
								} else
										xhrSuccessStatus[xhr.status] || xhr.status,
										// Support: IE9
										// Accessing binary-data responseText throws an exception
										// (#11426)
										typeof xhr.responseText === "string" ? {
											text: xhr.responseText
										} : undefined,

					// Listen to events
					xhr.onload = callback();
					xhr.onerror = callback("error");

					// Create the abort callback
					callback = xhrCallbacks[id] = callback("abort");

						// Do send the request (this may raise an exception)
						xhr.send(options.hasContent && || null);
					} catch (e)
						// #14683: Only rethrow if this hasn't been notified as an error yet
						if (callback)
							throw e;

				abort: function()
					if (callback)

	// data: string of html
	// context (optional): If specified, the fragment will be created in this context, defaults to document
	// keepScripts (optional): If true, will include scripts passed in the html string
	jQuery.parseHTML = function(data, context, keepScripts)
		if (!data || typeof data !== "string")
			return null;
		if (typeof context === "boolean")
			keepScripts = context;
			context = false;
		context = context || document;

		var parsed = rsingleTag.exec(data),
			scripts = !keepScripts && [];

		// Single tag
		if (parsed)
			return [context.createElement(parsed[1])];

		parsed = jQuery.buildFragment([data], context, scripts);

		if (scripts && scripts.length)

		return jQuery.merge([], parsed.childNodes);

	var docElem = window.document.documentElement;

	 * Gets a window from an element
	function getWindow(elem)
		return jQuery.isWindow(elem) ? elem : elem.nodeType === 9 && elem.defaultView;

	jQuery.offset = {
		setOffset: function(elem, options, i)
			var curPosition, curLeft, curCSSTop, curTop, curOffset, curCSSLeft, calculatePosition,
				position = jQuery.css(elem, "position"),
				curElem = jQuery(elem),
				props = {};

			// Set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
			if (position === "static")
			{ = "relative";

			curOffset = curElem.offset();
			curCSSTop = jQuery.css(elem, "top");
			curCSSLeft = jQuery.css(elem, "left");
			calculatePosition = (position === "absolute" || position === "fixed") &&
				(curCSSTop + curCSSLeft).indexOf("auto") > -1;

			// Need to be able to calculate position if either top or left is auto and position is either absolute or fixed
			if (calculatePosition)
				curPosition = curElem.position();
				curTop =;
				curLeft = curPosition.left;
			} else
				curTop = parseFloat(curCSSTop) || 0;
				curLeft = parseFloat(curCSSLeft) || 0;

			if (jQuery.isFunction(options))
				options =, i, curOffset);

			if ( != null)
			{ = ( - + curTop;
			if (options.left != null)
				props.left = (options.left - curOffset.left) + curLeft;

			if ("using" in options)
			{, props);
			} else

		offset: function(options)
			if (arguments.length)
				return options === undefined ?
					this :
						jQuery.offset.setOffset(this, options, i);

			var docElem, win,
				elem = this[0],
				box = { top: 0, left: 0 },
				doc = elem && elem.ownerDocument;

			if (!doc)

			docElem = doc.documentElement;

			// Make sure it's not a disconnected DOM node
			if (!jQuery.contains(docElem, elem))
				return box;

			// If we don't have gBCR, just use 0,0 rather than error
			// BlackBerry 5, iOS 3 (original iPhone)
			if (typeof elem.getBoundingClientRect !== strundefined)
				box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
			win = getWindow(doc);
			return {
				top: + win.pageYOffset - docElem.clientTop,
				left: box.left + win.pageXOffset - docElem.clientLeft

		position: function()
			if (!this[0])

			var offsetParent, offset,
				elem = this[0],
				parentOffset = { top: 0, left: 0 };

			// Fixed elements are offset from window (parentOffset = {top:0, left: 0}, because it is its only offset parent
			if (jQuery.css(elem, "position") === "fixed")
				// We assume that getBoundingClientRect is available when computed position is fixed
				offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
			} else
				// Get *real* offsetParent
				offsetParent = this.offsetParent();

				// Get correct offsets
				offset = this.offset();
				if (!jQuery.nodeName(offsetParent[0], "html"))
					parentOffset = offsetParent.offset();

				// Add offsetParent borders += jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderTopWidth", true);
				parentOffset.left += jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderLeftWidth", true);

			// Subtract parent offsets and element margins
			return {
				top: - - jQuery.css(elem, "marginTop", true),
				left: offset.left - parentOffset.left - jQuery.css(elem, "marginLeft", true)

		offsetParent: function()
				var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || docElem;

				while (offsetParent && (!jQuery.nodeName(offsetParent, "html") && jQuery.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static"))
					offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;

				return offsetParent || docElem;

	// Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods
	jQuery.each({ scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset" }, function(method, prop)
		var top = "pageYOffset" === prop;

		jQuery.fn[method] = function(val)
			return access(this, function(elem, method, val)
				var win = getWindow(elem);

				if (val === undefined)
					return win ? win[prop] : elem[method];

				if (win)
						!top ? val : window.pageXOffset,
						top ? val : window.pageYOffset
				} else
					elem[method] = val;
			}, method, val, arguments.length, null);

	// Add the top/left cssHooks using jQuery.fn.position
	// Webkit bug:
	// getComputedStyle returns percent when specified for top/left/bottom/right
	// rather than make the css module depend on the offset module, we just check for it here
	jQuery.each(["top", "left"], function(i, prop)
		jQuery.cssHooks[prop] = addGetHookIf(support.pixelPosition,
			function(elem, computed)
				if (computed)
					computed = curCSS(elem, prop);
					// if curCSS returns percentage, fallback to offset
					return rnumnonpx.test(computed) ?
						jQuery(elem).position()[prop] + "px" :

	// Create innerHeight, innerWidth, height, width, outerHeight and outerWidth methods
	jQuery.each({ Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function(name, type)
		jQuery.each({ padding: "inner" + name, content: type, "": "outer" + name }, function(defaultExtra, funcName)
			// margin is only for outerHeight, outerWidth
			jQuery.fn[funcName] = function(margin, value)
				var chainable = arguments.length && (defaultExtra || typeof margin !== "boolean"),
					extra = defaultExtra || (margin === true || value === true ? "margin" : "border");

				return access(this, function(elem, type, value)
					var doc;

					if (jQuery.isWindow(elem))
						// As of 5/8/2012 this will yield incorrect results for Mobile Safari, but there
						// isn't a whole lot we can do. See pull request at this URL for discussion:
						return elem.document.documentElement["client" + name];

					// Get document width or height
					if (elem.nodeType === 9)
						doc = elem.documentElement;

						// Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height] or client[Width/Height],
						// whichever is greatest
						return Math.max(
							elem.body["scroll" + name], doc["scroll" + name],
							elem.body["offset" + name], doc["offset" + name],
							doc["client" + name]

					return value === undefined ?
						// Get width or height on the element, requesting but not forcing parseFloat
						jQuery.css(elem, type, extra) :

						// Set width or height on the element, type, value, extra);
				}, type, chainable ? margin : undefined, chainable, null);

	jQuery.noConflict = function() { };

	return jQuery;

/*! Copyright (c) 2013 Brandon Aaron (
 * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt).
 * Version: 3.1.11
 * Requires: jQuery 1.2.2+

	var toFix = ['wheel', 'mousewheel', 'DOMMouseScroll', 'MozMousePixelScroll'],
		toBind = ('onwheel' in document || document.documentMode >= 9) ?
					['wheel'] : ['mousewheel', 'DomMouseScroll', 'MozMousePixelScroll'],
		slice = Array.prototype.slice,
		nullLowestDeltaTimeout, lowestDelta;

	if ($.event.fixHooks)
		for (var i = toFix.length; i;)
			$.event.fixHooks[toFix[--i]] = $.event.mouseHooks;

	var special = $.event.special.mousewheel = {
		version: '3.1.11',

		setup: function()
			if (this.addEventListener)
				for (var i = toBind.length; i;)
					this.addEventListener(toBind[--i], handler, false);
			} else
				this.onmousewheel = handler;
			// Store the line height and page height for this particular element
			$.data(this, 'mousewheel-line-height', special.getLineHeight(this));
			$.data(this, 'mousewheel-page-height', special.getPageHeight(this));

		teardown: function()
			if (this.removeEventListener)
				for (var i = toBind.length; i;)
					this.removeEventListener(toBind[--i], handler, false);
			} else
				this.onmousewheel = null;
			// Clean up the data we added to the element
			$.removeData(this, 'mousewheel-line-height');
			$.removeData(this, 'mousewheel-page-height');

		getLineHeight: function(elem)
			var $parent = $(elem)['offsetParent' in $.fn ? 'offsetParent' : 'parent']();
			if (!$parent.length)
				$parent = $('body');
			return parseInt($parent.css('fontSize'), 10);

		getPageHeight: function(elem)
			return $(elem).height();

		settings: {
			adjustOldDeltas: true, // see shouldAdjustOldDeltas() below
			normalizeOffset: true  // calls getBoundingClientRect for each event

		mousewheel: function(fn)
			return fn ? this.bind('mousewheel', fn) : this.trigger('mousewheel');

		unmousewheel: function(fn)
			return this.unbind('mousewheel', fn);

	function handler(event)
		var orgEvent = event || window.event,
			args =, 1),
			delta = 0,
			deltaX = 0,
			deltaY = 0,
			absDelta = 0,
			offsetX = 0,
			offsetY = 0;
		event = $.event.fix(orgEvent);
		event.type = 'mousewheel';

		// Old school scrollwheel delta
		if ('detail' in orgEvent) { deltaY = orgEvent.detail * -1; }
		if ('wheelDelta' in orgEvent) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDelta; }
		if ('wheelDeltaY' in orgEvent) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDeltaY; }
		if ('wheelDeltaX' in orgEvent) { deltaX = orgEvent.wheelDeltaX * -1; }

		// Firefox < 17 horizontal scrolling related to DOMMouseScroll event
		if ('axis' in orgEvent && orgEvent.axis === orgEvent.HORIZONTAL_AXIS)
			deltaX = deltaY * -1;
			deltaY = 0;

		// Set delta to be deltaY or deltaX if deltaY is 0 for backwards compatabilitiy
		delta = deltaY === 0 ? deltaX : deltaY;

		// New school wheel delta (wheel event)
		if ('deltaY' in orgEvent)
			deltaY = orgEvent.deltaY * -1;
			delta = deltaY;
		if ('deltaX' in orgEvent)
			deltaX = orgEvent.deltaX;
			if (deltaY === 0) { delta = deltaX * -1; }

		// No change actually happened, no reason to go any further
		if (deltaY === 0 && deltaX === 0) { return; }

		// Need to convert lines and pages to pixels if we aren't already in pixels
		// There are three delta modes:
		//   * deltaMode 0 is by pixels, nothing to do
		//   * deltaMode 1 is by lines
		//   * deltaMode 2 is by pages
		if (orgEvent.deltaMode === 1)
			var lineHeight = $.data(this, 'mousewheel-line-height');
			delta *= lineHeight;
			deltaY *= lineHeight;
			deltaX *= lineHeight;
		} else if (orgEvent.deltaMode === 2)
			var pageHeight = $.data(this, 'mousewheel-page-height');
			delta *= pageHeight;
			deltaY *= pageHeight;
			deltaX *= pageHeight;

		// Store lowest absolute delta to normalize the delta values
		absDelta = Math.max(Math.abs(deltaY), Math.abs(deltaX));

		if (!lowestDelta || absDelta < lowestDelta)
			lowestDelta = absDelta;

			// Adjust older deltas if necessary
			if (shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta))
				lowestDelta /= 40;

		// Adjust older deltas if necessary
		if (shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta))
			// Divide all the things by 40!
			delta /= 40;
			deltaX /= 40;
			deltaY /= 40;

		// Get a whole, normalized value for the deltas
		delta = Math[delta >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](delta / lowestDelta);
		deltaX = Math[deltaX >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](deltaX / lowestDelta);
		deltaY = Math[deltaY >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](deltaY / lowestDelta);

		// Normalise offsetX and offsetY properties
		if (special.settings.normalizeOffset && this.getBoundingClientRect)
			var boundingRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
			offsetX = event.clientX - boundingRect.left;
			offsetY = event.clientY -;

		// Add information to the event object
		event.deltaX = deltaX;
		event.deltaY = deltaY;
		event.deltaFactor = lowestDelta;
		event.offsetX = offsetX;
		event.offsetY = offsetY;
		// Go ahead and set deltaMode to 0 since we converted to pixels
		// Although this is a little odd since we overwrite the deltaX/Y
		// properties with normalized deltas.
		event.deltaMode = 0;

		// Add event and delta to the front of the arguments
		args.unshift(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY);

		// Clearout lowestDelta after sometime to better
		// handle multiple device types that give different
		// a different lowestDelta
		// Ex: trackpad = 3 and mouse wheel = 120
		if (nullLowestDeltaTimeout) { clearTimeout(nullLowestDeltaTimeout); }
		nullLowestDeltaTimeout = setTimeout(nullLowestDelta, 200);

		return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args);

	function nullLowestDelta()
		lowestDelta = null;

	function shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta)
		// If this is an older event and the delta is divisable by 120,
		// then we are assuming that the browser is treating this as an
		// older mouse wheel event and that we should divide the deltas
		// by 40 to try and get a more usable deltaFactor.
		// Side note, this actually impacts the reported scroll distance
		// in older browsers and can cause scrolling to be slower than native.
		// Turn this off by setting $.event.special.mousewheel.settings.adjustOldDeltas to false.
		return special.settings.adjustOldDeltas && orgEvent.type === 'mousewheel' && absDelta % 120 === 0;

var resourceStorage = "";

// interface
var armorData = resourceStorage + "armor.png";
var centeredData = resourceStorage + "centered.png";
var chatData = resourceStorage + "chat.png";
var chatInNewWindowData = resourceStorage + "chatInNewWindow.png";
var checkData = resourceStorage + "check.png";
var clearData = resourceStorage + "clear.png";
var clearAllData = resourceStorage + "clearAll.png";
var downData = resourceStorage + "down.png";
var downLeftData = resourceStorage + "downLeft.png";
var downRightData = resourceStorage + "downRight.png";
var healthData = resourceStorage + "health.png";
var hungerData = resourceStorage + "satiety.png";
var inventoryData = resourceStorage + "inventory.png";
var leftData = resourceStorage + "left.png";
var legendData = resourceStorage + "legend.png";
var messageData = resourceStorage + "message.png";
var outpostData = resourceStorage + "outpost.png";
var refreshData = resourceStorage + "refresh.png";
var rightData = resourceStorage + "right.png";
var settingsData = resourceStorage + "settings.png";
var upData = resourceStorage + "up.png";
var upLeftData = resourceStorage + "upLeft.png";
var upRightData = resourceStorage + "upRight.png";

// new style
var newLegendData = resourceStorage + "newLegend.png";
var newMapData = resourceStorage + "newMap.png";

// old style
var oldLegendData = resourceStorage + "oldLegend.png";
var oldMapData = resourceStorage + "oldMap.png";

var Parameters = function (message)
{ = {};

	var startIndex = message.indexOf('?') + 1;
	message = message.substring(startIndex);

	var args = message.split('&');
	for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
		var parts = args[i].split('=');[parts[0].toLowerCase()] = parts[1];

Parameters.prototype.get = function (name, defaultValue)
	var key = name.toLowerCase();
	if (! return defaultValue;

	var value =[key];
	if (value === '') return defaultValue;

	return value;

var main = new function()
	var main = this;

	main.isNotLoaded = true;
	main.isNotGameScreen = !/^http:\/\/(?\/onlinezombiemmo\/index\.php\?page=21|localhost)/i.test(document.location.href);

	main.resetPosition = function()
		var controlList = [];

		function resetPositionRecursive(parent)
			/// <param name="parent" type="Control"></param>

			for (var i = 0; i < parent.childs.length; i++)
				/// <var type="Control"></var>
				var control = parent.childs[i];



		for (var i = 0; i < controlList.length; i++) controlList[i].resetPosition();

	//#region Control

	var switchingManualControlList = [], switchingAutomaticControlList = [];

	main.addSwitchingManualControlHandler = function(handler)

	main.addSwitchingAutomaticControlHandler = function(handler)

	main.manualControl = true;

	main.manual = function()
		for (var i = 0; i < switchingManualControlList.length; i++) switchingManualControlList[i]();

		main.manualControl = true;

	main.automatic = function()
		for (var i = 0; i < switchingAutomaticControlList.length; i++) switchingAutomaticControlList[i]();

		main.manualControl = false;

	main.toggleControl = function()
		if (main.manualControl)


	//#region Save/load parameters

	var saveList = [], loadList = []; = function(key, value)
			localStorage.setItem(key, value);
		catch (e) { }

	main.loadString = function(key, defaultValue)
			var value = localStorage.getItem(key);
			if (value == null) return defaultValue;

			return localStorage.getItem(key);
		catch (e)
			return defaultValue;

	main.loadNumber = function(key, defaultValue)
			var value = localStorage.getItem(key);
			if (value == null) return defaultValue;

			value = Number(value);
			if (isNaN(value)) return defaultValue;

			return value;
		catch (e)
			return defaultValue;

	main.loadBoolean = function(key, defaultValue)
			var value = localStorage.getItem(key);
			if (value == null) return defaultValue;

			return (value == 'true');
		catch (e)
			return defaultValue;

	main.addSaveHandler = function(handler)

	main.addLoadHandler = function(handler)

	main.saveAll = function()
		for (var i = 0; i < saveList.length; i++) saveList[i]();

	main.loadAll = function()
		for (var i = 0; i < loadList.length; i++) loadList[i]();


	{'mainMode', main.manualControl);

		if (main.loadBoolean('mainMode', false))

function Player()
{ = 0;
	this.x = 1;
	this.y = 20; = 0;
	this.maxHealth = 0;
	this.armor = 0;
	this.maxArmor = 0;
	this.hunger = 0;
	this.maxHunger = 0;
	this.usedInventoryCells = 0;
	this.freeInventoryCells = 0;
	this.maxInventoryCells = 0;

	this.newMessageCount = 0;

	this.disabled = true;
	this.timerId = 0;
	this.requestIsSend = false;

	/// <field type="Array" elementType="Function"></field>
	this.updateHandlerList = [];
	/// <field type="Array" elementType="Function"></field>
	this.updatePositionHandlerList = [];

	var player = this;



	{'player_id',;'player_x', player.x);'player_y', player.y);'player_newMessageCount', player.newMessageCount);'player_health',;'player_maxHealth', player.maxHealth);'player_armor', player.armor);'player_maxArmor', player.maxArmor);'player_hunger', player.hunger);'player_maxHunger', player.maxHunger);'player_maxInventoryCells', player.maxInventoryCells);'player_usedInventoryCells', player.usedInventoryCells);

	{ = main.loadNumber('player_id', 0);
		if ( == 0) return;

		player.x = main.loadNumber('player_x', -1);
		player.y = main.loadNumber('player_y', -1);

		if (player.x < 0 || player.y < 0)
			player.x = map.outposts.NastyasHoldout.x;
			player.y = map.outposts.NastyasHoldout.y;

		player.newMessageCount = main.loadNumber('player_newMessageCount', 0); = main.loadNumber('player_health', 0);
		player.maxHealth = main.loadNumber('player_maxHealth', 0);
		player.armor = main.loadNumber('player_armor', 0);
		player.maxArmor = main.loadNumber('player_maxArmor', 0);
		player.hunger = main.loadNumber('player_hunger', 0);
		player.maxHunger = main.loadNumber('player_maxHunger', 0);
		player.maxInventoryCells = main.loadNumber('player_maxInventoryCells', 0);
		player.usedInventoryCells = main.loadNumber('player_usedInventoryCells', 0);

		player.freeInventoryCells = player.maxInventoryCells - player.usedInventoryCells;


		if (player.maxHealth == 0 && player.maxArmor == 0) return;



//#region Enabled

Player.prototype.enable = function()
	var player = this;
	if (this.timerId != 0) this.disable();

	this.disabled = false;
	this.timerId = setInterval(function() { player.refresh(); }, 10000);

Player.prototype.disable = function()
	this.disabled = true;
	this.timerId = 0;

Player.prototype.toggle = function()
	if (this.disabled)


//#region Position

Player.prototype.move = function(x, y)
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;


Player.prototype.add = function(offsetX, offsetY)
	this.x += offsetX;
	this.y += offsetY;



//#region Refresh

Player.prototype.addUpdateHandler = function(handler)
	/// <param name="handler" type="Function"></param>


Player.prototype.addUpdatePositionHandler = function(handler)
	/// <param name="handler" type="Function"></param>


Player.prototype.updatePosition = function()
	for (var i = 0; i < this.updatePositionHandlerList.length; i++) this.updatePositionHandlerList[i]();

Player.prototype.update = function()
	for (var i = 0; i < this.updateHandlerList.length; i++) this.updateHandlerList[i]();

Player.prototype.refresh = function()
	var player = this;

	if ( <= 0) return;

	var antiCache = Math.random() + new Date().getUTCMilliseconds();
	var url = '' + + '&t=' + antiCache;

		url: url,
		cache: false,
		dataType: 'text',
		success: function(result)
			var data = new Parameters(result);
			player.newMessageCount = data.get('newpms', 0); = data.get('df_hpcurrent', 0);
			player.maxHealth = data.get('df_hpmax', 0);

			player.armor = data.get('df_armourhp', 0);
			player.maxArmor = data.get('df_armourhpmax', 0);

			player.hunger = data.get('df_hungerhp', 0);
			player.maxHunger = 100;

			player.maxInventoryCells = data.get('df_invslots', 0);
			player.usedInventoryCells = 0;

			for (var i = 1; i <= player.maxInventoryCells; i++)
				if (data.get('df_inv' + i + '_type', '') != '') player.usedInventoryCells += 1;

			player.freeInventoryCells = player.maxInventoryCells - player.usedInventoryCells;

			var x = data.get('df_positionx', player.x + 998) - 998;
			var y = data.get('df_positiony', player.y + 980) - 980;

			if (player.x != x || player.y != y) player.move(x, y);

			player.requestIsSend = false;
		error: function()
			player.requestIsSend = false;

	player.requestIsSend = true;


var language = new function()
	var language = this;

	language.list = {};
	language.current = null;

	language.setCurrent = function(value)
		language.current = value;

		function updateRecursive(parent)
			/// <param name="parent" type="Control"></param>

			for (var i = 0; i < parent.childs.length; i++)
				/// <var type="Control"></var>
				var control = parent.childs[i];




		var current = main.loadString('language_current', '');

		if (current != '')
			language.current = language.list[current];

			if (language.current != null) language.setCurrent(language.current);

// buttonName: "text"
// For description of elements in legend can use line1 и line2 to place text on separate lines:
// labelName:
// {
//	 line1: "text on 1 line",
//	 line2: "text on 2 line"
// },

language.list.en =
	id: 'en',
	text: "English",

	left: "x: ",
	top: "y: ",
	width: "w: ",
	height: "h: ",

	// settings

	optionsButton: "Settings",

	developers: "Developers Haonik & TheDarkKRONOS",
	site: "Go to the website of project",

	on: "yes",
	off: "no",

	hide: "Hide",
		text: "Opacity",
		unit: "%"
	background: "Show background",
	borders: "Show borders",

	fitGameScreen: "Fit game screen",

	customize: "Customization interface",
	exitCustomize: "Сomplete сustomization",
	resetCustomize: "Reset element's position",

	customizeHelp: "To select an element, you must set mouse cursor to it.<br/><br/>" +
				   "Click on selected element - show/hide settings.<br/>" +
				   "To change sizes selected element, need, hold right button, move mouse.<br/>" +
				   "To move selected element, need, hold left button, move mouse.<br/><br/>" +
				   "During the move if bring any element of the border to another (They will be highlighted in red),<br/>" +
				   "items will be bound. To bind element to center of another,<br/>" +
				   "hover the mouse on the horizontal or vertical yellow line (Highlighted in red).<br/><br/>" +
				   "Click on setting button to hide menu and you can move elements.<br/><br/>" +
				   "Click here to hide this hint.<br/>" +
				   "You can open hint again by going to Settings -> Help.",
	customizeHelpOption: "Help",

	languageSelect: "Language",

	modeAutomatic: "automatic",
	modeManual: "manual",
	modeButton: "Mode",

	playerIdLabel: "Your player ID:",
	playerIdIsInvalid: "Player ID invalid!",
	playerIdReset: "Auto determine Player ID",

	gameWindow: "Game window",

	// themes

	themeSelect: "Theme",
	themeFontSize: "Font size",
	themeFontSpacing: "Font spacing",

	themeSite: "Style of the site",
	themeLight: "Light",
	themeStandart: "Standart",

	// map

	map: "Click right mouse button or Ctrl + left mouse button on cell for set or remove mark on map",
	mapOption: "Show map",

	mapScale: "Scale",

	mapStyle: "Style",
	mapNewStyle: "new",
	mapOldStyle: "old",

	playerControlButtonsToggleOption: "Show map controls",

	outpostSelect: "View outpost in automatic mode / fast roaming in manual mode",
	outpostSelectOption: "Show outpost's list",

	checkButton: "Set mark on selected cell of map.",
	checkButtonOption: 'Button "Set mark"',
	clearButton: "Remove mark on selected cell of map",
	clearButtonOption: 'Button "Remove mark"',
	clearAllButton: "Remove all marks from map",
	clearAllButtonOption: 'Button "Remove all marks"',

	centeredOnPlayerButton: "Show player position on map",
	centeredOnPlayerButtonOption: "Show centering button",

	// manipulating elements in manual mode

	upButton: "Go up",
	downButton: "Go down",
	leftButton: "Go left",
	rightButton: "Go right",
	leftUpButton: "Go left-up",
	leftDownButton: "Go left-down",
	rightUpButton: "Go rigth-up",
	rightDownButton: "Go rigth-down",
	directionButtonOption: "Show direction buttons",

	// manipulating elements in automatic mode

	refreshButton: "Update player's information",
	refreshButtonOption: "Show update button",

	healthLabel: "Health",
	healthLabelOption: "Show health",

	armorLabel: "Armor",
	armorLabelOption: "Show armor",

	hungerLabel: "satiety",
	hungerLabelOption: "Show satiety",

	inventoryLabel: "Count of free cells in inventory",
	inventoryLabelOption: "Show count free cells",

	messageLabel: "Count of new messages",
	messageLabelOption: "Show count of new messages",

	// map legend

	legend: "Click for close map legend",

	legendButton: "Map legend",
	legendButtonOption: "Show map legend button",

	legendDescriptionOutpost: "Outpost",
	legendDescriptionWarehouse: "Warehouse",
	legendDescriptionHouse: "House",
		line1: "Apartment",
		line2: "home"
		line1: "Police station",
		line2: "Weapon's shop"
	legendDescriptionClothingStore: "Clothing store",
	legendDescriptionSuperMarket: "Supermarket",
	legendDescriptionShop: "Shop",
	legendDescriptionRowShops: "Row shops",
	legendDescriptionHospital: "Hospital",
	legendDescriptionSchool: "School",
	legendDescriptionSportField: "Sport field",
	legendDescriptionHotel: "Hotel",
	legendDescriptionJunkyard: "Junkyard",
	legendDescriptionOfficeBuilding: "Office building",
	legendDescriptionBlinds: "Blinds",
	legendDescriptionGreenArea: "Green area",
	legendDescriptionBigGreenArea: "Big green area",
		line1: "In building 1 door",
		line2: "is blocked"
		line1: "Blue route.",
		line2: "From outpost to outpost."
		line1: "Green route.",
		line2: "Loot, low risk."
		line1: "Yellow route.",
		line2: "Loot, mid risk."
		line1: "Light-red route.",
		line2: "Loot, high risk."
		line1: "Dark-red route.",
		line2: "Loot, extreme risk."
		line1: "Blue zone.",
		line2: "Low risk."
		line1: "Green zone.",
		line2: "Mid-low risk."
		line1: "Yellow zone.",
		line2: "Mid risk."
		line1: "Orange zone.",
		line2: "Mid-high risk."
		line1: "Dark-red zone.",
		line2: "High risk."
		line1: "Dark zone.",
		line2: "Very high risk."
		line1: "Nightmare zone.",
		line2: "Nightmare risk."

	// chat

	chatOption: "Show chat",

	toggleChatButton: "Show/hide chat",
	toggleChatButtonOption: 'Button "Show/Hide chat"',

	openChatButton: "Open chat in new window",
	openChatButtonOption: 'Button "Chat in new window"',

	// messages

	message_isIntersectsWithGameWindow: "Setting's button don't stay on top of game window!"

// названиеКнопки: "текст"
// Для описания элементов карты в легенде можно использовать line1 и line2, чтобы разместить текст на разных строках:
// названиеПоля:
// {
//	 line1: "текст на 1 строке",
//	 line2: "текст на 2 строке"
// }, =
	id: 'ru',
	text: "Русский",

	left: "x: ",
	top: "y: ",
	width: "ш: ",
	height: "в: ",

	// настройки

	optionsButton: "Настройки",

	developers: "Разработчики Haonik и TheDarkKRONOS",
	site: "Перейти на сайт проекта",

	on: "да",
	off: "нет",

	hide: "Скрыть",
		text: "Непрозрачность",
		unit: "%"
	background: "Показать фон",
	borders: "Показать рамки",

	fitGameScreen: "Развернуть игровое окно",

	customize: "Настроить расположение",
	exitCustomize: "Завершить настройку",
	resetCustomize: "Сбросить расположение элементов",

	customizeHelp: "Чтобы выделить элемент, нужно навести на него мышку.<br/><br/>" +
				   "У каждого элемента есть настройки, чтобы их показать, нужно его выделить и щёлкнуть по нему любой кнопкой мыши.<br/>" +
				   "Чтобы изменить размеры выделенного элемента, нужно, удерживая правую кнопку (Либо ctrl и левую кнопку), двигать мышь.<br/>" +
				   "Чтобы переместить выделенный элемент, нужно нажать левую кнопку, и удерживая её, двигать мышь.<br/><br/>" +
				   "Во время перемещения, если подвести элемент любой из границ к другому (Они выделятся красным),<br/>" +
				   "элементы будут связаны. Чтобы привязать элемент к центру другого,<br/>" +
				   "нужно навести мышкой на горизонтальную или вертикальную жёлтую линию (Выделится красным).<br/><br/>" +
				   "Щёлкните на кнопке настроек, чтобы скрыть меню, и можно было перемещать элементы.<br/><br/>" +
				   "Щелкните здесь, чтобы скрыть эту подсказку.<br/>" +
				   "Её снова можно открыть, зайдя в Настройки -> Помощь.",
	customizeHelpOption: "Помощь",

	languageSelect: "Язык",

	modeAutomatic: "автоматический",
	modeManual: "ручной",
	modeButton: "Режим",

	playerIdLabel: "Ваш игровой номер:",
	playerIdIsInvalid: "Неправильно задан номер игрока!",
	playerIdReset: "Определить номер автоматически",

	gameWindow: "Окно игры",

	// темы

	themeSelect: "Тема",
	themeFontSize: "Размер шрифта",
	themeFontSpacing: "Расстояние между буквами",

	themeSite: "Стиль сайта",
	themeLight: "Светлая",
	themeStandart: "Обычная",

	// карта

	map: "Щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши или ctrl + левая кнопка мыши на клетке, чтобы поставить или убрать метку",
	mapOption: "Карта",

	mapScale: "Масштаб",

	mapStyle: "Стиль",
	mapNewStyle: "новый",
	mapOldStyle: "старый",

	playerControlButtonsToggleOption: "Элементы управления для карты",

	outpostSelect: "Просмотр аванпоста в автоматическом режиме / быстрое перемещение в ручном",
	outpostSelectOption: "Список аванпостов",

	checkButton: "Поставить метку на выделенной клетке карты",
	checkButtonOption: 'Кнопка "поставить метку"',
	clearButton: "Убрать метку на выделенной клетке карты",
	clearButtonOption: 'Кнопка "убрать метку"',
	clearAllButton: "Убрать все метки на карте",
	clearAllButtonOption: 'Кнопка "убрать все метки"',

	centeredOnPlayerButton: "Показать игрока на карте",
	centeredOnPlayerButtonOption: 'Кнопка "центрирования на игроке"',

	// элементы управления в ручном режиме

	upButton: "Пойти вверх",
	downButton: "Пойти вниз",
	leftButton: "Пойти влево",
	rightButton: "Пойти вправо",
	leftUpButton: "Пойти влево-вверх",
	leftDownButton: "Пойти влево-вниз",
	rightUpButton: "Пойти вправо-вверх",
	rightDownButton: "Пойти вправо-вниз",
	directionButtonOption: "Показать кнопки движения",

	// элементы управления в автоматическом режиме

	refreshButton: "Обновить информацию об игроке",
	refreshButtonOption: 'Кнопка "обновить информацию"',

	healthLabel: "Здоровье персонажа",
	healthLabelOption: "Показать здоровье",

	armorLabel: "Броня персонажа",
	armorLabelOption: "Показать броню",

	hungerLabel: "Сытость персонажа",
	hungerLabelOption: "Показать сытость",

	inventoryLabel: "Количество свободных ячеек в инвентаре",
	inventoryLabelOption: "Показать место в инвентаре",

	messageLabel: "Количество новых сообщений",
	messageLabelOption: "Количество новых сообщений",

	// легенда карты

	legend: "Щёлкните, чтобы закрыть легенду карты",

	legendButton: "Легенда карты",
	legendButtonOption: 'Кнопка "легенда карты"',

	legendDescriptionOutpost: "Аванпост",
	legendDescriptionWarehouse: "Склад",
	legendDescriptionHouse: "Дом",
		line1: "Многоквартирный",
		line2: "дом"
		line1: "Полицеский участок",
		line2: "Оружейный магазин"
	legendDescriptionClothingStore: "Магазин одежды",
	legendDescriptionSuperMarket: "Универмаг",
	legendDescriptionShop: "Магазин",
	legendDescriptionRowShops: "Торговый ряд",
	legendDescriptionHospital: "Больница",
	legendDescriptionSchool: "Школа",
	legendDescriptionSportField: "Спортплощадка",
	legendDescriptionHotel: "Гостиница",
	legendDescriptionJunkyard: "Свалка",
	legendDescriptionOfficeBuilding: "Офисное здание",
	legendDescriptionBlinds: "Деревья",
	legendDescriptionGreenArea: "Парк",
	legendDescriptionBigGreenArea: "Большой парк",
		line1: "В здании 1 дверь",
		line2: "заблокирована"
		line1: "Путь от аванпоста",
		line2: "к аванпосту"
		line1: "Путь с наименьшим",
		line2: "риском"
		line1: "Путь со средним",
		line2: "риском"
		line1: "Путь с высоким",
		line2: "риском"
		line1: "Путь с наибольшим",
		line2: "риском"
		line1: "Зона наименьшей",
		line2: "опасности"
		line1: "Зона низкой-",
		line2: "средней опасности"
		line1: "Зона средней",
		line2: "опасности"
		line1: "Зона средней-",
		line2: "высокой опасности"
		line1: "Зона высокой",
		line2: "опасности"
		line1: "Зона очень",
		line2: "высокой опасности"
		line1: "Зона наибольшей",
		line2: "опасности"

	// чат

	chatOption: "Показать чат",

	toggleChatButton: "Показать/Скрыть чат",
	toggleChatButtonOption: 'Кнопка "показать/Скрыть чат"',

	openChatButton: "Открыть чат в новом окне",
	openChatButtonOption: 'Кнопка "чат в новом окне"',

	// сообщения

	message_isIntersectsWithGameWindow: "Кнопка настроек не должна находиться поверх игрового окна!"

language.current = language.list.en;

var theme = new function()
	var theme = this;

	//#region Classes

	theme.className = 'dfeui';

	theme.classControl = theme.className + 'Control';
	theme.classDiv = theme.className + 'Div';
	theme.classButton = theme.className + 'Button';
	theme.classLabel = theme.className + 'Label';
	theme.classInput = theme.className + 'Input';
	theme.classSelect = theme.className + 'Select';
	theme.classOption = theme.className + 'Option';
	theme.classImage = theme.className + 'Image';
	theme.classLink = theme.className + 'Link';
	theme.classDelimiter = theme.className + 'Delimiter';
	theme.classImageButton = theme.className + 'ImageButton';
	theme.classCanvas = theme.className + 'Canvas';

	theme.classBackground = theme.className + 'Background';
	theme.classTrack = theme.className + 'Track';
	theme.classText = theme.className + 'Text';

	theme.classNoBorders = theme.className + 'NoBorders';

	theme.classDock = theme.className + 'Dock';
	theme.classFixed = theme.className + 'Fixed';
	theme.classCustomizationOn = theme.className + 'CustomizationOn';

	theme.classOn = theme.className + 'On';
	theme.classOff = theme.className + 'Off';

	theme.classMore75 = theme.className + 'More75';
	theme.classMore50 = theme.className + 'More50';
	theme.classMore25 = theme.className + 'More25';
	theme.classMore0 = theme.className + 'More0';


	theme.list = {};
	theme.current = null;

	theme.fontSize = 12;
	theme.elementHeight = theme.fontSize + 4;
	theme.fontSpacing = 1;
	theme.controlsBordersSize = 0;
	theme.controlsBordersSize2 = 0;
	theme.padding = 10;
	theme.padding2 = 20;

	theme.element = document.createElement('style');
	theme.element.type = 'text/css';

	function replaceCode(value)
		return value
			.replace(/\-c\-/g, theme.className)
			.replace(/\-s\-/g, theme.fontSize)
			.replace(/\-p\-/g, theme.fontSpacing);

	theme.setCurrent = function(value)
		theme.current = value;
		theme.controlsBordersSize = theme.current.controlsBordersSize;
		theme.controlsBordersSize2 = theme.controlsBordersSize + theme.controlsBordersSize;

		theme.element.innerHTML =
			'html, body { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; } ' +
			'.' + theme.className + ' { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } ' +

	theme.update = function()
		for (var item in theme.list)
			if (!theme.list.hasOwnProperty(item)) continue;


	{'theme_current',;'theme_fontSize', theme.fontSize);'theme_fontSpacing', theme.fontSpacing);

		theme.fontSize = main.loadNumber('theme_fontSize', 12);
		theme.elementHeight = theme.fontSize + 4;

		theme.fontSpacing = main.loadNumber('theme_fontSpacing', 1);

		var current = main.loadString('theme_current', '');

		if (current != '')
			theme.current = theme.list[current];

			if (theme.current != null) theme.setCurrent(theme.current);

theme.list.standart =
	id: 'standart',
	text: language.current.themeStandart,

	controlsBordersSize: 1,

	styles: '.-c-,.-c-gameWindowTd{letter-spacing:-p-px!important;font-size:-s-px!important;font-family:"Times New Roman",Arial!important}.-c-Control{background:#303030;border:1px solid #707070}.-c-Canvas,.-c-gameWindowTable{border:1px solid #909090!important}.-c-Div,.-c-Button,.-c-Label,.-c-Input,.-c-Select,.-c-Option,.-c-Link,.-c-gameWindowTd{background:#303030;border:none;color:#fff!important;text-align:center!important;vertical-align:middle!important}.-c-gameWindowBlack{background:#000!important}.-c-Option{background:#606060}.-c-informationPopup{color:#f7fe57!important}.-c-settingWindow .-c-Div,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Button,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Label,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Input,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Select,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Link{background:#606060;border:1px solid #909090}.-c-Delimiter{background:#cacaca;border:none}.-c-Button:hover,.-c-Link:hover,.-c-Background:hover .-c-Track{background:#909090!important;border:1px solid #f7fe57!important}.-c-Button:active,.-c-Link:active,.-c-Background:active .-c-Track{background:#303030!important;border:1px solid #505050!important}.-c-Control .-c-ImageButton{background-color:transparent;background-position:left 0 top 0}.-c-Control:hover .-c-ImageButton{background-color:transparent;background-position:left 0 top -18px}.-c-Control:active .-c-ImageButton{background-color:transparent;background-position:left 0 top -36px}.-c-NoBorders,.-c-container{border:1px solid transparent}.-c-customization{background:none;border:1px solid #ffc677}.-c-Dock{border:1px solid #f7fe57}.-c-Fixed{border:1px solid #ef1919}.-c-CustomizationOn{border:1px solid #a0fa2c}.-c-Track{background:#82742f!important}.-c-Text{background:none!important;border:none!important}.-c-On{background:#41562c!important}.-c-Off{background:#5f2b2b!important}.-c-More75{color:#8fd846!important}.-c-More50{color:#eaeb34!important}.-c-More25{color:#e69b14!important}.-c-More0{color:#f53939!important}',

	update: function()
		this.text = language.current.themeStandart;
}; =
	id: 'site',
	text: language.current.themeSite,

	controlsBordersSize: 1,

	styles: '.-c-,.-c-gameWindowTd{letter-spacing:-p-px!important;font-size:-s-px!important}.-c-Control{background:#58554a;border-top:#232323 1px solid;border-bottom:#898988 1px solid;border-left:#232323 1px solid;border-right:#898988 1px solid;color:#af9b6d!important}.-c-gameWindowBlack{background:#000!important}.-c-Div{background-image:url(images/HD/textbg.gif);background-repeat:repeat-x;background-color:#373737;color:#af9b6d!important}.-c-Link:link,.-c-Link:visited{text-decoration:none;color:#fdfdfd}.-c-Link:hover{text-decoration:none;color:#af9b6d}.-c-Track,.-c-Background,.-c-Canvas,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Div,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Button,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Label,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Input,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Select,.-c-settingWindow .-c-Link,.-c-gameWindowTd,.-c-gameWindowTable{background-image:url(images/HD/input.gif);background-repeat:repeat-x;background-color:#373737;border-top:#232323 1px solid;border-bottom:#898988 1px solid;border-left:#232323 1px solid;border-right:#898988 1px solid;color:#af9b6d!important}.-c-Option{background-color:#373737}.-c-Delimiter{background:#404040;border:none}.-c-NoBorders,.-c-container{border:1px solid transparent}.-c-customization{background:none;border:1px solid #c43c02}.-c-Dock{border:1px solid #ffd700}.-c-Fixed{border:1px solid #c00}.-c-CustomizationOn{border:1px solid #a0fa2c}.-c-Background:hover .-c-Track{background:#505050!important;border:1px solid #af9b6d!important}.-c-Background:active .-c-Track{background:#4d4d4d!important;border:1px solid #505050!important}.-c-Text,.-c-Image,.-c-ImageButton{background:none;border:none!important}.-c-Control .-c-ImageButton{background-color:transparent;background-position:left 0 top 0}.-c-Control:hover .-c-ImageButton{background-color:transparent;background-position:left 0 top -18px}.-c-Control:active .-c-ImageButton{background-color:transparent;background-position:left 0 top -36px}.-c-On{background:#382a1c!important}.-c-Off{background:#373737!important}.-c-More75{color:#090!important}.-c-More50{color:#ffd700!important}.-c-More25{color:#c43c02!important}.-c-More0{color:#c00!important}',

	update: function()
		this.text = language.current.themeSite;

theme.list.light =
	id: 'light',
	text: language.current.themeLight,

	controlsBordersSize: 1,

	styles: '.-c-,.-c-gameWindowTd{letter-spacing:-p-px!important;font-size:-s-px!important;font-family:"Times New Roman",Arial!important;background:none;border:1px solid transparent;color:#fff!important;text-align:center!important;vertical-align:middle!important}.-c-Control{background:#707070;border:1px solid #404040}.-c-gameWindowBlack{background:#000!important}.-c-Canvas,.-c-gameWindowTable{border:1px solid #606060!important}.-c-Delimiter{background:#cfcfcf}.-c-Track{background:#8c8c80!important;border:1px solid gray!important}.-c-Button,.-c-Link{background:#8c8c80}.-c-Background,.-c-Select,.-c-Option{background:gray}.-c-Button:hover,.-c-Link:hover,.-c-Background:hover .-c-Track{border:1px solid #cfcfcf!important}.-c-Button:active,.-c-Link:active,.-c-Background:active .-c-Track{border:1px solid #505050!important}.-c-Control .-c-ImageButton{background-color:transparent;background-position:left 0 top 0}.-c-Control:hover .-c-ImageButton{background-color:transparent;background-position:left 0 top -18px}.-c-Control:active .-c-ImageButton{background-color:transparent;background-position:left 0 top -36px}.-c-NoBorders,.-c-container{border:1px solid transparent!important}.-c-customization{border:1px solid #fece8d}.-c-Dock{border:1px solid #faff84}.-c-Fixed{border:1px solid #e44040}.-c-CustomizationOn{border:1px solid #a0fa2c!important}.-c-On{background:#748761!important}.-c-Off{background:#9a6f6f!important}.-c-More75{color:#8fd846!important}.-c-More50{color:#eaeb34!important}.-c-More25{color:#e69b14!important}.-c-More0{color:#f27676!important}',

	update: function()
		this.text = language.current.themeLight;

function Control(name, order, minWidth, minHeight, isDiv, disableSavePosition)
	/// <param name="name" type="String"></param>
	/// <param name="order" type="Integer"></param>
	/// <param name="minWidth" type="Integer"></param>
	/// <param name="minHeight" type="Integer"></param>
	/// <param name="isDiv" type="Boolean"></param>
	/// <param name="disableSavePosition" type="Boolean"></param> = name;
	this.className = theme.className + name;

	controls.list[name] = this;

	if (isDiv)
		this.element = document.createElement('div');
		this.element = document.createElement('button');
		this.element.type = 'button';

	this.element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classControl + ' ' + this.className;
	this.elementStyle =;
	this.elementStyle.cssText = 'position: absolute; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; padding: 0; z-index: ' + (order || 0);

	this.visible = true;
	this.opacity = 1;
	this.order = order || 0;
	this.changeWidthIsDisabled = false;
	this.changeHeightIsDisabled = false;
	this.savePositionIsDisabled = disableSavePosition || false;

	this.element = $(this.element);

	/// <field type="Array" elementType="Control"></field>
	this.childs = [];
	this.minWidth = minWidth || 16;
	this.minHeight = minHeight || 16;
	/// <field type="Control"></field>
	this.parent = null;


	var control = this;

	this.toggle = function()
		if (control.visible)
			return control.hide();

	//#region Saving settings

	if (name == '' || this.savePositionIsDisabled) return;

		var prefix = 'control_' + name + '_'; + 'parent',; + 'dockLeft', control.dockLeft); + 'dockTop', control.dockTop); + 'dockRight', control.dockRight); + 'dockBottom', control.dockBottom); + 'dockOuterHorizontal', control.dockOuterHorizontal); + 'dockOuterVertical', control.dockOuterVertical); + 'offsetLeft', control.offsetLeft); + 'offsetTop', control.offsetTop); + 'offsetWidth', control.offsetWidth); + 'offsetHeight', control.offsetHeight); + 'visible', control.visible); + 'opacity', control.opacity); + 'background', control.element[0].style.background != 'none'); + 'borders', !control.element.hasClass(theme.classNoBorders));

		var prefix = 'control_' + name + '_';

		var parentName = main.loadString(prefix + 'parent', '');
		if (parentName == '') return;

		/// <var type="Control"></var>
		var parent = controls.list[parentName];
		if (parent == null) parent = container;


		var dockLeft = main.loadBoolean(prefix + 'dockLeft', false);
		var dockTop = main.loadBoolean(prefix + 'dockTop', false);
		var dockRight = main.loadBoolean(prefix + 'dockRight', false);
		var dockBottom = main.loadBoolean(prefix + 'dockBottom', false);
		var dockOuterHorizontal = main.loadBoolean(prefix + 'dockOuterHorizontal', false);
		var dockOuterVertical = main.loadBoolean(prefix + 'dockOuterVertical', false);

		control.dock(dockLeft, dockTop, dockRight, dockBottom, dockOuterHorizontal, dockOuterVertical);

		var left = main.loadNumber(prefix + 'offsetLeft', 0);
		var top = main.loadNumber(prefix + 'offsetTop', 0);
		var width = main.loadNumber(prefix + 'offsetWidth', 0);
		var height = main.loadNumber(prefix + 'offsetHeight', 0);

		control.locate(left, top, width, height);

		if (!main.loadBoolean(prefix + 'visible', true)) control.hide();

		control.setOpacity(main.loadNumber(prefix + 'opacity', 1));

		var background = main.loadBoolean(prefix + 'background', true);
		control.element[0].style.background = (background ? '' : 'none');

		var borders = main.loadBoolean(prefix + 'borders', true);
		if (!borders) control.element.addClass(theme.classNoBorders);


Control.prototype.addSettings = function()
	settingWindow.addSharedElements(this, true, true, true, false);

Control.prototype.update = function() { };

Control.prototype.resetPosition = function()

//#region Position

Control.prototype.locate = function(left, top, width, height)
	/// <param name="left" type="Float"></param>
	/// <param name="top" type="Float"></param>
	/// <param name="width" type="Float"></param>
	/// <param name="height" type="Float"></param>

	this.offsetLeft = left || 0;
	this.offsetTop = top || 0;
	this.offsetWidth = width || 0;
	this.offsetHeight = height || 0;

	if (this.offsetWidth < this.minWidth) this.offsetWidth = this.minWidth;
	if (this.offsetHeight < this.minHeight) this.offsetHeight = this.minHeight;

	return this;

Control.prototype.calculatePosition = function()
	var offsetLeft = this.offsetLeft;
	var offsetTop = this.offsetTop;

	if (this.dockNone)
		this.width = this.offsetWidth;
		this.height = this.offsetHeight;
	else if (this.dockFill)
		offsetLeft = this.parent.paddingLeft + theme.padding;
		offsetTop = this.parent.paddingTop + theme.padding;
		this.width = this.parent.width - this.parent.paddingLeft - this.parent.paddingRight - theme.padding2;
		this.height = this.parent.height - this.parent.paddingTop - this.parent.paddingBottom - theme.padding2;
		this.width = this.offsetWidth;
		this.height = this.offsetHeight;

		if (this.dockLeft && this.dockRight)
			offsetLeft = this.parent.width / 2 - this.offsetWidth / 2;
		else if (this.dockRight)
			var padding = (this.dockOuterVertical ? 0 : theme.padding);
			offsetLeft = this.parent.width + (this.dockOuterHorizontal ? theme.padding : -this.offsetWidth - padding);
		else if (this.dockLeft)
			var padding = (this.dockOuterVertical ? 0 : theme.padding);
			offsetLeft = (this.dockOuterHorizontal ? -this.offsetWidth - theme.padding : padding);

		if (this.dockTop && this.dockBottom)
			offsetTop = this.parent.height / 2 - this.offsetHeight / 2;
		else if (this.dockBottom)
			var padding = (this.dockOuterHorizontal ? 0 : theme.padding);
			offsetTop = this.parent.height + (this.dockOuterVertical ? theme.padding : -this.offsetHeight - padding);
		else if (this.dockTop)
			var padding = (this.dockOuterHorizontal ? 0 : theme.padding);
			offsetTop = (this.dockOuterVertical ? -this.offsetHeight - theme.padding : padding);

	this.left = this.parent.left + offsetLeft; = + offsetTop;

	if (this.dockLeft == false && this.dockRight == false)
		if (offsetLeft + this.width > this.parent.width)
			this.left = this.parent.left + this.parent.width - this.width;
		else if (this.left < this.parent.left)
			this.left = this.parent.left;

	if (this.dockTop == false && this.dockBottom == false)
		if (offsetTop + this.height > this.parent.height)
		{ = + this.parent.height - this.height;
		else if ( <
		{ =;

	if (this.left + this.width > container.width)
		this.left = container.left + container.width - this.width;
	else if (this.left < container.left)
		this.left = container.left;

	if ( + this.height > container.height)
	{ = + container.height - this.height;
	else if ( <
	{ =;

	this.clientWidth = this.width - theme.controlsBordersSize2;
	this.clientHeight = this.height - theme.controlsBordersSize2;

	return this;

Control.prototype.resize = Control.prototype.baseResize = function()
	if (main.isNotLoaded) return;


	this.elementStyle.left = Math.floor(this.left) + 'px'; = Math.floor( + 'px';
	this.elementStyle.width = Math.floor(this.width) + 'px';
	this.elementStyle.height = Math.floor(this.height) + 'px';

	for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; i++)
		if (this.childs[i].visible || controls.notIgnoreHiddenOnResize) this.childs[i].resize();

	return this;


//#region Dock

Control.prototype.setParent = function(parent)
	/// <param name="parent" type="Control"></param>

	parent = parent || container;

	if (this.parent != null && this.parent == parent) return this;

	if (this.parent != null)
		for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.childs.length; i++)
			if (this.parent.childs[i] != this) continue;

			this.parent.childs.splice(i, 1);


	this.parent = parent;

	for (var i = 0; i < parent.childs.length; i++)
		if (this.order >= parent.childs[i].order) break;

	parent.childs.splice(i, 0, this);

	return this;

Control.prototype.dock = function(dockLeft, dockTop, dockRight, dockBottom, outerHorizontal, outerVertical)
	/// <signature>
	///		<param name="dockFill" type="Boolean"></param>
	/// </signature>
	/// <signature>
	///		<param name="dockLeft" type="Boolean"></param>
	///		<param name="dockTop" type="Boolean"></param>
	///		<param name="dockRight" type="Boolean"></param>
	///		<param name="dockBottom" type="Boolean"></param>
	///		<param name="outerHorizontal" type="Boolean"></param>
	///		<param name="outerVertical" type="Boolean"></param>
	/// </signature>

	dockLeft = dockLeft || false;

	if (dockTop == null && dockRight == null && dockBottom == null && outerHorizontal == null && outerVertical == null)
		this.dockLeft = dockLeft;
		this.dockTop = dockLeft;
		this.dockRight = dockLeft;
		this.dockBottom = dockLeft;
		this.dockLeft = dockLeft;
		this.dockTop = dockTop || false;
		this.dockRight = dockRight || false;
		this.dockBottom = dockBottom || false;

	this.dockNone = !(this.dockLeft || this.dockRight || this.dockTop || this.dockBottom);
	this.dockFill = this.dockLeft && this.dockRight && this.dockTop && this.dockBottom;
	this.dockOuterHorizontal = outerHorizontal || false;
	this.dockOuterVertical = outerVertical || false;

	if (this.parent != null) this.parent.calculatePadding();

	return this;

Control.prototype.checkPadding = function()
	var update = false;

	if (this.dockFill || this.dockNone) return false;

	if (!this.dockOuterVertical && this.dockTop != this.dockBottom)
		if (this.dockTop && this.offsetHeight + theme.padding > this.parent.paddingTop)
			this.parent.paddingTop = this.offsetHeight + theme.padding;
			update = true;

		if (this.dockBottom && this.offsetHeight + theme.padding > this.parent.paddingBottom)
			this.parent.paddingBottom = this.offsetHeight + theme.padding;
			update = true;

	if (!(this.dockOuterHorizontal || this.dockTop != this.dockBottom) && this.dockLeft != this.dockRight)
		if (this.dockLeft && this.offsetWidth + theme.padding > this.parent.paddingLeft)
			this.parent.paddingLeft = this.offsetWidth + theme.padding;
			update = true;

		if (this.dockRight && this.offsetWidth + theme.padding > this.parent.paddingRight)
			this.parent.paddingRight = this.offsetWidth + theme.padding;
			update = true;

	return update;

Control.prototype.calculatePadding = function()
	this.paddingLeft = 0;
	this.paddingTop = 0;
	this.paddingRight = 0;
	this.paddingBottom = 0;

	for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; i++)
		if (!this.childs[i].visible) continue;


	return this;


//#region Visible

Control.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity)
	/// <param name="opacity" type="Float"></param>

	this.opacity = opacity;
	this.element.css('opacity', opacity);

	return this;
} = Control.prototype.baseShow = function()
	this.visible = true;
	this.element[0].style.display = 'block';


	if (this.checkPadding()) this.parent.resize();

	return this;

Control.prototype.hide = function()
	this.visible = false;
	this.element[0].style.display = 'none';


	return this;


var controls = new function()
	var controls = this;

	controls.notIgnoreHiddenOnResize = true;

	controls.getText = function(text)
		if (text == null) text = '';

		return text.text || text;

	controls.getClassName = function(currentValue, maxValue)
		var percent = (maxValue == 0 ? 0 : 100 / maxValue * currentValue);

		if (percent > 75) return theme.classMore75;
		if (percent > 50) return theme.classMore50;
		if (percent > 25) return theme.classMore25;
		return theme.classMore0;

	controls.makeButton = function createButton(control, icon, clickHandler)
		if (clickHandler != null) control.element.mouseup(clickHandler);

		var image = controls.createDiv(control, 'ImageButton'); = 'background-image: url(' + icon + '); position: absolute; width: 17px; height: 17px';

		control.resize = function()
			control.baseResize(); = Math.floor((control.width - 17) / 2) + 'px'; = Math.floor((control.height - 17) / 2) + 'px';

	controls.list = {};

	//#region Elements

	controls.createDiv = function(control, className)
		className = className || '';
		if (className != '') className = ' ' + theme.className + className;

		var element = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute';
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classDiv + ' ' + control.className + className;


		return element;

	controls.createSelect = function(control, changeHandler)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>

		var element = document.createElement('select'); = 'absolute';
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classSelect + ' ' + control.className;



		return element;

	controls.updateSelect = function(control, element, data, value)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>
		/// <param name="element" type="HTMLSelectElement"></param>
		/// <param name="data" type="Array" elementType="DataList"></param>
		/// <param name="value" type="String"></param>

		element.innerHTML = '';

		for (var item in data)
			if (!data.hasOwnProperty(item)) continue;

			var option = document.createElement('option');
			option.innerHTML = controls.getText(data[item].text);
			option.value = data[item].id;
			option.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classOption + ' ' + control.className;

			if (data[item].hidden != null)
			{ = 'none'; = 'hidden';


		element.value = value;


var container = (function()
	function Container()
	{ = 'container';
		controls.list.container = this;

		this.element = document.createElement('div');
		this.element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.className + 'container';
		this.elementStyle =;
		this.elementStyle.cssText =
			'position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; ' +
			'background: black; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; padding: 0;';
		this.element = $(this.element);

		this.childs = [];

		this.left = 0; = 0;


		this.resize = function()
			if (main.isNotLoaded) return;

			this.width = this.element.width();
			this.height = this.element.height();

			for (var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; i++)
				if (this.childs[i].visible || controls.notIgnoreHiddenOnResize) this.childs[i].resize();

			if (customization.visible || controls.notIgnoreHiddenOnResize) customization.resize();


	Container.prototype = Control.prototype;

	var container = new Container(), mode = false;

		if (mode) return;

		mode = true;

			mode = false;
		}, 20);

	return container;

var settingWindow = new Control('settingWindow', 100, 32, 32, true, true).hide();

	settingWindow.elementStyle.overflow = 'auto';
	settingWindow.elementStyle.padding = '0';
	settingWindow.changeWidthIsDisabled = true;
	settingWindow.changeHeightIsDisabled = true;
	settingWindow.baseShowFunction =;

	var top = theme.padding;
	var labelWidth = 250;
	var elementWidth = 200;
	var elementHeight = 20;
	var firstColumn = theme.padding;
	var secondColumn = labelWidth + theme.padding + theme.padding;

	var elementsContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: static; overflow: hidden; display: block; background none; border: none;'; = theme.padding + 'px';
	elementsContainer.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.className +;


	//#region Elements

	function nextRow()
		top += theme.padding + elementHeight;

	function addLabel(text)
		var element = document.createElement('div');
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classDiv + settingWindow.className;
		element.innerHTML = controls.getText(text); =
			'position: absolute; left: ' + firstColumn + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; width: ' + (labelWidth - 10) + 'px; height: 20px;' +
			'line-height: 20px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px 5px';


	settingWindow.addInscription = function(text)
		var element = document.createElement('div');
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classDiv + settingWindow.className;
		element.innerHTML = controls.getText(text); =
			'position: absolute; background: none; border: none; left: ' + firstColumn + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; height: 20px;' +
			'line-height: 20px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px 5px'; = (labelWidth + elementWidth + theme.padding - 10) + 'px';


		return element;

	settingWindow.addLink = function(text, url)
		var element = document.createElement('a'); = '_newBlank';
		element.href = url;
		element.innerHTML = controls.getText(text);
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classLink + settingWindow.className; = 'position: absolute; left: ' + firstColumn + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; height: 20px; line-height: 20px;'; = (labelWidth + elementWidth + theme.padding) + 'px';


		return element;

	settingWindow.addButton = function(text, clickHandler)
		var element = document.createElement('input');
		element.type = 'button';
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classButton + settingWindow.className; = 'position: absolute; left: ' + firstColumn + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; height: 20px;'; = (labelWidth + elementWidth + theme.padding) + 'px';
		element.value = controls.getText(text);



		return element;

	settingWindow.addSelect = function(text, data, value, changeHandler)

		var element = document.createElement('select');
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classSelect + settingWindow.className; = 'position: absolute; left: ' + secondColumn + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; width: ' + elementWidth + 'px; height: 20px;';

		for (var item in data)
			if (!data.hasOwnProperty(item)) continue;

			var option = document.createElement('option');
			option.innerHTML = controls.getText(data[item].text);
			option.value = data[item].id;
			option.className = theme.classOption + settingWindow.className;


		element.value = value;

		$(element).change(function() { changeHandler(element.value); });


		return element;

	settingWindow.addInput = function(text, value, changeHandler)

		var element = document.createElement('input');
		element.type = 'text';
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classInput + settingWindow.className;
		element.value = value; = 'position: absolute; left: ' + secondColumn + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; width: ' + elementWidth + 'px; height: 20px;';

				if (e.which == 13) changeHandler(element.value);


		return element;

	settingWindow.addDelimiter = function()
		var element = document.createElement('div');
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classDelimiter + settingWindow.className; = 'position: absolute; left: ' + firstColumn + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; height: 1px;'; = (labelWidth + elementWidth + theme.padding) + 'px';

		top += theme.padding;

		return element;

	//#region Slider

	var notActive = true;

	function activate()
		notActive = false;

	function deactivate()
		notActive = true;

	function addSlider(text, minValue, maxValue, step, value, data, changeHandler)

		var background = document.createElement('div');
		background.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classDiv + ' ' + theme.classBackground + settingWindow.className; =
			'-webkit-touch-callout: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; user-select: none;' +
			'position: absolute; left: ' + secondColumn + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; width: ' + elementWidth + 'px; height: 20px;';

		var track = document.createElement('div');
		track.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classDiv + ' ' + theme.classTrack + settingWindow.className; = 'position: absolute; height: 20px;';

		var label = document.createElement('div');
		label.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classDiv + ' ' + theme.classText + settingWindow.className;
		label.innerHTML = (data != null ? data[value] : value) + (text.unit || ''); =
			'position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: ' + elementWidth + 'px; height: 20px; z-index: 1;' +
			'line-height: 20px; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle';

		background = $(background);

		var prevValue = value;
		var trackLeft = (background.outerWidth() - elementWidth) / 2;
		var stepWidth = (elementWidth + theme.controlsBordersSize + trackLeft) / (maxValue - minValue + 1);
		var trackWidth = 0;

		if (stepWidth < 20)
			trackWidth = 20;
			stepWidth = (elementWidth + theme.controlsBordersSize + trackLeft - trackWidth) / (maxValue - minValue); = trackWidth + 'px';
		{ = Math.floor(stepWidth) + 'px';
		} = Math.floor((value - minValue) * stepWidth - trackLeft - theme.controlsBordersSize) + 'px'; = ((20 - background.outerHeight()) / 2 - theme.controlsBordersSize) + 'px';

				if (notActive) return;

				var x = e.pageX - background.offset().left - trackWidth / 2;

				value = Math.floor((x / stepWidth + minValue) / step) * step;

				if (value < minValue)
					value = minValue;
				else if (value > maxValue)
					value = maxValue;

				if (value == prevValue) return;

				prevValue = value;
				var totalValue = (data != null ? data[value] : value); = Math.floor((value - minValue) * stepWidth - trackLeft - theme.controlsBordersSize) + 'px';

				label.innerHTML = totalValue + (text.unit || '');


		return label;

	settingWindow.addTrackBar = function(text, data, value, changeHandler)
		return addSlider(text, 0, data.length, 1, data.indexOf(value), data, changeHandler);

	settingWindow.addSlider = function(text, minValue, maxValue, step, value, changeHandler)
		return addSlider(text, minValue, maxValue, step, value, null, changeHandler);


	//#region Check

	function setCheckStyle(element, value)
		if (value)
			element[0].value = controls.getText(language.current.on);
			element[0].value = controls.getText(;

	settingWindow.addCheck = function(text, value, changeHandler, valueReplace)

		var element = document.createElement('input');
		element.type = 'button';
		element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classButton + settingWindow.className; = 'position: absolute; left: ' + secondColumn + 'px; top: ' + top + 'px; width: ' + elementWidth + 'px; height: 20px;';

		element = $(element);

		setCheckStyle(element, value);
		if (valueReplace != null) element[0].value = controls.getText(valueReplace);

				value = !value;
				setCheckStyle(element, value);

				var result = changeHandler(value);
				if (typeof result != 'string') return;

				element[0].value = controls.getText(result);


		return element[0];


	settingWindow.addSharedElements = function(control, changeVisibility, changeOpacity, changeBackgroundAndBorders, showDelimiter)
		if (changeVisibility == null || changeVisibility)
			settingWindow.addButton(language.current.hide, function()

		if (changeOpacity == null || changeOpacity)
			settingWindow.addSlider(language.current.opacity, 10, 100, 1, Math.floor((control.opacity || 1) * 100), function(value)
				control.setOpacity(value / 100);

		if (changeBackgroundAndBorders == null || changeBackgroundAndBorders)
			settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.background, (control.element[0].style.background != 'none'), function(value)
				control.element[0].style.background = (value ? '' : 'none');

			settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.borders, !control.element.hasClass(theme.classNoBorders), function(value)
				if (value)

		if (showDelimiter == null || showDelimiter) settingWindow.addDelimiter();


		.mouseup(deactivate) = function(control)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>

		if (control == null) return;

		top = theme.padding;


		if (top == theme.padding) return;

		var style = settingWindow.element[0].style;
		var containerWidth = secondColumn + elementWidth;
		var containerHeight = top; = (containerWidth - theme.padding2) + 'px'; = (containerHeight - theme.padding2) + 'px';

		if (containerHeight > 600)
			containerHeight = 600;
			containerWidth += 20;

		settingWindow.offsetWidth = containerWidth + theme.padding;
		settingWindow.offsetHeight = containerHeight + theme.current.controlsBordersSize + theme.current.controlsBordersSize;

		function checkPosition(position)
			return (position.left >= container.left &&
					position.left + containerWidth <= container.width && >= && + containerHeight <= container.height);

		function findPosition()
			var controlWidth = control.width;
			var controlHeight = control.height;

			// bottom
			var position =
				left: control.left,
				top: + controlHeight

			if (position.left + containerWidth > container.width) position.left = control.left + controlWidth - containerWidth;
			if (checkPosition(position)) return position;

			// right
			position.left = control.left + controlWidth; =;

			if ( + containerHeight > container.height) = + controlHeight - containerHeight;
			if (checkPosition(position)) return position;

			// top
			position.left = control.left; = - containerHeight;

			if (position.left + containerWidth > container.width) position.left = control.left + controlWidth - containerWidth;
			if (checkPosition(position)) return position;

			// left
			position.left = control.left - containerWidth; =;

			if ( + containerHeight > container.height) = + controlHeight - containerHeight;
			if (checkPosition(position)) return position;

			// inner
			position.left = control.left + theme.padding; = + theme.padding;

			return position;

		settingWindow.resize = function()
			var position = findPosition();

			settingWindow.offsetLeft = position.left - container.left;
			settingWindow.offsetTop = -;


		settingWindow.update = function()


	settingWindow.hide = function()
		this.visible = false;
		this.element[0].style.display = 'none';

		return this;

var customization = new function()
	function offEvent() { return false; }

	var customization = this; = 'customization';
	customization.visible = false;
	customization.resize = function() { };

	/// <var type="Control"></var>
	var selectedControl = null;
	var fixedSelect = false;
	var notFirstOpen = false;

	var element = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: absolute; overflow: hidden; display: none; z-index: 99;';
	element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.className +;

	var horizontalDockMarker = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: absolute; display: none; background: red; border: none; left: 0px; width: 100%; top: 50%; height: 1px; z-index: 99;';
	horizontalDockMarker.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.className +;

	var verticalDockMarker = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: absolute; display: none; background: red; border: none; left: 50%; width: 1px; top: 0px; height: 100%; z-index: 99;';
	verticalDockMarker.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.className +;

	var background = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: absolute; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; display: none; z-index: 99; display: none; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.30);';
	background.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.className +;


	function showPositionInfoPopup()
		if (selectedControl == null) return;

		var message = '&nbsp;' +
			language.current.left + (Math.floor(selectedControl.left / 8) * 8) + '; ' + + (Math.floor( / 8) * 8) + '; ' +
			language.current.width + (Math.floor(selectedControl.width / 8) * 8) + '; ' +
			language.current.height + (Math.floor(selectedControl.height / 8) * 8) + '&nbsp;';, selectedControl);

	customization.showHelp = function()
	{, -1, -1, 30);

	function autoShowHelp()
		if (notFirstOpen) return

		settingWindowDockControl = selectedControl = options;
		fixedSelect = true;;
		notFirstOpen = true;

	//#region Background

	function backgroundShow()
	{ = 'block';

	function backgroundHide()
		container.element.append(element); = 'none';


	//#region Dock controls

	var dockSize = 16;
	/// <var type="Control"></var>
	var dockControl = null;

	var horizontalControlDockMarker = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: absolute; display: block; background: #a7ac3b; border: none; left: 0px; width: 100%; top: 50%; height: 1px; z-index: 99;';
	horizontalControlDockMarker.className = theme.className +;

	var verticalControlDockMarker = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: absolute; display: block; background: #a7ac3b; border: none; left: 50%; width: 1px; top: 0px; height: 100%; z-index: 99;';
	verticalControlDockMarker.className = theme.className +;

	function clearDockData(control)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param> = '#a7ac3b'; = '#a7ac3b'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = '';
		control.elementStyle.border = '';

	function showDockControl(control)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>

		if (dockControl == control) return true;
		if (dockControl != null) hideDockControl();

		dockControl = control;

		control.element.append(verticalControlDockMarker); = 'block'; = 'block';

	function hideDockControl()
		if (dockControl == null) return;

		clearDockData(dockControl); = 'none'; = 'none';

		dockControl = null;

	function checkHorizontalDockForControl(control, e)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>
		/// <param name="e" type="MouseEvent"></param>

		var selectedControlRight = selectedControl.left + selectedControl.width;
		var controlCenter = control.left + control.width / 2;
		var controlRight = control.left + control.width;

		if (selectedControl.left >= control.left && selectedControl.left < control.left + dockSize)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderLeft = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockLeft = true;
		else if (selectedControlRight > controlRight - dockSize && selectedControlRight <= controlRight)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderRight = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockRight = true;
		else if (e.pageX > controlCenter - dockSize && e.pageX < controlCenter + dockSize)
		{ = 'block'; = 'red';
			selectedControl.dockLeft = true;
			selectedControl.dockRight = true;
		else if (selectedControl.left > controlRight && selectedControl.left < controlRight + dockSize)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderRight = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockRight = true;
			selectedControl.dockOuterHorizontal = true;
		else if (selectedControlRight > control.left - dockSize && selectedControlRight < control.left)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderLeft = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockLeft = true;
			selectedControl.dockOuterHorizontal = true;

	function checkVerticalDockForControl(control, e)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>
		/// <param name="e" type="MouseEvent"></param>

		var selectedControlBottom = + selectedControl.height;
		var controlMiddle = + control.height / 2;
		var controlBottom = + control.height;

		if ( >= && < + dockSize)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderTop = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockTop = true;
		else if (selectedControlBottom > controlBottom - dockSize && selectedControlBottom <= controlBottom)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderBottom = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockBottom = true;
		else if (e.pageY > controlMiddle - dockSize && e.pageY < controlMiddle + dockSize)
		{ = 'block'; = 'red';
			selectedControl.dockTop = true;
			selectedControl.dockBottom = true;
		else if ( > controlBottom && < controlBottom + dockSize)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderBottom = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockBottom = true;
			selectedControl.dockOuterVertical = true;
		else if (selectedControlBottom > - dockSize && selectedControlBottom <
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderTop = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockTop = true;
			selectedControl.dockOuterVertical = true;

	function checkHorizontalDockForSmallControls(control, e)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>
		/// <param name="e" type="MouseEvent"></param>

		var selectedControlRight = selectedControl.left + selectedControl.width;
		var controlCenter = control.left + control.width / 2;
		var controlRight = control.left + control.width;
		var dockSizeHalf = dockSize / 2;

		if (e.pageX >= controlCenter - dockSizeHalf && e.pageX <= controlCenter + dockSizeHalf)
		{ = 'block'; = 'red';
			selectedControl.dockLeft = true;
			selectedControl.dockRight = true;
		else if (selectedControl.left >= controlCenter - dockSizeHalf && selectedControl.left < controlRight + dockSize)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderRight = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockRight = true;
			selectedControl.dockOuterHorizontal = true;
		else if (selectedControlRight > control.left - dockSize && selectedControlRight <= controlCenter + dockSizeHalf)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderLeft = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockLeft = true;
			selectedControl.dockOuterHorizontal = true;

	function checkVerticalDockForSmallControls(control, e)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>
		/// <param name="e" type="MouseEvent"></param>

		var selectedControlBottom = + selectedControl.height;
		var controlMiddle = + control.height / 2;
		var controlBottom = + control.height;
		var dockSizeHalf = dockSize / 2;

		if (e.pageY >= controlMiddle - dockSizeHalf && e.pageY <= controlMiddle + dockSizeHalf)
		{ = 'block'; = 'red';
			selectedControl.dockTop = true;
			selectedControl.dockBottom = true;
		else if ( >= controlMiddle - dockSizeHalf && < controlBottom + dockSize)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderBottom = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockBottom = true;
			selectedControl.dockOuterVertical = true;
		else if (selectedControlBottom > - dockSize && selectedControlBottom <= controlMiddle + dockSizeHalf)
		{ = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderTop = 'solid 1px red';
			selectedControl.dockTop = true;
			selectedControl.dockOuterVertical = true;

	function checkDock(control, e)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>
		/// <param name="e" type="MouseEvent"></param>


		checkHorizontalDockForControl(control, e);
		checkVerticalDockForControl(control, e);

		if (selectedControl.dockOuterVertical || selectedControl.dockOuterHorizontal) return;

		if (control.width <= 32) checkHorizontalDockForSmallControls(control, e);
		if (control.height <= 32) checkVerticalDockForSmallControls(control, e);

		if (!(selectedControl.dockBottom && selectedControl.dockTop || selectedControl.dockLeft && selectedControl.dockRight)) return;

		if (selectedControl.changeWidthIsDisabled || selectedControl.changeHeightIsDisabled || control.width <= 32 || control.height <= 32)
		{ = 'none'; = '#a7ac3b'; = 'solid 1px red';
			control.elementStyle.borderTop = 'solid 1px red'; = '';
			control.elementStyle.borderBottom = '';

			selectedControl.dockTop = true;
			selectedControl.dockLeft = true;
			selectedControl.dockRight = true;
			selectedControl.dockBottom = false;
			selectedControl.dockOuterHorizontal = false;
			selectedControl.dockOuterVertical = true;

	function findDropControl(parent, e)
		/// <param name="parent" type="Control"></param>
		/// <param name="e" type="MouseEvent"></param>

		for (var i = 0; i < parent.childs.length; i++)
			/// <var type="Control"></var>
			var control = parent.childs[i];

			if (control == selectedControl ||
				control == customization ||
				control == settingWindow ||
				control == informationPopup ||
				!control.visible) continue;

			if (findDropControl(control, e)) return true;

		var selectedControlRight = selectedControl.left + selectedControl.width;
		var selectedControlBottom = + selectedControl.height;
		var parentRight = parent.left + parent.width;
		var parentBottom = + parent.height;

		if (selectedControl.left >= parentRight + dockSize || >= parentBottom + dockSize ||
			selectedControlRight <= parent.left - dockSize ||
			selectedControlBottom <= - dockSize) return false;

		checkDock(parent, e);

		return true;


	//#region Move/resize controls

	/// <var type="Control"></var>
	var settingWindowDockControl = null;

	var data =
		resizeMode: false,
		moved: false,
		mouseX: 0,
		mouseY: 0,
		mode: false

		if (selectedControl == null) return;

		fixedSelect = true;

		data =
			resizeMode: (e.which == 3 || e.ctrlKey),
			moved: false,
			mouseX: e.pageX,
			mouseY: e.pageY,
			mode: false

		container.element.on({ mousemove: mousemove, mouseup: mouseup, mouseleave: customization.hide });

	function undock(e)
		if (selectedControl.parent == container && selectControl.dockNone) return;


		if (data.mouseX > selectedControl.offsetLeft + selectedControl.offsetWidth)
			selectedControl.offsetLeft = e.pageX - selectedControl.offsetWidth / 2;

		if (data.mouseY > selectedControl.offsetTop + selectedControl.offsetHeight)
			selectedControl.offsetTop = e.pageY - selectedControl.offsetHeight / 2;

	function move(e)
		var offsetLeft = Math.floor(e.pageX - data.mouseX);
		var offsetTop = Math.floor(e.pageY - data.mouseY);

		selectedControl.offsetLeft += offsetLeft;
		selectedControl.offsetTop += offsetTop;


		offsetLeft = selectedControl.offsetLeft - selectedControl.left;
		offsetTop = selectedControl.offsetTop -;

		if (selectedControl.left - offsetLeft < container.left)
			selectedControl.offsetLeft = container.left - offsetLeft;
		else if (selectedControl.left + offsetLeft + selectedControl.width > container.width)
			selectedControl.offsetLeft = container.width - selectedControl.width;

		if ( - offsetTop <
			selectedControl.offsetTop = - offsetTop;
		else if ( + offsetTop + selectedControl.height > container.height)
			selectedControl.offsetTop = container.height - selectedControl.height;

	function resizeWidth(e)
		if (selectedControl.changeWidthIsDisabled) return;

		selectedControl.offsetWidth += Math.floor(e.pageX - data.mouseX);

		if (selectedControl.offsetWidth < selectedControl.minWidth)
			selectedControl.offsetWidth = selectedControl.minWidth;


		if (selectedControl.left + selectedControl.width < container.width) return;

		selectedControl.offsetWidth = container.width - (selectedControl.width - selectedControl.offsetWidth) - selectedControl.left;

	function resizeHeight(e)
		if (selectedControl.changeHeightIsDisabled) return;

		selectedControl.offsetHeight += Math.floor(e.pageY - data.mouseY);

		if (selectedControl.offsetHeight < selectedControl.minHeight)
			selectedControl.offsetHeight = selectedControl.minHeight;


		if ( + selectedControl.height < container.height) return;

		selectedControl.offsetHeight = container.height - (selectedControl.height - selectedControl.offsetHeight) -;

	function mousemove(e)
		if (data.mode || Math.abs(data.mouseX - e.pageX) + Math.abs(data.mouseY - e.pageY) < 4) return;

		data.mode = true;

			if (selectedControl == null) return;

			if (settingWindow.visible)

			if (data.resizeMode)

				if (selectedControl.left <= 0 || <= 0 ||
					selectedControl.left + selectedControl.width >= container.width || + selectedControl.height >= container.height)
					checkDock(container, e);
				else if (!findDropControl(container, e))



			data.mouseX = e.pageX;
			data.mouseY = e.pageY;
			data.moved = true;
			data.mode = false;
		}, 20);

	function mouseup()
	{{ mousemove: mousemove, mouseup: mouseup, mouseleave: customization.hide });

			selectedControl.offsetLeft = Math.floor(selectedControl.offsetLeft / 8) * 8;
			selectedControl.offsetTop = Math.floor(selectedControl.offsetTop / 8) * 8;
			selectedControl.offsetWidth = Math.floor(selectedControl.offsetWidth / 8) * 8;
			selectedControl.offsetHeight = Math.floor(selectedControl.offsetHeight / 8) * 8;

			if (dockControl != null)
				if (selectedControl.dockLeft || selectedControl.dockRight) selectedControl.offsetLeft = 0;
				if (selectedControl.dockTop || selectedControl.dockBottom) selectedControl.offsetTop = 0;


				selectedControl.offsetLeft -= selectedControl.parent.left;
				selectedControl.offsetTop -=;



			if (dockControl != null || data.moved)

			if (data.moved == false)
				if (settingWindowDockControl != selectedControl || !settingWindow.visible)
					settingWindowDockControl = selectedControl;

				else if (settingWindow.visible)
					settingWindowDockControl = null;


			fixedSelect = false;
		}, 20);


	//#region Selection

	function selectControl(e)
		/// <param name="e" type="MouseEvent"></param>

		if (fixedSelect) return;

		findSelectedControl(container, e);

	function findSelectedControl(parent, e)
		/// <param name="parent" type="Control"></param>
		/// <param name="e" type="MouseEvent"></param>

		for (var i = 0; i < parent.childs.length; i++)
			/// <var type="Control"></var>
			var control = parent.childs[i];

			if (control == customization || control == informationPopup) continue;

			if (findSelectedControl(control, e)) return true;

			if (!control.visible) continue;

			if (e.pageX > control.left + control.width ||
				e.pageY > + control.height ||
				e.pageX < control.left ||
				e.pageY < continue;

			if (control != selectedControl && control != settingWindow);

			return true;

		return false;


	//#region Controls = function(control)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>

		if (selectedControl == control) return;
		if (selectedControl != null) customization.hide(); = 'block';
		customization.visible = true;
		selectedControl = control;


		customization.resize = function()
			control.resize(); = control.elementStyle.left; =; = control.elementStyle.width; = control.elementStyle.height;


	customization.hide = function()
		if (selectedControl == null) return;

		hideDockControl();{ mousemove: mousemove, mouseup: mouseup, mouseleave: customization.hide });
		customization.visible = false; = 'none';

		selectedControl = null;
		fixedSelect = false;


	//#region Enabled

	customization.disabled = true;

	customization.enable = function(control)
		customization.disabled = false;

		container.element.addClass(theme.classCustomizationOn); = '-webkit-touch-callout: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; user-select: none;';
		container.element.on({ mousemove: selectControl, contextmenu: offEvent });

		if (typeof control != 'undefined');


	customization.disable = function()
		container.element.removeClass(theme.classCustomizationOn); = '';{ mousemove: selectControl, contextmenu: offEvent });

		customization.disabled = true;

	customization.toggleEnabled = function()
		if (customization.disabled)


	//#region Saving settings

	{'customization_notFirstOpen', notFirstOpen);

		notFirstOpen = main.loadBoolean('customization_notFirstOpen', false);


var gameWindow = new Control('gameWindow', 0, 100, 100, true);
	var unityPlayer = document.getElementById('unityPlayer');
	var inventoryControl = $('#DFLightBox').parent();

	gameWindow.resetPosition = function()

	gameWindow.addSettings = function()
		settingWindow.addSharedElements(gameWindow, false, false);

		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.fitGameScreen, gameWindow.fitToScreen, gameWindow.setFitToScreen);

	//#region Replace old interface

	if (main.isNotGameScreen)
		gameWindow.elementStyle.overflow = 'auto';
		gameWindow.element.addClass(gameWindow.className + 'Black');

		gameWindow.elementStyle.overflow = 'hidden';

		unityPlayer.className = theme.classCanvas; = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = '100%'; = '100%'; = 'none';

		var object = $(unityPlayer).children()[0]; = '100%'; = '100%';

		var label = $('<table class="' + gameWindow.className + 'Table"><tr class="' + gameWindow.className + 'Tr"><td class="' + gameWindow.className + 'Td"></td></tr></table>');
			.css('cssText', 'width: 100%; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;')

		var hiddenContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'none';




	//#region Unity player

	gameWindow.hideUnityPlayer = function()
		if (unityPlayer == null) return; = 'hidden';
		label.css('display', 'table');

	gameWindow.showUnityPlayer = function()
		if (unityPlayer == null) return; = 'visible';
		label.css('display', 'none');


	gameWindow.update = function()
		if (main.isNotGameScreen) return;


	//#region Fit to screen

	gameWindow.fitToScreen = true;

	gameWindow.setFitToScreen = function(value)
		gameWindow.fitToScreen = value;

	gameWindow.toogleFitToScreen = function()

	function fitToScreen()
		if (main.isNotGameScreen) return;

			var containerWidth = gameWindow.clientWidth - theme.padding2 - theme.controlsBordersSize2;
			var containerHeight = gameWindow.clientHeight - theme.padding2 - theme.controlsBordersSize2;

			if (gameWindow.fitToScreen)
			{ = '0px'; = '0px'; = '100%'; = '100%'; = 'none';

				label.css('cssText', 'position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none; z-index: -1');
				var width = 1024, height = 600;

				if (width != containerWidth)
					height *= (containerWidth / width);
					width = containerWidth;

				if (height > containerHeight)
					width *= (containerHeight / height);
					height = containerHeight;

				var left = (containerWidth - width) / 2 + theme.padding;
				var top = (containerHeight - height) / 2 + theme.padding; = Math.floor(left) + 'px'; = Math.floor(top) + 'px'; = Math.floor(width) + 'px'; = Math.floor(height) + 'px'; = '';

					position: 'absolute',
					left: Math.floor(left) + 'px',
					top: Math.floor(top) + 'px',
					width: Math.floor(width) + 'px',
					height: Math.floor(height) + 'px',
					border: '',
					zIndex: -1
		}, 20);


	gameWindow.resize = function()
		if (main.isNotLoaded) return;



	//#region Saving settings

	{'gameWindow_fitToScreen', gameWindow.fitToScreen);

		gameWindow.setFitToScreen(main.loadBoolean('gameWindow_fitToScreen', true));


var options = new Control('options', 90, 32, 32);
	var visibleWindow = false;

	function isIntersectsWithGameWindow()
		return !(options.left + options.width < gameWindow.left || + options.height < ||
				options.left > gameWindow.left + gameWindow.width || > + gameWindow.height);

	function inGameModeMenu()
		settingWindow.addButton(language.current.customize, function()


		settingWindow.addSelect(language.current.languageSelect, language.list,, function(value)

		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.modeButton, main.manualControl, function()

			return (main.manualControl ? language.current.modeManual : language.current.modeAutomatic);
		}, (main.manualControl ? language.current.modeManual : language.current.modeAutomatic));


		settingWindow.addSelect(language.current.themeSelect, theme.list,, function(value)

		settingWindow.addSlider(language.current.themeFontSize, 8, 16, 1, theme.fontSize, function(value)
			theme.fontSize = value;
			theme.elementHeight = theme.fontSize + 4;

		settingWindow.addSlider(language.current.themeFontSpacing, 0, 2, 1, theme.fontSpacing, function(value)
			theme.fontSpacing = value;


		settingWindow.addLink(, '');

	//#region inSettingModeMenu

	var sharedSettingsList = [], manualSettingsList = [], automaticSettingsList = [];

	options.addSharedSettingHandler = function(handler)

	options.addManualSettingHandler = function(handler)

	options.addAutomaticSettingHandler = function(handler)

	function inSettingModeMenu()
		settingWindow.addButton(language.current.exitCustomize, function()
			if (isIntersectsWithGameWindow())

			visibleWindow = false;

		settingWindow.addButton(language.current.customizeHelpOption, customization.showHelp);

		settingWindow.addButton(language.current.resetCustomize, function()


		settingWindow.addSharedElements(options, false, true, true, false);

		if (sharedSettingsList.length > 0)

			for (var i = 0; i < sharedSettingsList.length; i++) sharedSettingsList[i]();

		if (manualSettingsList.length > 0)

			for (var i = 0; i < manualSettingsList.length; i++) manualSettingsList[i]();

		if (automaticSettingsList.length > 0)

			for (var i = 0; i < automaticSettingsList.length; i++) automaticSettingsList[i]();


	controls.makeButton(options, settingsData, function()
		if (!customization.disabled) return;

		if (visibleWindow)
			visibleWindow = false;
			visibleWindow = true;;

	options.resetPosition = function()
		options.setParent().dock(true, true).locate();

	options.update = function()
		options.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.optionsButton);

	options.addSettings = function()
		if (customization.disabled)

var informationPopup = new Control('informationPopup', 101, 100, 20, false, true).hide();
	informationPopup.showTime = 0;

		informationPopup.showTime = 0;
	}); = function(message, left, top, time)
		/// <signature>
		///		<param name="message" type="String"></param>
		///		<param name="control" type="Control"></param>
		///		<param name="time" type="Integer"></param>
		/// </signature>
		/// <signature>
		///		<param name="message" type="String"></param>
		///		<param name="left" type="Integer"></param>
		///		<param name="top" type="Integer"></param>
		///		<param name="time" type="Integer"></param>
		/// </signature>


		var containerWidth = informationPopup.element.width();
		var containerHeight = informationPopup.element.height();

		if (typeof left == 'number')
			time = time || 2;

			informationPopup.offsetLeft = Math.floor(left < 0 ? (container.width - containerWidth) / 2 : left);
			informationPopup.offsetTop = Math.floor(top < 0 ? (container.height - containerHeight) / 2 : top);

			informationPopup.resize = function()
				informationPopup.elementStyle.width = '';
				informationPopup.elementStyle.height = '';
			time = top || 2;

			function checkPosition(position)
				return (position.left >= container.left &&
						position.left + containerWidth <= container.width && >= && + containerHeight <= container.height);

			function findPosition(control)
				var controlWidth = control.width;
				var controlHeight = control.height;

				// bottom
				var position =
					left: control.left,
					top: + controlHeight + theme.padding

				if (position.left + containerWidth > container.width) position.left = control.left + controlWidth - containerWidth;
				if (checkPosition(position)) return position;

				// right
				position.left = control.left + controlWidth + theme.padding; =;

				if ( + containerHeight > container.height) = + controlHeight - containerHeight;
				if (checkPosition(position)) return position;

				// top
				position.left = control.left; = - containerHeight - theme.padding;

				if (position.left + containerWidth > container.width) position.left = control.left + controlWidth - containerWidth;
				if (checkPosition(position)) return position;

				// left
				position.left = control.left - containerWidth - theme.padding; =;

				if ( + containerHeight > container.height) = + controlHeight - containerHeight;
				if (checkPosition(position)) return position;

				// inner
				position.left = control.left + theme.padding; = + theme.padding;

				return position;

			informationPopup.resize = function()
				var position = findPosition(left);

				informationPopup.offsetLeft = position.left - container.left;
				informationPopup.offsetTop = -;


				informationPopup.elementStyle.width = '';
				informationPopup.elementStyle.height = '';

		informationPopup.showTime = time;

		if (informationPopup.showTime <= 0) return;

		informationPopup.showTime -= 1;

		if (informationPopup.showTime == 0) informationPopup.hide();
	}, 1000);

var player = new Player();

player.findUserId = function()
	var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
	var userIdRegex = /"SendUserID",\s"(\d+)"/i;

	if (main.isNotGameScreen)
		elements = document.getElementsByTagName('param');
		userIdRegex = /userID=(\d+)&/i;

	for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
		var data = userIdRegex.exec(main.isNotGameScreen ? elements[i].value : elements[i].innerHTML);
		if (data == null) continue; = parseInt(data[1]);


var refreshButton = new Control('refreshButton', 25, 32, 32);
var healthLabel = new Control('healthLabel', 24, 96, 32);
var armorLabel = new Control('armorLabel', 23, 96, 32);
var hungerLabel = new Control('hungerLabel', 22, 96, 32);
var inventoryLabel = new Control('inventoryLabel', 21, 96, 32);
var messageLabel = new Control('messageLabel', 20, 64, 32);

	function playerSetting()
		settingWindow.addInput(language.current.playerIdLabel,, function(value)
			var newId = parseInt(value);

			if (isNaN(newId))
			{ = newId;

		settingWindow.addButton(language.current.playerIdReset, function()


	controls.makeButton(refreshButton, refreshData, function()
		if (player.requestIsSend) return;


	refreshButton.addSettings = function()


	refreshButton.resetPosition = function()
		refreshButton.setParent(gameWindow).dock(false, true, true, false, false, true).locate();

	refreshButton.update = function()
		refreshButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.refreshButton);

		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.refreshButtonOption, refreshButton.visible, refreshButton.toggle);

	var a = refreshButton.offsetLeft;

	function createLabel(control, icon, valueName, maxValueName, resetHandler, updateHandler)
		/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>
		/// <param name="icon" type="String"></param>
		/// <param name="valueName" type="String"></param>
		/// <param name="maxValueName" type="String"></param>
		/// <param name="resetHandler" type="Function"></param>
		/// <param name="updateHandler" type="Function"></param>

		control.changeHeightIsDisabled = true;
		control.resetPosition = resetHandler;
		control.update = updateHandler;

		var image = controls.createDiv(control, 'ImageButton'); =
			'background-image: url(' + icon + ');' +
			'position: absolute; left: 6px; width: 17px; height: 17px';

		control.label = controls.createDiv(control, 'Text'); = 'position: absolute; left: 40px; text-align: left';

		var labelStandartClasses = control.label.className;

		control.resize = function()
			control.baseResize(); = Math.floor((control.clientHeight - 17) / 2) + 'px'; = Math.floor((control.clientHeight - theme.elementHeight) / 2 + theme.controlsBordersSize) + 'px'; = (control.clientWidth - 46) + 'px'; = theme.elementHeight + 'px';

		function updateData()
			control.label.innerHTML = player[valueName] + '/' + player[maxValueName];
			control.label.className = labelStandartClasses + ' ' + controls.getClassName(player[valueName], player[maxValueName]);


	createLabel(healthLabel, healthData, 'health', 'maxHealth', function()
		healthLabel.setParent(gameWindow).dock(true, true, false, false, false, true).locate();
	}, function()
		healthLabel.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.healthLabel);
		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.healthLabelOption, healthLabel.visible, healthLabel.toggle);

	createLabel(armorLabel, armorData, 'armor', 'maxArmor', function()
		armorLabel.setParent(healthLabel).dock(false, true, true, false, true).locate();
	}, function()
		armorLabel.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.armorLabel);
		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.armorLabelOption, armorLabel.visible, armorLabel.toggle);

	createLabel(hungerLabel, hungerData, 'hunger', 'maxHunger', function()
		hungerLabel.setParent(armorLabel).dock(false, true, true, false, true).locate();
	}, function()
		hungerLabel.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.hungerLabel);
		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.hungerLabelOption, hungerLabel.visible, hungerLabel.toggle);

	createLabel(inventoryLabel, inventoryData, 'freeInventoryCells', 'maxInventoryCells', function()
		inventoryLabel.setParent(hungerLabel).dock(false, true, true, false, true).locate();
	}, function()
		inventoryLabel.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.inventoryLabel);
		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.inventoryLabelOption, inventoryLabel.visible, inventoryLabel.toggle);

	messageLabel.changeWidthIsDisabled = true;
	messageLabel.changeHeightIsDisabled = true;

	messageLabel.resetPosition = function()
		messageLabel.setParent(refreshButton).dock(true, true, false, false, true).locate();

	messageLabel.update = function()
		messageLabel.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.messageLabel);

	var image = controls.createDiv(messageLabel, 'ImageButton'); =
		'background-image: url(' + messageData + ');' +
		'position: absolute; left: 6px; width: 17px; height: 17px';

	var label = controls.createDiv(messageLabel, 'Text'); = 'position: absolute; left: 40px; text-align: left';

	var labelStandartClasses = label.className;

	messageLabel.resize = function()
		messageLabel.baseResize(); = Math.floor((messageLabel.clientHeight - 17) / 2) + 'px'; = Math.floor((messageLabel.clientHeight - theme.elementHeight) / 2 + theme.controlsBordersSize) + 'px'; = (messageLabel.width - 46) + 'px'; = theme.elementHeight + 'px';

	function update()
		label.innerHTML = player.newMessageCount;
		label.className = labelStandartClasses + ' ' + (player.newMessageCount > 0 ? theme.classMore0 : theme.classMore75);


		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.messageLabelOption, messageLabel.visible, messageLabel.toggle);

var map = new Control('map', 10, 100, 100, true);
	function offEvent() { return false; }

	map.scaledGridSize = 50;
	map.halfScaledGridSize = 25;
	map.gridSize = 50;

	map.offsetX = 0;
	map.offsetY = 0;
	map.halfWidth = 0;
	map.halfHeight = 0;

	var element = document.createElement('canvas');
	element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classCanvas; = 'position: absolute; left: ' + theme.padding + 'px; top: ' + theme.padding + 'px;'; = ''; = 'black';

	var ctx = element.getContext('2d');

	var image = new Image();
	image.onload = function()
		map.imageWidth = image.width / map.gridSize;
		map.imageHeight = image.height / map.gridSize;
	image.src = newMapData;

	map.resetPosition = function()
		map.setParent().dock(true, true, false, true).locate(0, 0, 300, 300);

	function changeMapScale(value)
		map.scaledGridSize = value;

		ctx.clearRect(0, 0, element.width, element.height);

		if (e.deltaY < 0 && map.scaledGridSize > 10)
			map.scaledGridSize -= 5;
		else if (e.deltaY > 0 && map.scaledGridSize < 100)
			map.scaledGridSize += 5;

		changeMapScale(map.scaledGridSize); + ' ' + map.scaledGridSize, map.left + 60, + 60);

	map.addSettings = function()

		settingWindow.addSlider(language.current.mapScale, 10, 100, 5, map.scaledGridSize, changeMapScale);

		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.mapStyle, map.newStyle, function(value)

			return (map.newStyle ? language.current.mapNewStyle : language.current.mapOldStyle);
		}, map.newStyle ? language.current.mapNewStyle : language.current.mapOldStyle);

	map.update = function()
		map.element[0].title = controls.getText(;

	map.resize = function()

		element.width = map.clientWidth - theme.controlsBordersSize2 - theme.padding2;
		element.height = map.clientHeight - theme.controlsBordersSize2 - theme.padding2; = element.width + 'px'; = element.height + 'px';

		map.halfWidth = map.width / 2;
		map.halfHeight = map.height / 2;


	//#region Style

	var styleChangeHandler = [];

	map.newStyle = true;

	map.setStyle = function(value)
		map.newStyle = value;
		image.src = (map.newStyle ? newMapData : oldMapData);

		for (var i = 0; i < styleChangeHandler.length; i++) styleChangeHandler[i](value);

	map.addStyleChangeHandler = function(handler)


	//#region Map view

	var mapControls =
		enable: false,
		left: 1,
		top: 1,
		right: 1,
		down: 1

	var data =
		mouseX: 0,
		mouseY: 0,
		userMoveTimer: 0,
		smoothMoveTimer: 0,
		userMovingIsDisable: false

		.on('contextmenu selectstart', offEvent)
			mousedown: function(e)
				var position = map.element.position();

				data.mouseX = e.pageX;
				data.mouseY = e.pageY;

				if (data.userMovingIsDisable || !customization.disabled) return;
				if (e.which == 3 || e.ctrlKey) return toggleMark(data.mouseX - position.left, data.mouseY -;
				if (data.userMoveTimer != 0) clearInterval(data.userMoveTimer);

				data.userMoveTimer = setInterval(function()
					var horizontalMoveDisabled = map.imageWidth * map.scaledGridSize < map.width;
					var varticalMoveDisabled = map.imageHeight * map.scaledGridSize < map.height;
					var offsetX = (horizontalMoveDisabled ? 0 : 0.5 / map.halfWidth * (data.mouseX - position.left - map.halfWidth));
					var offsetY = (varticalMoveDisabled ? 0 : 0.5 / map.halfHeight * (data.mouseY - - map.halfHeight));

					map.move(offsetX, offsetY);
				}, 20);
			mousemove: function(e)
				data.mouseX = e.pageX;
				data.mouseY = e.pageY;

				if (!mapControls.enable)
					mapControls.enable = true;
			mouseup: function()
				data.userMoveTimer = 0;
			mouseout: function()
				data.userMoveTimer = 0;
				mapControls.enable = false;

	function resetControls()
		mapControls.left = 1;
		mapControls.right = 1; = 1;
		mapControls.down = 1;


	function activateControls(offsetX, offsetY)
		mapControls.left = 1;
		mapControls.right = 1; = 1;
		mapControls.down = 1;

		if (offsetX < -0.05)
			mapControls.left = 2;
		else if (offsetX > 0.05)
			mapControls.right = 2;

		if (offsetY < -0.05)
		{ = 2;
		else if (offsetY > 0.05)
			mapControls.down = 2;

	function checkBorders(newPosition)
		var position =
			left: (newPosition.offsetX + 0.5) * map.scaledGridSize - map.halfWidth,
			top: (newPosition.offsetY + 0.5) * map.scaledGridSize - map.halfHeight,
			width: map.imageWidth * map.scaledGridSize,
			height: map.imageHeight * map.scaledGridSize

		if (position.width < map.width)
			position.left = (position.width - map.width) / 2 + map.scaledGridSize;
			newPosition.offsetX = (position.left + map.halfWidth) / map.scaledGridSize - 0.5;
			mapControls.left = 0;
			mapControls.right = 0;
		else if (position.left < 0)
			position.left = 0;
			newPosition.offsetX = map.halfWidth / map.scaledGridSize - 0.5;
			mapControls.left = 0;
		else if (position.left > position.width + map.halfScaledGridSize - map.width)
			position.left = position.width + map.halfScaledGridSize - map.width;
			newPosition.offsetX = (position.left + map.halfWidth) / map.scaledGridSize - 0.5;
			mapControls.right = 0;

		if (position.height < map.height)
		{ = (position.height - map.height) / 2 + map.scaledGridSize;
			newPosition.offsetY = ( + map.halfHeight) / map.scaledGridSize - 0.5; = 0;
			mapControls.down = 0;
		else if ( < 0)
		{ = 0;
			newPosition.offsetY = map.halfHeight / map.scaledGridSize - 0.5; = 0;
		else if ( > position.height + map.halfScaledGridSize - map.height)
		{ = position.height + map.halfScaledGridSize - map.height;
			newPosition.offsetY = ( + map.halfHeight) / map.scaledGridSize - 0.5;
			mapControls.down = 0;

		return position;

	map.smoothMove = function(x, y)
		var speed = 15;
		var minSpeed = 0.02;
		var position = { offsetX: x, offsetY: y };


		if (data.userMovingIsDisable) clearInterval(data.smoothMoveTimer);

		data.userMovingIsDisable = true;

		data.smoothMoveTimer = setInterval(function()
			var isEnd = true;
			var prevOffsetX = map.offsetX;
			var prevOffsetY = map.offsetY;
			var distanceX = position.offsetX - map.offsetX;
			var distanceY = position.offsetY - map.offsetY;

			if (Math.abs(distanceX) > minSpeed)
				distanceX /= speed;
				if (Math.abs(distanceX) < minSpeed) distanceX = distanceX / Math.abs(distanceX) * minSpeed;
				isEnd = false;

			if (Math.abs(distanceY) > minSpeed)
				distanceY /= speed;
				if (Math.abs(distanceY) < minSpeed) distanceY = distanceY / Math.abs(distanceY) * minSpeed;
				isEnd = false;

			map.move(distanceX, distanceY);

			if (isEnd || (prevOffsetX == map.offsetX && prevOffsetY == map.offsetY))
				data.userMovingIsDisable = false;
		}, 20);

	map.move = function(offsetX, offsetY)
		map.offsetX += offsetX;
		map.offsetY += offsetY;

		activateControls(offsetX, offsetY);

		map.smoothMove(player.x, player.y);


	//#region Render

	function setControlColor2(state1, state2, x1, y1, x2, y2, lenght)
		if (state1 == 0 || state2 == 0) return;

		drawArrowShadow(x1, y1, x2, y2, lenght);

		if (state1 == 2 && state2 == 2)
			ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
			ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
			ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
			ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';

		drawArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, lenght);

	function setControlColor3(state1, state2, state3, x1, y1, x2, y2, lenght)
		if (state1 == 0) return;

		drawArrowShadow(x1, y1, x2, y2, lenght);

		if (state1 == 2 && state2 != 2 && state3 != 2)
			ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
			ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
			ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
			ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';

		drawArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, lenght);

	function drawControls()
		if (!mapControls.enable) return;;

		var gridSize = Math.floor(Math.min(element.width, element.height) / 19);
		var lenght = gridSize;
		var near = gridSize;
		var near2 = gridSize * 2;
		var center = gridSize * 10;
		var far = gridSize * 18;
		var far2 = gridSize * 19;

		ctx.lineWidth = 2;

		if (element.width < element.height)
			ctx.translate(0, (element.height - element.width) / 2);
			ctx.translate((element.width - element.height) / 2, 0);

		setControlColor2(mapControls.left,, near2, near2, near, near, lenght);
		setControlColor2(mapControls.right, mapControls.down, far, far, far2, far2, lenght);
		setControlColor2(mapControls.left, mapControls.down, near2, far, near, far2, lenght);
		setControlColor2(mapControls.right,, far, near2, far2, near, lenght);

		setControlColor3(mapControls.left,, mapControls.down, near2, center, near, center, lenght);
		setControlColor3(mapControls.right,, mapControls.down, far, center, far2, center, lenght);
		setControlColor3(, mapControls.left, mapControls.right, center, near2, center, near, lenght);
		setControlColor3(mapControls.down, mapControls.left, mapControls.right, center, far, center, far2, lenght);


	function drawArrowShadow(x1, y1, x2, y2, lenght)
		ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
		ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
		drawArrow(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, x2 + 1, y2 + 1, lenght);

	function drawArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, lenght)
		var angle = Math.PI / 8;

		ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
		ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);

		var lineangle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
		var h = Math.abs(lenght / Math.cos(angle));

		var angle1 = lineangle + Math.PI + angle;
		var topx = x2 + Math.cos(angle1) * h;
		var topy = y2 + Math.sin(angle1) * h;
		var angle2 = lineangle + Math.PI - angle;
		var botx = x2 + Math.cos(angle2) * h;
		var boty = y2 + Math.sin(angle2) * h;

		var radius = 3;
		var twoPI = 2 * Math.PI;

		ctx.moveTo(topx, topy);
		ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
		ctx.lineTo(botx, boty);

		var cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, backdist;
		var shiftamt = 5;
		if (botx == topx)
			backdist = boty - topy;
			cp1x = (x2 + topx) / 2;
			cp2x = (x2 + topx) / 2;
			cp1y = y2 + backdist / shiftamt;
			cp2y = y2 - backdist / shiftamt;
			backdist = Math.sqrt(((botx - topx) * (botx - topx)) + ((boty - topy) * (boty - topy)));
			var xback = (topx + botx) / 2;
			var yback = (topy + boty) / 2;
			var xmid = (xback + x2) / 2;
			var ymid = (yback + y2) / 2;

			var m = (boty - topy) / (botx - topx);
			var dx = (backdist / (2 * Math.sqrt(m * m + 1))) / shiftamt;
			var dy = m * dx;
			cp1x = xmid - dx;
			cp1y = ymid - dy;
			cp2x = xmid + dx;
			cp2y = ymid + dy;

		ctx.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, topx, topy);

	function drawCross(x, y, color)
		ctx.strokeStyle = color;
		ctx.lineWidth = 2;
		ctx.moveTo(x, y);
		ctx.lineTo(x + map.scaledGridSize, y + map.scaledGridSize);
		ctx.moveTo(x + map.scaledGridSize, y);
		ctx.lineTo(x, y + map.scaledGridSize);

	function drawPlayer(position, x, y)
		x = Math.floor(x * map.scaledGridSize - position.left);
		y = Math.floor(y * map.scaledGridSize -;

		ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
		ctx.lineWidth = 4;
		ctx.strokeRect(x, y, map.scaledGridSize, map.scaledGridSize);

		ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';
		ctx.lineWidth = 2;
		ctx.strokeRect(x, y, map.scaledGridSize, map.scaledGridSize);

	function drawMark(position, x, y)
		x = Math.floor(x * map.scaledGridSize - position.left);
		y = Math.floor(y * map.scaledGridSize -;

		drawCross(x, y, 'yellow');

	map.draw = function()
		var position = checkBorders(map);

		ctx.drawImage(image, -Math.floor(position.left), -Math.floor(, Math.floor(position.width), Math.floor(position.height));

		for (var i = 0; i < marks.length; i++)
			if (marks[i].visible) drawMark(position, marks[i].x, marks[i].y);

		drawPlayer(position, player.x, player.y);


	//#region Marks

	function MapMark(x, y, visible)
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		this.visible = visible;

	/// <var type="Array" elementType="MapMark"></var>
	var marks = [];

	function setMark(x, y, visible)
		var newMark = new MapMark(x, y, visible);

		for (var i = 0; i < marks.length; i++)
			if (marks[i].x == x && marks[i].y == y)
				marks[i] = newMark;


	function toggleMark(mouseX, mouseY)
		var position = checkBorders(map);
		var x = Math.floor((mouseX + theme.padding - map.halfWidth) / map.scaledGridSize + map.offsetX);
		var y = Math.floor((mouseY + theme.padding - map.halfHeight) / map.scaledGridSize + map.offsetY);

		for (var i = 0; i < marks.length; i++)
			if (marks[i].x == x && marks[i].y == y)
				marks[i].visible = !marks[i].visible;

		setMark(x, y, true);

	map.clearMarks = function()
		marks = [];

	map.removeMark = function(x, y)
		setMark(x, y, false);

	map.setMark = function(x, y)
		setMark(x, y, true);


		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.mapOption, map.visible, map.toggle);

	//#region Saving settings

		var count = 0;

		for (var i = 0; i < marks.length; i++)
			if (!marks[i].visible) continue;'map_marks_' + i + '_x', marks[i].x);'map_marks_' + i + '_y', marks[i].y);

			count += 1;
		}'map_marks_count', count);'map_newStyle', map.newStyle);

		map.setStyle(main.loadBoolean('map_newStyle', true));

		var count = main.loadNumber('map_marks_count', 0);

		for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
			var x = main.loadNumber('map_marks_' + i + '_x', -1);
			var y = main.loadNumber('map_marks_' + i + '_y', -1);

			if (x < 0 || y < 0) continue;

			setMark(x, y, true);



var legend = new Control('legend', 60, 200, 100, true).hide();

	legend.elementStyle.overflow = 'auto';
	legend.elementStyle.padding = theme.padding + 'px';

	var element = document.createElement('canvas');
	element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classCanvas; = 'position: static; left: 0px; top: 0px;'; = ''; = '#404040';

	var ctx = element.getContext('2d');

	var imageWidth = 0;
	var imageHeight = 0;
	var image = new Image();
	image.onload = function()
		imageWidth = image.width;
		imageHeight = image.height;
	image.src = newLegendData;


	//#region Style

	legend.newStyle = true;

	legend.setStyle = function(value)
		legend.newStyle = value;
		image.src = (legend.newStyle ? newLegendData : oldLegendData);



	legend.resetPosition = function()
		legend.setParent().dock(true, true, false, true).locate(theme.padding, 0, 300, 900);

	legend.update = function()
		legend.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.legend);

	legend.resize = function()

		element.width = legend.element.width() - theme.controlsBordersSize2 - theme.padding2;
		element.height = imageHeight; = element.width + 'px'; = imageHeight + 'px';


	function drawText(text, lineNumber)
		var left = imageWidth + theme.padding;
		var top = lineNumber * 50;

		if (text != null) ctx.fillText(text.line1 || text, left, top);
		if (text.line2 != null) ctx.fillText(text.line2, left, top + 25);

		top += 51;

		ctx.moveTo(imageWidth, top);
		ctx.lineTo(element.width, top);

	legend.draw = function()
		ctx.lineWidth = 2;
		ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';

		ctx.clearRect(0, 0, element.width, element.height);

		ctx.strokeRect(1, 1, element.width - 2, element.height - 2);
		ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);

		ctx.font = '20px "Times New Roman"';
		ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
		ctx.fillStyle = 'white';

		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionOutpost, 0);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionWarehouse, 1);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionHouse, 2);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionApartment, 3);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionPoliceStation, 4);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionClothingStore, 5);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionSuperMarket, 6);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionShop, 7);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionRowShops, 8);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionHospital, 9);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionSchool, 10);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionSportField, 11);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionHotel, 12);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionJunkyard, 13);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionOfficeBuilding, 14);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionBlinds, 15);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionGreenArea, 16);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionBigGreenArea, 17);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionDoorBarricade, 18);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionCyanRoute, 19);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionGreenRoute, 20);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionYellowRoute, 21);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionOrangeRoute, 22);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionRedRoute, 23);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionBlueZone, 24);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionGreenZone, 25);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionYellowZone, 26);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionOrangeZone, 27);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionRedZone, 28);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionDarkZone, 29);
		drawText(language.current.legendDescriptionNightmareZone, 30);

function visibleOnlyManualControl(control)
	/// <param name="control" type="Control"></param>



var legendButton = new Control('legendButton', 45, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(legendButton, legendData, legend.toggle);
legendButton.resetPosition = function()
	legendButton.setParent(map).dock(true, true, false, false, false, true).locate();
legendButton.update = function()
	legendButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.legendButton);
	settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.legendButtonOption, legendButton.visible, legendButton.toggle);

var centeredOnPlayerButton = new Control('centeredOnPlayerButton', 42, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(centeredOnPlayerButton, centeredData, function()
	map.smoothMove(player.x, player.y);
centeredOnPlayerButton.resetPosition = function()
	centeredOnPlayerButton.setParent(upButton).dock(false, false, true, true, false, true).locate();
centeredOnPlayerButton.update = function()
	centeredOnPlayerButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.centeredOnPlayerButton);
	settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.centeredOnPlayerButtonOption, centeredOnPlayerButton.visible, centeredOnPlayerButton.toggle);

var upButton = new Control('upButton', 40, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(upButton, upData, function()
	if (player.y > 0) player.add(0, -1);
upButton.resetPosition = function()
	upButton.setParent(rightUpButton).dock(true, true, false, false, true, false).locate();
upButton.update = function()
	upButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.upButton);

var downButton = new Control('downButton', 40, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(downButton, downData, function()
	if (player.y < Math.floor(map.imageHeight - 1)) player.add(0, 1);
downButton.resetPosition = function()
	downButton.setParent(centeredOnPlayerButton).dock(false, false, true, true, false, true);
downButton.update = function()
	downButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.downButton);

var leftUpButton = new Control('leftUpButton', 40, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(leftUpButton, upLeftData, function()
	if (player.x > 0) player.add(-1, 0);
	if (player.y > 0) player.add(0, -1);
leftUpButton.resetPosition = function()
	leftUpButton.setParent(upButton).dock(true, true, false, false, true, false).locate();
leftUpButton.update = function()
	leftUpButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.leftUpButton);

var leftButton = new Control('leftButton', 40, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(leftButton, leftData, function()
	if (player.x > 0) player.add(-1, 0);
leftButton.resetPosition = function()
	leftButton.setParent(centeredOnPlayerButton).dock(true, true, false, false, true, false).locate();
leftButton.update = function()
	leftButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.leftButton);

var leftDownButton = new Control('leftDownButton', 40, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(leftDownButton, downLeftData, function()
	if (player.x > 0) player.add(-1, 0);
	if (player.y < Math.floor(map.imageHeight - 1)) player.add(0, 1);
leftDownButton.resetPosition = function()
	leftDownButton.setParent(downButton).dock(true, false, false, true, true, false).locate();
leftDownButton.update = function()
	leftDownButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.leftDownButton);

var rightUpButton = new Control('rightUpButton', 40, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(rightUpButton, upRightData, function()
	if (player.x < Math.floor(map.imageWidth - 1)) player.add(1, 0);
	if (player.y > 0) player.add(0, -1);
rightUpButton.resetPosition = function()
	rightUpButton.setParent(map).dock(false, false, true, true, false, true).locate();
rightUpButton.update = function()
	rightUpButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.rightUpButton);

var rightButton = new Control('rightButton', 40, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(rightButton, rightData, function()
	if (player.x < Math.floor(map.imageWidth - 1)) player.add(1, 0);
rightButton.resetPosition = function()
	rightButton.setParent(centeredOnPlayerButton).dock(false, true, true, false, true, false).locate();
rightButton.update = function()
	rightButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.rightButton);

var rightDownButton = new Control('rightDownButton', 40, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(rightDownButton, downRightData, function()
	if (player.x < Math.floor(map.imageWidth - 1)) player.add(1, 0);
	if (player.y < Math.floor(map.imageHeight - 1)) player.add(0, 1);
rightDownButton.resetPosition = function()
	rightDownButton.setParent(downButton).dock(false, false, true, true, true, false).locate();
rightDownButton.update = function()
	rightDownButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.rightDownButton);

var checkedButton = new Control('checkedButton', 41, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(checkedButton, checkData, function()
	map.setMark(player.x, player.y);
checkedButton.resetPosition = function()
	checkedButton.setParent(map).dock(true, false, false, true, false, true).locate();
checkedButton.update = function()
	checkedButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.checkButton);
	settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.checkButtonOption, checkedButton.visible, checkedButton.toggle);

var clearButton = new Control('clearButton', 41, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(clearButton, clearData, function()
	map.removeMark(player.x, player.y);
clearButton.resetPosition = function()
	clearButton.setParent(checkedButton).dock(true, false, false, true, false, true).locate();
clearButton.update = function()
	clearButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.clearButton);
	settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.clearButtonOption, clearButton.visible, clearButton.toggle);

var clearAllButton = new Control('clearAllButton', 41, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(clearAllButton, clearAllData, map.clearMarks);
clearAllButton.resetPosition = function()
	clearAllButton.setParent(clearButton).dock(true, false, false, true, false, true).locate();
clearAllButton.update = function()
	clearAllButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.clearAllButton);
	settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.clearAllButtonOption, clearAllButton.visible, clearAllButton.toggle);

function playerControlButtonsToggle()

	settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.playerControlButtonsToggleOption, upButton.visible, playerControlButtonsToggle);

map.outposts =
	Street: { id: 'Street', text: "Street", x: -1, y: -1, hidden: true },
	FortPastor: { id: 'FortPastor', text: "Fort Pastor", x: 31, y: 23 },
	NastyasHoldout: { id: 'NastyasHoldout', text: "Nastya's Holdout", x: 1, y: 20 },
	DoggsStockage: { id: 'DoggsStockage', text: "Dogg's Stockage", x: 7, y: 5 },
	Precint13: { id: 'Precint13', text: "Precint 13", x: 14, y: 39 }

map.outpost = map.outposts.NastyasHoldout;

var outpostSelect = new Control('outpostSelect', 30, 96, 32, true);
	outpostSelect.changeHeightIsDisabled = true;

	outpostSelect.resetPosition = function()
		outpostSelect.setParent(map).dock(false, true, true, false, false, true).locate(0, 0, 160);

	outpostSelect.update = function()
		outpostSelect.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.outpostSelect);

	var image = controls.createDiv(outpostSelect, 'ImageButton'); =
		'background-image: url(' + outpostData + ');' +
		'position: absolute; left: 6px; width: 17px; height: 17px';

	var select = controls.createSelect(outpostSelect, function(value)
		if (value ==
			select.value =;


		map.outpost = map.outposts[value];

		if (main.manualControl)
			player.move(map.outpost.x, map.outpost.y);
			map.smoothMove(map.outpost.x, map.outpost.y);
	}); = 'position: absolute; left: 40px; text-align: left';
	controls.updateSelect(outpostSelect, select, map.outposts,;

	outpostSelect.resize = function()
		outpostSelect.baseResize(); = Math.floor((outpostSelect.clientHeight - 17) / 2) + 'px'; = Math.floor((outpostSelect.clientHeight - theme.elementHeight) / 2 + theme.controlsBordersSize) + 'px'; = (outpostSelect.clientWidth - 46) + 'px'; = theme.elementHeight + 'px';

	function updatePosition()
		for (var item in map.outposts)
			if (!map.outposts.hasOwnProperty(item) || player.x != map.outposts[item].x || player.y != map.outposts[item].y) continue;

			select.value = map.outposts[item].id;

		select.value =;

		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.outpostSelectOption, outpostSelect.visible, outpostSelect.toggle);


var chat = new Control('chat', 15, 100, 100);

	chat.url = "";
	chat.openInNewWindowCommand = "";
	chat.elementStyle.padding = theme.padding + 'px';

	var element = document.createElement('iframe');
	element.className = theme.className + ' ' + theme.classCanvas; = 'position: static; margin: 0; left: 0%; top: 0%; width: 100%; height: 100%'; = 'black';

	//#region Find chat url

	var tags = document.getElementsByTagName(main.isNotGameScreen ? 'img' : 'a');

	for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++)
			var data = tags[i].getAttribute('onclick');

			var startUrlIndex = data.indexOf("'");
			if (startUrlIndex < 0) continue;
			startUrlIndex += 13;

			var endUrlIndex = data.indexOf("'", startUrlIndex);
			if (endUrlIndex < 0) continue;

			chat.openInNewWindowCommand = data;
			chat.url = data.substring(startUrlIndex, endUrlIndex);

		catch (e) { }

	element.src = chat.url;

	//#endregion = function()
		element.src = chat.url;

	chat.resetPosition = function()
		chat.setParent().dock(false, true, true, true).locate(0, 0, 600, 800);

		settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.chatOption, chat.visible, chat.toggle);

var openChatInNewWindowButton = new Control('openChatInNewWindowButton', 45, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(openChatInNewWindowButton, chatInNewWindowData, function()
	setTimeout(chat.openInNewWindowCommand, 0);
openChatInNewWindowButton.resetPosition = function()
	openChatInNewWindowButton.setParent(options).dock(false, true, true, false, true, false).locate();
openChatInNewWindowButton.update = function()
	openChatInNewWindowButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.openChatButton);
	settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.openChatButtonOption, openChatInNewWindowButton.visible, openChatInNewWindowButton.toggle);

var openChatButton = new Control('openChatButton', 45, 32, 32);
controls.makeButton(openChatButton, chatData, chat.toggle);
openChatButton.resetPosition = function()
	openChatButton.setParent(openChatInNewWindowButton).dock(false, true, true, false, true, false).locate();
openChatButton.update = function()
	openChatButton.element[0].title = controls.getText(language.current.openChatButton);
	settingWindow.addCheck(language.current.toggleChatButtonOption, openChatButton.visible, openChatButton.toggle);


	if (language.current == null) language.setCurrent(language.list.en);
	if (theme.current == null) theme.setCurrent(theme.list.standart);
	if ( == 0) player.findUserId();
	map.smoothMove(player.x, player.y);

	main.isNotLoaded = false;
	controls.notIgnoreHiddenOnResize = false;



})(window, window.document);