Temm / HBRS eva2 Timetable Cleaner

// ==UserScript==
// @name         HBRS eva2 Timetable Cleaner
// @version      1.3
// @description  Clean up your HBRS eva2 timetable!
// @author       Temm
// @updateURL    https://openuserjs.org/meta/Temm/HBRS_eva2_Timetable_Cleaner.meta.js
// @downloadURL  https://openuserjs.org/install/Temm/HBRS_eva2_Timetable_Cleaner.user.js
// @match        https://eva2.inf.h-brs.de/stundenplan/anzeigen/*mode=grid*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=h-brs.de
// @grant        none
// @copyright    2022, Temm (https://openuserjs.org/users/Temm)
// @license      GPL-3.0-or-later
// ==/UserScript==
console.log("Loaded Timetable Cleaner!");
(function () {
    //#region Element Helper Functions
    /** @type {(s: string)=>HTMLElement} */
    const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
    /** @type {(s: string)=>NodeListOf<HTMLElement>} */
    const $$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);

    //#region Interface Helper Functions
    /** @argument {HTMLElement} element */
    function getTableCoordsOfModule(element) {
        let rows = Array.from($$("tr[class^='row']"));
        let row = rows.find(row => Array.from(row.children).includes(element));
        let y = rows.indexOf(row);
        let x = 0;
        for (const elem of row.children) {
            if (elem === element) break;
            x += parseInt(elem.getAttribute("colspan") ?? 1);
        return { x, y };

     * @argument {number} x
     * @argument {number} y
    function getModuleOfTableCoords(x, y) {
        let rows = Array.from($$("tr[class^='row']"));
        let row = rows[y];
        for (const elem of row.children) {
            if (elem.matches(".row-label-one")) continue;
            if (x === 0) return elem;
            x -= elem.getAttribute("colspan") || 1;

    /** @argument {HTMLElement} module */
    function isSpaceFree(row, start, width) {
        let rows = Array.from($$("tr[class^='row']"));
        let cols = Array.from(rows[row].querySelectorAll("td:not(.row-label-one)"));
        let currStart = 0;
        let end = start + width;
        for (const elem of cols) {
            let currWidth = parseInt(elem.getAttribute("colspan") ?? 1);
            let currEnd = currStart + currWidth;
            // check if currStart->currEnd collides with start->end
            if (!elem.matches(".cell-border")) {
                if (currEnd >= start) return false;
            currStart += currWidth;
            if (currStart >= end) return true;
        return true;

    /** @argument {HTMLElement} module */
    function removeModule(module) {
        let length = module.getAttribute("colspan");
        for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {

    /** @argument {HTMLElement} module */
    function findDayOfModule(module) {
        for (const day of days) {
            if (day.some(row => row.contains(module))) return day;
    /** @argument {HTMLElement|number} row */
    function findDayOfRow(row) {
        if (typeof row === "number") {
            row = $$("tr[class^='row']")[row];
        for (const day of days) {
            if (day.includes(row)) return day;

    function cleanEmptyRows() {
        let rows = $$("tr[class^='row']");
        rows.forEach((row) => {
            let children = Array.from(row.children);
            if (!children.some(cell => cell.classList.contains("object-cell-border"))) {
                // Row has no modules
                let dayLabel = findDayOfRow(row)[0].children[0];
                let day = findDayOfRow(row);
                // There are no modules in this row
                if (row.children[0].classList.contains("row-label-one")) {
                    // Day label found in row, it will have to be moved down before removing row
                    // This is the only row of the day, keep it.
                    if (day.length == 1) return;

                // There are no modules or day labels in this row, remove it
                // Reduce day label height so it doesnt overflow into next day
                dayLabel.setAttribute("rowspan", parseInt(dayLabel.getAttribute("rowspan")) - 1)
                day.splice(day.indexOf(row), 1);

    //#region Data variables
    let empty = $(".cell-border").cloneNode();
    let modules = Array.from($$(".object-cell-border"));
    /** @type {HTMLElement[][]} */
    let days = Array.from($$(".container-fluid>table>tbody>tr:not(:first-child)")).reduce((reduced, elem) => {
        if (!Array.from(elem.classList).some(c => c.startsWith("row"))) return reduced;
        if (elem.children[0].classList.contains("row-label-one")) {
            // Day label found in row, new day started
        reduced[reduced.length - 1].push(elem);
        return reduced;
    }, []);

    console.log("Days:", days);

    let interface = document.createElement("div");

    //#region Module Data Processing and UI
    let rawData = {}
    const groupRegex = /(?:[^a-zA-Z])Gr(?:\.| |\. )((?:Wdh\.? )?[a-z0-9\-]{1,6})/i;
    const typeRegex = /\((Ü|V|P)\)/i;
    for (let module of modules) {
        module = module.querySelector(".nobreak");
        let title = module.querySelector(".lvtitel").textContent;
        let cleanTitle = title;

        cleanTitle = cleanTitle.replace(/  +/g, " ");
        cleanTitle = cleanTitle
            .replace(groupRegex, "")
            .replace(typeRegex, "")
            .replace(/\(Online\)/i, "")
            .replace(/\./g, "")
        cleanTitle = cleanTitle.replace(/  +/g, " ");

        if (rawData[title]) continue;
        let roomtime = module.querySelector(".lvraumzeit").textContent;
        let date = module.querySelector(".lvdatum").textContent;
        let prof = module.querySelector(".lvwer").textContent;

        let moduleGroup = (groupRegex.exec(title) ?? [, null])[1];
        let moduleType = (typeRegex.exec(title) ?? [, null])[1];
        rawData[title] = {
            title, cleanTitle, gruppe: moduleGroup, typ: moduleType,
            roomtime, date, prof,

    let organizedData = {};
    for (let module of Object.values(rawData)) {
        if (!organizedData[module.cleanTitle]) organizedData[module.cleanTitle] = [];

    let semesterId = decodeURIComponent(new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get("identifier_semester") ?? "none");
    let savedData = localStorage.getItem("timetableCleanerData_" + semesterId)
    savedData = savedData ? JSON.parse(savedData) : {
        version: 1,
        hiddenModules: [],
    console.log("Loaded Saved Data", savedData, "for semester id:", semesterId);

    let sortedModules = Object.values(organizedData).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);
    for (const module of sortedModules) {
        let select = document.createElement("select");
        select.multiple = true;
        select.id = "module-" + module[0].cleanTitle; // possibly cursed
        select.style.width = "400px";
        select.style.fontSize = "12px";
        select.size = 5;
        for (const submodule of module) {
            let option = document.createElement("option");
            option.value = submodule.title;
            option.text = submodule.title;
            option.selected = !savedData.hiddenModules.includes(submodule.title);

    //#region UI Functionality
    let uiControls = document.createElement("div");
    uiControls.style.display = "inline-block";

    let cleanupCheckbox = document.createElement("input");
    cleanupCheckbox.type = "checkbox";
    cleanupCheckbox.id = "cleanup";
    cleanupCheckbox.checked = true;

    let cleanupLabel = document.createElement("label");
    cleanupLabel.textContent = "Clean up rows (Sort Modules Upwards)";
    cleanupLabel.setAttribute("for", "cleanup");
    cleanupLabel.style.marginBottom = "0px";

    // let highlightCheckbox = document.createElement("input");
    // highlightCheckbox.type = "checkbox";
    // highlightCheckbox.id = "highlight";
    // highlightCheckbox.checked = true;
    // uiControls.appendChild(highlightCheckbox);

    // let highlightLabel = document.createElement("label");
    // highlightLabel.textContent = "Highlight free time";
    // highlightLabel.setAttribute("for", "highlight");
    // uiControls.appendChild(highlightLabel);
    // uiControls.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));

    let btn = document.createElement("button");
    btn.textContent = "Apply Filter";
    btn.onclick = () => {
        // Apply filters
        btn.disabled = true;
        cleanupCheckbox.disabled = true;

        let hiddenModuleNames = Array.from($$("select[id^='module-']"))
            .map(s => Array.from(s.querySelectorAll("option:not(:checked)")))
            .flat().map(o => o.value);
        savedData.hiddenModules = hiddenModuleNames;
        localStorage.setItem("timetableCleanerData_" + semesterId, JSON.stringify(savedData));

        hiddenModuleNames.forEach(title => {
            let removedModules = modules.filter(m => m.querySelector(".lvtitel").textContent == title);
            for (const module of removedModules) {
        $$("select[id^='module-']").forEach(s => s.disabled = true);

        if (cleanupCheckbox.checked) {
            let runNext = true;
            while (runNext) {
                runNext = false;

                let modules = Array.from($$(".object-cell-border"));
                for (const module of modules) {
                    let day = findDayOfModule(module);
                    console.log("the day is ", day);
                    let { x, y } = getTableCoordsOfModule(module);
                    let width = parseInt(module.getAttribute("colspan") ?? 1);
                    if (y == 0) continue;

                    let aboveModuleDay = findDayOfRow(y - 1);
                    if (day == aboveModuleDay && isSpaceFree(y - 1, x, width)) {
                        // Module can be moved up!
                        runNext = true;

                        for (let i = 0; i < width; i++) {
                        let toReplace = getModuleOfTableCoords(x, y - 1);
                        for (let i = 1; i < width; i++) {
                        getModuleOfTableCoords(x, y - 1).replaceWith(module);




    //#region Debug utilities
    $$(".object-cell-border").forEach((o) => {
        o.addEventListener("click", () => {