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// ==UserScript== // @name Auto Join // @namespace GMAJ // @description A userscript to autojoin giveaways on gameminer // @author Tackyou // @version 0.7 // @license // @match *://* // @supportURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var giveawaysjoined = 0, i = 0, x = 1, category = "coal", categories = ["coal", "sandbox", "golden"], coal = $('span.g-coal-big-icon span.user__coal'), gold = $('span.g-coal-big-icon span.user__gold'), yourcoal = +(coal.text()), yourgold = +(gold.text()); console.log('[GMAJ # ' + new Date().toString() +'] # Coal: '+yourcoal+', Gold: '+yourgold); cycle(); // lets go setTimeout(pointrefill, 3600000); function cycle() { x = 1; category = categories[i]; $.get('' + category + '?type=any&q=&sortby=finish&order=asc&filter_entered=on', function(content){ console.log('[GMAJ # ' + new Date().toString() +'] # Browsing category ' + category + ' ...'); var parsedcontent = $(content); $('.giveaway__container', parsedcontent).each(function(index){ JoinIfNotDLC(this, category); }); i++; if(i > 2){ i=0; setTimeout(cycle, 900000); // every 15 minutes console.log('[GMAJ # ' + new Date().toString() +'] ### Giveaways joined: ' + giveawaysjoined + ', pausing for 15 minutes ...'); }else{ setTimeout(cycle, 5000); } }); } function pointrefill(){ yourcoal += 1; coal.text(yourcoal); setTimeout(pointrefill, 3600000); } function JoinIfNotDLC(content, category){ var name = $('a.giveaway__name', content).text(); var points = +($('.giveaway__main-info', content).next().find('p:nth-child(3) span').text().split(' ')[0]); var form = $('.giveaway__action form', content); var canjoin = form.hasClass('giveaway-join'); var steamurl = $('.giveaway__topc a', content).attr('href'), steamappid = 0; if(steamurl != undefined){ try{ steamappid = steamurl.split('/app/')[1].split('/')[0]; }catch(ex){ // it's a bundle /sub/ canJoin = false; // can't check them, can't join them. // you could make it check all games in the bundle some day .... maybe a bit overload tho } } setTimeout(function(){ if(((category == 'golden' && points <= yourgold) || (category != 'golden' && points <= yourcoal)) && canjoin){ var site = ''+steamappid; var yql = '' + encodeURIComponent('select * from json where url="' + site + '"') + '&format=json&callback=?'; $.getJSON(yql, function(data) { var game; var json = data.query.results; for (var property in json) { if (json.hasOwnProperty(property)) { game = json[property]; break; } } if(game != undefined && != undefined && != 'dlc'){ $.post(form.attr('action'), form.serialize() + "&json=true", function(resp) { coal.text(resp.coal); gold.text(; yourcoal = resp.coal; yourgold =; console.log('[GMAJ # ' + new Date().toString() +'] # ('+points+'p) '+name); giveawaysjoined++; }); } }); } }, 3000*x); x++; }