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// ==UserScript== // @name Storium Notification // @namespace // @description Desktop notifications for storium // @include* // @include // @include // @include // @version 1.0.8 // @require // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // You can readily alter variables in this section to customize the script for you // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- var intSecs = 300; // Main timer interval - change this if you want more // or less frequent checks. var logThese = {}; // Things to log. Set to false to make the console logs less spammy logThese.init = true; logThese.timerFire = true; logThese.scriptStart = true; logThese.functionEntry = false; logThese.newNotes = true; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Don't change anything below this line..... // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- var permResult; // Permissions we have been allocated to desktop notifications var aryNotes = []; // Most recently loaded set of notifications (strings) var aryNotesLast = []; // Copy of the last loaded set of notifications var aryNotesNew = []; // Notifications that are new var intMinSecs = 120; // An idiot check to make sure that noone sets the refresh // interval too low var intRefDelay = 30 // Number of seconds to wait before refreshing notifications page. // When this happens, the update is cleared. // Version info var scriptVerShort = GM_info.script.version; var scriptVer = "script-name=ssi-sn&script-ver=" + scriptVerShort; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- log('Script start : ' + scriptVerShort,'scriptStart'); init(); // Iniialization routine function init() { logFunctionEntry(); // Idiot check log("Performing idiot check","init"); if (intSecs < intMinSecs) { log("Idiot check failed: " + intSecs,"init"); intSecs = intMinSecs; } // Ask for permission to do desktop notifications log("Getting permission for desktop notifications","init"); askPermission(); // Work out our starting position regarding what the notifications are log("Initialising notifications","init"); getNotifications(); // Set the check timer going log("Starting timer @ " + intSecs + "s","init"); setInterval(function(){ checkUpdate(); }, 1000 * intSecs); } // Let's extend array prototype for ready comparison of array contents = function(testArr) { if (this.length != testArr.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < testArr.length; i++) { if (this[i].compare) { if (!this[i].compare(testArr[i])) return false; } if (this[i] !== testArr[i]) return false; } return true; } // Logging function log(strMessage,strCategory) { if (logThese[strCategory]) { var now = new Date(); if (log.caller) { console.log(now.toLocaleString() + ": " + + ": " + JSON.stringify(strMessage)); } else { console.log(now.toLocaleString() + ": -none-: " + JSON.stringify(strMessage)); } } } function logFunctionEntry() { if (logFunctionEntry.caller) { log(, "functionEntry"); } } // Send a desktop notification function sendNotification(strTitle, strBody) { logFunctionEntry(); var options = { body: strBody, requireInteraction: true, icon: "" } var notification = new Notification(strTitle, options); } // Refresh the page after a notification is detected function refreshPage() { window.location.reload(); } // Get new storium notifications and trigger a desktop notification if required function getNotifications() { logFunctionEntry(); // Add script version info to request so that we can signal to the storium techies that it's this script running. var url = "/notifications?" + scriptVer; $.get(url,function(data){ var $notePage = $(data); var $tbody = $notePage.find("tbody"); aryNotes = []; aryNotesNew = []; $tbody.find("td:not(.ago)").each(function() { var strEntry = $(this).text().trim(); aryNotes.push(strEntry); }); if (aryNotesLast.length > 0) { // We can do a comparison if (! { var intMarker = -1; // The notifications have changed so work out which are new for (var i = 1;i < aryNotes.length; i++) { if (aryNotes[i] == aryNotesLast[0]) { intMarker = i; break; } } for (var i = 0;i < intMarker; i++) { aryNotesNew.push(aryNotes[i]); } log(aryNotes,"newNotes"); log(aryNotesLast,"newNotes"); log(aryNotesNew,"newNotes"); sendNotification("New Storium Activitity", aryNotesNew.join("\n")); setTimeout(function() { refreshPage(); }, 1000 * intRefDelay); } } // Clone the array of notes aryNotesLast = aryNotes.slice(0); }); } // Ask permission if we don't have it and then function checkUpdate() { logFunctionEntry(); log("Fired","timerFire"); askPermission(); if (permResult === "granted") { getNotifications(); } } // Request user permission for desktop notifications function askPermission() { logFunctionEntry(); if (permResult !== "granted" && permResult !== "denied") { Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { permResult = permission; }) } }