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116, 124, 125, 126, 128, 135 , 136 , 148, 151, 152 , 154 , 158, 164, 170, 171, 172, 1000 ] var dayReviewsGitBook={ '20':'Where are you in the journey?', '21':'The Puppet Portfolio' , '26':'Puppet Enterprise' , '39':'Using Bolt' , '40':'Puppet agent or Bolt snippet examples' , '67':'Imperative vs. Declarative Puppet', '71':'The Puppet Way' ,'72':'Puppet Resources', '73':'Desired State' , '74':'What is the Puppet Agent?' , '77':'Introduction to Bolt Apply', '78':'Applying Puppet Code with a Plan' , '79':'Applying Puppet Code with a Plan', '95':'Agent Scheduling' , '99':'Puppet Resources.', '101':'Origin of Resource Types' , '105':'Simulating Change with Puppet' , '107':'Facter', '108':'External Facts', '114':'Modules' , '116':'Puppet Module Badges', '124':'Lesson 8: Wrapper Classes', '125':'Module Customization', '126':'Modules.', '128':'Define and Declare', '135':'PDK Tools' , '136':'Module Structure' , '148':'Puppet Style Guide', '151':'Overview of Unit Testing', '152':'Testing Modules' , '154':'System Testing', '158':'Lesson 10: Roles and Profiles', '164':'Roles and Profiles', '170':'Control Repo in Puppet', '171':'Puppetfile', '172':'What is Code Manager?', '1000': 'Hiera Visualization' } const remotehtmlscript=` var gswpPrefix_default="" var ppPrefix_default="" var dayReviews=new Array();' ` const clickme=(me)=>{ if ( typeof(me.dataset) != "undefined" && typeof( != "undefined" && != "" && (^[.]/i) ||^http[s]*:/i) ) ) { return Window.owin_open( "?js=" + escape( "location.assign( '" +"')" ) ) ; } } const getUrlSearchMap=()=>{ if ( typeof urlSearchMap == "undefined" || Object.keys(urlSearchMap).length == 0 ) var urlSearchMap=urlSearchParser(); return urlSearchMap ; } const getUrlSearchMapValue=(key)=>{ var var2Ret=getUrlSearchMap()[key] ; if ( typeof(var2Ret) == "undefined" ) var2Ret=getUrlSearchMapValue2(key) ; return var2Ret ; } const getUrlSearchMapValue2=(name)=>{ name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + 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Bolt Apply', '78':'Applying Puppet Code with a Plan' , '79':'Applying Puppet Code with a Plan', '95':'Agent Scheduling' , '99':'Puppet Resources.', '101':'Origin of Resource Types' , '105':'Simulating Change with Puppet' , '107':'Facter', '108':'External Facts', '114':'Modules' , '116':'Puppet Module Badges', '124':'Lesson 8: Wrapper Classes', '125':'Module Customization', '126':'Modules.', '128':'Define and Declare', '135':'PDK Tools' , '136':'Module Structure' , '148':'Puppet Style Guide', '151':'Overview of Unit Testing', '152':'Testing Modules' , '154':'System Testing', '158':'Lesson 10: Roles and Profiles', '164':'Roles and Profiles', '170':'Control Repo in Puppet', '171':'Puppetfile', '172':'What is Code Manager?', '1000': 'Hiera Visualization' } function toggleGitBook(me){ textCa = me.innerHTML.split("|") me.innerHTML=textCa[2]+"|"+textCa[1]+"|"+textCa[0] document.querySelectorAll("button").forEach( but_=>{ if ( typeof(but_.dataset) != "undefined" && typeof( != "undefined" ){ 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class *= prev ],button[ class *= Prev ],button[ class *= prev ],button[ class *= left ],a[ class *= left ],[ id *= prev ],[ class *= Prev ]"); if (prevButton == null ){ document.querySelectorAll("div.gitbook-root div[data-testid='page.desktopTableOfContents'] ~ div div[dir='auto']").forEach( x => { if (x.innerHTML == "Previous"); } ) }else {; } }else if (event.code === 'KeyO' && event.srcElement.tagName != 'INPUT' ) { nodetmp=[] ; document.querySelectorAll('span[ role = "presentation" ][ class *= "navButtonIconClickable" ]').forEach( x=> nodetmp.push(x)) ; document.querySelectorAll("div[data-testid*='page.desktopTableOfContents'] div[data-rnw-int-class*=button___320_]").forEach( x=> nodetmp.push(x)) ; //document.querySelectorAll("svg").forEach( x=> nodetmp.push(x)) ; nodetmp2=[]; while( nodetmp.length > 0 ){ nodetmp2.push( nodetmp.pop() ) if ( nodetmp.length > 0 ) nodetmp2.push( nodetmp.shift() ) } nodetmp=nodetmp2 function a(){ nodetmp.pop().click() ; if ( nodetmp.length > 0 ) setTimeout( a, 100) ; } setTimeout( a, 100) ; }else if (event.code === 'KeyC' && event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey && event.srcElement.tagName != 'INPUT' ) { Window.owin_open('') nodetmp=[] ; document.querySelectorAll('#__GITBOOK__ROOT__CLIENT__ a, a[ href *= "puppet" ][ class *= "navButtonClickable" ][ class *= "pageItemWithChildrenNested" ]').forEach( x=> nodetmp.push(x)) ; function a(){ let bb=nodetmp.pop(); if( bb.href .indexOf( '') == -1 && bb.querySelectorAll("svg[class *= 'Expand']").length == 0 ) ; if ( nodetmp.length > 0 ) setTimeout( a, 2000) } setTimeout( a, 100) }else if (event.code === 'Slash' && event.metaKey && event.srcElement.tagName != 'INPUT' ) { Window.owin_open('<h1 style="font-size: 500%;line-height: 2ch;background: orange;">GitBook Preso Helper Activated!</h1>') document.querySelector('.owin').dataset.state=1000 //document.querySelector('.owin iframe').contentWindow.location='data:text/html,%3Ch1%3EGitBook%20Preso%20Helper%20Activated!%3C%2Fh1%3E' ; setTimeout("document.querySelector('.owin').dataset.state=0",3000 ) } }); } let html=getUrlSearchMapValue('html') if ( typeof html != "undefined") { document.body.outerHTML =html ; }; let jsData=localStorage.getItem('js') if ( jsData != null ) { localStorage.removeItem('js'); eval(jsData); } let jsData=getUrlSearchMapValue('js') if ( typeof jsData != "undefined") { eval(jsData); } setTimeout("Window.owin_open(''); document.querySelector('.owin').dataset.state=1000;",2000 ) setTimeout("document.querySelector('.owin').dataset.state=0",5000 ) menuRegister() }, 5000 ) ; //WIP download ebooks // setTimeout( x=>{ // let eee= document.querySelector("img[src*='book']") // if( eee != null && eee.src.endsWith('00') ) { console.log(eee.src) ; } // if( eee != null && eee.src.endsWith('00') && location.href.indexOf('') > -1 && location.href.indexOf('books') > -1 ) { + "#STOP") ; } // },0) /*! * @name menuCommand.js * @version 0.0.1 * @author Blaze * @date 2019/9/21 14:22 */ const monkeyMenu = { menuIds: {}, on (title, fn, accessKey) { if (title instanceof Function) { title = title(); } if (window.GM_registerMenuCommand) { const menuId = window.GM_registerMenuCommand(title, fn, accessKey); this.menuIds[menuId] = { title, fn, accessKey }; return menuId } }, off (id) { if (window.GM_unregisterMenuCommand) { delete this.menuIds[id]; /** * 批量移除已注册的按钮时,在某些性能较差的机子上会留下数字title的菜单残留 * 应该属于插件自身导致的BUG,暂时无法解决 * 所以此处暂时不进行菜单移除,tampermonkey会自动对同名菜单进行合并 */ // return window.GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id) } }, clear () { Object.keys(this.menuIds).forEach(id => {; }); }, /** * 通过菜单配置进行批量注册,注册前会清空之前注册过的所有菜单 * @param {array|function} menuOpts 菜单配置,如果是函数则会调用该函数获取菜单配置,并且当菜单被点击后会重新创建菜单,实现菜单的动态更新 */ build (menuOpts) { this.clear(); if (Array.isArray(menuOpts)) { menuOpts.forEach(menu => { if (menu.disable === true) { return } this.on(menu.title, menu.fn, menu.accessKey); }); } else if (menuOpts instanceof Function) { const menuList = menuOpts(); if (Array.isArray(menuList)) { this._menuBuilder_ = menuOpts; menuList.forEach(menu => { if (menu.disable === true) { return } const menuFn = () => { try { menu.fn.apply(menu, arguments); } catch (e) { console.error('[monkeyMenu]', menu.title, e); } // 每次菜单点击后,重新注册菜单,这样可以确保菜单的状态是最新的 setTimeout(() => { // console.log('[monkeyMenu rebuild]', menu.title); }, 100); }; this.on(menu.title, menuFn, menu.accessKey); }); } else { console.error('monkeyMenu build error, no menuList return', menuOpts); } } } }; /*! * @name menuManager.js * @description 菜单管理器 * @version 0.0.1 * @author xxxily * @date 2022/08/11 10:05 * @github */ function refreshPage (msg) { msg = msg || '配置已更改,马上刷新页面让配置生效?'; const status = confirm(msg); if (status) { window.location.reload(); } } let monkeyMenuList = [ { title: 'HotKeys', fn: () => { Window.owin_open("<pre>"+ "arrowkeys= <PrevPage NextPage >\n"+ "B = BlackBoard\n"+ "W = WhiteBoard\n"+ "P = Toggle for Preso Mode\n"+ "S = Open Search\n"+ "O = Open Index (Cacheing)... To Copy HTMLs for Lesson\n"+ "Cntrl-Meta-C = Open all Outlines\n"+ "X = Copy Html of the Topics\n\n\n"+ "Open all Outlines then X to copy for integration with GitBook Remote.\n"+ "</pre>\n"+ "<button onclick=document.querySelector('.owin').dataset.state=0 >close</button>"); let owin_obj = document.querySelector('.owin') ; owin_obj.dataset.state=2 ; setTimeout("document.querySelector('.owin').dataset.state=0",30000 ) //alert("Adapt GitBook for Use as Presention ( arrowkeys= <PrevPage NextPage > , B= BlackBoard, W = WhiteBoard, P = Toggle for Preso Mode, S = Open Search, O = Open Index (Cacheing)... To Copy HTMLs for Lesson , Cntrl-Meta-C to Open all Outlines then X to copy )"); } } ]; /* 菜单构造函数(必须是函数才能在点击后动态更新菜单状态) */ function menuBuilder () { return monkeyMenuList } /* 注册动态菜单 */ function menuRegister () {; } /** * 增加菜单项 * @param {Object|Array} menuOpts 菜单的配置项目,多个配置项目用数组表示 */ function addMenu (menuOpts, before) { menuOpts = Array.isArray(menuOpts) ? menuOpts : [menuOpts]; menuOpts = menuOpts.filter(item => item.title && !item.disabled); if (before) { /* 将菜单追加到其它菜单的前面 */ monkeyMenuList = menuOpts.concat(monkeyMenuList); } else { monkeyMenuList = monkeyMenuList.concat(menuOpts); } /* 重新注册菜单 */ menuRegister(); } })(); //a=x=>{ document.querySelector('button[ class *= next ]').click() ; setTimeout( a , 5000) ; } a()