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// ==UserScript== // @name iRacing Auto Settings // @author Tim Mawson // @description Auto-settings script // @copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Tim Mawson // @license MIT // @version 1.9 // @include* // @exclude* // @exclude // ==/UserScript== // // ==OpenUserJS== // @author SonOfMaw // ==/OpenUserJS== // iRacing Auto Settings var script = document.createElement("script"); script.textContent = "(" + iRacingAutoSettings.toString() + ")();"; document.body.appendChild(script); function iRacingAutoSettings() { function requestSettingsChange(role) { var raceButton = $(".brand-success"); req = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (role) { console.log("Changing settings for", role); try {'GET', 'http://localhost:52028/?role=' + role, false); req.send(null); if (req.status === 200) { raceButton.text("Settings updated"); } else { raceButton.text("Settings update failed"); } } catch (e) { raceButton.text("Settings server not found"); } } } function createHookedLaunchSession(role, handler, argument) { return function () { requestSettingsChange(role); if (argument == "testing") { IRACING.control_panels.countdown_dt = 0; }, argument); }; } function createHookedReplayRequest(handler) { return function (index) { requestSettingsChange("Watch");, index); }; } console.log("iRacing Auto Settings"); // Latest build have disconnected the LaunchSession function from the race panel Join button, which now uses a local-scope anonymous function that's hidden from us here. if (IRACING.control_panels) { console.log("Hooked checkForSingleJoin"); var oldCheckForSingleJoin = IRACING.control_panels.checkForSingleJoin; IRACING.control_panels.checkForSingleJoin = function () { var that = this; $.getJSON(contextpath + "/member/GetRegisteredSession?invokedBy=racepanel").done(function (data) { setTimeout(function () { that.showRegistrationStatus(decodeAllFields(data)); var joinBtn = $(".brand-success"); if (joinBtn.length) { var role = ["Join", "Watch", "Watch", "Watch", "Watch"][data.userrole]; console.log("Hooked button for", role); var clickEvent = jQuery._data(joinBtn[0])[0]; var oldHandler = clickEvent.handler; clickEvent.handler = createHookedLaunchSession(role, oldHandler, joinBtn[0]); } }, 100); }).error(function () { setTimeout(function () { that.showRegistrationStatus({}); }, 100); }); }; IRACING.control_panels.checkForSingleJoin(); } if (typeof LaunchSession !== "undefined") { var oldLaunchSession = LaunchSession; LaunchSession = function () { requestSettingsChange(["Join", "Watch", "Watch", "Watch", "Watch"][racingpaneldata.session.userrole]); oldLaunchSession(); }; IRACING.control_panels.testdrive_test.onclick = createHookedLaunchSession("Join", IRACING.control_panels.testDrive, 'testing'); IRACING.control_panels.testdrive_race.onclick = createHookedLaunchSession("Join", IRACING.control_panels.testDrive, 'racing'); if ($('#replays_table').length > 0) { replayRequest = createHookedReplayRequest(replayRequest); } } } //@ sourceURL=iRacingAutoSettings.js