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/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016 Radu Murzea. All rights reserved. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * DESCRIPTION: * * This script is intended for use only on and it was build to be used together * with Firefox's GreaseMonkey extension. * * It places 5 flags (British, Romanian, Russian, Korean and German) on top of every problem's page. * By clicking on the flag, the corresponding translation of a problem is retrieved. * * Obviously, not at all problems are available in the above mentioned languages. In this case, clicking on the flag will do nothing. * * Notes about implementation: * * - The technique used for implementing this is **JSONP** (JSON with padding), since AJAX wouldn't work (see Same Origin Policy). * - The processing function (only 2 - 3 lines of code) is found in the **processtranslation.js** file. That function will be executed when the response comes back. * - The 5 flag images are stored inside the script in Base64 format, to avoid additional HTTP requests. * * LIMITATIONS: * * - does not work on HTTPS version of ProjectEuler (Firefox 23+), unless you disable Mixed Active Content blocker * - for some unknown reason, it needs at least Firefox 9+ to work. * * The translations are parsed from the corresponding translations websites: * * - for Romanian * - for Russian, * - for Korean and * - for German * * You can see a demo on how the script works in the video on this page: * * The script is also hosted here, for easier installation: * * - * - * * *******************************************************************************/ /*************************************************** * * Version 1.7 (24 September 2016) * - The domain name where the scripts and romanian translations live has been changed, so this new version updates them. * _______________________________ * * Version 1.6 (15 June 2014) * - Since Firefox introduced the Mixed Active Content blocker in Firefox 23, this script will * only run when viewing problems in HTTP mode and it will fail in HTTPS. So it's now * disabled on HTTPS. * @see * A solution would be to buy a HTTPS certificate for my domain, but atm the costs are not justified. * _______________________________ * * Version 1.5 (15 June 2014) * - Added translations in German. *_______________________________ * * Version 1.4 (24 May 2014) * - Due to significant and frequent accessibility issues, support for Spanish translations is now * dropped. * _______________________________ * * Version 1.3 (18 March 2013) * - support for Korean added. At this date, 110 problems are translated in this language. * _______________________________ * * Version 1.2.5 (13 January 2013) * - the flags will no longer appear on the page exactly after * you enter a (correct or incorrect) answer. This issue existed because the URL remains * the same. * - a few minor changes * _______________________________ * * Version 1.2 (28 December 2012) * - translations are now offered in Russian and Spanish as well. These translations are parsed from * and, respectively. Because of this, additional roundtrips must be made to * retrieve these translations, which is why it will feel slower... sometimes very slow. * - some small changes here and there. * - the backend part has been changed from "read.php" to "getjsontranslation.php". Although the old version * is still functional, it is highly recommended to switch to the new one (spanish and russian are accessible * only in the new one). Please note that the old version will be taken out of rotation on the 20th of January. * * WARNING: I have no control over how many problems are accessible in the 2 new languages and the quality * of these translations. Any problem regarding these 2 languages (Russian and Spanish) should be directed * to their authors. * * WARNING: In my tests, the Spanish version would sometimes fail for some problems and then work again * a few minutes later. Apparently, this issue has something to do * with network connection timeouts (low quality hosting ?), so this is not a bug in the script * itself. Please do not report this as a bug. * _______________________________ * * Version 1.0.2 (17 December 2012) * - script functionality was broken by some changes in * the HTML code on that occured on 16 December 2012. This version * fixes this issue. * _______________________________ * * Version 1.0.1 (22 September 2012) * - added some extra safety by checking that the parsing of * the problem's ID did not return NaN * _______________________________ * * Version 1.0 (18 September 2012) * - initial release * ****************************************************/ // ==UserScript== // @name Project Euler Problem Translator // @description Provides translations in Romanian, Russian, Korean and German for Project Euler problems // @author Radu Murzea // @version 1.7 // @icon // @updateURL // @include* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function setNewTranslation(problem, lang) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', '' + problem + '&lang=' + lang); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); } function getProblemID() { var h3Nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('h3'); for (var nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < h3Nodes.length; nodeIndex++) { var nodePieces = h3Nodes[nodeIndex].innerHTML.split(" "); if (nodePieces[0] === "Problem") { var problemID = parseInt(nodePieces[1]); return problemID; } } return -1; } function getROFlag() { var RO = document.createElement("img"); RO.src = "" + "hcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAAGBSURBVHjaYmTQPs7w6Q8DCDAxMLC8P2DOwcbA8I/hHxix/GD4pw3kIRBAALEwvPtT3aQIV" + "P7vH+O//0yc0hWsrD8ZGP78//8HRH75/T/mz//fv///AZFfNm0CCCAWBhYGhv8MT17//vvv/99/TP/+PWJg+P7//28o+vP7/+1f/3/9Aqp" + "mlJUF2gAQQCwgs/8zAFX/+QtCQIP///8FJn+DGP+Aqn9DNDD8/g3UABBALAx//oFV//vzhwGs4RfCeBAbRQPQdIAAYmH49Q+o7vef/zANv" + "5H0gBm/oE5i+PMHaANAAIE0/AUZ//8XUM9fBiQNYBLJSYxgJwEEEEjD778Mv/6A9Pz+wwB1BpoNYOOBbgAGHEAAsTD8BNL/gJqBrvr9lxF" + "JA8QGsIY/QA1/Gf7+BfoBIICAofQHqFRShBXkjb/MTEzSDAzfGBmB/gMa95uB5Q+D0h+QUjACOgkggBgZGLYyMPwCS4Nc+HxvMAsLw78/4" + "HgFkh8Y/oVD4xgCAAIMACetb51Fz+5FAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; RO.alt = "Romania"; RO.title = "Romanian"; = "pointer"; RO.onclick = function() { var problemID = getProblemID(); if (! isNaN(problemID) && problemID !== -1) { setNewTranslation(problemID, "ro"); } }; return RO; } function getDEFlag() { var DE = document.createElement("img"); DE.src = "" + "hcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAAGzSURBVHjaYvTxcWb4+53h3z8GZpZff/79+v3n/7/fDAz/GHAAgABi+f37e3FxOZD1Dwz+/" + "v3z9y+E/AMFv3//+Qumfv9et241QACxMDExAVWfOHkJJAEW/gUEP0EQDn78+AHE/gFOQJUAAcQiy8Ag8O+fLFj1n1+/QDp+/gQioK7fP37" + "8+vkDqOH39x9A/RJ/gE5lAAhAYhzcAACCQBDkgRXRjP034R0IaDTZTFZn0DItot37S94KLOINerEcI7aKHAHE8v/3r/9//zIA1f36/R+o4" + "tevf1ANYNVA9P07RD9IJQMDQACxADHD3z8Ig4GMHz+AqqHagKp//fwLVA0U//v7LwMDQACx/LZiYFD7/5/53/+///79BqK/EMZ/UPACSYa" + "/v/8DyX9A0oTxx2EGgABi+a/H8F/m339BoCoQ+g8kgRaCQvgPJJiBYmAuw39hxn+uDAABxMLwi+E/0PusRkwMvxhBGoDkH4b/v/+D2EDyz" + "///QB1/QLb8+sP0lQEggFh+vGXYM2/SP6A2Zoaf30Ex/J+PgekHwz9gQDAz/P0FYrAyMfz7wcDAzPDtFwNAgAEAd3SIyRitX1gAAAAASUV" + "ORK5CYII="; DE.alt = "Germany"; DE.title = "German"; = "pointer"; DE.onclick = function() { var problemID = getProblemID(); if (! isNaN(problemID) && problemID !== -1) { setNewTranslation(problemID, "de"); } }; return DE; } function getKRFlag() { var KR = document.createElement("img"); KR.src = "" + "hcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAAHDSURBVHjaYjSs/f/lBwME/Pn379cfIMnw6xfDrz9A9r/fIA4SYmMACCDGgzf/q4iBlf///" + "5+B4d9/KPMfCIMY/xn+//sH4f4/duMLQAAxfmRgZO/v+/fiFcNfkJkMLEz/v3wB6fn95//fPyDy9+9/f37///WbSUry+ZzZAAHEApRifPW" + "KiYmBOSiEUV6e8efPX6tX/9m9m+HXb4bfv0Do129GoBN//2b49YOJgQEggJj+AZ3x9y+zv/+/W7f+P7j/a8cO5qCg/2xs/379AqK/P3/9/" + "QVCf4Dc30DdDAABBNLA8Ocvg6gIk77+z1Wrmays/vPwMIiI/P8N0gB0z3+wTiD5/8+fPwwMAAHEBHIu0K0vXv7evIklIODP9u0M37//e/7" + "838+fIEU/f0JVg20AKgYIIKAfGBiBdi1ZwpaY+F9SgkVN7Wdt7f83bxjBZgOdDvEA0HgmIGJgAAggFqAt/3h4/j169K29AxRQwOD78pWBi" + "+s/K+s/sDpwKAFj588/QUFghAEEEMups9+1pFlAgQ0Nc0iog6MCLAQR/weSY9hx6jVAADEyx3/9+wEWkcB4BRryC4kLj+l/QDYDAx8DQIA" + "BAA2EWORnICKSAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; KR.alt = "Korea"; KR.title = "Korean"; = "pointer"; KR.onclick = function() { var problemID = getProblemID(); if (! isNaN(problemID) && problemID !== -1) { setNewTranslation(problemID, "kr"); } }; return KR; } function getRUFlag() { var RU = document.createElement("img"); RU.src = "" + "hcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAAE2SURBVHjaYvz69T8DAvz79w9CQVj/0MCffwwAAcQClObiAin6/x+okxHMgPCAbOb//5n+I" + "4EXL74ABBALxGSwagTjPzbAyMgItAQggBg9Pf9nZPx//x7kjL9////9C2QAyf9//qCQQCQkxFhY+BEggFi2b/+nq8v46BEDSPQ3w+8//3/" + "/BqFfv9BJeXmQEwACCOSkP38YgHy4Bog0RN0vIOMXVOTPH6Cv/gEEEEgDxFKgHEgDXCmGDUAE1AAQQCybGZg1f/d8//XsH0jTn3+///z79" + "RtE/v4NZfz68xfI/vOX+4/0ZoZFAAHE4gYMvD+3/v2+h91wCANo9Z+/jH9VxBkYAAKIBRg9TL//MEhKAuWAogxgZzGC2CCfgUggAoYdGAE" + "VAwQQ41egu5AQAyoXTQoIAAIMAD+JZR7YOGEWAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; RU.alt = "Russia"; RU.title = "Russian"; = "pointer"; RU.onclick = function() { var problemID = getProblemID(); if (! isNaN(problemID) && problemID !== -1) { setNewTranslation(problemID, "ru"); } }; return RU; } function getUKFlag() { var UK = document.createElement("img"); UK.src = "" + "lYWR5ccllPAAAAflJREFUeNpinDRzn5qN3uFDt16+YWBg+Pv339+KGN0rbVP+//2rW5tf0Hfy/2+mr99+yKpyOl3Ydt8njEWIn8f9zj639" + "NC7j78eP//8739GVUUhNUNuhl8//ysKeZrJ/v7z10Zb2PTQTIY1XZO2Xmfad+f7XgkXxuUrVB6cjPVXef78JyMjA8PFuwyX7gAZj97+T2e" + "9o3d4BWNp84K1NzubTjAB3fH0+fv6N3qP/ir9bW6ozNQCijB8/8zw/TuQ7r4/ndvN5mZgkpPXiis3Pv34+ZPh5t23//79Rwehof/9/NDEg" + "MrOXHvJcrllgpoRN8PFOwy/fzP8+gUlgZI/f/5xcPj/69e/37//AUX+/mXRkN555gsOG2xt/5hZQMwF4r9///75++f3nz8nr75gSms82jf" + "vQnT6zqvXPjC8e/srJQHo9P9fvwNtAHmG4f8zZ6dDc3bIyM2LTNlsbtfM9OPHH3FhtqUz3eXX9H+cOy9ZMB2o6t/Pn0DHMPz/b+2wXGTvP" + "lPGFxdcD+mZyjP8+8MUE6sa7a/xo6Pykn1s4zdzIZ6///8zMGpKM2pKAB0jqy4UE7/msKat6Jw5mafrsxNtWZ6/fjvNLW29qv25pQd///n" + "+5+/fxDDVbcc//P/zx/36m5Ub9zL8+7t66yEROcHK7q5bldMBAgwADcRBCuVLfoEAAAAASUVORK5CYII="; UK.alt = "United Kingdom"; UK.title = "British English"; = "pointer"; UK.onclick = function() { var problemID = getProblemID(); if (! isNaN(problemID) && problemID !== -1) { setNewTranslation(problemID, "en"); } }; return UK; } function insertFlags() { var UK = getUKFlag(); //UK var RO = getROFlag(); //Romania var RU = getRUFlag(); //Russia var KR = getKRFlag(); //Korea var DE = getDEFlag(); //Germany var flagsParagraph = document.createElement("p"); = "12px"; = "12px"; = "12px"; = "12px"; flagsParagraph.appendChild(UK); flagsParagraph.appendChild(RO); flagsParagraph.appendChild(RU); flagsParagraph.appendChild(KR); flagsParagraph.appendChild(DE); = "block"; = "auto"; = "auto"; = "center"; // reference node var refNode = document.getElementById("content"); // insert before refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(flagsParagraph, refNode); } function insertTranslationProcessing() { var pscript = document.createElement('script'); pscript.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); pscript.setAttribute('src', ''); var bodyElement = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; bodyElement.insertBefore(pscript, bodyElement.firstChild); } var problemID = getProblemID(); if (! isNaN(problemID) && problemID !== -1) { insertFlags(); insertTranslationProcessing(); }