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// ==UserScript== // @name FFS User Blocker for Firefox 57+ // @namespace Smarty Pants // @author Smarty Pants // @version 3.0 // @include* // @description Block users on Fantasy Football Scout // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @run-at document-end // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* MENU POP UP */ /* create box with lists of blocked users, delete a profile on click */ function createModalBox(){ // popup html structure var html = ""; var modal_div = document.createElement("DIV"); = "gr-container"; var modal_div_content = document.createElement("DIV"); = "gr-content"; var mdc_header = document.createElement("DIV"); mdc_header.className = "gr-content-header"; var mdc_content = document.createElement("DIV"); mdc_content.className = "gr-content-content"; var mdc_footer = document.createElement("DIV"); mdc_footer.className = "gr-content-footer"; // "close" button var modal_div_close = document.createElement("SPAN"); modal_div_close.className = "gr-close"; modal_div_close.innerHTML = "x"; modal_div_close.onclick = function(){ var modal = document.getElementById('gr-container'); $(modal).remove(); }; // add content var mdc_header_text = document.createElement("H4"); mdc_header_text.innerHTML = "Blocked Users"; mdc_content.appendChild(createMoronsListDiv()); mdc_content.appendChild(createMoronsListDiv(true)); mdc_footer.innerHTML = "Click on a link to unblock a user. Reload page for changes to kick in."; // add to dom $(modal_div).append(modal_div_content); $(modal_div_content).append(mdc_header); $(modal_div_content).append(mdc_footer); $(modal_div_content).append(mdc_content); $(mdc_header).append(modal_div_close); $(mdc_header).append(mdc_header_text); $("body").append(modal_div); // add css styles $(modal_div).css({"display": "none", "position": "fixed", "z-index": "10000", "left": "0", "top": "0", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "overflow": "auto", "background-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)" }); $(modal_div_content).css({ "background-color": "#fefefe", "margin": "5% auto", "padding": "20px", "border": "1px solid #888", "width": "80%", "box-shadow": "0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2),0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19)" }); $(".gr-close").css({ "color": "#ffffff", "float": "right", "font-size": "28px", "line-height": "1", "font-weight": "bold" }); $(".gr-close").hover( function () { $(this).css({ "color": "#000000", "text-decoration": "none", "cursor": "pointer" }) }, function () { $(this).css({ "color": "#ffffff", "cursor": "default" }) } ); $(mdc_header).css({ "padding": "2px 16px", "background-color":"rgb(0, 121, 77)", "color": "#FFF" }); $(mdc_footer).css({ "padding": "2px 16px", "background-color":"rgb(0, 121, 77)", "color": "#FFF" }); $("").css({ "list-style-type": "none", "padding": "0", "margin": "0", }); $("").css({ "border": "1px solid #ddd", "margin-top": "-1px", "background-color":"#5cb85c", "padding": "2px 16px", "font-size": "17px", "color": "#FFF", "display": "block", "font-weight": "bold" }) $("").css({ "border": "1px solid #ddd", "margin-top": "-1px", "background-color":"#f6f6f6", "padding": "6px 12px", "font-size": "15px", "color": "#000", "display": "block" }) $("").hover( function () { $(this).css({ "background-color": "#555", "color":"#fff", "font-size": "18px", "padding": "3px 12px", "cursor": "pointer" }) }, function () { $(this).css({ "background-color":"#f6f6f6", "color": "#000", "font-size": "15px", "padding": "6px 12px", "cursor": "default" }) } ); // callback functions to remove link from blocked $("").click( function () { removeFromMorons(this.innerHTML); $(this).remove(); } ); $("").click( function () { $(this).remove(); removeFromCompleteMorons(this.innerHTML); } ); } // return a div with list of blocked profiles function createMoronsListDiv(complete=false){ var list_div = document.createElement("UL"); var list_header = document.createElement("DIV"); list_header.className = "gr-blocked-users-header"; list_header.innerHTML = (complete == true ? "Completely Hidden Users (all posts and replies to them hidden completely)" : "Partially Hidden Users (there is an option to expand comment)"); list_div.appendChild(list_header); list_div.className = "gr-blocked-users"; var items = []; var list = (complete == true ? complete_morons : morons); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++){ items.push(document.createElement("LI")); items[i].innerHTML = list[i]; items[i].className = (complete == true ? "gr-blocked-user chidden" : "gr-blocked-user minimized"); list_div.appendChild(items[i]); } return list_div } /* COMMENT SECTION */ /* Hide comments with specified classes */ function hideMorons(){ // minimize messages, add callbacks to open thread var comments_to_block = $(".annoying-moron") for (var i = 0; i<comments_to_block.length; i++){ comment = comments_to_block[i]; $(comment).children().css("display","None"); $(comment).parent().children("ol").css("display","None"); var new_node = document.createElement("DIV"); new_node.className = "block-message"; new_node.innerHTML = "Hidden comment by " + comment.getAttribute("user_name") + " (" + ($(comment).parent().find(".hc-comment").length-1) + ")"; $(new_node).css({"font-size":"10px", "padding":"2px 10px"}); $(new_node).hover( function(){ $(this).css({"cursor":"pointer", "background-color":"RGBA(0,0,0,0.5)"}) }, function(){ $(this).css({"cursor":"default", "background-color":"RGBA(0,0,0,0)"}) }); $(new_node).click(function(){ $(this).parent().children(":not(.block-message)").css("display","block"); // show comment $(this).parent().parent().children("ol").css("display","block"); // show replies $(this).css("display","None") // hide message }); comment.appendChild(new_node); } // hide whole threads var comments_to_block = $(".complete-moron"); for (var j = 0; j<comments_to_block.length; j++){ comment = comments_to_block[j]; $(comment).parent().children().css("display","None"); } } /* Run a loop through comments and add classes (where applicable) and buttons */ /* Use boolean arguments to limit only to buttons or classes */ function addClassesAndButtons(classes, buttons){ var comments = $(".hc-comment") for (var i = 0; i<comments.length; i++){ try{ var comment = comments[i]; var actions = comment.getElementsByClassName("hc-comment-actions"); var usertitle = comment.getElementsByClassName("hc-title"); var userlink = usertitle[0].href; var username = usertitle[0].getAttribute("oldtitle"); if (username === null) {username = usertitle[0].getAttribute("title")} comment.setAttribute("user_name", username); comment.user_name = username; // for Chrome if (buttons) {actions[0].appendChild(addMoronButton(userlink)); actions[0].appendChild(addCompleteMoronButton(userlink));} if (classes) {addClass(comment, userlink);} } catch(e){console.log("ERROR: "+e)} } } /* Add button to each comment */ function addMoronButton(link){ var new_node = document.createElement("LI"); new_node.className = "hc-permalink"; new_node.setAttribute("profile_link", link); new_node.onclick = function() { addToMorons(this.getAttribute("profile_link")) // add to array addClassesAndButtons(true, false) // add classes once again according to new array of blocked users hideMorons() // re-hide }; new_node.innerHTML = "💩" return new_node; } function addCompleteMoronButton(link){ var new_node = document.createElement("LI"); new_node.className = "hc-permalink"; new_node.setAttribute("profile_link", link); new_node.onclick = function() { addToCompleteMorons(this.getAttribute("profile_link")) // add to array addClassesAndButtons(true, false) // add classes once again according to new array of blocked users hideMorons() // re-hide }; new_node.innerHTML = "🚫" return new_node; } /* Function that checks whether a profile is among blocked and adds a new class if true */ function addClass(node, userlink){ if (morons.length > 0) { if (morons.indexOf(userlink)!=-1){ $(node).addClass("annoying-moron"); } } if (complete_morons.length > 0) { if (complete_morons.indexOf(userlink)!=-1){ $(node).addClass("complete-moron"); } } } /* Functions to add a profile to a corresponding array */ function addToMorons(profile_link){ if (morons.indexOf(profile_link)==-1){ morons.push(profile_link); } morons.sort(); saveList("ffs_blocked_users", morons); } function addToCompleteMorons(profile_link){ if (complete_morons.indexOf(profile_link)==-1){ complete_morons.push(profile_link); } complete_morons.sort(); saveList("ffs_hidden_users", complete_morons); } /* Functions to remove a profile from a corresponding array */ function removeFromMorons(profile_link){ if (morons.indexOf(profile_link)!=-1){ morons.splice(morons.indexOf(profile_link),1); } morons.sort(); saveList("ffs_blocked_users", morons) } function removeFromCompleteMorons(profile_link){ if (complete_morons.indexOf(profile_link)!=-1){ complete_morons.splice(complete_morons.indexOf(profile_link),1); } complete_morons.sort(); saveList("ffs_hidden_users", complete_morons); } /* Functions to get stored arrays of blocked user profiles */ async function getList(name) { var str = await GM.getValue(name, ""); var data = str.split(" "); if (data[0]=="") {data = []}; return data; } async function saveList(name, data) { str = data.join(" "); console.log("setting value", str); let a = await GM.setValue(name, str); return 0; } /* Add an item to main menu to show lists of blocked users */ function addMenuItem(){ var new_node = document.createElement("LI"); $(new_node).append("<a>💩</a>"); $(new_node).addClass("menu-item menu-item-type-custom"); $(new_node).click(function() { createModalBox() //create box with current list values $('#gr-container').css("display","block") window.onclick = function(event) { var modal = document.getElementById('gr-container'); if ( == modal) { $(modal).remove(); } } }) $("").append(new_node); } var morons; var complete_morons; getList("ffs_blocked_users").then(v => { morons=v; getList("ffs_hidden_users").then(w => { complete_morons=w; addMenuItem() addClassesAndButtons(true, true); hideMorons(); }); });