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// ==UserScript== // @name Hexperience Tools // @namespace // @version 0.9.1 // @description Advanced helper tools for Hacker Experience Legacy. // @author lee8oi // @match *://* // @run-at document-end // @require // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // ==/UserScript== /* Auto hide-me */ function hideMe() { var logArea = $('form.log').find('.logarea'), val = logArea.val(), myIp = GM_getValue("myIp"); if (typeof(val) != "undefined" && val.length > 0) { var logLines = val.split('\n'), newLines = [], foundIP = false; $.each(logLines, function(i, el) { if (el.indexOf(myIp) != -1) { foundIP = true; } else { if (el.trim().length > 0) newLines.push(el); } }); if (foundIP) { logArea.val(newLines.join('\n')); $('form.log').submit(); } } } /* Update my IP */ setTimeout(function(){ var myIp = $('.header-ip-show').text(); var storedIp = GM_getValue("myIp"); if (storedIp != myIp) { GM_setValue("myIp", myIp); } }, 500); if (window.location.href.indexOf("internet") != -1) { if (!GM_getValue("myIp")) { setTimeout(hideMe, 500); } else { hideMe(); } } /* IP database */ function loadIpLogs(dbName) { if (!GM_getValue(dbName) ) { GM_setValue(dbName, "{}"); } var text = GM_getValue(dbName), db = JSON.parse(text); var getBtns = function (i) { var savedLink = '<a href="#" id="saveip" name="' + i + '">[save]</a>'; var ignoreLink = '<a href="#" id="ignoreip" name="' + i + '">[ignore]</a>'; if (dbName == "savedDb") savedLink = ""; if (dbName == "ignoreDb") ignoreLink = ""; return '<a href="#" id="deleteip" name="' + i + '">[delete]</a> ' + savedLink + ' ' + ignoreLink + ' <a href="' + i +'&action=hack&method=bf" id="bruteip" name="' + i + '" target="_blank">[brute]</a>'; }; for (var i in db) { if (db.hasOwnProperty(i)) { $('#logdblist').append('<div id="' + i + '"><a href="' + i + '" id="loadlocal" name="' + i + '">' + i + '</a> ' + getBtns(i) + '</br></div>'); } } GM_addStyle('#logdblist a#loadlocal {float: left;}'); GM_addStyle('#logdblist a#deleteip, #logdblist a#bruteip, #logdblist a#saveip {float: right;}'); if (dbName != "ignoreDb") { GM_addStyle('#logdblist a#ignoreip {float: right;}'); } var removeFromAll = function (name) { var local = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("localDb")), internet = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("internetDb")), ignore = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("ignoreDb")), saved = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("savedDb")); delete internet[name]; delete local[name]; delete ignore[name]; delete saved[name]; GM_setValue("localDb", JSON.stringify(local)); GM_setValue("internetDb", JSON.stringify(internet)); GM_setValue("ignoreDb", JSON.stringify(ignore)); GM_setValue("savedDb", JSON.stringify(saved)); }; $('a[id=deleteip]').click(function () { var name = $(this).attr('name'); removeFromAll(name); $('div[id="'+ name +'"]').remove(); }); if (dbName != "ignoreDb") { $('a[id=ignoreip]').click(function () { var name = $(this).attr('name'); removeFromAll(name); $('div[id="'+ name +'"]').remove(); var dbig = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("ignoreDb")); if (!dbig[name]) dbig[name] = true; GM_setValue("ignoreDb", JSON.stringify(dbig)); }); } if (dbName != "savedDb") { $('a[id=saveip]').click(function () { var name = $(this).attr('name'), saved = {}, saveText = GM_getValue("savedDb"); if (!saveText) saveText = "{}"; saved = JSON.parse(saveText); removeFromAll(name); $('div[id="'+ name +'"]').remove(); if (!saved[name]) saved[name] = true; GM_setValue("savedDb", JSON.stringify(saved)); }); } } function setupIpDbPage(dbtype, dbname, dbKey) { /*jshint multistr: true */ $('.widget-content').html('\ <div class="span12">\ <div class="widget-box text-left" style="margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto; width: 400px;">\ <div class="widget-title"><span class="icon"><span class="he16-collect_info"></span></span>\ <h5>Select ' + dbname + ' IP</h5>\ <button type="button" id="wipedb" key="'+dbKey+'" style="position:absolute;right:10px;top:5px;">Wipe</button>\ </div>\ <div class="widget-content ' + dbtype + 'ipdb"><div id="logdblist"></div></div>\ </div>\ </div>' ); GM_addStyle('#logdblist { max-height: 400px; overflow: auto; padding: 5px; }'); $('#wipedb').click(function() { var key = $(this).attr('key'); $('#logdblist').text(""); GM_deleteValue(key); }); } function ipDBPage(){ document.title = 'IP Database'; $('.nav.nav-tabs:first').html('<li class="link active" id="tabweb"><a href="#" id="weblog"><span class="icon-tab he16-internet_log"></span>Internet</a></li>'); $('.nav.nav-tabs:first').append('<li class="link" id="tablocal"><a href="#" id="locallog"><span class="icon-tab he16-internet_log"></span>Local</a></li>'); $('.nav.nav-tabs:first').append('<li class="link" id="tabsaved"><a href="#" id="savedlog"><span class="icon-tab he16-internet_log"></span>Saved</a></li>'); $('.nav.nav-tabs:first').append('<li class="link" id="tabignore"><a href="#" id="ignorelog"><span class="icon-tab he16-internet_log"></span>Ignored</a></li>'); $('.label.label-info').remove(); $('#link0').attr('href','log?ipdb'); $('#link0').html('IPDB'); $('#content-header h1').html('IP Database'); setupIpDbPage('internet', 'Internet', 'internetDb'); loadIpLogs("internetDb"); } if ('ipdb') > 0) { $('#sidebar ul').attr('class',''); $('#sidebar ul').append('<li class="active"><a href="log?ipdb"><i class="fa fa-inverse fa-list-ul"></i> <span>IP Database</span></a></li>'); ipDBPage(); } else { $('#sidebar ul').append('<li><a href="log?ipdb"><i class="fa fa-inverse fa-list-ul"></i> <span>IP Database</span></a></li>'); } GM_addStyle('.fa-list-ul {content: "\f0ca";}'); $('#tablocal').click(function() { $('#tablocal').attr('class','link active'); $('#tabweb').attr('class','link'); $('#tabignore').attr('class','link'); $('#tabsaved').attr('class', 'link'); setupIpDbPage('local', 'Local', 'localDb'); loadIpLogs("localDb"); }); $('#tabweb').click(function() { $('#tabweb').attr('class','link active'); $('#tablocal').attr('class','link'); $('#tabignore').attr('class','link'); $('#tabsaved').attr('class', 'link'); setupIpDbPage('web', 'Internet', 'internetDb'); loadIpLogs("internetDb"); }); $('#tabsaved').click(function() { $('#tabweb').attr('class','link '); $('#tablocal').attr('class','link'); $('#tabignore').attr('class','link'); $('#tabsaved').attr('class', 'link active'); setupIpDbPage('save', 'Saved', 'savedDb'); loadIpLogs("savedDb"); }); $('#tabignore').click(function() { $('#tabignore').attr('class','link active'); $('#tablocal').attr('class','link'); $('#tabweb').attr('class','link'); $('#tabsaved').attr('class', 'link'); setupIpDbPage('ignore', 'Ignored', 'ignoreDb'); loadIpLogs("ignoreDb"); }); /* Alert handling */ function alertText() { var alertArray = $(".alert.alert-success").text().split("\n"); var aText = alertArray.filter(function(val) { return val.length > 1; }); if (aText.length > 0) { return aText[0].trim(); } else { return; } } function successAlert(text) { if (text) { switch (true) { case text === "Success! Software installed.": return true; case text === "Success! Software successfully hidden.": return true; case text === "Success! Software successfully uploaded.": return true; case text === "Success! Software successfully deleted.": return true; case text === "Success! Software successfully downloaded.": return true; case text === "Success! Software successfully seeked.": return true; case text.indexOf("virus removed") != -1: return true; case text.indexOf("viruses removed") != -1: return true; } } return false; } // Switch to logs on success alert (to trigger auto hideme) if (window.location.href.indexOf("internet") != -1 && successAlert(alertText())) { window.location.replace(""); } if (window.location.href.indexOf("software") != -1 && alertText() === "Success! Software successfully downloaded.") { window.location.replace(""); } /* Clear log buttons */ if ($('#link2').text() == " Log file" || $('#link0').text() == " Log File" || $('#link2').text() == " Log File") { $('form.log input.btn').before('<input class="btn btn-inverse" id="clearlog" type="button" value="Clear" style="width: 80px;"><span> </span>'); } $('#clearlog').click(function(){ if ($('form.log').length) { $('form.log').find('.logarea').val(''); $('form.log').submit(); } else { console.log('No log found'); } }); /* Hacked Database mods */ function toggleFavorite(ip, elem) { var favorites = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("favorites")); if (favorites[ip]) { delete favorites[ip]; elem.removeClass("fa-star"); elem.addClass("fa-star-o"); } else { favorites[ip] = true; elem.removeClass("fa-star-o"); elem.addClass("fa-star"); } GM_setValue("favorites", JSON.stringify(favorites)); } if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1 ) { GM_addStyle('.fa-star {content: "\f005";}'); GM_addStyle('.fa-star-o {content: "\f006";}'); GM_addStyle('i.favorite {color: #DAA520;}'); var favText = GM_getValue("favorites"), favorites = {}; if (!favText) { GM_setValue("favorites", "{}"); } favorites = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("favorites")); $("ul.list.ip li").each(function(){ var entry = $(this); var pass = $(this).find(".list-user span.small").get(1); var url = $(this).find(".list-ip a").attr("href") + "&action=login&user=root&pass=" + pass; $(this).find(".list-ip").after(' <a href="' + url + '" style="float:left;margin: 5px 5px 0px 5px;font-size:14px">[login]</a>'); console.log(url); var ip = entry.find(".list-ip #ip").text(); if (favorites[ip]) { entry.find(".list-actions").append('<i class="favorite fa-2x fa fa-inverse fa-star"></i>'); } else { entry.find(".list-actions").append('<i class="favorite fa-2x fa fa-inverse fa-star-o"></i>'); } entry.find("i.favorite").click(function () { toggleFavorite(ip, $(this)); }); }); } /* Log monitor (ip-scraper will grab any IP's) */ function refreshPage(){ if ('ipdb') > 0) return; //dont refresh ipdb if (GM_getValue(window.location.pathname + "monitorLog")) { location.reload(); } } function Regs() { this.generating = /Server\s\[\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\].*(mined|mailed).*generating.*/; this.transfer = /.*(Funds|)were transferred (to|).*/; this.collected = /.*localhost collected.*/; this.login = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2} - localhost logged.*on account.*/; this.bought = /.*localhost bought license.*/; this.research = /.*localhost researched.*/; } var localRegs = new Regs(); var fullRegs = new Regs(); fullRegs.localhost = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}\s-\slocalhost.*/; function checkLine(line, regObj) { for (var prop in regObj) { if (line.match(regObj[prop])) { return true; } } return false; } function scrapeLog() { var logArea = $('form.log').find('.logarea'), logText = logArea.val(), logsFound = false, logResult = []; var stored = [], storedText = GM_getValue(window.location.pathname + "storedLogs"); if (!storedText) storedText = ""; if (storedText.length > 0) stored = storedText.split("\n"); if (logText !== "undefined" && logText.length > 0) { var split = logText.split("\n"); for (i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { var line = split[i].trim(); if (line.length === 0) continue; if (window.location.pathname === "/log") { if (checkLine(line, localRegs) === true) logsFound = true; else logResult.push(line); } console.log(stored.indexOf(line) + " " + line); if (stored.indexOf(line) === -1 && line.length > 0 && checkLine(line, fullRegs) === false) { console.log("Pushing line" + line); stored.push(line); } } if (stored.length > 0) GM_setValue(window.location.pathname + "storedLogs", stored.join("\n").trim()); } if (logsFound) { logArea.val(logResult.join("\n")); $('form.log').submit(); } } if ($('#cf-error-details h2[data-translate="what_happened"]').text().trim().length > 0) { //detect cloudflare error setTimeout(refreshPage, 3000); } if (GM_getValue(window.location.pathname + "monitorLog")) { console.log("started backup timeout"); setTimeout(refreshPage, 30000);//backup page refresher } if ($('#link0').text() == " Log File" || $('#link2').text() == " Log file" || $('#link2').text() == " Log File") { var monitor = GM_getValue(window.location.pathname + "monitorLog"); if (monitor === "undefined") { GM_setValue(window.location.pathname + "monitorLog", false); monitor = false; } var addClick = function () { $('form.log #logmonitor').click(function () { monitor = true; GM_setValue(window.location.pathname + "monitorLog", true); $('input#logmonitor').attr("value", "Stop"); setTimeout(refreshPage, 3000); }); }; if (monitor) { $('form.log input#clearlog').before('<input class="btn btn-inverse" id="logmonitor" type="button" value="Stop" style="width: 80px;"><span> </span>'); $('form.log #logmonitor').click(function () { GM_setValue(window.location.pathname + "monitorLog", false); $('input#logmonitor').attr("value", "Monitor"); monitor = false; addClick(); $("textarea.logarea").val(GM_getValue(window.location.pathname + "storedLogs")); GM_setValue(window.location.pathname + "storedLogs", ""); }); scrapeLog(); setTimeout(refreshPage, 3000); setTimeout(refreshPage, 7000);//backup refresher for hangs } else { $('form.log #clearlog').before('<input class="btn btn-inverse" id="logmonitor" type="button" value="Monitor" style="width: 80px;"><span> </span>'); addClick(); } } /* Auto ip-scraper */ function uniqueArray(arr) { var unique = [], map = []; for (var i in arr) { if (map[arr[i]]) { continue; } else { map[arr[i]] = true; unique[unique.length] = arr[i]; } } return unique; } function scrapeIPs(text) { if (typeof(text) === "string") { var re = /\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b/g; var found = text.match(re); if (found && found.length > 0) { return uniqueArray(found); } } return; } function saveIPs(dbName, ipArray) { if (typeof(ipArray) == "object" && ipArray.length > 0) { var dbText = GM_getValue(dbName), myIp = GM_getValue("myIp"), igText = GM_getValue("ignoreDb"), saveText = GM_getValue('savedDb'); var db = {}; if (igText && igText.length > 0) igDb = JSON.parse(igText); if (saveText && saveText.length > 0) saveDb = JSON.parse(saveText); if (dbText && typeof(dbText) === 'string' && dbText.length > 0) { db = JSON.parse(dbText); for (i = 0; i < ipArray.length;i++) { if (ipArray[i] == myIp || igDb[ipArray[i]] || saveDb[ipArray[i]]) continue; if (!db[ipArray[i]] ) db[ipArray[i]] = true; } } else { for (i = 0; i < ipArray.length;i++) { if (ipArray[x] == myIp || igDb[ipArray[x]]) continue; db[ipArray[x]] = true; } } var json = JSON.stringify(db); GM_setValue(dbName, json); } } function cleanLocal(text) { var result = []; if (text !== "undefined" && text.length > 0) { var split = text.split("\n"); for (i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { var line = split[i].trim(); if (line.length === 0) continue; if (line.match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}\s-\slocalhost.*/)) { continue; } else { result.push(line); } } text = result.join("\n"); } return text; } if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { var log = $('form.log').find('.logarea'); if (log && log.length > 0) { text = log.val(); saveIPs("localDb", scrapeIPs(cleanLocal(text))); } } if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { var log = $('form.log').find('.logarea'); if (log && log.length > 0) { text = log.val(); saveIPs("internetDb", scrapeIPs(text)); } }