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// ==UserScript== // @name GitHub Repository Size // @namespace // @match *://* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @description Add repository size to their GitHub homepage // @icon // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @author Matthieu Harlé // @copyright 2017, Matthieu Harlé ( // @license MIT; // @version 1.2.1 // ==/UserScript== /* global GM_getValue, GM_setValue */ const getStoredSetting = (key) => { return Promise.resolve(GM_getValue(key)) } const setSetting = (key, value) => { GM_setValue(key, value) } // - COMMON - const GITHUB_API = '' const REPO_STATS_CLASS = 'numbers-summary' const REPO_SIZE_ID = 'addon-repo-size' const SIZE_KILO = 1024 const UNITS = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'] const TOKEN_KEY = 'grs_gh_token' const AUTO_ASK_KEY = 'grs_auto_ask' const MODAL_ID = 'grs_token_modal' const TOKEN_INPUT_ID = 'grs_token_input' const handleErr = (err) => { console.error(err) } const checkIsPrivate = () => { if (document.getElementsByClassName('private').length > 0) { return true } return false } const getRepoSlug = (url) => { const pathes = url.split('/') if (pathes.length < 2) { return null } return pathes[0] + '/' + pathes[1] } const getRepoData = (slug, token) => { let url = GITHUB_API + slug if (token != null) { url += `?access_token=${token}` } const request = new window.Request(url) return window.fetch(request) .then(checkResponse) .then(getRepoSize) .catch(handleErr) } const checkResponse = (resp) => { if (resp.status >= 200 && resp.status < 300) { return resp.json() } throw Error(`Invalid response from github ${resp.status} - ${resp.body}`) } const getRepoSize = (repoData) => { return repoData.size } const getHumanFileSize = (size) => { if (size === 0) { return { size: '0', unit: UNITS[0] } } const order = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(SIZE_KILO)) return { size: parseFloat((size / Math.pow(SIZE_KILO, order))).toFixed(2), unit: UNITS[order] } } const askForToken = async (e) => { if (e != null) { e.preventDefault() } await createModalElement() window.location.hash = MODAL_ID } const saveToken = (e) => { e.preventDefault() const token =[TOKEN_INPUT_ID].value setSetting(TOKEN_KEY, token) closeModal() if (token != null) { injectRepoSize() } } const closeModal = () => { window.location.hash = '' setSetting(AUTO_ASK_KEY, false) } const injectRepoSize = async () => { const repoSlug = getRepoSlug(window.location.pathname.substring(1)) if (repoSlug != null) { const statsCol = document.getElementsByClassName(REPO_STATS_CLASS) if (statsCol.length !== 1) { return } const statsElt = statsCol[0] const repoSizeElt = document.getElementById(REPO_SIZE_ID) // nothing to do if we already have the size displayed if (repoSizeElt != null) { return } let getRepoDataPromise if (checkIsPrivate()) { const token = await getStoredSetting(TOKEN_KEY) if (token == null) { const autoAsk = await getStoredSetting(AUTO_ASK_KEY) if (autoAsk == null || autoAsk === true) { askForToken() } return } getRepoDataPromise = getRepoData(repoSlug, token) } else { getRepoDataPromise = getRepoData(repoSlug) } getRepoDataPromise .then(repoSize => { if (repoSize == null) { return } const humanSize = getHumanFileSize(repoSize * 1024) const sizeTag = createSizeElement(humanSize) statsElt.appendChild(sizeTag) }) } } const createSizeElement = (repoSizeHuman) => { const li = document.createElement('li') = REPO_SIZE_ID li.setAttribute('title', 'As reported by the GitHub API, it mays differ from the actual repository size.') const elt = document.createElement('a') elt.setAttribute('href', '#') elt.onclick = askForToken const icon = document.createElementNS('', 'svg') icon.className.baseVal = 'octicon octicon-database' icon.setAttribute('height', 16) icon.setAttribute('width', 14) icon.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 14 16') icon.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true) icon.setAttribute('version', '1.1') const iconPath = document.createElementNS('', 'path') iconPath.setAttribute('d', 'M6,15 C2.69,15 0,14.1 0,13 L0,11 C0,10.83 0.09,10.66 0.21,10.5 C0.88,11.36 3.21,12 6,12 C8.79,12 11.12,11.36 11.79,10.5 C11.92,10.66 12,10.83 12,11 L12,13 C12,14.1 9.31,15 6,15 L6,15 Z M6,11 C2.69,11 0,10.1 0,9 L0,7 C0,6.89 0.04,6.79 0.09,6.69 L0.09,6.69 C0.12,6.63 0.16,6.56 0.21,6.5 C0.88,7.36 3.21,8 6,8 C8.79,8 11.12,7.36 11.79,6.5 C11.84,6.56 11.88,6.63 11.91,6.69 L11.91,6.69 C11.96,6.79 12,6.9 12,7 L12,9 C12,10.1 9.31,11 6,11 L6,11 Z M6,7 C2.69,7 0,6.1 0,5 L0,4 L0,3 C0,1.9 2.69,1 6,1 C9.31,1 12,1.9 12,3 L12,4 L12,5 C12,6.1 9.31,7 6,7 L6,7 Z M6,2 C3.79,2 2,2.45 2,3 C2,3.55 3.79,4 6,4 C8.21,4 10,3.55 10,3 C10,2.45 8.21,2 6,2 L6,2 Z') iconPath.setAttribute('fill-rule', 'evenodd') icon.appendChild(iconPath) elt.appendChild(icon) const size = document.createElement('span') size.className = 'num text-emphasized' const sizeText = document.createTextNode(repoSizeHuman.size) size.appendChild(sizeText) elt.appendChild(size) const unitText = document.createTextNode(repoSizeHuman.unit) elt.appendChild(unitText) li.appendChild(elt) return li } const createModalElement = async () => { const token = await getStoredSetting(TOKEN_KEY) let div = document.getElementById(MODAL_ID) if (div != null) { if (token != null) { const tokenInput = document.getElementById(TOKEN_INPUT_ID) tokenInput.setAttribute('value', token) } return div } div = document.createElement('div') = MODAL_ID div.className = 'grs_modal_overlay' const modal = document.createElement('div') modal.className = 'grs_modal' const title = document.createElement('h2') const titleText = document.createTextNode('GitHub Repository Size Settings') title.appendChild(titleText) modal.appendChild(title) const content = document.createElement('div') content.className = 'grs_modal_content' const description = document.createTextNode(`You need to provide a \ Personal Access Token to access size of private repositories. You can \ create one in your GitHub settings.\ (to show this dialog again, click on the size text in any public repository)`) content.appendChild(description) const form = document.createElement('form') form.onsubmit = saveToken const tokenInput = document.createElement('input') = TOKEN_INPUT_ID tokenInput.setAttribute('type', 'text') tokenInput.setAttribute('name', 'gh_token') if (token != null) { tokenInput.setAttribute('value', token) } const validateButton = document.createElement('input') validateButton.setAttribute('type', 'submit') validateButton.setAttribute('value', 'Submit') form.appendChild(tokenInput) form.appendChild(validateButton) content.appendChild(form) const closeButton = document.createElement('button') closeButton.onclick = closeModal const closeButtonText = document.createTextNode('Close') closeButton.appendChild(closeButtonText) content.appendChild(closeButton) modal.appendChild(content) div.appendChild(modal) const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] body.appendChild(div) return div } // define styles once const style = document.createElement('style') document.head.appendChild(style) style.sheet.insertRule(` .grs_modal_overlay { position: fixed;\ top: 0;\ bottom: 0;\ left: 0;\ right: 0;\ background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);\ transition: opacity 500ms; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; z-index: 50; }`, 0) style.sheet.insertRule(` .grs_modal_overlay:target { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; }`, 1) style.sheet.insertRule(` .grs_modal { margin: 70px auto; padding: 20px; background: #fff; border-radius: 5px; width: 30%; position: relative; transition: all 5s ease-in-out; }`, 2) style.sheet.insertRule(` .grs_modal .grs_modal_content { max-height: 30%; overflow: auto; }`, 3) // Update to each ajax event document.addEventListener('pjax:end', injectRepoSize, false) injectRepoSize()